Jesse Kelly Show

Communism...Worshipping Politicians

Broadcast on:
28 Mar 2024
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Judy was boring. Hello. Then, Judy discovered Jamba It's my little escape. Now, Judy's the life of the party. Oh, baby, mama's bringing home the bacon. Whoa, take it easy, Judy. The Jamba life is for everybody. So go to and play over 100 casino-style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prices. No purchase necessary. We're prohibited by law, 18-plus terms and conditions to apply, see what's like for details. This is a podcast from WOR. Callie Shell having to endure insults here in studio. Jewish producer Chris just said some pretty hurtful things about the vest I have on. Chris, you're not a vest, ma'am. You're not ready to be a vest, man. It does go with the button-up that I have on. In fact, you should understand that I'm now building a fleet of vests. It's going to be-- every time you see me, I'm going to be in a different vest. Sorry, I only have a couple, but they're going to be more than that than I'm going to add. Anyway, it's me, Jesse the Vest Kelly, one final hour here on a Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. And there's a bunch we have to get to. I want to first just touch on this quickly. We've brought this up before. I mean, I think I talked about it again tonight. But the communist and how he pounces on tragedy and why he sounds so cold when it comes to suffering, when it comes to tragedy, people dying, NYPD officer, traffic stop, career criminal guns him down. He's 31 years old. He's a young man, young child, wife at home. He's gone. Corinne Diversity Hire was asked about it today. This was her end. Look, our hearts go out to this officer who tragically lost his life in the line of duty. We're also praying for his family during this difficult time, who now has an empty seat at their dinner table. President Biden is deeply grateful for the sacrifices police officers make to keep our community safe. This shooting is yet another painful reminder of the toll of gun violence, what it's doing to inflict on families and our communities and our nation. And that's why the president signed more than two dozen executive actions. That's why we're able to pass a bipartisan agreement to deal with the gun violence that we're seeing in this country. Obviously, the more work needs to be done. We need Congress to continue to act on making sure that our communities are safe. Yeah, I'm just going to stop her there. It's really gross, obviously. It's really gross. You think it's gross, I think it's gross. But why are they like that? How are they like that? How could you make a statement like that? When you're writing that down, forget about thinking about it off the cuff. When you're writing that down, how could you do that? Instead of just, hey, hearts go out to this young man to his family, to everyone at the NYPD. They're hurting right now. We are hurting with you. Hey, we're going to come visit and have pizza with everybody. Why not just something human? Not political in any way, not Republican, not Democrat. Human, just a human response. Why aren't they like that? These people are anti-humanity. They're anti-humans. They don't like humanity. How does the communists get out of every problem? Every problem. What have we talked about this many times? What is it? Well, he kills his way out. Every problem is a problem that would go away if a bunch of people would just die. Period, the climate change is not a great example. Yeah, we have all these problems, and the earth is warming. It's cooling, it's doing this, it's doing that. But what's their solution? The honest ones have come out and said it many times. Well, I mean, we need a lot of people to go away. We need you to die. Why won't you just die? We need a lot of people to die. The communist is anti-human. There is no such thing as human tragedy for an anti-human. It's not humanly possible. As I've said, it's like asking you to care about dead mosquitoes. It's not possible to get you to be moved by dead mosquitoes. But what if it was a lot of them, still don't care? But what if it was a million of them? Great, sounds good, sounds like a good start. That's how the communist looks at humanity. He doesn't care, he's not moved. What do you think? Look, we're, we stand at a time now when not just America, but when Western civilization is being raped and murdered and robbed and pillaged by illegal immigration, it is. We have imported the barbarians from all over the world, and they're doing barbarian things in our society. This is Senator Tim Cain. This is a United States Senator. If people, when they hear immigration, I think a lot of people, the first thing you think of is the border. The first thing we should think of is the workforce. National security and border issues are really important, and some of the chaos at the border. We should think of the border. We should think of illegals as what he's saying as a workforce. Well, it doesn't Tim Cain know there was just a girl who was murdered. A guy who was murdered and no, no, no, Tim Cain knows, he knows. He got the reports. He read the headlines. He's seen the pictures. It's a lot more than Lake and Riley, by the way, of beautiful girl. After beautiful girl, after beautiful girl raped, murdered and mutilated by illegals. It's happened across America for many, many, many, many, many years. He knows Tim Cain knows. He knows all the numbers. Tim Cain doesn't care. Tim Cain isn't moved by the things that move you because he's an anti human. He