The Howie Carr Radio Network

Trump's with the family of slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller. Biden's with Lizzo. | 3.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 2

The news is a tale of dueling images today. On one hand, you have President Trump outside the funeral of slain NYPD Officer Jonathan Diller, providing kind words to Diller's widow and family. On the other hand, you have Biden at a fundraiser with Obama, Clinton, Stephen Colbert, and Lizzo, to name a few.

Broadcast on:
28 Mar 2024
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If you want to throw down in vista can find I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waiting for you right here. It's very alarming that crime in the city is getting the stuff. Just don't feel safe rump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's how we car eight four four five hundred forty two forty two welcome to the how we car show we just introduced our latest cheap bastard deal for the nossing beach in and any store leans the only public lodging on the Cape Cod national seashore. While supplies last you can get a gift certificate to the nossed beach end valued at two hundred dollars for just one hundred dollars you can use it anytime any whether it's off season which is now and in the spring or whether it's in the summer you can also use the two hundred dollar gift certificates that you can get for one hundred dollars for anytime anytime of the year. And we have an unsolicited caller who wanted to talk about how great the nossing beach end is. Jeff you're next with how we car go ahead Jeff. Hey how we long time listener since 93 and obviously I've heard the ad for years. Last Thursday and Friday my wife had a very special birthday and we went down stayed in the sunrise cottage and our adult children came down and got regular rooms and we just had a fantastic time we had a place to sit in the in the cottage and watch the basketball games. Dave the owner came by the first afternoon we were there wanted to make sure we knew how to operate the fireplace that he gave us dinner recommendations and it just exceeded our expectations all of us. We're looking forward to going back and I just ordered another chiefastic deal a few minutes ago so oh that's great. I mean and say it exceeded what we expected. Thank you Jeff we really appreciate the call and Dave's a great guy isn't he? Absolutely yeah I felt like felt like we're a guest in his house more like we're at an Airbnb than you know than a hotel or an inn. It was just fantastic. Well listen thanks I'm glad you had a good time and I'm glad it was a fun occasion for everybody concerned and I'm glad you got some of the cheap bastard deals for today and again we have some left for the nossing beach end. These are $200 gift certificates for just $100 and you can use them at any time even at the height of the season and you can get a few and get a really good deal on a on a room. $200 gift certificates for a hundred bucks go to how we car how we car and click on store. 844-542-42 so Donald Trump was at the wake this afternoon on Long Island massive massive piqua for for slain New York City police officer Jonathan Diller. He he left behind a widow and a young toddler and he was 31 years old three years on the job and he was slain by these these these terrible terrible people. Let me just read you a little something about him. Guy Rivera that's the guy who's charged with shooting him. Previously spent 10 years in prison on various charges. This is news day or excuse me channel channel 11 including assault drug convictions and hate crime charges. The driver that's a guy named Jones has more than 20 priors including a gun charge from April 2023 according to mayor Eric Adams and so this is this is what Trump had to say outside the funeral home where the wake was taking place this afternoon cut 16 you have it cut 16. What happened is such a sad sad event such a horrible thing and it's happening all too often and we're just not going to let it happen we just can't 21 times arrested this thug and the person in the car with him was arrested many times and they don't learn because they don't respect they don't they're not given the respect the police are the greatest people we have there's nothing and there's nobody like them and this should never happen I just visited with a very beautiful wife that now doesn't have her husband Stephanie was just incredible their child brand new beautiful baby sitting there innocent as can be that doesn't know how his life has been changed but the diller family will you'll never be the same you can never be the same and we have to stop it we have to stop it we have to get back to law and order we have to do a lot of things differently because this is not working this is happening too often yeah so he's not he's not mentioning Biden or the democrats or it's he's just playing it right down the middle hand on it very well and that we have one more cut from President Trump cut 17 they're not given the respect the police are the greatest people we have there's nothing and there's nobody like them and this should never happen I just visited with a very beautiful wife that now doesn't have her husband Stephanie was I think that's the same one I guess the same cut we had I thought we had a I thought we had another one but maybe not eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two sources say that the police believe that the men were looking to rob a T-Mobile store in the area where the shooting happened they were just us you know getting ready to go in and that's when they were stopped in again they know in a bus stop they weren't a grey SUV when Diller told Rivera that's the shooter to step out of the vehicle Rivera then allegedly fired the gun hitting the cop below his bulletproof vest he also tried to shoot the the other officer Sasha Rosen but the gun jammed Diller's partner Rosen shot Rivera in the back before the injured Diller grab Rivera's car it was a they've got video of this it's it's pretty pretty horrifying video and it's just it's just outrageous and again these these guys shouldn't have been outside they shouldn't