Football Function

Prospect Discussion: Interior Offensive & Defensive Lineman

CM knocks out a double-whammy with two position groups in one episode. The interior offensive AND defensive lineman.

1h 4m
Broadcast on:
28 Mar 2024
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Hi, this is Norah Jones. My new album, Visions, is out now! Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff, that is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, with daily bonuses. That should brighten your day, lo. Actually, a lot. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com. That's Chumba Casino dot com. No purchase necessary, Vt-W, point where prohibited by loss in terms of conditions 18 plus. (Music) Hello, hello, hello. How are you going? How are you doing? What did you do? Baby, you know that banger would be by now. You know that is the theme song, the intro, the sound, the college football function. You know, the voice by now, right? It is CM, the host that knows the most about that in C double A action. Coming at you, let's see, March 27th, of course, 2024. I will first start off and say I'm apologizing for being a few and far between, especially this whole past couple of months. I know I have done all the work. It's just finding the time. There's a lot of balls in the air. You know, you got your job, you got your life, you know, your significant other, you've got children, your hobbies, your other stuff. It's starting to become spring. Now you've got to have time to go out and do your yards. If you live in an apartment, power to you, good luck. You don't have to worry about that. But you have a house like me. You have to maintain your yard. I'm not making any excuses for not being around lately at all. But like I said, time, you have to have the time. I've done 80, 90% of all the work. I'm still, you know, it's going to change. Like, you know what I'm saying? My top guys are going to fall a little bit, you know, towards the draft. Guys can creep up. I kind of want to just kind of revisit, you know, some of my position breakdowns that I've done, maybe back in February, you know, I'll go back over them and say, "Oh, you know, I'm not so high on so-and-so right now." Or, "So-and-so is kind of creeping up my list right now." And I'm going back and kind of tweaking them as well. Like I said, I am so sorry for not being around. Like I said, you know, I'm not doing it intentionally. It's not because I've lost the love. I still have the love for this. I still love to do it. But it's finding that time. And, you know, with me, Mike and Terry were trying to collab and, you know, do this draft stuff, you know, collectively, just so there wasn't a bunch of different shows about different positions. And, you know, everybody kind of all over the place. You know, I kind of saw exactly what Mike's vision was on that. But, like I said before, it's hard finding time to do it yourself. You know, find time to do this, you know, podcast by yourself. Let alone get a bunch of guys together, you know, collectively on Skype and, you know, record. So, I'm a little bit behind, you know, and that is my fault. I am sorry and I'm not blaming anybody but myself. But, like I said, life comes at you fast and, you know, this doesn't pay my bills, you know what I'm saying? I have other things that I need to do on a daily basis that's, you know, just a little bit more important than this. And, you know, I hate to say that. If it ruffles your feathers, I'm sorry. But, that's just the way the game goes. You know, we all have lives, you know, we all have interests and hobbies and we all have, you know, all kinds of stuff that we have to balance and keep in the air sometimes. And sometimes things just fall by the wayside. And this show is one of them. And, like I said, but I'm sorry, I'm going to get all this done because I'm going to do it myself. This is just going to be the College Football function, CMs position by position breakdown. Get you guys ready for the draft. We are like four weeks, I want to say, may give or take a little bit. It's going to be fast and furious, but it's definitely my own fault, not blaming anybody at all. But I will get all of this done and get this to you. I will start doing double episodes. And I'll throw in a mock, you know, every once in a while, maybe for a bonus here and there. But, like I said, I've gotten most of all the work done. It's just finding the time to hit the record button. Like I said, I apologize yet again. I will hope to make it up to you with quality stuff for you guys to listen to and get ready for this upcoming draft. Sorry about that. All right, let's start off. I got a jam-packed episode for you guys. I'm going to do start this double banger of an episode. I'm going to start with the big nasties on both sides of the ball. Going to do interior offensive lineman. That is your center guards. And then later in the episode, I'm going to do the big uglies on the defensive line. You know, those defensive tackles, the three techniques, the nose techniques. You know, the guys who plug up the holes, trying to find the next Aaron Donald, so on and so forth. But let's get into the interior offensive lineman first. I got, you know, a bunch for you guys. So let's kind of, I'm going to start, I'm going to do this just a little bit different. I'm going to give you my number one guard first. And then I'm going to give you my number one center. And then I'm kind of going to just start rattling off these guys. And the later I talk about these guys, the later these guys are possibly going to get drafted. Honestly, I only see maybe one, maybe two interior offensive lineman getting drafted. This, you know, first round coming up in April. But there's diamonds in the rough, always, always, always. And I know it's a hard position to translate into the NFL. But there is definitely some studs. It's not the quality position that you salivate over. You know, you salivate over the quarterbacks and wide receivers and cornerbacks and pass rusher now a days, but in order to have, you know, a solid offensive line, you have to have solid center and guard play. You're going up against a guy like Aaron Donald. I know he retired, but you have to get those guys blocked. You have to be able to go and pull and, you know, get a linebacker. You know, there's all kinds of things that these guys have to do. And one position is not more important than the other. You can have the best quarterback in the game. You know, just saying Patrick Mahomes, everybody knows who it is. If he doesn't have a good offensive line, Patrick Mahomes loses Super Bowls. You know, you can look back at that Super Bowl against Tampa Bay. He