doesn't see human tragedy because when you hate humans, human tragedy is not possible. Understand? All right, let's talk about something more important. Let's talk about child labor laws. Pennsylvania's Domino's pizza franchise is fined $344,000 for child labor offenses. I'll give me a break and letting minors work. One of the charges is letting minors work outside the mandated hours of 7 AM to 7 PM. Have you ever had kids before? Try to put your kids to bed at 7 PM. There's no reason they can't be out there slinging pizzas. I'm so tired of this soft society. Child labor laws need to all be repealed. By the way, we were talking earlier about people living in a world of make believe and political symbols, you should know in about five minutes or so, we're going to have an offensive conversation about political symbols about the right, not just the left, but let's do some emails first. Dear white trash, Jesse, how will how much will Ronald McDaniel win after she soothes NBC? Lawyers must be blowing up her phone. Oh, she's going to have every dime of that contract and probably more. And what's wild is NBC, they knew that when they fired her, these huge organizations, they have armies of lawyers, the best lawyers. They looked at her contract. They knew they were going to have to stroke a big old fat check to Ronald McDaniel. They didn't care. That was worth it to them. Hey, Jesse, would you ever do the Joe Rogan show if invited? He's been on a real heater with right wing guests, so on and so forth, listening to you and him chop it up uninterrupted would be electric. Yeah, I would do Joe Rogan. I don't, I don't know him at all, but yeah, something I would do, it's not something I've really thought about, but I guess it's something I would do the problem with, all right, let me explain. I don't, I don't love to travel and do other shows. I don't do a lot of it and I, I'm trying to do less and less of it now. And it's not as if I don't enjoy doing other shows and talking to other people. But when I do that, I can't do my show, you know, it's valuable from a promotional standpoint. I want to go out there and promote the show and we want more people listening and so on and so forth. It's valuable like that, but then I don't get to be here. I like to be here. I like to do this show. I like to be, not only that on a personal level, I like to be home. I, I don't, I don't enjoy world travel. You know, as a young man, I used to think how great it would be. I was, I always thought it would be cool to be one of those business men who's, he's always on a plane somewhere, traveling somewhere, staying in a hotel. Wouldn't that be wonderful as I've gotten older. That's a no for me. Hey, Jesse, the CDC should be sounding the alarm about the return of communicable. In communicable diseases, we thought we had wiped out. Well, why aren't they? You probably already know, but why aren't they? We have horrible things like tuberculosis sprouting back up measles. They're having to do a full court press for measles vaccinations and things like that in Chicago right now. We all know why it's all been brought here by the illegals that they're hauling into the country from all over the world. But why, why isn't the CDC raising the alarm about it? You already know why the CDC is part of the system now. That's why we call it a system. We don't have these separate institutions now. Now that they've all been taken over by the same sick communist religion. Now they all work in March as one at all times, the messaging from Hollywood to CNN to the White House to the CDC is consistent at all times. The system speaks with one voice marches in the same direction at all time. The CDC is no longer about disease control. It's about Republican control. It's about pushing Democrat talking points and protecting Democrats and harming Republicans at all times. That's what it's all about. All right. Are you ready to be offended because it's probably going to offend you? I'm just warning you. I'll do that in a moment before I do that. You don't have to live with pain. You know that right. We have lied to ourselves that getting older just means pain. Oh, of course, my neck's going to hurt. I got a bad back hurts me all the time. We've accepted things that we shouldn't have to accept and when we seek out solutions for those things, we always seek for things, seek out things that are bad for us. I want to grab this pill bottle or that pill bottle. We need to be as drug free as we can possibly be. That's what relief factor is all about. It is a drug free solution to pain. What it does is it helps support your body's natural response to inflammation. Get that inflammation down. The pain goes away. Relief factor works. You don't have to take my word for it or theirs. Go buy a three week quick start kit and take it for three weeks. Tell me how that back feels. $19.95 for that three week quick start kit. Call 1 800 the number four relief or go to All right. We'll be back. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly show is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday reminding you that you need to get your asked Dr. Jesse questions emailed and now, even though it's only Wednesday, we'll be here tomorrow. We'll be back to do ask Dr. Jesse Friday. Ask me anything. Email those into Jesse at Jesse Kelly Now let's have an offensive conversation. I talk a lot about politicians and how I don't like any of them. I don't love any of them. I don't. It is the normal human reaction to fall in love with politicians. It is. I am not that way. I treat all politicians, all of them, like rental cars. I use them to get where I'm going and the second I'm there, I dump them in the ditch and pick up a new one period. That's exactly how they use me. It's exactly how they use you. That's how I use them. I realize that's not the norm, but that's what I believe and a big part of that is falling in love with any man, whether it be a spiritual leader or a politician or an athlete or whatever it may be falling in love with someone like that turns you stupid. When you turn someone into a symbol instead of the man he actually is, you will do and say and believe really, really, really stupid things because in your mind, you've made him more than a man. You remember we brought this up before you remember Obama and you remember that famous audio clip. I'm not going to play it for you now. It doesn't matter. There's some girl at an Obama rally and it spread all across the media when she said it. Someone interviewed her and she was all just full of ecstasy. It was Obama. I love him. And she said if I get Obama into office, I'm not going to have to worry about putting gas in my car or paying my mortgage. And everyone looked around and said, wait, what? How does that work? And everybody, myself included, we mocked her and mocked her as an idiot. Now she may be an idiot. She may not be, but what she is, she's a human being who took a man, took all her hopes and dreams, projected them on to that man because she turned him into a symbol. Therefore, it didn't matter what he said or did. In her mind, he was always the lion who believed everything she believed and fought for everything she wanted, a symbol, charismatic people like Obama do that. The right has done that somewhat with Trump in some ways. And there's a fascinating pull out here that reveals how the right has turned someone into a symbol. This is what frustrates me because we don't stay active locally. We're not activists. We're not getting involved in local races and primaries and state races. Instead, we've got this symbol, Trump, and we've just taken everything we want and we put it on to him. Trump affects it. Just name a problem. Trump affects it. Trump affects it, even if it's not something Trump even believes. Donald Trump is against the TikTok ban. Now I happen to agree with him about that as I elaborated on the show. I hate TikTok, but I'm also against the TikTok ban. This is not a difference I have with Trump. I agree with Donald Trump about that, but he has made many, many public statements. You can go read them yourself. I'm not going to read them for you. Even after the recent TikTok bill, Donald Trump is against banning TikTok. Donald Trump is against banning TikTok. Poll is out here. This is the question in the poll based on what you know. Does Donald Trump support the bill to ban the for sale of TikTok? Republicans, 47 to 20 believe Donald Trump is behind that bill. MAGA Republicans, they narrowed it down even more, 50 to 18. The vast majority of Republicans believe Donald Trump is supportive of that bill. When Donald Trump, it's not like he's hiding, it's not his fault. He's made many public statements to the contrary. What is, what is that about? Why people on the right are desperate right now. They're looking for hope. They're looking for help. And they have, and this probably doesn't apply to you, but they're looking for hope. They're looking for help. And so they've bottled up all of their hopes and dreams in one big bottle. And they've taken that bottle and they've just dumped it on Donald Trump. So whatever people believe about anything, they believe that he's the one who will stand with them and fight with them. And as long as they support him, that that counts as political involvement. That doesn't count for squat. I've got news for you voting for Donald Trump in 2024. Don't make you an activist and it don't make you politically involved. It doesn't mean you're fighting for your country. That's the bare minimum. And frankly, that's less than the bare minimum. We have got to stop the worship of politicians, even ones you like, even ones I like. We have got to stop turning men of any kind into symbols. That's when people get stupid. As I've said many, many, many, many, many times before, loving somebody or hating somebody, turns you into an idiot. It does. You can't possibly see truth. You can't see lies. You can't see facts. You can't get out of it when you're in love and when you're when you hate. When you're in love or when you hate somebody, you can't see it. Donald Trump makes people stupid and that's actually not his fault. The people who hate him turned dumb. The people who worship him turned dumb. Always think for yourself and don't ever make a man a symbol. Nobody ever, not your pastor, not Trump, not me, not an actor. Nobody ever. Don't ever turn a man into a symbol. All right. All right. Let's get to black rock. Some emails, misinformation. Speaking of misinformation, let's talk about big pharma. It's too much. What we've done with big pharma in this country is too much. The love affair with big pharma. Everyone on something, a million things. We need to become a country that's all about natural herbal supplements. We need to look to nature before we look to Pfizer. I love chalk. No matter what's going on in my life or my relatives, chalk is the first place we go. I want help with this. I'll go to chalk first and see what they have. I want help with that. I'll go to chalk first and see what they have. They have so much more than male vitality stacks or female vitality stacks. I