Jesse Kelly Show

Governor Hochul Receives an Unpleasant Welcome; Voters Direction on Politics; Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

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30 Mar 2024
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Hello, it is Ryan, and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino. Chumba Casino has all your favorite social casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere with daily bonuses. That's your bright new day, Lo. Actually, a lot. So sign up now at Chumba Casino dot com. That's Chumba Casino dot com. No purchase necessary, P.T.L. You're avoided by loss in terms of conditions 18 plus. It is the Jesse Kelly show. Let's have some fun New York on a Friday. It's an ask Dr. Jesse Friday. And what an amazing day it is going to be. Here's what we have on tap for tonight. We're going to do a little New York version of you voted for this. Apparently women are being sucked in the face randomly on the streets of New York. We'll talk about that. There's a poll out about what you care about versus what communists care about in man. Is it eye opening? We have asked Dr. Jesse questions on everything from men succumbing to all this propaganda. I'm going to get to that shortly. Civilian casualties in combat. Why didn't we do things different on Pella Lu and music? Oh, that so much more is coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly show. First, let me explain where I was yesterday. Why I wasn't here. I got asked by a Marine if I would take part in the flag ceremony at the Houston Astros game yesterday, meaning they have this huge flag that they they they pull out on the field so they can, you know, sing the national anthem and, you know, veteran asks you something like that. If you'll partake in it, I felt obligated to say yes, it was an honor to do so anyway. So we had to go out there and you have to pull out this huge flag while they sing the national anthem and then you close the flag up and you run off the field. So I will tell you, having been out there, you know, the stands are full. They're singing the national anthem. All these people are looking down on you. It occurred to me. I'm basically a professional athlete now. What Chris? No, hear me out. Look, Chris doesn't understand because he's not a professional athlete. He didn't have thousands and thousands of people cheering on his athletic performance like I did. So already today, I've started to adjust my diet for to give me more peak athleticism. But anyway, that's where I was yesterday. Just made my first run at professional sports and it went pretty well. So let's move on. And let's talk about you voted for this, shall we? I didn't get a chance to address this yesterday, but it's a big story. It's not just in New York. It's across America. People are becoming aware of this knockout game, we'll call it. This is not something new. Many people will remember the knockout game happened. It was a few years back. And what it was was a bunch of dirtballs, mostly teenage boys, to be honest with you, teenage boys and packs. They're essentially more dangerous than a pack of wolves. If it's a bunch of teenage boys who aren't raised, right? Teenage boys would find somebody vulnerable, not paying attention. And they'd sock them in the face. This was almost always billed as, oh, they're just crazy. Oh, who are these crazy kids? But you know, they never, they never managed to punch the 200 pound Italian or Armenian guy. For some reason, the quote, crazy people were always saying enough to find a woman or an old man. I remember there was some Jewish rabbi. It was like 70, 80 years old, barely could barely walk, got drilled in the mouth. But again, the Puerto Rican dude who weighs 225, they were never crazy enough to try the knockout game with that one. It's a miracle. But anyway, it's obviously making a return back to the streets of New York. And the women who are being sucked in the face, it's all women, of course, they're crazy. And yet they pick women every time they're going to social media after they're being hit. And well, here's one of them. You guys, I was literally just walking. And a man came up and merged me in the face. Oh, my God, it hurts so back. I can't even talk. Literally, I fell to the ground. And now this tricoseg is forming and I'm like, Oh, my God, it's so crazy. Yeah, I am going to the hospital. Yeah, okay, okay. So obviously she's okay. That's a good thing when anybody seriously hurts a good thing. But let's talk about something here. Let's talk about accountability. And we're going to talk about this in a little bit of a different way. No, I'm not and you should not ever, ever, ever cheer a woman being hit. That is a no go. Keep your freaking hands to yourself, gentlemen. That is a no go. You do not lay your hands on a woman. However, let's talk about you voted for this. I saw a New York council member, Amanda Ferrias. All these women are getting punched in the face. There was a big article out attacks against women in Lower Manhattan. And this Amanda Ferrias, she comes out and says, where are the men calling this out? That was what she said. Where are the men? Hey, where are the men at? Why aren't their men stepping up? And that's funny because I have another public statement by one, Amanda Ferrias celebrating Jordan Neely, the violent criminal who Daniel Penny killed in the subway before he could hurt anyone. This is what she said, I continue to be heartbroken and outraged