was running for his life, you know, just completely, you know, on his toes. Like I said, you know, running for his life. So you have to have good offensive play. So, sorry about that. I'm kind of butt the allergy, you know, season's changing. But let's start off. I have my number one guard right now is Cooper Beebe out of K-State. I have him at number one because I'm more familiar with him. With Big 12, with SEC, I see a lot more of these guys on a week to week basis. And I can go back and look at Cooper Beebe and remember some of Cooper Beebe's games from last year coming from K-State. You know, he is a five-year starter. I do believe coming in at 6-3-3-22, your prototypical stud path block guard. You know, he plays left guard. Typically, he did a lot of that in his senior year. But this is a guy that's very versatile. He can play some center if you need to kick him out and play some tackle. He can do that as well. He is a brawler. He is very, very smart. Like I said, his versatility. I put him up at number one just because of that. You can draft him maybe at the end of the first round and say, "Hey, maybe our center and guards aren't that good." And we get this guy in here and get that competition going between those two guys because Cooper Beebe can play either one. And if you have problems with tackle and depth as well, he wouldn't mind kicking out and playing one of the tackle spots as well. He plays a great technique. Like I said, this is a very, very smart guy. He was an all-American. He was one of the best guards in the country. And shorter arms though, that is what's going to hurt him if he wants to, does get kicked out into a tackle position. And of course, that is also a shit territory where you're just so beat up at tackle and you have to put him out there. He's typically not the arm link that you want for a tackle. Fast rushers typically can beat him across his face, a very fast defensive nose tackle or a three technique. He can get beat, but no one's perfect. You're not going to execute every single block. You're not going to get pancakes every single snap. It is what it is. And he's also, he needs to work on his pad level. He gets too high at times. It's just one of those things that takes certain coaches and coaching, and that's just one thing that we will preach. This whole thing about is you have to go to the right structure, the right coaches. We have the right, the right, you know, offensive guard coach in the NFL to mold these guys. Because as good as some of these guys are, a lot of them aren't going to be day one starters. It's going to take them a little bit in the training camp and get them into the weight room and so on and so forth to get them to be a prototypical day one NFL guard. So that's Cooper BB. That is my number one guy. Just for simple fact that his past blocking is bar none the best out of all the other guards. And then I like the fact that he can move inside and outside. I love versatility when it comes to my offensive lineman. And just he's just nasty. You know, he's just a guy that you just never wanted to line up against. Just a straight up brawl or just a straight up smart player. Of course, my number one center right now is Jackson Powers Johnson, you know, the University of Oregon Center. Just one of the best offensive linemen in the NCAA game all last year. You know, he won an award for it. Comes in at 63334. He can play some guard. He is another one of those guys. I have him up there just because of his versatility, but he is more of a stud at center. He's great movement, great size. His hands can be worked on, but he possesses great awareness. He's very explosive, very powerful, and he seeks out blocks. He, you know, he's always got his head on a swivel. He's got, you know, let's say he's got the nose technique. He's looking for that linebacker that possibly could go knock out or a creeping up safety or, you know, anything like that. He wants to, you know, have multiple blocks. He's always seeking out somebody to put on their ass. And I love that tenacity, that voraciousness that he plays with. Let's see here. My next best guard. Of course, these are going to be second to third rounders. I'll start saying towards the latter end of the, you know, list of who's, you know, probably going to be free agents. You know, might not even hear their name called. But my next best guard is going to be Christian Mahogany. I have him the Boston College Guard. I have him up pretty high because he can play left or right. Very versatile. I love that in guards. Six, three, three, fourteen, love his size. He has great leverage, great size, like I said, plays with great strength, great power. And his aggression is bar none. Very, very good as well. And his run blocking is, is what sets him apart from other guards. It don't really have very much weaknesses on him. That's why I have him so high as well. But it's always the same thing with guards. It's always those pad levels and certain passricers can get past them, you know, can a power rush be beaten by this guy. There's just a lot of these guys. They have just so many strengths and not very many weaknesses. And they go to the right system, the right coach. And they can be turned into, you know, potentially a number two left and right guard. And any snap, you saw it, you know, every single time, you know, offensive lineman go down all the single, every single game. They'll get beat up. Most of the time they're playing hurt. But it's nice to have depth on the inside of your offensive line for sure. Let's see here. My next best center. And this is definitely a guy that is giving Jackson Powers Johnson right now a little run for his money. And that is, let's see here, Zach Frazier. The West Virginia center comes in at 6-3-3-13. Another guy that has great size. He's a little smaller than Jackson Powers Johnson. But he uses it very, very well. Very competitive. He is very tough, very smart. He is exhausting. Definitely a good keyword that you want in an offensive line. You want a guy that is exhausting. He's going to be relentless. He does not stop high, you know, motor type guy. Very quick hand placement. And he has great leverage. Don't have much on this guy as well. But like I said, a lot of these guys are all going to have the same weaknesses. Pad level, helmet, you know, they like to look down a lot. So on and so forth, different kind of rushes can be beaten by these guys. But a lot of strengths and not very many weaknesses. Let's see here. The next best guard I have. Sorry. Christian Haynes. A very underrated guy. Definitely a guy that comes from a smaller school. He comes from the University of Connecticut. You know, the