Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: James talks about RFK Jr. and his VP selection

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29 Mar 2024
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Hey guys, it is Ryan. I'm not sure if you know this about me, but I'm a bit of a fun, fanatic when I can. I like to work, but I like fun, too. It's a thing. And now the truth is out there. I can tell you about my favorite place to have fun. Shumbah Casino. They have hundreds of social casino style games to choose from with new games released each week. You can play for free anytime, anywhere. And each day brings a new chance to collect daily bonuses. So join me in the fun. Sign up now at chumbah casino dot com. No purchase necessary thing. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T Harris. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. So happy to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly today. And I have to tell you, things are getting very exciting out there. I'm talking about politically. We have a third party candidate that has hit the ground running. I'm talking about our FK junior, of course. He made his big announcement earlier in the week who his vice president running was going to be. Now I have to tell you, as a son of Wisconsin, I was really hoping that Aaron Rodgers was going to make the cut. I also would have been very happy with Jesse Ventura, too. I mean, that would have bring, you know, the wrestling element to the politics, which is already, you know, all star wrestling WWE. Yes, that's what it is. It's a show. It's all a show. And I have to give our FK junior credit. He got everybody talking. He got people mad. Oh, he's not serious. He's going to bring in a football player, a Hall of Famer on the first ballot for gosh sakes. And then, you know, you have Ventura. Well, of course he did make it into politics, right? The governor of Minnesota, but, but this can't be serious, can it? Still, all the while, you had Democrats were very, very nervous. Why? Because Kennedy is a brand name. We're talking Camelot, man. This guy is from this from the quintessential Democrat, the ones that everyone used to swoon over, of course. This is not your father's or your grandfather's Democrat party. So much has changed since JFK and RFK, you know, these two Kennedys, which were, they were assassinated. And you had genuine mourning going on in this country. I suspect if we had an American president be assassinated today, we would not have, you know, mourning. We would not have the whole country wearing black and being quiet, especially if it's president Trump. Half of the country would be in celebration. That's how far we have come. But our FK junior is from that stock. Even though the Kennedy family has rejected him, even though the media has painted him out as some kind of cook, especially when it comes to his stance on vaccines. This week, you had RFK junior decide that Nicole Shanahan was going to be the woman that's going to get him over the top. And why? Because Nicole Shanahan is a gazillionaire. Well, at least a billionaire. And she's willing to put her money where her mouth is, where her beliefs are. And I have to tell you, I'm not mad. I'm not mad at her. She is a far left wing individual. She was behind the Super Bowl commercial that the Kennedy family got upset about because it was showing images, you know, of RFK. I'm sorry, of JFK and, you know, and Robert Kennedy. They didn't like that. They didn't like that at all. But it was funded by Nicole Shanahan. Nicole Shanahan also promised that she was going to get RFK junior on every ballot in the country. And that's what triggered the Democrats. Oh, yeah. Because they know that with this pick, he's going to be peeling away from the left from the Democrats. Will he peel from the from Republicans? Well, I'm sure I'm sure there's some never Trumpers. There's a some Republicans with a Trump derangement syndrome that may mosey on over there. But he's not going to peel anything from the base. Whereas with RFK junior and Nicole Shanahan, that sounds kind of nice, doesn't it? Kennedy Shanahan 2024. He's going to be pulling from the Democrat base. He's going to be pulling from the Bernie Sanders crowd. He's going to be pulling from the AOC crowd. You can just see it. You can just see it. And this is the quandary that the Democrats have put themselves in. Why? Why? Because Bernie should have been their candidate in 2016. And Bernie should have been their candidate in 2020. No, they cut a deal. Bernie got a couple of, uh, you know, uh, but Lakeside homes out of that deal in 2016 here at Bernie. And we know you're a socialist, a communist really, but take this money, take this land, take these homes and go away. And he did. And Hillary Clinton still lost. Well, that freaked the Democrats out in 2020 when Bernie Sanders once again was running away with