by the death of Jordan Neely and the lack of justice. We demand justice for Jordan and so on and so forth. You see, it's time to have a talk about you voted for this. If you're a woman in New York City and you vote Democrat and you intend to vote Democrat again, I am not moved when you get punched in the face. I am not moved because you did this to yourself. I don't want you to be punched in the face. I want to be clear about this. I don't want you to be punched in the face, but you don't get to down a fifth of vodka every single day for 30 years and then come to me and say, Jesse, why don't you care that my liver is going is going to crap and I'm going to die. It's not that I don't care. I don't want you to die. I don't want you to have a bad liver, but you did this. You did this. These women in these big cities, these, these women in cities like New York, they love to meet up for brunch mimosas on Sunday and they love to talk about how nice they are to all the immigrants. I love them. We need more Haitians into the country. Oh, I vote Democrat all the time because it's like a social credit thing for these women. And then they go out on the sidewalk and they're putting up a picture on Instagram and some animal sucks them in the jaw. And now you expect me to care. What have you done about it? Now, don't leave me wrong. If you don't vote Democrat, or in the very least, you've, you've decided you're never voting again. Now I do care. Now you're someone I do care greatly about, but we must stop coddling Democrats, not just women who New York, every Democrat in the country, Republicans. I shouldn't say Republicans because I'm not one. I'm an anti-communist. People on the right have been so nice, too nice for way, way, way, too long. We have watched you down that fifth of all, today, after day, after day, after day, after day. And we've told you watch your choice. I don't want to be mean. I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. No, we have cheated our fellow man. You voted for this four words over and over and over and over again. And it is not about rubbing it in people's faces. It really is genuinely is not. This is not some spite campaign where we're just going to take every Democrat like they're a little puppy and rub their nose in the poop while we wish while we wipe while we whip them with the newspaper. That's not what we're doing. What we are doing is we're bringing accountability to people who have destroyed and are destroying this country because they don't want that. They want to believe that they can just treat every animal in the world like on some kind of rescue dog. Oh yeah, come on in. Come on in. We don't need borders. How come into my neighborhood? Come into my neighborhood? Oh wow, you're at my door with the knife. How could this happen? You're how it happened woman. You are. You and every one of your Democrat vote and friends, your dark husband, every Democrat in your life who goes to vote Democrat, they are the ones responsible for the violent filth in America's cities. They're the ones responsible for the fact we have 10 million new illegals, whole gangs that is way less emptying its prisons on to our shorts. But you want to look nice in front of your girlfriend. You don't want to ever be associated with that big mini Trump. You don't want to look bad, right? It is time to bring accountability into the face of the Democrat voter. I am done coddling people who vote for their own demise. I am sick to death of it. Every I do this in my own life now. Every single time I hear a Democrat anywhere in my life complain about something Democrats are responsible for. I drop the four words on them every time you voted for this. I'll usually ask him first. Who'd you vote for? I voted for Biden. You voted for this then. What? No. And they get so mad about it. They get mad because they just want the freedom to destroy America without having to own the fact they're destroying America. But no more. No more. If you're a woman in New York and you don't want to get sucked in the face, stop voting Democrat like an idiot communist lemming. All right? Savvy? All right. That was it for the angry stuff. I actually want to move on and talk about the men male Democrats who are lost in the propaganda. I got one for you too, fellas. But before we get to that, let's get to this. Let's get to your cell phone company. We really need to stop spending money with people who hate our guts. And I know that as hard and in many cases, it's impossible to be honest. So much of corporate America has been taken over by these people. Where do you go? What do you do? Right? I'm sitting there at the Astros gave me a look up. There's a big planet fitness advertisement. They're the big tranny workout company. Right? So it's hard. It's hard. What do I even go buy my son a coke here? Am I supporting that? But with your cell phone, that's easy. Because you can switch to pure talk. You can get a brand new phone. You can keep your phone, keep your number. You pay half and you're now supporting a company that loves you and your values. There's no reason not to switch. Pick up your phone. Dial pound 250 and say Jesse Kelly. Go get yourself a brand new Samsung 5G smartphone for free. By the way, now if you're looking for one. Pound 250 say Jesse Kelly. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on and ask Dr. Jesse Friday. I know I got upset there, but I really am in just the best mood today. I am in the best mood. It's freaking Friday and it is a good Friday. Happy good Friday to everyone out there. Believers of Jesus Chris. It is a good Friday and honestly happy good Friday to all of you. Let's get back to some asked Dr. Jesse questions. Just look again real quick. Tell me who you voted. You guys. I was literally just walking and a man came up and merged me in the face. Oh my god. It hurts. Oh my god. I can't even talk. Literally I. Who'd you vote for? How Jesse that's mean. I know I am mean. How Jesse that's rude. I know I'm rude. I I do not have a goal in life to be nice and polite. I know that's a goal for most people. I know that makes me abnormal. I understand that when you say that to me, it means nothing. Who'd you vote for? It's time for people to own their decisions. It's time. As I have said many, many, many, many, many times, the GOP primary voter and the urban Democrat both have this in common. They get exactly what they deserve. Exactly what they deserve. I'm done coddling both of them. Wise up, shape up, change your past behavior or you get what you get. Don't throw a fit. Oh, wise one, you're constantly talking about crazy Aunt Peggy. I have one of those and I don't see her much or just ignore her crap when I do. I don't really really let it bug me too much. However, what I am having so much trouble with is trying to wrap my mind around so many men that I grew up idolizing who've also drunk the same Kool-Aid. These guys include my dad, uncles, fathers and guys I grew up with. All of them were blue collar, independent men. They loved guns and freedom. Yet now they're all on the orange man, bad bandwagon and it breaks my heart. They're all now in their 70s and 80s in age. How could this have happened to them? Where has the disconnect come from? Says his name is Rob. Okay, first of all, as you probably have already figured out, but let me clarify again, whenever I reference liberal Aunt Peggy, it's not because it has to be your aunt. It's not because it has to be a woman. I'm just referencing the generic Democrat in your life. Whoever that may be, maybe it's your husband, maybe it's your dad, maybe it's your daughter, your son, your teacher, your boss. I don't know. It's just a generic reference to these people in your life. Now, as far as older people, he said his dad, his uncles, his fathers, his whatnot. How could they, how could they, how could they fall for all this stuff? Orange man, bad and all that other crap. Well, here's, here's a situation that older Americans are going to struggle with a lot. And it's not because they're stupid or they're old and decrepit. It's because times changed on them so rapidly, so rapidly. Look, I'm 42. And I'll be honest, I'm still digesting how fast times have changed for me. And I know, I'm going to come back to this just, I'm not getting sidetracked. I'm super focused. My focus is just stay focused. Just tear me out here. I'm only 42. I can't even properly explain to my sons. I can't even make them understand that when I grew up, that if my parents had like oftentimes my, my aunts and uncles and whatnot, they would come over and, and they'd have a big get together board game night or something like that on a Friday night. Then on Friday night, if it was time to come inside, my cousins and I, we would sit in front of ABC, the channel ABC on a Friday night and we would sit down and we would watch television shows that were good, that you would want your child to watch. Hey, sit down and watch a family matters son. Sit down and watch full house, learn about right and wrong, good and bad. Don't steal. Don't lie. And the television commercials. No, it wasn't a bunch of transsexual lesbians pushing anti-anxiety medication. I don't remember ever seeing a big pharma commercial. It was, hey, buy Coca Cola. Oh, hey, Michael Jordan wears Nike. You can be like Mike. Life was so normal and looked nothing like it looks today when I was a kid and I'm 42. What's it like for the people listening right now when you're 62, 72, 80, you write me emails and it's heartbreaking because man, I sympathize. What have you seen happen to your country if you're 70 years old listening to the sound of my voice right now to your culture? You can't go anyway. You can't do anything. You can't even buy products anymore. You can't watch the NFL without being lectured about your whiteness. It's awful and this world didn't exist like 20 years ago. My sons, they're 13 and 15. They, they have, they've never known anything else. Isn't that insane? So back to this guy or anyone here who maybe it's your mom, maybe it's your dad, maybe it's your uncles, maybe it's this or that. Why, why are they, you know, why do they believe, you know, Donald Trump's the antichrist or something like that? Well, it's not as if the news has ever been majorly trustworthy. It's always been biased and laughed or whatnot. But if you grew up in an era where you could watch the news at night and be reasonably informed, well, things changed on you quickly. I'll explain what I mean in just a moment. I want to pause on that for just a moment and I want to go back to something I talked about earlier. Being a professional athlete now, like I am, what Chris, I realized that my testosterone levels are now more important than they've ever been. They're more important than they were yesterday morning when I woke up because I wasn't a professional athlete then. Now, I have to make sure I'm getting everything I need to perform at the highest levels as we professional athletes do. And