Jesse Kelly Show

James T. Harris in for Jesse: The federal government has ordered Google to tell them if you are watching certain Youtube videos

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29 Mar 2024
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Oh, that's so 1984. But it's true. They're not watching. They're reading your text. They're reading your emails. We know that some reporters, journalists who are against the regime have had their computers confiscated, they've had their information. They've been gathering, you know, taken from them. We know that the CIA, the FBI, the deep state, we know that they worked in collusion. They colluded with the software companies. We know that they colluded with social media. We know that they suppressed stories. You know, after 2018, we had all of the fact checkers descending on people, fact checking information that was actually correct. We know how they censored individuals during COVID, how people got de-platformed medical doctors in that contrary opinions, were de-platformed. Some were fired from their hospitals. You could say nothing negative about COVID or the government response. Remember, about a year or so ago, you had the Biden administration try to come out with their Ministry of Truth with that cookie marker, which woman? Even that went so far. You had Alejandro Mayorkus over at Homeland Security. He had to pull back on that one and eventually pulled the plug, but it popped up someplace else. Now there's something more sinister out there. Big Brother is now after people who simply viewed what they consider to be the wrong content. What? Yes. Feds have ordered Google to give over names, addresses, telephone numbers, user activity, not making this up. As a matter of fact, Trace Gallagher, over there at Fox News, he has the story. Ordered Google to hand over the names, addresses, telephone numbers and user activity of those who watch certain YouTube videos. The feds were trying to track down a criminal and were apparently tracking you in the process. To see your national correspondent, Kevin Cork, is live in DC with the big news about Big Brother. Kevin, good evening. - Evening Trace, according to Forbes, the government asking Google to give up names, addresses, phone numbers and user activity of all account users who access certain YouTube videos. - Which ones? - January of 2023, as you've mentioned as part of a larger criminal investigation. Now in another instance, police also asked Google to provide a list of accounts that viewed and/or interacted with YouTube live streams. That could lead to information again on what they claim was a police search. - Okay, hold on, now, hold on, now. I just got all goose pimply. You know, you're on YouTube, you're looking at different influencers, you're getting on the chats, sharing information. Do you remember that period of time during COVID where they had a lot of sites cancel their comment sections? You couldn't go back and forth to the comment sections? Censorship. First Amendment rights. Oh, we're all afraid of what they're about to do to TikTok. Oh, TikTok has Chinese government control. What in the hell do you call this Google YouTube? You got the feds ordering them to hand over information and dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty dirty. They just go ahead and do it. Oh, by the way, I just read earlier today that the feds have found a backdoor into all Apple products. Remember, they're supposed to be so secure, not anymore, no, no, what is going on here? Privacy experts tell Fox Business tonight. This discovery is absolutely terrifying, saying it allows the police to target people for simply consuming content. Oh, it's unconstitutional. It's terrifying and it's happening every day. These YouTube warrants are just as chilling, allowing police to target people simply for the content they consume. No one should fear and knock at the door from police simply because of what YouTube's algorithm serves up. Do you know what this means? See, I started out the Jesse Kelly show saying some stuff. I'm like, wait, wait, I should stop myself because I don't know, 'cause the air now, they're listening, they've always been listening, but now they're making moves. You're looking at the wrong stuff on YouTube, you're looking at the wrong stuff, you're googling the wrong stuff. They're taking that information and they're using it to go around people up, track you down, arrest you for what you looked at. That's where we are in Biden's America. Yeah, that's where we are. Now, the discovery also comes as meta. It's said to be changing its algorithm to restrict Instagram users' access to political information. Oh, of course, as an upcoming Supreme Court ruling could set new standards for free speech. Oh, you see, here we go. Meta, that's Facebook, right? So you're talking about Facebook and Instagram is now going to control political speech. Why is this happening now? Could it be? It's because we're just a few months off from the general election that things are about to get hot and heavy with the conventions this summer because the Democrats need to control information, they need to control free speech. I remember something similar happening. Oh, remember when Facebook, all of a sudden, you had the Zuckerberg button, you had the drop boxes, and you had Zuckerberg pretty much hiring, who was doing the counting of the votes? This is insane, and yet