Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: James, in Arizona, is tired of being jealous of governors of other states

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29 Mar 2024
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(upbeat music) - Okay, round two. Name something that's not boring. - A laundry? Ooh, a book club. Computer Solitaire, huh? (buzzer) - Ah, sorry, we were looking for Chumba Casino. ♪ Chumba Chumba Chumba ♪ - That's right, Chumba has over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. ♪ Chumba Chumba Chumba Chumba ♪ Chumba - Don't forget to subscribe. (upbeat music) - This is a podcast from WOR. - You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. You can hear my show on 550K FYI in Essent Phoenix and 790K in Tucson. My adopted hometown, happy to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly. You know, I was lamenting on my show today. I'm just tired of being jealous of other governors, other states. I'm somewhat jealous of a Abbott down there in Texas and I know I hear from some of my Republican friends that, you know, he has the issues, he has that, but wait a minute, no, wait a minute. You guys are under a full invasion from the legos from around the world. And whatever faults the good Governor Abbott may have, he is standing up for the people. He put up that razor wire. You had to buy the administration, threaten him. He said, let's go. Let's go to court. Let's go. They put the buoy up across the Rio Grande. He had the illegal, you know, not able to swim across all of a sudden. The left tries to play the sympathy road. Oh, but they can't swim, they have no, no, they shouldn't go home. You've got, I forgot the attorney general down there. I forgot his name, he's battling it out. You got fighters. I'm in Arizona. I got Governor Katie Hobbs, Miss Frumpy Pants. You would think that, you know, being the Governor, you know, I'm gonna be on TV. I better get myself a shake. No, dumpy, no, I am not being sexist. I'm just saying, what you see on the outside is what you see when it comes to policy. Dumpy and geevious. Meanwhile, I gotta sit back and look at this. What, you got DeSantis over there in Florida. Oh, some of you have heard me sit in for Jesse Killier, probably saying, James, I thought you weren't a big fat fan of DeSantis. I've been a fan of DeSantis, not his president. It's not his time, not his turn. I want to see Donald Trump get back in there. I want to see chaos. (laughing) I want to see the non-club member go in there and just shake, burn it to the ground. But we're talking about governors right now. It wasn't time for DeSantis to do that. Maybe in 2028, maybe in 2032 if we still have a republic. But I'll tell you what, he is on his piece and he was right now. I would be so proud if I were a Floridian today. I would be so proud. You've got Governor DeSantis taking it to him, opening up a candle, whoop-batsats on Disney, on the Democrats. He's wedding. You know, last week you had the Democrats running around talking about President Trump, talking about he's broke, broke down. They don't even sound like broke down. And then in one day, boom, four billion. (laughing) You got people over here looking at Ryan DeSantis trying to turn him down. You can't, he went to war with Disney. Remember the don't say gay bill or whatever? You had Disney trying to get all involved, you know, in Florida's government, in Florida's business. Ryan DeSantis says, oh, it's like that? Oh, you want to try to get me? Oh, okay, well, you been sitting on a real sweetheart deal since, you know, old Walt wasn't alive. We gave you a little piece of land down there, a little fiefdom, you were able to control your taxes and all that stuff. How about if we take that away? All right, double dog dare ya. Back, they went at it. Yesterday, big news, Disney back down. Oh, they tried to, you know, try to, you know, paint this picture of, oh, you know what? We both kind of like shook hands and decided we wanted to, you know, try to work with each other. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah. Remember all of the heat? Remember all of the fire? Remember all of the, you know, they were just tearing DeSantis down, denigrating him? Remember, oh, oh, oh, he's, what was the professor? I forgot what the bill was. He's against black people and he don't want to teach black folks about slavery. Oh, he's against the gay folks. Don't say gay bill. Remember all that heat? Yesterday, you had Disney back down and you know what? The only news outlet that reported it was Tullamondo. (laughs) ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, I didn't even see it on Fox. Could have been on news nation or, or I don't know, but I didn't see it. I had to see it in Tullamondo. And I didn't even understand what I would, I had to read this transcript because I didn't understand, you know, what they were saying, you know, in Spanish over there on Tullamondo. But they were, they were giving DeSantis credit. DeSantis