Jesse Kelly Show

Republican/Democrat Voters Issues; Brain Drain; Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

Broadcast on:
30 Mar 2024
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Lucky Land Casino asking people what's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky lucky in line at the deli I guess I'm in my dentist's office more than once actually do I have to say yes you do in the car before my kids PTA meeting really yes Excuse me. What's the weirdest place you've gotten lucky? I never win and tell well there you have it You can get lucky anywhere playing at lucky land slots calm play for free right now. Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary for everybody by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply What's everything else? Jesse Kelly show another hour of the Jesse Kelly show on an ask dr. Jesse Friday We're gonna discuss this new poll about what the different parties care about here in a moment Some dude married co-joint twins and I have mixed emotions about the whole thing We have asked dr. Jesse question about everything from the American Indians to politics today to cannibals to so much more I'm gonna begin here though Quinnipiac pull comes out yesterday It's just one of these polls where you're asking the generic voters in each party what their issues are If you identified in G as GOP Your number one issue was immigration 52 percent your number two issue is economy If you're an independent Your number one issues immigration Your number two issue is economy. Okay, so those are very very valid things for people to care about Obviously countries being invaded economies bad people can't afford things If you're a Democrat your number one issue is preserving democracy and your number two issue is climate change Now do you understand why I say the average American Democrat? They really are insane as in They exist entirely in a world that is not real and it's It's wild observing that Climate change isn't even real Man-made climate change isn't even real and that's the number two issue for American Democrats preserving democracy That's what does that even mean what you know what it means? That's just anti Donald Trump talk That's all that is what we are democracy the death of democracy the enemies of democracy, but We're not even a democracy We're representative republic so the top two issues for Democrats aren't even real again I I don't take any pleasure in the fact that the country is separating. I do not celebrate it It's a horrible thing. It's not what I want. I hopefully it's not what you want I wanted everyone to stay together, but okay One side cares about immigration and the economy the other one preserving democracy and climate change You ever heard of a Venn diagram where you have the two circles and a little bit of it overlaps, right? And then you figure out the overlapping part in the middle What's the Venn diagram? Between Republicans between anyone on the right and Democrats in the country. Where's where's the overlap? There's none one Look one is in a world that is of completely made up a world of make believe How do you how do you deal with that and look we were talking we were talking last hour? About these these women are now getting punched in New York's friggin horrible to get sucked in the face You know that New York's the disaster and we were talking about how I need to know who you vote for Before I decide how much I care before I decide how heartbreaking it is and Got a bunch of pushback for that most people agreed, but we got a bunch of pushback on that for a while I mean Jesse that's that's not very nice. We got to win them over to our side We've been trying that forever It is time for some tough love now It is time for tough love. I've used this example before but it's true and in fact this pretty much happened to me. I Was when I first ran for Congress remember I ran for Congress twice and lost twice I know I do stupid things all the time, but when I first ran for Congress I I Was killing myself on the campaign trail I would just I knew I had to outwork everybody so I was at every event I was doing everything and I was not taking care of my health physically at all and I Got fat now. I'm six eight. So when I get fat fat looks different on six eight than it does on five eight You know it's all spread out over the body, but definitely fat I put on something like 35 pounds. Oh, it was always in the car always fast food never working out Didn't lift and I got fat and my old man was living my folks were living in Montana at the time I was in Arizona where I was running for Congress and My dad saw me for the first time in something like six months after I've been running It's a cheese you're fat You get to the gym good grief son. What's wrong with you? now Does he hate me or does he love me? He loves me He loves me If if if I get if I greet both my parents and I've put on 35 pounds and mom tells me how handsome I am and had that I've never looked better You're just so handsome and dad says you absolute tub of goo go to the gym and lose some weight Which parent loved me more in that moment? Dad did We've had enough mommy time in this country. It's time for daddy. It's time for daddy It's we have got to start being Direct with these people we have for so long Coddled them try to be night. You're dealing with someone who is insane You're dealing with a human being who lives in a world of make-believe You must pull them out of it by any means necessary pull them out of it or defeat them But what you cannot cannot cannot do is step halfway into that world and meet them in it because now You're in a world of make-believe. You must stay in reality They can choose to join you or not and we want them to join us right we do I want you to step out of that preserving democracy. You're an idiot Man made climate change. You are a nut job, and you don't even know it Step out of