Huskies. Definitely a basketball school. Comes in at 6-2-3-18. Very good size. Light feet. He has a very good run blocker. He's definitely, that is his strength. He sustains blocks very well. Very powerful. Possesses great footwork. This is definitely a thing that I love with offensive linemen. His great footwork playing with great leverage. And physical. He's just nasty. He plays with great physicality. But his weakness, I would say, is his pass protection. And in the NFL, unless you're playing for the Baltimore Ravens, you know, they're certain teams that, you know, you think of, we want to run first mentality, you're going to throw the ball. So that's why I had not got Haynes down towards my third or fourth best guard right now. It's just because his pass protection needs to be worked on and needs to be polished. I'm not saying it's bad. It's just one of his weaknesses. He's more of a run block type guard. He likes to go forward rather than backwards if that makes any sense. All right. My next best center. Let's see here. I like Tanner Bordelini out of Wisconsin. Stand 63305. Nice. Good size for a center pass protection center. He likes to snap it and he likes to pop up and pass block. Go forward if he has to, but his pass protection is definitely one of his strengths. Has great feet. I love, I'll say this over and over again. I love offensive lineman and defensive lineman with great feet play with great lateral agility. So on and so forth. But this, the problem with Tanner Bordelini is he just doesn't maintain blocks long enough. But he also came from a Wisconsin system that had, you know, was getting a new look, getting a new facelift. You know, they definitely got a new head coach last year. He was kind of learning a new system. So he was technically more of a go for type guy, but his pass protection was definitely something I really, really liked about him. That's why I have him so high. But like I said, this is definitely a guy that could definitely hear his name second, maybe third round. Hi, this is Norah Jones. My new album, Visions is out now. 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You could get lucky anywhere playing at luckyland Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law. Eighteen plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details. Let's see here. Zach's enter. I mean, you can't talk about guards and not talk about the Michigan Wolverines. Had one of the best offensive lines in the country last year. It stands at 63313, oh, sorry, 66322, sorry, I've got my numbers all jacked up over here. Of course, you know, offensive guard from Michigan. Run first guard. He's a guy that just loves to go forward and put asses on the ground. Plays with great hands, great length, powerful, violent. But his weaknesses, I would say, is his second level blocking. If you're a run type guard, you should always be looking at the next guy to block. You know, you get the defensive tackle, the defensive end, linebacker on the ground or out of the way, out of the way the play is going to, you got to start looking for the next person to put on their ass. And that's sometimes one of his problems, Mr. Sinter. He's too busy looking for the next person to block instead of finding the next person to block in there. It's two completely different things. And his head, you know, it's, you know, he gets his head down a lot. It's going to be a problem that you will hear about a lot of these offensive linemen. They're looking down too often. Their pads are always too high. They're too low. They're leaned out over their feet. So many things that a lot of these guys all kind of possess the same weakness. But like I said before, it's what kind of ice cream do you like? Do you run the ball first? Are you a pass first type offense? Because all of these guys kind of fit each one in their own respectable way. All right. Next best center I have. I'm really high on Barton, but Bo Limmer, I think he's going to move though. He played center at Arkansas. So I think they're going to move him to right guard. He was one of those tricky guys that I was looking at that I could have put him as like my third best, you know, guard, right guard, or I could have put him as my second or third best center. But he's definitely a good guy. I'm not sleeping just because I'm talking about him later doesn't mean that he can't creep up into the second or third round. Comes in at 6-4-3-0-1. Love his size. He's typically, that's more of a guard size. But then again, if you like him at center, go for it. He reminds me a lot of Creed Humphrey. Love his agility, his technique, his size, his, I can't read my own writing, oh, he's fluid. I love a big guy that's fluid, has real good lateral movement, you know. They're not upright. They're not blocky. It's hard to describe that, but if you understand, I hope you understand that. He's got good, quick feet. I love that in alignment. Just the nastiness. Arkansas, you know, an SEC just kind of run it down your throat, kind of hurt you a little bit style type of offenses that come from the SEC. You got to have a nasty offensive line and definitely bow, limmer, it definitely checks those boxes. But his, his one weakness, I would say, is a lot like these other guys. He's more dominant in one or the other. He's more of a run-first, center/guard, but he's got to work on his pass protection. Like I said, he likes going forward instead of backwards. You know, he wants to knock people on their ass instead of trying to keep people away from his quarterback. Let's see here. Ali Ajuninoubi, I hope I pronounce that right, Ajunou, Ajub and I, damn, that's horrible. I cannot say that name. The guard, a very up-and-coming guard, I like him. This is definitely a day three type guy, four, fifth round maybe out of A&M, stand 6-4, 3-15. Definitely another nasty guy, a very smart guy. This is definitely guy who's played a lot of football. Second level blocking, love that about him. He is a seeker to go hit somebody else after he's gotten his main block down or passed off, so on and so forth, whichever one it is. Pass protection is not really his strength, but that, like I said, going to the right coaching, getting the right people around him, learning new systems and stuff like that, he will learn how to get better at pass protection. His technique can be polished. He's definitely a little raw on those type things and he likes to lunge as well. You get an offensive guard that likes to lunge. You can manipulate him, kind of move that big body out of the way and kind of go around him, go underneath him, so on and so forth. Those are definitely a couple of things that he needs to work on. I know Graham Barton