In Bed With Alexa

What It's Like To Own a Sex Dungeon (ft. Miss Shayla)

In this episode, sexologist Alexa Andre (@sexwithalexa) is joined by Mistress Shayla Lange, the owner of New York's largest female-owned dungeon, to delve into the intriguing world of BDSM and professional domination. In this episode, we explore the inner workings of these mysterious spaces. Shayla provides fascinating insights into what her dungeon looks like, what happens during sessions, and the diverse range of requests clients make. But that's not all – we dive deeper into the nuances of BDSM, discussing common times that dungeons are booked, as well as the ingenious use of mundane objects for inflicting pain. Shayla also sheds light on the taboo topic of water sports and offers invaluable advice for aspiring pro dommes. Tune in for a captivating conversation that demystifies BDSM, reveals the secrets of dungeon life, and provides practical tips for those looking to explore or enter the world of professional domination.

1h 6m
Broadcast on:
29 Mar 2024
Audio Format:

Join me for an eye-opening discussion as I sit down with Mistress Shayla Lange, the owner of New York's largest female-owned dungeon, to delve into the intriguing world of BDSM and professional domination.

In this episode, we explore the inner workings of these mysterious spaces. Shayla provides fascinating insights into what her dungeon looks like, what happens during sessions, and the diverse range of requests clients make.

But that's not all – we dive deeper into the nuances of BDSM, discussing common times that dungeons are booked, as well as the ingenious use of mundane objects for inflicting pain. Shayla also sheds light on the taboo topic of water sports and offers invaluable advice for aspiring pro dommes.

Tune in for a captivating conversation that demystifies BDSM, reveals the secrets of dungeon life, and provides practical tips for those looking to explore or enter the world of professional domination.

(upbeat music) - Ms. Shayla, are you ready to get in bed with me? - I'm so ready to get in bed with you. - I'm so excited. - Everyone, this is Ms. Shayla Lang, professional doughing matrix and owner of the world, sorry, and owner of New York's largest women owned dungeon. Thank you so much for coming. - Thanks for having me. - I'm so excited. Okay, let's get right to it. Can you share a little bit about your personal journey with sexuality and how come you're here now? - So, yeah, I'm from the south, I'm from Texas, and you know, truly known for being a progressive and sexually positive state at all times. So, you know, I grew up in the church and it was frowned upon to have sex before marriage and there's a lot of shame about your body and about the opposite gender and what you are and aren't supposed to do and what like, you know, traditional qualities make for like a good wife and things are lady-like. And so, when I was 18, I was in college and I couldn't afford college, so I did what every person, like when you walk into a teddy bar and she goes, oh, I'm paying, I'm just doing this to pay for college. Like, that's true, that's absolutely true. And it was my experience. I'd never been to his drip club before I started working in one. And from there, it just took off. I really enjoyed it. I had a good time. All of the shame and the things that I had been taught were shameful about my body or even not even just shameful, like less than ideal, right? Because I didn't, I had really small boobs. I had no ass. I was sort of a plain looking gal. And every single day, here were tons of people being like, oh, you're so beautiful. I, you know, I want to spend money on you. I want to talk to you. You are interesting. You are stunning. Like, you know, and from then on, it turned into, oh, I could, this, this. Oh, you want me to pee in a champagne glass? Like, oh, that's great. And that was sort of the entry way. That was sort of the gateway drug to professional BDSM. And when I moved to New York, there were, this was all in Texas. This is all in Texas. Well, Texas, Georgia. Okay. I moved around a bunch. The South. And the South. Oh, yes. It was, I worked in Georgia. I worked in the nicest titty bar in Savannah, Georgia, which was a corrugated metal shack. Yeah, that was a fun one. Oh my God. And so when I moved to New York, they, I really love it. How old were you? I was 26 when I moved to New York. And I love a weird job. Like, I will, I will do, I love a weird job. Like, I've done Christmas decorations for department stores. I have been, been the Easter bunny at like those holiday photo studios at the mall. Oh my God. Like, I love a weird job. And so when a customer at the strip club was like, oh, I know, I know of a dungeon. I said, are they hiring? 'Cause that sounds fucking weird. And from then it was just, I was thrown to the wolves and I loved every minute of it. People are so strange and wonderful. Like, all the time, I loved being in the strip club because people will tell you things that they would never tell anybody else. They've just met you and they think your name is Cinnamon. And they give you everything. And it's so fascinating to me to really just be able to learn so much about these fucking strangers and then, you know, never see them again or maybe see them again. And I really love that about ProBDSM is that it's that vulnerability on steroids. Plus, Keckin Dudes and the nuts is really fun. I got kicked out of a Sunday school class for kicking boys and the nuts. And I was like, I don't know, seven. - That was a sign. - That was a sign. - That was your sign. - Yup. - I love it. Okay, so you got hired at this dungeon and you were like, oh my God, this is amazing. And when were you like, let me open my own dungeon? - It was years later. - Um, it was 'cause I hadn't had a lot of experience with BDSM in general. This was a place that would hire anybody off the street. And so I learned a lot. I learned a lot and I learned a lot of hard skills which are like the physical things like throwing a whip and I learned a lot of soft skills which is setting those boundaries and managing kind of unpredictability. And a lot of that, I learned the hard way in this dungeon. And so I was there about two years. And there was a moment where I struggled with drugs and alcohol for a long time. And I have five and a half years sober now. But there was a moment after I first got sober that I took a lot of naps in the dressing room 'cause there were long periods of downtime. And I woke up and you ever have these moments where you sit up in your life and you go, why the fuck am I here? Like, how did I get here? And you go like, especially like maybe your room is messy and you're working on something else and you didn't even think about it and you walk and you go, you have this visceral feeling of, oh no. And that's how I felt. I sat up in the dressing room and I was like, oh no, I have to leave here, I have to leave. But I knew I wanted to keep doing this. And so it was another couple of years. I worked independent for a while. I left the dungeon, went indie. And then it was another couple of years before I opened my own dungeon. And that first dungeon I opened was March 1st, 2020. - No. (laughing) - It was arguably the best time to have two rents and no job and/or a job where you spent directly in people's mouths. - No. (laughing) - Okay, what happened? - It ended up being okay. The rent was, it was a starter dungeon. It had no bathroom. It was rough. But. - Wait, did you have to let the like, mix the restaurant? - You had to go out into the hallway and then like around, like down the hallway, around the corner into this bathroom. And it was like, it was the building's bathroom. - The building's bathroom, but it was like a shared artist studio building. So there were always like paint brushes in the sink and like, it was cold in there. And it was like, oh, it was rough. It was rough. It's a miracle that any of my clients still see me given the state of that bathroom. - They love you. And they're obsessed. - Yeah, that's true. - That's true, they are. But they, it ended up being okay because I said, look, let's just ride this train 'til the wheels fall off. I don't know how much longer I can keep paying rent on this space. And, but so many other people in our community like had kids or had partners. And so when the majority of like their work had was forced