The Howie Carr Radio Network

Democrat voters are getting Democrat policy good and hard | 3.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Tune in for a very Ted Kennedy pre-Easter weekend Chump Line. Then, Howie covers the latest acts of senseless violence in New York City and other dark, dark blue Democrat-run cities.

Broadcast on:
28 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday March 24th to order years today go to Eden pure deals dot com and use code how we bogo better strap yourself in it's time for the how we car show the president is indicated and I certainly agree that getting the cost of living down should be our number one economic priority. Easter is this weekend and many Americans will spend an average of close to 200 bucks per person for the holiday cancel we're canceling it live from the Matthews Brothers Studios and we are taking the next step forward in our ongoing efforts to make our subways even safer. I've experienced that being firsthand on the train and ensure New York is feel safer. You can use and therefore I don't think I miss what you think it means. We'll be publishing the impact and use policy for electromagnetic weapons detection systems. If you want to throw down the system can find I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waiting for you right here. It's very alarming that crime in the city is getting this just off your seat. Rump swabs hacks and moonbats beware. It's How we car eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Here's what the Trump had to say yesterday about our RF K Jr. Bobby Kennedy Jr. and his new running mate Nicole Shanahan. RF K Jr. is the most radical left candidate in the race by far. He's a big fan of the green new scam and other economy killing disasters. I guess this would mean he is going to be taking votes from Crooked Joe Biden which would be a great service to America. His running mate Nicole Shanahan is even more liberal than him if that's possible. Kennedy is a radical left Democrat and always will be three exclamation points. It's great for MAGA but the communists will make it very hard for him to get on the ballot they already have. Expect him and her to be indicted any day now probably for environmental fraud exclamation point. He is Crooked Joe Biden's political opponent not mine. I love that he is running exclamation point. So she's six figure donor to among others George Gascon the pro crime Soros back prosecutor in LA. She also spent big on measure Jay a Los Angeles measure to reroute spending from law enforcement. So I don't think he's gonna I don't think he's going to be taking too many votes away from Donald J Trump. I don't know how many I'll take away from Biden but he won't take any away from Trump or very few. All right time now for the chumpline. Well it looks like RFK has himself a running mate with very deep pockets. Hopefully the first thing they invested in were some good custom fitted neck crcases just in case. You know I read today that he has he has a lifelong love they say of Mary Joker Pecney jokes. I got to check that out after the show I didn't have time to read the the link seems it seems hard to believe but there it is. Some of those jokes involve his father you know I won't I won't repeat them I didn't even repeat them in Kennedy Babylon I don't think I don't work I hold in my hand be last time alone. Anthony Scaramucci Murphy Brown Secretary William Henry Harrison named three people who stayed in their jobs longer than Rhonda McDaniel. I think there's gonna be some about tippy canoe for that but I missed it okay I got it. But Rhonda's gonna do pretty well she's gonna get at least six hundred thousand dollars probably a lot more than that. I think there'll be a settlement of a of a few million that would be my guess. Today's chump line is brought to you by Eden Pier by the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier BOGO offer. Buy one thunderstorm and get another one for free. Order now at use code Howie BOGO that's code Howie BOGO offer expires this Sunday. Joe Biden is the first person known to be able to use preparation H for his lips. That was rude I think I'll just let that one slide. The climate cult has fostered a new creation now global warming has slowed the earth's rotation the planets off the taxes we must increase taxes otherwise we're headed for obliteration. Yeah that's the new thing yeah if only we could raise taxes that would that would straighten everything out the earth would be back on its axis the the polar ice caps wouldn't be melting if only there were more money for conferences and sustainability developments and windmills and wind turbines built in China everything would be groovy as they used to say. The way Brandon flipping the Easter Bunny is going to have to work over time this year. Somebody said he's not even buying any chocolate this year for the kids because of the the prices have gone up so much I don't know about that. Hey Howie I was just diagnosed with anadonia it's called B and Irish. I thought it was called being alive you know I mean is it is it being alive kind of generally a a way to get sort of sad and depressed I mean it's kind of natural isn't it it doesn't sound like it's anything anything particularly debilitating to me any more than day to day life. You must be real fun at parties. What are you talking about? Life is full of great stuff. I don't know what you're talking about. It is full of great stuff but it's it's people are you know they also say that there's such a thing called social anadonia and you know what that is that's not liking to be around people so much. Have you been officially diagnosed? Like every Friday night after the show I come down with social anadonia and I don't recover until Monday morning. Taylor you don't feel the same way? I enjoy the people I enjoy. Sounds to me like you've got a case of incipient anadonia. I don't like being forced around other well then you've got anadonia but I that's what Dr. Carr's diagnosis is. I am gregarious when I need to be. Who isn't