is definitely up there on a lot of people's list. He was a left tackle, but I see him more as a guard sinner. Like I said, I'd like him because he's more flexible. He's kind of got that Cooper BB to him. You can kind of stick him where you kind of need to stick him. Very flexible, very, he's very strong. He plays with great quickness, love his hands, his placement, his technique, and he's got a high floor, definitely another guy. He could hear his name very early, but more than likely he's going to be a second day type kind of guy, but I like his game. What's another guy? Denmark glaze, sinner out of Maryland, sand 64, 323. Very mobile. I love his guy. I love a good mobile agile type sinner. He was an athlete. I love athletes. I love freaks. I love guys who play different sports. I'll definitely talk about that in a little bit. He's with great leverage, and he's very, very strong. Bad part about Mr. Glaze is he definitely, there are times where he doesn't pop on the screen. He takes plays off. I know it's hard to play 100% every single play, especially being a center/guard. You're going to get hit every single play. You could be getting double teamed, cut blocked, there's all kinds of things that can happen to an offensive lineman, but it's just too many instances for him just to kind of look like he kind of took the play off. Like I said, it's nothing that's just a couple of will and some good coaching and so on and so forth. I mean, he did play for Maryland, so nothing against Maryland, but if he came from an SEC type school, maybe would he play a little bit harder? Who's to say that, but I'm not judging one bit. Let's see here. My next guy, JBON Cohen, let's see here, from Miami, offensive guard. This is definitely another guy. This is like a day two, day three type guy, plays with great natural power. He's very agile. He's a good puller. I love that about him. I love guards that love to pull, and you have to have some good feet for that, so definitely that is a very good thing for Mr. Cohen, but he can be very over eager at time. Another lunger, another guy that likes to lean forward a little too often, and he doesn't prototypically have the arm link that you would like in a guard. All right, let's see here, I think I got everybody. Yeah, Christian Haines was my sleeper in this position. I have sleepers in every single position, especially some are from small schools. Definitely, you'll hear I got one coming up in this next position right now, but that's all I have for interior offensive lineman. I think that was six or seven of each, something along those lines. If I find anything more, I'll be happy to update him, because like I said, a lot can change in the next four weeks. Maybe Cooper BB, I don't have him as high in a couple of weeks as some people have Christian Haines going up in one of their best guards, or Christian Hoggany, so on and so forth. I do see Jackson Powers Johnson and maybe a guard going in the first round. Jackson Powers Johnson is just one of those can't miss type prospects. Is he going to go early? I don't think so at all, but it could get very interesting from 15 to 25. There are some teams in there that need some interior offensive line help, so don't be surprised if Jackson Powers Johnson gets snatched up a little earlier than you might think, and then Cooper BB as well. Offensive guard, not the deepest position on offensive line this year. I think there's probably more centers and offensive tackles that are more day one type guys than guards, but you never know, because you never know what's going to happen in the next week. You could have a couple of guards go down in off-season training camp, or get hurt on a CDU, you just never know, and things change within the last week before the draft. There we go, that is the interior offensive line. Let's go to the defensive side of the ball, let's talk about the big nasties on the defensive line. I'm going to do this one exactly like I just did, the interior offensive line. I'm going to start with the top guys, the guys that are going to hear their name a little earlier than the rest, and then I'm going to give you some sleepers as I go down. Number one guy right now, my defensive tackle, and it's not by much. This is 1A, and then I'm going to do 1B. 1A is Tevandre Sweatt, the University of Texas defensive tackle, comes in at 6-4, 3-6-6. Why high have him at 1A is he's that nose tackle, he is that Vince Wilfork, he is that just huge body that's going to just take up space, goes to the right defensive format. If they run the base 3-4 with the nose tackle, he fits that perfect. He's going to take up a guard and take up the center, and they might even have to triple team him sometimes, he's just that damn big. But like I say, big guy, love his strength, very good run stopping ability. Of course, he is very huge, it's hard to run past and through a guy that weighs 366 pounds. This is a guy that just demands double teams, does that sound very familiar? AKA Eric Donald, Mr. 1999 himself, he's got to work on his pass rushing abilities, but I do believe going to the right team, right scheme, right defensive coach, he can definitely brush up and get better at a lot of his pass rushing qualities. And his conditioning, he's just a hell of a big guy. Too many times I saw the Texas Longhorns last year that this guy was just, I mean you could see his big old tummy just in and out, in and out, and having to be replaced a lot. But honestly, when you're at 366 pounds and you're playing probably 75% of the snaps, that's definitely good. And you go to the right team, like I've said before, you can get rotated. He could be just a third down player, but he's definitely going to be a guy that could definitely hear his name very early, I'm not going to say the first round, but you never know. Like I said, Aaron Donald was a game changer. He's definitely a guy that you had to scheme around, you know, when you're offensive, you know, what you were going to do for the week if you're going against the Rams. This could be a guy that is going to step up and try to, you know, get in his shoes, for sure. Let's see here. My next guy, this is one B. I like this guy, the more I watch him, the more I really, really like him. It's my one B. This is Michael Hall, Jr., Ohio State, comes in at 6-3-2-90, ran a 4-7-40. That's why I have him. You have your tavondre sweat, you have your big nasty, you got your nose tangle. This is the best of the other world. This is a guy that's just a little bit smaller, but he's fast. Very powerful though, for his size, he plays with a great technique, he has a disruptor. This guy is a nuisance. This is also a guy with a very, very good