Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

241022 Tuesday night Bible Study/ the Patriarchs - 2024/10/22

following the lineage and discussing the covenant.
1h 6m
Broadcast on:
22 Oct 2024
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[music] Alright, we'll be getting ready, and we'll just go get a few minutes. Oh, George, you showed up? I think that's George. And that is George. [music] I wonder what Woody was doing today. [music] Now, we've got a couple of them. There we go. [music] I have in the woods. I told you don't be driving these things in. Hey, how you doing? I'm glad you're here. Thank you. Do you want one of these? This is fine. Thank you. Thank you. [music] I decided to sit down. I don't know if you were here. I decided to follow Richard here. There you go. Not a bad thing. House things. [music] Same other thing. Same other thing. [music] Thank you. [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] We'll leave that as a between us on the prayers and stuff. How y'all doing? Prayer is over there? You already mentioned Steve Hester a little bit. Steve works as a point of contact that we had. We don't know. If you will, put him on your prayer list. Don't know what's going on. When somebody changes kind of personality or something, you could tell there's something. He doesn't share it. Just be with Steve on that. Amanda, how you doing? Good. Any prayers? Just, my heart's still heavy. [music] [music] [music] [music] Do we need to pick up stuff? I'm collecting stuff like sleeping bags, tents, stove, like, camping stoves. They need propane, a few chain, warm socks, warm blankets. Generators? Well, they don't really have anything to generate. They're living in tents. Oh, man. Nobody has thousands, hardly. They're gone. And it's going to be a long time before they get power. Yeah. [music] Stuff to cook on and keep warm. Well, we got sleep. I think we got some fun sleeping bags. We got a tent. We got tents. Yeah, we got tents sleeping bags. Well, we'll give them up. We've got to try to load up and take it to where point of. I'm waiting to see once I get to what everything's related, at the next person that goes. Because I've got several people I know that it's making trips back and forth, so I'll just wait a little. Okay. Good to go. Got to pray. My blood pressure is down to 106 over 72. So, I'm praying about that. All right. Any, any, any, um, defining moments for the week. [silence] Bojangles. Bojangles. We had Bojangles over there and stuff. I'll be back to work tomorrow. So, I'm happy about that and stuff. Anyway. Can we open this up, George? God, I thank you. I thank you for being your house. First, if you praise, you honor, you to show our locks on you. God, we have so many, so many requests. I began by thanking you for all you have done. God, we all, we lift up to you. Be with the sky and show us what your habits do. But do it because we love you in Jesus' name. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. Amen. George, nice to have you here. It really is. We had a great time last Wednesday night. Poor Richard didn't get past that, I don't think. I don't think you got through a half a verse. You got four verses to say that. All right. We are continuing on our survey on Tuesday. We started back in the Revelation on that first chapter of Sunday. I didn't finish up on Tuesday nights and I want to continue on with the survey because all roads actually lead to Revelation. Revelation is the in story, but not the in story. So it's really to have a survey of where we're going or how we got to Revelation, where we're at and why we're there and we're going to pick up, says last time we've been in, I'm going to continue on with this. We studied the Babel affair and that was, that constituted the third rebellion in Genesis. We often think there was one rebellion. We equate that rebellion with the fall of Adam when he fell at first rebellion. Well, we do know prior to that there was the rebellion of Lucifer. That's an eternity past. We find that in Ezekiel 28 and Isaiah 14. Okay, but recorded here in the beginning, we had the fall of man. Remember, we have Genesis chapter six, the first four verses where we have the angelic rebellion where the sons of God looked down on the daughters of men and took them as wives. That's another constitutes, another rebellion. And then the third rebellion is Babel. Now, what the Lord is doing coming up in Revelation, he's reversing. We're going to find everything is being reversed. And not only when Jesus and that great and terrible day of the Lord, when we say great and terrible day of the Lord, he's coming back as a lie. And coming back with the history will not be concluded until every I will, every promise, every type, every prophecy, everything, not a single word, not a single word will pass away. You know, we'll go undone. So heaven and earth is guaranteed until everything is accomplished. So we left off with Babel. And with Babel, we spoke about that one world religion, that mother-son religion. The Samaramas and Tamuz, the mother and the son, because there was a lot more in the Babel story than what we read of in Genesis chapter 11. There is a extra biblical material. You