it. Do you remember? Hey, you had to cut all kinds of deals. They had to give mayor Pete booty gig, you know, a promise that he's going to be in the cabinet. That got him out of the race. They had already dismissed a vice president of Kamala Harris. Actually, as a matter of fact, vice president Kamala Harris had already dropped out of the race by the time they got to South Carolina. Cause that's just how ridiculously pitiful she was. But my goodness, they had to have Joe Biden. So they cut a deal with Clyburn over there in South Carolina. And they were able to gin up the black vote and black folks came out in droves and they rescued Joe Biden. And he became the comeback kid. And he just, he surged his way through COVID, through, through rallies in which three people stood in circles that were six feet apart. He rarely as ballots were dropped off in the middle of the night. You know what? I better stop saying that because I understand that the feds are starting to come down on people who still tell the truth about the 2020 elections. How male in ballots changed the whole game. Yes. Yes. But they, but now they got a problem because they ignored the fact of 2016 and in 2020 that their party had become uber left, that their party had become socialist. The socialist are running the joint in the Democrat party. You don't believe me? Just look at the, the pro Palestinian, Palestinian protests that are going on. They are disrupting everything. Wait a minute. They disrupt the Biden getting to the state of the union on time. But are you seeing them getting arrested rounded up? No. Are you seeing big pushback from the Democrat party against these, these Palestinian erratic coasts? No, you're not. As a matter of fact, you had a hecklery. What was yesterday you had Biden getting heckled. He said, Hey, you know, let them talk. Give them time. They have a point. Absolutely PO in Israel, but he don't care about Israel. He's about to lose his base. He has to do something to placate all of the Muslims over there in Michigan who are just when we're not voting for this man. Oh, this is interesting. And if that wasn't bad enough, then you've got our FK junior pulling this uber socialist and putting her on the ticket because she has billions of dollars to spend on the vision. Oh, man. Hey, swipe our question. All of these, these are very wealthy women who are spending money and all of these wacka doodle left wing policies. He's spending money, just crazy, gender transformation, you know, food. Why don't anyone ever point out the fact that these women have this money because of divorce? They didn't earn this money. They didn't start a business. They just started business like Google. They didn't start a business. What was that that Bill Gates get Microsoft? Bezos, Bezos with Amazon and all that kind of stuff. Yeah, these women divorced their husband and walked away with billions of dollars that they could throw at left wing causes. Yes, I said it, James, that's sexist. No, it's not. It's the truth. And that's why we've got Kennedy kidding. You know, God bless him. She believes she believes Nicole Shanahan is a believer and she believes in RFK Jr's vision. And that is freaking the left out. That's freaking the Democrats out. Why? Because they got nothing like that. Wait a minute. The closest they have to that is is Kamala Harris. She's proven to be a joke. Her numbers are lower than Joe Biden's and he has dementia. You can't make this up. You can't make this up. And now what do we have? We have the left realizing that they've got nothing. So they can't, you know, they couldn't play fair. They couldn't have a primary. They couldn't duke it out. They were heavily invested in Joe Biden. So they got a stamp. This is their pony. James, they're gonna make a change at the convention. No, they're not. I don't think so anymore. That no, that should have happened a long time ago. They're in. This is their pony. And it's broken down. Coming up next, we're going to hear how the left is freaking out. And instead of talking about Biden's policies, they're trying to tear down rip apart RFK Jr. RFK Jr is the new Donald J. Trump James T. Harris said again for the Jesse Kelly show. You're listening to the Jesse Kelly. The Democrats chickens have come home to roast. James T. Harris said again for Jesse Kelly. Yes, we're talking about RFK Jr. You know, I saw I had an opportunity to see RFK Jr speak live. It was in Memphis, Tennessee last year. And you know, he was compelling. He, you know, he has some ideas, some of which I agree with. Many, I do not. But hey, it's America, right? If you want to throw your hat into the ring, you should be able to do it. You know, we compete in the arena of ideas, right? Well, that's what we used to. That's what we used to do. At least that's what we used to believe. But something happened in 2000 when, uh, when a Al Gore lost on them hanging chats. That's