That moment when the disappointment was happening, I was thinking, "Hey, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?" "Oh, it took you so long." "You got a specific boy better in Sulu." "Exactly, what I'm thinking. How do you say it in?" Our response would be to open into the next door. And so, how we respond to a thing with the timing if the next door were open. And of every sentence is a full stop, but it's also a beginning of a new sentence. A new sentence, yes. Knowing that this next opportunity is a bridge from the last opportunity. And even that next opportunity is going to be a bridge to the next opportunity. So, basically, never getting comfortable. Being content, but not being comfortable. "Let's chill." "Hello, how are you?" "So, how are you?" "Well, I'm a chapla chillist. Yes, it's your boy, Coach L.J. Yes, I'm with the recent birthday, my awesomeness, my birthday, birthday girl." Yes, recent birthday, recent birthday girl who celebrate it. "Recent newborn." "Recent newborn, yes. But my birthday have my business partner, my awesomeness." "The one and only lady's season, yes, she is in the building." "Yes, how you feel today, babe? You just celebrate our birthday, you know, during the time of your watch on Friday, my wife celebrated a birthday on Sunday and our anniversary. So, how do you feel? So many years of marriage, seven years. Some years. Completion. And hopefully, end of struggle." "Struggling, I hear that. I like that. I like the sound of that." "Only good things. Well, life has its ups and downs, but let the ups be more than the downs." "Yes, yes. The first seven years were hard." "Yes, first seven years was hard, definitely hard." "Yes, so, actually, this is our seventh year, so let's say our first six years were hard." "Yes." "So, as we are stepping into our seventh year, we're trusting God to be the leader and the intercede and the everything of our marriage. We have always been, but I think as we mature in this marriage life, we are maturing with God as well, so we're not even open. We are expecting only the best." "Only the best." Because, like I said, you're going to have your down moments, things not going to be always peaches and cream. You're going to learn through the obstacles, through the setbacks, and all these different things. In marriage, because it's not easy when you're marrying someone. That's because you've been single for a long time, or you've been independent for a long time. So, it's tough, but it has good moments. And that's why we always celebrate each other, have fun. "Create memories." "Create memories." "I'm very big on creating memories." "Yes, my wife's big on creating memories, for sure." "His life is short. I mean, tomorrow is not guaranteed." "It's not." "The next minute is not guaranteed." "It's sure not." "If you're going to wait for tomorrow, what if tomorrow never comes?" "I agree." "I'm very big in being in the moment and celebrating the moment. Money or no money, abundance or no abundance." Because what if you're trying to save up for next year next year? You never get to see next year. So, yes, you're not going to be stupid and overdo it, but life is meant to be enjoyed. "Yes, you've got one like to live, right?" "That's it." "Enjoy it. Live it. Live it." "And I've got a new pair of glasses. I hope you like them." "Yes, yes." "In fact, like I said, I think I said this beginning of the year that I'm planning on having really different sets of glasses." Because glasses are now like these things, especially when you have a hairstyle like the one that I have. You always want to just switch it up a bit with the glasses and look cute. "Yes, you're hot. You're looking hot too." "Yes." "Only if you see it's a little hot." "Oh, whoop." "So, and of course we've got this." "The new edition." "Yes, the new edition." "And you see behind us, which is my real dollar." "Okay, these are real dollars, but don't be mistaken. They're going to be there because for me, when I got that roses was, yeah, it was to manifest to be able to see real money every day. And for me, it's a sign of abundance. I'm excited. Anyway, let's jump into our episode today. Today is one is rather personal. "Yes, personal." "You know, we've been through a lot of disappointments, and we've been through a lot of hardships and rejection and so abandonment." "Yeah, I guess it was abandoned, but yeah, I guess. And I saw--" "I was." "By who?" "I was abandoned." "By who?" "Rejection, abandoned." "Who are you abandoned by?" "Huh?" "Who are you abandoned by?" "Yeah, well, even like with my father." "Yeah, abandoned you?" "Yeah, like they say he's going to do things and then do it, and I was expecting it and all this kind of stuff." "You know what abandonment means?" And the spiritualist said, "Baby, I know what it is." And the personalist said, "Yes." "What does it explain?" "Abandament is when somebody leave you." "Yeah, and you're expecting them to come." "Yeah." "Yeah, that's abandonment. So the same thing, when I'm expecting something to happen, he never, it never showed up." "But he didn't abandon you, it just didn't--" "That's rejection, too." "Rejection, yes." "But it is." "Or he didn't say true his, true his words." "True, true, yeah, but it also abandoned." "Abandament is something like in my case, where my father--" "Left you." "Decided I was not a daughter, he's daughter." "That's true abandonment, yeah, that's true abandonment." "He knows that I'm his daughter, but financially when he came to finance him, this is not my daughter." "I'm his daughter when things are going good, when his money is needed." "That my daughter--" "Well, he didn't say it to the literal sense, but your actions speak louder than words. So if your actions are not going to support what you say, then we'll look at the actions, because I always say love is an action word. And if your actions say, "I'm not your father," then--" "Thank God, thank God for your uncle, though." "He made up the one that loved you a lot." "He's his brother." "Yes, his brother." "Yeah, his brother really played the part, but he was still not my father." "I know, I know he--" "So I had daddy issues, because my father was an absent father. But that's not where we are today. We are speaking about disappointment, yes, it's part of disappointing, because it's a disappointment, because I know as a young lady, when you have daddy issues, you try to look for daddy in men. And for me, I've never found a father in any man. I've never found a man who, even my husband, who I can completely just rely on and be relaxed. That's my truth. Yes. I've never been in a situation where I'm just going to be a queen of a castle and just not bring something to the table. In my entire dating life and marriage life, I had to always bring something to the table, always. And that situation makes you an independent woman. And you know, it makes most men mad. But you think, "Hold on, you're expecting me to bring something to the table." That automatically makes me an independent woman. So what do you want from me? But that's not what we're going to be talking about today, but it just came about. Yes. Today, we're actually going to talk about turning disappointments into drive and just bouncing back better from where you were. Because I'm sure everybody has been disappointed in one way or the other, especially professionally, especially personally, like there's so many, well, I shouldn't be saying especially. But in mostly these areas that touch our daily lives, you have been disappointed in one way or the other. And I want to put the especially part with Korea because as we try to build your Korea, you're going to meet up with a lot of challenges. And we've got great examples that actually happened to us very recently, the both of us. And I think that's how this episode came about, where we experienced such hectic disappointment, that it makes you even question yourself, "Am I really worth what I'm worth on paper?" Because our resumes on paper, they- Top notch. Top notch. Top notch. But then when it's presented to people, sometimes you feel like they don't see what you have accomplished or what you are worth. So today, let's just talk about that, how we bounce back from disappointments, how we bounce back