Grace Chapel Bible Ministries

241015 Tuesday night bible study/call of Abraham - 2024/10/15

Am I saved?
Broadcast on:
15 Oct 2024
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[ Silence ] >> All right, we're just setting up today. I'm just getting in, so let me. >> There's some water here. >> Thank you. [ Inaudible Remark ] Let's see what I want to do here. I want to do the zoom, meaning, zoom, d-d-d-d-d. That's what we're going to do here. I guess that will be good enough. I guess you use that kind of stuff, most of it anyway. All right, let's see, we should be good to go. All right, let's take the next few moments. It's on a prayer. This is our Tuesday night Bible study. Glad you're here with us. It's been a rough day, so I'll need you to motivate me this evening, but we're going to continue on faithfully, and we're going to be studying God's Word tonight. So, I tell you what, let's take the next few moments in silent prayer, given each one the opportunity of setting everything else aside and focusing upon the Lord Jesus Christ on whose Word we're about to study. Let me. >> You got a volume? >> I'm good, I'm bouncing around here, and I think I'm good at zoom as well. Can you adjust my camera a little bit that way? Let me see, cut, cut, cut, cut, go one way. Yeah, right there, stop right there, perfect. All right, yeah, we're excited about this evening, and we're still Saturday, or Sunday, we're going to have to go back to the podium, because when we have guests in the back, they're going to be, you know, they're not going to really be with us, but we're going to keep this set up with us, still the same set up here, but I need to be standing for those people in the back, you know, otherwise they're going to be down there. But the small thing right there. But anyway, the next few moments will be devoted to silent prayer, given each one the opportunity of setting everything else aside and focusing upon the Lord Jesus Christ on whose Word we're about to study. The believers in the Lord Jesus Christ ensure that we are filled with the Holy Spirit. The filling of the Holy Spirit is God's unhindered ministry and that he's able to do all that he was placed in our hearts to do. If you have any uncompressed sins, now is the time to name them quietly and privately to God, to Father whose faithful and just forgive us of sins, and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Let's take these next few moments in, and I'll open us up in corporate prayer, let's pray. Father in heaven, we thank you for this opportunity this evening to fellowship in your Word. We pray, Heavenly Father, that God the Holy Spirit will open our hearts to the study and our continued study of your Word this evening. We ask that you make it a source of blessing and challenge as we continue to grow in grace in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in whose name we pray. Amen. All right, we've been talking about the-- we've talked about the rebellions. We've got the major rebellions that are set up and really prior to the-- prior to man coming online, we know that the first rebellion was an angelic rebellion, a satanic rebellion, Lucifer, who rebelled against God, who claimed to be-- that he was going to be-- rise his throne besides God and on that note. Well, God created man to answer the-- what we call the angelic conflict. And he sets up-- it seems that the Lord had set up-- when he created man, he set up some of the conditions that were quite similar to what Satan was and his fall. And there's much demonstration going on here so much that we could get into. But we'll start with man that God created man. He created him perfect. And he placed man in the dominion of the world. He had charge over the world. We find that in Genesis 1.26 and 1.27. He had charge over the world. I mean, it was all his to lose. And he certainly did lose it. When man chose to rebel against God, which is step out of God's plan, there was an open door. That tree of knowledge, good and evil, was his test. And he chose to step out of the boundaries. We talked about the first murder. We talked about how the-- how man began to call upon the name of the Lord. This age began on a high note that they began to look in for a redeemer. But as man normally does, he begins to degrade spiritually, I guess you could say it back even back then. The heart is desperately wicked. God makes note to that. And man begins to distance himself from God. But then with that, when man distanced himself from God, where we're talking about man as far as mankind, or we're talking about individually, if you do not stay connected with the person of the Lord, you will drift away. Your heart and our hearts, again, we are desperately wicked. We have the heart of our original father, Adam, who rebelled against God. But we have that heart, it will draw us away. We need every day to be connected with the person of the Lord. We need to have our Bible-- we need to have our Bible study. We need to have our prayer time. We need to have our assembly. All of these, all of these things, should join together to help us to stay anchored. Because if we do not stay anchored, we