to shift online, they, you know, their kids are doing Zoom school. And so they were like, I was said, just roll up. Like there's, it's like a single, it's like a single occupancy space. Go in, film clips, go in, take your night flirt calls. Go in the few people who were still like seeing in-person clients for various things. I was like, knock yourself out. Like I don't, you don't need to pay me for this. Like I'll take, honestly like I'll take what you can give me. And at the time we were still running low on like cleaning supplies and paper towels and stuff. And I was like, you know what? I will trade rental time for a thing of paper towels. Like if you want to bring me some isopropyl alcohol, I will also take that. And so I think I still adjust throughout the last of the Cavicide that a gal had brought me. She just brought like a palette of it. And I was like, you're, you're good. I didn't need this much, but thank you. And so it ended up working out really well. And it, it ended up making a little bit of money because people were starting to get really comfortable in their, their online work. And so they were able to, you know, not only cover their bills, but also like, you know, give me a little bit as a thank you for the space. And then I was able to open up a dungeon with a real bathroom, which was nice. And then I moved that space into Manhattan last year. And now. - So this is the third, this is the third place. Third time's a charm. If anything happens to this one, I'm taking the insurance money and running. - I will not build a fourth dungeon. - That's amazing. Okay, tell me what are they, what's the usual schedule of the dungeon? What time do you open what time do you close? - It's, it changes day to day. I think I really need to hire a dungeon manager. The, I love me an odd job too. - It is an odd job, it's an odd job because it's like inherently at like a dungeon manager 'cause I've worked some manager shifts at the dungeon that I, the commercial dungeon I used to work at. And it's a, it's a weird gig because you're doing all of this admin work, right? You're answering the phone, you're answering the emails, you're managing a staff, making sure that they, you know, clock in and clock out or, you know, relay all the information whether they're calling in or calling out or doing something stupid. So you're managing all these employees. You have to deal with the clients because you some, like some places the manager will walk you in and walk you out. And so you're dealing with someone who's like really horny, but since you're not their dominatrix, they're like either really weird about it or like not making eye contact with you. And then you make sure the bathroom is clean. You make sure that, you know, it's like the not sexiest with the threat of very sexy attached to it, you know? And it's always something different. Like I was in all day today 'cause now I have people who rent the space and they, it's really amazing sort of sitting in like the common area and hearing from both sides like the screams and yelps of like men in pain. It's such a sweet noise. And I'm just standing there like dusting the bookshelf or ordering puppy pads or, you know, making sure like stuff is laid out for the next day. And it's, I've accidentally given myself a nine to five. Like I stayed in this industry. I stayed in the sex industry because the schedule's so flexible. And yet I'm in weekdays every day all the time. I never leave that place. After we record this podcast, I'm gonna walk back over there and take out my trash. (laughs) - What's the time people wanna book the most for a session? - Daytime. - Daytime. - Daytime. - Dayscape work. - Dayscape work. - Or they don't work like service industry folks. You know, come in like they don't start work to like five or six sometimes. So they'll come in in the mornings and then people will leave on their lunch break and or they come into the city for just a little bit and don't wanna get home too late. I will never understand the lunch break. I mean, I understand the lunch break guys but they'll do the most intense and insane scenes. Like they will be beaten to a pulp and then afterwards they'll take a shower, put their work clothes back on, their little casual slacks. And they'll be like, "Well, I have a meeting to get to." And I just sit there and go, "Are you, are you serious?" - I'm gonna need an hour to recover from it. - Holy shit. - Yeah. - They're hardcore, I love it. I wish I had that kind of energy but for some people it energizes them in there and they feel clear headed and refreshed. And so I mean, it makes sense. Also bank holidays. Big day for business. - Yeah, I see them, for sure. - Yep. - Wow. - Since you started to today, your confidence, your insecurities, what has happened to them? How are you so confident? Are you still so confident? - It's the boob job. That was the confidence. (laughs) That did it for me. - Yeah, it's, I mean, truly, I mean, I got those long before I became a dominatrix but it really, it came with time, it came with age. And because I was, you know, I was not a confident kid, I was not a confident teenager. And when I started working in the strip club, people would tell me how beautiful I was but I didn't feel, I mean, I felt pretty, I felt pretty, don't be wrong. But I didn't believe people when they said these nice things to me. And it's really, as I've gotten older and gotten way more comfortable in my own body that not only can I believe people when they say that but also like, I think that, you know, like I get up and I look at myself in the morning and I go hot damn, hot damn. (laughs) And so it's the, it's the sort of like, except just ease. It's the sort of gentle ease that knowing that whatever is going to happen, you've got it, right? And there's nothing, imposter syndrome is super, super real. Like it's super real. And I still, I still get it, daily, daily. But the good news is that there's absolutely nothing that I can't handle. And if everything goes to shit, that is fine. Life will go on, where we'll find more shit to handle. Again, for anyone that doesn't have it in them to become a dominatrix or doesn't want to, do you have any advice on how they could become more confident as well? - High heels. - And a boot job. - And a boot job, no. That's so superficial of me. (laughs) I mean, boot jobs, 10 out of 10. Like, best decision I ever made. And then also like, I tell my students a lot of times who are in the very beginning stages of their Dom journey. You know, I tell them to put on whatever makes them feel sexy. Like, you don't have to have confidence, often comes within, but it doesn't have to, right? Put on your favorite outfit. Like, you always feel better when you are wearing your favorite outfit. You always feel better when you know like, your skin looks good or you're having a good hair day. And so like, find the things that make you feel powerful, that make you feel like a bad bitch, and figure out how to carry those with you until every day is bad bitch day. And then you're good. - You're good. - I love that. - So you have only mentioned men, right? But can women book your services? - Not my services. I feel, I would say most Dominatrices are like queer, most of them. Me, that is my most toxic trait. It's my unyielding heterosexuality. - You're straight. - I know, it's the worst thing about me. Truly, I wear Tintini bars for so long and I see like stunning, incredible, powerful women every single day. You'd think at this point it would have rubbed off on me. - You would think-- - It has not. - It's like, I'm like a vegan at a steakhouse, it's rough. It's rough. But, okay, what about other Dominatrices? - Other Dominatrices, oh yeah. Yeah, and especially here in New York, I'd say that every, just about every single person I know sees like women and non-binary clients. And, like love it. Like how's such a good time? Me, I feel bad hitting women. I'm just like, oh, but you're so pretty. Like you just, let me worship you. - Yeah, yep. - Okay, in June of they ask on average for very different things than men, cis men, or is it pretty similar? - I'd say a lot of it is similar. I would say that they generally don't, like women especially generally don't ask for cis women anyway, don't generally ask for things like cross-dressing, because it doesn't, like wearing pants is not humiliating to them, like