African Vulture

Caillou's Grounding Adventures in Alaska

Broadcast on:
29 Mar 2024
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You So what is this about that we're coming to we are all going on a big long vacation road trip a big long vacation road trip to where Chucky Jesus. No, you silly goose. We are not going on a road trip to Chucky, Jesus We are traveling to Alaska what we are going to Alaska. Did you just say Alaska? Yeah? I surely did we are going to have lots of fun and adventures over there for how long we are going out for two weeks Two weeks two weeks is a very long time Why Alaska? What are we going to do there? Alaska is a very big state that is filled with a lot of grayed-out doors Such as hiking fishing camping wilderness sightseeing and all that stuff In fact, it's the largest state in America. When do we start heading out? We will start heading out tomorrow. So have your clothes Electronics and other personal needs to be packed up before you head to bed tomorrow. That's so soon Is there something wrong? I'm kind and nervous and scared to go to Alaska How about we cancel the road trip to Alaska and go to Chucky Jesus instead? No, we're still going to Alaska and that's final. Don't be sad or scared Kalloo I think everything will be just fine. So don't worry daddy is always here to protect you no matter what I Will call you I will call you Kalloo Don't you worry Kalloo daddy will always be there to protect you no matter what happens Okay, dad, I guess you're right maybe going to Alaska won't be a bad idea after all I'll go. Thanks for cheering me up and making me feel better. You're the best dad. I can count on. Ah, that's what I wanna hear Can Gilbert come with us? I'm afraid not Kalloo Gilbert can't come in fact There will be cat sitter coming Tom role while we're gone. Well, that sucks now start packing up before bedtime All right, dad even though I'm going to miss Gilbert for two long weeks I'm going to miss you Gilbert terribly. I will see you for two long weeks Good night Gilbert. This will be our last night together before I head out Come on Kalloo, it's time to go. All right, dad. I'm coming in a jiffy Oh, man, this bag is so heavy. I don't remember putting anything that was so heavy All right, everyone we got all of our luggage is packed up inside the trunk. Let's get the road trip started Alaska here we come We are now finally in Alaska You You You You You You Wow, look at the scenery of the great wilderness of Alaska What do you guys think? Yeah, it's your most beautiful, especially for our getaway I hope there's a chucky cheese as nearby if there is I will be extremely happy and we'll go there instead of camping I can then fishing it's better than all that shit Kalloo. There is no chucky cheeses nearby This is a family vacation. You are still going with us as a family This is your first warning if you blow up two more chances, you are grounded. Anyways, this is where we're staying I hope that this is going to be lovely So let's get our luggage is out of the trunk and get settled in this little log cabin Wow, this room looks very lovely, especially the moose it looks so real This is going to be perfect to have nice warm fireplace and to have grilled smoked salmon for dinner How did you get inside my luggage? Huh? Kalloo. You took Gilbert with you No, I didn't. Gilbert must have snuck inside my luggage without me noticing Please don't punish me because of this. It's not my fault. I am telling the truth Since we just got here after a very long road trip. Yes, Gilbert can stay with us Do you really mean that dad? Of course I do mean that Gilbert is not only a pet but a family member This is why we call it a family vacation togetherness Now let's all unpack our luggage is and start settling in Tomorrow we're going to go fishing for salmon at the river so that means grilled smoked salmon Good night, Gilbert tomorrow. Let's have salmon Okay, it's our officially big day to go out for an adventure into the Okay, it's our officially big day to go out for an adventure into the great wilderness of Alaska today We are going fishing for salmon just you and me Yep, I love salmon Rosie and I are going to ourselves ice cream at the ice cream place Right Rosie. You ready for ice cream? Yeah, I love ice cream. I'm ready for ice cream Alright, we'll be back at the cabin. Good luck on your fishing. Hope you're bringing really big and tasty ones. Alright, we'll see you too later Dad, I don't even know how to fish for salmon. That's because it's your very first time to fish I will teach you how. Is it hard to do dad? Of course not, Caleb. You have to be patient. It takes patience and the courage to catch a fish. Alright, you ready to start fishing for salmon? Sure, I guess. I wonder how they're going to take Gilbert, what are you doing here? Gilbert, we didn't expect you to fish with salmon like that. Good job Wow, another salmon you just caught that was fast. Gilbert must be great at catching salmon fast. I agree with you. I guess we don't need to go fishing but we need Gilbert to go fishing for us. Hello and welcome to my ice cream shop. What can I get you young lady? I would like to have a double skip of an hour inland chocolate chip on a country's alright young lady. One double scoop of vanilla and mint chocolate and a cone coming right up. Thank you. You're quite welcome young lady. Thank you for coming. See you next time. Let's sit down and eat. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, and this is eating my ice cream. Make them stop. Shame on you miss. You ate Rosie's ice cream. You are grounded. Go away miss. I am so sorry Rosie. But don't worry. Let's go back to the ice cream shop to get you another one for free. Thank you so much. You're quite the hero. Let's hurry to the ice cream stop and then hurry back home. [Music] Well Gailoo, it's time to add straight back to the cabin. We had a great time at fishing. Didn't we? Yeah, we surely did. If we didn't have Gilbert with us and it would be impossible to catch salmon in a jiffy ride Gilbert. Oh no, there's danger up ahead. So that means that. Look out Gailoo. There's a bear over there coming up on the cape. What will we do now? Hold on, let me handle this. Stand behind me. How dare you to scare my son Calu like that. That is it. You are grounded grounded until your hibernation is over. Get back to your cave now. Your hibernation isn't over yet. Well, that was quite great of you to do the pad. Thank you. Oh, you're quite welcome. That's what fads do when they're careless like you are in danger. Now let's hurry back to the cabin before it gets dark. Calu, no, I'm coming to save you. Can I help you please? The buildings are too strong. Oh no, is that Calu over there in the river? Oh my God. Oh, thank goodness we meet each other again. But where's Calu? He's still in the river and he's drowning. Gilbert, what are you doing? It looks like Gilbert is going in to save Kame's life. I'm drowning. How's Kame's building this wrong, brothers? Oh, look, Gilbert got Calu. But he isn't waking up. Calu, can you hear me? Calu, is Kame laid out, Daddy? I am so sorry. Calu will be deeply missed. Dad, why are you crying? Oh, my God, Calu, thank goodness you are alive. Calu is not dead at all. At least he was saved by Gilbert. If we didn't have Gilbert, then Calu would be a goner who wants salmon tonight. [Music] [BLANK_AUDIO]