will drift away from the spiritual life. We do it as individually, as man, individual man. And as man goes, so does mankind. And he drifted to the point where-- and then when we drift and we are walking in darkness, it opens up the boundary for a satanic influence, for satan to step in, for demonic influence, the doctrine of demons and those things of this nature. Well, in the ancient Delirium period, we talked about the angelic infiltration and where angels took on human wives. The sons of God took on human wives and produced-- and through them, produced offsprings that are referred to as the netherling. And then the-- and God's answer to this was to destroy, to wipe out the world by the flood. And he saves eight people, Noah, and his three sons and their wives. And this was to reboot the human race. Remember that man-- that God could not wipe out man-- God would not wipe out mankind because of the promise of the redeemer that he made to the woman. It is two strongest things in there is what-- the gods, the lords, I will, stuck to a lady there a day in the cave. I mean, Wiley and I was talking to this lady, Kay. And she struck up a conversation with us. She saw my license plate, armor of God. And we got to talking about the I will and the I am. And we concluded that it is-- we can count on the I will-- you know, the I am guarantees the I will. All that God does, everything that God is, he'll back up that I will. So the Lord could not wipe out mankind without wiping out his promise for a redeemer. That would come through the seed of the woman. So he re-establishes that seed, and that seed line will-- or not re-establish, but protects that seed line. And that seed line will go through Seth. We spoke of the next rebellion, which is the Tara Babel Rebellion, where man saw his own independence from God and a lot of comparisons. And we could talk along about how the time of Babel reflects the time of now. And then the Antichrist would be Nimrod. Nimrod was one who stood against the Lord, and as the Antichrist would one day stand against the Lord. And when the Lord answered that with the distribution of the people throughout, he confused the languages, and he said them throughout the whole world. And as we noted, that that paganism that started in the Ur of Kaldis would spread out all through the entire world, spread out through the nations. And so the world, that paganism that gave birth there, permeated, and spread throughout all the world. And so our nations began to rise up. And Genesis chapter 10, when you look-- and yes, it's a chapter before, 11, where we see the Babel. But anyway, people spread throughout. They established nations according to their tongues, according to their cultures. And yet the world became dark and paganized. Well, the Lord created nationalism as a relief valve. And when one nation becomes so corrupt and so decadent, it was combined, it protected the rest of the world from that. So a nation would be destroyed according to its way. It would either be blessed or it would be cursed. And nations rise and nations fall. And we come to a day now where we have this one world order, the movement-- and it's always been, I guess-- looking for this one world order to bring the world together. And the problem with that is there's no other way to restrain evil. And to restrain the spread of evil, to keep it back. And that evil is going to spread throughout. So the Lord established a divine institution of nationalism, people with their borders, people with a common culture, people with the law that govern its people within that border. But God said, I'm going to set one off. He calls one from the very center of paganism. Let me see if I can bring this up here on the screen. All right, Becky, you got this on the screen. And let me see my Zoom people. OK, it's just us on the Zoom, so that's fine. So on here, if you look over here, you've got the two rivers here. You've got the Tigris, and you've got the Euphrates. This down here-- this is where modern day Iraq is-- this down here, around this vicinity right there, is between these two rivers. Now let me tell you that these two rivers-- can you see that? All right, hon? I can't see your cursor. Right there. Right there. All right, OK. Let me put it up there. There we go. OK, of course, right there. That is the-- these two rivers-- this is the Euphrates River coming up here. And this is the Tigris River coming up here. And between here is-- they call this the Mesopotamia area. It's the land between two rivers. And then this-- from here, this is where the Ur of Khaldiza-- this is a Babylon area, I believe. Syria is up in this area. Babylon down in here. And this is Babel. And again, this land-- this place in Shunar is the-- let me see. Put it right there. It goes all over. OK, yeah. I have to do it up here. OK. So this was the cradle of-- this was-- you might call this the cradle of the paganism that spread-- at least where it gave birth to the paganist throughout the world-- but it's also going to give birth to the hope, the same place it's going to give the birth to the hope. Because here, this is where God is going to call