when the left lost their mind. I believe that's when it started. They went crazy. And from that point on, it was all about winning at any cost. Now you've got the Democrats backed into a corner because for the last last two lecture cycles, they have swung. I mean, heavily to the left, they've swung socialist and they don't have a decent socialist candidate. This go around. They realize that they gave Bernie Sanders a 2016 he gets smoked in 2020. I don't know. I don't know. He probably still would have got smoked because America is not a socialist country. So that's why they put all of their chips on the old Joe Biden. But you know, some people, those true idealists when they're idealist, that's what they are. Now, now the one thing that the Democrat party does have, they have a very powerful media and the media is no longer about reporting the news. Now the media is about propaganda. We saw that this week when NBC tried to hire Arona McDaniel and we saw all the talking heads over at MSNBC. Just just just flipped their wig. You had the the insane asylum going off on the institution on on the administration. And they weren't. So basically, you know, if you are a Trump supporting conservative, you have been barred from MSNBC. Oh, no, you've been censored. Don't know why you want to go over there and first place. I don't even know why, why, you know, Ronald McDaniel wanted to go over the NBC. I kind of do, but you know, at least she got that check. She only worked for like about three or four days. I hope she had that in her contract. But I digress. No, we are watching the left absolutely become apoplectic because of our FK junior. They are now making threats. They're saying that this is crazy. They're saying that he is going to lose this, this campaign. He's going to lose the White House for Biden. Third parties, they're like cockroaches in the kitchen. Okay, it's not what they carry off that upset you. It's what they fall into and foul up. Okay, Bobby Kennedy could fall into every swing state and foul it up for for Joe Biden. This is the one of the biggest threats to Joe Biden being reelected. I do worry that Bobby just taking some percentage of votes from Biden could shift the election and lead to Trump's election. Yeah, absolutely. We believe it. Yeah, that very well could happen. I think he's only on the handful of states right now. But like I said, that new VP pick up his Nicole Shanahan, she said it is her goal and it is her mission. She's a determined woman. She has had some major successes in her life. I'm not, you know, besmirching her at all. She's a formidable woman. She's using an American success story. She's setting her sights on getting him on all the ballots. And so yes, Paul Bagala was right. I mean, he can get in there and stink up everything in these states. Things are so bad. You even had the gals on the view losing their mind over RFK Jr. Having a really leftist VP talking about getting on all the ballots. No labels party to offer centralist alternatives to major party candidates. No label does not have a candidate in the 2024 race. But the third party candidate people seem to be talking about right now is Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Accordingly, you know, people are saying, oh, the Democrats are going to, he's going to take votes from Biden and a lot of Republicans are pushing that narrative to. But I'm not sure that that's so, but I'll ask you all, what do you think of this third party situation or possibility? Well, I also just want to say some love and well wishes to the Lieberman family who somebody I greatly admired in politics. And I think it feels like the end of an era of centrism is kind of prioritized working across the aisle. I feel like we so often demonize moderation in this current era. So you will be missed. But on this third party, RFK has to be taken seriously. Even though I think his beliefs are out there, there's some of them are very dangerous, some of the anti-vaxigements. But he has money, he's organizing, he is on the ballot and a number of key battleground states, including Nevada, two battleground states. But we know this, we know it from 2016. Jill Stein alone was enough to keep Hillary Clinton from winning in Michigan and changed the force of the election. I think it's an open question who he takes more votes from. And you see kind of people pointing fingers right now. Trump world is saying he's a left-wing liberal so that right-wingers, Democrats are also organizing and they've hired some smart operatives to start challenging him on the left. I think it's very much an open question. Trump's trying to reverse that. Not just challenge him, they're trying to take him out. Oh, absolutely. Well, they're the challenge him. Oh, they've got hit teams all set up and you know this because we've seen what they've been doing to Donald Trump for the last few years. I like how we had to, you know, the commentary. Yes, we did lose Joe Lieberman. And yes, he was a centrist. But even back in the day, he was giving Democrats headaches as he was talking about, you know, maybe switching parties as he was talking about reaching across the aisle. Wasn't Lieberman the equivalent of John McCain, the Democrats, John McCain, you know, Maverick reaching across the aisle? Yes. Yes. But they're starting to lose it and they have good reason to. The analysis here is pretty strong. He's going to take away votes for the Democrats and they can't have that. James T. Harris, sit again for the Jesse Kelly show. Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk show host on a Phoenix Arizona mine show. The conservative circles can be heard Monday through Friday, six to 10 a.m. on your I heart radio app. But we're in a K and S T in Tucson and K FYI in Phoenix. I just want to touch on one sentiment that was shared on the view. It was by Joy Behar. Joy. She has so much joy in her heart and her soul, but she's very, very frustrated. And I think she's speaking on behalf of a lot of Democrats today. Democrats. I mean, all you had to do in order for them to really achieve their goal of a permanent rule. They just have to get old banjo across the finish line one more time. They, they, they did it the first time. And here's the deal. They own the deep state. They own the media. How could it be that a Donald Trump is still standing more on that later? How can it be that you actually have Democrats talking about somebody different than Joe Biden and, and in Kamala Harris? I mean, I mean, don't these people understand don't the, the RFK juniors of the world understand what they are doing by getting involved in this race? She'll eat her Trump. Somebody asked him, why are you doing this? Why do you want to destroy the election and hand it to Trump if possible? Yeah, but I mean, he has taken his Kennedy, his, his forefathers are rolling over in their graves with this. His own family is telling, but a lot of people, we already have one clown in the race. Do we need two of them? Oh man, you asked. We already have one. He's a clown now. He's a clown. Why? Because he has a vision of America and he checked all the boxes. He decided to jump into the race. Isn't it amazing? How the left has now become the party of control. See, at first they wanted to be the party where you have a half the nation dependent upon them. That's not enough now. Now there were a lot of people are figuring out, we don't like being dependent on the Democrats. The Democrats will replace you in a heartbeat. And notice they're not talking about that at all. Why does somebody want to come in and upset the apple cart? Why? Why would you do that? JFK's family Camelot must be rolling in their grave. He's a clown, says Joy Behar, but he's not. He's an American exercising his, his rights, whether they be right or wrong. Meanwhile, notice how the mainstream media is absolutely missing the biggest story of the century. And what is that? That the biggest migration in the history of mankind is underway right now. Have you heard the invasion being put, put, put like that? Described as that? That's what it is. In the history of mankind, we have never had this type of mass migration, people coming from all over the planet to the United States of America. Hold on. People from all over the world coming through basically four states where there no longer is a border and they're coming by the millions. And those people are bringing all of their third world problems with them. They're also bringing crime. They're bringing violence. And you know, we are all familiar now with, uh, with Lake and Riley. Lake and Riley, of course, young woman who was brutally killed by a illegal alien. Oh, by the way, the latest polls are out. And it shows that a disproportionate number of Americans are absolutely fine with the term illegal alien, which means, uh, newcomers and dreamers and migrants is being rejected by the American people. I don't see the gals on a view talking about that. They're talking about the game show. They're talking about, you know, you know, the wrestling, they're, they're talking about, yeah, how could he do this? Here's what they ought to be talking about. How can our borders be so wide open? How can, how can the Democrats stand by as America citizens are being displaced and are being killed? We know about Lake and Riley. Have you heard about Ruby Garcia? Ruby Garcia was murdered by an illegal alien. Check this out. The illegal alien that killed Ruby Garcia was deported by Donald J. Trump. The Trump administration deported this individual, but he walked back into the country under Biden's open border policies. And what did he do? He killed this young woman, Ruby Garcia. She was known to him. As I read, he shot her in her car, dragged her out of the out and then drove over it. Where's the media on