wearing a dress is humiliating for men, which is also like a problem, I don't wanna say it's a problematic kink, but it can be because they're like, oh, dressing like a woman makes me feel humiliated and emasculated, and I'm like, I dress like a woman every day, no. This is not, this is fine. - Where do you think about me? - Yeah, maybe you should wear heels more often, it'll make you feel good. But so they don't, they generally don't ask for that. And also they don't find service humiliating. Most like service submission is somebody who's fulfilled by doing like things for other people. And so when I want my, like my service subs to feel like an asshole, like handcuff him and then make him do the dishes, whereas if you did that to like a lady, it should be like, oh, this is kind of fun. They don't find it humiliating to do the dishes. - I do this every day at home. - This is just stuff that I do, whereas cis men often see it as like women's work and it's below them to mop my floors. And so it's, you know, there's just a lot of stuff that's rooted in patriarchy. - Gender rules, yeah. - And so not having seen a ton of female clients, I don't know if their like interests and desires are different, but I don't think that they are from the stories that I've heard. - Do you know if cis women or non-binary people are more tolerant to pain? - Oh, yeah. So cis women apps are fucking literally, are you kidding me right now? Like, have you ever had an IUD incident? Like, I'm fucking no. I've only heard from tattoo artists and they're like, yeah, women like fall asleep and they can handle like eight hours, such as men describe and like ask for breaks all the time. - Yeah. It is like women have, I don't know if it's scientifically that we have higher pain tolerances, but I know that our pain goes under reported or unreported. And so we do a lot of like, we're like, oh, this is fine. I mean, I get crazy period cramps every single month or I go through these crazy, like, you know, the miracle of birth, right? And when we're like, this is just what we do. And so they get shit done. They're just like, oh yeah, you want to be the shit out of me? Let's go. Like, you'll break before I do bitch. - And that's where you build the muscles when you're in dominatrix, when you hit women, not men. (laughing) - Yeah, yeah. - Okay, walk me through like some memorable experiences and how you have learned to enforce boundaries. 'Cause I'm sure you, a few years ago, was not the same as you right now. - Yeah. I mean, treating everybody like a kindergartner is really the ideal situation here. I always, you know, it started in the strip club because they're not supposed to touch you. And, but like when you're giving him a lap dance or you're not supposed to fucking touch you. - Yeah, I'm not supposed to touch you. And so I would, you know, just like, at first it would be gentle positivity. I'd be like, here's where you're allowed to touch, right? Rather than being like, you can't do that. Because when you tell somebody, don't press the red button. All they wanna do is press the red button. And so I always, I always tell people, here's what you're allowed to do. This is what I would love if you would do. Here's where I'd love for you to have your hands. Like here's where I'm going to put your hands. And so like dangling it like that. And then also, so in the, in the dungeon, it's a lot, it's a little bit easier because like I'm able to, I have the privilege of being able to like screen my clients. And so if they're like a known boundary crosser, they're never gonna set foot in my dungeon. And so, and then you do a lot of what's called like indirect asks. So rather than saying like, you know, can you please not touch me while you're doing this? Or can you please not, you know, drool all over my feet? I've laid out expectations for them upfront. Like, you know, you will arrive freshly showered. You will, you know, if we're gonna do any sort of anal anything, you're gonna, you know, either you can do an enema at home or I have an enema kit here. And that will be, you know, the time you take doing your enema, like just just laid out in protocol. Because they like, it's a, it can be a scary and intimidating experience. And especially when you're horny, you forget all, all reason goes out the window. And so if you give it to them before the boner, then they're slightly more likely to remember it when they do have the boner. And then you can also point like literally just per my last email them. And which I find really satisfying, but 99% of my clients are fine. And if they get a little handsy, then I just, I mean, I'm old school, I just handcuffed them. I'm like, I'll put socks on their hands. I'm like, you can have your hands back when you learn to behave. It's quite silly. They hate it, they hate the socks, but they're like, oh my God. Okay, tell me a little bit about your, how long has been your longest client and what do they enjoy? I have one client I've been seeing since the start of my career with some, with some breaks here and there. And, but never very long. And he is, he's a heavy mas, he's a heavy masochist and he's a fetishist. He's not a submissive. So he is there strictly for the activity and the experience and not because he desires to submit to me. And he's great. He lays on my table, I hit him with sticks, sticks at other implements, like canes and crops and occasionally a giant acrylic candy cane that I found at Dollar Tree. - That was so fun. - They leave really good marks. - Is it like more popular during the holidays? - Oh yeah. Oh, absolutely. And so I'll do that. I mean, I'm one of those people that like brings it out just after Halloween. I'm just like, oh, it's Christmas time, but it's just Maria season. And so, I mean, I used to see him like weekly and I would hit him with sticks for as hard as I could for an entire hour. - Literally, no holding back. - Like as hard as I can. - As hard as I can. And he would just like lay face down on the bondage table and smoke weed and call me a bitch. And I'd be like, what a bitch do this and like hit him harder. We've had a good time. Had a really good time. - Yeah, I love that guy. - Aw, that's so sweet. - Yeah. - Okay. Walk me through the process of booking a session and what your first meet-up looks like 'cause you say you've met them, right? So how does that work? - So it looks different for everybody. And it also looks different for me depending on where I met somebody. If somebody sees me advertising online, they say, oh, I want to book a session with Shayla specifically. Maybe they've seen me on a directory or they've seen me on Twitter. They would go to my website. They would fill out my booking form. And then a proximal, I'm really behind on my emails. My thing says 48 hours later, it's been a week. - What I've learned is that being a dominatrix means answering emails. - Call them. - It's a constant stream of emails. It's a constant stream of emails. And it's, you know, you can get it down to a process. And I do, right? At this point, I have it down to a process. I just have to check my email inbox and not get overwhelmed. But, so they'll, they'll, answer them, they'll fill out my booking form, which is like, you know, what is your desired session? Like, what does your fantasy ideal session look like with me? Like, why do you want to see me specifically? Also, do you have references? Have you seen a professional before? At this point, I generally don't take somebody who's never seen a dominant, like any professional before. If you've seen massage workers, if you've seen full service workers, you know, that's all fine. If they'll provide a reference for you, I'll take it. And, but I need to know that somebody is going to show up, it's going to show up, be respectful of my boundaries, and, you know, not be, not be a dick. I mean, the bar is on the ground. Just don't be a dick. - It's not that hard, people. - It's not that hard. Don't be a dick and show up on time. It's fine. And all of, you know, everyone, not everyone, but most people that I've seen have been perfectly lovely. And it's, you know, it's not a huge barrier to entry. But if somebody's newer or somebody maybe not doesn't have references or doesn't want to share their references or, you know, whatever, or maybe they don't know what they're into, then I often invite them to come to one of my classes or