that world. All right. Let's get to some asked dr. Jesse questions Elsombrero I Was sticking back a couple weeks when you had a discussion about the Aztecs and some of their cannibalistic practices and it got me thinking Do you think cannibals enjoy eating people? When they brought in a fresh batch of cooking where people were fighting out were people fighting over which piece did they get? Did they toss the fingers and toes to the kids for snacks so dark what say you you know I? Am not the world's expert on every single culture by a million miles. I'm not an expert right? I'm an idiot. I went to community college, but I will tell you The cannibalism that I've seen from any book that I've read or documentary I've watched almost all of it has been centered around some kind of demonic religious practice of those people It was almost always a religious ceremony either at all the cannibalism. I've seen a history was either a a religious ceremony or B starvation so it was a requirement I Now, I'm sure there are examples again. I'm not the world expert. I Don't remember ever reading something about someone About a people just eating other people just for the joy of it and I don't I don't know whether God made us with an aversion to eating people I suspect he probably did but it's always been religious or starvation this Dr. J steel I understand we must have a valid prescription to obtain potentially dangerous drugs But what about eyeglasses if my eyeglasses prescription is outdated Opticians cannot legally fill it even if my vision hasn't worsened since my last examination Why I can go to the dollar store and buy glasses over the counter all day long without a prescription and that's perfectly legal What's the difference? I don't know I'm not a medical expert But I do know that we have way too many regulations for everything in our society way too many rules And I'm not the type of person Who who does that you know I'm not the type person who looks at this country or or a country like Europe? I quit I know it's a continent or Europe or something like that It says wow they do things so much better over there But there are a bunch of countries in the world where a bunch of our basic prescriptions You just go in and buy it just go buy it and if you get armed by it too bad so sad But you can go buy it look America's way over regulated Jesse a banger is something great Other words similar are fire broke cooked and slaps The music at the beginning of every hour has made my head hurt from how much I headbanged What is the song called? Thank you for the show from me and my dad and Montana. I'd be honored if you said my name It's August August okay first of all August. I know what a banger is. I'm not that old I know what a banger is although it probably is for the best if you Whenever you young kids email the show if you do give me a heads up on what exactly you're talking about my young His son used the word riz yesterday, and I just about popped his head right off of his shoulders I said what does that mean and this is what he does to me too because he thinks it's funny He says dad that's really riz and I'll say what does that mean and he'll use the same word back to me as an Explanation it's Riz and I'll that he does exit drives me nuts what Chris What's that? That's actually a good idea Chris Chris thinks I should start using it back to him like I know what it means That's a good call especially because I embarrass him all the time anyway on purpose. Dang it. That's a good call All right anyway the song August I'm assuming you're talking about the song to open the show the band is called Greta Van Fleet and the song is highway tune Highway tune all right. It's good jam. Definitely a good jam real Led Zeppelin ask band which is right up my alley All right, let's do a little let's do a little history of civilian casualties Maybe even talk a little bit about the conquest of American Indians But before we get to that someone has a theory about the Baltimore bridge And I think we should address that before I nerd out on history before I get to any of that Animals are on our streets Deadly people violent people filling up our country. You know what I know it What have you done to protect yourself? Do you know for a fact that if a bad man meets you in a parking lot today a bad man Who's known nothing but violence? Do you know for a fact that you can stop him from hurting you? That's what burn-up pistol launchers are about They're non-lethal so they're legal on all 50 states no permits no background checks needed They'll send it right to your door. They shoot these pepper balls or tear gas balls. I'd love the tear gas balls You've been tear gas. I've been peppered in tear gas. They're both friggin horrible or or kinetic rounds these hard plastic rounds You don't even have to hit someone directly with it Shoot it and shoot the ground in front of them and it's effective That'll help when you're scared these things work over 14,000 four and a half star reviews for a reason over half a million sold B Y R and a burn a dot-com slash Jesse gets you 10% off go get a burn-up pistol launcher All right burn a dot-com slash Jesse. We'll be back truth attitude Jesse Kelly Len Berman and Michael Riedel in the morning 6 till 10 Monday on 7 10 w o r Pure talk believes in American values and that free should mean exactly that free switch to pure talk today and get a free Samsung 5G smartphone no four line requirement no activation fees Just a Samsung that's built to last with a rugged screen quick charging battery and top-tier data security Qualifying plans start at just 35 bucks a month for unlimited talk Text 15 gigs of data and a mobile hotspot pure talk will connect you to the most dependable 5g network in America For half the price of a rise in AT&T or T-Mobile the average family saves almost a thousand dollars a year Just dial pound 250 and say keyword Jesse Kelly and