from rejection. So, yeah, what do you have to say? Well, before now, I would like to say because I did not see anybody in the house, "Are you ready for another empowerment episode or chillin' with the chaplains?" Where we are. Elevate in the lives. Yes. And power in businesses. Yes. Yes. United coaches. And, fuel and success. Yes. So, before I jump into my question for today, I want to remind our chapter, let's just please share this video. Write in the comments section, whatever that you feel stands out to you. And also, give us suggestions on what you'd like us to talk about. Because, you know, mostly like LG was saying, we are elevating lives, and we are speaking truth, and we are speaking empowerment. So, whatever that's in that line, do, how are it us? We love reading your comments. And we love responding to them. And also, do press the subscribe button if you have not. Like and share the video. So, the question today is because you know I love asking questions first is, have you ever been faced with a setback? That felt like a full stop. So, say that again. Yes, say that again. Ever been faced with a setback that felt like a full stop. Because you know what a full stop is? In America, they call it period. In Africa, we call it full stop. It's when you're writing a sentence, and at the end of your sentence, you put that dot. That dot says, I'm done with the sentence. I remember one pastor friend who was also motivational, speaker still is, he once said, of every sentence is a full stop. But it's also a beginning of a new sentence. A new sentence, yes. So, if you look at life, as in when you come across a full stop or a period, and you think this is the end, because sometimes it feels like, it is the end. There's no moving foot. That's why people commit suicide. Because they feel like, I can't, because I've been in that boat before, of pre-meditating my departure in this world, I couldn't see a future. I couldn't see tomorrow. I couldn't see the next hour, and I was ready to end it all. And I think that's what happens when you go through disappointment. You feel like, this is it, this is it. This opportunity that's been missed, another better one may never come. So, let me just end my life. Let me just end it all. Maybe not your life, but let me just give up. Some people do end their life, though. Yeah, that's the extreme part of it. But some people just give up and just say, because even ending your life is giving up. But some people just throw in the towel and say, you know what? I'm just going to settle for whatever that comes. Because I feel like I've been trying for so long, and nothing is breaking. You do get to a point where you're like, so exhausted. You've sent in countless resumes, but nothing comes through. You've motivated, you've knocked on doors. No door is being opened every time you knock a door. It's being shut back at you. And you feel like... Is it me? You know, you stop questioning yourself. I'm the problem. What's wrong with me? Yeah. Exactly. So we're here to discover that even though you feel like it's a full stop, in most cases, actually a comma. It's never. Yeah, it's just a comma. Yeah. Because a comma is like... That's powerful. It is, right? A comma is like... Yeah, brief, brief, and starting and start back again. Not really, because remember you're in the middle of a sentence. Yeah. Yeah, well, continue, continue. Exactly. Things that the door is continuing. Yes, continue. Yes. It means that... It's not the end. Right? Reevaluate, restructure, go back in. Reset. And reset and check, you know, how can I restructure the sentence? How can I move on and make it a better sentence? So by the time the period comes at the end of the full stop, you know, it makes sense. So how do we move on with such things? So today we're going to really be breaking down and just guiding the chaplain's children through the valleys of disappointment. And to how to persevere and how to keep pushing and moving forward, regardless of how it may look like right now. Yeah. Doesn't matter where you are in your life. Yeah. Career, business, relationships. You know, because even though you might have a setback, guess what? That setback don't have to be, you know, the end or be all. Absolutely. In fact, most setbacks are usually... They are usually... A setback. A setback is a setup for a comeback. Absolutely. And so you're that disappointment that you might have. Yeah, it's a setback. It's going to hurt. It's definitely going to hurt. You're going to feel... Oh, you're going to feel... Oh, well, man. I did it again. I messed up. And I think what's the biggest takeaway from this podcast is being able to... So you've gone through a setback, right? Now, how you react is what's important. Yes. Because in most cases, we don't react the way... In a way that could bring a good setback... A good setback. A comeback, yeah. We react in a way of saying, "I'll just go, I'll just take whatever." Yeah. And this is why I sometimes got to learn how to take the hard role. You know, when you get the setback, you know, like, okay, especially like, you know what, I did my best. When you know you've done your best. I did my best. I did what I supposed to do. I did all I can. I did my best. Yeah, sometimes you're going to make mistakes. We're not perfect. You're going to mess up. You're going to do things that's like, you know what, that's deserving of it. But knowing you did your best regardless of it. Because, you know, life happened, situations might happen. You never know what... And you will never always get the ideal answer. Yeah. And so... The ideal deal. You just have to know how to be a... What's that tree again? That's in Florida. Bamboo? No, palm tree. A palm tree. Be able to sway with the wind. Yes, sway with the wind. Because, you know, you never know as well about what's going on on an individual life. You know, the person that you didn't wear for the people that you didn't. So you never know what's going on. And all you could do is do your best. And even if you get that setback, you got to, like you said, you got to be that palm tree. And say, you know what? I could bounce back from this. And take that high role. And say, you know what? Okay, you know what? This is what we're going to talk about. And learn from it. And just can't keep moving. Absolutely. So, before we give you, like, share a few of the disappointments that we went through. Because we're going to share, like we said, this is more personal than anything. And we just wanted to share with you how we overcame. Or we still overcoming those disappointments. So, grab it all pads. And let's transform those setbacks into... Comebacks. Right. Comebacks. Yes. And how we deal with the disappointment. Because, oh, that would alone. Yes, it's tough, troubling. So... Trouble don't last always. Exactly. This too shall pass, right? Absolutely. So, first of all, before we even dive into other stuff, let's understand what disappointment is. Yeah, we got to learn how to tackle that emotion. Embrace our emotions. Because, you know, it's going to affect your emotions. Well, but you're not answering my question. Why is disappointment? Because we want to try and understand. I think we've explained a bit in our intro of, you know, being an expectation of something. And it doesn't happen. Yeah, and understanding this... Or being rejected. Yeah, yes. That's basically what it is. Having that feeling of being disappointed. You know, that emotion. Emotion, because it does attack your emotions. And so, we got to learn how to use that emotion. Not in a negative sense when disappointment. Because, God, remember, it's part of life. We all get disappointed. And you're still going to get disappointed. Even though you might die over one. Guess what? You're going to be doing well, and then you're going to get another disorder. It's part of life. And so, but learning how to channel those negative emotions. And let it be a catalyst for growth. For learning. For more opportunities. So, this is how, you know, understanding disappointment. Disappointment is an emotion reaction. Because that disappointment is a reaction negatively. And it's because you feel bad, especially if you've been in a situation when you were young. And, you