could never list for you all the endless products they have. Go see what they have that might just improve your life naturally without destroying your body. They have subscriptions and that's where you save all your money. promo code Jesse. Go get one today. Jesse Kelly's show on a Wednesday. It's not that I'm not an ELO fan, Chris. I like electric lighter orchestra. That's just, I mean, that's not a very good one. That's not a very good one. You know it's an underrated one? Showdown. Showdown's a great song. That's a good ELO song. Anyway, let's talk about other things. Did you see this lady? I've decided. I like how the left does business in some ways. And let me explain. Let me explain. There are terms the left has used, the communist use, that I've decided I'm going to adopt. And one of my favorite ones is debunked. That's been totally debunked. Whenever you tell your liberal aunt Peggy, an obvious fact that everyone knows is true, she'll drop a, that's been debunked. Has she ever done that on you? You ever heard someone do that at least on TV? That's been totally debunked. Now, what's she saying? Well, she's saying that the experts have weighed in and they've weighed all the facts and they've decided what you just said isn't true. And that's interesting. The experts. Did you see that show 60 minutes? Do you see they had this misinformation expert on there? I'm going to play this. Listen to this. Kate Starbird says the social media platforms also often ignored the researchers' suggestions. The statistics I've seen are just for the Twitter platform, but my understanding is that they responded to about 30% of the things that we sent them. And I think on the majority of those, they put labels. But just a third. But just a third, yeah. Do you suspect that Facebook was the same? Oh, yeah. What's she saying? Well, what's this nutball saying? I know you're going to find this shocking, but she's pretty much a cardboard cutout of the liberal Aunt Peggy I described earlier, right down to the bugged out eyes and the classes and everything else. You can go look at her up yourself. What's she saying? What we told them that this is misinformation and they only responded a third at the time. We'll get this. This is, it's this, it's brilliant how they do this. Honestly, it is brilliant how committed they are to destroying society and the steps they take to do so. Why is she a misinformation expert? Because she decided she's one. And then, and then she started a company dedicated to fighting misinformation. So she on her own decided that she's a misinformation expert. She's going to start a company and that's what they do. They debunk misinformation. So she's declared herself to be the expert and then as the expert and as the company that deals with misinformation, they then use that to bully private companies into censoring. Of course, you know what they're censoring censoring you. Any information that doesn't take the party line, that doesn't take the communist line, it's all censored because the misinformation expert decided it was misinformation. It's really brilliant when you think about it. I think I'm going to start doing that. What Chris, no listen, that's been debunked Chris. It's been totally whatever Chris wants, it's been debunked. If you, if you don't understand that, it's pretty simple. This is not an attempt to ban TikTok. It's attempt to make TikTok better. Tik, Tik, Tik, toe, a winner, a winner. Now do you understand Chris? It's just like Tik, Tik, toe, a winner, right? A winner now. I just think it's hilarious how they do it. And it's dirty and it's evil and it's wrong, but it's hilarious. Speaking of dirty evil and wrong, this is a representative in Congress. How far we have fallen. For the governor, Ron DeSantis just signed a bill that would ban social media accounts for children under 14. I'm curious what you think about that bill. I think that goes too far. I mean, there are a number of people on social media who may be LGBTQ+ who may need that outlet in terms of for building a community. Oh, oh, I didn't realize that was why you valued it. Now I understand why so many people are complaining about the ban. All right, BlackRock, an evil soulless corporation. You already know that BlackRock Vanguard State Street. Those are the three finance giants. Every American should know and no one even knows their names. They're the ones pushing all that corporate communism you see out there. So much of it begins in BlackRock and Vanguard and State Street. And they're the ones who have caused so much of the financial pain you see out there, pushing their endless communist filth on our society. And boy, talk about the headline of headline. BlackRock's Fink. That's Larry Fink. He's the head of it. BlackRock's Fink flags US retirement crisis. And plans a product launch. These people really did preside over the destruction of our currency and our economy. And then they're going to sell you the product to make it all better. It's almost like Pfizer telling you they've got something for those heart problems. You all of a sudden just popped up over the last couple of years. Counting these people are absolutely shameless. All right. Let's get to some emails. Jesse, I'm watching Senator Rand Paul discussing the necessity of addressing entitlement spending. Why does everyone speak about Social Security and Medicare, but not government employees pensions? I've lived my entire life state of Illinois. They have these hefty pensions. Why isn't cutting government pensions addressed? And her name is Gigi. All right. Let