claim your eligibility for your free brand new Samsung 5g smartphone and start saving on wireless today again from your phone dial pound 250 and say the keyword Jesse Kelly to switch to my cell phone company pure talk Jesse Kelly show on a Friday and as Dr. Jesse Friday remember you can email the show whatever you want Love hate death threats asked dr. Jesse questions email those into Jesse at Jesse Kelly show calm all right We're gonna tackle this story Really quickly, and then we're gonna get back to the ask dr. Jesse questions and we're gonna get there really quick I'm not a 100% sure how I feel about it the headline is this co-joined twin Abbie Henssel of TLC's apparently she's on TV abby and Brittany She's now married to an army veteran Okay, so they're co-joined twins They have one body There are two heads So abby and Brittany are two separate people Well, their heads are their heads are separate that they're wiping the same butt. All right, they're the bodies are the same that and This army veteran He married married only one of them now I Have some questions I'm not gonna ask any of those questions here on the air. I Can see I Can see some benefits for sure what Chris. I'm talking okay. I can see some benefits Look They're not gonna eat. They're not gonna break the bank eating right. I know there's two mouths, but there's one stomach. So there's that Some some other benefits you could probably think of I can certainly see some drawbacks How many plain seats do they need? Imagine two women telling you where to park every time you went somewhere Two of them riding in the same passenger seat when you're When you're kissing one You're only married to one What's the other one doing? Do you think she's on her phone? But if she's not here me out Chris if she's on her phone Well, they share a hand right so that would mean Like you're making out with your wife While she's on her phone like her hands would be behind you what Chris? I'm just trying to game this out man. Don't tell me they haven't had to have these talks. I'm not judging anybody I'm asking and I'm not all about polygamy, but Aren't there situations where you kind of have to be married to both of them Really? Aren't aren't what Chris? I don't know how many birth certificates they have Chris we can't ask stuff like that I think you know I think that's two right two heads, you know, maybe I Know it's one body. I get it's kind of a hydra situation. I understand that you know what we're just gonna move on Like I said, I can see You see a lot of drawbacks some benefits for sure for sure, but I you know what let's get to the questions Do your dong medicine woman? Even though it does appear that the Baltimore Bridge tragedy was caused by malfunction on board the ship The mechanical and electrical failures could have been a result of sabotage and based on a lot of other incidents over the last couple years Trained to railments food processing plant fires where finery shutdowns, etc I can't help but feel there's at least a 50% chance that it was sabotage, what are your thoughts? Okay? This is an actual interesting point This is something we talked about on the show a lot when it was happening remember Remember over the course of just a few months when all these food processing plants went up in flames do you remember that and There were a lot of trains that were derailed. It wasn't just East Palestine, Ohio It was there were a lot of train derailments all happening at once and it was it was odd how often they were happening What do I think about all this? Well, see here's the problem and this is what this is what we've discussed a lot on the show about Reliance on our institutions and things like that. I don't know and you don't know and the truth is We will never know I've told you my thoughts on the on the bridge coming down I've talked to friends. I do trust it does look like it's just one of those things where one thing went wrong And then another thing went wrong and the wind blew this way and this and that and those things do happen But could it be sabotage or terrorism or or something? It could be We don't know we can't ever get a straight answer on Anything what I do know is there are two different things happening in the country right now And both of those things are going to result in more accidents in Situations like this and those two things are Diversity this DEI stuff remember diversity is the death of everything the second you start focusing on Anything other than merit when you hire anybody for any reason you will get a worse product in serve or service Whatever it is it will get worse when you stop focusing on merit period and a story don't care if that offends you So that's one of the two things that's happening another thing that's happening though outside of the world of culture war stuff is a lot of our knowledgeable people People who have wisdom knowledge They're retiring and we don't have enough younger people going into those fields So we're essentially getting a brain drain as people retire as people leave and this is not this this brain drain concept is not at all unique to America or to this day and age this is something society has dealt with before in fact You know what let's talk about that brain drain in a little bit more detail in just a moment before we talk about the brain drain Let's talk about your brain Do you Do you feel like you're in a good mood a lot or I guess I should ask it this way are you down a lot? Are you down sometimes kind of inexplicably there's nothing bad happened that day But you just kind of down in the dumps When's the last time you got your levels checked? How many natural herbal supplements are you taking for that mind of yours? It's the only mind you're ever gonna have I? Take a male vitality stack from chalk for my mind's sake. They have female vitality stacks as well gentlemen You're down because your tea levels are low Raise