ever read the two Babbles? No. And it goes into the things that are going on, which included the religion. We talked about last time, the tower, the Zagorot. And the Zagorot, we don't know it from here, and I don't know if extra biblical material will bring it out. But they had the same type of towers in the Mayan civilization. And the Mayan civilization, the Mayans down in Mexico, they were not peaceful people. They were pagans, and they sacrificed, human sacrificed, by the thousands. And so one of the reasons why Cortez went in and wiped them out. So if you could consider the same type of tower that was erected there, I would conjecture that in that culture right there, there was the same type of paganism going on. The religion was a mother-son religion. The mother was named Samaramas. She was the wife of Nimrod. And then you had the son who was killed by wild animals and was miraculously brought back. So people began to worship the mother and the son. Now, when the Lord came down and he confused the languages, he separated the people, and they went out. They were forced to do what God intended them to do, except now with confused languages. But they took that religion with them, and they permeated into the other cultures throughout the world. The world became paganized. And at this point, what the Lord does, at that point, when you go back to Genesis chapter 10, you have the table of nations. The fourth divine establishment was created. And that fourth divine establishment is what? Nationalism. A nation with its borders, with its culture, with its law, with its people group. All of that was a protection from what had happened prior to the flood. A protection from a world why she had prevented it kept the world from becoming total paganized. It cut off. A nation could rise up under divine institution of God. A individual, marriage, family, nation. And that it could rise up under Godly principles. But nations rise, and when that nation fell, when that nation became more paganized, it didn't necessarily meant that it spread out through all the world. The nation was destroyed, but other nations were preserved. We see today that, and how this relates to what we're talking about in Revelation, is that closer we get to the Lord returning. And you can say, "A" or "Nay" on this, but I'm sure you'll agree with me, that we see on the news how this world is starting to come. It's full blown coming back into what Babel was to be, a one world culture. Remember, Satan is not an omniscient, Satan has his limitations. And Satan would, Satan seeks, and remember that Satan seeks to be like God, like the most high God. But I also say that with that, Satan is a great counterfeiter too. Remember that here's God, what's God's plan? Here's God to establish his theocratic administrator. Remember it was God and Adam. God established Adam. What was the purpose for establishing Adam? To attend the earth. Okay, yes. To multiply. Multiply the earth. What else was Adam to do? To cultivate. I'm still awake for that one thing. Roller ship. Roller ship. Roller ship. Adam had a rulership function. He was to be the dominion rule. We see that in Genesis 1, 26, and 27. He had that rulership function. And he was to have dominion over it. But however, however, Grady was Adam an independent agent. Could he just do anything that he wanted? Was he the top dog? No, who's the top man? God. God. He was to, though he ruled the earth, he still had the valley knee to God. He is considered the administrator, the theocratic administrator. Okay, with that said, so here's God. And here's his, can we call him co-ruler maybe? Or co-regent. Okay, maybe a co-regent. But however you want to explain, he ruled for God in a sense. He's a supervisor. He can be a supervisor, supervisor, manager, whatever. But he had freedom. And I'd say the co-ruler was the woman, man and his wife. And what God had purposed from the beginning, he intends to see to its conclusion. Remember what that's what Satan's doing, too. And that's when Satan is being like the most I've got, and he's copying that. And he wants his own co-ruler, which is what we will know in the future as the Antichrist. And the lost my train of thought, it just derailed right there. But so as God, he wants his own man in there as well. The first one was probably Nimrod. Nimrod was that one, that ruler. He was the one who established the "r" of counties. Let me bring it up on here. I think I've got a, yeah, put it up on here. Yeah, there we go. The "r" of counties, or the Babel. There he is. Yeah, there we are. Up and around this area and what, Grady, what is this area called between the two rivers? Okay, anybody else? Massopotamia. Yeah, massopotamia. What does massopotamia mean? Land between two rivers. Land between two rivers. What's the two rivers? Euphrates and tigers. All right, very good, Wiley. And so you've got this area right here. And that is the cradle. I won't call it the cradle civilization I'd call it because sometimes you'll see the description of Eden being in that area. We're not quite sure where Eden was because that location was before the flood. But they still call these rivers in that area. But this is certainly the cradle of