The Howie Carr Radio Network

Arrogant, unkempt, mop-headed SBF just got 25 years | 3.28.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Sam Bankman-Fried is back in the news, this time for his sentencing. While many believe he deserved a sentence closer in length to Bernie Madoff's, he'll be in the clink for the next quarter of a century.

Broadcast on:
28 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24th to order years today go to Eden pure deals dot com and use code how we bogo better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie car show. The president is indicated. And I certainly agree that getting the cost of living down should be our number one economic priority. Easter is this weekend and many Americans will spend an average of close to 200 bucks per person for the holiday. Cancel we're canceling it live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. And we are taking the next step forward in our ongoing efforts to make our service even safer. I've experienced having his first hand on the train. And ensure New Yorkers feel safer. You can use in the fort. I don't think I miss what you think it means. We'll be publishing the impact and use policy for electromagnetic weapons detection systems. If you want to throw down the vista can find I've got Jack Johnson and Tom O'Leary waiting for you right here. It's very alarming that crime in the city is getting this stuff. Just don't feel safe. Rump swabs hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie Car. Welcome to the Howie Car Show. 844-542-844-542-42. It is a tale of dueling events today in New York City. President Trump is on Long Island and Massapequa at the wake for a murder New York City police officer, Jonathan Diller. He was shot down by two Democrat thugs on Monday night in Far Rock Awake, Queens at a traffic stop in cold blood. These guys have long, long records and so Trump is at the is at the wake right now and also today in New York City in Manhattan. Brandon is having a major fundraiser tonight at Radio City Music Hall Midtown and he's going to be joined by two other wretched Democrat presidents, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama and they're going to be 5,000 people and they will pay up to $250,000 according to the report. Some ducats. Are the rock cats going to open for them? I don't think the rock cats are going to be there. No, here are some of the people that are going to be performing, most of whom I don't even know who they are. Mindy Kaling. She's a comedian. Oh, can we put that in quotes? Media and comedian. She wrote a lot of the episodes of the office. Funny show. Ben Platt. Yeah, he's, I wouldn't say he's funny. You see an alleged comedian? I think he's an alleged actor. Oh, Cynthia Trevo. No idea. Liam Michelle. No idea. Lizzo. Queen Latifah. They will all perform. Oh, and Stephen Colbert will be there and he's going to moderate a discussion among the three statesmen. Princess, Princess Kate is not expected to attend. She still hasn't apologized for all the rotten stuff that he said. 774. Why would anyone pay to see those gas bags, Obama, Biden, Clinton, Blather on is beyond me. I agree. You can see it, though, apparently, if you if you could figure out how to order it on cable TV, it only costs 25 bucks. I think I'm going to watch the basketball games tonight, two ACC teams playing, including Caroline in the late game. But the traffic is already tied up to a fairly well in Manhattan. They put up the barricades at 7 a.m. this morning. Oh, and by the way, noted elderly lesbian photographer Annie Leibovitz is going to take photographs. If I think I read somewhere, I don't see it in front of me right now, but I heard somewhere this morning that if you spend $100,000, you can have your picture taken with the three presidents. Oh, oh, how exciting that is. So they're going to raise 25 million bucks. I think that's quite a it's quite a contrast, compare and contrast. Trump with a with with law enforcement in a middle class, working class, part of Long Island, Nassau County, at a funeral home of a cop. And it's a the guy was a it's a it's a it's a he's had a nice family that unions message to anti police Paul's this the front page of the New York Post today, I'm holding up for social media. You're not welcome at hero cops funeral. This is your fault. This is your fault. And it is it is their fault. All right, eight, four, four, 500, 42, 42, 508 says, when Taylor doesn't know you, you're definitely a D lister. Shouldn't they have to have some kind of identification though for some, and not Queen Latif, I guess, or Lizzo, but I mean, somebody's people need to be identified. I think for for those of us who you're right. I even if you peruse occasionally the gossip columns, you know, you may not know who these people are. But this is this is what it's all about now the beautiful people are all are all going chipping in big money. They're they're going to try to buy this election