Jesse Kelly Show

History Lesson; Need for More Anti-Communists; Ask Dr. Jesse Friday

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30 Mar 2024
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Let me recap why people keep talking about this. I I was talking about it. I think it was earlier this week My wife made an unfair accusation She called me a spiller now. I know what you're thinking Jesse. How could a professional athlete like you be a spiller? She said something in effect of hey, don't spill that glass But there are two different types of people and they are very very different people. There are spillers and there are dribblers. I Am not a spiller. I never spill anything. I don't remember the last time I tip the glass over by accident I don't remember the last time I spilled something. I don't spill I Fully acknowledge that I am a dribbler I know that I'm a dribbler just yesterday having some nachos at the game and up Well there ended up being a little cheese blot at my on my pants. I dribble. Okay, but it's just I Know I'm a dribbler, but I am not a spiller Spillers and dribblers are two totally separate kinds of people obviously we dribblers are superior But we won't go into that anymore Jesse you always say to stay legal which I agree with The commies are taking over and no one's fighting for us at what point do we militia up? Who makes that call when we have to come together to fight off these commies? Okay, listen first first. Let's let's understand this We should you and me We should be acquiring Skills and getting better and this is what I mean by skills and getting better You and I and I'm pointing fingers at me. I've actually been really lazy the past couple weeks We should be in better shape than we are I'm not calling you fat. Maybe you are fat right? I'm not I'm not saying that but we should be stronger Getting stronger and better than what we are we should be taking better care of our health in Preparation for a future not of combat or civil war God forbid But just in preparation of a future. That's more rocky What's a great example of this well or a terrible example of this Have you ever studied any natural disaster situations man-made? Natural to the man-made or natural just disastrous situations whether it be a huge flood or or war or something like that If you if you get into these situations the hollodomor the starvation of the Ukrainians whatever whatever you happen to read You will find something that's pretty consistent the people who were in better shape who were physically stronger lasted longer and Were oftentimes the survivors who were the ones who died first the ones who were out of shape now Sadly that oftentimes just means older the older people suffer the younger children suffer They're just not as physically hardy, but you and me and I'm pointing things at me. I'm not not lecturing anybody We should be getting in better shape. That's part of preparing for whatever the future may bring We should be you and me We should be adding skills to this is something that I've actually it's been on my heart a lot recently And I'm not exactly sure why maybe I would just read something on it, but I Need to begin acquiring skills again. It's not that I don't read or acquire knowledge of things like that But I don't remember the last time I gained a new skill of some kind Well, obviously I joke about being able to speak for and I was just but why don't I learn one of those? I should start learning one of those I think I'm going to I don't know what kind I shooting You me we should be getting better at shooting There's no downside if you've never shot before Take a safety class and begin begin at the beginning But we should be acquiring these skills getting better at these things look even self-defense wise There's something for you. There's a million of these places all over the place now Brazilian Jiu Jitsu place or a grappling place or a boxing or a Muay Thai kickboxing place And don't think well Jesse. I'm just a I'm just a woman or or Jesse. I'm just an old guy or Jesse I'm just a kid or just no no no they have programs out there for every age You're not walking when you walk into one of these places You're not walking into a cage match where you're gonna get your face speed in they are there to train you and help you acquire skills and you can be as laid back as you want to be but that's another thing that we need to start doing and I'm not in any of Those classes right now now. I've done a bunch of those before but we need to begin acquiring skills and making ourselves better And I'm not telling you to go turn yourself into a Navy SEAL But what is the harm if this time next year if if if March 29th? 2025 comes around and you are in better shape and you're a better Shot and maybe you can throw a better jab this time next year What's the negative? Where's the drawback? Have you ever ever heard anybody say oh gosh man I Wish I wasn't such a good shot. Dang it. You ever heard that? Oh Man, I wish I hadn't learned how to block a punch. Oh that was stupid What I waste my time with that you've never heard anyone say that have you I haven't heard anyone say that Let's begin acquiring skills now. You ask about a militia. I'm not trying to avoid your question Understand that we will need state power at some level if we are going to take this country back Even the American Revolution which we are so fond of you're fond of it And I'm fond of it and George Washington and crossing the Delaware and all these things and the brave