know, maybe your father wasn't there. Your mother wasn't there. And so, you would feel that disappointment. Ain't that negative emotion that nobody loved me. You know, maybe you was, you know, you would mistreat as a child. Maybe you would, you know, got molested. Whatever the situation. Yeah. And this disappointment like, man, do people love me? So, that is an emotion that you got to learn how to embrace. So, that it could be a catalyst. Now, we're not saying that, you know, embracing the molestation. No, no, because that's a tough situation that you don't want anyone to go through. Yeah. You know, that's hard. You know, I'm going to wish no one, their father wasn't there. No, that's an emotion that, you know, it's hard to live through when you deal with that. But, you know, learning how to tackle it. And so, okay, you know what? That because that happened to you. That don't mean that you was a bad person or... It's not your fault. It's not your fault, yes. But what I like about disappointment, and if you look at it in a positive manner, is that it teaches us to be resilient. Yes. It teaches us to be, to reevaluate our lives and to restart, like we said. Yeah. And it's also usually a catalyst for growth and for reinvention. Yeah, we shake back on mindset as well. Yeah, it's what about, you know, because we were talking about mindset. Mindset is like, I love mine as a man. Think it's so easy. So, you know, and this is why you said something early is not, you know, it's what you do after you get the disappointment. And a person with a growth mindset, well, understands it. Oh, I could get over this. You know, I could overcome this. And I'm not going to allow this negative experience to keep me down, but I'm going to bounce back up. I'm going to do something about it. I'm going to get better. I'm going to grow. I'm going to, you know, I'm going to, regardless of what they say, this is something that I always believe in since I was young, because I feel like people are always down with me. I don't know for some reason. So, but, and when they say, oh, you can't do this, I said, I'm going to show you, I can do it. You know, I didn't allow that negative emotion to run away or to stop. Walk through us your recent disappointment. You're most, very most recent disappointment. What? On somebody who actually, because I don't appreciate people who tell me, or tell people that you cannot do this. Oh, you're not good enough. Yeah. You're not good enough. Yeah. You know, just say you're not a great fit for our organization. Yes, you're right. You're right. Making a person doubt the ability. Yes, yes, yes. Well, share with us with that. Well, yeah, I was, I was working for a gig. And this is something that I do all the time. I am a, as a facilitator. And the disappointment was that, you know, something happened. And wasn't expected. And, and things had, I understood it. But, you know, because I know who I am. I know myself, I know my strengths, I know my weaknesses. And the disappointment was that he had to let me go. I get it, and this is the thing. I'm like, yo, you don't have to tell me what it is. Just, if you're going to do it. Well, I guess they need to give you a reason why they say you're touching your goal. You know, so that you don't say, I'll go dismissed and fairly. Let them reason with you to say, because they're going to point out all the bad. Yes, they have to because that's the objective is to let you go. But they got to, they got to point out all the bad, so that they go, oh, let you go. But, you know what, I look at it, okay, you know what, but I know another opportunity to come in the line. So I'm not going to allow, and I'm going to embrace that negative, but yeah, it hurts. You know, just like when I said last time that disappointment, when I went to help my cousin, you know, I went to help my cousin. I missed my opportunity, you know, for the job. Yeah, that was the hurt and feeling. But I had to embrace that emotion and say, you know what, it's going to get better. And so just like with this situation, I'm like, okay, you know what, there's another opportunity. I know after the phone call or after the meeting, you were devastating. I was, because I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it. I look forward to doing what I was doing every day or every week or whatever. But I like helping people. I like impacting people and sharing my knowledge with other individuals. Not saying they don't have no flaws or no weakness, but again, with the growth mindset, I know I can get better, you know, I know I can improve. And for an organization like that, that says we're here to help you become better. It's sad when they let you go and not try to help you to become better, or to become to be aware, to be at the standard where they want you to be. You know, I feel like it's a cop-out, you know. But there's a business though too, so you can't take it personal. And there's a business. So, you know, when you realize that as a business man, you can't take it personal just like for myself. But this is why I always knew from the beginning, especially as I went into ministry, I never asked anyone to be on a platform. You know, I never asked because what the thing- But then that's how you practice though. That is how you practice. But you know- Because your own platform, you become so comfortable. That is true. And the whole point of growth is to get out of your comfort zone. That is true. But I never asked to be on anybody platform. If they're inviting me, they're inviting me. Because I take opportunities. But if they invite me, they invite me. But I don't ask, you know, sometimes you get people that be begging and ask, "Oh, let me in your pulpit." No, I never ask. I never beg. I never like, "Oh, let me, you know." Because what the main thing is, what came to me was build your own platform. You know, build your own- And ever since I was young, I knew I'm an entrepreneur. You know, me and being this person because I know who I am. And so, yeah. But the thing is, with the disappointment, I took the high road. I took the high road. Because that means it takes you to 100. I said, "Thank you." I just like, you know, thank you for the opportunity. I appreciate it. I understand, you know what I- Well, you can't change somebody's mind when they've decided to go. Exactly. And I just take full responsibility. I said, "Okay, yeah, I messed up." But do you think that you're messing up was the result was equivalent to your mess up? What happened? Being let go, was it equivalent to the mess up? Yes, yes, yes, yes. So you feel like you would have fired a person as well if they had done that? Well, I fired a person. It depends if you're going to hurt the business. And like I said, I understand the business. And so, you're going to get one shot too. You're going to get one shot. So it depends if it's going to hurt the business. So, but the thing is, I'm going to reiterate things. And I'm going to rewrite things and I believe in getting people. I'm not going to just fight. And maybe I'll do something else or maybe. And this is why I like the disassessment. You want to know why? This is why I like the disassessment. Because what the dis- And we offer the disassessment. With the disassessment, I know how to place my individual, my employees. Like my employees, that's why when I hire employees, everyone going to take the disassessment. Because I don't want to put it. I'm going to know they strength, they weaknesses, boom, boom, boom. So that, okay, I know you're good in this area. I know you reserve. I know you deserve. But she hears a facilitator how you have to be able to speak to an audience. Yes. Yeah. You have to be able to speak to an audience. I don't understand you saying you're going to be separating them. No, no, no. Because you're a member. You're a mindful facilitator. Yes. If you've got more than one, right? Let's say you got more than one, you still can put them in the best situation to succeed. But they said they can do it. They said when you interviewed them, they said, "I can work in all environments." So they shouldn't, they shouldn't themselves in their foot. Yes. If they said that, yes. If you said you're working all environments, yes, you're shooting yourself