me explain. Government pensions, it depends on the government. So like in the state of Illinois, the state of Illinois, they most likely have a pension fund for their government employees. And that pension fund is handed, actually, I didn't do this on purpose, to a finance giant, usually. Hey, BlackRock here, and as you can imagine, the pension fund is huge. Hey, BlackRock. Here's $8 billion. Invest the money for our employees wisely, so our employees can get a good return when they retire after working for 15 minutes. You know how government employees usually do. And BlackRock takes all that money, they invested. And so that's the case. Now, I assume you're talking about federal employees and federal stuff. Well, listen, I don't want the Social Security check you rely on to stop coming. Don't think that that's ever what I'm saying at all. That's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is we cannot save America. We cannot save our financial system without slowly but surely facing out Social Security and Medicare. It's not possible. And when you say something like that, people will usually respond with some form of this. And it's an understandable response. So what about pensions or what about foreign aid or what about? No, listen, I'm great with addressing all that too because we have to address every government expenditure, every single one. But those are the big ones. You don't have to take my word for it. They're sounding the alarm 175 trillion with a T in unfunded liabilities from those programs. Yeah, you can cut every dime of foreign aid tomorrow. You can cut all the pork spending, that kind of waste. You can cut all that tomorrow. Get rid of it, dump it all. It's gone. Okay. Whoo. It's gone now. If you did, if you cut all that tomorrow, it wouldn't come close to saving our financial system. Don't take my word for it. Again, do your own research. Go look up a pie chart. Do this. Go ahead. Do an internet search for pie chart, government budget, pie chart, US economy, US economy, might not the pie chart, US budget. And tell me what you see. We want to believe that there are a bunch of different ways we can do this without experiencing any change. But we cannot. The government blew all of our money. You paid into Social Security your whole life. The government blew all your dag on money. And no, I don't want the checks to stop coming. But we have to begin phasing this program out before it ends the country as we know it. The same with all of them. Medicare. Look, the military. Sorry, I know this won't be popular either. The military needs huge cuts now. I didn't make that call. The people who came before us blowing all of our money. They made that call. All right. One more segment left. We'll get to a couple emails and so on and so forth. Now, what are we going to do? Well, someone asked her, what are we going to do? How do we prepare? The only way to properly prepare for problems like we're going to have is ammunition, water, emergency food, and precious metals. You need to get in your physical possession things that will allow you to purchase goods or services when problems come. You see, even in societies where the dollar collapses, whatever their currency happens to be, societies where everything's coming apart on them, people still have to exist. People still need things, food, services, kids need things, medical. So what do you do in that case? Well, Oxford Gold's got you covered. Gold coins, silver coins. Doesn't matter what these psychos do to our dollar, Oxford Gold Group will provide you with things that will remain long after the government is gone long after you're gone. The gold silver you buy from Oxford Gold Group will be there. Call and get some in your hands. They'll mail it to your front door, anonymous, insured. They make it easy, but call 833-995-Gold. 833-995-Gold. You're listening to the oracle. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, final segment of the Jesse Kelly Show, and I won't see you again until Friday. Again, don't forget to get your ask Dr. Jesse questions in to Jesse at Did you hear this story out of Oakland? Man, Oakland gets a bad rap and golly. Do they deserve every single bit of us? Oakland born 102 years old Victor Silva senior often finds graffiti painted onto his back fence of his Oakland home where he's lived and paid taxes for 80 years. Earlier this month, he got a violation citation from the city of Oakland to remove it by Tuesday the 19th or face an $1,100 fine plus, an additional $1,277 for each failed reinspection. I've done something crazy. In his younger years, before the wheelchair, he often painted over the graffiti himself. Had a roll over the baby, I just painted it. It was very, very easy because I was a contractor, you know. Now there are hundreds of three, two millions already that's slowed up a little bit. These days that task falls to a 70 year old son, Victor Jr. It's hard to keep up with it because as soon as we get it painted, it's good to be graffiti on it again and we won't last. Oakland is so overrun by crime, businesses fleeing Oakland. How many stories have you read about businesses fleeing Oakland that now they're down to pillaging 102 year olds who are still there, blood sucking them out of every dime of cash. And this is the kind of thing that's going to come for San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, that the people who are there, the people who remain, they're just going to be prayed upon, not just by the animals on the streets, but by the government. The government itself is going to