that's why I take a male vitality stack from chalk. I've been taken one for two years. Maybe that's why I performed so well yesterday that my T levels are so high that I just, I've just more of a natural athlete now. But whether you're 20 years old or 80 years old, you need testosterone, gentlemen, your mind needs it. It's not just your body. Your mind has to have it. Go get a subscription. You can cancel them anytime. Get a subscription and take chalk for three months. Natural herbal supplements. C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse promo code Jesse. We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on an ass. Dr. Jesse Friday reminding you you can email the show love. Hey, death threats. Ask Dr. Jesse questions. Email those into Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. We're talking about the guys complaining that his father, uncles grew up blue collar guys. And now they're all Trump hating Democrats in their 70s or 80s and trying to figure out why. Well, let me let me explain it to you this way. I want you to think about this. I want you to think about food. Now stay with me. Stay with me. Stay with me. You. You find a guy, your friends with a guy. And this guy is one of those guys that always knows the best place to eat, always knows what to order. And yes, in case you're wondering, I am thinking about myself here. That would be me. I am that guy. I'm very proud to be that guy. It puts a smile on my face when I get a text message from a friend or family member. Hey, I'm I'm in this town. Where should I eat? And what should I order? It's just what Chris, you don't know what it's like to be the menu whisperer, Chris. Anyway, I'm that guy. Okay, so picture me, picture me. And you rely on me. You rely on me to give you advice to guide you in the right direction. Whenever you're out and about looking for a place to get some, I don't know, some Boudin sliders. I had those last night. I don't want to talk about it. They were amazing. Anyway, you're looking for a place to get something good to eat. And for years, I help you. And I point you in the right direction. Yeah, eat the pizza here and then go there and go there. Okay. But then, then I turn kind of bad. I decide I don't like you anymore. I decide that, you know what, we're not even really friends anymore. In fact, I kind of despise you. But for 30, 40, 50 years, I've been guiding you in the right direction. So you, you start eating at places where I'm guiding you. And now you're, you're getting bad meals. You actually got food poisoning at the last one over and over and over again. It's not going well. But it's hard for you to adjust to the new reality that the person you've relied on me to help you with your food choices for all these years actually hates your guts. The human nature thing to do would be to just keep listening to me and doing what I say. If you're somebody in your 60s, 70s, 80s, if you're an older person or you know someone who is and they're a nutball Democrat who hates Republicans, yet they should be normal people. They grew up in an era where the local news, you could at least trust the local news, the local paper, the this, the that, and the America has turned the system has been created. The institutions have been taken over by dirty America hating communists and they didn't adjust and they have a very difficult time adjusting. So when you sit down and you've always read the morning paper and then you turn on NBC News at night and that's what you do for a living, you don't understand that these organizations went from being biased, went from being lean left to actually hating this freaking country and wanting to burn it to ash. That is a huge difference. There's a huge difference between getting your news from someone who maybe votes Democrat and leans left on most issues versus getting your news from somebody who hates your freaking guts. That is a big difference. And if you're wondering why the older person may be in your life, the older people tend to lean right by the way, but I realize there are some who don't. If you're wondering why the old Democrat in your life hasn't woken up, their country has changed in unimaginable ways in just the course of their lifetime. And I know it has because as I said, it's changed in unimaginable ways in the course of mind. All right, real quick, I want to address this before we get back to the ask Dr. Jesse questions. I am aware that Trump was in New York City yesterday to attend the wake of that hero cop who got killed. And that Biden was in New York City yesterday, throwing a $250,000 fundraiser with a bunch of celebrities and stuff. Lizzo was there. I mean, I guess they had a buffet or whatever, but it was I'm aware of all these things. I just want to say what is that one word I used a long time ago to describe the Biden administration in one word? Remember what it was? Who would it was? Cold. Look, there are a bunch of different words you could use to describe them. But for whatever reason, they just do not understand the human touch at all. They don't they can't do it. Do you know how bad it looks? If you're in the Biden administration, if you're one of the Democrats hate listening right now, do you know how bad it looks that Donald Trump? He's out there comforting the widow while you're across town, having a $10,000 a plate dinner for it. Set aside all politics, honestly, taxes or border or whatever. Do you know how bad that looks even even even why it was already