colonists And yes, all that stuff is true and that's good We don't win the American Revolution without France helping out and The founders knew that the colonists knew that the the revolutionaries at the time they knew that they knew We are we needed help. We needed big boy help the solution is Not you and your buddies Throwing on plates and grabbing some weapons and I don't know taking over the local post office or something like that The solution is to remake our state and local governments Into something that will fight for us that will fight on our behalf while also Gaining the skills we might need if God forbid Things go bad in the future and you ask, you know, when is it time and is it time and is it time? I'll tell you when it's time And I'm not gonna have to tell you because it's gonna be obvious when it's time If you here let me explain it this way. We've talked before about how you are ahead of everyone else Meaning you're the hyper-informed. You know what the problems are. You know, you know what we're facing. You know what we have to do But remember we're running a race in your way out ahead of the pack Now that's a good thing. You should be proud of that, but you're way out ahead of the pack If you try to jump the gun before the pack gets there with you You're just gonna end up dead or in prison. That's it. You're just gonna end up dead or in prison We look you realize the FBI just showed up at some lady's home Because she put a meme she put a picture up online. They didn't like We are in a country right now where the federal government has decided that right-wing thought is A national security risk the national security apparatus of America is now morphing itself into one that is aiming its guns at you This is why I've warned you about protesting in blue areas and stuff like that. They're dying For a reason to arrest you. It's not that they're afraid of it. They want you to do these things So they can take you and throw you in a dark cage and hurt you and that's what they look what they've done to the January 6 people They obviously were dying for a reason to unleash the national security state against Republicans against their political opponents January 6 gave them that reason they pounced on it and now we have Wonderful Americans rotting in prison lives destroyed lives ended relationships lives ruined. It's it's awful. It's awful. They're dying. They want you Start the militia and they they want you to do that now. Nobody said You can't go to the range with your buddies Nobody said you can't learn basic skills There's all kinds of skills all kinds of wonderful classes out there you can take right now on on patrolling on Vacations on on an ambush. Look, yeah, hopefully you'll never need that but that's still a cool skill to have Acquire skills. I'm put yet good a great one Chris. That's I should have actually led with that one first aid How's your first aid? Mine's not where it should be. I Know the basics of basics, but Jewish producer Chris has taken the time to be more proactive and went to a drama course You know these skills are skills. We have to slowly start acquiring again I'm not telling you to become a green beret, but we can slowly we can get better every day better every year. All right, all right Our planning needs to get better too meaning retirement planning I'm talking about real estate. I'm Talking about acquiring things you can touch and feel So these evil people can't destroy the value of them But when you talk about that people will understandably save it Jesse I can't a second house Jesse. I'm a normal guy. I'm a school teacher Jesse. I work construction. I can't listen Done for you real estate is not for millionaires and billionaires if they were we wouldn't be talking Done for you real estate is so normal people can begin acquiring real estate Oh, but what do I do? Where do I go? You don't need to stress that Done for you real estate does all that for you. They'll find the property in the best markets They'll vet it. They'll get you the financing. They handle the closing. They handle the rental process You begin with one It'll turn into two One day you've got ten and you're retiring and passing it on to your children Go begin done for you Jesse calm Done for you Jesse calm. We'll be back Fighting for your freedom every day The Jesse Kelly show Mr. New York marks a moan Monday morning at 10 on 7 10 W. O. R March is officially here and while most people have already given up on their New Year's resolutions to get healthier and stronger The American Patriots at chalk CHoq want you to know that now is the time to choose strength and vitality over weakness and complacency The problem is men's testosterone levels are off a cliff historically and that's exactly what the liberal elites want I've been taking chalk for over two years now. The results have been incredible. 