to, you know, if I'm, if it's a, if I know that they're going to go to an event that I'm going to be going to, then I'm happy to talk to them. Or they can book like a paid in-person consult and we can, we can chit chat. But I like to make sure that we're on the same page from the get because there are some services I don't offer. And I don't want them to get the wrong idea or for either of us to be disappointed when they show up to my dungeon and they go, oh, wait, you don't do that? And I go, no, I don't, I don't do that. I had no idea you wanted that. Like why didn't you tell me that? I would have recommended you to like eight other people that do do that. So it's a, it's a thing. People ask me for smothering all the time. And I weigh 12 pounds. Like I don't, there is no, I mean, I don't know if you can see it on the camera. There is no ass. There is no jump in the trunk. There's no meat to smother. This is like, this is a completely empty trunk, right? And like my tailbone will poke somebody's eye out. Like for safety reasons, I do not smother people. And yet at least twice a week, I get an email being like, Mr. Can you smother me? And I always write back and I go, I don't offer that. Everything else that you've listed sounds really hot and really fun. But I understand that smothering or not smothering is a deal breaker for a lot of people. So I just want to let you know upfront. And every, not every time. Most time they're like, oh, it's actually not my favorite thing. I just really, I really like it. But all of these other things, I'm really drawn to you. And then a couple people were like, thanks, have a great day. Okay. Which is awesome because I don't have to smother and they don't have to suffer by not being smothered. Okay, so if they feel out your form and you agree with everything you check the references, et cetera, is the first session, the first time you meet them already like straight to it or do you have that conversation beforehand or how does it go? It depends on the client really. Okay. It depends on the client. If it's something that would make them feel more comfortable meeting like in public or at an event or whatever or like a night cert call, like a phone sex line, I have one of those. Sometimes they'll say, hey, can I call you on night cert? I'll say, absolutely, let's talk about this. And but most of the time our first meeting is in my dungeon. A, because it's intimidating as fuck to them. Which I find really funny. I answer the door fully cloud that I'm like, welcome to Sheila. And then they're like, oh, hi. Should I take my shoes off or should I not? It's pretty disarming and which is part of the fun, right? Part of it. I think for both of us, it is definitely fun for me. I think part of the thrill of BDSM is like, A, the fear of the unknown. And also the, not really, you don't really know what's going to happen. Yeah, it's all a big sort of more will be revealed. And so having these, you've got clients in two camps. There's the ones who love like the dungeon-y dungeons. Yeah. What does your dungeon look like? It looks like a place you could have brunch. It's wholesome vibes. It's very wholesome vibes. I've been trying to teach everyone that sex and sex parties, dungeons can be wholesome. Like gang bangs can be wholesome. It can all be super wholesome. Yeah. So it looks, it's like lit up, it's like super cube. I like my front dungeon room has a ton of windows and plants, which is really nice. And, but some people really don't love, they'll ask specifically, they'll say, do we have a more domestic space? And because they don't want to be caught off guard sort of instantly by this scary torture chamber. And also like it's kind of the same with, when you're comfortable, you can take more, you can intentionally take more of whatever it is you're taking. So like bondage, for example, if you're in comfortable bondage, you can stay in it longer. If you are restrained in a way that makes this banking, like if you're restrained in a comfortable way or you're not fucking scared for your life, you can take a heavier spanking. And so emotionally for a lot of them, they're like, okay, if I'm in a space that doesn't, you know, look like it's out of a like a 14th century medieval dungeon, then, you know, maybe I can convince my brain to chill the fuck out. So I like to-- So it's not a moldy dark smokey room with like velvet walls. That's so 1998. I know, but that's what people think. I die. Oh my God, I die. People, it's wholesome, okay? It's so wholesome. It's cute. It's really, really cute. Like dungeon, especially dungeons built by women, like I've had the absolute luxury of being able to see, like women-owned spaces across the world, and they all are just, they're so lush. They're so, they look comfortable and like clean lines and really just cozy in a lot of ways. And I'm like, damn, this is really nice. Yeah, don't get intimidated by the word dungeon. It's just what they're called. It's fine, it's just what they're called. Okay, tell me about seven days of domination. What is this platform? What do you offer and what can people expect? So the thing that I really love about seven days of domination is it sort of started, it was a pandemic project. We wanted to get some of our friends paid and we also were really bored. And we said, let's have a reason to get together every night for an entire week. So we hired our friends who are other pro-dombs and the best people that we know. And we made money. And people were like, when is addition too? And so now we're going on three years. We have over 10 volumes and over 100 classes. And basically the premise is we hire pro-dombs or other sex workers that we admire. We may not have meth before, but we admire their work. We admire their practice. And we say, here's some money. Teach a class on whatever you want, literally whatever you want. And because there's so much education out there that covers the basics, and that's great. That's awesome. There's beginner rope classes, there's beginner pegging classes, there's beginner this than the other classes. But nobody knows how to cover such a wide variety of people, quite like pro-dombs too. And they're really, really good at modifying things for older or larger or smaller or differently abled bodies. Whereas most of the king classes that I had witnessed pre-7-D-O-D were really aimed at-- and a lot of the toys and the furniture are aimed at bodies that look like ours. And it's some dude in a kilt bending over somebody. I'm like, that's not going to work. I have somebody who's like six, five, and many, 100 pounds. And he's going to snap that in half. I want-- he deserves to be comfortable. He deserves to be made to feel like a little tiny angel, but also scared shitless. And so I find that the pro-dombs that we work with are really good at that. Plus, they lean in a lot on-- the more experienced ones we've found, we say, teach whatever you want. They lean in a lot on soft skills, on boundary setting, on things that happen with your nervous system, on scene building, on ideas and themes, rather than, here's how to throw a whip. Because anybody can learn the hard skill, but the soft skills are-- Experience based. So, it's so experienced based. And it really makes or breaks a scene. You can be the most talented rope artist in the world, but if you don't know how to handle people and all of their weird needs and desires, then you are just-- I mean, you're a great rope artist, but that's it. And so, being able-- I found that it's been really helpful to a lot of people. And plus, it's really great to just, whenever I'm hot on the internet and whenever you're hot on the internet, people send you emails going, how can I be hot on the internet? And I can just send them the link to seven days of domination. I'm like, here's how you can do what I do. It's all laid out. So, is this mainly for people that also want to become pro-dombs or anyone that wants to learn any of the skills that you show? It's for everybody, truly. There are some things that are definitely aimed at, specifically at professionals. But I would say the vast majority of our library can be consumed by anybody of any gender in any industry. And you learn from the best. And you also do live classes. Yes. How often what do you love-- what's your favorite thing to teach? Water sports. Water sports, I also teach a clean up class, which I feel