have to seek out and find people who can provide it cash. Remember, Oakland can't print money. New York City can't print money. New York City, it's a big story that's out there now. They've begun their $53 million program where they're handing out illegal's $1,400 a month. This is as New Yorkers and New York businesses are fleeing. They're just going to pillage every dime out of every New Yorker that's left until the city is just basically nothing wild to think that that's where we are, but that's where we are. It's horrible to watch parts of your country be given to the animals, isn't it? And look, that's why we talk about self-defense so much on the show too. It's not just because of what we've been, where we are and where we're going. We're a country that has a lot of criminals in it. A lot of very, very, very violent criminals, they occupy our society. And we try not to think about that. Look, I try not to think about it when my boys leave, when they go to a friend's house, when they have a field trip in some public area. I try not to sit and think about the fact that there are violent men around. Do you have your burn up pistol launcher yet, by the way? Listen, I carry concealed, you know that. I have my Hellcat Pro, my Springfield Hellcat Pro. That's my lethal, but I love having non-lethal, a non-lethal option. But whether you carry like I do or maybe you hate guns, you need to get a burn up pistol launcher. Even the gun hater in your life can carry one of these. Nobody dies, shoots pepper balls or tear gas balls. You don't even have to be incredibly accurate. They hit you, they explode, and you stop. It's legal in all 50 states, no permit needed, no background check needed. Man, you really need to carry one of these on you. Ladies, including when you're out for a jog or a walk, just in my jog bra. Carry your burn up pistol launcher, please. They give you a discount, great discount, 10% off. Burn up, B-Y-R-N-A, I should say. Burn up dot com slash Jesse. Make sure you're ready to stop a very, very violent man. All right, make sure you're ready for that. All right, Dr. Jesse, Trump's VP choice has to be a warrior to fight the deep state. They also need a squeaky queen clean history to deflect attention of the apparatric media. I like Tulsi Gabbard. Also, she's really hot. And I'd love to see a cage match between Tulsi and Dome. You guys are such meat-eds. Listen, Chris, that's not right. Chris said he supports it as well. Listen, okay, I'm not going to freak if Trump picks Tulsi Gabbard. It wouldn't be my choice way, way too far left for me. Sounds very reasonable. If you think it's going to help him when the election, that's fine. And I am aware that sex appeal is a real thing. How many studies are there out there that handsome people or attractive people? Do they get more promotions at work, right? You don't see or at least you didn't used to see a bunch of ugly people in TV commercials. You know, nowadays, that's all you can find, but it didn't used to be that way. I don't think it would hurt to have a dime on the presidential ticket. It just doesn't do anything for my liberty, right? Doesn't do anything for my freedom. But if you're going to say that would help defeat Joe Biden, all right, fine, pick Tulsi Gabbard, whatever. And now he's a headline. Gold, you know the thing. Headlines we didn't get to. Coming soon to a McDonald's near you. Crispy cream donuts. Crispy cream is going to start selling donuts at McDonald's. And I'm so unreasonably excited. Gosh, I'm not even a donut man. In my opinion, I'd much rather have bacon and eggs, but tag gone, man. A crispy cream donut. US turns to Turkey for explosives as the war in Ukraine saps supply. I just want to remind you that as these people get us into World War three with Russia, China, and everyone else, that the United States of America is unable to produce probably the most critical munition on the planet. That would be artillery shells. We are so we have so destroyed our manufacturing sector that we have to buy our arty shells from Turkey. Gosh, Sacramento passes a resolution creating a transgender sanctuary. We already had one of those. It's called the Air Force. I could kill someone. Most US troops aren't getting enough sleep. The report warns. Wow, sleep deprivation in the military. You don't say exclusive Iraq militia. Biden must withdraw or see troops exit in coffins. Man, that Iraq really did turn out to be just such a such a flourishing democracy after we went over there and kicked Saddam out, didn't it? RFK Jr. announces hardcore leftist Nicole Shanahan as his VP pick. Well, I guess the blue monofetros pretty quickly. Brandon Johnson refuses to say how much Chicago is paying for shelters. Well, again, I told you about the conversation I had with those Democrats who voted for B.J. That's what they called him B.J. You got what you voted for. 60 minutes get caught gets caught red-handed after interview with misinformation expert. Yes, that's that nutball we played for you earlier. What a great gig. That's been debunked. Obama regularly advises Biden and fears Trump's comeback. Barack Obama is the one that never left. As I've said before, they say every election. This was the most important election in history. They're of course saying that about the next one. The most important election in US history was the one Barack Obama won. That was the one we couldn't afford to lose and we did. We're never going to get rid of that dag on guys like a tick. This has been a podcast from W.O.R. 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