gregarious when when he or she needs to be? Brendan loves illegal aliens so much he should address them at his next press conference by saying my fellow aliens fluta barado nikto. I'm going to read some of the stuff from the migrant influencer who says he says you should squat. You should come. He's telling his amigos to come into the country and squat and they can live for free and the Wall Street Journal has an editorial saying well I'll read you just one line from it. The crazy migrant merino. Yes the crazy migrant may have put spa but he's game without President Biden's border abdication and crazy enough he's not wrong about his home invasion scam. Squatters are moving into people's homes uninvited and once they they're in they can be almost impossible to dislodge. I'll read you this whole thing when we come back. He's got a new video out today too. He's got a new video but is it an English or Spanish? It's in Spanish but there's you know captions in English. He's holding like over a grand in cash. Yeah I saw that still. Yeah and he's an absconder too by the way. Stop me if you've heard this one before. Like the guy who broke into Mike's home in Quincy. Come on man I was just talking to my wife Jim Biden about the collapse of the Willard Scott Key Bridge. I'm a bridge guy and I was there when the London Bridge fell down. I almost lost my Corvette and my cat. Also I was captain of the New England Prep School Champion Bridge team. Thank you everybody. This is why I'm scratching. Thank you everyone. Well I mean I have no idea who was on the New England Champion Bridge team when he graduated high school. That would have been 10 years before me. So maybe there's a bit of truth there although I thought he went to high school in Delaware or Pennsylvania or somewhere not Massachusetts. 508 says did Ronah McDaniel's job last longer than CNN Plus? I don't think it did. I think CNN Plus lasted a couple of weeks didn't it? She lasted 20 minutes but you got to look at it in terms not just in terms of how much was paid per minute but how much was paid per second. I think it comes out to $500 per second. The insurrection over the hiring of Ronah McDaniel at NBC News was a bloodbath. Yes it was. I couldn't agree more. When asked about R.F. K. Jr. picking a wealthy young woman as a running mate John Kerry said well played dude. Yeah she's worth a billion dollars. That's up in Mamaty and Julia Thorne category. But again he says 60 is the new 80 but again I beg to disagree it. It may be 60 maybe the 80 maybe the new 60 but not in terms of being a jiggle. You've got to be a little younger than 80 to properly jiggle your way through life. Well howie with Easter coming this weekend one thanks for sure. You're much more likely to see God than the Boston Herald is to see Whitey Bulger's FBI record. Yeah I don't understand that you know what they've been they've been slowly dribbling the FBI records out to the Herald for a couple of years and I get a call them out of it occasionally. You know they saw there's some black guy living down in Jackson, Mississippi and they surround his house and they think he's this black guy is Whitey disguised. I mean there's some there's been some crazy stuff that we've gotten but they just cut us off and they said the investigation is continuing. I don't know how it's continuing he's been dead for five going on six years. I mean are they still looking for the money? I think it's a little late to be looking for the money he stashed. Supposedly up to 50 million dollars but they've never found it. What are the odds they're going to find it at this point? That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call it and leave a message at any time between the hours of one and four p.m. Eastern time every weekday. Chumpline number if you wish to leave such a message is eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two press two for the Chumpline. Leave your message we may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline we have one it's called Chop Chumps. It's where we put the messages we didn't have room with time for just now and Chop Chumps the second Chumpline of the day is posted every weeknight around 7 p.m. you can get Chop Chumps wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by the Eden Pure Thunderstorm Air purifier Bogo offer. Buy one thunderstorm and get another one for free. Order now at use code Howie Bogo that's code Howie Bogo offer expires this Sunday. The way Brandon slipping the Easter Bunny is going to have to work overtime this year. By the way this is the traditional Easter weekend. This is what thirty one how many years ago was nine thirty thirty three years ago I guess thirty three years ago Ted Kennedy was flying in from DC for the traditional Easter weekend which started with the traditional all day drunk on Good Friday followed by the traditional alleged rape by one of his nephews followed by the traditional cover up etc etc. It's quite a quite a big weekend a traditional remembrance and celebration I guess you'd call it for the Kennedy clan in Palm Beach. I'm Howie Carr. Leave a message for the big guy call the Chumpline. eight four four five hundred forty two forty two press two and leave your message then listen every week day at five to catch the best messages of the day. One of them may be yours. Howie Carr is back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two today's poll question is brought to you by perfect smiles don't be fooled by imposters with similar names if you're unhappy with your smile you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashville call one eight four four a perfect smile or visit perfect smiles dot com Taylor what's the poll question what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at Howie Carr show dot com is Sam Bankman free just got 25 years in federal prison for stealing eight billion dollars how would you describe that sentence to harsh about right or should have gotten what Bernie made off got life should have gotten what Bernie made off got life 150 years 