those tea levels back up and start feeling like a million bucks again your body your mind They have a huge discount for the month of March on Subscriptions for the lifetime of the subscription 90 days is all I ask take it for 90 days. You don't feel markedly better cancel it. I want you to cancel it So do they 90 days C H O Q Dot-com promo code Jesse chalk comm promo code Jesse keep that mind working sharp Let's talk about the brain drain next Jesse Kelly show on an ask dr. Jesse Friday Don't forget if you missed any part of the show you can download the whole thing on iHeart Google Spotify iTunes Before we get back to the drain brain drain thing back to the co-join twins the dude married one of them Jewish producer Chris just asked if you have to get two gifts for a birthday Well, why would you have to get two gifts one's your wife? The others your sister-in-law now granted your sister-in-law is gonna have to watch your wife open the gift, but whatever the gift is Doesn't she benefit from it - I mean it doesn't matter what I mean, I guess I mean, I guess you probably could probably couldn't get her any like lingerie or something like that not my You know what we're gonna get back. Let's talk about the brain drain and everything right now in society We were we're discussing about how things are failing trains or derailing. I didn't mean for that to rhyme That was really cool planes are falling out of the sky bridges are collapsing someone and so forth Well, there's an aspect to To crumbling things around us right now that we don't discuss enough. It's way outside of politics and cultural stuff, but it is real Skills critical skills We like to imagine at least I do. I don't want to put I don't want to put words in your mouth I like to imagine or at least maybe it's just a simplistic way of viewing life that what people know now That it will always be passed on of course the next generation will know What the previous generation knew right but that's not necessarily how it works if you don't pass something down on Purpose it doesn't just automatically happen. Uh, but me with my sons My sons I I I know how to shoot guns. I am not a weapons expert or anything like that And I'd never pretend to be I'm not some fancy schmancy force recon marine or navy sub nothing like that at all I just grew up with a father Who loved to hunt and shoot and so from my earliest age from my from when I was walking I was going hunting with my dad. I was going hunting with my dad rabbit hunting with a toy gun in my hands That's how young I started and then he had me in hunter safety classes immediately And then I was always shooting a rifle or something So I know how to shoot guns and then the marines obviously Helped improve that even more. So again, not a weapons expert. I know my way around firearms. I can shoot them my sons Don't automatically get that Because I know how If I don't take the time and I have taken the time, but if I don't take the time and teach them weapons safety Weapons and maintenance How how to shoot what not to do how to stand if I don't purposely tell them that Then it doesn't matter how many skills I have it wouldn't matter if I was Delta force my boys don't know because I didn't take the time Now expand that to a society. We're losing welders. Did you know that? We're going to lose the ability to weld in our society One division. I forget what kind it is of welder the average age is 63 That's really bad Not because a 63 year old welder is bad But that tells you that young men are not going into the field They're not learning these skills. You can look throughout history at skills amazing skills That are gone Architecture is actually a great great example of this and I'm not an architect. Okay, so don't I'm not an architect I'm not an artist. It's just a fascinating. I read a book on it once. It was very fascinating about things like the sistine chapel Or you've probably seen pictures or maybe you've been in a one an ancient european Church of some kind you know 500 years old. We were just in uh, where was it uh cologne? I think it was cologne cologne Yeah, we were in cologne germany and they had a church there was five or six hundred years old And you walk in and you marvel at the the designs and everything And people ask questions now when they walk in places like that Why don't they build things like that today and the truth often is We don't know how And you don't think in that way because you're the well they were ancient. Surely we know more than they did They didn't even have power tools and stuff like that. No There weren't it's not like back in the day Everyone could do that even back in the day. That was a particular specific set of skills And if you didn't apprentice there if enough people didn't learn from the men who could do that and women who could do that Then those skills don't just appear in the next generation by osmosis in our society In many many many many many different fields There is a brain drain look we talk about piloting and obviously a lot of that dei crap Comes into play when it comes to airline safety But I have a bunch of pilots who listen to this show pilots are almost always hard right guys At least in my experience. They just are they're hard right guys and they'll email the show and they talk a lot about the dei stuff and stuff like that too, but a lot of them will tell me jesse We're forced to retire at a certain age pilots are not you know, you don't see 70 year old pilots It's not allowed they're forced to retire at a certain age and they say jesse what you're seeing right now A lot of it is the old experience pilots. They're retiring And the young ones don't know squat It's don't know Skills critical skills, especially blue collar work with your hand Trade type skills We are losing them. We're slowly but surely losing them in society. I made a comment about the baltimore bridge About how I don't understand