scheduled? No, no, no, I get all the reasons. I get all the reasons. If you're the president of the United States of America and a New York cop was gunned down by an animal, you, even if you don't attend the wake, which I realized Biden can't attend the wake because if you're a Democrat, you have to be pro crime now. I realize you can't attend the wake, but you don't throw a big fancy fundraiser on the same night as the wake. And you don't make a bunch of NYPD cops stand in the rain working security at your fundraiser when they'd rather be honoring their fallen brother. It looks so bad, but they can't they can't do it. Whatever, whatever reason, for whatever reason, I don't know, maybe it just comes down to basic communism, for whatever reason, this administration is so cold. It's amazing how tone deaf they are. You notice, you notice something they've stopped doing? They finally caught on after doing it for a year. Remember, they kept telling everybody how great the economy was? When everyone's suffering, everybody, everyone I know is complaining about groceries. I cried in the grocery store. I can't do this. I can't afford that. And the Biden administration just decided they were going to go with the economy. It's great. What are you idiots talking about? They decided they were going to go with that. And they finally dropped it recently because it protested so badly. No one likes to be told how great they have it when you can't afford eggs anymore. Nobody likes to be told that. But again, so cold. It probably just comes down to what we've talked about many times before about the three characteristics all of our cultural leaders now have in common. No love of country. No connection to the real world. And they see themselves as kings and queens. It's the connection to the real world thing. It reminds me very much of COVID and the COVID lockdowns when all these media people. I'm talking to people who do like what I do for a living. This is not a real job. You media people, us media people, you either do radio or TV or maybe you write for a living where they would all sit down and they would lecture Americans about why don't you just stay home? Why can't you just stay home as you sit at home doing zoom media hits in your jammies still getting paid, lecturing the forklift operator why he needs to stop being selfish and stay home. He doesn't get paid. He doesn't get to eat. He doesn't get to make the rent. But again, so cold, honestly, I don't know. I know there are various reasons why people enjoy the show and I'm glad you do. I can't believe people actually enjoy the show. But I do think I do think it probably helps that I've lived most of my life as a normal human being before I got into media. I think it helps a great deal. I I'm stunned at how out of touch these media people are. All these people that sit at home and you're rich and there's no connection at all to how normal people live. Now, by the way, speaking of fallen first responders, this is why we talk about tunnel to towers all the time. Tunnel to towers, they're there for these people in their darkest moment. Imagine, imagine finding out that dads never come and home again, that your husband's gone. Just the devastation. How do you even begin to put your life back together? I wouldn't. I don't know. I don't know. I don't know if I could. But tunnel to towers, they come alongside these people and they help. And I want you to understand that your $11 a month that you give to tunnel to towers, that's where it goes. Gold star families, fallen first responder families. When you look around in horrible situations like this and you say, who will help? What can we do? It's tunnel to towers who's out there helping being the hands and feet that we are supposed to be. 11 bucks a month. That's what they asked for. $11 a month. You'll never know it's gone. Sign up to give it automatically. T the number two T dot org. All right. T to T dot org. All right. Enough of that. Somebody has a question. We've been talking a lot lately about the Pacific War and Pella Lou and why didn't we just, why didn't we do things differently there? I will address this in just a moment. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Friday. It asks Dr. Jesse Friday. Remember, if you missed any part of the show, you can download the whole thing on I hard Google spotify iTunes. Yeah, I have one more last word about that wake last night for the NYPD officer. Kathy Hokel got booed out of the building. Did you know that? Ouch. Apparently they clapped when she left. Oh, well, all right. Let's get to it. Jesse. He says, dear soundbite, interrupt us, Maximus. Why did the US not fire bomb these islands in the Pacific like Pella Lou enough to create a fire storm and suck up all the oxygen for the dog in Japanese? If the islands were too big, why not do this on one of the smaller, heavily fortified section and then take tack toe a winner, a winner. His name is Neil. Okay. Let me explain. A firestorm for those who may not know. A firestorm is not something. Okay. First, let me explain what it is. You know that we created a firestorm in Tokyo. We actually killed about twice as many people in Tokyo as either of the atom bombs killed killed when they dropped them Hiroshima or Nagasaki. Most people do not know that 100,000 people in Tokyo. We burned them to death. Why did they burn to death? Because a firestorm was created. It was created in part by us, in part by nature. The same thing happened in Dresden, Germany. It's