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It does some questions this hour dear oracle I've been talking to a co-worker who said we achieved full conquest over the indians But maybe I misunderstood you that you said it was a half conquest. Let's say you Well, this is the conversation. We've actually had many times in the past. This is a personal thing of mine It's actually not anything. I've read or anything like that somewhere. I completely came up with this on my own but I ponder this the dangers of half conquest and You and me we could go back and forth and debate the morality of conquest period, right? It's an ugly thing Hey, you have this land I'm more powerful than you. I'm going to take it from you. So it's an ugly thing at the same time That is how every single plot of ground on earth Is has been owned has been taken every every all answer conquered lands as the old saying goes So let's set aside the morality of conquest right let's set aside the morality of this whole thing Because I don't know that there is an appropriate answer. I don't know whether it is right. I don't know whether it is wrong I'm sure it's situational like mothings are so let's set that aside One thing that I've found so fascinating I could probably write a you could someone could probably write a fascinating book on it is the dangers of half conquest A great example is actually israel right now what they're going through. We've talked about this before Okay, I don't give a crap if you hate the jews or hate the Palestinians or that's not what we're talking about right now Israel conquered that land the Romans had conquered them The jews had created so many rebellious problems for the Romans that finally the Romans had enough and they scattered them to the winds You don't have to you don't have to go home, but you can't stay here and they that was the diaspora They scattered the jews to the four corners of the earth. Goodbye. It's how they all ended up in europe and rush it everywhere else and then We don't we're not going to do a whole history on it, but They decided to reconquer that land and they did they moved in through various methods It was through all kinds of different ways, but they reconquered the land Kind of most of it They stopped before it was fully conquered. They left this place Called palestine How's that worked out? How's that worked out? You conquered it halfway now you share a border with someone who hates your guts and At any given moment they may take some parachute gliders into your country and murder and rape your women How did it work out in the end day after day after day stabbings and bombings and this and this again? It doesn't matter the morality of conquest, but that's not what we're talking about Did the half conquest was that nice? I know that's why it was done. Hey, no don't get wrong It wasn't done out of kindness. There was a lot of international pressure, but you stopped halfway You didn't conquer it all the way. How did that work? How did that work out for you? Not well In america the indians Americans were from the very beginning very very uncomfortable with the idea of conquest They were don't think this is some new fangled philosophy They haggled about this and argued endlessly is this right? What do we do? I I like the indians I don't like the indians push them out kill them all leave them there given that it was it was always a debate to be had And in the end they landed on well, I mean, let's take them, but We'll give them their own Reservation somewhere. Well, no, not here. We we like it here. This is a good part of ground Let's send them. Let's give them this crappy piece of ground in Oklahoma somewhere We'll go. We'll put them in Montana. We'll put them on on the reservation somewhere. Okay. How is that worked out? Not just for america, but for the indians themselves here What is america gained from that as a nation nothing What have the indians themselves gained from that? Have you ever been to an indian reservation? I know this will be wild. The offensive remember if you're offended. I don't give a crap You're welcome to email jessie at jessie kelly indian reservations are a disaster They are full of some of the worst alcoholism Violent crime poverty. They are sad sad places and i've been on many of them Sad places did it work out for the american indian that they were half conquered who did it benefit who did half conquest benefit Nobody neither side Half conquest It's just prolonging misery If you're going to take a place Then take a place If you're not going to take a place or if you're going to take it halfway then stay out Don't look if you're going to take to make it about your neighbor's house. You like your neighbor's house You want to go take it from him? Please don't do this by the way. You want to go take it from him Well, if you're planning on taking your neighbor's house Don't move into the living room and start sleeping on the couch All you've done is create a situation that's going to get worse and worse and worse Either run him out of the place and move in and change the locks or don't show up at all But don't go sleep on the couch Half conquest We did half conquest here tried to do it the right way the nice way and it ended up not being nice To anybody now speaking of half conquest Let's do a little roman's versus mongol's thing and then talk about the united nations in russia And somebody wants to join the military what branch and so much else we still have to get to now Before we get to that, let's talk about this Let's talk about vet bills You ever have to take your dog to the vet? How often do you have to take your dog to the vet? How backbreaking are those costs? It's amazing. It's amazing. One of my relatives had to take out insurance Because she was just there all the time all I know chris. I know it made me sick too And you can't believe what she paid for it. I won't even tell you it's bad. It's bad You know that we take our dogs to the vet too often Well, we have to take our dogs to the vet too often our dogs have health problems because they don't get nutrition You should be pouring rough greens on your dog's food so they can get nutrition Rough greens