out of people-- actually calls them out of Egypt, but he calls out one man. And that is Abraham. Let's look at the end of chapter 11. And we'll look at-- let's start with verse 26. Verse 26, "Terra lived 70 years and became the father of Abraham, Neher, and Haran." Now, these are the records of the generation of Tara. Tara became the father of Abram, Neher and Heron. And Heron became the father of Lot. Heron died in the presence of his father, Tara, in the land of his birth in the Ur of Chaldeans. Abram and Neher took wives for themselves. The name of Abraham's wife was Sarah. And he named-- and the name of Neher's wife was Milka, the daughter Hera, the father of Milka, and Iska. Sarah was barren if you had no child. Tara took Abram, his son, and Lot, the son of Heron, his grandson, and Sarah, his daughter-in-law, his son, Abram's wife. And they went out together of the Ur of Chaldeans and ordered interim to land of Canaan. And they went as far as Heron and settled there. The day the Hera was 205 years, and Tara died in Heron. All right, we are introducing Lev to Tara. And that sea lion-- we talked about that messy and sea lion-- goes through Tara. And it comes down to his son, Abram. Now, prior to that-- now, this is important. When Moses writes, we should recognize by now that Noah or Moses doesn't always write chronologically. Noah will-- or I'll keep you going, Noah. Moses, who wrote the book of Genesis or the Pentateuch first five books, he will don't take everything as-- then this happened, and this happened, and chronological sequence. It's not a chronological sequence a lot of times. The first two chapters talks about that, where God created the heavens and the earth, and reestablished it. And then in chapter two, it goes back to date three and fills in some details. We've already seen it with the Tara Babel, and talks about how the tongues were confused and was sent out. But then previously, it talked about the table and nations, how they spread out and what nations they established. So here is the same thing. Here we talked about that. Here it talks about Tara taking his family to entertain him. But what happened, we find in 12 that compelled-- that compelled them to leave. This is Abram. Let's look at Genesis chapter 12, verse 1. Now the Lord said to Abram, go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house, to the language I will show you. And here is the I-wills. Previously in Genesis chapter 11, or yeah, Genesis chapter 11 with Babel, we see the I-will man. But once again, we see here the I-will of God. And I will make you a great nation. And I will bless you and make your name great. And so you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and the one who curses you, I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed. And I guess I didn't read one first, but he said, now the Lord said to Abram, go forth from your country and from your relatives and from your father's house. And so this was a call. This was the Lord. This is like a call for a church-age believer. Because we are called out. We are called out from a pagan world. We're called out from who we used to be. We are called out from our family. It's like the Lord says that whoever wishes to be a disciple of mine, that he must forsake his father's mother's sister's brother, even himself, and pick up your cross and come and follow me. And this is a call, a call to not to bring your old self with you, but to follow Christ into the new life, into that new spiritual life. And so Abram took some baggage with him, and there's so much more we need to talk about. But I just want to make this note. One thing's very important about these three. This is a covenant. We see that word covenant before with Noah, when the Lord established a covenant with Noah. But this is the all-important Abrahamic covenant. And this Abrahamic covenant is an unconditional covenant. You've got two types of covenant. Take a note of this. Two types of covenant is very important. That covenant is so important to understand so much of the Bible. A covenant is, what is it, what's a covenant, help me out? A contract for me. It is a contract. Yes. A covenant is a contract between two people. And with this, human beings, one-on-one, makes a contract. If you're going to buy a house from someone, there's a contract. If you're going to sell some cattle, there's a contract. It's an agreement between two. The testament, what we call the Old Testament and New Testament, we call it covenant, the Old to Covenant and the New Covenant. You know, when you make a will, what is a will? The last will and testament. Okay, and so a contract, a written contract and what we essentially have with the Bible, it measures the behavior of the two that's in that contract. It is a measurement by whether we can gauge ourselves, each party, that whether or not that they are within the bounds of the contract. And this is why this is so important. The Abrahamic covenant made by God is a man will go back on his word. And what does man lose? And he can lose a lot. He can lose a lot if he breaks the contract. But what does God lose? Because God is perfect, God is, it