The Howie Carr Radio Network

Aaron Chadbourne: Maine Problems & Easter Candy Talk | 3.29.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

If anyone knows Maine, it's Aaron Chadbourne. Filling in for Grace this week is the former Senior Policy Director for Gov. Paul LePage. Aaron talks ranked choice voting, soft-on-crime policy, and more. Then, tune in to find out the Howie Carr crew's favorite Easter candy!

Broadcast on:
29 Mar 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the Millennial with the Mike, Grace Curly. But it's not the Millennial with the Mike you thought you were getting. I am Erin Chadborn filling in for Grace. She is THE Millennial with the Mike. I'm just A Millennial with the Mike. Borrowing Grace's Mike this week while she's been on Spring Break, she'll be back here on Monday on the Grace Curly Show. Until then, I am keeping the seat warm, the microphone on, and we're covering all of the top stories. I want to get back to talking about the themes that are going to really influence this election, because I think when you hear the advice from the talking class that they have to go after, like Nikki Haley's voters, or worry about Chris Christie, what the American people are looking at. They're looking at the cost of groceries, the cost of food, the cost of gas. They're looking at the border. They're looking at what's actually happening. And we've been told for years and years that there is no crisis at the border. We'll now Biden, and KJP, and others are completely pretending that never happened. They're trying to send it into the memory hole and say there was never a time we didn't say it was a crisis. It's Republicans who refused to work on it. We were also told, like, "Oh, it only affects those border states." And I think Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas, has done a very effective job reminding those sanctuary cities and sanctuary states that we're all border states, that we border another country and that it affects all of us. We've been seeing this play out in cities across the United States as Texas has shared the migrant population with the rest of the country. But they're also told, like, "Oh, you have nothing to worry about, nothing to fear." It's not affecting your communities. Crime isn't up. Crime's not on the rise. This is all fake news. This is all on the media. Well, there is Bill Malusion, I thought, did a great interview with Boston ICE agents that brought this really to bear of how it's happening right here in our own backyard in Boston. Go ahead, clip eight. It's the pre-dawn hours in Boston. It has a real violent history. And this elite team of ICE deportation officers is briefing on their target list for the day. Illegal aliens charged with egregious crimes. All the targets today, every single one of them, is an aggravated felony here in the Commonwealth. So these are the really the cases that are the worst, the worst here in Massachusetts. ICE quickly takes down its first target, an illegal alien from Guatemala, charged with aggravated child rape. Minutes later, ICE arrests a Colombian national charged with the rape of a child above age 14. I don't have enough officers or resources to tackle every one of these public safety threats. Are we going after the child raped us today or are we going to go after that two times deported fentanyl dealer? Because we can't get both. ICE is next arrest, a combative MS-13 gang member from El Salvador, charged with a slew of violent crimes. Officers then arrested this Brazilian man, charged with five counts of aggravated rape of a child. How are you guys not notified about a child rapist being released? Unfortunately in Massachusetts, that's how it is with mostly sanctuary jurisdictions. A short time later, ICE took down their final target, a Brazilian gang member, also charged with child rape. Just this morning today, four accused child rapists and one MS-13 gang member. Those are the kind of people you're going after. That's every day up here in Boston. Those are the public safety threats that we really want to get off the street. It's a great day for the teams. That's five public safety threats that are out in the community. Go ahead and victimize anyone else. That's every day up here in Boston. And those are the kinds of public safety threats we want to get out on the streets. The fact that we've had this culture, perpetuated by Joe Biden, by Maura Healy, by the various George Soros-funded prosecutors that say, "We're not going to cooperate with immigration authorities." Even when violent MS-13 members and child rapists are here illegally, we're going to keep them in our country. That's what is at stake. And that's why there is this choice. So people that don't like Trump or don't like what he said or don't like what he did, they'll often say, "But the other choice is also reprehensible." Because that's what leads