in your foot. Now, here's it. I never said I could work in all environments. What did you say? I did say I'm reserved. And once I get comfortable, I'm on-- You said that in an interview? I believe I did. I don't remember. But I don't think I said I could work in all environments. I don't think you're also saying you're-- No, no, no. I did say once I get comfortable, then I could go. I mean, I'm an energy person as well, so I feed off energy. Yeah, but then it's not all situations for facilitation. That's true too. Yes, yes, yes. That's true too. Then people are excited to see you. Yeah, that is true. Especially when you're dealing with school kids. Yeah, and this is something that-- This is why I like the experience, because this is something I had to learn as well. You know how to deal with-- Which here in the past, you know that even in a congregation, you will not be-- I'm still learning how to do that as well. You won't always be excited about you. I'm still learning how to do that as well. How to get people excited and told that it's not interesting. I like what Dr. Vernon said. You got five seconds to get people before they be on their phones. So this is something that I'm still learning, how to engage with people. This is why I'm always-- Especially with the people's attention span. It's becoming less and less than that. Yes, especially with social media messages. It's the thing. That's the reason why I always say that I'm a better facilitating trainer and webinar, because I like the clicker. The clicker, because I do better with that. Let's move on. Yeah, let's move on. In a previous episode, we actually spoke about crafting your vision, right? And maintaining that vision is crucial for navigating through disappointment. So if you haven't checked out that episode, I encourage you to check it out and see how having a vision can actually help you to become a better person and just being able to push through aligning your vision to your purpose as well. All right. So let's talk about job rejection. And I think you gave a great example about that job rejection, because you just been rejected by a job that you were actually working in. And let's ask the Chaplain Chillis, if any of you had been rejected in a job, how did you get rejected? Well, how did it make you feel? Because I think especially when you've been hired, in my situation, I was hired, but didn't see that I was hired, because I didn't see the email being sent to me to say, hey, we've hired you for a job that I've been praying for for months. That alone was a rejection. When I reached out to say, hey, I didn't see your email in time. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry we've already hired somebody else in your position. That broke my heart. So that's a rejection on its own. But of course, there's different degrees of rejection, right? And you already shared the rejection that you went through as well. And but you say in such a candid way that you understood painful rejection, because like I said, I saw how devastated you were when it actually happened. So now let's see how... Yeah, of course, you're going to be devastated. I'm not saying it's not going to happen. It's not going to be devastated, but at the end of the day, you've got to learn how to embrace the emotion and keep going. So yeah, you're going to be devastated. Feel the pain, feel the heat. You're going to get it. But it's normal. That's a normal reaction. It's normal to feel a devastation. It's okay. Yeah. But don't... But learn how to control the emotion to be a coward. Let it not hold you. Yeah, and then I hold you down and say, "Okay, I'm going to get back up." Cry if you have to. Moan if you have to. Whatever you got to do, like, "Oh, I feel the pain." That's a good God. Yeah. It protects you with God. I get in many of it to whatever. Do what you got to do. But don't... But let that emotion be a coward. And I say, "You know what? I'm going to get back up. I'm going to fight. I'm going to do it. I'm going to learn. I'm going to keep going because I'm not going to allow for to stop me." And so with every situation, that's what I do. I don't allow anything to stop me. Even with the facilitator, or even with the trainer, the teacher, I don't allow things. I'm like, "Okay, what can I learn from it? How can I approve? How can I get better?" You know, I know myself. I know who I am. I know I'm a high energy God. And I know if, you know, to be able to go into any room, you know, you've got to embrace. You've got to say, "Okay, you know what? What can I do so that I can..." As a facilitator, to make a balance, what can I do? If I'm in this... If I'm in a hospital environment, how can I bring it down? How can I make them get engaged? So these are things that you have to learn. And this is why we always say, you know, you said earlier, you've got to practice to get better. Oh, you've got to go... You know, and this is why when opportunity comes, sometimes you take them out. You know, and this is what I got to look at it too, because each job that you do, it's like a step is thrown. It's practical for the next one. This is what you're doing. And this is why you don't get down on yourself, because, "Oh, yeah, that was a disappointment, but guess what? That was practice." You know, we're going back to practice. I thought I was a practice. That was practice. Why, now you're ready to rearrange, wait that step back, that disappointment says, "Okay, what can I do the next time?" If I'm in another situation like that, how can I handle it? What can I do to get better? If you miss a job opportunity, you miss a job, you miss a email, what do I need to do? And what you learn from that? Then I must check my emails every day. When they're not playing with a job... Clean your emails? Clean my emails. Yeah. Spam and everything. Yeah, but also, that if one door closes, then there's definitely going to be another one that will open. And there's also, I'm a person who believes there's a reason for everything that happens. There's a reason for everything. Yes. Maybe God was... Sometimes you don't see the reason now. Maybe you see it in the future. Not maybe you will definitely see the future. You will definitely see it. And one day you'll see back and say, "Oh, now I see why God delayed that." Yes, yes, yes. "Oh, now I see... Because maybe I'll find out that something happened at the office." Whatever the case is. And he spared you. And God was sparing me. I'll at moment when the disappointment was happening, I was thinking, "Hey, what's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with you?" "What's wrong with you?" "Oh, I took you through it." "You got a spicy boy better than Zulu." Exactly, so I'm thinking, "How do you say the name like the lucky lagi?" "Oh, of course. How?" "I love it, come on, I love it." "Lagi, lassa, e lagi." "Wait, are my ancestors? Wait, what's the underground game? What's the God that I worshiped when it's like this? What happened? What happened? How can one not see an email hiring them for their... for their dream job?" So it was hard. Yes. It was so hard. I still blame myself. But at the same time, having counseled myself over and over again and having loved one's counseled me, I realized that it was supposed to happen. It was supposed to. You know, as disappointed as I still am, because I have not been able to come back from that. You know, I'm still fighting my way out of the situation and getting back to where I really want to be. So it's just living in hope, living in thinking that the best is yet to come. It is, it is, and like you said, it's double for your trouble, you know? I'm waiting, I'm not trouble. Double for your trouble. So let's talk about a fail project, another example of a fail project. You're working on this project and boom, it doesn't go the way you plan. Fail project, right? You know, I think a personal example is, when I was doing the jewelry business, I was so excited when I started because I saw the money. I saw there were dollars relative in my eyes, every time I opened my eyes, I was like dollar, dollar signs. But it didn't work out the way I had planned, because it required more time than I did not have. As a result, I have not closed on the business, it's just