why the bridge going down would close the harbor For months and months and months because that's what they said it would do now. Don't get me wrong I know the bridge is closed because there is no more bridge And I understand that the harbor has to be closed for a time because there's a bunch of debris in the way You have to get it out of the way before you can move ships in and out of there I understand all that I get that what I didn't get was why it would take months To carve up that stuff in the water, you know, you're gonna have to split a lot of that stuff up And when shit out of there get it out of the harbor so ships can move And I had a bunch of people who dude who did know Reach out to me and simply explain jesse. You don't understand the facilities the the the men who know how to do this the facilities the equipment It's not just available anywhere. There's it's not like there's an endless supply of it There aren't that many things that are out there that can get rid of that stuff We don't like to think about that it is especially as americans and i'm not Dogging on americans you know I wouldn't do that But we have existed you and I have existed in a country if you're an american you've existed in a country Where we've had so much We've just there's always been plenty you me We've always lived in a world where you walk in the grocery store And the the shelves are full If I if I go to the grocery store, you know how much I love my frito lay jalapeno cheddar chip cheese If I if I go to the grocery store and I go to pick up a can of that And they're out of just that. I'm just a gas. What? How could they be out of much? I don't understand That's one stupid little unhealthy product People in other nations around the world Have grown up where you might show up at the store and they might not have not have meat There's no beef today. Uh, sorry check back next week. We didn't get our shipment in But we Because we've been so blessed by god in this country and we've enjoyed the fruits of free market systems And our natural resources and just we we everything came up aces for us as americans Everything it's why I feel so so blessed. Yes, it's all kind of going to crap on us But I feel so blessed everything came up aces and we're used to just having everything we need at all times Extremely poor people maybe that's you right now have air conditioning mostly They've heat Oh a way to heat their home inside of their home We indoor plumbing Running the water unless you live in flint michigan. You can go to the faucet and drink the water We Don't understand how blessed we've had it And as as a lot of our skills and skilled workers retire and die Those skills disappear And that that's part of what we're seeing what we're seeing too. Okay. Let's move on to talk about something different here That's enough of that yuckiness. Let's talk about civilian casualties in war The conquest of the american indians all this stuff will be spicy. Let's also talk about your sheets We need to have a talk about your sheets Your sheets Unless they're giza dream sheets you're cheating yourself. You're not cheating me. You're cheating yourself You spend a third of your life in bed My pillow created the greatest sheets ever everyone knows it by now giza dream sheets I'm sure you've heard of them many many times before They are Unbelievable. It's not just that they're soft They breathe so you don't wake up with the pool of sweat in the middle of your chest And they're on sale right now for $59.98. That's for a queen size set King size sets just 10 bucks more Get a good set and set in fact get a couple sets of sheets right now Free shipping right now My slippers are 60 percent off right now right now is the time to go to my pillow My pillow calm click on the radio listener special square and use the promo code jessie or call 80845 0 5 4 4 It is the jessie kelly show on a friday. What did you just say about this song kris This is an incredible. So you don't like minda ron stat man. What is wrong with you. There is seriously something There's no this is serious what I've never questioned you more than I question you right now. Don't you find her voice to be awesome something I'm not even talking to kris right now. I don't want to talk to kris anymore I want to talk to you jessie what's been the role of civilian casualties in warfare over time It feels like things changed in the world wars where we went from soldiers meeting on battlefields to bombing cities to dust And now back to precision bombing and so on and so forth. What's your take? Well, this is an age old debate I shouldn't say necessarily age old it really came to the forefront In world war two world war one it was there somewhat but world war two it was there Here's the deal Civilians have always always always suffered during war They just have it look you can think back to an ancient siege right lay siege to somewhere the Mongols laying the siege to Baghdad okay, well, it's not just Soldiers in there who are suffering Everyone's starving Everyone's dying. It's bad. It's really really bad. So civilians have always suffered but Actually attacking the civilians in mass on purpose That is not that common in ancient times because as you said The warriors would gear up meet on the battlefield. Let's have a big battle or two Once one side has decided it had it's had enough You come together come to an agreement you pay your reparations you do your whatever the case whatever and you move on but in world war two There was a change And the change the thinking was this and it's not necessarily inaccurate, but the thinking was hey Okay, we'll make it about germany germany. They have this huge war machine They have this incredible military All this armor uh the tanks and stuff like that are i was just gonna call it armor But i have to remember to use different language they have all this all these tanks and things like that