you think it costs you money. It saves you money When you start giving your dog nutrition for the first time they don't get sick as much. I know it's americal Go get a free jumpstart trial bag is where you get one of those you will see Physical differences in your dog's coat Breath everything or you can call them eight three three three three my dog Romans versus the Mongols next It is the jessie kelly show on an ass doctor jessie friday Don't forget if you miss any part of the show You can download the whole thing on iheart google spotify and itunes We don't have much time left. So we just have to get to as many of these questions as we possibly can I'll try to not I'll try to not get distracted. All right, what chris you wouldn't understand Let me let me simplify it for you chris. This is not an attempt to ban tick tock It's attempt to make tick tock better tick tock a winner a winner A winner chris part-time radio host Which empire was stronger the Romans or the Mongols from that? Listen I love the Mongols as much as anybody. What love is probably a strong word. I mean they were they were pretty brutal murdered Tens of millions of people um I love the Mongols as much as anybody probably in my opinion The greatest army in the history of mankind No other army took on all the toughest people of their time and just beat the crap out of all of them all them European knights Chinese the Muslim empires just wiped the floor with all of them. So I love the Mongols Civilizationally and I don't even know if that's a word civilizationally There's no comparison The Mongols were outstanding fighters. There's no question about it But they didn't know how to maintain an empire The roman empire lasted ages and ages and ages the Mongolian empire Yeah It depends on how you want to classify it, but 100 years 200 years It really wasn't that long lasting they couldn't maintain what they done for a variety of reasons Look, there is no empire in the history of mankind That compares to the roman empire when it comes to Influence and length and just nothing else comes close remember the Byzantines constant to nope on all that That's the roman empire If you went to if you went back then and went to the eastern roman empire you went to Constantinople Nobody there would have called themselves Byzantine nobody they would have all said we are roman's this is roman We are the we are the roman's the roman empire was incredible and you You have a hard time finding examples throughout history Were a society collapsed and the world the world went backwards the world Because they couldn't do what the roman's had done How do we build these aqueducts? How did they pave the roads? Yeah, there's nothing like the roman empire Jesse Can you please give an explanation as to why russia is still in the united nations? And is the u.n a totally worthless organization? Yes, the u.n is completely worthless. Here's what mankind loves to do We when something horrible happens We love to convince ourselves that it was so Terrible That we we should that we can take steps to ensure that that terrible thing whatever it was Will never happen again. We love how many how many different examples of never again or never forget have you have you heard Look, we say that about we americans. We say that about 9/11 Never again never forget, but let's be honest It's going to happen again There's going to be god forbid it happens in my life by lifetime, but there's going to be another gigantic terror attack In america at some point because that's how mankind works It's something that i'm rooting for or or i'm even necessarily pointing fingers at anyone That's how mankind works It's it's going to be bad at some point. It's going to happen again Uh, what's another actually you know what we were just talking about the Romans and the jews Let's talk about the jews and the holocaust That's a common thing that you hear now never again never again never again never again, but There have been a lot of holocaust Because that's what mankind does to itself men through terrible things to other men Civilizations do terrible things to each other And every single time People will convince themselves that if we just do this or we'll form this group or we'll do this And we'll make sure this never happens again, but you're really You're really just lying to yourself These things happen again. Maybe not to you, but they'll happen to someone else that Mankind doesn't really necessarily change. Jesse. I'm 17 And I want to join a branch of the military. Do you have any suggestions? I'm pretty sure i'm not joining the army with all the commie and filtration there Also, could you give some examples about why you don't like tim scott? Okay, first of all join the marines like a man second of all tim scott I We've talked about this before about the power of the narrative The power of the narrative What it what is the narrative what in the way i'm using it the narrative is this The initial story that gets spread around It gets cemented in so many people's minds That even as new facts come out later The original story even if it's a hundred percent false The original story is still the truth and many many many people's minds Your liberal aunt Peggy does she believe police officers were killed on january 6th Guarantee you she does a thousand percent the democrat in your life believes that police officers were killed on january 6th Not a single police officer was killed on january 6th not one nobody none zero zip zilch that's not my opinion It's a fact