pass rush. Now it's the opposite of tavondre sweat. His size is against him. He is not big enough to play a traditional nose tangle. He can play a little bit of pass rush. That's why I have him so high in my numbers right now, is because he's more of a three technique. He has more of a get into the backfield, cause some disruptions, get some tackles, get some sacks type of defensive tackle. He needs to learn how to play recognition when to rush the pass. When to sometimes abandon what you were supposed to do. Sometimes that is a very good key quality that you need to have when you're a defensive tackle. If you're blowing past these guys, there's a reason why they're letting you get past them, cause there's a screen, there's a counter, there's some sort of trick play going on. If you don't have that play recognition, that can hurt you in the game. He needs to play with a little bit more consistency, but like I said, this is just another guy. I have him one B. You have your big nasty that can clog up the inside, and then you've got this guy that can kind of play rotational type play. That is Michael Hall Jr. on Ohio State. Next guy. This is another guy who's just creeping up. This could be 2A, this could be 1C. This is Rookay. Oh, Rahul Rahul of Clemson comes in at 6'4", 294, love his size. He has a sub 540, another guy that is big and fast, that is scary, scary. Another guy I have him so high as well is because he played basketball. I'd love to sport athletes. It translates into the NFL, I promise you. His rapid development, this guy, he started playing when he was a junior in high school, so he really only has five years of football under his belt. Definitely a lot of tread on his tires for sure, very explosive, very versatile. I love his work ethic, but his downsides is he's very raw. Certainly those five years, he really doesn't have a grasp on this position just yet, but he's going to get the snaps. He's going to get those practice snaps, he's going to go to the right team, so on and so forth. Definitely he needs to work on his pass rush moves, he gets a little due dependent on the ones that work. Sometimes when you get to the NFL, they will study your ass and they will have you searching and searching, and then while you're searching, that offense is scoring points. Moving on. Dwayne Carter out of Duke 62-302, definitely his strength, this is his run defense, love that about him. He's a leader, very high IQ. Some of the bad things, this is pass rush, he's not much of a pass rusher. Snap anticipation, he definitely needs to learn how to watch that ball. No one to do when these tendencies are going to come, because he goes against a good quarterback. That's when you start seeing off-sides on some of these guys, that's how you're going to get beat. His arm length is definitely not ideal, but that's something he can't fix, it's just something that's God-given in him as well. Moving on. Macai Wingo out of LSU, 6 foot 284, love his size, 4-8, he ran a 4-8-40 yet again, another guy that's just a freaky, fast athlete. Disruptive, he has a high motor, he has a gap shooter/run stuffer, love that about this guy. His pass rush moves could be worked on, he definitely needs to get up his repertoire, he's undersized, you know, I mean you're 6 foot 284 of course you're undersized, to be a defensive tackle, that isn't definitely not the ideal size that you want in the trenches. Let's see here. And his lateral movement definitely can be worked on, he gets a little flat footed, definitely is not comfortable moving side to side, he is a north-south type guy, if you understand that I props to ya, hold on let me get a drink real quick, that's good water. Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? Aha, in my dentist's office, more than once actually. Do I have to say? Yes you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting? Really? Yes. Excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell. Well there you have it, you can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Boy, where did I go? 18+ terms and conditions apply, see what's every details. Alright, who was that? Macawingo? Yeah, yeah. Tyler Davis is my next guy out of Clemson, Sand 62301, this guy just plugs, run lanes. This is a very consistent player, he plays with great leverage, he can great power. And he's a very good pass rusher. Batting about him is his durability and his injuries. This is a guy that probably would get drafted around the time of Tavondre Suet, Michael Hall Jr. and maybe even Ruke, O'Roho, Roho. It's just his injuries, you know that and that definitely hurts you if you've had a lot of injury problems in your past. You definitely don't get drafted as early as you would like, and his arm length is not ideal. That is Tyler Davis at a Clemson. Jordan Jefferson at a LSU 63313, love this guy's size, love this about him, this is another guy that can creep up the boards and don't be surprised if he does. This guy was a wrestler. This comes into effect, he doesn't get put on his butt very often. He can manipulate his body. You see a wrestling match, and I'm not talking about that fake stuff on TV. I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about real wrestling with the leotards and the circle and pinning and they wear the little head thing, real wrestling. The whole point of that is to not get put on your back, and that is a great quality to have if you're a defensive tackle. So remember this name, Jordan Jefferson at LSU. Spin move is great, he is a quick, very powerful. This guy demands double teams. This is just so many good things about this guy, this is a guy that is really creeping up my boards, but his pass rush can be, you know, I would say worked on and he gets the cut blocked often, sorry, I cannot read my own handwriting, so he gets too dependent on his spin, and if they know when the spin's coming, they're going to cut you. So definitely that's why his pass rushing moves need to be amped up and just worked on, but this is a guy that's got a very high upside, I love his game, Jordan Jefferson out of LSU. John Crumb, crumbity, crumbity, yeah, yeah, sorry, I am, my handwriting is horrible right now. Mississippi State comes in 64301, yet another guy ran a sub 540, love that about big guys when they can be fast. Love his long arms, his heavy hands, let's see here, very high motor, plays with great frame, great length, very raw. This is definitely a guy that is a project, and his lateral movement has more to be, yet to be desired, I should say, but like I said, this is definitely a guy that you're going to see all these guys that I'm going to start naming here pretty soon. These are late round guys. These