a horrible, horrible tale. They're both horrible tales, terrible tales of war, terrible tales. But let's talk about this. To create a firestorm is not an easy thing. For instance, in Tokyo, we were trying to burn the place down. We were essentially dropping incendiaries all over the place, trying to burn it down. We were trying to create fire. However, you have to have certain natural conditions with wind and dryness. There have to be natural conditions that go with your bombs in order to create a firestorm. He was talking about oxygen. In Tokyo, it's a well-known story to anybody who knows the story of us, Firebombing Tokyo, that people would, this sounds crazy, right? It sounds insane and it sounds awful, but it's true. People were outside. They were outside. You'd be in the middle of a street, in the middle of a park, and people were suffocating to death, standing outside. Why? The fire was so hot, and it was so ravenous that it sucked all of the oxygen out of the air, and you could stand outside, and many did, thousands, thousands did, and suffocated to death. Didn't even burn to death. You just died from lack of oxygen like you'd put a plastic bag over your head or something like that. Horrible, right? I know it is. It's terrible. On the islands themselves, you can't recreate that. Maybe it's happened, and obviously wildfires, you'd need like a wildfire. We have them in Montana every year that have them in California. You could probably get into situations there where you would call it a firestorm, but that's because there's so much thick, dry wood and other conditions on the ground that create a firestorm that would suck all the oxygen out of the air. What I'm trying to explain is you can't just magically make one. You can't just look at Bloody Nose Ridge, which we've been talking about in Pella Lou. We've been talking about it all week. You can't look at Bloody Nose Ridge and just decide, "Hey, guys, let's have a firestorm here." Now, what you can do, and what they did do in the Pacific War many, many times is use a flamethrower to suck the oxygen out of a cave. Meaning, did you know that they would, we killed all kinds of Japanese, not just by shooting a flamethrower into the cave. If it was just a cave, you could aim the flamethrower dependent on some things, but you could aim it and just shoot the flame by the cave, essentially just covering up the opening and suffocate everyone to death inside because it would suck all the oxygen out of the cave. Yeah, no, it is cool, Chris. It would suck all the oxygen out of the cave. They talk about their amazing stories, horrible stories, but amazing stories of they would do this and then sit back and wait because you knew the Japanese troops inside would try to run out because they couldn't breathe. They had to run out to try to get a breath. The reason, part of the reason Pella Lou, the reason really Pella Lou was so incredibly terrible was they had so much time to prepare, just like Iwo Jima. So the caves were actually, most of them were tunnels. It was a tunnel system with multiple openings and multiple vents. So you can't just shoot a flame by the opening and suck the oxygen out. That's not the way it works. If there's other places for oxygen to come in and there were, they would come in. That's why they didn't just fire, create a firestorm and burn them out of Iwo Jima or Pella Lou. When you create a fortress like that underground, it's just, it's really hard to get them out, especially when they're well supplied. It was another thing that made Pella Lou so bad. They had food and ammunition, a lot of it. It was all they had had so much time to prepare. And another thing that made it so bad was it was an elite Japanese unit there. Remember Japan? Everyone thinks World War I or World War II, I'm sorry, started, you know, depending on your date, right, December 7, 1941, or when Hitler invaded Poland or something like that. Japan was invading China years before Hitler crossed any borders in Europe. They were fighting in Manchuria, taking over parts of China. The unit that was on Pella Lou, the Japanese unit, it wasn't a bunch of reservists or a bunch of guys who typists or something like that. These were hardened veterans of serious combat. They were the best. They were the best they had. All right. All right. Now we have so much more I want to get to. We're going to do a little bit of political talk. Someone wants to talk about music. We'll get to that later this hour. Someone wants to talk about civilian deaths and combat prescriptions. Why do you need one? Communist socialism, fascism. That's a fun one. Cannibalism. But before we get to any of that, I want to get to this. There was a poll came out yesterday. It was from Quinnipiac is the poll. And the question was, what are the biggest issues facing the country? And they were dividing up the poll results by party affiliation. So if you were in the GOP, they got a list of the most important issues facing people who identify as GOP. They got a list of most important issues facing independence. And then they got a list of most important issues facing Democrats. And I'll go over the results of the second. It's just very difficult to see how you can put this band back together again. We'll talk about that. That's what we're going to lead off with next before we get to that. Let's get to this. The spending, the printing. It's not going to stop. You know that. I know that. 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