it's happening. And where's the pushback? Who's going to push back against the Democrats? No, because this is going to favor them. But it really is in favor of anybody. This is totalitarianism. This is all that horror that we've been reading about in our 1984s and our brave new world in animal farm. Now, you have Meta, Meta, you know what Zuckerberg, he's not running Meta, the deep state's running it. They're going to control your political speech. And while it's still unclear tonight if Google gave authorities the requested information, the company tells Fox Business this evening quote, "We have a rigorous process designed to protect the privacy "and constitutional rights of our users." It goes on, "We examine each demand for legal validity, "consistent with developing case law, "and we routinely push back against over-broad "or otherwise inappropriate demands for user data, "including objecting to some demands "entirely." - Ooh. - Ooh. - Oh, I believe you. Oh, I believe you. You really pushed back to when they're trying to put out that information about Hunter Biden. Oh, yeah, I know Google, right? I can look up on Firefox. I can look up on, you know, DuckDuckGo and find information about the laptop of Google. You changed the algorithm so we couldn't find out anything. But in this case here, you're out to protect our constitutional rights. Shut your face. Now, the DOJ tonight had yet to respond to our request for comment. It is a huge story. A bombshell, some would say trace, one that will obviously garner further examination. - Oh, you bet your sweet Biffy is gonna garner further investigation. But here's what you need to know. At the end of the day, what you gonna do? What you gonna do? We're talking about Google. We're talking about Facebook. Meta, you're talking about Instagram. And meanwhile, all of the Republicans, Democrats, coming together to try to cancel out TikTok. Why? Because they don't control TikTok. We're told the Chinese control TikTok and gosh darn it, we can't have that. We gotta control TikTok. We gotta control you. It's utterly ridiculous. They're trying to bring up the bill to divorce TikTok, to sell to an American owner. Why? So they can control it. It's about control. In Google, hi, you mighty hoe. We're trying to protect your constitutional rights. No, you're not. No, you're not. Actually, you're not. This is terrifying. And you know what? Don't fool yourself. It's gonna happen. 'Cause there's no way in hell. They're going to let Donald Trump get back in office and believe me when I tell you, that is what this is all about. Hey, Chris, did Jesse Kelly talk about Pete Diddy? He didn't talk about Pete Diddy at all? Does Jesse Kelly's audience know who Pete Diddy is? Yeah, probably not. I gotta tell you about Pete Diddy. Pete Diddy is the Black Jeffrey Epstein, and he's about to get got. James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. Truth, attitude, Jesse Kelly. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris. I am so happy to be sitting in for Jesse Kelly this evening. I have to tell you, I love being a talk show host in Arizona. We're in the center of, it seems to be everything, especially we're talking about political. We're talking about immigration. But every once in a while, a story comes up here like, "Whoa, what did I just see?" There's a comedian out there named Kat Williams. He's one of the journey event comedians. He's been in numerous television shows. He's been in numerous of movies, but he never really seemed to break through like other famous comedians. Like, who's not thinking about the guy over there on "The Family" few? Steve Harvey, thank you very much. You got Steve Harvey and you got Kevin Hart and all that kind of stuff. They're like huge comedians doing very, very well. But Kat Williams, he never seemed to make it up to that threshold. And it's like, you know, you see people in different, in different Hollywood settings, the movies, TV. You can talk about this baby in politics. They call them doorkeepers and ticket takers. You see people in the music industry who just come out of nowhere and take the world by storm and sometimes they'll last for a little bit, but then they started doing crazy stuff. They just started going from being sweet and innocent, like, you know, Katy Perry to be like, "Where's she being the devil?" What is that? Where does that come from? Wait a minute, who is that? I forgot this is the British singer. He sang one of the Bond songs. This is about maybe about 10, maybe nine, 10 years ago. It's Sam something. He just had this sweet, high-pitched voice. Then the next thing you know, he comes out is, you know, a gay. And then the next thing you know, he's doing videos dressed up like a devil in, I don't know, lingerie. Where does that come from? (laughs) Kat Williams is saying, you know what? You have to pay a price in order to be successful in Hollywood. You got to do some deviant stuff. And he sat down with Shannon Sharp of used to be the Denver Broncos, a sports gaster. And they had a three-hour conversation that went supernova. I think there's been over 200 million views of the whole interview on various social media sites. And it's been chopped up at the other ones where they just little segments of it, let's live on. What I'm about to play you right now is one of those little segments that is resurfaced in the last few days. I came in this business saying I was going