sway everybody with a mail in ballots and voter harvesting and scaring the bleep out everybody and canceling everybody who dares speak otherwise. It says that maybe things were better under Donald Trump. Look what they did to Ronna McDaniel. And she will not be the last one. No doubt about it. Eight, four, four, five hundred, 42, 42. Brandon is hosting all three crime families tonight. Wonder if the darlings of the Dem Law Fair system, James Bragg and Willis. Hey, how about Smith? The guy known as Jack Smith, the special prosecutor, I wonder if he'll be there tonight. By the way, is this is this like a meeting of these to call it in New York, the commission, the five families, the commission? So is this the commission meeting tonight at Radio City Musical? There's I don't I don't see any Marilyn Monroe types in the in the in the gathering in it. But of course, there's no JFK here either. Anyway, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty, two. We'll we'll give you what we'll give you more as I don't I don't think the president will be saying very much today. If President Trump will be saying very much, I haven't seen that he's said anything at all so far, but will if he if he does say anything when he comes out, it's one of those things you don't really if you're at a wake, you know, you know, campaign at a wake. It's it's it's it's bad form. I mean, I guess he was invited by the the county executive that's like the mayor of Nassau County as a Republican. And although it's it's sort of unclear, it's Caroline Levitt, who you know, well, obviously, she's the campaign spokesperson woman. She said President Trump is moved by the invitation to join NYPD officer Jonathan Villers family and colleagues as they deal with his senseless and tragic death. And as you also know, David Portenoy from Barstool Sports set up a fundraiser. And he said, you know, we'll go for 750,000. I'll match it. And so they they raised it very, very quickly. And he matched it. So they have a million and a half dollars they're going to give to the to the young widow and and and the toddler child. It's a very sad sad story that this guy would be killed. I mean, he was just the the car with the with the thugs. I don't I don't think these were illegal. They could be but one of them one of them has a has a traditional name. Let me put it that way. And the other one is named could go either way. But I think he's probably in a citizen. But they they were parked in a in a in a bus bus stop. And you know, the the the thinking they don't know for sure yet. But the thinking is that they were planning to rob somebody or it was a hit. They were going to take somebody out of another drug dealer or another, I don't know, thug of some sort. And so they just the the cops told the, you know, dealer got out of the car to tell him to move out of the bus stop because you're not allowed if you know how it is, you're not allowed to park in a bus stop. Even in even in, you know, crime devastated urban areas in 2024. And so they shot him. And that's that's what happened. 844 542 42 617 surprise. They didn't wheel Carter out of hospice for the event and picture. I'm sure they would have if they could have managed it. There's no doubt about it. They'll they'll do anything to to remain in power and continue the fundamental transformation, which is the fundamental destruction of America. 844 500 42 42 844 500 42 42. If you're like me, you need your sleep, not five or six hours. I'm talking about seven or eight blissful hours of uninterrupted sleep. And there's one thing that makes my night complete. And that's my pillows famous Giza dream sheets, the best sheets I've ever slept on so soft, so comfortable. 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Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844 a perfect smile or visit Taylor, what is the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is Sam Bankman free just got 25 years in federal prison for stealing 8 billion dollars. How would you describe that sentence? Too harsh about right or should have gotten what Bernie Madoff got? Life. Should have gotten what Bernie Madoff got? Life. 80% say should have gotten life. 17% say it's about right. 3% say it's too harsh. Too harsh? 