paganism. You might say that. Here it is. Here it is. Okay, so Nimrod establishes. And I could imagine that Nimrod was a dynamic individual. Actually, I believe that the Antichrist is going to be a dynamic individual. I've explained to you all. And I don't say that he is. And I have great respect for President Trump. You know, and I do pray that he wins coming up in November. But the Antichrist is going to have that dynamic. He's going to have charisma. He's going to be motivating. People are going to love him. But, you know, we can also say that about Hitler too, right? Hitler had that dynamics. And he was at one point the hope for Germany. Okay, so people are going to look at this guy. So I see that in Nimrod. Well, nonetheless, a dynamic individual. But as we spoke, the God came down. He confused the languages. They stopped building and they spread out throughout the world. And again, the paganism went throughout all the world. Well, God says, okay, this is God's plan. Very important. Don't bring this. God does not. Very important. God does not have a plan B. God, there's no contingent plan. God doesn't wake up and say, oh, no. Somebody's doing this. I'm going to have God never reacts to nothing. He knows all things. And I won't say he's one step ahead. He's eternally ahead of every evil and every bad decision, everything that the devil does. He's already eternally. In eternity past, he knew all that was going on. All of this is interweaving into the outline of history. What we're seeing right now is just being carried out. So here's the neat thing. The devil doesn't -- and we talked about this earlier. He is a wise creature, but he's angelic. Does angels know everything, George? No. Do you think that they might learn things and say, oh, I didn't know that before? Come to real life. We know they don't know what's going to happen. And we're told that they don't know what's going to happen. We're told. And they're the only God knows when it's just coming again. But they do know some things. They do know those things. They knew a lot more probably than we know. But there's also a pass-up leave that they look in to see, to learn the things that we -- we're learning. I think they're learning at the same time. I think Satan has to learn things. I think he can be deceived. I think he is deceived. We were talking about earlier about the -- when Jesus was born and Herod sent soldiers in and killed all the babies in Bethlehem. And then, of course, we know that Jesus escaped or Joseph took Mary and Jesus and escaped Egypt. And Bob brought to us Bob, Pastor Bolander, that -- and I thought it was a good point. We don't hear nothing of Jesus -- well, really, we do hear. At one point, we heard about when he's 12 years old, but we know a little bit so little about Jesus' life from that time to age 30. Because I think that Jesus lived in obscurity, and even the devil may have thought that he was dead. Even Satan may have thought from the killing of the babies that he was deceived. And all of a sudden, here he is. And when he springs up, he begins his ministry. That's conjecture, but I think that's a good possibility. The same thing as Moses, or what about Moses? Darren went on. Pharaoh had the Hebrew people in captive, and he was killing all the male babies, but Moses managed to get out of it. Yeah. And that's like that, but we're talking about the ignorance at this point, the ignorance of Satan. And maybe he was blinded there, too. But Pharaoh was -- I feel like Pharaoh was Satan's word trying to kill off the seed line of Christ. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. That's definitely -- Pharaoh didn't know outwardly, but that wasn't attacking himself. And we'll get there talking about the attacks on that. Thanks for bringing that up. I'll make sure I include that in my notes because I forgot about that attack. We're talking about the seed line, which is going to equate to be Christ. But certainly that's there. So Satan, at this point -- so you have this dynamic individual -- this is -- this is what Satan does. Satan uses a dynamic. He uses this -- he uses the charisma. He uses -- you know, this guy -- this guy is all -- this is my guy right here. So what does the Lord do at this point? Remember, the Lord's plan is still moving ahead. What does the Lord do at this point? Well, he goes to the cradle of paganism right here. Let's just say this is -- this is Satan's health, and I'm going to work. Hello, mouse. Get over there. Okay. This -- again, cradle of paganism, we're talking about those that are far away from their relationship with any relationship with God. This is -- this is the devil stronghold, ladies and gentlemen. And what does the Lord do? He goes and he picks on -- he calls out this old man. I think at this point he's 76 years old. Name Abram. Anybody know what Abram means? Name. Name. Father. Abb, it means father. Father. Exalted father. No. Exalted father. That's what Abram means. Abraham means father of the multitude. But he takes this man, 76 years old. He's got an elderly wife, elderly man. And, you know, so whereas Satan is usually dynamic, the Lord says, "Watch this." So he calls out this old man, and I think -- I think if