like pairs very well with water sports. That is so important. No thoughts about that. Yeah, the clean up. Can you-- what happens if you get blood on leather and all of the mysteries of the universe? How the fuck do I clean a toy that has electrics in it? And all valid questions. I have no idea. What happens when I get G is on rope? All of those-- that's my favorite class to teach. It's my favorite class to teach, mostly because the people that come to see that class are fucking nerds. And they have the best questions. Oh my god, they have amazing questions. And then afterwards-- Like chemicals on chemicals in the world. Does anything work? Truly. The last time I taught it was at a big conference in New Jersey. And four people came up to me over the course of the weekend being like, I heard what she said. I did a little bit of research. There actually is a product. And we'll sit there and we'll be here now looking at material safety data sheets on their phone. And it's such a good time doing that. But my water sports class is probably the one I'm most known for. It's the one I do most frequently. What is water sports for everyone watching? What are water sports? Peying on people for love or not so much love. Love or humiliation for a sexual or non-sexual benefit. Sometimes for fun and sometimes for money and sometimes for both. Is squirting also considered water sports? Not necessarily. It's a different thing. It's because squirt is not-- while squirt does have a little bit of pee in it, it is not necessarily pee. And it falls under showers, I believe. Like there's many different types of showers. Ruby showers, obviously. It's menstrual blood. Roman showers are vomit. And so it would get covered under the umbrella of showers. But I'm not sure that we've given it a name. I think it's just called squirting. Squirting, squirting. Why don't we just use the name I'd already had? So give me the water sports 101. That many people interested in water sports. And what exactly do they want to learn? Because it's not that hard to pee on people, right? You'd be surprised at how hard it is to pee on people. Because of the-- Because you're anxious because it's hard just to pee. Yes. It's all of the above. Everything I just said. It's everything. It's so funny because people think, oh yeah, it's super easy. And then they get there, and then they freeze. And they have to pee. It's so funny. Because at the beginning of my-- when I do this in small settings, I invite anybody who's willing to take part in the demo. And I always have at least one demo bottom who's just a piss slut who's like, yes, give it to me. And so I make sure they all have water. And I say, drink this throughout my class. And at the end of this, you'll be hydrated enough. And you'll be able to pee on people. And every single time without fail, there's a couple of people who will just be standing over the bottom. And they go, I have to pee so bad, but I can't do it. And there's a lot of reasons for this. And there's some ways around it. It's because we've peed essentially in one way our entire lives. We've spent-- On the fucking toilet. On the fucking toilet. In this one position, behind closed doors. And so it's when you're standing up, wearing high heels. And somebody's breathing. And you have to aim too. You have to aim. Yes, you have to aim. And so sometimes for people, this could be really intimate and vulnerable, right? That seems way more intimate than sex for me. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah, especially because it's normally in a well-lit area, so nobody slips. Literally. And so then they're just staring. They're just looking at it. They're just waiting for it, yeah. It's usually in their mouth. Do people want you to be in their mouth or anywhere? They like all types. Sometimes. Some people really like to drink it. Some people will not drink it. Some people only like it on their genitals. Some people like to drink it from a bowl. Everybody's different. Some people like it warm. Some people like it cold. If you are going to save it to drink it later, I would recommend putting the refrigerator, because left at room temperature after a couple of days, it will ferment. And those are probably not good probiotics for you. No, no, no, they are very bad probiotics. And there's a lot of-- there's some safety involved in this. You, for example, and things that I think people don't think about, I think people are really worried about STIs and blood. And that's a very real risk, right? If somebody's on their cycle or somebody has a kidney issue, then you would be kind of blood bonded with this one way, with this person. But what I think people don't think a lot about is harmful drug interactions. Because if they're drinking it, like everything that's been in your body is going to go into their body. And also, if somebody has, for example, like an allergy to stone fruit, but I just slammed like a virgin strawberry daiquiri, then they're going to have a problem. And we're going to have to epipend them, and it's not going to be fun. How do you take all these precautions? I just ask. You ask them. I tell them, I say, and I have a good idea of what we're going to do. So if somebody doesn't want to do a golden shower, I'm not going to ask them about their allergies other than to something like latex, or surfaces commonly found in my dungeon. If somebody wants a bondage session, I will ask them how their knees are, how their shoulders are. If they're on blood thinners, if they are on, if they have a history of like painting or like headedness, most people are pretty good about answering these things because they know that the reason why I'm asking is so that their session goes well and that we don't have to sit on the floor because they faint it, and they're just sitting there going, well, I'm trying to give them a popsicle. And that you keep in your wholesome speed. I do. Well, it's a really quick and fun way to get their blood sugar back up. And so it's, I'd rather, I need for them to be lucid and coherent and healthy in order for us to either continue the scene or have them walk out on their own rather than me call somebody who needs to come get their lifeless body. You take all the precautions that you can to make sure they're safe, you're safe, and then everyone has a great time. That's what this is about. That's exactly what this is about. It's about the real seeking and exploring like a full range of sensation and emotion and play 'cause it really is play. We put ourselves in weird scenarios and weird, 'cause there's no scenario in which like, if I were to grab you, for example, on the street, we'd never met before, and I just like spank you. Like that would be assault. Whereas here in this container, not only is it okay, but it's encouraged. And so it's, you get to really just sort of turn everything on its head and explore taboo and explore fantasies and explore sensation and in the safe way, you know, in a way that's not gonna hurt anybody and it's not gonna get anybody arrested. I love that. 'Cause so what would you say to people that still have misconceptions of BDSM dominatries? (laughing) - Bro dumb, fucking people can't say the plural but being a pro dumb, 'cause there are obviously some misconceptions out there. Do you live in a lovely bubble that you barely deal with that or do you still get everything? - I, yeah, to some degree. At this point, I no longer deal with people who don't fully support and are enthusiastic about what I do. However, I have the luxury of doing that. I don't live in a red state. I live in a place where I'm able to sort of, you know, 'cause the work that I do for the most part is not considered prostitution in the eyes of the law. A lot of, but I mean, I would argue that we are just as much sex workers as, you know, anybody else who like is legal prostitution, like full service workers, our sisters, they are our brothers, they are our friends, they, and they really get the short end of the stick when it comes to like, oh, that's the dirty hooker. It's like, no, no, no, if she's a dirty hooker, I'm also a dirty hooker and like, so is the massage worker down the street and so is the stripper and so is the cam girl. Like all of us are under this umbrella. And so if they think that we're sucking and fucking then let 'em, let 'em, right? 