go read it. It's a fact But why does liberal aunt Peggy believe that? Because the initial narrative when the system was weaponizing itself against the right planning on arresting them and hurting them The original narrative was cops five cops died six cops died murdered on january 6th over democrat after media person after hollywood person over and over and over and over and over again Initially repeated that lie and that lie became cemented in the minds of so many americans the narratives that's the narrative And so what the right must do must do is fight like the devil Against the initial narrative that the communist tries to set every time the communists will see an opportunity And he will dive on it and he will use it to push his demonic goals And the right over and over and over and over again goes along with it for a while And then slowly but surely kind of comes around. Okay. I mean gets that wasn't right guys St. George Floyd died in minneapolis He died of an overdose But we all woke up that day. We all woke woke up to that horrible video. Look bad Sweaty and cops on his back. Ah, we all woke up to that And immediately immediately the communists in america realized they had an opportunity here They had an opportunity To further the revolution destroy police departments turn violent violent criminals loose on the streets gain power for themselves do things that they'd always wanted to do And so they jumped on it right away and it was cops or racist cops or racist america's racist everyone's racist ever reparations all this other stuff Instead of fighting back against that tooth and nail Tim scott led the way On federal police reform. Well, I mean I did get pulled over a couple times in south carolina It doesn't matter that I have a led foot. I have a we are pretty racist around here federal police reform Embarrassing We cannot possibly win With republicans who carry the communist narrative for them and of course in the end I mean remember he was working with kori booker Full-blown communist kori booker. He's working with kori booker on federal police reform And of course later, you know a month into it He comes around. Well, man. I I'm gonna have to drop this federal police reform thing It turns out he wasn't operating in good faith, but it's too late A month is too late You already jumped on the bandwagon and helped them set the narrative when the fire was getting started You weren't putting it out. You grabbed a can of gasoline and dumped it all over there So now once the fire gets out of control and the force is burning down Don't stand up and say this fire is terrible get some water in here You did it That kind of weak. I don't know whether it's weakness honestly. I don't know whether it's weakness stupidity I don't I don't know what it is But that we cannot have we need republicans We need anti-communists. I should say because there are no republicans who are strong Very few republicans are strong enough to fight against the narrative. We need anti-communists Who immediately realized the communist is lying He's using whatever it is shooting George Floyd, whatever to try and hurt you Look, this is part of the reason why I hate john cornin so much in mitch mcconnell so much after that terrible you've already school shooting Immediately the communists started grabbing guns like they always do guns guns guns guns guns And instead of fighting back against it while i've directed john cornin to help us to create some gun control legislation Grabbed a can of gas once again when the fire was burning can't stand it All right one more segment left before we get to that segment Let's talk about the pain you live with every day Look it's life your back hurts your neck hurts Maybe it's a muscle pain. Whatever the case may be You don't have to live with it And you don't have to reach for the pill bottle to deal with it You do not have to live with nagging pain every day. You can't sleep your snap and at people Start relief factor All i'm asking you is this Try it for three weeks If it doesn't work don't order anymore. That's all you're going to buy initially is a three-week quick start kid It's 19 dollars and 95 cents try it for three weeks You You will feel better if you don't don't ever order it again But you will almost everyone comes back and they start gobbling it up. It's incredible drug free all natural Call 1-800 the number four relief or you can go to their website relief You don't have to live with pain One more segment. We'll be back The jessie kelly show final segment of the jessie kelly show on an ass doctor jessie friday If you miss me, you can email me over the weekend. We'll be back on monday for a medal of honor monday jessie at jessie kelly jessie at jessie kelly All right We have to get to emails I have a Decent stack here, man. I would say maybe 20 or so I bet you I can get to all these just I can't chris what you know what chris You pull me down You pull me down because you you attack my confidence chris when I feel what chris what? I do not have ADHD chris. I do not i'm gonna be fine this segment. All right. I'm gonna be fine You know why i'll tell you why i'm gonna be fine I took my chalk this morning. Did you know that? Well, it's not exactly news Every single morning I wake up I generally have eggs that's about oh 29 out of 30 days of the month. I have eggs Usually some orange juice because orange juice is like the most delicious thing ever And then I wash it down. I wash my male vitality stack down after my breakfast 20 increase in