Satan knew what was ahead in the victory that God was going to do in his plan and what Abraham was all about, Satan would have made a better effort to kill Abraham from the very beginning. And so he called -- what God is going to do, he takes Abraham, he calls him out of the cradle of paganism. He says, "This is what I'm going to do. Let's go to Genesis chapter 12 with me." All right, Grady, you've got this one. Go ahead and read down to form. And the Lord said to Abraham, "Go forth from your country, and from your relatives, and from your father's house to the land which I will show to you, and I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, and so you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you." Okay, this is what we're going to call the Abrahamic Covenant. Okay, what's a covenant? >> A contract. >> Covenant is a contract. I pulled this -- let me bring this up from the logos, I think it's from the Electrum Study Bible or Electrum Dictionary, and I believe that is it, Electrum Dictionary, and here it is. The covenant is a legally binding agreement between two parties. It is often solemnized or ratified by an oath, or other means usually places -- places demands on one or both parties. Okay, our covenants play a major role in the ancient Near East which made them a useful way for God to relate to his people and demonstrate his commitment to them. God's covenant with Israel is a primary concept used to describe his relationship with his people. At this point, Yahweh, the Lord, comes down from heaven, and he makes a -- he condescends himself to man, and he binds himself with an oath to Abraham and to Abraham -- to Abraham. This is his covenant, it's going to be ratified again and very importantly in Genesis chapter 15. Now what can we say about this covenant? For one thing, it's a protection -- it's a protection on God's plan that -- from this point, God had a plan for Adam, and Adam sent -- and it was by the grace -- by God's grace that because what would -- what would the Lord had lost if he had just wiped Adam out? And yeah, you're a sinner. What did I tell you, Adam, that the day that you eat thereof, you will surely die. You're going to die. So what would have -- what would the Lord have lost if he had wiped Adam out? Well, there wouldn't have been a -- what would you call kind of like in court that wouldn't have been -- Yeah. Maybe he -- But Satan was the -- yeah, he was the one that was -- I don't know -- a terminology. He was Satan, and then he had the ones that were tempted and said, but Satan fell. He was -- he was the one that rejected and erried and fell through authority, given the authority. So there was a problem. Uh-huh. He was the offense, and they were the defendants. Yeah. Let's see what you're saying. So if you wipe them out, where does that leave him? But he could -- So there was no justice to -- because God was going to take man as the party -- guilty or non-guilty to -- to other words, to deal with the justice. I see what you're saying. And I agree wholeheartedly, I agree wholeheartedly. But could he have not raised -- and what he did before it created one man, could he not created another one? Now here's -- Here you go again. Here's where I'm getting at. Here's where I'm getting at. Satan was able to trip the first man up. He was able to trip him up. He was able to deceive him. He was able to get him, and almost could have had him justly destroyed by God. Now what does he do with Abraham? He goes -- Abraham, he establishes a covenant. And remember what we saw in Genesis chapter 15, where he establishes -- and we've been over several times -- where he separated the sacrifices. And in that time period, what two would do would walk through those sacrifices holding hands. And really it was a picture of -- and whoever -- those two who's making a covenant, they would -- first they would sacrifice those -- and this is in Genesis 15. And their holding hands -- and the picture was this, and a statement was this, "Whoever breaks the covenant may whatever happened to these sacrifice happened to them." So both would normally go through. But as we know, when they -- when the Lord went through the sacrifices, what was Abraham doing? Sleeping. He was sleeping; he didn't go through. Only God went through the torch and the oven, and a theophany of a image of God going through these things. It's saying -- and Abraham did not go through. What was this? This is a unconditional covenant. This was a protection. It doesn't matter how bad you fail or how bad your people fail. This must have infuriated -- it frustrated Satan. Satan could -- see, Satan could make these people sin all day long and it will hurt them. It will certainly hurt them. And it did hurt them. It hurt them to this day. Satan hurts them, and Israel throughout the generations have been their own worst enemy. God would be their most closest and perfect friend and protector if they would worship him. But they would -- it's just like us -- that we are -- we are as born-again believers. Under God's protection, we cannot lose our salvation. But we certainly can be hurt. Like in Hebrews chapter 12, that he disciplines those who he calls his own. So yes, Israel will