The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Joe Scarborough's latest meltdown plus Woke or Joke | 3.28.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

It's not a Thursday at the Grace Curley Show without a round of Woke or Joke! Taylor Cormier joins the show to present guest host Aaron Chadbourne and the listeners with a slew of headlines. It's up to the contestants to decide if they're real or fake.

Broadcast on:
28 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. We are back here on the Grace Curly Show. Holding down the fort while Grace is on spring break, I am Aaron Chadborn. Thank you so much for being with us today. We love having you with us. You'd like to join the conversation 844-500-4242. Is the number at the Grace Curly Show, or you can text in on the text line, text Curly to 617-213-1066. If you want to join the conversation, there's a split screen going on Fox News right now. You can see both Biden and Trump on their way to New York. Biden just touched down, Trump forced one on its way. They're there for very different reasons. Biden is there for a fundraiser that he's holding with former Presidents Obama and Clinton. He couldn't, I guess, he wasn't a big enough draw, so he's calling it a backup with Bill Clinton and Barack Obama having his back for fundraising, I guess. And then Donald Trump on his way to attend the wake of the fallen police officer who was shot in line of duty earlier this week after a traffic stop got a ride. So I think that shows you. It goes back to what I was saying the other day. During the bridge collapse, Biden came, made his remarks on TV, and then flew to go campaign in North Carolina. Same thing today. There's a fallen officer in New York City. Donald Trump goes to the funeral while Joe Biden is campaigning and raising cash. Kind of shows you what their priorities are. 844-542-42, the number here at the Grace Curly Show. Let's go to the phone lines and talk to Lisa. Lisa, welcome to the Grace Curly Show. Hey, Erin. I just wanted to, excuse me, real quick talk about the morning show on MSNBC. It's so ridiculous that Joe Brzezinski, with his five inch hair and his five inch glasses and his five brain cells, talked about how he and Mika are so much more superior than the people at Fox News. I mean, can you possibly imagine what he's saying? He's saying we're allowed to complain to our management and get what we want, but Fox is not. So what does that say about Fox and MSNBC and management? What do you think it says? He is ridiculous, as usual, and I don't know what irritates me more on TV than him. I don't know why. I think it's because he's a former Republican, but he don't say that to him. Don't say that to him. He hates it when people come up to him at the airport and say that, Lisa. Oh, my God. If I saw him in the airport, I probably would just walk away because I know I'd be arrested. No, he is ridiculous. He is awful. And he's hateful. And yes, Trump's not perfect. We all know that. He can be sociopathic and narcissistic like the rest of the presidents in the world in the history of America. But Joe Scarborough is just so angry. And so Nicole Wallace, same thing. And Michael Steele, he's nothing to me, but Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough really chase my, you know what? And I don't know why, but it's disgusting. They're disgusting to me. I'm sorry. Thanks for the call, Lisa. What? Okay. And I should apologize once again because I am subjecting people to hearing Joe Scarborough on the airlines. You might go out of your way, like Lisa does, to avoid him. And kind of like, was it the mayor of Baltimore? He went on CNN and said, please stop playing the bridge collapse because it's too traumatic. I think that must be what I'm doing here by playing Joe Scarborough. We're causing trauma, unintended. Desecration? Speaking of the mayor of Baltimore, we've been kind of paying attention to him. And, you know, his city, obviously undergoing a tragedy this week with the bridge collapse after the cargo ships slammed into the Francis Scott key bridge right near the port of Baltimore. But one thing that was interesting, he's lashing out at people who are talking about DEI and saying that people are DEI higher. Let's go ahead and hear a little bit more of what he had to say on, I think he was on MSNBC. Let's play cut six. Well, I think, listen, I know, and we all know, and you know very well, that black men and young black men in particular had been the boogeyman for those who are racist and think that only straight, wealthy white men should have us saying anything. We've been the boogeyman from them since the first day they brought us to this country. And what they mean by DEI, in my opinion, is duly elected incumbent. We know what they want to say, but they don't have the courage to say the inward and the fact that I don't believe in their untruthful and wrong ideology, and I am very proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from, scares them. Because me being at