to this sort of thing. And when you listen to these law enforcement agents, they're not just doing it for sport, they're not doing it for fun. They're doing it to keep the public safe, which is what I think most normal law-abiding citizens want to see. They want law in order. They want safety. They don't think that all migrants are dangerous. Not all immigrants are dangerous. There are many that are talented and skilled and not a threat. They're safe. They're people that'd be happy to have work with you or live near you. But you can't, in the interest of being politically correct and in following this orthodoxy, you can't turn a blind eye against enforcement of the rule of law. Like, what does it say? I mean, if you try to migrate into Canada, they won't let anyone in. They won't let you there, even if you're a law-abiding citizen. If you have a, I mean, they have very strict laws. I think if you have a parking ticket, they're going to say no, that you can't enter Canada. But meanwhile, in the United States, not only do you let these people in, but when they're caught in the legal system for committing violent crimes, it's more important to the juris-dictions like Boston and Massachusetts, to Joe Biden and Maura Healy to respect these people's privacy rather than keep the public safe. And that's where you get situations like what we saw in Chicago, where the members of the parole board are resigning because they let out a repeat offender who had been, who had been a week before his ex-girlfriend had filed for a protective order. He gets out, he comes at tax or ends up killing her son within a day of being released. This is what we're seeing in terms of the policies that are being enacted across the country in these sanctuary cities and through the Biden administration and their preferred policies. And I think these are the things that are going to turn people back who want common sense, who want rule of law, who want to put the rights of American citizens to be safe and to be healthy and to be happy. That's what they want to put first. 844-542-42, the number here on the Grace Curly Show. Let's go to the phone lines and talk to, oh, good caller from Maine. We'll talk to Mike. Mike, welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Aaron, you're doing a great job. Appreciate it, Mike. Always good to talk to you. Hey, Ed, listen, I wanted to remind everybody out there today. Today is National Vietnam Veterans Day. So if you run into a Vietnam vet today, say thank you and welcome home. And if you want to do anything to help out the Vietnam Veterans, what you want to do is donate to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. This is the fund that keeps the wall open down in D.C. Since we built the wall and christened it in '82, we've never accepted a dime from the federal government. This is all done through donations. The only thing they gave us was the piece of land that the memorial is on. So anybody that wants to help out the Vietnam vets, just go to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund. It's a huge page. It'll tell you how you can donate and what else you can do to help. We're always looking for volunteers. We now have a museum down there, too. So they had left over 400,000 artifacts at the wall in the first three years. So we had to set up a museum for all the artifacts. And I think you'll be highly impressed when you go to the museum. I haven't met in the museum. So that's a good thing, and thanks for the call. Thanks for the reminder, too, Mike. I know you do a lot to support our veterans community, and it's good for people to know. And for Vietnam vets, when they came home, they were the way that they were treated. Many of them drafted, went in, not of their own, but out of a sense of patriotism in this country, the way they were treated when they came home was awful. And there's a lot in common, by the way, to some of the people that served in the more recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, they went for one reason, and then they felt the government and the public turned their back on them. So it is really important. A lot of people that did serve in Vietnam were talking about it when I worked for Governor LePage and was part of overseeing our Bureau of Veterans Affairs, Bureau of Veterans Services here in Maine. You hear all the stories, and a lot of these veterans don't want to talk about it because of the experience they had and how they were really treated very poorly. So for anyone listening who did serve at Vietnam, thank you for your service. We're sorry what happened to you when you came home. Welcome home. Certainly a great reminder. And I think it's great that they're continuing to raise money privately for the memorial that's down there in the museum. I would love to see it, so maybe next time I'm down in DC. And it's very moving. The way that it's