is listening to the people. They got a social media band for, if you're 14 years old, you're 12, if you're 12, you're 11, 10, you can't go on TikTok. You can't get an account on Instagram. And it's like, you got to be a little bit more grown up. James, that censorship, shut up. I'm talking about censorship in a sec. I'm talking about censorship for real. This is like, you know, this is helping out the parents. You know what the, they, they drew, redrew the maps down there. And you had the Democrats saying that, you know, DeSantis was treating, cheating, that he drew up the maps to favor Republicans. Well, maybe so. I never understood that. But Democrats do that, it's A-OK. But if Republicans, y'all, they're in control and they control the maps. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. There's a lawsuit, DeSantis won. The maps hold. Might have saved Congress for the Republicans. I'm too, I'm, I see, I'm starting to miss that, I care. 'Cause we don't, we don't have a governor like that. There's not a lot of governors like that. It's just fighting for the people, conservative values. Here's one. I know you heard about the, the illegal that had the video that went viral. Instructing illegals, how to go into vacation homes, or if you've been looking at a house and it's been empty for a couple of days, you can go in there and then, you know, you can squat and you have squatters rights. What the hell are squatter rights? You can just go in somebody's house and then take up in there for a minute. They don't report back in a couple of days. It's yours, but they still gotta pay the rent. They still gotta play the utilities. What kind of foolishness is this? It's the left. I wouldn't even be surprised if it was part of the, you know, overall plan to replace Americans. Property rights? I mean, that goes back to the very beginning. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of property. That's what it was originally before Thomas Jefferson said, "Well, you know what, man, that property, "the thing, ooh, that may kind of hit wrong." Maybe we should, I mean, we should change it to happiness. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. If you don't believe me, go back, I used to be a history teacher. Does that work in that car? I used to be a history teacher. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of property. And, Governor Ron Sanctus came through for the good people of Florida. Does your house belong to you? Or, if you are not using it, can someone just come in, squat for a period of time, and then claim that they have a right to be there? This so-called squatter scam is something that's happening around the country. There's even videos telling people how to go in and take over an empty house. That was never how the law was supposed to go. No, it was never. That was never how the law was supposed to go. Never at all. And you had Ron Decentus actually do something about it. Past legislation to make it illegal for you to squat in somebody's house. I gotta tell you, you are going to see more and more Americans vote with their feet. You're going to see more and more Americans move to red states. Just like what happened during COVID. For the most part, Florida remained open. More open than a lot of blue states. Arizona was a purple state. I'm telling you, I never participated in the pandemic not once. I was forced not to go to my favorite restaurants because they closed. But once they opened back up early, compared to other states, I was right up in there eating my steak. Red by bone in with Jameson's. And I would meet so many Californian people. It was like when the weekends, it was crazy. I'm like, where you from, California? Where you from, California? I'm from LA. I'm from San Diego. What are you doing here? Our restaurants are closed. Our governor has to close up. Oh, he meets the restaurant with his friends and stuff, but we can. So that's why we come here. This place is Shangri-La. I'm like, yes, it is. And pretty soon, you might decide to move. You keep your liberal ways back there in California to bring your liberal ways here. You mark my words. You are going to see an exodus from these liberal states, from these blue cities. As they begin to clamp down more and more on your, not just your rights. I mean, taking them away and giving them to illegals. Get ready. And if you are in that blue state and you're conservative, come on, come on, come on to Arizona. You are welcome here any time. Pure Talk believes in American values. And that free should be exactly that free. Switch to Pure Talk today and get a free Samsung 5G smartphone. No four line requirement, no activation fees. Just a Samsung that's built to last with a rugged screen. Quick charging battery and top tier data security. Qualifying plans started just 35 bucks a month for unlimited talk techs, 15 gigs of data and mobile hotspot. Pure Talk will connect you to the most dependable 5G network in America for half the price of Verizon, AT&T, or T-Mobile. The average family saves almost $1,000 a year. That Pure Talk expert, U.S. customer services, helped to team up with you to make that switch today. Just dial pound 250 and say the key word, Jesse Kelly, and claim your eligibility for your free brand new Samsung 5G smartphone and start saving on wireless today. Again, from your phone, dial pound 250 and that's 250. Say the word Jesse Kelly to switch to his cell phone company, Pure Talk. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. I can be heard on 550K FYI in Phoenix and 790K in ST in Tucson. So happy to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly and I have to tell you. Of course, hearts and prayers are with the people out in the Baltimore area. My bridge going down was absolutely horrific. I know there's a lot of controversy surrounding it. There's a lot of conspiracies out there about what's going on, but we'll take the news as we can, you know, and remembering that beyond how it happened, we're talking about a major disruption to the way of life for millions of people, and quite frankly, every American could end up being touched by this because of the disruption in the supply lines. You have the bridge, the ship that struck the boat, let me back up. You had the ship that struck the bridge, excuse me. You had the loss of life and you got cargo that's just stuck in that harbor because the bridge is in a way nothing can come in, nothing can go out. I have to tell you, I was a little bit surprised when I saw how quickly the Biden administration responded to this disaster. The reason why I say that is because it took over a year for Biden to respond to the disaster in East Palestine. And it took a little while for him to get over to Hawaii for the wildfires. And when he got to Hawaii, he was making some wildly inappropriate comments talking about a kitchen fire in his beach house, what? And of course, he didn't get over to a Palestinian until late in the day, late in the year. The only images that I have of officials in the East Palestine was a later, Mayor Pete booty gig with that little construction hat on reminded me of the caucus. I will give Mayor Pete booty gig some points on this one because he got there pretty quick too. He started responding on it, you know, about a little over a day later. And he seemed to be well versed on the impact of the accident. Having said that though, you've got Biden rolling out with a special news conference to address the nation about the accident. And what did he do? What did he say? He came out and talked about the severity of the situation and what the United States of America, his administration was going to do about it. My transportation secretary is there now. As I told governor Moore, I directed my team, move heaven and earth to reopen the port and rebuild the bridge as soon as you knew when they possible. And we're going to work hand in hand with the support of Maryland to support Maryland and whatever they asked for. We're going to work with our partners in Congress to make sure the state gets the support it needs. It's my intention that federal government will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge. Wait, what? And I expect through the Congress to support my effort. No. This is going to take some time. The people of Baltimore can count on us though, to stick with them at every step of the way until the port is reopened and the bridge is rebuilt, you know, we're not leaving until this job is done. Not leaving until that. Yeah, we're not leaving until the job is done. You know, everybody's been beating me up on them. You know how we started to speech? I'll talk about, you know, I crossed that bridge on with rail and with car. He was lying once again, lying about trying to make it about him, trying to tie him to the disaster, here's the kicker. He was lying when he said they're going to be standing by, oh, my administration, we're going to pay for this. We're going to stand by you. We're going to give you whatever you need. And I want Congress to cooperate with me. That's what he should have been saying to the people that he's balancing, but he didn't. And what was crazy about this situation is I'm like, well, wait a minute. What about insurance? Then we have insurance on that thing. What about the boat? Where's that boat from? Singapore or something? Shouldn't we be suing him? They just went out. Oh, why is he going to say, Hey, if I get into a car accident with a federal government bailed me out, well, they pay for my new car with what they what? What is this? That was my initial reaction to his Tom Fullery. Then the very next day. We hear from old yellow, Janet Yellen. I'm not sure what the details are. We have money from the bipartisan infrastructure law that could potentially be helpful. My expectation would be that, ultimately, there'll be insurance payments in part to cover this, but we don't want to allow worrying about where the financing is coming to hold up for construction. Yeah. I'm going to