my position means that their way of thinking, their way of life, of being comfortable and suffering, and why everyone else suffers, is going to be at risk. And they should be afraid because that's my purpose in life. They say DEI because they don't have the courage. Is he saying that DEI is like saying the inward? Was that what he said, Jared? That was the, yeah, I believe that was the conclusion he made. I think the thing about DEI is it's become an orthodoxy. It's become a religion. It's become another way of undermining. Look, I think that having elected officials who are representative over their community, that's great. You should have people that represent the views and the culture and look like they're cool. And I think in Baltimore, I don't think anyone's saying the reason you have a black mayor, like, I think he was duly elected. I don't think, is there anyone that was saying that? I think, like, that's the thing. If you're attacking DEI, you're saying the inward? Like, no, that's ridiculous. I mean, I think, I just don't even know how to respond to that because that's where there's this disingenuousness about, like, first of all, I think most elected politicians are equally incompetent. Like, I don't think there's, like, a intelligence test to be mayor. And I'm not saying that people elected from different backgrounds are less intelligent than others. I think most people who choose to run for office and make a career out of it, they are themselves usually lacking in other talents and they make up for it. And I don't think the electorate does a great job filtering for that, right? People elect a lot of, look at George Santos. And this is not an attack on him because he's Latino or he's gay, or whatever he is. It's an attack on him because he's a fraudulent actor who was indicted. He's not a criminal yet, but he's going to be convicted, right? Like, we know. Because he did a lot of shady stuff. And no one dug into his background, though, because he used all these different things, whether he was talking about being a victim of the September 11 terror attacks and his family does. And his family dying there, which was false, whether he was talking about being Jewish. Like, I mean, people didn't dig in. They didn't look at the American electorate. You fail us when you elect unqualified people. And it has nothing to do with their background. It has nothing to do with their race or sexual orientation or any of it. Like, most of them are actually, and because why would someone in their right mind who has skills, who's marketable, who could do other things, subject themselves to being a politician? I mean, that's really what's at the heart of all of this. And so I don't think that we reserve criticism for people of one background or another. But to claim that any criticism of DEI orthodoxy is always going to be racially motivated and, like, no, we should be able to debate policy choices. You have to be able to debate what that means and what good is and what bad is. I mean, that was the issue with this whole DEI, like, trend that emerged in the wake of the George Floyd protests. The George Floyd protest really unlocked something that was deep in the conscious of people who felt that the system was rigged against them because of their race, because of their upbringing, because of their community. They felt like there was systemic racism, and they wanted to speak out about it or act out about it. And there were various ways of doing that. Some did it in a violent way, some did it in a peaceful way. There's a menu of ways to respond. The violent ones with destruction and looting are not okay. Let's have debate about it. That's what we should do. Let's debate it. Let's look at the facts. Let's look at policy choices. Let's make changes. But no, the violence, all of that, not okay. Secondly, you had this big reaction from companies that wanted to show that they were on the right side of history, maybe they had an employee base or a perceived reason or where they had some sort of, you know, they had their worried about. They've been trained and coached to think about their privilege and how they needed to respond. And so all of these, like, quote unquote, DEI policies were put in place, or companies hired a DEI officer or a DEI person in HR. But here's the thing. You can't just hire one person or set up a committee or have an officer and make a problem go away. If there is a real problem, you have to actually change the culture of your institution. If you are part of a company that treats people differently based on their race, based on their gender, based on their sexuality, if you're a company that does that, it's not just going to be hiring a person that's going to take care of that problem. You actually need your whole culture to change so that people are treated equally, are given opportunity based on their talent, based on their contribution, based on, I mean, that's what we should be focusing on. It's how do we create better culture that actually rewards