on hold. But I had hoped, you know, through my planned vision that come this time this year, I would have been a seven-figure earner through that business. But of course it didn't happen. So what happens in situations like that, where you're so hopeful that something's going to work out and take you out of such a situation that it doesn't happen? Yeah, we just, you learn from it. What do I need to do next? You know, like I said, you put it, you made it. It's on pause. It's on pause. I don't see a future. It's not a period, it's not a first stop. It's a comma. It's a comma. It's a comma, like, okay, what do I need? Because a lot of times we try to glint, because we see the money, like, oh my, I can make money. But a lot of times you might not be ready for it. Right. And sometimes we jump into things, and we do things, because we saw the Joneses win. We saw the Joneses, yeah, we see the Joneses winning, and we're not really, it might not be the time. And so maybe, but now don't give me one. That could be practiced. Maybe you got some information. Maybe-- Of course. You see some things? I'm a better editor, not because of that. Exactly. And that's how they got to look at it. Yeah, I learned the skills. You learned the skills. You learned the skills. You needed the goal to do there. Yeah. So that you could learn how to do that. Maybe I had thought that I was going in there for the business. Yes. But probably goal was actually taking me there to learn how to edit. How to edit? How to become a better editor. So, you know, like, even with my step at my disappointment-- Oh, yeah. I look at, like, I see something, because my goal is to get into schools, to build that school. So I'm looking, I'm observing how to do things, and, you know, what I took from it. OK, I see how I can do the presentations, because I see how the students-- how can I engage with the students so that I can become a better facilitator? So I can become a better teacher. So how can I engage with the students? Because these students, they're on their phones, they're on their laptops, and so now-- And they're not like us, where, you know, you got disciplined to this. Yeah, and so I'm learning because the teacher, like, yo, if they only phone, they got the laptop phones in front of them, that's where they're going to be on most of the time. You can't hide that, even though you're talking to them, but if they got a computer in front of them, they're going to mean-- When you're not looking, or when you're looking at the computer, because what's more important is that computer is that phone. Kids and kids are sneaking like that. Yeah, they're sticky. So when you teach or whatever, even though they could play it off, you know, even though they're not supposed to multitask, but they know how to play it off and take it. So we spoke about resilience. Let's talk more about it. After going through disappointment, how do you continue to be resilient, and stay and keep your head above board and not drown? Yeah, yeah, resilient, bounce back. Having that ability to bounce back, that's what resilience means. It means it's a bounce back from a step back. Yeah. You know, to get back up. You're not allowing yourself to drown. Yeah, not. Because when you're disappointed, if you feel like you drown, you feel like somebody-- It's like, remember the thing when it happened when I was in a high primary high school, when we went to camp. Mm-hmm. And I-- Yes, yes, yes. Don't drop, don't drop the rope, because so it was like a camp thing, and so we were swimming, you know, and so, of course, we do extramural activities, and we had this rope that we had to hold onto, and go through a river, a very deep river, and they told us, do not drop the rope. If you're not sure about your swimming, do not drop the rope, and jump down. My wife, the dear devil. Let the rope come back and swim back. [LAUGHTER] The deer that was truly-- Yeah, the deer devil-- The deer devil in me was like, "Oh, I remember I can swim." [LAUGHTER] It was not a good swim, a professional swimmer. I was still learning how to swim. I dropped the down. I nearly died. [LAUGHTER] OK? I nearly died. But thank God for my resilience, I guess, and I'm not giving up. I was like, "I'm not going to die this way." I fought my way out of that river, and I made it. Yeah, and I would say, "Resilience, your response will determine your destiny. It will determine your blessing. How you bounce back will determine how far you will go." Mm. To me. I won't say how far, but how your bounce back can determine your coming out. Yes. OK. If you want to say it that way, thank you for bringing it out. I'm thinking of this motivational guy. What's his name again? Les Brown. Les Brown. Who says if you can look up, you can still get up. The fact that when you look up and you see the light, means it's still a light at the end of the tunnel, right? And there's still hope. You could crawl out for all I care about, as long as you get out of that pit. That's the main thing. Yeah. Other people can jump up. Other people can walk out. But I say, even if you crawl out, the fact that you're coming out of it, it's good news. Yeah, I like one of my favorite scriptures in Joel, a verse to say, "Do the sin of the word." It's still the sprawl back up. So, you know, even like even-- Smile and food this. What? Amen. Say amen. Amen. Amen. But, you know, so like that resilience, like you know what that, OK, do the sin. I still got life. I still got breath. I still got the opportunity to learn. I still got the opportunity to get better. Yeah, I might got a setback. And this might be a setback. It might be a setback for a period of time. Yeah, if I would have stayed there, I would have been like ahead or whatever. But now, yeah, so I might be losing right now. But guess what? But do the sin of the word, do the sin of water. You know, it could spray back up. And so, do that determination to keep going, to keep pushing regardless of what it may be. Like I said, because our response, our response will be to open into the next door. Can I say it that way? Our response will be to open into the next door. And so, how we respond to a thing would determine if the next door will open. Because if you just feel doom and gloom and feel sad and feel disappointed and say, "Why me? Why me? Why this? Why this?" And blame the other person instead of taking responsibility and responding the right way, you know. Yeah, because what if I told you that your resilience is actually the secret to turning your setbacks into your greater strength? Because it's usually in the midst of setbacks that we actually come out stronger. Yes, we need setbacks. We need the struggle because the struggle keeps us humble. Yeah, they build characters. They build characters. They keep us humble. We need that struggle. And people that don't have struggle, that's why a lot of times when players football, players baseball, I just heard so today. A lot of times when they ask the question, "What do you go through? Why do you want to do this?" And if they don't have like no real reason to have no struggle, how they bounce balance? And when you hit that challenge, you want to know how they handle it. And that's why most people take their lives. Yeah, because so we need struggle so that we need to stay humble, so that it builds our character, so that it makes us who we are. That's struggle. That's setbacks. It makes us who we are. And so when you get back up and you made it, this is why I love, I made a quote about Psalms 23, "Yay, dawg, walk through the valley of the shadow." Then when you go through enough valleys, you're like, "What?" And it's unsugared, so I'm feeling no matter for me. Why? Because I've been through the last challenge. Yeah. I've seen it. I overcame it. I got the receipt, the T-shirt. The T-shirt. I got the T-shirt. So this unsugared file, it's nothing, no matter. And I can say, "Yo, I was once young and now I'm old and I've never seen it." Why? Because the challenge that I went through last time, I made it through. And the next challenge I go through, I'm gonna make it through that. And the next setback I'm gonna go through, the next discipline, I'm gonna make it through that. And so I made a bounce, but I made a learn from it. And