'Cause they don't realize that their husband is in here sucking on my strap on. Wow, that was rude. You love it. It's fun. We have a good time. It's about play. It's really about play. And, you know, there are people out here doing way crazier shit with way less regard for their safety and the safety of others. And, you know, live and let live. Okay, what we just say to people that are interested in exploring theory, they're dumb or subside, but they're hesitant to do so. Oh, this is a fun one. So I think there's so many ways that this goes, right? The first time I ever thought I was interested in this, I really just liked the outfits. Do you wear a lot of leather or what do clients ask for the most? So, oh, they ask for all kinds of, I'd say my most requested is honestly like office casual. They're like, oh, can you wear like a pencil skirt and a blouse? And, oh yeah, I get a request for that one. So unexpected, what? Oh yeah, oh, they ask for all kinds of things. Like, yeah, but like, I wouldn't say like, that's like the most sexual outfit, you know? For a lot of people, it really is. It's like they're teacher or a boss that they had. And so that's, and plus I look real good in a pencil skirt. So, but they ask for all kinds of things that are not super sexy. But sometimes they'll ask for the traditional, like, you know, could you wear a garter belt? Could you wear like nylon stockings? I love nylon stockings. At this point in my career, I'm so messy. Like, I'm so messy. I'm crawling on people. I am climbing on things. I built this big bondage rig in my dungeon. And I can like the last, I don't know, 10 sessions have all involved me, like hanging onto the rafter of the bondage rig and like sticking my foot in somebody's mouth. And so it's like kind of like a jungle gym. So I need to wear spandex. Like, is that, does that heal your inner child? It really does. It's so many ways. It's so many ways. I'm hanging off the top of this bed. I'm like, eat it, eat it. It's so fun. It's so fun. I feel like a wild animal in session. And it's awesome. - Oh my God, I love it. - Yeah. So I wear a lot of spandex, so that I have all that freedom of movement. - Yeah, for sure. - Because leather and latex are very, very hot, but they're also very, very hot, literally, temperature wise. And also I worry about like, how are we about getting piss on them? I worry about getting lube on them. I worry about like, you know, what my like dirty feet are gonna leave all over the place. So, spandex, machine washable. Good to go. - Love. - Plus you can take the girl out of the teddy bar. You'll never take the teddy bar out of the girl. (laughing) - This is so fun. Oh, but on that, I never answered that question. So I went on a tangent. But so I would argue that like, what is it and dig really deep? What is it about certain things that interest you? Is it an activity or is it a feeling? And this will break down what like sort of where you are on the spectrum between fetishist and dominant or submissive? Like there's a whole spectrum in there. Maybe that you really appreciate one activity, for example, bondage. They, you really love like the idea of it. You wanna tie people up, you wanna be tied up, but you don't necessarily identify as a top or a bottom. You just really love that. Or maybe you have the desire to serve somebody to be controlled and/or owned by somebody else who's making all the decisions, you find that very hot. What is that feeling like for you? Is it degradation? Is it humiliation? Is it praise? Is it being cherished? Is it being challenged or used or whatever? For 70s of domination, we actually made, because clients come to me very often and they say things like, "I wanna be fully dominated by you." And I'm like, "What does that mean?" - What does that mean for you? Yeah. - 'Cause what, I could do the same exact thing to five different people and they're all gonna have a different reaction to it. For some people it's gonna turn them into mush and for some people it's gonna be like, "I'm sorry, that's not what I thought I was gonna be at all." And so we actually did, we produced a kink feelings chart. With like the little faces. - Hold some, hold some, hold some, it's so cute. The little doodads are so cute. And like, 'cause when you walk into a therapist's office and you don't have the right language to describe what you wanna feel, that, I mean, it sucks. Like it sucks and you're not able to accurately communicate what you want and what you need. And so being able to just point and say that one, I like that one, that one is good. Let's do that. I wanna feel this, I wanna feel this, I wanna feel that. - It's like a menu. - It's like a menu. - It's really cute. And it's helped a lot of people, it's also helped me a lot. Sometimes I'll send it to people and be like, "Here, here you go." - What I try to say. - Tell me exactly, pick the face on this that describes how you felt at different points during our scene today. And it's helped me and my, like my submissives and my clients get a little more on the same page, which has been awesome because then we can both go in the direction that we want to go together. - That's so nice. - Okay, how have you managed your career as a professional dominatrix in balance it with your personal relationships? - It's been surprisingly easy. I will say that with personal relationships like friends, it's sometimes hard to turn off shop talk. - Friends and romantic partners. - Friends and romantic partners. So I do have civilian friends. That's good for boring. - No, they're nice, they're lovely. I wouldn't hang out with them if they weren't, but they're just not in the sex industry. So it's hard for me to show up to dinner and be like, "Well, guess what I did today, you guys." And they all know, they all are enthusiastic and happy for me. They don't necessarily want to hear the gory details, which is fine. But as far as romantic relationships, I found that dating was interesting, especially like dating as a sex worker in general. People have a tendency to be like, "Oh no, this is a deal breaker for me." And or they fetishize your work. They go, "Oh," and like, you know, my-- - They're intimidated because of your experience 'cause even I get that as a sex therapist, they're like, "Oh my God, you most know so much." And I can't imagine the level that you got it. - Yeah. - They-- - Super intimidating. - They have this idea that were these sort of-- - Oh, goddesses. - Yeah, goddesses. - Not that we're not, but like, you know. - We absolutely are, we absolutely are. - But they think that we're just these like sort of feral, like, succubai, right? And it's just like, "No, I'm just trying to have a good time." Like, I'm not here to be, like, they build you up into this sex goddess fantasy in their head. And it's like, "I'm going to disappoint you." Like, if you're expecting them. (laughing) - I just wanna cuddle, like, what are you talking about? - Yeah, come over here, let me settle you. I'm gonna pat you on the head a little bit. I will kick you in the nuts if that's what you want, but like, that's it. But my, so my husband, I knew that he was special on our first date. - How did you meet? - So we met on Tinder. - Well, he was living across the ocean at the time and happened to be in New York on holiday. I told him that I would go to dinner with him, but I would not be his vacation bang and boundaries. We were sitting, we were sitting at a diner. And, you know, when you expect it to be like a one night stand, you just lay it all out. You're like, "This is what I do. "This is what I did today. "This is how many inches of arm I got into "a man's asshole earlier." So I will never forget it. He was eating peanut butter pie, right? This just sort of brown mushy goop. And his mouth was full of it when I decided to tell him what brown showers were. And for those of you who don't know what a brown shower is, it's exactly like a golden shower except it's solid. - Number two, my boy. - And my people. - So his mouth is full of this brown mushy peanut butter pie. - Can't. - And I expected him to react, like most people react, either shocked or alarmed or, you know, slowly reaching, like, being like-- - Curious. - Yeah. - Or like, "Well, you do that to me." And I'm like, "No." It's, you know, I need 24 hours prep for this, but he had just looked at me and with his mouth still full of pie, he was interested in the logistics of it. He was like, "How do