be hurt them. And Israel is Abraham's people, but they will not be destroyed. Number one, they will not be destroyed. It should be a revolutionary moment where we -- listen, gentlemen, we need -- and you said that if there is any proof of God, and God's plan, and that there is a God, and you are here at Bible class, you are learning it. One of the great revelatory apologetic -- however you want to say it -- proof that there is a God is that there is an Israel. It is the only nation, it's the only people -- it's the only people group that has not only been exiled from their land, not once but twice, they have been -- they have been spread throughout all the world. They have been under extreme persecution. As I've already said, they have been their own worst enemy. Ladies and gentlemen, coming back into the land in 1948, May 15, 1948, constitutes the third time they have returned back into the land, and with their culture and their language still intact. Some might do some research, tell me what other nation has done that -- none, zero, zilch, none. These are God's people. This is the strength. Not of the people do not think that these people are so resilient. No, it's not. This is based on that covenant. This is based -- this covenant is so important, and we as Christians need to understand the term "covidic." The thing about Israel and the replacement theology is, and if you're a bunch of Marines, I would use an expo tip, but that God is through with his people is alive and is a false doctrine. It is brought -- that in itself has brought much antisemitism into the church. God is not done with his people, and they're very much -- why? Because they're people are -- because they're a certain godly type people? No, they're not. They are -- right now, they are godless heathens. I won't -- maybe I won't go that far. But they are still as stiff-necked as they've ever been, ladies and gentlemen. They are -- I've heard people over there say, you know, you would think that these would be the most holy people around, they're not. One thing, Father -- go ahead. -- I always have. I'm going to read the cover. I want you to go from your land. I want you to go from your relative, from your father's house. But you can spot it, would you? Yes, he did. Just family with him. Then I'm going to go to the land. In the end of that, going through it, with seven, seven, ten, then going to Egypt and on instead of -- again, it's just like, he's not a driver, but not going to do it exactly what God said. But God still took care of it. He has to do it here or there. Now, that comes with a unconditional -- And that's because of the covenant there? Oh, yeah. And he also made him rich. He went to Egypt outside of God's will, outside of his geographical will, and came back richer than what he was before. Because of the covenant. Wasn't because of the man. It was because of the covenant, the promise, the protection of Abraham. You see, and there is a point of application here. And it's our faith today. Question. Do we do to be blessed, or do we do because we have already been blessed? We have already been blessed. Ephesians chapter one, that we have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. Our doing is a response to what God has already done. And that's a beautiful thing, Abraham, God was protecting his own covenant. Now, Abraham, and you know, it was the same way with Jacob. Jacob was a scoundrel all the way up till the very end, all the way, all the way up until. And you know what, when we see Jacob starting to turn, when he was with Pharaoh, and he told Pharaoh, and you could tell the grieving that he had his heart, that he really had few victories in his life, and of all that God had done for him, that he was a scoundrel. And at the end, I think Jacob finally, the light came to Israel, and he, and on that. But even as much of a scoundrel that Jacob was, God protected him, and Jacob finally realized that. You see, when we finally discover how much God loves us, when we realize how much we've been blessed, when we, and these are the things that we need to be reminding each other. These are the things that we need, like when we come together and we talk about ancient prayers, and even if you have, and I encourage you, if you have a defining moment, I mean, Michael and I, I know you all, he had to work late, but remember Mike, we used to get together, we used to have a, we used to, the defining moment, you know, what's your defining moment today? That the little thing that God spoke to you, that little thing, or maybe a little thing that God did, or a certain event that you saw God working in your life that day. Hours from the point of being born again, when we are born again, as I've often said, you guys heard it, if you are scoundrel at the point that you were born again, you're probably so scoundrel, you're born again scoundrel, you still have a lot of garbage, you still carry a lot, that God just didn't go in there and, and, and do a spiritual lobotomy on you and made you walk in the, and the straight line and everything, you've got, you've got lots of growing up to do, and like Jacob, you get to a point where you start recognizing more and more God's grace and