cut into the hill right there, the Vietnam Memorial, all of the memorials there are very moving. And I've really loved the honor flights, too, that have allowed the World War II veterans to go and see the memorial to their service and to their fallen friends and comrades in battle. All right, we've got a lot more to get to. Before we do that, though, Jared, are you traveling for Easter? I didn't ask. Are you staying local? Are you traveling? I'm staying local, this Easter. So I don't usually travel anyway. But yeah, no, just going over to the extended family. They have a brunch every year. Well, that's right. Your family does this big meal. Oh, yeah. We are italian, though. Was it the $180 per head cost that we heard about in Spokane, Washington? I don't know if it was per head. But we have definitely spent at least $180 under the cult cheese. Well, no matter how much you're spending, you're spending on your Easter dinner. You can always appreciate a good deal, especially when you do want to get away and you do want to travel. So I want to remind people about the deal that's going on at the Nossa Beach Inn. Yeah, right now you can book your April State at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night. And in May, the rates are from $259.99 a night. And if you heard yesterday when Dave Henshey was on with us and we did our greatest goodies for the Nossa Beach Inn, rooms are going fast and they're going to fill up even faster. So get on this now. Go to to reserve your ocean view room. And every room at the Nossa Beach Inn is an ocean view room. They all have a gigantic picture window so you can look out at the Atlantic Ocean. There's a fireplace. You can stay cozy and enjoy the ambiance. The sun's finally out for the first time and I think forever. So this would be a great type of day to be down there to walk along the beach. It's pet friendly. You can bring your dog down. There's hiking trails. They have fire pits you can sit out by. You can enjoy the sunrise. You can look at the stars, the moonrise. All of it is fantastic. It's the perfect ambiance. It's the perfect way to experience the cape. And right now you can book that April's Day at the Nossa Beach Inn from $249.99 a night and in May from $259.99 a night. Go to That's to reserve your room now. Follow Grace on Twitter at G_Curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. We are back on The Grace Curly Show. I'm Aaron Chadborn in for Grace. Grace has been off on Spring Break. Now it's Easter weekend. Wishing a happy Easter to Grace and to all of our listeners, of course, who celebrate. You know, you're growing up. My family, my mom is Greek. My dad was Protestant. So we had the kind of two different, you know, both Christian but both different. There's the Orthodox calendar and then you had the regular American calendar. So we had American Easter, which usually some days they fell on the same date, but oftentimes they fell later. So for instance, this year Easter is this weekend. So it's going to be on what the 31st of March, which I think is a little bit late. But Greek Easter Orthodox Easter this year isn't until May 5th, which is pretty far away. Wow, that's a big gap. It is a big gap. But it also means that if you've never attended services, exciting the services are way more ornate and interconnected and meaningful. And there's still a lot of the liturgy that's done. You can go to Orthodox Week is a great week. If you're whether you're observant or not, you can go. So it will give you that that first week of May, you know, Holy Thursday service is one of my favorites. Our family belongs to the St. Demetrius Church in Sokko, Maine, which you can go to, but any other, but I think after the Greek festival, which most Greek churches have an annual Greek festival, we have the food and you appreciate the culture and all of that, I think Easter week and the services of Easter week are the best. So for the Orthodox church, that's not until the end of April, the beginning of May, Palm Sunday for, for, for Orthodox is April 28th. And then Easter on, on May 5th, all the way to May 5th, maybe we'll go to Greece for it this year. That'll be fun. But the American Easter is, is this weekend. And we used to have two Easter baskets. That was the thing on American Easter and Greek Easter, which when they fell on the same day as a kid, you got to have like so much candy because the Greek Easter Bunny and the American Easter Bunny did not shop in the same store. And I know that has nothing to do with the church and the Christian holiday, whatever, but it's Eastern. Everyone likes Easter candy. It's a thing that sets this holiday apart. Valentine's Day is a little bit about the candy, but Easter has the great candies. And so that brings us to today's poll question. Today's poll question brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier. Back in stock now, our