armored vehicles They have planes and things like that. Well Where are these things coming from where are the munitions coming from the army itself is not making them who's making them The civilians are making them at the various factories throughout germany and then other countries as germany was expanding Hey, we're gonna take your factory here. Take your factory there remember Stalin When the soviet union was being invaded actually was a pretty crafty move by that piece of trash He essentially tore down his factories in west in the western soviet union Broke them down took all the equipment and shipped them all east Not just so he could continue to make things in the soviet union But so the nazis didn't gain access to those critical factories that could make tanks and planes and things like that He knew that that was depriving them of something. Okay, so look it's not debatable Civilians are helping in the war effort is not debatable. They're making the food the the bullets They're everything out. It's not debatable Well, what is debatable is the morality of attacking those civilians Of going after them and we have done this Nations do this. I'm not at all badmouthing america, but in world war two it really ramped up britain did it We did it look the obviously the bad guys did it germany japan they did it a lot But look we we laid japan to waste Their cities everyone knows about haroshima nagasaki We we bombed out virtually every major japanese city. There are very few kyoto a couple others There are very few who avoided getting bombed out But kyoto almost got an atom bomb on it if uh america hadn't stepped in and decided they didn't want to bomb that one out But germany with the in look we we can comfort ourselves by saying well, we're we're going we're trying to bomb the factory I'm not trying to bomb the uh schoolhouse I'm trying to bomb the factory, but the reality is when you're dropping bombs from thousands and thousands and thousands of feet in the air With wind and everything else being what it is. These are not precision guided bombs You go open up the bomb bay doors on a b-17 flying fortress and drop a bunch of bombs down on A factory you're going to hit a lot of things that are not the factory and in fact you might not hit the factory at all It happened very very often. You might just bomb the school in the hospital next door and it might let's be honest Might be full of women and kids We the united states of america have bombed schools we have That was how that war was done I I don't have I don't have any thoughts on it beyond this we We love to think That war is just about good versus evil and obviously and oftentimes it it can be that but the truth is war is Terrible all the time and innocent people die All the time and my philosophy on it honestly It's fairly similar to shurman's philosophy on it. I can see everyone in the south yelling at the radio right now Oh quit. I love your generals too, but shurman He essentially said look war is miserable. It's horrible. It's hell So we need to do the worst possible things we can do In order to bring about a quick end to the war instead of making it long Let's make it as short as possible And so he does things like burn his way through the south and and tear up rail lines and stuff like that And and if you're in the north and you're one of these people who has a Infants understanding of the civil war and all you get is north good south bad Then maybe you love that but the truth is that's women and children dying Not slave owners either. Yeah, I'm sure maybe you got a couple of them But those those people didn't own any slaves You're starving women and children to death They're dying of exposure And it's awful Morality However, you want to define it Can be difficult to come by during war time I I don't have any thoughts on it beyond that But this is part of the reason look now now we're having this conversation This is part of the reason why I speak so often Against the idea of civil war even though I fully acknowledge we are breaking apart And I think we're going to get a divorce and I know all these things Man, you just don't want to experience what those people have experienced. All right All right, now let's move on to talk about some other things Let's talk about that specifically someone wants to know is it time to start a militia I'll tell you my thoughts on that in a moment before we get to that. Let's do this Let's take care of our puppies. Let's take care of our dogs Your dog does not get nutrition from dog food We think they do that's the problem We think that we've got the special blend for our dog and no no he gets he gets extra special stuff from this blend But why do you think all dog food is brown your dog's food is brown, isn't it? Why do you think that is? Brown things are dead They killed everything in your dog's food at the factory So the food would last longer on the shelf We feed our dogs empty calories their entire lives and we wonder why we're always at the vet We wonder why they die at 10 instead of 15 Start pouring rough greens on your dog's food All natural nutritional supplement with all the vitamins and minerals and probiotics and everything your dog could ever want Go to Slash jesse or call them 83333 my dog Start giving your dog real nutrition. All right All right, the militia and the Romans versus the Mongols and so much more coming up With the lucky land sluts you can get lucky just about anywhere This is your captain speaking. Yeah, we've got clear runway and the weather's fine But we're just gonna circle up here a while and get lucky No, no nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes add up quick So I suggest you sit back keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky Play for free at Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary void we're prohibited by law 18 plus terms and conditions apply see website for details