said, "Okay, Lord. Oh, I'm sitting because I'm always sitting there." I said, "Okay, what did I do wrong?" Even in my setbacks, even in my marriage, what did I do wrong? What can I prove? What can I do so that I can have a successful marriage, so that I can have a successful business, so that I can have a successful career, whatever it may be, because I will not allow a disappointment, because I'll be disappointed, and I don't like disappointment. I can't stand this appointment, I will not allow a disappointment to keep me down. So another point is you can turn any situation into a person, right, when you've been disappointed. It's very important how you respond. I think we've mentioned this as well. Let's just list a couple of examples that comes on, on top of your mind, on how we can turn this around. A good example is when you're being laid off, for another career, or a business. Or start off a business. Don't focus on, "I need to get a job." "I need to get a job." Maybe I've heard a lot of stories that people are being laid off, and they start having success. No, they start successful businesses. A person would say, "I was laid off," and I thought, "Okay, I'm not going back to the workforce, because I don't want to go through that disappointed again of being laid off. Let me start my own thing. Let me be my own boss." And sometimes, if not in most cases, they become the best employee, employers, and begin these people. Why? Because they had that setback. And the experience. And that they had their spirits. So they know how to deal with people. They know how to do things, because they've been once disappointed. And so another thing too, sometimes your setbacks, sometimes you're able to show empathy towards others, because you know the feeling. And when you have enough of them, you're like, "Okay, you know what? That's why I make you that better employee, because you know how to deal with situations on a handle thing." So, yeah. Yeah, another example I think is about what most businesses went through during COVID, when there were a lot of brick and mortar stores. And COVID didn't come here to play. Wipe out. Yeah, and this is why businesses that were smart. They pivoted and said, "Okay, we can't do brick and mortar. We're going to do online." And most online businesses are doing well better than brick and mortar anyways right now. Because people would rather be ordering from the comfort of their own homes than going out there and going to stores. Because at least now people can do returns without half rolls and all that. And not just that too. It's cheaper. Because if you have free shipping and all that. Shipping, the labor, it's a whole lot cheaper. You know, because if you've got a brick... Oh, you mean now for the business person? The overhead, the overhead. Yeah, for the business person. Yeah, it's cheaper when you do it online, because when you got brick and mortar, you got rent, you got employment tax, you got employees. So, it's a lot more money when you go online. You know, so, yeah, it's much cheaper. So, things like that. You turn a brick and mortar to an online. These are different strategies that you could use. You know, if your business is not doing well. You know, I'm hurting... Stratton, you know, like Capital One. Capital One closed down a lot of businesses. But they started that in the early 2000s. I was... I was seeking the trend because I remember one time I went into Capital One and they was remodeling and getting ready to tell us. And they was putting the machines in. So, I knew something was up. And now they're closing more stores. So, that they can be more online. So, they get ready to brick and mortar. And they... This is Capital One bank. Yeah. So, now they become a more online bank. And now the brick and mortar bank is... They still have a few branches, but they really transition from a brick and mortar to online. Because guess what? It's cheaper. Not just cheaper. When you use these robots and AI and everything, they don't have excuses like we do. No. You know, you don't have family problems. That you don't come to work. They don't get sick. They don't need to go on leave or go on vacation and all that. So, it makes business sense. But the sad part is that what's going to happen to all these humans who have jobs and no longer have. That's why you got to learn the skill. That's what I'm running for. And so, even like with this, this could be a setback. This could be a disappointment because AI is here. This could be a discipline. Your job could be taken. And this is what we're talking about. What's your pivot? What's your transition? What's your bounce back? What's your resilience? Well, okay, my job could be taken. Okay. What do I have to do so that I could overcome this setback? We always say prevention is better than care. So, now you've got to be like, okay, you know what? AI is here. My job could be taken. Nobody's job is my job could be because AI is getting better and better and better. I just seen something on Google. When I did it, I would look at it. Don't you know that they say that they're going to have robots taking care of older people? Which is insane. Yeah, within like 30 years, you're going to have robots taking care of it. So, in our old age, we'll be taking care of our robots. Rob robots. So, let's just impress ourselves. So, I'm like, yo, because of the doubt. And it's going to be less adults, less humans. Already there's less adults. Less humans. In fact, there's less population because younger people don't want to have children. Yeah, that's young people don't want to have children. Older people are having kids late. They're having things like COVID, killing a lot of people. So, all these different things, you know, I'm laughing, but I'm not laughing because it's not, it's a sad reality. And, you know, just a sad reality. We already know you're laughing about everything. I laugh about everything. Yeah, just a sad reality. Yeah, I'm not laughing at nothing. I'm just this is how I express myself as a personality. But yeah, it's, but you got to realize, okay, how are you going to pivot? And this was all about, this episode is about how can I pivot? Yeah, because even with having, you know, being dumped, use that as a way to love yourself. Love yourself, yeah. You take yourself out by yourself, roses. Take yourself on a single dinner date. And use it as a self-care moment instead of sulking and saying, "No, boo loves me." Because, you know what, if you can love yourself first, then people will actually appreciate you more. Yes. Right. So, I think just, we've covered most of the things, learning from our, our net downs and disappointments on how to bounce back and see that you are valuable, you know. Yes. And every disappointment is a lesson. Absolutely. Lesson alone, like the book, some time you win, some time you learn. Exactly. Every disappointment, every setback, every, it's a lesson alone. What can I learn from this setback? What can I learn from this? And that's the attitude you should take from all setbacks. What can I learn from this setback? And then once you're doing that, I think just adjusting your selves and your adaptability to, and just being able to adapt to any situation now, you know, that can transform your disappointment into new paths. Because now you've been disappointed, disappointed, I'm sorry. How can I now change the throughout and make it work for me? Basically that, you know. How can I adapt myself and make the disappointment work for me? Yeah, making it to turn into a blessing, you know, adapt, adapt and, you know. So being flexible, basically, you know, learn how to be a flexible. So adjust, adjust. No, not necessarily flexible, but how can I turn the disappointment into joy? What the Bible scholars are saying? We've been, we've been made into it. What the enemy meant for evil. God make it for good, yeah, it's only for good, yeah. How do I do that? Because when that email came through and I didn't see it for my job, offer our social towards the enemy. Social about it, you know, social about it. And hence, it was so heartbreaking. Like who does not see an email that is offering them a job? Me, it happened. Okay, so let's wrap up. How do we shift career paths? You know, when