we go on camera crap?" And just know that, just concerned about the engineering of the scenario and-- - A third boy. - Third boy. - Yeah. - Can we assume that? Is that correct? - Oh yeah. - Oh yeah, he's a third one. - He's a third one. - He's a third old fucking nerd. And so it was at that moment that like, I knew he was really special. And we ended up-- - So the pie managed to get swallowed. - Yeah, sure did. - And the best part is he just like-- - 'Cause we were splitting this slice of pie and I had stopped eating it and he just like, after he'd swallowed the thing and I was continuing to tell about the logistics of a brown shower, he just kept eating it. - Just, no, no thoughts. Just, oh, that's really interesting. - You're like, "Fuck, now I don't want this to be a one-night stand." - Yeah, yeah, that's what happened. But it worked out really well 'cause it was supposed to be a one-night stand and then we accidentally fell in love and a couple of years later, we got married. - I love that. - Yeah. - And you laid it all out, they won. - They won. - That's not always the safest option for people. - No. - Especially like if they have kids or they have family or they live in a country where this isn't that legal because we do deal with stalkers. We deal with family judgments. We deal with people getting obsessed with us. We deal with people like being creepy and weird and controlling and awful. And so I was like, "This is fine. You live across the Atlantic Ocean. What are you gonna do about it if you don't like it?" - Red. - Yeah, yeah. - It worked out. - Okay, and is your sex life with your husband remotely similar to your client work? - No. - No, sometimes he will let me tickle the bottoms of his feet if I'm feeling really feral. He's like, "Okay, you're gonna do just the one tickle, one tickle and then I'll go like, "You're gonna be ticked." - But yeah, 'cause he's not a masochist. And so he, you know, the sex that we have is really, it's really lovely and wonderful. - It's so wholesome. - It's so wholesome. We do a lot, I mean, we snuggle every morning, like, or just roll over and just like, "How did you sleep, my darling?" Like, it's very, it's so cheesy. It's so cheesy. - Brodoms can have the most domestic normal life that you can imagine. - Truly. - So it's been like domestic bliss all the time. And it's been awesome because I think having this work has allowed me to be really open and honest about what my wants and needs are regarding my own pleasure. And he also was just like, "Well, I haven't ever tried this before. Like, let's try this. Let's try that. Let's do whatever." We're really good at communicating with each other about sex and what we want and when we want it. So, it's been fun having a good time. What is the most rewarding part of your job? Ooh, I don't know, leaving people better than I found them. Sometimes physically worse than I found them, but always emotionally better than I found them. I think the most fulfilling part of my job is the teaching. I really love teaching. I take on like mentees who are other pro-doms in the earlier stages of their career. And I really love seeing them sort of blossom and grow. It's absolutely wild. There are students that took, we have a three-day intensive that where we just teach all the business and marketing from the ground up. And there are students-- - These are business women, okay? - Truly. - Yeah, it's a whole thing. - And they're emails, setting boundaries. - It's a whole thing, like it's the marketing, like we're just like, you know, your brand voice versus your brand identity versus like, 'cause you want to give people exactly what you want to give them and not get it confused, right? You want clients that you want to see rather than just the clients that show up. And so we teach people how to get this and make it sustainable so they don't get burned out doing things that they don't love. And, but there are some that I've seen that took the camp years ago and that I see pop up on the internet here, they're touring and they're traveling and they're just like, they're killing it. They're killing it and I just, I want to cry every time. They're so, so good. And there's so much, like you always want what's better for your children, right? And it just makes me so happy to see them just take off 'cause their careers will be larger and more successful than mine will ever be. And that makes me so fucking stoked for that. - Women supporting women, there's room for everyone. That's so fucking wholesome and cute. - It's not mean it's true though 'cause there's like, we've all been taught that we have this-- - There were rivals. - Yeah, there were rivals, that there's a scarcity mindset, but like-- - Let me tell you something, I've been in the sex industry for 15 years, there are enough perverts out there for everybody to eat, literally everybody. There is no shortage of perverts. There is no shortage of that. And so like, whatever you do, you are going to be different than anybody else who does it, right? I tell people all the time, friends of mine opened up like a dungeon venue very close to mine and they were like, is this gonna be weird? And I said, bitch, you could open up that dungeon in my building and it would still be different and also not cut into my business because what I offer is something that I love, I cherish and I stand by 100% and people want to come to me for that specific reason. Like they will come to you and I will recommend you, I will support you, I will uplift you, I will advertise the fuck for you. And but at the end of the day, like you don't have to worry about where I'm gonna eat, like it's fine. - I love that mindset, that is so nice and I wish more people thought of that like like that. - Well we've been-- - It's a decidedly condition to tear each other around. - But let's challenge those beliefs, you know? There's room for everyone, usually. - There's room, oh yeah, there's room for everybody. Rising tide lifts all the boats, every one of them. - Okay, what are some skills that you use in the dungeon that you unexpectedly can use in real life that work like a charm? - Well I went camping for the first time. - No, I know, I know, I know, I didn't want to do it. - I was going for like a, there's a big outdoor kink festival that happens. - The summer camp, the kinkie summer camp? - The kinkie summer camp. - Oh my god, Lola was just saying. - It was so awesome, I am not. - Okay, I approve if it's a kinkie summer camp. - It's a kinkie summer camp and all the cabins were sold out and I said, oh no, I have to sleep in a tent and like I am a bitch who requires amenities. Like I am not, I do not sleep on the ground. But so I was pitching a tent and I was tying some tarps and I, you know, the rope skills come in really good when you have to tie down a bunch of guidelines. Also, let's see, what else? - We're handling people in your daily life. - Oh, I'm so good at customer service. - Like at the bank or something. - I'm so good at customer service. It's really like it's so much easier to just like tell people what they need and what they need to shut the fuck up in a way that makes both of you like chill. Which is really good. I've gotten really good at looking at something and telling whether or not it's going to get infected. - Which is a medical skills. - Medical skills. - I'm not a trained medical professional. Please always clean whatever wounds you've got going on here but I can look at somebody's like ingrown hair or pimple or rash and be like, that's we're not gonna, we need to cover that up. And I got really good at that. Weirdly enough, I've gotten good at plumbing. - What? - Well, so when you run a sex dungeon, people are often, like, I mean, obviously I have a toilet that sees a ton of use of an actual porcelain toilet and not a human toilet and they-- - Human toilet. - So the toilet gets clogged. People accidentally shut out butt plugs. That's happened more than once in my dungeon. I got really good at doing my own plumbing. I got really good at doing my own electrical work. I got really good at, yeah, weirdly good at mostly through a trial and error at carpentry. Builds a lot of dungeon furniture. - Wow, oh my shit. - Broke a lot of dungeon furniture because I didn't build it right the first time and we learned things that hard where if I haven't a man fall through the table, luckily it was fine. The