friends at Eden pure have brought back the very popular Bogo offer. That's buy one, get one. You can order now at in pure use code grace Bogo. These are going to go fast. So don't miss out. Use the code now grace Bogo at in pure All right, Jared in the spirit of Easter candy. What is today's poll question and what are the responses thus far today's poll question, which you can vote in at grace curly is what's your favorite Easter candy. Peeps, Cadbury cream eggs, jelly beans, rubbing eggs, hollow chocolate bunny or solid chocolate bunny. You know, just because I've already kind of got the first place answer here before in the last segment, I'm going to switch it up this time and I'm going to say the Cadbury cream egg because that is one that you can really only enjoy at Easter. Now I will say, I believe when I was a kid, they were bigger and they've gotten smaller over time. Cadbury denies this, but I think it's true. But I'm going to go with the Cadbury cream egg. The Cadbury cream eggs are in third place right now at 16%. And I think, I think you're right. I think BJ Novak who played Ryan on the office actually did an in depth dive into that. And the Cadbury cream egg has in fact gotten smaller. Solid chocolate bunny in the lead at 32%. Second place for jelly beans at 21%, 14% for the peeps, 11% for the robin eggs. And 6% for the hollow chocolate bunny. That's a pretty low score for the peeps. The peeps I want to say is kind of like the Rodney Dangerfield of Easter candy, right? Can't get no respect. But earlier when we were talking about the Easter candy, we were talking about how like Reese's or M&M's or those disgusting whopper robin eggs that only Jerry Diglio likes. Those are like normal candies that then masquerade as an Easter candy. Have you noticed that peeps go the opposite way? That peeps will go from being an Easter candy and that used to be all what they were. But if you're peeps and you're the peeps brand, you're like, well, how can I grow my revenue? We've got to make peeps like acceptable for other times of the year. And I get it. Like as someone who's like pro capitalism and business strategy and business growth, I get it. Like at Christmas, does anyone really want like a peeps stocking or like a peeps peppermint like chick or like peeps gingerbread man? Like no, when they get into the flavoring of the peeps, that's where it gets weird. Like the original peeps flavoring is good. But when they try to get all fancy and they do like mint peeps or orange peeps, it's just gets weird. There's a there's a I'm on their website. Now there's a rice crispy treat flavored peep. Like what? I have to like there's marshmallow in rice crispy treats. So I get where you were going on that, but I mean, here's like, I see this. So if I go to their websites, it's all products and then you have like sour strawberry peep, blue raspberry peep, like no, thank you. Also, Dr. Pepper flavored peeps. It's this cross branding. Like I get it. Like they got to do something. But then I see there's the Christmas banner, the Christmas peep, the Easter peep, the Halloween peep. Halloween's the only one I'm going to give you a free beyond because all right, you're a brand of candy. Like go ahead and give yourself like a Halloween edition. Because there's always going to be the house that mix it up and give something weird. When we were kids, people would give out the raisins, right? Or the pencils or the popcorn balls. Popcorn balls. I mean, people were trying though, but all right, give out, give out ghost peeps. Okay, fine. That's a marsh and it's better than some of the like off brand marshmallow candy that people could be giving out. So I'll give you a pass on Halloween. So to the peeps company and the peeps corporation, I give you a pass on Halloween. But stay in your lane. I really think that you just really need to stay in your lane for Easter. Don't try to be more than what you are. Take your once a year blockbuster strategy. I don't need the sour strawberry peep. I don't need the, what's the icy blue raspberry? Like no, you're not an icy. You're not a frozen drink. You're a marshmallow chick. Stay in your lane. So did you ever do the thing when you were a kid where you'd put the peep in the microwave and it would like blow up? I'm not saying that I did it. I'm certainly not recommending that people try putting a peep in the microwave. That's certainly not my recommendation here on the Grace Curly Show. Bad move. I'm telling you not to do it. Do not do it. Don't do it. If you try to call our lawyers here at the Howie Curly Unit, we're going to say that I told you to do it. Do not do it. Keep the peeps out of the microwave, but maybe go on YouTube and look for other videos. I'm Aaron Chadborn filling in for Grace Curly, the Grace Curly Show. We've got more show when we come back here on Grace Curly Show on the Howie Car Radio Network. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. ♪♪♪ Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Grace is still on spring break for one more day. She'll be back on Monday. Until then, I'm Aaron Chadborn here in Maine filling in for the talented Grace Curly. Thanks to Jared and the team for making it look so easy, but it's a lot of work, and I really appreciate the opportunity to sit in and do this. Speaking of Maine and my folks here in Maine, I do host Inside Maine on WGAN, and I used to work for Governor Paula Page. There was some news in the Maine Second Congressional District Race that came out this week, which was Donald Trump has waited in, and he's endorsed. There were originally three, and now it's down to two Republicans running for that nomination. Now, we don't talk a lot about congressional races in Maine because usually they're in New England in general, because usually they're not competitive. Occasionally, you'll get a race like Caroline Levitt when she was running in New Hampshire, or the Jared Golden Seat. You know, it used to be held by a Republican Bruce Polloquine. It's one of those seats where there are a lot of registered Republicans, more Republicans than Democrats. There are independents who lean conservative. Trump has won that district both of the last two elections. So it's one of these weird districts where a Democrat won a Trump-leaning district. And so it's always, you know, one of these districts you think should come up. Now, Jared Golden, he worked for Susan Collins when he was growing up in politics. And so he kind of understands kind of what Susan Collins has been able to do, which is she's a Republican. She's positioned herself as a centrist Republican that will work with Democrats. Jared Golden's kind of done the same thing in reverse where he's positioned himself. And I'm not saying I agree with this. I'm just saying this is how he's gone about it. He says, I'm a centrist Democrat. I, you know, I'm not in the far left. He'll decry the squad. But he'll work with Republicans. He never voted for Nancy Pelosi, for instance, for Speaker, but he threw away his vote when it didn't matter. But he voted to oust Kevin McCarthy. He was very happy to do that. He also did. He was on the first impeachment. He was the only person in the house. I think Mitt Romney did in the Senate that voted against one of the articles of impeachment, but then for the other one. So Jared Golden is this, is this he wants to kind of have it both ways. He's a, he's a Democrat when it's convenient, but he's not quite progressive enough. But then when he needs progressive credentials, he did what he did after the Lewiston shooting, which is a horrible, horrible tragedy in Jared's hometown of Lewiston. He came out and said he wanted to ban assault weapons, which got him points on the left, got him higher on the right. So it's a very interesting place to be politically, because right now with people as polarized they are, there's not as much of a center. And that's kind of where he seems to be courting. And he seems to know that, you know, it's really a district that many people are Republican voters and do support Donald Trump. So Donald Trump comes out and endorses Austin Terrio, who is, I think, the favorite to win the primary anyway, even without the Trump endorsement, because he's a former NASCAR driver, former NASCAR driver, currently serving the main legislature. He's raised a ton of money, which is not everything in a race, by the way, but he's shown that he can do it. And you're going to have to have a lot of money because Jared Golden has an incumbent on a seat that Democrats target, oh, Dexter, 617 says the Democrat won the seat because of ranked-choice voting. And that's right. The first time that Jared Golden ran, he actually came in second, he came in second, but because Maine adopted ranked-choice voting, when they added the runoff votes of the second place, it was able to house Bruce Polloquine. And so neither Bruce didn't get 50% of the vote, he got 48 or something, and then Jared won through ranked-choice voting. So yeah, that was the first way that they were able to rewrite the rules of the game to engineer a Democrat outcome. So Austin Terrio, you have his former NASCAR driver, and he's running against Mike Soboleski, also in the state legislature, also Republican. And Mike Soboleski, he's a former Marine, he's got a career in television, I think. I think he was a stuntman on law and order and some other things. Mike Soboleski has come out as more of a favorite for what I refer to as the Republican base. He's more popular with the base, he's in more when he goes to the Republican caucuses, the people at the caucuses have liked him more, he's won a bunch of straw polls, which I don't think are that telling in terms of what's going to happen at the polls because you need even in a congressional