God's mercy. You start growing up, you start getting a sanctified life, and that's Abraham right there. I love Abraham, George, because just because of that, because Abraham's life is kind of like our life, we are brought into the covenant, and we're, we're kind of like this, and we screw up, we trip up, we, but in the end, you know what I like, and I didn't bring it up. We were talking about this last Wednesday night, when you read, and actually it's, it's coming up in our front, when you read of the covenant when it was ratified with Isaac, the Lord's, the Lord Yahweh says to Isaac, your father, he obeyed me, he obeyed my commandments, he walked with me, didn't say one negative thing about it. The Lord didn't, the Lord Yahweh didn't say, well, you know, most of time Abraham did, or there was that time he went to Egypt, and he didn't do that thing, you know, but most of it. Well, how about David? David, David, same way? Same way. A murder. I did a study last month where, look at every one of our godly people, pretty well, has something real fast that they've done, but even a lot of our really bad people have some good things done about it, ain't they, I wasn't worse than the world, would you? But you go over and you look and chronicle, and you look and there, and all of a sudden you find out, God says, have you noticed it, and up it is, bow down to me, I'm not going to do any foreign day on my way up to his son, to see something good there, Manasseh. And I said, what's the worst ever, because at the end, we find out in chronicles, he came back to something good, that's telling us that it was the worst of the worst, and God will forgive us if they bend the knee. And I think I'd like to learn from them and say, I'd rather not wait till the end. I think I'll, I would like to do it now, but see that grace, and even a grace of the one tells someone that, when they're in the gutter, it's just so hard, you try no matter what, and go home and beat yourself up. What do we do? I think that's still, we want it, I didn't even pray, I can't think of, because if they're, if they've got a closed heart, there's nothing, we're going to be able to say that. Absolutely, nothing with, I'm praying, praying, praying, not working. Well, or maybe it is. Maybe it is, you don't know, you don't, I like what George Mueller, namesake, George Mueller had, and this is, and this accord about salvation, but it couldn't be related to the same thing. George Mueller prayed for five people on his life for salvation. I mean, those five people he constantly prayed for, and three of them within his life was saved. Two of the other two were saved after he, he died. The, when it, it's out of our, you know, a person's relation is out of control, and, and the Lord knows exactly what buttons to push, what, and this is the timing, timing, the buttons, and sometimes folks, listen, you may be praying for someone, you may be praying for someone to come around and to turn around. And what you may be praying is a guy to take him by the scuff of the neck and rake him across the coals to turn him around, you know, so my mother prays for dad every night. My dad was drunk every night. And seven days away, never, never did he go there and not get drunk, never, but every night she'd pray aloud with us, the kids, and pray for dad. But God heard her prayer, and dad got us once in the morning, got dressed, loads of thoughts of these, got us a drunk, said, did not, said he thought it was money, said, I'm going to church. He went Sunday morning, Sunday night, and Wednesday night, and never Sunday morning, so the night went down for the night, and never took another drink. He had a domestic road experience in the rent, and I saw what happened, I saw what happened, not talk with dad about it, and he wouldn't talk about it. Prayers? You are needed to change. Prayers, not only prayers for them, but also prayers on how we approach them, prayers on how we, that prayers to open up the eyes of their hearts, prayers on how we approach it, prayers on what we should do, or prayers that someone else, because not every, you're going to be able to reach people that you're not going to be able to reach. So you might be praying for him to reach somebody you can't reach, so all that, but Abraham's, so God, coming back to our lesson, God comes back, he condescends himself, he, and that covenant is so important, and we've talked about. So there are at least, maybe we could argue and split it up to four, the covenantal promises, and when you read the life of Abraham, you see that Abraham is tested on all of these, and we'll start with the land, we'll start not in order of importance, but let's go back to twelve, let's see whatever. So now the Lord said to Abraham, this is what you're going to do, go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the land which I will show you, and I will make you a great nation, okay? This is not it, this is not a conditional covenant, ladies and gentlemen, that God doesn't say if you do this, I will do this, that's a conditional covenant, but God says this is what you're going to do, and this is what I'm going to do. Number one, and I will make you a great nation. So there is, a