85% say life 13% say it's about right 2% say it's too harsh I just don't understand why these judges won't sentence people to the sentences they deserve you know and I mean I again if you if you think you're going to be overruled by a higher court for you know cruel and unusual punishment that's one thing but I mean when a guy sets the world record first for a Ponzi scheme I think you've got a lot of leeway and what you can hand out as a sentence especially when the judge rips him to shreds before he gives not a not a wrist slap but he did didn't give him what what he should have I don't think but again Democrats eight four four five hundred forty two forty two marine you're next with howie car go ahead marine oh thank you for taking my call um you know Cuomo in my opinion was a crumb but uh may Adams is an arse and the murder of officer diller in my opinion lies squarely on his shoulders um you know New York City is my home area I grew up in north Jersey I went to college a little bit above the Bronx up in New Rochelle I worked in lower Manhattan and those guys have destroyed my once magnificent city they don't give a rax anything and they don't support the police or the fire but they do support all the rodent criminals it's it's unbelievable to me and um you know as you know the the crumb and the arse of what the rodents do whatever they want to the police including slicing them and throwing water bottles at them with absolutely no consequences and uh what about those illegal aliens attacking the cops in uh Times Square a couple weeks ago but that was insane nothing yeah that was absolutely horrific I had to watch it you know google it and watch it myself a few times just to be sure I was looking at what I heard about um and it was it was like you said it was absolutely outrageous zip nothing and you know this this this mental case who who threw the guy the the subway rider off into the train oncoming train you know all the you know when I go into look at all the local papers down there like I do um it's all about mental health issues are being revived right how they should handle mental health in the subway system I know what what having to murder murder in the subway system I mean how many crimes did this guy commit I was glad to see the New York Post just ran the ran a list of all the crimes this this is the guy who pushed the uh pushed the commuter onto the uh tracks on the subway I mean you know I don't care if he has mental health issues or not he's he's robbing people he's pulling fake guns he's uh you know he's he's battling it out with cops on the uh you know you know when he's when he's caught robbing at the uh aqueduct racetrack I mean what does he have to do to get locked up he threatens his grandmother oh his grandfather died of covid and it's been all downhill for what about all the people he attacked has it been downhill for them or did they enjoy being attacked I'm how we car live from the Matthews brothers studios 5-1-2 says I visited New York City for about a week recently when you ride the subways nowadays you're at the mercy of the hood rats don't even think about defending someone else or you'll end up like Daniel Penny can't ride with a gun but I carried a box cutter with me just in case I'm glad you brought that up 5-1-2 there's a uh there's a post uh one of the uh radical uh leftists on the females on the New York City Council Amanda Ferreius she uh she asked why aren't men calling this out while quoting a post from the New York City women's caucus decrying the alarming trend of violence towards women where are the men calling this out she said she's a leftist Carol Markowitz she's a columnist for the New York Post who since moved to Florida and she she retweeted so hard to understand why good men aren't stepping in and she has a picture of Daniel Penny with his handcuffed behind his back being taken into custody by the New York City police this the guy who defended his fellow strap hangers on the subway and uh and he ended up sitting on this uh this thug and uh the thug died and everybody on the train thanked him and uh considers Daniel Penny a hero and he's been arrested and he's facing uh I don't know if it's murder or manslaughter charges I think that may be why no one's stepping forward I mean people people hear about things like Daniel Penny he's he's a household word a household name in New York City elsewhere as well eight four four five hundred forty two forty two mr. Garcia you're next with how we car go ahead mr. Garcia you know get ark at all things the Kennedy and also um Biden and Trump when he hit the debate and and I told where Biden cannot have a huge I say I'm not going to debate Trump say Kennedy Kennedy um police debate you know you know what I mean mr. Garcia there aren't going to be any debates you know that yes oh my god okay yes how could he debate anybody it's you know there was there's a story today that uh this guy had a book contract to write something on a book about Biden it was going to be like this big you know they sold millions of books about Trump hundreds of thousands of books about Barack Obama but this big company Simon and Schuster just dropped the contract to write a book about uh about Biden you know why mr. Garcia nobody nobody wants to read about it they they tried to sell books about Jill Biden and they I think they paid hundreds of thousands of dollars in advances and they sold zero copies I mean zero copies nobody wanted to read anything there's there is no there there mr. Garcia and that's why there's not going to be any debates thanks for the call I appreciate it eight four four five hundred forty two forty two hey here's some good news for Portland Maine we could use some good news in Massachusetts along these lines the the Portland Motel 6 which was used to house illegal aliens and homeless people has been shut down it's been shut down five five meters after it began taking in homeless people and illegal immigrants this is from the main wire following a march health inspection the city determined that