have been in the on the street none of these people should be and instead they're trying to they're trying to lock up Donald Trump on these on these nonsense charges and meanwhile the the the democrat honchos are they're not going to the wake they were told not to go to the wake by the by the NYPD Union but they're they're having a they're having a swell time this evening at Radio City Music Hall Midtown they're gonna they're gonna raise $25 million for Brandon it's an extra hundred thousand if you want your picture taken by Annie Leibowitz the the Rolling Stone photographer with with Brandon Clinton and Barack Obama and this this grieving family you know it's not they're they then I don't think they're invited to Radio City Music Hall for the for the festivities this evening 844 542 42 508 Trump called him a thug MSNBC will not be happy Johnny you're next with highway car go ahead Johnny yeah how we when I was a kid my cousin Bruce was murdered so I have absolutely zero regard for criminals like this but you know we have to change the argument we shouldn't call it a death penalty and since the liberals are so much into abortion we just call it a retroactive abortion these criminals should just be put down yeah but you know when was the last time a criminal was executed in New York State I remember in the I think in the 90s they actually passed a death penalty briefly when there was a Republican governor maybe Pataki and the the the uh the Democrat DAs in the counties where the actual murders were taken place like the Bronx refused to ask for the death penalty against their fellow Democrats so there there's I don't think there's been I can't I can't even remember the last time anyone was executed in in New York I haven't been alive since it since a anyone was executed in Massachusetts the last execution in Massachusetts was at the old Charlestown prison and I and I can't remember when that was open it was I think I think it closed before I was born and there were there were 24 executions last year in the U.S. I just read that but I keep I don't I don't recall too many of them very few of them as a matter of fact eight four four five hundred forty two forty two um and the uh eight oh two and the dirt bag who shot Deller Rivera was holding a shiv in an orifice that seems very normal yeah that's that is true that's uh that's definitely I I read that in in in several uh in in several accounts of what the what's going on eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two allergy season is just getting started and if you struggle with allergies you need the Eden pure thunderstorm 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to and use code how we bogo for the thunderstorm bogo deal hurry these bogo deals don't last long i'm how we car got a great cop story email it to police blotter at and listen to police blotter facts friday every friday at 5 30 your story could win you a great prize from the howie car show store today's poll question is brought to you by perfect smiles don't be fooled by imposters with similar names if you're unhappy with your smile you need to visit dr bruce houghton in national call 1 844 a perfect smile or visit perfect smiles dot com taylor what is the poll question what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at is sam bankman free just got 25 years in federal prison for stealing eight billion dollars how would you describe that sentence to harsh about right or should have gotten what bernie made of god life actually he got 150 years not but that's life right that's life that's what all the people say so i think he should have gotten life 84 percent say life 14 percent say it it's about right 2 percent say it's too harsh all right 774 says bpd officer roses killer recently arrested for the third time since his release from jail i saw that there was a story last weekend in the new york post even before uh officer diller was killed in cold blood by these thugs and queens and since since the last five years or so 41 cop killers have been released in new york state 41 murderers or you know maybe not convicted of murder but they killed cops and they've been released it's ridiculous and someone says technically you can they still have the death penalty in new york yeah technically but they they don't they don't use it i don't even think anybody has tried to seek a death sentence uh it not not since i can remember it's been at least 10 or 15 years 844 542 42 james you're next with how we car go ahead james yeah how in the new york there's no justice in new york you look even if these monsters that murdered off the filler get the death um the life sentence right now in new york they're in the process of releasing these two murder responses and jem and i quit i don't know if you ever heard of new part of roy de mayo's group he was yeah oh i did read that yeah roy de mayo was this guy he was like he was he he killed like dozens and dozens of people a hundred over 120 people and they were from mass speaking back i'm from mass and people that's where i grew up and those guys they were involved over 120 murders and dismemberments this jem and i clubbed him yep they were sentenced to life in 1980 and now they're getting up i'm 16 only like 19 years old when they meet 70 years old right so how is that a life sentence where's it trust us for the people that they kill no it's not and they have but they have pictures i i saw the you know i again i read the post every day and i saw pictures of this these guys when they were kids walking with roy de mayo and uh he he was a he was a vicious vicious hitman he worked with the the westies too in in manhattan the irish gang and he he did hits for the mafia too and uh and then he and then he started killing his own crew members james i mean they that's what happens with serial killers you know they they start killing people far away and then as as time goes on they just start killing people closer and closer to them yeah i agree why are these people being led out of prison and that's important remember they're serial killers they could be standing next to you and don't get going it's tomorrow morning i don't want that then