your testosterone in 90 days with a natural herbal supplement stack natural supplements gentlemen T levels off a cliff. We must fight back Go to and begin your fight today promo code jessie ladies. There's female vitality stacks for you Now without further ado all these emails no problem And now here's a headline Emails we didn't get to you Dear shogun. I'm a young constituent in iowa. I'm the iowa I'm sick of my elected officials on fiscal responsibility and then voting for everything He's mad at ernst and grassley a couple of idiots He said I cannot bring myself the vote for him Am I a bad person to for voting for a democrat this fall? I know they'll vote for the same garbage But at least they won't lie to my face about wanting to balance the budget like hinson has he's specifically mad about hinson his name is joey I have said many many times before I I'm not voting democrat I understand the sentiment And I don't judge you if you do it for a purpose if you have a reason for it Your vote is the only power you have It's the only political power you have and it's awesome that you have that that I have that it's awesome We do have a say So you use your vote however you want you've never heard me judge you for how you how you vote not in primaries Not in generals as long as you're involved. That's all I care about Care enough to get involved high brilliant father of boys My 20-year-old son thinks he knows everything and that voting is a waste of time When I talk to him about voting he continually insists george washington didn't want there to be any political parties so on and so forth How can I convince him to exercise his right to vote in the upcoming elections? Thanks for your support. Her name is marsia Listen If you can't get him to vote in the upcoming election That's probably not a bad thing and here's why We yes, I want everyone involved, but I want the people who care to be involved We have we it's not that we don't have enough voters It's that we have way too many voters We have way too many low info voters on both sides who don't know squat Who don't actually understand things and they go in and they vote and they keep voting for their own ignorance That's why we keep getting these losers from the reddest states elected into office People don't follow politics like you do they don't know about this vote on this and that vote on that and look I know he's your boy and you want him involved Man at 20 I wasn't involved Now I was voting then I believe I'm pretty sure I was voting then but I didn't really care about politics Men of that age it's not unusual for them to not care He may come around and surprise you one day. In fact, he probably will Jesse All day coverage wall to wall of kate middleton's cancer While it's not good But I don't care. Why should I care about a royal? We beat their butts 250 years ago. Why do americans still drool over royals? Well, look cancer is different because cancer is one of those things that has touched all of us I don't know that there's anyone listening to the sound of my voice right now Who hasn't had their life touched in some way by cancer? It's just terrible. It's absolutely terrible So that probably plays a part in it. Another part in it is this People lie to themselves One of the lies people say is I don't want a king or a queen. The truth is The fallen state of man is men love kings Men love queens Men Want to be kings right who what guy hasn't thought about that? I want to be a king put a crown on my head and a palace and every all the other things What woman hasn't thought about being a princess or a queen? Royalty is something now again. It doesn't fascinate me. You've never heard me talk about the royals. I don't give a crap about any of that But it's an understandable fascination for other people royalty kings and queens and palaces and things like that People love that and remember that's not unique to today. People always have it's not unique to Americans. It's not unique to today People love to see them. They one of the things that I find really really fascinating is Celebrity we'll just make it about celebrity How many people? They just want to be next to it. They want to touch it. They they they find it to be so Incredibly fascinating and because I don't I I can just observe it, but you see it all over the place They just they want to be around celebrities. It's it's odd, right? It's odd like, uh, Why do rock stars get all the chicks? It's weird It's not like they're good looking. I mean, I guess some of them are but usually this strong out ugly looking freaks And yet rock stars musicians of any kind really they get all the chicks. Why? Well, you're on stage and people are cheering for you and you're making people feel things and then you just want to be next to it I've gotten to more than three emails chris shut up chris and chris is Distracting me. Hey jessie You were talking about a museum. My mom and parents were in a POW camp in santo tamas That was in uh the philippines in case you're wondering and I have a grandmother's diary and a lot of pictures and newspaper and magazines And some shrapnel that she saved. We need to remember what happened Okay, round two name something that's not boring laundry Oh a book club computer solitaire, huh? Oh, sorry. We were looking for chumba casino That's right chumba has over a hundred casino style games join today and play for free for your chance to redeem some serious prizes Chumba Nobody says it forward. 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