this? I mean, the outcry over Lake and Riley made she wish some peace was so severe that, uh, that they had to respond to it. The Biden White House had to respond to it. I don't think they ever called her parents or anything like that, but they had to remember when Marjorie Taylor Greene, you know, a punk Joe Biden during the state of the union address got him off that prompter and then all of a sudden he started talking about illegal aliens and all of the left were like, what did he say? No concern over the murdered Lake and Riley. No, they're upset that Biden used the term illegal alien the very next day Biden was on television, apologizing to the murderous illegal alien for calling him an illegal alien should have been a migrant. That's all they care about. But nobody's talking about Ruby Garcia. I wonder why maybe it doesn't fit the demographic. Ruby Garcia was a Hispanic girl, 25 years old. Maybe it doesn't fit the narrative because she was not of not the right demographic. And I don't mean anything against Lake and Riley, not at all. She deserved all of the attention that she got and more. She deserved for ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, all the B talking about the story. But she didn't get that. Ruby Garcia didn't even get any of that. She's not a she's not on the front headline. She's not being talked about. People are not saying to remember her name. Why? Is it because the media only really you're reports if if an American of European to send a beautiful white woman is is killed or or the only report if a person of color is killed by the police. That's a sensational story. But the rest of us that are being slaughtered, beaten, raped, robbed. It's not news material. The illegal that killed Ruby Garcia has a rap. She is long as my arm should have been in jail. Oh, they reached out to Governor Whitmer. Michigan's governor Whitmer. She has not responded. She has a responded to media. She hasn't called the family. Nothing. And I am telling you, this is what America is concerned about. All the media may not be talking about it. And Ruby Garcia, she's just the latest victim of Biden's open border policy. Yes. Joe Biden and the Democrats that support this policy, they got blood on their hands. They don't care. But if you care, you need to be telling your friends, your family to get to the polls and do the best you can to overwhelm whatever they got planned to keep these asshaps in office. My name is James C. Harris. Sit again for the Jesse Kelly show. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk shows out of Phoenix, Arizona. If you want to follow me on Twitter, just go to James T. Harris. I I am there. Also on Instagram and Facebook, even though they're getting antiquated, don't you underestimate their power and their reach? Last night, we had Victor Davis Hanson and time will earn on the Sean Hannity show, the television show. And, you know, this is where you have to go. You have to go to people like, like them and people like me in order to, you know, hear what's really going on to connect the dots. And I'm not saying that you can't do that. I'm not saying that that you haven't thought these things. I'm just saying that you can't hear it everywhere. And that's a shame because if you did hear it everywhere, we wouldn't be in a situation because the American people would not stand for the American people. Oh, they're waking up because we're getting close to election year. And oh, they're waking up because quite frankly, the illegal immigration, the invasion that is happening is all up in their face. They can't ignore it anymore. It's not because of anything that Ron DeSantis did or or the governor of Texas, Ron, or Abbott did. They they they they did some symbolizing symbolic things by busting these these these illegals to DC and to New York and all of that. But you have to know that the Biden administration was busing and flying these people from the jump in the very beginning, putting them in hotels, giving them three three square meals a day, paying for their health care, paying for law services. Why? Why? What were being replaced? We're being replaced in the Democrats realized they don't have the demographics to support their their agenda. Why? You know, they have like 20 or 30 million people that should be here, but they've been aborted over the last couple of decades. You got so many of them changing their gender that they can, you know, reproduce. You got so many other women becoming rabid feminists that nobody wants them. So you have to replace them. And this is exactly what Victor Davis Hanson was alluding to on the Sean Hannity show. The present policy is unsustainable and they made a high five that they got 10 million people in. They feel that that was valuable for constituency, but it's blowing up in their face. Sean, if you saw that 60 minute interview with Obrador, president of Mexico, when he