people based on what they contribute. We want to care about merit. We want to care about opportunity. We want to reward hard work. And that's not what was happening. So you're seeing a lot of that undone. You're seeing a lot of people who have been hard working Americans that played by the rules that all of a sudden see this new, this new, almost kind of religious dogma that's put in place that usurps hard work and meritocracy. And there's this other reward system that's superimposed and that's rigged for a specific reason. That's where the tension is. That's where this comes from. And so to accuse it of being something else, I think is a disservice, first of all, to the people that are taking this seriously, but more importantly to the voters and to the American public. This is like what we're saying before about the defenders of democracy that always say that the only way to defend democracy and protect democracy is by taking away people's ability to vote for what they want. That's why you've got to take Trump off the ballot and ban him and imprison him and remove him. You can only defend democracy by giving people less choices, fewer choices. That's what people are saying here. The only way we can save it, the only way we can protect it, is by branding people and not letting them debate, not letting them, label all people racist if they even bring up the conversation about what's fair and how to implement it or where we have these problems. And these problems have been demonstrated in the airlines. We are seeing it play out in real time. And so I just think it's just disingenuous for the mayor to do that. But again, he's young. He's young. He's learning. He represents his community. He represents some point of view. But I think there are many ways that democracy fails us. We get terrible people that choose to run for office. They're not up for the jobs. You can see that clearly in the current president of the United States. I'm Aaron Chadborn. Filling in for Grace Curly. We'll be right back after this quick break. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. See, sometimes Jared, I just like the music. I don't like stepping in. It's just going to get you that peppy, like, upbeat. I need it on a rainy day. A little bit of a pizzazz. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. I'm your host, Aaron Chadborn. Filling in for Grace while she is off on spring break. Hopefully, some are with better weather than we have here. Is it rainy and crummy in Boston today? Yeah, it's just kind of dark and spitting rain, like, consistently. They're talking about potential Northeastern next week, too. That's not what we need. I know you guys got spared by the storm that we had up here in Maine. They're still restoring power to some homes that have this terrible ice storm. I'm ready to skip past spring and go straight to summer. I think it's going to be a long several weeks that we're doing it. It's also a long time waiting to figure out who Donald Trump is going to pick as his vice presidential running mate. R.K. Jr. named his. We know that we have the vice president straight out of central casting for Veep and Kamala Harris. But who's Trump going to pick? That is the topic of today's poll question. Today's poll question brought to you by J.J. Manning auctioneers. Whether residential, commercial, or land, J.J. Manning can get your property sold now. To learn more, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-0111 or J.J. With over 16,000 sales and satisfied clients, you can be the next one. All right, Jared DiGlio, what is today's poll question and what are the responses thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is who do you think Trump is going to pick for VP? Tulsi Gabbard, Kristi Noem, Mike Pence, Vivek, Ramaswami, Marco Rubio, Tim Scott, Elise Stefanik, or other? Okay, so here's how I get to this answer. I do it by process of elimination. I think that Trump's not going to pick someone because Trump likes the attention, right? He doesn't want anyone that's going to outshine him or upstage him. And so I think Vivek, I'm sorry, I think that takes you out of the running right there. And probably Kristi Noem, too, because she's actually good on her own. And maybe Tulsi Gabbard, I think she's just kind of a little other. But I think if you think any lessons from Mike Pence, which I mean, it is Trump. He could surprise us and pick Pence. But I think he wants someone kind of forgettable, kind of like a good supporting role. I think that takes out Rubio, too. Like I never took that seriously. And that lands me on someone like Tulsi Gabbard, but I think she's too much of a star. So I land on at least a final could be good. But I go with Tim Scott. Tim Scott is tied with other at 23% right now for the lead. 17% say Tulsi Gabbard, 14% for Kristi Noem, 8% each for Vivek and Rubio, 5% for at least the final can, 3% for Mike Pence. You know what we should have put on the list, Jared, is Aaron Rodgers. I was disappointed. I was disappointed