8 billion dollars? He stole from, let's see, what does he say? Tens of thousands. He looted the accounts of what prosecutors called tens of thousands of people including in war torn and unstable nations who lost the nest eggs they entrusted to him. I'll read you the whole story about it. What I don't understand is the judge rips him. The feds wanted 50 to 60 years. But the thing is he gave, I don't know, the various accounts, 70 to 100 million dollars to Democrats. He was the second largest donor in the 2022 cycle after Soros who's now buying radio stations like WEI. And he said after 2022 that he was going to give a billion dollars to Democrats in this cycle, a billion dollars. So he gets what amounts to, I mean it's 25 years, obviously, it's not a wrist slap. You do the math. If he doesn't get a pardon for his yeoman-like services to the Democrat party and a pardon from Biden on the way out the door, he has to do over 20 years. So he'd be 53, 52, 53 when he got out. But still, I mean again, 8 billion dollars, 8 billion dollars, 844, so you have to do the feds. People are saying what is the bottom line? It's 85 times 25, which is about, just rounded off to 20 years. That's not enough. And would you be surprised if he gets a pardon? I wouldn't. Especially if Biden's defeated and he's pardoning himself and he's pardoning Hunter, why not pardon Samuel Bankman for he? Oh, and by the way he was, he has to pay 11 billion dollars in restitution, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, 8 billion dollars to the customers he ripped off, 1.7 billion to investors and 1.3 billion to lenders. But of course, no one's ever going to see a dime of that, not one dime. So let me just, well, we'll take a call here at two. People want to talk about the three presidents and all that. But I, his lawyer is a guy named Mark Mukhezi. I assume that's the son of the former attorney general under Bush Mukhezi. Mukhezi was a good attorney general, pre-smart guy. And his son has to make a living, I understand. Mukhezi said that Bankman Freeb cannot enjoy fancy and expensive. That's the phrase, quote, fancy and expensive things at all because he suffers from a condition known as, maybe you've heard of it, I never had, Anne Houdonia. Anne Houdonia. You ever heard of that, Taylor? Which one was this? This is Bankman Freeb's condition, according to his lawyer, Mark Mukhezi. Anne Houdonia, A-N-H-E-D-O-N-I-A. Celebrity or disease? It's a disease. Either way, I've never heard of them. It's, quote, characterized by a near complete absence of enjoyment, motivation, and interest. Oh. So it doesn't have a purpose in life. Well, he did have a purpose till he got caught, he was stealing money. I suggest woodworking, Sam. His mother, Stanford law professor Barbara Freed, also urged the judge to give her son a lighter sentence because he has, quote, exhibited behavior consistent with people on the autism spectrum. She said his failure to read social cues will put him in, quote, extreme danger, unquote, in prison. His mother warned. I genuinely fear for Sam's life in the typical prison environment. I'm telling you, he's going to end up in Massachusetts. He's going to end up at Devon's federal medical center, FMC, where the Saint was, Anthony Saint Laurent, the mob guy, public NMA number one, where Carlos danger was. All the scammers are in, are at the air. 844-542-774. Funny how these same people want to put DJT away for the rest of his life. Yeah. Isn't that funny? 781, SPF only getting 25 years is white privilege. Yes, it is. It's it's Democrat privilege, Democrat privilege. Billy, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Billy. Hello, are we? The three presidents are all getting together, right? Yes. Say we had a street. Let's say we had a street fight and throw Donald Trump in there. I bet you would whip their asses. I think I think in terms of public opinion, he is whipping their asses today. It's it, you know, and again, it's a tragic thing that the officer diller is dead, but it's better to be at the funeral than it is to be, you know, hobnomming with the beautiful people at in Midtown when when your your party's policies have created the the tragic murder of this officer. Lily, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Lily. Hello, howie. This is Lily. Could I have the voice changer, please? Sure. The witness protection program of the highway car show. No one will recognize you. Now, Lily, you can tell by by the fact that, you know, you can't recognize my voice. Go ahead. We haven't got much time. Make it quick. Okay, howie, howie, what I would like to see is I really think they should not give him prison. He's just going to ask to be transgendered and then he'll become a woman and then he'll work for free. I think they should have him work a manual real job, like as a plumber, as a tradesman in training. He'll pass out from the work and we'll save a few hundred million dollars. Would you would you Lily? Would you really want to entrust him with your clogged sink or your clogged toilet? Of course not, but he did a great job money laundering for the Democrats so he can clearly move excrement with ease. There's a difference between laundering and unplugging drains. Thanks. Thanks for the call, though, Lily. I don't think he's going to make much of his. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Ian Hidonia, A-N-H-E-D-O-N-I-A. Again, that's what Samuel Bankman Freed's lawyer says he has. I'm looking at the definition from the Cleveland Clinic. Ian Hidonia is the inability to experience joy or pleasure. In other words, it's like life. I mean, when you get right down to it, you may feel numb or less interested in things that you once enjoyed. It's a common symptom of many mental health conditions like depression. Treatment is available to help you regain interest in life's activities, like being around loved ones or listening to music. Then it says it can be a symptom of the following conditions. I'm only going to read these because it sounds like it's another version of long COVID. You can just blame it for anything. Is there anything Ian Hidonia can't do? It's a symptom of depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, substance use disorder, Parkinson's disease, traumatic brain injury, or post-traumatic stress disorder. So it can be anything. I guess that's why I picked it. It can be anything. It's a ticket to easy time. If there is such a thing as easy time when you're doing 25 years with 20 to serve, 844-500-4242. No one was really buying this except for the judge blasted him. He did it because he wanted to be a hugely, hugely, too hugely political influential person in this country. He knew it was wrong. He knew it was criminal. He regrets that he made a very bad, bad about the likelihood of being caught. But then he gave him half of what he could have given him. The Southern District of New York, Dems won it all, asked for 50 to 60 years. Maybe they knew the fix was in. 844-500-4242. Bankman Freed's mother, she's the one who said that he misses his social cues. She helped craft the strategic memo that guided the 2020 election strategy of the Democrats. She was the leader of the Democrat Super PAC Mind the Gap. Man, that's just it. They're all big Democrats. I'm going to just find out who Lewis Kaplan was. The judge was appointed by current FTX CEO John Ray. This is the guy who's trying to clean up the mess as best he can. He's the also the guy who was the CEO of Enron back in the day. So he has some experience in these kinds of multi-billion dollar scams. Before the sentencing, he issued a scathing rebuke of Bankman Freed saying the former CEO made callously and demonstrably false claims in his efforts to secure a lighter prison term. Ray said the harm caused by Bankman Freed is vast and his remorse is non-existent. Yeah, I would say eight billion dollars stolen from investors, most of whom were fairly, fairly small and young. He destroyed the life savings of thousands, if not tens of thousands of them. I would say, yeah, I would say that's vast. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, forty-two, duo seven says, "Inhedonia is a symptom of being in jail." Well put, I would say that is another symptom along with bipolar disorder and depression. Being in, being in Durant's vial, as they say, being in the can, being locked up, eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, eight, four, five hundred, forty-two. Have any of the celebs been reached for comment? Larry David, Shaq, Tom Brady, all these people that, you know, were appeared in his Super Bowl commercials. You know, people say, well they didn't get, they didn't really get any money. He just gave them some stock or some, some of the currency and the currency was all worthless anyway. So, so they got ripped off too. But still, I mean, they, they sucked people into this thing. They, I don't know if, you know, if they should be criminally liable. I tend to think they should be. Although, you know, it's, again, it's caveat emptor that that phrase we keep coming back to let the buyer beware. I mean, if you, if you're, if you're swayed to give up your hard-earned bucks because you saw this nitwit with, with unrule, an unruly mop of hair and an arrogant, entitled attitude appearing with Tom Brady and Shaq and Larry David, then, you know, you know, the old saying of fooling his money or are, are, are soon parted. He was also found guilty of the frauding FTX's lenders by sending them phony balance sheets and of lying to the company's investors. He earned roughly three billion from these schemes, three billion dollars. I mean, that's going to make him a little light in, in repaying 11 billion dollars, isn't it? I sense a deficit back of the envelope, eight billion. It looks like people are going to be out. Bankman Freed, who swapped out his unkempt look for a quaffed hairdo and suit and tie during the month long trial, took the stand in his own defense, which did not go well. He claimed more than 100 times that he could not recall details about his business. Again, this is Democrat, this is the Democrat playbook. Comey struck, clappa, Brennan. None of them can recall anything, right? Even now, Bankman Freed refuses to admit what he did is was wrong. Prosecutors wrote in a court filing earlier this month, the sentencing memo. His life in recent years has been one of unmatched greed and hubris of ambition and rationalization and courting risk and gambling repeatedly with other people's money. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. Can you hear me, Howie? Yes. Yeah, listen, I don't care what his condition is. I don't care if he has terminal cancer and his dying mother is going to die six weeks from now, and he should have gotten a hundred years. He's a piece of crap. I agree. The thing is, it's like they talk about, well, they've got to wave all the normal regulations to rebuild this bridge because it's so important. If you go over a bridge, it's the most important bridge in the world. You say, well, he only stole $50,000 from the average person. Well, if he stole $50,000 from you, it would be the biggest theft in the world. Wouldn't it, Bob? Right. I mean, look at all the people he screwed for what? So he could give money to Democrats. And by the way, they refuse to prosecute him for making all these illegal campaign contributions. I wonder why? Look, I mean, what is all this nonsense in our country? And this guy deserves no sympathy whatsoever. Right. I mean, nobody had any sympathy for Bernie Madoff, did they? And he stole a lot less than $8 billion. And he stole it from basically, you know, again, it doesn't make it right, but he stole it from a much higher income group of people than Sam Bankman Freed stole it from. And they got a lot of that money back. I don't think they're going to get much of this money back. It's gone. How many social security people were taken with for this savings? I don't know the answer to that. I don't know. But they say some of them were in these war-torn foreign countries. You know, they just, they just would see it on, you know, satellite or whatever, social media. And they just thought this is my way to get out of this mess that I find myself in. And he took advantage of them. I mean, how is this any different from Bernie Madoff or any other scam artist? Why is this guy getting off? And I just got to think it's because he's a beautiful person. Because he went to MIT. His parents were unmarried Stanford law professors, far leftists. You know, both big-time Democrats, his father worked for the fake Indian. And so he's now he's getting the pass. I mean, I can't call it a slap on the wrist. But does anybody really think he's going to do 20, 20 years served? I don't, I don't think there's any way. 844, 500, 42, 42, Nancy, you're next with how we car go ahead, Nancy. Hi, how we love your show. I think he's grasping at straws with getting a diagnosis. But I want to tell you that I have anhedonia. It is a real thing. But I'm not using it as an excuse to get out of working for a living or anything else. You take meds. It sounds like it's just a form of depression, Nancy. It's kind of like a symptom of depression. Like I would tell you that I'm not depressed anymore because I take medication. But I don't really feel joy either. It's kind of hard to just explain. But it is a real diagnosis. But it doesn't give you an excuse to use it to get out of going to jail. That's for sure. Right. Well, it sounds to me like Mukhesy. I'm sure he's a good lawyer and his father was a great lawyer and he was a good guy. But I'm sure they just were searching around for some kind of excuse, some kind of disease. You know, you can't take a blood test for anhedonia though, right, Nancy? So they can't prove that he doesn't have it. So they can just throw it out there. And you know, hope, it's a Hail Mary pass to the judge. And it obviously, I don't think it worked. Thanks for the call, Nancy. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. I'm Howie Carr. Howie will be right back after this short break. You're listening to the Howie Carr show. Oh, yeah. Sounds good to be true. Oh, no, it's real and it's a steal. You know, there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carr cheap bastard deal. Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. This is one of the listeners' favorites. It's the Knossett Beach and it's a great, great place. It's set on four acres in East Orleans Cape Cod, a stone's throw from the Atlantic Ocean and Knossett Beach and 6.8 miles from the captain's golf course. It's the only public lodging inside the Cape Cod National Seashore, the only lodging. Every room commands a superb view of the great outer beach in the ever-changing sea, a quaint lodging of peace and enjoyment relished the taste and the smell of the ocean air, the sound of the breaking surf and simply the best views on Cape Cod. While supplies last today at,, click on store. You can get a gift certificate to the Knossett Beach end valued at $200 for just $100. That's $100 off. Go to and click store to get your Knossett Beach end gift certificate before they sell out and they will sell out very quickly. We have people on the Cape who love the Knossett Beach end. They don't have that far to drive, but they want to go to the Knossett Beach end. With us now is the owner, operator of the Knossett Beach end, Dave Henshe. Dave, thanks for being with us and we love having you as a sponsor and we love the Knossett Beach end and it's just a fantastic place and I can't imagine a nicer place to be whatever season of the year. So