would be his name. We see so much in the Bible about his name. And "anoma" not only means name, but that word "anoma" is not only name, but it is also reputation. The Lord would have so much more. And so would we if God would break his covenant. So there are two types of covenants, two types of, let's say contracts. There are the conditional contract, conditional covenant, and unconditional covenant. Now conditional covenant is if you do this, if you do this and you might argue and say, well, that's what God, that's what the Lord is doing here. Because he tells Abraham to go from his country. But the Lord doesn't put any if clauses in anything that he says here. So this would be, without if clause, this would be an unconditional covenant. It doesn't depend upon the failure or the success of that one party, but it depends upon God. Because this is what God says, this is, I will. Again, the two most powerful words in the Bible is, I will. And I will make you a great nation and I will bless you and make your name great. And so you shall be a blessing. And I will bless those who bless you. And the one who curses you, I will curse. And in you, all the families of the earth will be blessed. Something we talked about this morning, that the blessing comes through the blessing. The Israel, Israel is the channel of the blessings throughout the whole world. They are the channel. And so you have Abraham, he has his wife, Sarah. And the Lord says, this is what you're going to do. And this is what I'm going to do. And this is so important to remember throughout, even to this day, because there are those that will, and this is how to answer this point, because you will hear people talk about this. And if you're going, if you're going to a church and they're talking about replacement theology, because that's what it is, that God has abandoned his people because they have been disobedient, or whatever the case is, that's a lie. It's false doctrine, because here we go. Let's turn to Genesis chapter 15. All right, Genesis chapter 15. And this is where Abraham, he comes back after war. He's blessed by God, and he's getting, he's having a lack of faith here. Because he's starting to recognize he's getting older, and he has yet a son. And so he knows the promise of God that he's going to create a great nation, but how's he going to do this? Sarah's old, he's old. Verse 15, start with one, after these things, the word of the Lord came to Abraham's in the vision saying, do not fear Abraham, I'm your shield to you. Your reward shall be very great. And Abraham said, oh Lord, God, what will you give me since I'm chalice? And the heir of my house is Eliaes and Damascus. And Abraham said, since you have given me no offering to me, the one born in my house, my heir. Then behold, the word of the Lord came to him saying, this may not be your heir, but one who will come forth from your body, your own body, he shall be your heir. And he took him outside, and he said, now look toward the heaven and count the stars, and if you're able to count them, and he said to them, so shall your descendants be. Then he believed in the Lord, and this is incredible right here, this very important verse, 15, 6, this is a pattern of faith. Then he believed, or in a Greek pistus, then he trusted in the Lord, and it was reckoned to him for righteousness, it was credit to him. It was like put an account for righteousness. So you can ask, how are the Old Testament believers saved? Same way, New Testament believers saved through faith. All right, so 6, very important, you might want to highlight that, then he believed in the Lord, and he was reckoned to him for as righteousness. And he said to him, I am the Lord who brought you out of the oral chadis, deans, to give you a land and possess it. And here's Abram, and this demonstrates the patience of God. He said, oh Lord God, how may I know that I will possess it? It's not enough, see, it's not enough for the Lord to say it. You know, a man of great faith says, the Lord says, I can stand on that simply because the Bible says it, but Abram, listen, Abram's still a baby believer. It's not through stones so far back without looking at, you know, casting a couple stones at ourselves, because as a baby believer, the Lord is so patient. Can I get an amen on that, the Lord being patient? Absolutely. All right, so here he goes. He said, oh Lord, how verse eight, oh Lord, how may I know that I may possess it? Nine. So he said to him, the Lord said to Abram, bring me a three-year-old effort and a three-year-old female goat and a three-year-old ram and a turtle dove and a young pigeon. And then he brought all these to him and cut them into and laid each half opposite of each other, but he did not cut the birds, okay? This is a covenant and the word means to cut. So they're going to cut a covenant here. And basically what they're going to do is they, he divides the animals and put one side of carcass here and one side of carcass here. Bloody mess, by the way. You know, on these other heifers, he does the same and all the way down, but he doesn't divide the birds. He puts the birds on him. Now picture this. So