that RFK Jr. floated him. He was just toying with us. And then he went with this woman that no one's ever heard of who I don't think is really going to impact anything at all whatsoever. But Aaron Rodgers, and that was my first reaction. I think I said it to you in Taylor. I said, oh, that means he's still available for Trump to pick. So he could surprise us. But again, this is where I think that Donald Trump doesn't want someone with like a big persona that's going to take away from him. I do think he's going to pick someone. So I don't think I don't think he's going to pick someone that's a celebrity in their own right. Someone with some Twitter followers or ex followers, truth followers, but not as many as Donald Trump. I think it's going to be it's going to be a smaller. And so I think Aaron Rodgers, probably not. Okay. You know, Ben Carson, I had thought about for a while, but I don't think Ben Carson would do it. So I think Tim Scott, I think Tim Scott still likely pick for him. And you can see that that Trump, when he's with Tim Scott. He likes kind of, you know, reminding Tim Scott that he's subordinate to Trump. And Scott goes along with it. He's just happy to be invited. Right? Like, do you get that sense that like Tim Scott is just happy to be anywhere. Yeah. And I just, the only thing about Tim Scott is I can only imagine the, the vitriol that would come from being Trump's VP from the MSNBC's, the CNN's and the leftists of the world. I mean, that would be. Like the same vitriol that they reserved for Clarence Thomas. Yeah. Yeah. No, I think you're right. I think that is, they would. They'd see it as like the biggest, um, uh, they'd see it as some sort of like, he'd, he'd be like branded a trader. It would be seen as defiant. Like they would hate it. I think maybe that's the reason to do it. Again, I said before I did like the idea, maybe earlier this week, I said, I like the idea of Tulsi Gabbard for the very reason that it would really bother Kamala Harris. I like the idea of Tim Scott for the same reason with all the other Democrats will make their heads explode. And I think they have it coming. So, um, I don't know, I'd like to see him pick, don't you think you should pick it sooner rather than later? I mean, maybe he's waiting to see because there's a long time. Once conventions convention this summer, I guess that's really when you have to announce it. So maybe it's in July. In July. That's a long way. So I think it's going to be a while. When these trials play out, whether there's a higher likelihood that vice president becomes president, I don't know. We'll see. We'll see what he what he does. All right. Well, we'll talk more about that. But when we come back, it's going to be woke or joke brought to you by a Viva Trotteria. So get ready, get your dialing fingers ready, eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. If you want to participate. Woker joke. When you come back on the Grace Curly show, my first time hosting Woker joke, I'm looking forward to it. I'm Aaron Chadburn in for Grace Curly, this rainy spring break where she is off. Woker joke sponsored by a Viva Trotteria. Why don't we come back live from the Viva Trotteria studio. Welcome back everyone. Aaron Chadburn in for Grace Curly is time to line up on the phone lines at eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Taylor Cormier has as the kids say entered the group chat, meaning he's in studio, which means it must be time for Woker joke. Something woke turns to **** okay, I started a joke, take care Woker's the word walk means all right. So Woker joke is brought to you by a Viva Trotteria, a gift card to a Viva Trotteria is the perfect gift for any occasion. Pick one up at any of their locations to find the near the one nearest you go to a Viva And if you want to participate in Woker joke, go ahead and call an now eight four four five hundred forty two forty two phone lines are starting to light up. Let's go first to Ed. Ed, welcome to the Grace Curly show. Are you ready for your headline Ed? You're doing a great job, Aaron, and yes, I'm ready. All right. Appreciate it. Go ahead, Taylor. All right, Ed. Here is your headline. Our urine unusual experiment tests whether human pee can help save forests. Whoa. It is woke. Not a joke, not a joke. This is based on a study that was done on a tiny wood mouse in Spain. The shrubs and pine trees of the Sierra Nevada give off several intriguing smells and a pungent odor as though they just emerged from an ammonia bath. They discovered it's urine from a lot of the forest animals. So they are seeing if a human urine can help contribute to the growth of the forests in that region. I had a feeling that one was going to be true. I always hope, Taylor, when I hear you read these, I'm sitting at home and I'm not hosting the show, I always am rooting for them to be a joke. And then you have these ones that are true, like they just they just can't help themselves. And there are many that are once jokes that do become true eventually. And that happens all the time here on Woker Jokes, something that we wrote months ago finally comes true. We are. These are the times. Do you then have to reach back out to the participants and let them know, like you were just ahead of your... Sorry. Your prize has been invalidated. Please return your Aviva Threateria gift card. ASAP. 844-542-42. Let's go next to Tony. Tony, you ready for your headline Tony? I'm ready. All right, Tony, here is your headline. Francis Scott Key's diary hints at his would-be stance on Palestine, and it's not good. I'm going to go with joke. That is a joke. Yes. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. I've seen it. I've seen it mentioned online though. Do you think when they rebuild the bridge, which Joe Biden says we're all going to pay for, do you think they're still going to name it after Francis Scott Key? I think they will keep it the Francis Scott Key bridge. I guess it's an historic bridge. The bridge is right next to Fort McHenry, which is the fort that the British fired upon, what was it, in 1813 or so. And that's how he came to write the Star Spangled Banner. I know, but we've been canceling our history, Taylor. You're more of an optimist than I am. I think they're going to change it. 844-542, if you want to participate in Woke or Joke, still some spots open, will go next to Joe. Joe, you ready for your Woke or Joke headline? Sure. Go ahead. All right, Joe. Here is your headline. Baltimore rapper debuts new song, "racist bridge befallen down." Woke. I'm sorry. We got you there. There's a joke. By the way, that was a joke. That's not true. But you wait in a couple of weeks. Somebody will have that single. We haven't heard any of the tracks off of Beyonce's country album, so it could be timely. Is it a whole album she's done, Country Style? I think so. I think she has collabs with Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson. This is the week for that tale. Interesting. I've heard that one song, the Texas Hold 'em song. I think it's called Country Carter. Is the name of the album? Is that her kid's name or something? Well, that's Jay Z's last name. It's Carter. So I think it'd be on Sunday almost Carter. Oh, it is? Yeah. Is he related to Aaron Carter? We'll have to have Emma back on to clear this up for you. 844-542-42. I mean, Emma did a good job laying out this whole P2D scandal, which I still am not able to follow. All I know is it's nothing good. All right, your turn on Wilker Joke, let's go to the phone lines and get Bob. Bob, are you ready for Wilker Joke? I was born ready. All right, Bob, here is your headline. U.S. Intel Agency wants to ban terms radical Islamists and jihadist because they're hurtful to Muslim Americans. That is woke. It is woke. That was an easy one. Not a joke. Not a joke. There are actually many more terms on this list, some of which we've heard before as being potentially harmful to somebody's mental well-being, jihadist and radical Islamists. Of course, that goes back to the Obama administration. He refused to say radical Islam or radical Muslim. And the top Intel agency is saying that these words are hurtful to Muslim Americans and detrimentally impact our efforts as they bolster extremist rhetoric, to which I say, then Joe Biden needs to stop saying MAGA extremists. But they also want to ban terms like blacklisted, cakewalk, brown bag, grandfathered, and sanity check. Cakewalk I have not heard before as part of theā€¦ Yeah, I'm curious about that. As part of these blacklisted terms. Brown bag, like what? Yeah, brown bag is another one. But cakewalk to go over that one first, well, actually, we'll do a brown bag. Brown bag, a term most often used to describe a paper bag that holds one's lunch. Oh, you brown bag in it today, Jim. Oh, you bet your wife's out of town. Ham and cheese sandwich. Actually refers to the brown bag test practices in the 20th century with the African American community, according to ODNI, which outlined these terms in an internal magazine produced by the agency's Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility. Cakewalk is said to refer to a dance performed by slaves for slave owners on plantation grounds. Is that true? Well, our intelligence agency says it is true, and we know that they're completely infallible. They'd never signed off on anything before that wasn't true. I'm glad they've got their priorities straight. All right. We've got time for another one. If anyone wants to call in 844-542-42, the thing is tailored, though, like this whole banning of things. Or even, you know, you heard the Baltimore mayor, he didn't want them to play the clip of the bridge. Like, are we that fragile as a people? I guess, I guess so. I don't know. People are just looking out for other people's sensibilities, I suppose. But I don't see the problem with replaying that footage. I mean, it was a news item. You've got the footage. It gets eyeballs. We all know if it leads, it leads, but it's something that happened. You can't undo