right that's why i was used to call i you know they used to call uh mob mobster whitey bulger i call them a serial killer that's what he was he you know once you start you can't stop there was a there was a guy named piwi that killed a lot of people in south carolina he used to say i i was i'd be okay for a while and then then i'd get the the feeling the feeling and it started to start killing people again they said whitey used to kill people and then he'd go lie down like he was exhausted like it was almost a as a sexual thing that they the the people in the gang weeks and flemmy said this you know it's they're they're just sick they should never let those guys out i'd forgotten about those guys the jim and i twins the jim and i meaning that that that was the name of the club in brooklyn dave you're next with how we car go ahead dave howie if 41 cop killers were released the only conclusion you can draw is that whoever released them wants them out there killing cops again just like if illegally immigrants are swarming over the border and killing americans the only conclusion you could draw is that's what that's what is the desired result so i guess the battle lines are pretty much drawn wouldn't you say yeah i i would i would definitely say so i you want to hear you want to hear another sad story here about it about an illegal alien the uh it's in the federalist i put it in uh in how he's homework today alex this is midland texas alex wise jr would have turned 11 years old in may but he won't be at his birthday party this year he was uh he was he was killed by uh by an illegal alien he was he was uh crossing the street after after school and he was run over by a drunk mexican rheelio ortes olevas a 50 year old mexican who recrossed uh joe biden's open border he'd been deported five times at least five times he was read he was intoxicated at the time of the uh crash he fled the scene the illegal alien did after killing the young american but was later arrested after an officer at a traffic stop noticed his damaged truckhood bearing quote the impression of a skull the impression of a skull shouldn't have been in the united states of america his mother said her son's deaths could have been death could have been prevented if the united states had a better deportation and enforcement and border security good lord eight four four five hundred forty two forty two uh nothing can take away the pain his mother feels when she wakes up early to take her son to school only to remember he's not there it's been hard trying to get used to him not being here it's been really really difficult and there and again there's no need for it there was no need for any of this there's no need for this kid uh alex wise jr to be dead he was killed by a drunk illegal alien from mexico who had been deported five times and they let him back into the country biden and the democrats let this guy back into the country because it's part of the fundamental transformation of america eight four four five hundred forty two forty two nine one two we use the death penalty here in george last week lake and riley's killer would be a good follow-up yeah in about 30 years even in a state like george that uses the uh the death penalty it takes 25 30 years doesn't it in most cases i'm how we get live from the matthews brother studios eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two the texter says uh i can see i can hear it on uh dnc msd and c right now if only the nyp d had sent a uh social worker yeah there was another vicious slaying in new york city on monday today's thursday this was monday officer diller was slain in uh in queens and uh in east harlem manhattan a uh a guy just randomly pushed a a commuter onto the train tracks in uh and uh he had a troubled past and this is on uh hundred east one hundred and twenty fifth street in lexington half he had a troubled troubled past including a history of mental illness in a lengthy rap sheet and uh he they went tight he ran into yankie stadium and said he wanted to watch a game and there was no game going on and uh i there i mean this he's just they got the list of all of his crimes here and uh he was speaking incoherently when he ran past security at yankie stadium he has bipolar disorder and is off his medication he's been arrested for shoplifting and burglary is it van hadonia you know what he probably does they just haven't thought of that yet maybe including on september thirtieth when he was allegedly busted rifling through items in an office at the aqueduct racetrack an officer confronted him this the guy who threw through through somebody in front of a train in east harlem uh it confronted him and spray painted him but that didn't stop mcfierson from allegedly heading up to the roof jumping down to the lower roof and injuring his right leg possibly breaking it earlier that month september he allegedly lifted his sweater and flashed an imitation gun and in the elevator in a brooklin's brooklin macy's he allegedly snatched a hundred dollars this is in the same month from a business in bedstye brooklin in june he was nabbed for allegedly shoplifting nearly thirteen hundred dollars worth of items from king's plaza shopping center so this is what adam said mayor adam's again a democrat six cops platform token booth they were present but when you're dealing with a severe mental health crisis how about a severe criminal justice crisis or if you want to participate in criminal behavior this the mayor we have now reached a point where there's those that are so emboldened that they can keep doing their actions that the uniform no longer means anything bad guys no longer fear the police the mayor said they're emboldened to do whatever they want it do you bear any slight responsibility for this mayor does your party bear a much greater responsibility for this this emboldened criminal behavior now now there's a now there's a guy dead thrown that's a tough way to it's anyways a tough way to go when it's by violence but being thrown in front of a subway train the train tried to stop but the guy apparently according to witnesses this uh this this mentally disturbed bipolar disorder victim