table was not. But we got better after that. So like, there's just a lot of, there's a lot of like people, people skills, some kind of rudimentary not skills. Yeah, okay. Besides the giant candy cane, what are some other weird artifacts that you found extremely useful in the dungeon? - I have 14 rubber chickens. - 14. - 14. So what had happened was a friend had sent me this TikTok video of these people playing a game where everybody's got a rubber chicken strapped to their foot and then one person is in the middle and they're blindfolded and they have like a stick or a bat. And so everybody has to like sneak around but the chickens make noise the whole time. So you have to, the person has to hit somebody when you hit them, they're out. But they're making noise every step that they take. And so it's like a kind of sadistic Marco Polo. And so he was like, I want to play this game. And I thought, great, I'll get 14 rubber chickens. And we played and it was awesome. But then I had to take 14 rubber chickens home with me. So I brought them in. I sort of threw them in the corner of the dungeon. And I don't know if you've ever hit somebody with a rubber chicken. It makes the most hilarious sound because like you hit somebody and it squawks really loudly. But also that rubber is kind of tough. And so and they're kind of, 'cause they're meant to be dog toys, I think. So they're kind of robust. And so it's the silliest thing and they hurt way more than you think they fulfill it. - They really do. - They really do. - I just say more for people that love like degradation because of the sound or not really. - I mean, sometimes I find that being hit with somebody, somebody who's really into degradation is not really gonna notice that this is a rubber chicken or it's not kind of the avenue I want to go down. But yeah, I find that like my masochists are really, they think it's so funny. But they also are like, please, please stop. - Please bread. - Bread. - Because it's too much. But there's so many great things to, so many great things to hit people with. There's a lot of pervertibles sort of in the world. I hit somebody with a mocha pot one time 'cause the lid had popped off. - Mocha and mocha pot is, it's like these little, they're like, they're kind of hourglass shaped and the top twists off and you put coffee grounds in the bottom. - Oh, yeah, yeah. - There are special grounds in the area. - The metal ones. - The metal ones, yeah. And so somebody had left one in my dungeon, which is an unhinged thing to leave behind in a dungeon. And because I don't have a stove. And like, I don't, like why do you carry that with you? - Why is the hoodie? - And so somebody says the woman that carries 14 room and she gives us her. - I mean, right, this has an explanation. Like a mocha pot, an empty, clean mocha pot, just in, was it in your purse? Like, why do you have it? And it wasn't new either. Like if she just bought it and left it behind accidentally. - It was a brief shove or something. I just got it. - I don't fucking know. - But so the lead had come off and I saw it and I was like, I bet this would really, really hurt if I hit somebody with it. And so what, since the bottom is solid, it's solid metal, it makes us surprisingly thuddy and almost like massage like tool. It's really, it's satisfying. I was like hitting on the shoulder here to like work out some knots and some stress. And but if you hit somebody with the bottom of it like this, ooh, really satisfying. - Oh my God. - Yeah. - I love that. Okay, any exciting projects coming up that you want to share? - The next edition of Seven Days of Domination comes up in January. The title is New Year New You. We've got some really, really exciting presenters on, some people that we're really stoked about and some classes that we're really stoked about. I can't say any more than that. - This is great. - Yeah. And then, yeah, and then the next year or so, we'll be doing some more of our business intensives. We're looking at, we're gonna do one here in New York and then the next one probably somewhere in the Midwest. And that will be probably spring and fall tentatively of 2024. Yeah, and that's, those are the things I'm probably the most excited about. It's just, I really love connecting with people and with community in that way. And it's gonna be dope. We dope, we're really excited. - That's so fun. Hope he goes great. - Thanks. Where can people find you? - Oh, they can mostly find me on Twitter. I am professionally hot on the internet. You can find me on Instagram or Fat Life or Twitter under the handle @yesmissshayla. That's S-H-A-Y-L-A. Or you can find me, my website and my booking form at And you can find seven days of domination at the number seven - Amazing. Last three questions I ask everyone, what is something you wish more people knew about you? - Ooh. Oh, what do I wish they knew more about me? I wish they knew how bad my handwriting was so they would stop asking me to. - Doctor's handwriting? - Stop it. (laughing) - Can you read it back? - Can I just leave me a note? And I'm like, "No, no, no, it's gonna be able to read that." - And I mean, truly, I wish that more people knew and understood meaningfully that I am in recovery so they would stop bringing me gifts of one. It is appreciated, it will never get drank. And that also they can reach out if they are a sex worker struggling with their own sobriety. Like people often keep this stuff a secret and I'm just like, "Nah bitch, you can do it." Like, we're here to help. - Mm-hmm. - I have somebody so we're guests, I love it, it's great. Okay, something you wish people did more. - Ooh, did things for the sake of doing them or finding out, like fucking around and finding out but like in a positive way, I find that so many people don't do, they're like, "Oh, I would like to do that, "but I'm not good at it, so I'm not gonna do it." Or even just like wearing weird clothes or doing a stupid dance or like going out and trying a new restaurant just for the shits and giggles. Not every experience has to be the best experience of your life and it doesn't have to necessarily be in your comfort zone all the time. Do things that you're bad at because you enjoy doing them. And also like put things in weird containers, you know? Like, have weird role plays. Do the thing, oh my God, this is so stupid. I was watching a TikTok the other day and that's why we made this TikTok about racing people on the street, like in New York and picking somebody random that was stranger, never acknowledged, I've never spoke to them. I was just like, I'm gonna beat that person. And I thought that was the silliest and really uplifting thing. I'm just like, yeah, throw some fun and curiosity into your everyday life, just do it. What's the worst that can happen? - I love that and if you are 30 or whatever age and you wanna try a new hobby, do it. You don't have to be good at your hobbies. You can sing like a fucking shrieking cat and that's okay, if you love to sing, it's fine. - That's, yeah, dude, the karaoke because everybody's bad at karaoke and nobody likes the person who is good at karaoke. Like that bitch that rolls in on a Sunday night and is doing like Broadway B-sides, everyone in that bar hates her, everyone. Like the worse you are at karaoke, the better. So do it, sing your heart out, you do you. Okay, lastly, things you wish or something I wish people did less. - Ooh, stand three people wide on the sidewalk. Wholeheartedly fucking angry. What the fuck are you doing? Get in single, especially if we're walking slowly, get the fuck out. - Drives me crazy, it drives me crazy and the worst part is like in certain areas, I know that it's like inevitable because it's a tourist area, but there's sometimes I'm walking in my own neighborhood and I'm just like, bro, you live here. - Why are you doing this? - Yeah, totally unnecessary. - And if you're taking a picture, go to the side. - Go to the side. - Go to the fucking side, just suddenly stop on the sidewalk. What are you doing? - Stand close to the building if you need to answer that text message or look at the Google Maps. Don't just stand at the top of the subway stairs and be like, oh, now is a good time to look up direction. No, no. - Yes. - Oh God. - Okay, we did it, thank you so much for coming. - Thanks for having me. - Are you ready to turn off the lights? - I absolutely am. Okay.