it. You can't reverse time. So I don't see the issue with it. It's like seeing the, you know, on the anniversary of 9/11, seeing the towers come down. It's very painful to see, but it's definitely a reminder of where we are at this country, how far we've progressed or regressed, and how many more things we still have to work on. Maybe that'll keep things at top of mind as far as infrastructure integrity for the Biden administration. All right. So I've done some producer style digging on Cakewalk on the well-sourced Wikipedia. And according to Wikipedia, the Cakewalk was a dance developed from the prize walk held in the mid 19th century, generally I get togethers or slave plantations before and after emancipation in the Southern United States. So I guess there was an exhibition at the 1876 Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia, and it was later adopted by performers in minstrel shows. Was Cake ever involved? The dance contestants were awarded the Cake as a prize if they, so I guess that's... I've danced for Cake. That does not surprise me. I don't think that surprises anyone listening here. We're almost out of time for this segment. I'm going to take host prerogative. Give me one more. I want to, I want to take my hand at Woker Joe. Go ahead, Taylor. All right. Aaron, here is your headline. Trans... Hold on. Let me try this again. Oh, gosh. Transosaurus Rex Museum goes fact-free and LGBT. I'm going to say woke. It is woke, but not a joke, not a joke. This one comes with an asterisk. This was one of the first Woker joke headlines when the segment first began. I think I did something like Transosaurus Rex or something stupid like that. But yes, this is the Hastings Museum queer history and trail map that they have. It's like a brochure they've printed out, and they've outlined a few things. First pheasants, they claim that female pheasants change their sex when they stop laying eggs to turn their brown feathers into the brightly colored feathering typical of males. However, that is not true. Basically female pheasants go through basically menopause and their hair changes. Their feathers change color. And the Transosaurus Rex, for some reason, they included in this pamphlet that dinosaur footprints, a certain set of dinosaur footprints in a certain region, were discovered by an 11 year old boy who later grew up to be gay. So they felt that was necessary to include in their brochure of scientific and historic facts. And here I thought we should focus on teaching science and history. But who am I? A science denier. That's what you... This is the house of learning doctors. Well, this has been Woker joke brought to you by Aviva Trachuria. I think our audience did pretty well this week. You didn't get very many by them. No, I didn't. I didn't. Just one, I think. They're... They're wising up to you. Thanks to everyone for playing. When we come back, it's going to be Grace's Goody. She's not here, but we still got the good. So stay right here with us on The Grace Curly Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn, In for Grace. This is The Grace Curly Show. Grace is off today. I'm Aaron Chadborn, In for Grace, but have no fear, Grace's Goody's Musco on. Today, we have a special offer. While supplies last, you can get a gift certificate to Nossop Beach in, valued at $200 for just $100. Now, let's limit three certificates per customer, non-refundable. Good for any night. You go to, click on store, and joining us now to talk about the Nossop Beach in is Dave Henshey. Dave, welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Hey, Aaron. Good afternoon. How are you doing today? I'm doing so well. This is a great deal. It's kind of a two for one. Make your dollars go further, Dave. How are things going this spring at the Nossop Beach in? Well, it's actually been very busy. The month of March was completely full, which fantastic. In April, this is all booked out. All the weekends are gone going into May, of course, already. But there's still some rooms available, not much in school vacation week. But in May, there's a few rooms in going into June. More rooms are open until we get about a month before, and all the rooms sell out. The rooms in May started $2.69 a night, and they started $3.49 a night in June, and it's really the grass is green, the window boxes, all the tulips and whatnot are coming up. The surf is breaking nicely out there today. There's a couple surfers down the beach we can see from here, and it's just, even though it's kind of a cloudy day, it's kind of a nice outlook today. No. I mean, that's the thing, too, Dave. I tell people that spring is my least favorite time of year, which it is, and I'm up here in Maine, but it's a great time to go. Enjoy the ocean. You guys are steps away from the beach, and every room has a view of the sea, which I think people will enjoy. Yeah, spectacular view of the Atlantic Ocean. It's truly one of a kind. 270 degrees of ocean view here is wonderful to sit outside at night by the fire pit and