off his meds timed it perfectly so the guy had no choice uh 508 someone with a troubled past jumps in front of a train psychopath pushes someone else in front of a train uh very good 508 i agree mike you're next with how we car go ahead mike how yeah what i really worry about is we can both agree that Biden is by far i mean by far the worst president we've ever this country's ever seen yes yes i agree yeah so with that in mind how the heck i know there's there's a lot of TDS i i you know that deranged the syndrome but to be within just a few points on on in polling it's just it's astonishing to me blows my mind and it just makes me think that let's let the guy grows horns on up his head if he can do anything if he has a D next to his name they're gonna they're gonna vote for him regardless i i agree and you know i got i've gotten a couple of texts and they say and make me feel better uh you know the polls are tightening and but you know you got to remember that the poll that's being cited by state-run media is bloomberg bloomberg is uh not legit and and don't put too much trust in the polls i mean i don't i don't talk too much about the polls when he's when trumps up or or now when there's been a little bit of slippage i you know i i don't know the answer mike but all i know is that on the individual issues here he's uh he's he's he's a head on all of the significant issues because i mean how could you how could you do anything with biden i mean there's a there's another poll out today it's it's not a poll about the uh here it is uh more than half of the people in this poll this is from bright bar it's say they are actively struggling in biden's economy struggling respondents this is mcglaughlin and associates gave biden respondents gave him a negative job rating 56 percent to 42 percent who approve i agree though mike i mean how can 42 percent of the people in the united states approve of the job that biden's doing like i say if the gun sprouted horns it would it wouldn't totally shock me if he still received some of the vote because he has a d that's what's been you know yeah so i don't uh you know i i say we're in rough shape if that's how i know on the other hand you know in 1980 uh Carter who was a disastrously bad president and you know his his uh inflation numbers his misery index they they were uh they were the same as uh as bidens although bidens have been uh massaged by the new the new uh standards where they take out food and fuel and uh he was he was ahead until the last days in the polls mike you know and then people just said i can't i can't take anymore and you know again it's a different it's a different electorate you you've imported uh millions of people from the third world who uh you know a majority of whom are on welfare and light government dependents sadly so i i don't know if we'll be able to pull it out again i certainly hope so uh 781 says the polls are our fuzzy our fuzzy our fuzzy math yes they are fuzzy math Peggy you're next with how we car go ahead Peggy hi how are you kawi i'm first time caller thank you i just i just got a work and i hit my brother's name on the radio like i just heard a few days ago how it was on the news after 31 years um they have to stop throwing these criminals out in the street um this this criminal that killed my brother before that he murdered a pregnant woman a clerk at a at a variety store he murdered this woman he got five years in jail five years he got out of jail not shortly after that he was arrested for stealing a tv from a va he was in uh area a where my brother was on the desk asked for a phone call my brother gave him one worst time of his life as he this this at this guy got a first phone call didn't get through so my brother gave him a second but at that first phone call he noticed at that garage door on that and that police station was opened and that he was attempting uh an escape he ran my brother ran after him another cop ran in front of him my brother landed underneath this piece of you know what and got his gun and shot him to death this man got out again with a 30 year sentence he got out in 15 years they put him in a town that was near me and i told them they have to get him out of it because if i see him on the street i don't know what to do so they got him into Rhode Island and sure enough he steals again tried to run down two police officers he was in jail again got out and look what happens again this man is a man waiting to shoot and kill somebody do you get to do you get to testify at this at his next court appearance and just uh had just sort of i mean they know they have the record in front of them do you get to remind them in person well i would love to be able to go i know the last time he was on trial in Rhode Island the Boston police got a bus and they went out there um i know my now my son my brother Tommy his son now is a sergeant on the police force and um they're talking about getting something together um and this is insane i mean i watched those police officers in New York get jumped and they've slapped a hand and let them out i mean this is completely insane for our justice system letting these people out anytime they feel like it what what is wrong with the whole goddamn government it's do you want to talk to them do you want to talk to the heralds peggy and and tell her tell her tell the herald about the what the family feels about this have you spoken to anybody the press i did um fox 25 called me up i was on i didn't want to go on tv but i did give him a statement my niece my brother's daughter gave him a statement herald had a big part in it and putting it in the papers on the herald i think the globe did too but you know no matter what we say and we've said plenty over the years i mean 30 year 31 years later it's still i have to see my poor brother's name it you know it breaks my nieces and nephew's heart they they miss my knee my youngest niece she was five years old when my brother died she she has struggles with remembering him and all these people the cops that mike in in in and wave it that died i knew him that that's why he'll probably get out yeah yeah and it took two trials to convict