you've got this bloody mess. You've got carcasses on the left or on the left and on the right. And what two entering the contractor do, they would hold hands and they would go through the sacrifices. And basically it was an imagery or a statement that's saying to whomever breaks this contract, may they be damned. May whatever happens to, may whatever happened to these creatures here happens to them, okay? It was a solemn oath. That was the way they did it. So the Lord said, fine, you want to cut a contract? Let's cut a contract the way you understand it. And you go ahead and bring these sacrifices, get them cut up, put them on both sides and we'll hold and we'll go through the sacrifice. Now let's, let's go on, see what happens here. Verse 11, "The birds of prey came down upon the carcasses and Abram drove them away." Now when the, I'd have some teaching on that by the way, and that can be connected to Matthew 13 or, yes, Matthew 13 with the sowing of seeds. You do your own homework on that and bring it up. Now when the sun was going down, a deep sleep fell upon Abram and behold a tear of great darkness fell upon him. And God said to Abram, "No for certain that your descendants will be strangers in the land that is not theirs, where they will be enslaved and oppressed for 400 years. But I will also judge the nation whom they will serve and afterwards they will come out with many possessions. As for you, you shall go to your father's in peace. You'll be injured, you will be buried at a good old age. Then in the fourth generation they will return here for the iniquity of the Amorite is not yet complete." Verse 17 pay attention to this now. "It came about when the sun had set and was very dark and behold there appeared a smoking oven in a flaming torch which passed between the pieces." You can look at Jeremiah 34, 18, and 19 can also understand that what was going through these sacrifices was the Lord. Remember in the wilderness that it was the they would follow the calm of smoke during the day and fire by night. So we can compare this, but this is the Lord passing through. What was Abraham doing? What was Abraham doing? Abraham was a sound asleep. "On that day the Lord made a covenant. He cut a covenant with Abraham saying to your descendants, I have given this land from the river Egypt, as far as the great river the Euphrates. The Canaanites and the Kisanites and the Catomite and the Hittite and the Parazite and the Rapharene. And the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Gursite and the Jebusite." So while Abraham was asleep, the Lord goes through the sacrifices, which means that Abraham, this is not about you, this is about the integrity of God. Now and so the Abrahamic covenant is a unconditional covenant. It will be fulfilled. And to this day, to this day, let's go back to our map for a moment. You go back to our map and you see here, now we know that Israel has that the Israelites had occupied this land right there. It was taken away from the Canaanites and given to the Israelites. With the conquest of Joshua, this land becomes, I don't know why that. Put that over here. Yeah, that messes up my, I don't work very well. Yeah, it doesn't work very well on there. But anyway, I'll put it on here. So here is Israel and that area right there. And so they will have all this land all the way to Euphrates. They'll be somewhere down in here that there is a, the territorial border, the river Egypt. It's not the Nile, but it'll, it'll sound like a, maybe in this area right here, but it will, it will stretch all the way through this land to include the, that will include all the way up to the Great River Euphrates. It'll include the Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, all of this territory will be given. And they haven't, they haven't received that land yet. So that land will be, that land is the, still in the future for them. That's going to be given over to them, folks. And so, as, and not, as Jesus said, that, that the heaven is the earth will never pass away until, okay, I'm miss, miss, miss going out there. But not, heaven or may pass away, but not one jot nor tittle of God's word. And every, I will, every promise is going to be fulfilled. And the, they will have that land. And it is guaranteed. And it doesn't matter how many churches, how many denominations, how much false doctrine keeps jumping up and down and talking about Israel is no longer in God's plan. They are in God's plan. They are the centerpiece in history. And this, and you can point to 15, Genesis 15 on that. So Abraham, there's going to be, he is the father of the great nation. He, he started out at Abram, and his name, his name means as Abram, his name means exalted father, exalted father. And then, later, his name, he's going to be renamed, his God's going to give him a new name, Abraham, the father of the nations, the father of the nations. And the, and so he will have, he will have family, and he will is, he's not only the father of the, the Israelites, but he's also the, there are the Arab groups that also call him father. So his seed, there, there is, he is fanged through by the Muslims, by