are definitely round three, four, five, and possibly undrafted, but these are guys that are diamonds and they're rough, so maybe if you're a Cleveland Browns fan, a Baltimore fan, you know, I mean, anybody. And let's just say you need a little bit of depth, a defensive tackle, and one of these guys gets on your team, you're definitely going to have a player eventually, not saying they're going to be day one starters, and they're going to be Hall of Famers, but these guys just have a lot of stuff that I like in players, and that's going to be the difference between, you know, what I, my list of guys and possibly maybe Mike's, maybe Terry's, maybe they like a guy more than I like, you know, like just, let's just say the quarterback position. I have bow mix is my number one quarterback. Now does that mean, if I'm the Chicago Bears, I'm taking bow mix with the number one overall pick? So, bow mix just has more of what I like in a quarterback than Caleb Williams. Does Caleb Williams check all the boxes a little bit better than bone X? Yes, but bow mix just does things a little bit different more than things that I like, and that's more consistent. I know that is very, very hard to describe and for me to get more in depth into, but I know, I know it sounds bad, you know, like I say I'm bow mix is my number one quarterback, but I wouldn't take them on overall. He has to go to the right fit. He has to go to the right coach, he has to have the right, you know, style the right system in order for him to be a, you know, Justin Herbert or, you know, a Joey Burrow, you know, it all comes down to system and fit when it comes to this NFL draft, you know, you can have like Caleb Williams, he checks every box, you know, he is a can't miss prospect. He goes to Bears and they don't, you know, sure if they're offensive line, they don't quite have everything going right. He could struggle. He could be the next Justin built, he could be a bus or, you know, he falls to a middle tier, you know, picking from between eight and twelve and he just kind of has a little bit better stuff around him. He could perform better in Minnesota than maybe he would perform in Chicago, if that makes any sense. That's just kind of the way I feel about bow mix is a certain style of offense, bow mix with XL at and not saying Caleb wouldn't, but yeah, we're not going to get into that. All right, moving on. I think that was Jaden, yeah, yeah, Jaden Krumedy from Mississippi State. All right, Devere Levelston, this is a guy definitely going to be a late rounder, maybe not even drafted out of SMU, comes in that six, five, two, eighty nine, definitely a good mix. His size plays with great hustle. I love that about him, great motor, great drive. His patch rush is definitely one of his strengths. He gets the edge easily. He finds the ball. Love that about this guy. He has a linebacker mentality. This is definitely a guy that he could get kicked out. He could play some edge. He could play some outside linebacker, some Sam or some Will style in like a three four style offense. That's why he is kind of creeping up my board is he's got that linebacker tenacity, that linebacker just quality in them where he, you look in him and there's a lot of times where he is around the ball. If he's not tackling, he's right, he's right there and that's definitely a quality. I love any defensive tackle. Let's see here. He's an efficient tackler, definitely something that, you know, I haven't yet to talk about, but the more guys up there, you know, they don't get beat that often. But this is just an efficient guy. He needs to work on his speed though. He needs to anticipate the snap a lot better. Definitely a guy that can work on that and it's just raw. I'm going to say that a lot about these next coming up guys, they're raw. These are projects, but these are just diamonds and rough. These are players that I see something potentially special in. That is the Verre. I want to say it's the Verre. He's a very level son out of SMU and he's a smaller, smaller school type guy too. SMU is not, you know, a blue blood. So he's definitely not going to get the love that he needs. All right, sorry. All right, Nathan Pickering is my next guy, Mississippi state. Stand 6-2-300, plays with great hand use, hand use, he has a very high motor. Another guy, Ballhawk, who has that linebacker tenacity. This is another guy, he was a wrestler, wrestlers don't like getting put on their ass. Definitely think about that when you get Nathan Pickering on your team this year. He gets stuck on blocks too often. Definitely doesn't beat the blocks, but sometimes when you're getting double teamed, it's hard to split, you know, a double team and he needs to work on his pass rush. Pass rush moves definitely gets too dependent on certain styles and certain things that he usually wins on. All right, Damonti Capehart out of Clemson, this guy stands 6-5-3-20, very strong. Another guy, plays with great linebacker instincts. Love his effort, his high motor, it's very well-rounded. This guy, his pad level, he plays too high. That's how you get beat by smart offensive lineman, definitely another guy that I got to start next to, possibly late, very late, day two, maybe even day three, maybe even free agent, you never know. That was Damonti Capehart from Clemson. Cole Godbout from Y Oming, coming in at 6-4-2-90, he is very quick. I love his motor, he has great hand use, why is this all for me to say that? He's an efficient tackler, he is an effective pass rusher, I love that about him. A bad thing about him is he's inconsistent at times, he is hard to find the ball. There was too many instances when I saw him that he's doing the, where the hell am I, where's the ball, and definitely that's definitely not a good thing, coaches will eat your lunch for things like that, but he's another guy, like I said, the more I talk about some of these guys towards this last position breakdown, they're raw, they're going to be late round type guys, maybe even free agents, they just need some snaps, they need coaching, and this guy has very scary potential, you're hearing it here first, Cole Godbout at Y Oming, I see a lot of good in this guy. Peyton Page, I want to say that's Peyton Page, out of Clemson, 6-4-3-15, definitely a good run defender, a good run kite guy, quick, he has got quick efficient hands, great burst, plays with a great high motor, long arms, he is a guy that is NFL body ready, now you're probably saying, see him, if this guy's NFL body ready, why are you saying his name so late, because he's got a lot of weaknesses on him, but I think they're weaknesses that can be fixed, because like I said, I'm talking about these