you've lost your job through a disappointment, you've been trying to get back on this job and it's just not happening. How do we now shift? How do we, how do you find a new purpose? How do you find new joy in that new job? How do you find new joy in a new job? Being flexible, using everything as a learner opportunity. Knowing that this next opportunity is, it was a bridge from the last opportunity. And even that next opportunity is going to be a bridge to the next opportunity. So never gain, basically never gain comfortable. Being content, but not being comfortable. But anything can happen at any moment. You know, your job can be taken. You can make a mistake. You know, sometimes people say they love you, but they don't really care. You know, they'll show you they face. Soon you make a mistake, you know. So I'll make an example, like, you know, with me celebrating my birthday. I've been posting, you know, just randomly for the last couple of weeks. And especially when we post our podcast, we don't get any likes. Maybe one or two people that, you know, really care and love us. But in the ordinary that we don't get any likes. But when you post like pictures and like a birthday, you'll get hundreds. Yes. And you think, oh, you want it, you're like, there, there, there, you're like, this is what happened to the other. Yes, oh, so you see that and you just overlook it. But oh, you think it will mean a lot to me when you say happy birthday, which doesn't really make much of a difference in my life when, but when I need you, really, the most to come through for me, you don't come through and let you know who really your friends are. Yeah, that part, that's another disappointment because you, that's the disappointment that you get, because like, hold on, okay. One thing that matters to me, you're not supporting. Yeah, like you're saying happy birthday doesn't really mean nothing. Yeah, happy birthday. Come on, that could be a happy anniversary. And actually, Facebook gives you that thing because people don't even type anymore. They just give you what, right? Yeah, right, it's for getting the, the G.I.F. and all the, all the cash in the right. So you know what, but so you're happy birthday and happy anniversary. What do we mean? Because if you can't say a comment in the other time, the only time you're saying something on, this is when you know, this is when you know you are getting, you being showed up. Because when you could show, if you could say a high or happy birthday on that post, but any other day, you don't say hi. I mean, you are seeing a comment, you just didn't know it. Yeah, it means in, in, in, for our podcast, we need support. You know, the more people that share our podcast, the more people that like it and comment, it, it helps us go such an extra mile. People just don't understand how, yeah, we're listening to the, to the, to the podcast on, on, on, on the audio platforms, how you're rating, how you commenting, how, you know, you rate us and stuff like that. It, it goes such a mighty long way. It does not help me when you tell me, oh, I watched you, but I've never even seen one comment from you. Yeah. But here's the thing. I, I, it goes back to those setbacks and looking at it and, and, and use channeling motion into a positive. So what I'm learning, because I did deal with a lot of setbacks, even with that, like now, you know, I don't, don't allow to 20 people to dim your light. Those 20 people that you know, that liken on the happy birthday that's not liken, don't lie on the dim your light, you know, don't 20 family members. It's, it's, I know, I know it's, it's, it's, I'm just what I'm saying that it's surprisingly, you see that, because sometimes you question Facebook, is Facebook really showing my posts? No, they showing it, you know, but people just choose to know that. Yeah. Yeah. People's, you're right. So don't allow those 20, 30 people to dim your light, because, like I said, you know, they seen it because if they seen it for the happy birthday, they also see on other posts and they just, they just refuse, or maybe they're not interested in that. So it's okay, but don't. It's not okay. Liking doesn't cost you a penny. I know, but if you're not interested in something, you don't have to open it. Just like it, because you've already seen it. I like so many posts. As I see them, I press like and move on, press like and move on, because I know that life will help the person, especially if they're trying to have brand awareness, like public awareness or whatever, it helps, but still, even like that, that's just not you, you just like check, check it out. It's okay. It's better that than saying, oh, I listened to your podcast, but I've never seen your comment. Yeah, I guess, but don't, but here's the thing is 8 billion people is over 8 billion people in the world. So now, again, don't allow those 20, 30 people. That's, that's to them your life. When you got other people that can't, that will support you. Now, just got to find a way, how can I reach the other 8 billion people? Don't 30 people is not going to, okay, they're not going to support you anyway. So why do you, why are you crying over them, or why are you feeling bad? You know what? They're not going to support you anyway. They show you the true colors. Yeah, they show, they, they show you the true colors. So why are you worrying about them? So you're like, okay, it's hurt. They could be family, they could be friends, but you know what? It's 8 billion people in the world, just got to find a way. Okay, because those friends and family disappoint you anyway. And so you know what, you're churning that emotion. So you're not going to beat me. It's over 8,000 people in the world. I just got to find a billion. I just got to find a way. How can I try 8,000? 8 billion. I'm sorry, 8 billion. I just got to find a way. I just got to find a way to get to reach the people who would appreciate me. Yeah. I might try. But my tribe reached the people who would support me and not focus on those individuals who's only liking when it's comfortable for them or when they see a happy birthday because that happy birthday does nothing for me. It don't mean anything. But when I'm doing something and I need your support now, I would like for you to like and on that one as well. Don't just don't like this comment, but like that comment. Like this comment, in like with my cousin, he do a video. I come on his video. I don't agree with a lot of the things that come out, but I try to find some positive. I like it and I try to find some positive that I could get told that I could comment on his video. I don't agree with a lot of things, but because that's my cousin, I'm trying to support what he's doing. And so I comment on the video. I try to find some positive that I can sing. I'm not going to be negative. I'm going to find some positive that I can say to support him. That's love. That's love. He can't do the same for you, but we're not here. We're not here. I'm here today. You know, it's okay though. I'm not doing it because I remember you don't even know what your blessings are going to come from. So I'm doing it. That's why I said we need that here. No, that's why the words said bless those who despite the use of pray for those who pray for any more different things because told that despite for the use, but you still got to do good. That's just, you know, you do good regardless if they comment on yours because it's over 8 billion people in the world. I'm shit. I'm commenting. I'm liking. I'm showing my love and my support now. It might not come back for you and that's okay. I want love for the comeback. I'm a love for it. But if it don't, it's fine. It's over 8 billion people in the world. And so I haven't, I had enough disappointments to hit, to have this emotion that's skin. Yeah, this skin said it's okay. Now that's the thing that like I always said back in 2019, we just start over. There's over 8 billion people in the world. You got to look for you. Just find you and not worry about who like you, who don't like you, love you, don't, I know, I know me. And that's when we're talking about vision. You got to stick to your vision. Find your wife, find your vision. You stick to it and don't care. You know, yeah, when