nation often is also a people, he's going to make them a people group, and so we can put on the other, and that's going to require a seed, we can throw this in as a seed promise, no, it's not going to be providential, this is going to be God is going directly because Isaiah, Isaiah says, I created you, this is a direct hand of God, and Isaiah, I think it's Isaiah forty-five if I remember right, but he says, I barat you, which barat means to do something that only God can do, and he used it back in creation, God created the heavens and the earth. So he's going to establish, God is going to establish the seed, because remember Isaac was a miraculous birth, Isaac was God opening up the womb, so this wasn't providential, this was right there, the sovereign will of God, this is the power of God working, so the seed promise is a people group, it's going to start with an offspring, and that offspring is going to have other offspring, and that, and remember Abraham, right this point, he has no children, he has, and Sarah is barren, there is, her womb is closed, she's getting up there in years, I don't know if at this point she's beyond childbearing at this point, but certainly when she has Isaac, she way beyond childbearing, 90, all right, so in the seed promise, listen, the seed promise is so important for all of us, and we make this regard, you know, we've heard people that dismissed the Old Testament, oh, so all that pertains to Jews, listen, the seed promise pertains to us, the Lord says in you all, all nations of this earth will be blessed, remember we talked about how paganized the whole world became, and the Lord calls one nation out, he's calling one nation out, they are going to be, that people grew, they are going to be a priestly people to God, and they're going to carry the message to the whole world, hey listen, who was the first, who can we say was the first missionary in the Bible, first missionary, that goes out, yes, go out to take the message, that would be why, explain Abraham, why, of course it's Abraham, he leaves the arrow, cab these, and he goes to Canaan, a land that's not his, to take the message of Yahweh to those people, okay, so seed promise, the seed promise, he said in you all families of this earth will be blessed, who's in him, who's in the line of Christ, Matthew chapter one, this is the book of the genealogy of Jesus the Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham, that message and line goes through Abraham, in you, all, in you, all families of the earth will be blessed, in heaven, every nation of the earth, everyone, every people group is going to, they are going to be represented in heaven, because in every people group there are going to be those that will hear the message, and they are going to believe, and they're going to trust in the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, okay, so there is that seed promise, the seed promise is also going to go with the nation, their nation, the Lord said if, tell us Abraham in Genesis 15, if you can look at the sand, if you can, actually in Genesis 15 it was the star, so I don't know what chapter it was in sand, if you can count the grain, if you can count the sand, you can also count your descendants, they will have a racial, but more importantly he will have a spiritual family, a racial seed are those that are physically circumcised, and brought into the family of Abraham, and the spiritual seeds are the ones who will have a circumcised what? I think the real problem that we come up with is with our definitions, rich of now or working on a paper now, how do you define this, it's not those people in New York, it was during this time, the first question is Jesus, so I'm saying it's a subset, so are you talking about the people, are you talking about the religion, and I really believe we get those two confused, we're just thinking about those guys selling diamonds in New York, and I know you said just leave it up, and they're lost, and that's what Paul says, not all of, not all who call themselves Jews are Jews, so if you look at it as the religion, we were that part of Judaism that accepted, Jews were great in the Old Testament, because I get tell them he's coming, he's coming, but when he came he didn't acknowledge them, they didn't even know them, so I like to think of our Jews, for those that Christians, we'll just send it, we go further into it, but we will go into it when we get into Revelation, because there will be those saying, right on, right on, here comes the Lord, and all of a sudden they're going to get hammered, they're going to get hammered with everybody else, there's only going to be a remnant of believers that's going to move in, alright, so first we had a seed, then there's the land blessing, the land, going back into our, let me see, there we go, let me use this, can I do this, yeah I can do this on here, up here at the land per Genesis chapter 15, if we go there, and Genesis chapter 15, the Lord is ratifying the covenant, he's talking about the land here, he says on that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying to your descendants I have given the land, from the river Egypt, as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, I