guys, so I am going to look into these guys, I hope these guys end up on my team, that's the way you have to think about it too, but I'm also saying a lot of good qualities in these guys, yes, do they need to fix some things, yes, are they going to possibly not get drafted, yes, but it's the diamond and the rough that you really want to look for, some of the bad things about him, plays too high, definitely hear that a lot about some of these defensive tackles, guys, another guy that's very inconsistent at times, he needs to get more moves, very predictable with some of his moves, and then he needs to polish and perfect his technique, now those were long shots, these are guys that, especially probably the last three or four guys that I just talked about, may not even hear their name on draft, and I'm talking about day three, I'm talking about round 262 type guys, maybe they don't even hear their name, and I'm even going even farther, I'm going to give you a guy that is definitely not going to get drafted. Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky, lucky in line at the deli, I guess, I'd my dentist's office, more than once actually, do I have to say, yes you do, in the car before my kids' PTA meeting, really, yes, excuse me, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky, I never win and tell, well there you have it, you could get lucky anywhere playing at, play for free right now, are you feeling lucky, no purchase necessary, boy, everybody, by law, 18 plus, terms, and conditions apply for details. His name is Evan Anderson, play this for Florida Atlantic, stand six foot, 319, very good size, I like that, mixture of height and weight, very athletic, he clogs running lanes, love that about him, he has violent hands, this is another guy who just needs to be double teamed and he occupies double teams, now, probably saying, see him, what does that mean? That helps out your linebackers, that helps out your, you know, your will, your slam, your mic, you know, in traditional whatever, you know, type, defense, he opens up things for his fellow players, you know, he doesn't mind getting a good double team and then, you know, that linebacker sweeping in and making the play. Some, that is a very rare trait to see sometimes in defensive tackles, sometimes they get double teamed and they take out the guy that could potentially make the play. So think about that, he occupies double teams, well, I love that about him, but the bad sides about him, he's very, very raw, very, very, very, very, very raw, and sometimes he has trouble finding the ball, definitely needs to work on his speed, but like I said, this is the diamond in the rough, like, way deep, I'm talking this guy is going to get, not going to hear his name on draft, I can gear, roll and tee it, but like I said, I want to do that for every single position as best as I possibly can. I do believe, let's see here, I'm going to save the juicier ones, towards later, just because I think of those positions, a lot can happen, especially with the wide receiver quarterback on the offensive side of the ball. And then I'd probably say corner back, maybe edge towards the defense, linebackers and safety is a very, very done, very, very deep, I love those positions, definitely slept on positions. And then, of course, running back some tight ends might do that. One mixture of those to hear pretty soon, maybe even the start of next week, but like I said, I'm going to start knocking out these positions very, very fast. I will have all these positions broke down, maybe even a couple of month drafts. By the time April something throws around, I know as coming up very, very quick, it is almost Easter, but I should have to do this, you know what I'm saying? I don't want to let you guys down. And I apologize again, for just the lack of consistency, you know, I feel like I've been letting you guys down, but at the same time, I'm not going to kill myself. I work long days, there's a lot of days I'm up, you know, before the sun comes up and I'm home when the sun's going down. So, you know, you got to juggle all this stuff as best as you can and still have time to do the homework and hit the record button and still not sound like I'm dying. You know what I'm saying? Especially since, you know, I think I pulled the back muscle, slipped the disc. I don't know what I did in my back, it's been over a week and it hurts, not going to lie, but you know, being an athlete for most of my life, you just kind of just go with it, you know, everybody has pain, right? You just kind of have to just keep juggling along. But like I said, I apologize again. You won't hear, you won't not hear me for more than a week going forward. I promise I'll start putting out at least a show every three or four, maybe even five days, at least one show a week for sure. But they're going to be jam-packed episodes, hopefully like this. Two positions, you know, tapped into, I'm going to give you some sleepers, so on and so forth. And then start mixing in a couple of mock drafts as best as I possibly can because that honestly is one of the big things I really, really like about the draft season is doing mock drafts because things change, you know, we can't anticipate trades. Starting April 1st, I can guarantee you, it's going to start getting more and more interesting. People are going to drop, people are going up like a Quignon Mitchell. This was a guy that was on my, the bottom of my corner back list. Of course, I knew about him. He was going to be my sleeper. This guy, they're talking about him being a first round draft pick. This happens all the time. You know, like I said, I thought I was going to, you know, find someone that no one really knew about. But of course, I missed out because now everybody knows who this guy is now. So it is what it is, but I want to keep doing the drafts because especially now that the free agency is starting to dwindle down, yeah, there's still a couple of good players out there, you know, still lingering, but they're going to get signed. And then when they get signed, you can check off, you know, that little position need off their draft stuff. And then possibly that changes the draft again. So that's why you want to keep doing as many draft as possible because with free agency and signings and stuff, your team needs change. And also, where are you in the draft board? Who's above you? Do they need what you need? Or do we go to free agency and just fill up that need and maybe go after them next year. Like I said, I love draft time. It is very, very fun. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I love doing it. Because like I said, this is a lot of work. And like I said, I apologize for not being around, but like I said, it's just miscommunication. It's just being busy. And I don't want to make excuses because I'm a grown ass man. But you know, things happen. But like I said, I'm here now. I hope you enjoy it and I will be back soon. I promise I'll do, let's do tight ins and safeties. How about that? Let's make it interesting, tight ins and safeties, I'll do that here pretty soon. And then I'll save the juicier ones for last because like I said, I love those positions a little bit more. And I kind of want to save them. You know what I'm saying? I want you guys to keep coming back and listen to these lesser known and lesser, you know, I'm not going to say important because every position is very important. But salivating, you know, a lot of people aren't salivating at the interior. They're offensive lineman position or the interior defensive lines, you know, the defensive tackles. But they're very, very important. And you want to find the next, you know, create Humphrey and you want to find the next Aaron Rodgers, Aaron Donald, right? So big shout outs. Thank you guys. Like I said, I cannot apologize enough. I, like I said, I felt, I felt horrible, you know, and listen to reached out, you know, pretty much, you know, bashed my head in saying, where the hell am I, you know, this guy says he's did his homework, you know, he's all talk, you got to, you got to. But I'm here. Like I said, you know, and I'm, like I said, I'm not, I apologize to that listener. I apologize to all the listeners, you know, I've been slacking, but I'm not making up any excuses. I'm going to keep my notes to the ground and I'm going to keep giving you guys quality stuff, regardless if I'm tired, regardless from hurt, regardless of anything like that. I'm still going to keep doing my best and giving you that CM style quality that hopefully you'd love and anticipate and really want to listen to. So big shout outs to all the countries out there, Portugal, Canada, India, Ireland, Morocco, Poland, Germany, Australia, Ecuador, Myanmar, France, the UK, big shout out to that dude, Grimry for man. He has been definitely picking up the slack that CM's, CM's definitely been dropping. He's putting out all kinds of rivalry stuff. He's, he's quality. He's got good quality. He's got that. Hasn't been around much, hasn't been doing a whole lot of shows, but he puts out some quality stuff. So thank you for, you know, helping me out, grim man. Thank you so much. Big shout outs to Venezuela, Haiti, Indonesia, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, Gambia, Turkey, Bangladesh, Vietnam, Peru, Mexico, Slovakia, Uganda, and a couple of new ones, Israel and New Zealand. Big shout outs to those new countries joining that very, very long list of all the countries outside the United States of America that listen to just a bunch of Joe blows, a couple of average dudes that just love talking about football. So shout outs to, of course, the United States of America from Florida to Maine, from Oregon to, you know, California to Arizona, to Wisconsin to Michigan, or if you're down here in the great state of Texas, where the stars at night are big and bright, baby. Thank you for listening. Big shout outs to the boys at the function. You know, you are Mr. Ritter, of course, Mr. Menafield. Big shout outs that dude, double J, we miss you, bud, goose doing his thing with us. I can't wait to start listening to some of the stuff he's going to have for us when the season starts or even in the off season, not real sure, Kevin Watson, of course, KG, Big John, D, Troy Kyle, DJ, Falken, Kuzmo, Grimry for big shots, you again, man, you're doing your thing. Thank you for joining the squad. You're definitely helping us out and thank you for picking up the slack that CM has definitely left on the floor. Big shout outs to the dude, Howard Poole. Like I said, we're brothers nowadays, more than we're friends, talk a lot, bounce ideas off each other, doing them, he was texting me the day, he was watching some March Madness, which you know, I have been doing as well. My text stick regulator has got knocked out day one. So it's not near as fun to watch the March Madness if your team's not in it, but it's definitely something fun that you should definitely pay attention to this coming up weekend. Sweet 16 starts. So at the end of the weekend, they'll be down to eight. And then, you know, the final four will be right around the corner. So big shout outs to that as well. So if you're not, you know, tuning into, of course, basketball is going on right now. It's the playoff push. I do believe that we're down to like 10 games, I want to say, in NBA season, you know, big ups to a lot of the teams out there, of course, the Boston Celtics doing their thing. Probably one of the best teams in the NBA, I think, I'm not real sure. Like I said, I haven't really been paying attention much to NBA, but I have been watching a little bit of my Mavericks lately when I get the chance and they're doing good as well. As y'all know, I'm a Mavericks fan and then opening day is actually tomorrow as well for baseball. And of course, my Texas Rangers are the reigning defending champions of the world. So we have that going for us. So we get to wear our gold jerseys, our gold outline jerseys tomorrow and a couple of times during the year. Just let everybody know, hey, you know, we're the reigning defending champs and until we get knocked off, you know, hey, we're the champ. So big ups to the Texas Rangers as well. So have a great weekend, have a great day, have a great month. Like I said, I apologize yet again, I cannot apologize enough. But like I said, I am here. I'm back. I'm going to keep doing my thing. I'm going to keep giving you quality stuff as best as I possibly can. So big shit. I saw my family out there, Sean old, my boy, Eddie Lefan, talk to you and saw you not too long ago. I love you. My dude. He still listens to the show. He still sends his love, Matt, Chris, Rich, my pops, Joe, my boy, Drew, Drew, my dude. I just saw him not too long ago as well. Bell. That girl, man, she's fucking awesome, and she listens to shows as well. So big shout outs to her as well. Love her too death. She's definitely a great family member, a great friend, just a great person in general. So if I had to shout you out, I'm so sorry, but like I said, just getting the rust knocked off. And like I said, I apologize again, but I will be back soon, guys. You guys take care, have a great week, weekend, month, have the time you are, know who you are, know who you're going, and know what to do when you get there. God bless, take care, and see him see some love. (upbeat music)