the Christians, and by the Abraham, would you say that God fulfilled that part of it, that Abraham, that God did give Abraham a great name? Alright, so there's, so we come down. So here is the birth of the one, here, here is Abram, and this nation, as we said before, Israel is the woman in Genesis 315, that we spoke of, comparing that, let's, let's look at that now, that, now why, and this may come, maybe even Satan didn't understand this until it happened. So Genesis, going back to Genesis 315, says, and I will put an enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed, and he shall bruise you on the head, and you shall bruise him on the heel. The question is, who is the woman? Is it Eve? Is it Mary? And I said, not neither one. And I say, this is, right here, this is a prophetical view of Israel. Let's look open up to Revelation chapter 12. In Revelation chapter, a great sign appeared, verse 1, great sign appeared in heaven, a woman clothed with sun and the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of 12 stars. What's the 12 stars? Talk about the 12 tribes of Israel. And she was with child, and she cried out, being in labor, and in pain and gave birth. Then another sign appeared in heaven, behold, a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on his head, seven diadems, and his tail swept away, a third of the stars of heaven, and threw them to the earth, and the dragon stood before the woman and who was about to get birth so that when she gave birth, he might devour her child. And she gave birth to a son, a male child, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron, and her child was caught up to God and to his throne. Then the woman fled into the wilderness where she had to be had a place prepared by God, so that there she would be nourished for 1,260 days. And that's getting into the future. We see the past, we see the players in Genesis, the woman, the serpent, and the child, the seed, and here at the end we see them again in the future light as it was that the people, the woman, Israel, will flee to the wilderness and look at Matthew chapter 24 for the Olivet Discourse, talks about fleeing to the wilderness. And that is right at the half of the seven-year tribulation. And she's going to run out, she's going to have to escape the Antichrist and head out to the wilderness. So Abraham is the start. He's the start of the seed. We're starting to now see the woman coming to light on who that woman is. Abraham will have a promise son. He was going to have two sons, by the way, or starting out. He's going to have more sons than that. He's going to have a son for his older son that's going to combine the name of anybody, Ishmael. So Ishmael is going to be the son by the maid servant Hagar. But that would not be the promise son. That was Operation Hagar. This was Sarah's idea and trying to put the cart before the horse and trying to get in God's way. Or trying to do it for God, let's just say, rather than waiting for God to move. And so the child would be Ishmael. That Ishmael, by the way, will be sent away along with the mother. He will not be part of the inheritance. Because later on, the child would come and his name would be Isaac. Isaac's name would be laughter. And once again, you go through Genesis and you can read about this and study about this. So the promise son would come. And Isaac would be a type of the our Lord Jesus Christ who will one day come. And he has come and he is the promised son. A lot of typology there. Isaac would all go on to have Isaac would go on to have two sons of his own. Two specific sons, he would have other sons and daughters. But two specific sons would be Ishmael or not Ishmael, but Esau and Jacob. And I think that's where we're going to pick up. We're quarter till now. So we're going to get into more of the line of Abraham. We're going and work out the line and follow this line. Once again, what we're doing is looking at the messianic line where this is that line goes. So far, we can look at the line and we can see it go from Tara to Abram. And it's going to go through Abram and go through Isaac, the promise son, not through Ishmael, but through Isaac. And that's where we're going to pick up on Sunday morning. All right. Let's see. Let's see what we got here. All right. So we start here with the first question. What would be the same kind of strategy of one world politics and religion? We look at this during Babel. When we looked at Babylon, they tried when the people tried to become one people. What would be, what do you think that strategy of Satan would be at this point? You just said together. We got him together. But why? Because he's not, can't be everywhere. It would centralize. It would centralize his authority. If you have all these nations, confounds the Lord's or confounds Satan because Satan can't be everywhere all the time. He doesn't really have control over his over evenly evil. I meant he had to have, like a command, command. I'm just like, we have, we have them all spread it out. They would confound his and he would not, he would have come here, get conquered there, conquered there. He's got them all