the motel is infested with cockroaches and revoked the lodging licenses for all but five of its 128 rooms my experience with cockroaches is if they're in 123 of the rooms they're probably in those last five two the company is is required to remedy the living conditions on the 123 unlivable rooms but immigrants immigrants surely they meant to say illegal aliens living in those rooms will be allowed to stay there until then one illegal staying in the hotel told a new center main that the living conditions are so bad she wanted to move back to her home country of Angola I think we should make that dream come true homeless people then later illegal aliens have been referred to the motel by city officials since 2019 as the motel six is one of the few hotels in the area that accepts general assistance tokens why don't we have the law like that in Massachusetts of course they probably all the people the all the owners that are addicted now to making all the big money they would if they put that law in general assistance tokens they'd take them general assistance is a taxpayer funded program which gives money for necessity such as housing to those who can't afford them as of 2020 each family staying in the motel cost taxpayers two hundred and twenty five dollars per night that was in 2020 how much you think it's it is now eight four four five so that's good news even if it's only briefly all right so now we have this uh this this illegal alien from Venezuela the migrant influencer he says work is for slaves i.e. americanos this is from hot air popa biden that's what he calls uh dementia joe popa biden is paving the streets with gold for illegal aliens brags lianel marino a Venezuelan illegal who is recruiting people to come to the u.s and you you steal my suga daddy in the radio i don't know where that came from he encourages the illegals to invade homes and become squatters so they get a free home by stealing them from americans he is an actual tick-tock personality people thought this was a scan uh you know a parody like uh you know a uh a babylon b type of uh tick-tock account but it's real apparently his schtick is making videos for potentially illegal aliens and teaching them to rip off americans work is for slaves and americans are suckers brandon waved marino into the united states gave him papers in a place to stay provided food stamps in a monthly stipend and he also then began begging on the street making a thousand dollars a day that's when he claims anyway he crossed the southern border illegally in april 2022 at eagle past texas he's now listed as an absconder but nobody's really looking for him um marino has been seen living in columbus i don't i think that means ohio he listed his point of contact in the us as as uh catholic charities in miami of course as catholic charities he calls president biden me papa here's the exact quote from him i don't like to work boys in the us there are a million tricks a million things to do i've concluded that the american dream is real he says he's lived in the us for more than a year and has never had to break a sweat this is food of the best quality that they just give to you marino claims he has traversed 12 countries to reach the us he traversed i guess 12 countries between here in venezuela and tried to seek asylum in canada last year so he obviously didn't take the direct route alongside his wife but ultimately came to america because they don't get enough free handouts up north i think they give you a lot of welfare in canada they didn't give us the hotel they promised is motel six still open portland nuggets it's not they gave us a month and then kicked us out man those racist nativist xenophobes and they didn't give us the papers they promised they didn't give us a job and didn't give us asylum after his wife gave birth his wife i doubt it's his wife marino shared from the hospital that the company that the couple didn't pay anything to have their daughter thinking papa biden for paying eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two so i'll read you the uh squatter epidemic editorial in the wall street journal we come back let me take this call patrick you're next with how we car go ahead patrick thanks how i'm big fan of your show thank you pointed out the guy who helped helped out in the the subway not only do you get punished for doing the right thing when you see everyone in the country seems to like this i don't want to help them too much so in people who are who are celebrating biden celebrating the immigration if they want to get screwed i think let him get screwed yeah you know in a democracy you get the government you deserve patrick that's an old saying but i think it's true isn't it unfortunately we're all suffering through it because of them yeah thanks for the call eight four four five hundred forty two forty two five oh eight marino has told more truth is an absconder than most of the federally elected officials of both parties yeah i you know we he is telling the truth and and this is not a apparently it's not a uh a parody account this is this is the way it is tiktok's latest contribution to american domestic trend quality is a video by a venezuelan illegal outlining his plan for invading a house in the united states and taking it from the owner quote i found out there is a there is a law that says if a house is not inhabited we we he says can seize it unquote naturally this went vibrant vibrant viral excuse me vagrant vagrant vagrant the young migrant may have a hutzpah but he's gamed out president biden's border abdication and crazy enough he's not wrong about his home invasion scam this part i read before squatters are moving into people's homes uninvited and once they're in they can be almost impossible to dislodge we saw this in new york last week when a del andalaro tried to rid the house she inherited from her parents of squatters by changing the locks the cops led her away in handcuffs the squatters could still make themselves at home it's happening all over in georgia paul callons found