district, one as wide and spread out as Maine's second congressional district, and I managed to campaign for a congressional candidate there who wanted to face Jared Golden once we lost the primary. It's hard to go meet everyone and do all of that. You need money to either get on TV, to get your name out there, to have people hear your image. And Mike Soboleski seemed to be getting more traction with the grassroots and the activists where Austin Terrio has more money and more, I think, more viability as a candidate because he's been getting the national support, he has a support of Speaker Mike Johnson, of Tom Emmer, of the NRCC. So you can see it's going, and now he has the Trump endorsement, and the knock had kind of been that Soboleski was kind of the more conservative, the Trump-like candidate and the one. And so I think it's a big blow to Soboleski staying in the race that Trump has endorsed Austin Terrio, and I think that kind of does put kind of a fine point on it. But here's the thing about Jared Golden, I have to give Jared Golden and his people credit is they never waste an opportunity to try to score some points or really kind of, they're very smart and how they go about it. So Jared Golden, there's an article today in the main wire, and it's taken from a quote in the Washington Examiner. And the headline says, "Jared Golden trolls Austin Terrio, Trump's pick for Maine CD2." So the quote, this is funny, that Jared Golden gives to the Washington Examiner, says, "I'd rather face a neoliberal like Austin Terrio than another Marine like Mike Soboleski," Golden told the Examiner. But it's funny that Trump would back someone who just a few years ago was talking about running as a Democrat instead of backing the guy who has supported Trump all along, Golden said. I guess the Washington establishment wants Terrio, interesting, interesting because like neoliberalism, like calling him a neoliberal, it's something that advocates for a minimum role for the state, but also elevating individual liberty, economic freedom, but also tends to talk about some of those squishy Republicans that are like David Brooks and kind of in the middle that occupy that space. And so it's very interesting to me that Jared Golden is kind of trying to play into that trope of Austin Terrio being a squishy Republican. So there are a couple reasons he could be doing this, and I think it's very interesting. Number one, maybe Jared Golden wants to hurt Austin Terrio in that primary. Maybe he'd rather run against Mike Soboleski, or more likely maybe he wants to keep Mike Soboleski in the race and give him fuel so that with Austin Terrio and Mike Soboleski fighting against each other, they use up a lot of that money in order to get the, and so he comes and damaged into the general election. That could be a reason why too. It could be he's just trolling them for the sake of trolling them. It could be that he's trying to turn off Republican voters or conservative independents to Austin Terrio and trying to get them to come home to Golden in the future. He's kind of done well with kind of the Trump style voter in the past. I think it's super interesting. I think it'll be interesting to see how this plays out, how to see how it's used by the candidates at the end of the day, I think it's probably better for Maine to rally around one or the other of these two candidates. I think for Mike Soboleski, not getting the Trump endorsement is probably a big emotional setback, but it's a, I don't know, I don't know how you move forward, but this, Jared Golden clearly trying to go to him and to staying in the race and to try to kind of bloody up Austin Terrio in it. This is going to be interesting race to follow. I think it's going to be one. I know I'm from Maine and so I care about Maine politics, but I mark my words. It's going to be an interesting race to watch. I do think that Austin Terrio as a candidate has something different. So we're, where Mike Soboleski is a little bit older is kind of what you, you picture as a traditional candidate, Austin Terrio is younger. He's a former NASCAR driver. I think there's some image stuff to go there, but Jared Golden must smell some blood in the water if he's commenting on that. 844-542-42 is the number here on the Grace Curly show. You can also text in curly to 617-213-1066 that we've been getting a lot of text this morning, Jared, about Easter candy, which means that people are really resonating with our poll question. I'll, I'll, I'll read some of these texts, uh, when we, when we come back and talk the poll question again in the, in the two o'clock hour, um, I don't know. We should ask the team to like, what their favorite Easter candy, Emma Foley, of course, going to be on at two o'clock for last call with Emma Foley will get her favorite Easter candy. What do you think Taylor's favorite Easter candy is? Is he