just flat out said that we owe him $20 billion. We've got to stop the embargo of Venezuela. We store relations with Cuba and give amnesty to every Mexican national here. You can see where he's coming from. And he said, he has absolute contempt for for us. He does have absolute contempt for us. Why wouldn't he have absolute contempt for us? Would this ever happen under Donald Trump? You know that it wouldn't. But it's happening under Biden because Biden, he's not even there. He's not calling the shots. So why shouldn't Obrador demand what $80 billion or how much he was demanding? Why not? Because you know what? He might just get it. Ask, ask who knows you might just get it. And all we'd have to do any normal president would slap a 10% tax on the 60 billion of remittances that go to Mexico. They would declare the cartels a foreign terrorist organization, finish the wall and maybe help out with the military on the border. And he wouldn't talk like that. He'd have more respect and they would be much nicer to us the Mexican government because they would have some deference to us. But now they're ridiculing us and they think it's a joke and you see all these people coming out of the woodwork that think the border is over for good and they can come and go as they please. And they're essentially right, at least for the next nine or 10 months. Did you hear what he said? They think they can just come over here. Everyone around the world think that they can just come over here. And Victor Davis Hanson said, and you know what? They're right. They can at least pull the nine next nine or 10 months. What does he mean? He means a lesson until the next election. If we don't stop this madness, the next next election truly the Republic is gone. The Republic is hanging by a thread right now. But you have to know that this has always been the plan. And time to learn on Sean Handel last night. She alluded to that. And again, they like to use that word bloodbath. And it's true. When it comes to what Biden's allowing into our country, it is going to be an even worse of a bloodbath because we've got 10 million plus people. Also, hundreds of thousands of Godaways that we don't know where they're from, what they're doing here. We don't know where they're from. We don't know what they're doing here. You know, we have a good friend, Ardel Cueto, who works with the border patrol. He comes on my show out of Phoenix off and he talks about, yeah, you know, nobody's really talking about the Godaways, especially in the Tucson sector. About two hours south of where I'm talking right now, there are people coming across the border. They don't know who they are. Yeah, remember, I know I think this video went viral a couple of weeks ago. A guy was videotaping some folks as they're walking across the border. And one of the the illegals got upset, you know, they want to be filmed. Then he got the ledger. Do you know who I am? You don't know who I am. You don't know who I am. Soon you will. The guy taking the videos like, wow, that was kind of intense. They ran some facial recognition on him. Oh my God. He is a real for real terrorist. Where did he go? Why will he just got processed? We don't know. They have no idea. That's what's so dangerous, but they don't care. They're willing to sacrifice all why? Because they want power. And they're now residing in our country because Joe Biden and Democrats want congressional seats. They want these people to be included in the census and they want them to be future voters. They are willing to risk and sacrifice American lives and the American economy in order to get votes and more congressional seats. And that tells you everything you need to know about the Democrat party. They play the long game. They're okay with this being on popular right now because they see the future and they see this is locking in their voting block for generations to come. No lies were told by Tommy. No lies. Now we know what it's all about. Oh, this is not a, oh, we just are looking at the tired people all across the world. Now, man, this is insidious. This is replacement theory. James, you can't say that that's conspiracy theory. No, it's conspiracy fact. They were able to keep us full for so long because the intimidating you were talking about the truth calling it a conspiracy. They lost complete control, you know, other narrative now. So you can talk about this all you want on social media. They think it's too late. They're still going to do it. They got to bum rush these people in. They got 10 months to do it. Meanwhile, Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida is winning. This has been a podcast from W O R hello. It is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on Chumba Casino calm. I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They're also playing Chumba Casino, who incidents? 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