worry about the financing either. I got a suggestion. Why don't you not send billions of dollars over to Ukraine? Maybe we can use that money for infrastructure. Come on, man. Really? Who is this supposed to be? Like this supposed to be emboldening the people of a, you know, out there in Maryland? Oh, look how much he said he's going to stand by us. That old carger, I knew he'd come through. I don't think this was happening. Not at all. These are promises that he's making, trying to, you know, build this tragedy, build his politics on the back of this tragedy. But as bad as that was, Joy Reid took it to a whole nother level. And we'll talk about that coming up next, James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. So happy you are joining me this evening. I am a talk show host out of Phoenix, Arizona. You can hear me at 550 KF YI in 790 K and ST and that's in Phoenix and in Tucson. You can also check me out on the free I heart radio app, terrible tragedy. Terrible tragedy. And I have to tell you, when I saw that bridge go down, um, it was earlier when I was getting up early prep, I was probably a couple hours after it happened. I was just kind of like surfing through social media when I saw that, I'm like, what is that from? Wait a minute. And of course that I went over to the, to the news sources and like, Oh my gosh, I got to be honest with you. I take no pride in saying this. When I saw the bridge go down, my first reaction was, um, we're not going to be able to build that thing back up. We don't build anything more in America. Who, who are we going to get to put that bridge up? Shame on you. No, well, with all the DEI stuff that's going on with all the, the regulations that are now around whether or not you are transgender, what it was, I, I'm going to put this thing up. You, you, you see what DEI is doing to the military? You don't think the best, you know, any company, any corrupt, uh, uh, uh, uh, um, construction company, uh, any design company that embraces this, you don't think it's going to dumb them down? Oh, okay. I'll give you some examples. I'll give you some examples. First of all, when is the president of the United States going to visit, uh, the, the site visit the people in Baltimore? When is he going to make the trip? And the update on when the president would go to Baltimore? I don't have an update for you. Obviously we want to, do you want to do it when it is the appropriate time on the ground. Uh, we're going to continue to have conversations with, uh, obviously, uh, local, uh, officials on the ground, uh, to get, uh, to get a sense of what their needs are, uh, but we want to make sure that we do not disrupt their efforts, uh, you just heard, uh, from the secretary and the vice admiral, this is a major, major undertaking and so we don't want to get in the way, but you heard from the president, he wants to get there as quickly as he wants to. He wants to, he wants to, we got no plans, probably be about a year or so, we don't want to get in the way. But you heard the president, he wants to go, there's a lot of logistics, a lot of things to do. She's just terrible. She's absolutely terrible. But as bad as she is, I want you to understand this, you had a, you had a, a major, a catastrophe. You're looking at that and you're like, Oh my God, the people who lost, who lost family members, people lost their lives, horrific. You're looking at, you know, the, the response, uh, emergency response, which was extraordinary from the things I've been reading. Once the Mayday went in, you had the officials hurry up and they closed off the bridge so traffic wouldn't get across, you know, could minimize, you know, the loss of life here. I saw the mayor of Baltimore on television and my first response was, Oh my gosh, how old is he? He looked like he about 16, 17 years old, but he said the appropriate things, praying for the family, the loss of life, then I see him pop up on the mayor of Baltimore, a brand in Scott. I see him pop up, you know, on the joy read show, I'm like, okay, we're about to get some more information about what's going on with the bridge wrong, wrong. We ended up getting just, well, I said joy read, right? We know joy read is the MSNBC race lady, right? Brandon Scott, I will allow you, uh, Mayor Scott, if you choose to do so to respond to the Tom foolery, uh, and attacks on you for having the nerve to be black and also a mayor. What? I know. And we all know, and you know very well that black men and young black men in particular had been the boogeyman for those who are racist and think that only, uh, uh, straight, wealthy, white men should have us saying anything. We've been the boogeyman from them since the first day they brought us to this country. And what they mean by DI, in my opinion, is duly elected incumbent. Right. We know what they want to say, but they don't have the courage to say the inwards, the fact that I don't, uh, believe in their, uh, untruthful and wrong ideology. And I am very