to expose. When I talked about Michael Jackson, when I talked about R. Kelly, they canceled me for these things because why would you talk about another Black dude? Race is not where the line is drawn. It's God's side and the other side. And we don't care nothing about the other side. Period, period, all of these big deviants is all catching hell in 2024. It's up for all of them. It don't matter if you did here or whoever you is. T.G. J. Chan, every all lies will be exposed. That's all. And anyone who takes that the wrong way know why they take it the wrong way. Did he say P.D. is the light? He said P.D. He said P.D. Oh my goodness, I'm in this music. P.D.D. He said Pastor T.D. Jakes too. What's he talking about? He's talking about the price to play the game. There's a new documentary, I believe on Netflix called Behind the Set or scenes or something like that, it's about, or quiet on the set, thank you very much, it's quiet on the set. And all these shows that, you know, your kids were looking at growing up, maybe you were looking at it, you know, on Nickelodeon and stuff like that. These kids were, these kids were being groomed. These kids were being raped, the boys and the girls. And now they're talking about it. Hollywood is like the cesspool. Well, you had Cat Williams spilled this and he said some other things as well. He said he's one of the few actors out there that, you know, hasn't been involved in oral relations or anal relations just to get a job. He named Weinstein, he named all these people. This week P.D.D.'s house was raided. His house in Miami, his house in California was raided by Homeland Security. Wait, what? Homeland Security, SWAT teams. They ransacked the place, looking for video evidence. Apparently, Diddy had every room in his house wired up. Every party he ever threw, every room, every politician, every musician, all the freaky deep people there, the prostitutes, the underage women and girls that were being sex trafficking, yes, is on tape. And apparently it's a well-known secret. That's why Cat Williams was busting it out. Basically, P.Diddy is a black version of Jeffrey Epstein. But unlike Jeffrey Epstein, where he had a tight net and it took years for it to be breached, well, now people are talking out loud about this because they were there. They're not sworn to any kind of secrecy. And the people who were involved in this stuff, well, they're laying low some of the biggest names in the industry from top to bottom. That's what's going on with P.Diddy. It's the same thing that was going on with Epstein. And as Cat Williams says, there's no color in this. There's right, there's wrong. There's God and there's the devil. Whose side are you on? Fast and safety belts. 2024 is going to be the year when all is revealed. I'm James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. My name is James T. Harris and I am sitting in for the Jesse Kelly show. So happy to be with you this evening. If you want to follow me, give me a follow. I am on Twitter at James T. Harris. I'm also on Instagram with James T. Underscore Harris Facebook, of course, because I'm old like that. I'm just kind of struggling through Facebook, even though I don't know what I'm going to do. Now that I'm finding out that they're all spying on us. And now you can get arrested for looking at the wrong stuff. That's in the previous segment. Yeah, at the same time, we've got things blowing up in the celebrity world, Chris, that is Jesse Kelly's producer. What's the name of that show again about them childhood actors? They got the abused quiet on the set. I'm going to be watching that this weekend because my producers said you got to watch this. You know, if you listen to the Cat Williams, I listen to the Cat Williams podcast on Club Shae Shae for three hours. I just could not believe what I was hearing. That was a couple of months ago. Shannon Sharpe said that one episode of Club Shae Shae paid him more money than when he was the NFL player. Wait, what? And what's crazy about the reason why it's resurfacing is because of the events that took place earlier this week with a raid, a multiple raid on a P. Diddy. P. Diddy, I need to tell you about him just a little bit. P. Diddy is a rapper. He's a music mogul. I mean, he's behind some of the big names, Usher, the guy who performed at the Super Bowl. He was one of his protégés. Who's a little Bieber kid? Yeah, yeah, Bieber, Justin Bieber. He's one of the protégés. And these guys actually lived with him. They lived with P. Diddy. And there's video that I'm talking about as when they're little boys. I think Howard Stern asked one of the performers, "Hey, so you were at the P. Diddy's camp when you were a kid?" He goes, "Yeah, man. You know, I saw stuff that I don't think I was supposed to see." And it was kind of crazy. They tried to get him to talk about it, but he wouldn't go into it. But he was like, "So then they asked them, you know, the ultimate question. Would you let your son go to P. Diddy camp?" And he said, "Hey, oh no!" To give you an indication what's going on here. So here's a guy who knows every name in the business, from top to bottom. He's brought in and developed some of the greatest acts. He was tied up with one woman. I don't know if they were married or not, but she sued him. This is recently. And instead of settling, he settled it out of court, but he should have settled it before it was filed because