going to be one of those people that's like Easter's really about more than candy? How dare you? Or is he going to be like, like, you know, is he going to go for like the Robin eggs or the Whoppers? I don't think he'd go for the Whoppers, but I think he definitely has a favorite Easter candy, I'm sure. He's going to be like, Oh, at my house, we make shortbread. That's how we, that's how we celebrate Easter, which in the Greek family, they're all these like Greek specific, like cookies that you have for different things. So there's like a braided cookie you have at Easter, the Kootalakea, um, it's what it's kind of like a short, but I don't know. I'll be interested. See if you can find Taylor and ask him in his favorite Easter candy. Tell him he's welcome to come on and talk about it on, um, on air. Uh, phone lines are lighting up though. There are a few other topics people want to get to. Let's go ahead and talk to Jim. Jim, welcome to the Grace Curly Show. Hi there. How's it going, Jim? I'm going good. Um, I live in Maine. My cousin, Beecher Noah Washburn, was a Medevac helicopter pilot in Vietnam. Excellent, well, please thank your cousin for, for their service. I, I mean, there's, there's, there is in Maine in particular, there is a strong tradition of military service, Maine has some of the most veterans per capita of any, any state in the country. I appreciate each of their service. Anything else you want to say on that, Jim? Yeah, just quickly. He's originally from Soma, Massachusetts. He was a heavy smoker and unfortunately he passed away about 10 years ago. Oh, we're sorry for your loss and thank you for calling in. Thank you for calling to remember him and share his memory with others. I think it's important. I think it's important. When I worked for Paula Page and the page, um, the first lady of Maine, she was the best first lady, probably in Maine's history. She was a big advocate on veterans rights and, and what we'd always do is we'd say, you know, veterans really die twice once when they physically leave the earth and the second time is people when, when people speak their name for the last time. So we would on Memorial Day, we would go in place, reads from, reads from, reads across America, the Worcester family in, uh, Washington County, Maine, we would place those manate reads on the graves and you'd read their names out loud and remember their service and Jim, we certainly appreciate you sharing the story, um, of your cousin here as well. Vietnam vets, especially so many of them were mistreated when they, um, when they came back. All right. Let's take a quick break right now. When we come back, we'll get more of your calls, 844-542, 42. The number here on the Grace Curly show and in the two o'clock hour, it's time for last call with Emma Foley. I hope you're getting those headlines ready because there's a lot I'm sure we've missed this week. Can't wait to dive into them and your calls 844-542, 42. The number on the Grace Curly show I'm in for Grace Curly. I'm Aaron Chadburn. We're listening to the Grace Curly show. This is the Grace Curly show. Welcome back. I'm Aaron Chadburn sitting in for Grace. Our text line is lighting up with lots of predictions and lots of thoughts on this, this poll question about Easter candy and there's some speculation about Taylor Cormier's favorite Easter candy, uh, one texture, 617 saying that Sinatra always loved a Tootsie role. Assume Taylor will lean in that direction to, sorry, texture, like that doesn't count as an Easter candy. Like this is one of your falling in the trap. You can't go with a candy masquerading as an Easter candy. But now to settle the score for us to let us in on the secret, the man himself, Taylor Cormier. Listen, Sinatra had impeccable taste with many things. He was not one of them. So it's your role as a garbage. All right. So do you have like was Easter having Easter basket a big tradition in the Cormier household? I think it was done a few times or one of my Easter gifts was Star Wars, the Phantom Menace on VHS. So that was a while ago. I think that was one of my last Easter baskets that I received. That was recently though. You're really one. No. I don't either. You're saying that you got what year did that come out? 1999. Really? Yeah. I think I think 99 anyway. But it's a terrible. I forgot it. Well, I mean, I think that's interesting. I forgot too. I used to get the like the Easter theme Pez dispensers to you to have the Easter. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Like we would get those in our Easter baskets. All right. But anyway, fans are dying to know what is Taylor's favorite Easter candy? I think the Reese's eggs. I really like those. Would you consider like a Rollo and Easter candy? Do they do an Easter candy? I don't know. I guess not. Yeah, I think they're just a standard year round candy. I think that's one of those things like if someone puts it in your Christmas stocking, does it make it a Christmas candy? Like no. Like if it's in your Easter basket, like for you, it's Easter. But I mean, so I think a Reese's eggs or a Cadbury egg, like an OG Cadbury. Not the stuff they have. No, but from what I was a kid, they were a lot better than and they were bigger too, right? Yes, definitely. Yeah. Harvard educated comedian BJ Novak and how we car legend Taylor Cormier agree is that the Cadbury cream eggs used to be way better than they are now. Yeah. Most things were better when I was a kid. And I don't think I'm not buying that that's my imagination. I think things were generally much better, tastier and of higher quality when we were younger. It's shrink-flation. Jack, you've seen the Snickers Hires lately. Now as a parent yourself, and you both have kids, right? Yeah. So as parents yourselves, like do you carry on those traditions with your kids? Like are you searing them two or away from Easter candy? My wife has prepared Easter baskets. I'm not sure if they contain candy. My boy is too young at this point, but next Easter, there'll probably be a basket. My mom did get them little Easter basket with the eggs and they had little like construction vehicles in them. Oh, yeah. For Easter, I got my niece. There's some eggs that come apart, those plastic eggs that come apart and they fit together and they're things in them. That's fun. Or they're like Morocco kind of eggs. That's what I've done in Easter. I need to do something. Jelly beans. Jelly beans can die. I don't want jelly beans. The worst is those generic ones. Like the generic jelly beans where like every single one tastes like kind of the same flavor. Slightly licorice-like, yeah. And if they can only exist within like two degrees temperature, otherwise they melt or they become super hard. Those are the grossest. Always fun in the summertime when you're mowing the lawn and you find the egg that nobody found. I used to when I was in grad school, I was in RA for college freshman and I would do an Easter egg. They loved it every year. I used to hide the eggs and it didn't matter what you put in them. But I'll tell you the things, I think you're right, Taylor, that jelly beans are kind of the candy corn of Easter. Yeah, it's just like we have all these leftover ingredients. What can we make? We got a bunch of sugar and some extra dye. Like let's like throw it together. And I feel like a lot of Easter candy is just leftover Valentine's Day candy. The Pez, the chalk, all of it, it's a lot of just, well, we couldn't move this stuff for Valentine's Day. So let's just kind of rebrand it for Easter. Yeah, St. Patrick's Day really missed out because like there's not really a good St. Patrick's Day candy. You get the gold coins, which is kind of like ripping off like the Jewish holidays with the guilt and whatever. But they, yeah, like, I think you're right. I think they're just repurposing Valentine's Day candy. But after after Halloween, isn't Easter the best candy holiday? Like is there another one? I don't know. I think it's your badge. I would take Easter over Valentine's Day for the candy for sure. We don't really talk a lot about like what do you got for Valentine's Day? You got the conversation hearts, like that's the box of chocolates, like which, you know, I've just gotten also worse and worse over than that. That's something that I do think was better when we were kids is like the chocolates that used to come in like a Whitman sampler or in that hard box used to be good and other like trash. Yeah. The wax content has gone up considerably since I was a kid. I remember the taste of chocolate from when I was a kid and I don't taste that. Even in Hershey's, I don't think is the same as when I was a kid. That's why you got to go to your local store where they actually do the handmade chocolate, which is a little bit more expensive, but you know you're getting the real thing. It's not all wax. It's not. And I think Jared and I were saying this earlier, you were saying you like the Reese's eggs for Easter. I think it's because the wax content is less because they don't have to last on the shelf as long. Possibly. And I think they have more filling than the Reese's peanut butter cups too. That's a plus. Well, thank you, Taylor Cormier, for putting to rest this big thing. Speaking of Tootsie Rose Colouin, Orange used to chase just like one, okay 617, little early to start drinking here this Easter holiday. When we come back, it is time for last call with Emma Foley. We continue filling in for Grace this week where she's on spring break. I am Aaron Chadborn, joined by Taylor Cormier and soon to be joined by Emma Foley. Don't touch that dial. Stay right here on The Grace Curly Show. And we'll bring you last call with Emma Foley coming right up. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)