used to think, I'm sure with other people that when he said the river Egypt, I'm thinking of Nile, and right now, there we go, I'm thinking of the river now, now I haven't worked this out, but I've heard some other information on this here, right now, there is Euphrates River, right now, I have to figure that one out, over there by earth, that's where the river is, up in that area right here, up in this area right here, that's Euphrates River up in there, okay, now this is Egypt going back the other direction over here, Egypt is over here, and the Nile River is over there, but the great river in Egypt may be a river, and it's not a river per se right here, but it's like a dry river bed, and there is, I think they talk about a wet season, it does fill up with water, what have you, but it may, like I said, I have some work to do on that, but, and it cuts off, it's like the border that separates this, but the point is that all of this, all of this regions, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, all of that is going to be given to the people of Israel, have they had that yet, no, they haven't, and we're talking about the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, now the brothers have it, the Arabs have it, but the Arabs which are the brothers of Israelites, they're not the, they are, they, they call Abraham father, but not Isaac and Jacob, you know, so all that land, so remember what I said before the conclusion of that, so there's a promise there, and as long as there's a promise out there, the covenant protects the people, and it also protects history, mankind cannot wipe himself out, remember people talk about nukes, oh we're going to all kill each other, and the world's going to cease to exist, it's an impossibility, why, because the covenant that God made with Israel, it's, God cannot, if man wiped himself out, and that was a part of battle, remember nothing will be impossible with man, if man left his own devices, he would wipe himself out, but he can't, because God because of that covenant, so you have that land covenant, it is literal, it's not, this is not, this is not literal because there's a literal land of earth, there's a literal, so there's a literal promise that God, that Abraham, his people, the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, well, now when they take over the slave, I think that the brothers will be brothers, I think there will be peace between Israel and the Arabs and their brothers, I think they'll be, just like it was with Joseph and his family, for a thousand years, for a thousand years, for that, now that's there, we can talk about also the blessing, let's go on the blessing, we'll finish that up, we got a couple minutes left, Israel is the conduit of blessing, throughout globally, that there, that globally, through Israel, that there will going to be established peace on earth, nations will, nations will be at war no more, they will turn their plow, turn their spheres into plow chairs, they will pee peace, they will be the lion laid down by the lamb, I don't know if that's locally here, if that's going to be all over the world, but there is going to be peace, generated peace, prosperity, good environment, health, all of that, you can read that, Isaiah 11, all of that's going to be worldwide, question, do you think people will be happy, why not, they got everything they want, right, right, no, I think they know God, I think, you see a millennial, and a millennial reign will go have liberals too, and you see, in the day in which we live, I think people are genuine, I think they are genuine, I think they are, I think that they are sincere, they want peace, they want good environment, they want health, and they want prosperity, but they don't want it, they want it on their terms, not on Christ terms, you see in the millennium, there's going to be, it'll start out with all believers, but people are born again, are born into civilization, and they will, in their hearts, the hearts are still desperately wicked, the world is going to be blessed, why, because of people, no, because of the covenant, the people will be blessed throughout all the world, they're not going to like it, now remember Jesus is going to rule with an iron rod, there won't be nothing they can do about it, in the end they will rebel, there will be one last rebellion before this heavens and earth are destroyed, and a new one created, so once again, land, seed, and blessing is part of that covenant, and Israel is guaranteed, or the conduit of blessing throughout the whole world, globally, alright, while we gunner, it closes out place. Dear Lord, I thank you for bringing us here today, Lord, giving us another day, Lord to be disciples of your word, Lord, and dig deeper into your knowledge and what we need to know and what we need to learn to go out and share with other people who need it as well, Lord and Christ name my prayer, amen. Amen. Alright, and we will pick up the Revelation 2nd lesson, coming up on Sunday, hope to see you there. thank you for joining us and get notes by visiting us online at Thank you for joining us, thank you for joining us.
following the lineage and discussing the covenant.