now that information is available to the public. And that's part of the reason people are looking into them. It was Hollywood's worst kept secret. People who went to the parties, they knew what was going on, but this is P. Diddy. You don't talk about that in the same way that people knew what was going on with Jeff Rieff's thing, the powerful and connected. But they didn't dare say anything. Now over the break, I was having a conversation with Jesse Kelly's producer. And he thinks that P. Diddy's on the run, that he's going to some country where he can't be brought back. No extradition. I don't know. I think that's what he better do because if he goes to jail, he's going to get got, he's going to get abstained. This guy had it like that. He is the entertainment version of what Epstein was for, for politics, I guess, world power. You got Prince Harry, who was at P. Diddy's parties. These pictures are popping up everywhere. James, why are you talking about this? Because P. Diddy was one of the biggest Democrat donors. P. Diddy was a Trump hater. P. Diddy was that guy that started a voter die. Remember voter die? Trying to get kids involved in politics. What we're watching here is the Democrat empire begin to collapse. They were getting people to do things because of coercion. Oh, here's a tie in. Did you remember, it was a few months ago? Remember the picture of, I should say, the short video that was filmed in the Senate conference room of two homosexuals having, having relations? Did Jesse Kelly talk about that? Am I crossing a line here? I'm not making it up. It was major news. Yes, all of this is tied in. Every time you're seeing a politician who you think is on your side is supposed to be taking a vote and then all of a sudden the vote goes sideways. We're being told it's because they've got something on them. Who's they? Well, the people who are running our government, the state department, the deep state, the FBI, the CIA, it ain't Biden. And they're in cahoots with the Jeffrey Epstein's. They're in cahoots with the Sean Puffy Combs P. Diddy. They got all of this stuff on tape. They got all this stuff recorded. Oh, I'm a Senator Johnson, Johnson Steen of it. You don't vote the right way. How would you like Mrs. Johnson Steen to see this? Whoa, hello. How would you like this to be leaked to the press? Our country is corrupt, more corrupt than we ever imagined. How did these people, how did these people become so famous so fast? Cat William talks about it in that three-hour interview and you know what, it was so compelling that people are like, "Wait a minute, "they went back and they asked all the people "that he mentioned because he named names "and not one person disputed anything that he said." (laughs) Because, as he said, I got the receipts, I've got the evidence, I'm not making this up, I don't have to. People may say all kinds of things about me, you know, when I'm out there, but once I walk in the room, all heads go down because I know what they did. And you're telling me that that's not going on in Congress? The Congress folks that I know, the stories that I've been told is unbelievable. But, is this any different than what was going on in any empire that existed for us? Was it not always about money, sex and power? Money, sex and power? One of the three is your thing, or maybe all? What was it with Clinton? Go ahead, guess. What is it with Hillary Clinton? Go ahead, guess. What is it with Obama? Go ahead and guess. That's what's significant about the P. Diddy story. All of the people who are upset because of the pedophilia that's been going on in our country, all the people who've been calling it out, and they were called conspiracy theorists over the last couple of years. They weren't theorists. All of the people who have tried to come forward and talk about what it's like and how they would talk about, you know, how they were abused. You've had some of these child actors who have even taken their life. Nobody wanted to listen to that, nobody. Harvey Weinstein, the big movie mogul. Yeah, William talks about him. He talks about how Harvey Weinstein asked for oral relations in front of everybody in the office. He said now for the umpteenth time. What is going on in our culture? Have you ever just looked up and said, where did all of this come from? How come all of a sudden we're talking about transgenders? How come we're being forced to use people's pronouns? What is all the sexual grooming that's going on in the schools? Where did this come from? It's like out of nowhere. No, it's not out of nowhere. It's out of somewhere. It's out of the depths of hell. We unleashed it. When I was a young man, my smoking hot girlfriend who was now my smoking hot wife, we were in church one day when we heard a minister say, "Where there is no vision, the people will perish." When we come back, I want to tell you that scripture, I believe it's proverbs, what it actually says and what it means for our society. James T. Harris, sitting in for the Jesse Kelly Show. You are listening to the Jesse Kelly Show. My name is James T. Harris. I am a talk show host on a Phoenix, Arizona. You can hear my show on 550K FYI in Phoenix and 790K in ST and Tucson. You know, one of the things that I love to do is to study scripture. And I have a great teacher. One of the best I have ever had. We meet two, three times a week and go over scripture. What I love about this cat is he's