tell us the upsides to the off season on the Cape and it is still the off season, is it not? It is the off season, but it's a beautiful off season. Things are turning green now already. There's a lovely surf outside today even though it's a rainy day and it's really cozy in the room with the fireplace burning. The outdoors is the upside. Howie, there's so many hiking trails and path by the beach and pass to the beach and up in the dunes and the highlands and province down and the national seashore and coast guard beach and the Knossett Lighthouse and the Chatham Lighthouse and Main Street and Chatham and Main Street Orleans and the little family restaurants that have the best food. It's just a great place and it's easy right now. This time of year it's easy to get dinner reservations among other things and tell us about the outdoor amenities because like you say the outdoors is really one of the keys to being at the Knossett beach in. What do you got? Well first of all we have a four acre lawn with beautiful views of the beach and we got these fantastic fire pits which we actually just upgraded again. How we got new burners and the flames are quite impressive. They're 500,000 BTU so it's kind of all season fire pits. We just can't light them on their wet of course. We have barbecues out on the lawn so you can save some money if you don't want to go out to dinner and have a beautiful ocean view from your room or out in the many picnic tables we have on the property. We have the sunrise cottage down there if you have a family it's a two bedroom, two bath cottage with its own private fire pits and outdoor decking spaces it's fabulous. It's the eastern most house in America besides Main so that's our claim the fame there. Really? Yeah it is. That's kind of a neat thing. I know it's funny but it's true. And you know if you sit out there at night and you know I was watching the space station come over the other night it's truly spectacular that 270 degrees of ocean view and big sky there. You know it just I don't can't say enough it's just it is a short drive to a vacation far away. It really is. Tell us about it. Tell us about inside. We you know people hear the spots but it's better if you tell them what's what's in each room each of the 12 rooms. Well you can kick back on your your two very comfortable rocking chairs next to the fireplace with a table in front of you to have dinner right in the eight-foot picture window looking at the ocean. You've got two very comfortable and very expensive queen beds. Lovely full bathroom coffee. Meaning two queen beds meaning if you got if you got young kids you can just put you and your spouse in one bed and put the kids in another bed and they're going to have plenty of room. I have pictures of my children when they're younger jumping on those beds having a great time. Exactly correct. Doing a little trampoline action there. It's just it's a perfect family place you're out there you know. You can bring Fido down too or Roscoe. Oh don't let's not forget the dogs of course. And I think there's eight residents dogs there tonight to tell you the truth. Eight dogs in 12 rooms that's pretty good. Yeah we only have eight dedicated room for the dogs and they're all sold out. Oh I see okay okay. Yeah so they couldn't take any more dogs out of the 12 rooms but the we have so if you know you always got to go go quickly to book your reservation at the Nossett beach and apparently if you have a pet you want to bring down you got a book even more quickly because you've only got a choice of two-thirds of the rooms to go into. Yeah there is a sixty-nine dollar charge for the pet zones just so you know. Okay and you have contactless check in and check out if people are still concerned about anything. Yeah people love that they show up in their keys already for them they go right in. They don't have to wait around for anybody check in deal with the billing or anything like that. You just walk in kick back and start enjoying your day. So what did now so what are the rates for April and May. Tell us the rates. Again you can go to right now and get your Nossett beach in gift certificate. $200 gift certificate for just $100. Now what is the what is the cost in April and May for week weekdays and week and weekends. Okay the weekends are pretty much sold out for April and most of May but the flat price is $249 and then go into $269 in May and we go up to $349 in June just so people know starting at that price. And these gift certificates are for any month right. Any time of year you combine three of them and get probably the best bargain for a summer night on Cape Cod if you want to do that if you buy three certificates from the Howie Car Show today. So it's so it's $249 for April $269 for May and then what is it for the summer for the end season. $349 and up Howie goes up to $500 in the summer. $349 and up. Dave Henshey look forward to seeing you when we get back. We love the Nossett beach end.