watch the space station come over. You know, it's just, it's really a special and wonderful experience. There's also, the spring is also great here for hiking and walking around. It's just great. You can get out on the bike path, too, starting May 1st on the trail, bike rentals over in Brewster open. We have a deal with them this year. If you're staying at the Nossa beach and you'll be able to get a couple rental bikes for free, actually, and go ahead and enjoy the Cape Cod Rail Trail, too, as part of your experience here at the Nossa Beach Inn. No, I think it's a great way to stay active, and the other thing I love that, we talk about it on the show. The Nossa Beach Inn is also a pet-friendly place to stay, which I think matters a lot, because a lot of times people don't go on vacation, because they're worried about who's going to take care of their pets while they travel. Yeah, that's very true, and you know, it's really nice, because this is a pet friend in the area. One thing, though, Nossa Beach itself, as of April 1st, they start protecting the piping flovers. So, there's lots of other places to walk the dogs on the beach around, but Nossa Beach itself, you can't just take your dog down the beach like you can in the winter here. And that's just the... I think it's a federal law, so they keep the dogs off the beach, so all the birds are nesting, of course. Yeah, I'm sure it's part of the Endangered Species Act, and one of the things I do appreciate, and I love having you on here with Grays, or listening to you with Howie, because sometimes when you go to an establishment, if you're a conservative, if you tend to vote a certain way, you get nervous about which establishments you're supporting. And I think, you know, people can feel comfortable when they go to Nossa Beach, and that they know where their money's being spent, and that's not always the case in Cape Cod. So Dave, really appreciate that it's a welcoming place for people all over the ideological spectrum. Yeah, we welcome everybody in the, you know, the fire pits at night are quite social. People tend to bring their igloo coolers out there, and meet all sorts of different people from, frankly, all around the country, and actually some European visitors, too, come in the summer. It's really, it's kind of a melting pot, and it's a lot of fun, and, you know, it's just, it's like an old-style vacation used to be when we were younger, when you go to kind of a cottage colony. We got four rakers up here, we've only got 12 rooms in a cottage, there's lots of room to spread out, throw the frisbee around, fly a kite, the kids kicked the ball around, you know, play some bean bag or whatever, it's just, it's nice, and you can barbecue out here, save a fortune for the family, instead of going out to dinner, it's just, you couldn't find a better view to have a place to have a meal and a good time with your family than a Nossa Beach Inn. Well, that's the thing, it's to have that, you know, that really the quality time that everyone wants to get back, and it's quality of time around the fire, by the beach, on the bikes like you mentioned, it's a great, and that's where you really create memories, and those are the types of vacations that you tend to remember into adulthood, if you're a kid, and so it's really a great, great way to go, and the deal right now, which as we said, Grace is good, he's well supplies last, you can get a gift certificate to Nossa Beach Inn, you pay $100, but the gift certificate is for $200, so you're really getting a two for one kind of approach, now limit three per customer, but I think it's a great deal, Dave. He really is, and you know, if you buy it correctly, of course, you get really quite a bargain on a room, and the certificates are good for any time of the year, you can even use them in the highest summer, where unfortunately, you know, we have market prices in the summer, they're not, you know, crazy market prices, but they're equal with everybody else down here, and it's really something to see, it's something to enjoy, and if you come once, you always come back, it truly is a short drive to a vacation far away down here. Dave Henshey from the Nossa Beach Inn, thanks so much for joining us, really appreciating you having with us. All right, thank you very much, and you enjoy your day, I love in the show, by the way, thank you. Oh, appreciate it, Grace leaves big shoes to fill, but if you want to take advantage of Grace's goodies, go to, click on store, and you can find the gift certificate to Nossa Beach Inn, again, for $100, you get a gift certificate valued at $200, limit three per person. When we come back, we'll take more of your calls, get back into the today's top stories, 844-542-42. You are listening to the Grace Curley show, we've got Grace's goodies, we've got Walker Joke, we're keeping you entertained while Grace is on spring break. I'm Aaron Chadborn in for Grace Curley, and we'll be right back after this. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)