him yes and he murdered that woman because she saw it right anything but that was not an accident he murdered both of them and he murdered he was she was standing in her window and he just fired through and killed it with the with the cop's gun chesna's gun chesna's gun yeah it's and the only reason and chesna chesna tried to give him a break by not shooting him chesna could be alive today if he had if he if he had you know exhibited restraint in not shooting at him when the guy picked up the the rock i remember when chesna went in the service i told him be careful when he came home he asked him what you want to do he said he wanted to be a cop i said god please watch your back no matter what and look what happened to him and if this is just caring people apart this stupid government they get to get by now the hell out of office they're gonna get trump in there and people are so stupid that they go by what the local news tells you because they're gagged it's just disgusting what's happening to my country i don't understand i don't understand why the judges have problems sentencing these people to a lot of time including including uh... s_p_f_ today sam bankman freed why would the judge only give him twenty five years when he stole eight billion dollars being you know he didn't kill anybody per se but he ruined a lot of lives he ruined lives of course he did and probably some people commit suicide over that kind of stuff this guy ruined everybody um the judges are under these judges i don't trust these judges yeah whoever appoints them it's all political let's go let's play yeah i mean it's the it's the governors that appoint them and they give they give money to the governors and then the governors appoint them like they like healy appointed or former girlfriend it's it's just about the money tell about the money they're all making money handle 207 000 a year a judge is getting in massachusetts it's 207 and they work 35 weeks a year that's a part-time job in my opinion exactly and so isn't the colleges i mean they're they're just rape in the god the citizens of this country they've got these imma illegals coming in god knows what they're planning i mean it's a wonder people are suspicious but the stupid i have to say stupid democrats who have their head in the sand because they're i mean hey you got to wait both sides yeah thank you thanks for the call you're a great caller and uh call again please and i'm sorry about your uh your brother obviously it's it's horrible and the fact that this guy gets i killed two people gets out and now he's tried to kill some more cops down on Rhode Island uh among other crimes it's just it's outrageous 844 542 42 i'm how we car the holly car show he's holly car 844 500 42 42 mike you're next with how we car go ahead mike howie how you doing good do you remember i gave you the uh blacked-on stick yeah a few years back remember when you were doing a little uh research there on uh Eddie Carne as in the rest of the gang there were the all right right the bulldog yes right right right right well this that's what happened to me three months ago i'm home at the house not far from where we met and it's 2 30 and a Saturday afternoon and i'm sick as a dog with the flow of cold water whatever you want to call it and my girlfriend's dad's screaming somebody's trying to break into the house somebody's trying to break into house 2 30 at a Saturday afternoon now i get up run upstairs going to the front door the sky screws he goes up the driveway i went back to the house and out to the driveway and he runs out the driveway when he sees me jumps into a white car and takes a hike all right so lo and behold i had the ring camera in front of the house and it catches the license plate to the car yeah so i go i go on the phone right away to qpd call them and hats off to quincy police department detectives had them with it two hours but this guy had previously before we got to my house a white picked my house i have no idea rob somebody at stop and shop a new portave and then got into an uber decided to try and break into my house and when he was confronted got into the over and screwed all right so they grabbed this guy on a Saturday afternoon at half two and they arrest him they hold him that old one day morning he gets the case continued out on bail and on personal recognizance this guy came from everything free in america and just did eight years in wall pull for manslaughter which means it was probably murder Tony plea bogging it down so then he was supposed to show up and caught signed all the witness impact statements and all that never showed up the chase is on now thank you mike morrissey the district attorney of norphic county another another uh sparkling moment in his criminal justice career mike well i i can't say anything bad there because they were very good at uh dealing with this guy but i just can't but they let him go i mean i i think what they do in in quincey especially they they uh the da's oh it's those judges those judges let him go but you know i mean couldn't they have put i mean the guy it's not so much he broke into your house but he's a guy who did eight years in wall pull for manslaughter and then he gets out and he's robbing places and numerous assault and batteries i couldn't believe it you know what uh what nation was he from what nation what's he from like uh begins with a p and ends with an a one-star state off the coast p begins with a p oh porta reek okay okay so he isn't a he's an american basically that he's an american okay i got it all right eight four four he's not from massachusetts let's put it that way thanks for the call mark uh we're out of time we'll take some more calls we come back we don't have time to uh give a uh give give a fair shot to anybody who's left on the on the line right now eight four four five hundred forty two forty two we still have a few uh nasa beach in cheap bastard deals left uh it's uh two hundred dollar gift certificate for a hundred bucks you can use these anytime including in uh in the summer season two hundred dollars for one hundred dollars go to how we talk show dot com and uh click on school i'm how we talk