together and bring them in together. And then having the anti-Christ and the anti-Christ come and they have that leadership and that control. There should have. All right, good. Number two, how does this compare to man seeking to the world which we see today, what we see today and a man seeking a one world order. Like many change, trying to control currency, trying to control the union or the United Nations, trying to, trying to bring together, not having nations and coming in one order to and weeding out the godly belief, knowing that you're okay with all the other religions just like they were before, back in the Romans, you know, as long as you praised and worshiped enough, you know, as long as they were the top guys, you know, and you were under the Pharisees and savages and these religious wars, you know, you can have different gods, but you can have the one world. And that's, so, so what we see today with all the strategy here, the, you know, John Lennon's imagine, we are the world kind of things. We see the same thing today and it mirrors actually, it mirrors actually what's going on in the, in that the Babel incident that they wanted a, they want to all come together and, and to solve all the world's props of all their problems by the one world unity, but when the world is united under, it'll be united under one head and if it's not Christ, it will be Satan. All right, number three, what did God do after the flood as he became a, as a relief mechanism to protect the world from universalism, the worldwide evil, what did God do? What was the idea what God did after the flood? Okay, how was it separate the nations, the answer or to spread it out to have governors over nations to have that freedom of choice and some orders of just being able to govern. And I think that the complex, the end of being, the rulership of these influences and everything could be part of, you wouldn't have won influence of governing. It took, I guess it took, um, it made a lot more, it made Satan, it made a heart, harder for Satan to isolate his authority when there's, you know, all the nations around and a nation can go under the influence. They have the freedom. This, what we brought up during acts, the study of acts in the morning is that a nation can be, an individual can be under individual sin, account for, but a nation can be under a national sin, you know, as goes the individual so goes to nation. Okay, so yes, and that would be established nation to be. Number four, in accordance to his predetermined plan, what does God do after dividing up the nations. Yeah, he establishes boundaries and languages. What is it covenant? It's a contract between two parties or nations because God did promise you did have a covenant with the nation. And I didn't bring this up, but the Abrahamic covenant was a unconditional covenant. You did have the mosaic covenant and he made with the nation. And the Abrahamic covenant is also with the people, but the, there's a lot of if you do this, and it's, I think it's Leviticus 25, don't quote me, but a 25 or Leviticus 26, but you might want to look that up. But the Lord says, if you do this, then I will do this. This will be the, this will, you can count on this, but if you don't do this, here's the ramifications. So it is a conditional covenant. Mosaic law is a conditional covenant. They broke it and it's going to, and this is why on Jeremiah 31 promises a new covenant and that new covenant is going to be made with Judah and Israel. But the Abrahamic covenant has not been broken because the Abrahamic covenant is dependent upon the Lord and it's yet to be fulfilled. It's not broken, it's just yet to be fulfilled. All right, six, can the unconditional covenant established by God be broken or rescinded by God? Why or why not? He, a unconditional covenant is broken because unconditional. Can it be broken? Unconditional, conditional can be because if they break the conditions, it is broken. But we're talking about the unconditional. No, it isn't because it's not conditional. No, right. So and it's based upon God's integrity. It's based on who and what he is. Okay. I didn't get in the seven. We didn't get in Isaac tonight. Lest some of the Isaac for shadows, the image of Christ. And so these next few I'll leave for next week because we hadn't gotten into that tonight. All right. All right. Any questions or comments or? Nope. Ready on the right, ready on the left. All right, let's close it out. Father in heaven, we thank you once again for our study tonight and pray Heavenly Father to continue to watch over us. I pray Heavenly Father, guide this and give us wisdom. Pray for I thank you Heavenly Father, our new friend Kay in in Greenville area. And I pray for her wisdom continue to open up the eyes of our heart Heavenly Father. Show her new things from the scripture. I thank you for this evening and we pray these things in Christ name. Amen. All right. We will continue with our book of Acts tomorrow and hope to see you here tomorrow morning. Love you all. Thank you for joining us. You can hear this message again. Yes. [BLANK_AUDIO]
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