squatters had moved into his house and changed the locks while he was away caring for his sick wife in texas houston schoolteacher amberland praether and her family used a fake lease to occupy a houston home in california flash shelton retook his mother's house by moving in when the squatters were out and then claim squatters rights himself two squatters were arrested friday in connection with the murder of nadia vital after she confronted them in her late mother's apartment in in a manhattan apartment this month she just got back from spain she was getting the apartment ready after her mother died and she ran into these two uh these two thugs young thugs they killed her stole her uh s u v drove to pennsylvania wrecked the s u v and took credit cards to buy a new car they they have no they have no fear of anything eight four four five hundred forty two forty two denis you're next with how we car go ahead denis howie i read some where the leonell marino was um being sought by i don't know whether it's border patrol or immigration control but uh because he violated the terms of his presence here listen he's putting this stuff on tiktok is he using the cell phone uh account that he established in south america i dare say he is and he see and he has a connection which is not a surprise to catholic charities apparently according to the news accounts yeah that was the address he gave yeah i you know it these chat these NGOs non-governmental organizations are making fortunes off of this stuff after destroying the country this is like a you know injecting a toxin into into a society toxins into a society when trump talks about poisoning the blood i mean he's it's it's you know it's it's hyperbole i guess but you know he's talking about drugs fentanyl specifically but i mean this is this is destroying the whole country thanks uh thanks for the call denis eight four four five hundred forty two forty two uh in canada you need to be a citizen in canada to get anything free it's sad that it's like that in canada and here we're giving away everything free in america so i guess the line old marino had a uh point he couldn't get all the handouts he can get here and he gets he's gonna get a free house and all of his all of his amigos are going to get free houses i'm howie kar the holly car show returns after this the holly car show is back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two four one three what a laughing stock we've become even to the third world pitiful pitiful officer mark says rumor has that the remaining cockroaches in the portland motel six of unionized and cannot be evicted without arbitration i don't even think they buy they care about arbitration anymore the squatters this is why you would have to be insane to let the illegal aliens into your house you know whether whether there is guests like that couple in brook line or whether you're getting the thirty thousand dollars from the home base program you're never going to get them out they're going to be there forever at least until they decide to burn down your house as a part of a barbecue mike you're next with how we car go ahead mike yeah howie uh hl makin said democracy is the idea that people know what they want and deserve to get it good and hard good and hard i quoted that last week in mike column yeah i know good and hard oh i i don't read your column sorry maybe i should but um as long as they don't come up here in new hands you're howie i can't deal with it i don't care what happens in mass in new york stay there stay in the big cities this is like the fact i don't care what happens to these people that took 17 jabs you know what do your homework figure it out but get out of the cities and stop boating democrat i mean i don't care it doesn't bother me don't care they're going to drift north though that's the problem mike you know you you can't contain a virus and this is a this is and it spreads into the into the citizen population when they see everybody getting free to free everything including uh free passes to commit crime you can't have a you can't have a dual system where one group doesn't have to work and the other group does you where there's one group is held to the laws and the other group isn't i wish uh i wish that were the k i you know i wish we could just say you know i'm not gonna i'm not gonna take part in the uh in the destruction of america but which it's coming it's coming for us unfortunately no matter how much we try to hide we got to get we've got to get control control back of the country thanks for the call by the way we have a few uh a few of our cheap bastard deals left for uh nasa beach in it's a it's uh the great it's the only public lodging on the uh Cape Cod national seashore and it's a two hundred dollar gift certificate for a hundred bucks and you can use it anytime even during the season get as many as you want but there's fewer than ten left now so uh get them now before they're gone how we car show dot com click on store and uh last call for the nasa beach in gift certificates dan you're next with how we car go ahead dan hey how we thanks for taking the call you know uh once upon a time uh you know if you like push someone off a subway car in front of a train or if you killed a bunch of people or any of these other bunch of crimes that people are doing you were automatically assumed to be mentally ill and and uh and you were locked up because you were committing crimes if you want to be a do good or you could do good to them once they're locked up you know but i feel like the last people on the face of the earth that i want to be tickened and chosen who's mentally ill and who's not mentally ill is the government i mean that was like the big deal in nazi germany you know they started like locking up the criminal right saying that determining who's i know these these red flag laws you know when they want to take away people's guns i mean do you really want the government deciding this this kind of thing do you trust them do trust people who are going to be accusing you do not