proud, proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from scares him. Um, um, hey, Chris, that's, uh, that's Jesse Kelly's producer. Hey, Chris did, uh, did the mayor there demand Brandon and Scott to say anything about the bridge? No, you didn't say anything. You said anything or anything. I didn't either. Wait, wait, in the face of this catastrophe and the face of this tragedy, Joy Reid brings on the mayor to, to confirm his blackness, Brandon Scott, uh, I will allow you, uh, mayor Scott, if you choose to do so to respond to the Tom Hullery, uh, and attacks on you for having the nerve to be black and also a mayor. I know. And we all know, and you know very well that black men and young black men in particular have been the boogeyman for those who are racist and think that only, uh, uh, uh, straight wealthy white men should have us seeing any, well, why do we have to go here? Why are you talking about young people being seen as a boogeyman? Why are you talking about wealthy white men? What they ever do to you? Well, why Joy Reid, are you not talking about the bridge disaster and showing how competent this mayor, you know, how he reacted to it? Well, well, what are you doing? We've been the boogeyman from them since the first day they brought us to this country. And what they mean by DI, in my opinion, is duly elected incumbent. Well, yeah, you're duly elected key word duly elected. So who would say that you are a DEI higher? That's diversity, equity and inclusion that there's nothing to do with it. So what, why are you playing the race card over a bridge catastrophe? We know what they want to say, uh, but they don't have the courage to say the inward and the fact that I don't, uh, believe in their, uh, untruthful and wrong ideology and I am very proud of, proud of my heritage and who I am and where I come from scares them. They don't scare anybody. What scares me is the death this, what scares me is the ignorance. Well, what is it? What is these black mayors? It's the same thing with the New York City's black mayor who's they might just forgot. Thank you very much. Chris, Eric Adams, didn't he just last week call a bunch of white police officer crackers? Yo, I showed those crackers. What was going on? And what's going on with Brandon Johnson, you know, over there in Chicago, when he was pulling the pressure, you know what? I'm running this city and as a black man, raising children, what is all of this black and stuff going on, the black defense, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, and I'm black, you know, as a black radio talk show hold, so I just take, I'm breaking it, and, wait, black, what about the name, where are these brandons? Brandon, Scott, Brandon, Johnson, what's that guy's name in New York again, the mayor, they're, yeah, Eric Adams, Eric, Brandon, and Eric, those are not black names. Oh, we need Mayor Fitties in. Mayor Pete Diddy, have I crossed the line? I'm sorry. This is what Joy Reeves has done to me, making it all about race. We got people who are dead. We got a crippled port. We got people who need information. We got people rerouting their lives. We got supply chains being disrupted. Enjoyry brings the mayor of Baltimore on to talk about his blackness. Democrat, be thy name. Hey, everybody's busy picking vice presidents. Who do you think President Trump should pick as the vice president? Wait a minute, better question. Should President Trump make a DEI choice, the B vice president? We'll talk about that coming up next. James T. Harris, sitting in for that Jesse Kelly show, listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James. The T. Harris happened to be sitting in from Phoenix, Arizona. That's my, that's my hometown right now. My adopted hometown is Phoenix. You can hear my show on 550K FYI and 790K at ST. That is Phoenix and Tucson. You can also check it out on the iHeartRadio, or free radio app. You know, you can. The conservative circus Monday through Friday, 6 to 10 a.m. And boy, this is exciting. We opened up the Jesse Kelly show talking about how RFK is throwing a monkey wrench into the Democrats' works. Yes. He has a, he has a new VP and that VP is very, very wealthy. Ms. Shanahan is her name, Nicole Shanahan. She's a billionaire and she wants to spend her money to support RFK's vision. She wants to get him on every ballot, every single ballot in the United States of America and if she does. She thinks that they will be able to wreak havoc and if there's a contested election, they think that they can slip on through. I ain't mad at him. This is America. You should be able to try if you want to run for office. You should be able to run. If you got the backing, that's even better. You know why the Democrats are upset? Because even though Ms. Shanahan is brand new, she still is miles ahead of VP Kamala Harris who does not have billions of dollars. Of course, she's richer. She's more richer than when she went in because that's just how it is for Democrats. But she doesn't have the