able to take the, what we call the Old Testament, the Hebrew text. He prefers Hebrew text, the Septuagint. And we could talk about it in fine parallels that are going on today. I talked about how when I was a younger man and I had my girlfriend, we were at my parents church and we heard this minister talk about where there is no vision, the people will perish. That's Proverbs, chapter 29, verse 18. But here's what the Septuagint says. Where there is no revelation. In other words, where there is no biblical truth, the people are unrestrained. In other words, the people are lawless. But happy is he who keeps the law, biblical truth. We complain in our nation. We remember when the courts took prayer out of school when they removed the 10 commandments from their courtrooms. Church attendance is very low in our culture today. So the question is where are people getting their vision? Where are people getting revelation? Where are people getting biblical truth? I would argue to you that they're not. And that's why we're seeing people become unrestrained. That's why we're seeing so much lawlessness from the top to the bottom, lawlessness, a two tiered system of justice, one for the elites and one for the rest of us. Some would say a three tiered system of justice, the elites, the illegals and then the rest of us. When we look at our cities, they're becoming cesspools. The homeless rate, the amount of the people who are on drugs who are zoned out. We have sex trafficking in this country. We have sex slavery in this country. When it wasn't always like this, we've got drag queen story hour in our military, in our libraries, in our schools. We have pornography in the school libraries for elementary children, school aged kids. And we have adults that are defending it. How did this happen? Where there is no revelation, where there is no biblical truth, the people are unrestrained, the people are lawless. There used to be a tie in this country. When there was no confusion among the genders, a man was a man, a woman was a woman. There's not such a thing as transgender. Now we have medical hospitals, the medical community rushing to transgender children. Now we have the state willing to come into your house and take your child if you're not willing to go along with their sexual delusions. Now we have an open border with drugs pouring across, fentanyl pouring across, killing hundreds of thousands of Americans a year, and we have political parties that do nothing. Where there is no revelation, where there is no biblical truth, people are unrestrained. People are lawless. And that's exactly what we're seeing. Lawlessness. You know, recently on the podcast Fearless, you had Jason Whitlock. He had all Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson. Mark Robinson is running to be governor. I hope I've prayed that he gets this job. But for right now, he is the one person that is speaking truth to what is happening in our culture, what is happening in our society. You know, we broke away from the British for independence. And now we have a party that is dead set. I'm trying to make people dependent. That's not where we need to go. Look, Jason, I firmly believe this. The two problems that this country has more than anything. The two entities that are failing our nation more than anything are politicians and pastors. Politicians are failing our nation because they've forgotten their founding document. And what is their founding document? Their founding document is our constitution. And pastors are failing this nation because they've forgotten their founding document. And what is that? It's the Holy Scriptures. The more we get away from those two things, the more we see ourselves falling into chaos with a wide open border with law and order out of control and a failing economy. I believe when we turn back to those things in their separate spaces and have them working in concert with each other, we'll see our nation start to grow again and we'll see better days. Amen, I think that is the case. We have pastors who have failed to teach God's word, to teach scripture, to speak, to teach biblical truth. We have politicians that know nothing of the Constitution. We've got Congress trying to do the job of the Supreme Court. We've got Supreme Court trying to do the job of Congress. We've got the executive branch, the president, that's a massing power. And in our churches, we've got the sparkle creed in our churches. We don't want to talk about right from wrong. We don't want to preach belief in Christ alone, faith alone, in Christ alone, for eternal life. We don't want to do that. We want to talk politics and reparation. You're about the church over there in Boston wants to, the black church wants the white church to talk about reparations. How about repentance? How about forgiveness? We continue to pray for this country. But I tell you what, we need to be studying their scripture and we need to be studying our Constitution. So that when the opportunity comes, we can prayerfully re-establish our constitutional republic under God's name. This has been a podcast from WOR. OK, round two. Name something that's not boring. Laundry, a book club, computer solitaire. Huh? Oh, sorry. We were looking for Chumbah Casino. That's right, has over 100 casino style games. Join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes. No more specific. 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