you get disappointed. Oh, well, you know what? It's okay. It's part of life. It's part of growing up. It's part of growing up. So here's a quick question. What if every small victory is a step away from disappointment and towards trying? It is. It is. I agree. But you know, for those individuals that don't know that, you know, say that again. What if? What if every small victory, because we have to celebrate our small victories, every milestone, I'm a big, I'm a big person in celebrating every milestone, no matter how small it is. Because as you celebrate every milestone, then you start seeing the bigger picture, the bigger picture, the bigger picture. So my question to you is, what if every small victory is a step away from disappointment and towards trying? Yes, it is. Because now you're acknowledging that, you know what? I did this. I did this. A good example would be exercise. I lost a pound this week. Oh, wow. Well done. I wanted to lose five pounds, but hey, it's a pound. It's still a loss. Okay. And which means I'm a pound less than I was last week, right? So you keep moving and growing. Like, you know, you have a goal and whatever. You're like, you want to achieve this goal. Disappoint me as you didn't get that goal, right? Oh, I wanted to lose 200 pounds or I wanted to make $10,000 more or I wanted $10,000 subscribers. But maybe you got $1,000 subscribers. Are you going to feel bad because you didn't get $10,000? Right. You got $1,000? Right. You got $1,000 more than you had last year. You still, they still win. Yes. And this is why I like John. We're big on small goals, but it's about growth goals at the same time too. Are you growing? In that situation, when you get, even I would, even though I would disappoint it, right? With this interview, this job, a day, but did I grow? Yeah. If I grow, that's it. Yeah. I grew. Maybe that's what you were there for. Yeah. Maybe I was there. And exactly. And God, and here's the thing, I knew someone's going to happen because I just had a dream that something bad was going to happen. I know, I, I just had a dream that something bad was going to happen. I tried to be broke. I tried to be broken like what? But I, I, so God, the Lord was preparing me already that something was going to happen. Something was going to happen. And so, yeah. And it did. And it did. So, yeah. But the thing is, I'm like, did I learn from it? And I did. I took a lot. Did you learn? Yeah. And so, did you learn children's? You know, so it used that into a step of stuff. Yes. Let's wrap up. So, how do we bounce back to being better when we're turning our disappointments into drive? I hope that this session or this podcast helped you to just be open-minded and not think that disappointments means the end because it really doesn't. It just means that you're learning from what you've been disappointed through. It doesn't mean that you're not good enough. It doesn't mean that, you know, excuse me, you're not capable, but it means that you got to prove yourself and those people who look down on you that you can't do it. You can't do it. You are capable. So, just remember that every disappointment is just a detour, okay? It's a detour. You roll towards your dreams. Don't think that because you've been disappointed. Now, it's the end. No. In fact, take that disappointment, embrace it, learn from it, and let it fuel your fire. Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire my force, right? Fire my force. Let it fuel your fire. Yeah, let it fuel it. Let it be, it promised off. You know, it promised off. You guys never had it promised off. What is that? It's this stove, where you add paraffine. Paraffine, yes. Add paraffine to the stove. Yes. And then it has like a pump. So, it's your prime stove. Okay. You had to press the pump until the paraffine heats up. Yeah, I know what it is. I know exactly what it is. Yes, you had that, yes. And then, oh my god, it's the first world. Baby, come on. I don't know that first world uses paraffin stoves, because we used it when we had no lights. Yeah, we used it. To cook. Well, I don't, of course, if I're not even in South Africa in a lot of places, because we, y'all become a first world now too. But what I'm saying is, the paraffin stove is there, you know, as you grow, you don't, you know, it's not the safest stove. I know. Yeah. And you add the world. My point of me using your promised stove was that you pumping that, that, that paraffine into making that fire come out at the top of the stove is how you should fight for your life, fight for your dreams, fight for your goals. Don't give up until you win. Yes, you win. Until you get on the other side and say, I did it. This is later that I'm following on YouTube, I forgot her name, but I love what she says. She says, she started late in life. And there's, there's a lady that Sharon Shepherd always codes that it gets better later. You know, sometimes a lot of years when we go ahead and say that not everyone will be successful in their twenties in their thirties. Exactly. Some of us will start seeing success in our fifties. Steve Harvey. God forbid forbid. God forbid. Yes, let it be. Yes. Let it be. But all those setbacks was a step stone, all the disappointment that we have with her. Now you can appreciate life. Now it makes you a better employee. Now I made you a better business owner. Now I made you a better facilitator. Now I made you a better employee. What all that disappointment was, it just, it just making you better so that you can handle the next one a lot better. You can learn how to handle people. You learn how to deal with people. All these things is making you better. And that's how you got to see it. Like I'm growing, I'm going to get better. Why? Because I dealt with that. Now I know the pain. And sometimes these disappointments, it's like a springboard to another opportunity because like, yo, oh, you know what? That's not for me. Sometimes we trying to do things and like, yo, oh, I get it. That wasn't for me. That's not for me. So now you learn like, you know what, I should be doing this or I should be doing that this opportunity. So yes, so that's how you got to look at it. Like, yo, you're going to, you regardless of the disappointment, know that you're going to get better. You're going to come out of this better, stronger, brighter, wiser, and know how to deal with people. And another thing too, never down anyone too, because that even like what you say, we like, oh, you're not. Don't verbalize it. You might do it in your mind, but don't verbalize because that usually kills most dreams. It kills most people. Yeah, because that because they mind a mess, a person mess up, but they don't mean they're not capable of doing the job. They are capable. It's just made me take more training, name it this, but they are capable. So don't never down nobody. Say you're not full of position or whatever, never down nobody because, you know, because on that note, you want to say, don't forget to like, don't forget to share and forget to subscribe for more inspiring episode. And until next time, stay inspired. Yeah, okay. Stay awesome. Keep growing, keep chilling, and remember the only way out is through through. Yeah, you're aspiring entrepreneur. Join the six-month membership book here, turn your ideas into a sustainable, scalable business. And if you want to join the book club, join the book club, join the book club. I actually want to say only way out is through sending you all the strength and positivity. And if you enjoyed this episode, check out the next episode we have for you. You know how we sign off. Do this, please take care and stay in coverage. Your disappointment is only a setup for combat. I love it. Bye, guys. Thank you. Bye, bye.
Send us a textWatch Bouncing Back Better: Turning Disappointment Into Drive | Episode 122 on Chilling With The Chaplins this Friday! In this empowering episode, we dive deep into how we can transform our disappointments into powerful motivators for personal growth and success. Join us, Coach LJ and Lady Siza, as we explore the intricacies of bouncing back better and stronger than ever.Bouncing Back Better: Turning Disappointment Into Drive: We kick off with strategies to transform setbacks in...