power, the financial backing to pour into a campaign. She also doesn't have the gravitas. That means sleeping your way to the top can only go so far. I think she's topped out. Yes, I said it. Don't believe me. Just ask Willy Brown plus even though she's been practicing, she's still very daft watching any level of news, even social media you see and everything that's going on right now. And the Ukraine break it down a layman's terms for people who don't understand what's going on and how can this directly affect the people of the United States. So Ukraine is a country in Europe, it exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country, Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So basically that's wrong. That was very deep. Wow. She really has her finger on what's going on. That's when the war broke out and they got brought in, they brought in common hairs to borders are to explain what's going on. You can see why the Democrats are very, very nervous. So what should the Republicans do? How should Trump respond? Should he go for a DEI pick? Let's keep it real. Should he go for Tim Scott? Tim Scott is black, don't you know? Well, he's talking about how he rolls from cotton to Congress. That's right. You can't, I mean, that's a DEI choice, sending a strong message. He has a bunch of women folks that he can choose from, right? You got what's her name? Stefanik. You've got, who was that, the Huckabee, Huckabee Sanders, you know, she's now the governor down there. That's a strong choice. Hey, who's that real pretty woman that the, excuse me, South Dakota is a South Dakota? The governor of South Dakota, Christie no, Christie no, she isn't her money. I like Christie no. You know, it doesn't hurt to have a vice president that is pleasant to look at. Can I say that? I just said it. But I think that would be, that's just kind of a weak way to go, don't you think? I mean, many expect President Trump to choose a woman, a black person or Hispanic person to be the running mate. You know, you got Vivek Ramashwami up there too, he's India, but if you're operating on that thesis, you're just saying that President Trump needs more diversity. He needs more diversity points to get over the next, you know, the next time I don't think so. Now, I'm going to tell you right here and right now, I will support whoever President Trump comes up with no matter his choice. However, it is time for President Trump to go big. And I mean, bigly, I think that President Trump is sitting on top of a political revolution. Look at what this man has endured since he's come down the escalator. Look at the deep state, look at the, the multiple soft cools that has been attempted. Look at the law fair. Look at the impeachment. Look at the rating of Mar-a-Lago, look at his friends who have been arrested and he's still standing and he's a head in the polls. Why? Because America first as a policy resonates with the American people, America first as a policy has cut through all of the establishment bullshiggy because the America first policy, not necessarily the man, but yes, the man who was at the string to withstand all of the law fair, all of the things they've been hurling at his family, the America first idea should not, to go DEI choice when you're sitting on something like that to me is weakness. Simply picking a diverse candidate, it's not the way to go instead. I think that President Trump ought to go for legacy. President Trump ought to be like Julius Caesar. After Caesar was at Rome, he, he, he, he changed the course of Western civilization and he brought in his nephew Octavius who carried on the legacy. That is what we need. That is what President Trump needs to choose, a person who can carry on the legacy, not just for the next four years, not for the next eight years, but for the next 100 years, make the 21st century, the Trump century, maybe the next 300 years. If we survive as a republic, I think that President Trump has the opportunity to take it to a whole nother level with the right choice, which should not be a diversity, equity, inclusion choice. That's my two cents. That's what I think. Who is that? Oh, I have some folks in mind, but I'm just going to let this whole thing play out. We don't have too much longer to wait if it's not what I think it is. Don't won't believe me. I'll let you know. But this is not the time to shrink. This is the time to go for it. Lord knows his cost you. Go Bigly or go home. This has been a podcast from WOR. Lucky Land Casino asking people, what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? Lucky? In line at the deli, I guess? I had my dentist's office. More than once, actually. Do I have to say? Yes, you do. In the car before my kids' PTA meeting. Really? Yes. Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? You'll never win and tell. Well, there you have it. You can get lucky anywhere playing at Play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Boy, where can we buy law? 18 plus terms and conditions apply.