Ephesians chapter 1, "Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God, to the saints which are at Ephesus, and to the faithful in Christ Jesus, grace be to you, in peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ." Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love. Having retestined us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, to the praise of the glory of his grace, wherein he hath made us accepted in the blood, in whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace. Wherein he hath abounded toward us in all wisdom and prudence, having made known unto us the mystery of his will, according to his good pleasure, which he hath purposed to him skin himself. That in the dispensation of the fullness of times he might gather together in one of all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are on earth, even in him. That Bible verse was 9 and 10. It's where I am going to start to explain what are possible, trying to reveal sin. I was writing this letter to the Ephesians and he suffered to the whole body of Christ, when he said in the beginning, he says unto the people in Christ. Now, he was trying to reveal to us what God has revealed to him, that there is a plan of God, that God has planned from the foundation of the world. That he wanted, he wanted to do, that he was revealing the gradually to mankind. Why did he create man here? That is the purpose, that is the mystery he was saying, when he said it was not, have he made known to us the mystery of his will? That's God's will. That's when we say, why are we here? There are many questions that you say so too, they ask. What is the quality risk for life? Why are we human beings? Like you were saying, I said that you mentioned astronaut, after they went into this space and sealed from space and saw our planet earth is just another ball. And the moon is a small ball, another one over the Jupiter. And just like bubbles of, you don't shoot to me in the vision that it showed me, brought me in the vision where I saw bubbles, you know, when the ship blew bubbles, and you see bubbles, and they were like bubbles to him. And then he made me take one of those bubbles, and he said, that's like a galaxy, and I saw another bunch of bubbles. Wow, like, yeah bubbles. And then he said, enter this one, enter that one, and then I was backing or not. They are like bubbles to him. That's why when the astronauts went far away from this from the Earth and from the space, you can see that we are just like a small bubble over there. Depends how far they went. And then they could have sent a bubble over there. God's say, he lived in eternity. But what is the purpose of this? That's what I was saying, God was telling everybody. I've been made no wrong to us, the prophets, the prophets. The mystery of this theory revealed to one single plane, to another everything, no? It just revealed a little bit here. But what is this purpose? It's what happens both, right, to explain. That was in the dispensation of the fullness of the right time. He might gather together in one, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are not even in him. Now, you have been an engineer right now. And that was in engineering. And one thing about when we want to do a design, the people will first see what you call program manager. Let's say a country wants to build a city. I remember an idea of building a city from a ground floor. I mean, they just took a land and wanted to build a new city. What are they going to need? They're going to need hospitals, they're going to need roads, they're going to need bridges, they're going to need schools. They're going to build all of those new ones, and then residents are going to get offices. So it's a project of home projects. They're going to have to get somebody who's going to be program manager over a CO distance. Under the program manager will be project managers. Because to build a bridge will be a project, hospitals will be a project, roads will be a project. And there will be offices, residential areas, a project. And maybe walls and this is projects manager for everyone. Then all of those projects managers will be under one program manager. That's what the quality in the government world program manager. That's what the program manager means. That's what the project manager means. Okay, now, that is what God said at the right time. He's going to make all things in heaven, and all things are going to be under one person. One person? And who is a person? Christ. That's what I'm supposed to say. In the dispersion of the full day of the time, not just at the beginning of it. He says at the right time, it goes to choose the person. And I'm supposed to say, yes, select the one man who's going to join the world. Not just judge it this world. He says, everyone and us, both we shine heaven and we shine on earth, even in him in Christ. That is the plan of God that he actually says, who is going to be one person that God can depend upon? God can rely upon, and God can choose to be inside of all the earth and all the earth. That's to be God himself. Because it's not going to share his glory with anyone. It has to be God himself, so he came as a woman. That is the purpose, the mystery of God. So, that is what I'm supposed to believe in. Because if God is going to see the left-one program, man is going to be in charge of all these things, not the leaf is cut, it's talking of all the earth and all the heavens. That's what I'm supposed to say. In this dispersion of the fullness of the earth, he might get us together in what all things are in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are not. You know that's a lot of things that I'm supposed to believe in here. That was one God planned, and in Christ, everything will be in Christ, everything will be on Christ. That's why Christ says, "All power in heaven and earth is given unto me." All power, all of earth, because it is God that put off flesh. He said, "Are you going to put this outside woman? Who is the man who is the man who is going to choose?" And he himself came as a man, who will be the person. That's why if God is going to go to one of the Bible verses in a woman, we are in the logical state, "Now father in me and I in death, that's how God is going to rule the universe." He said, "Christ is going to be inside us, and God is in Christ." That is the father is in Christ, that is the body of Christ, and Christ will be inside us, and then God is controlling everything from inside. That is what the Lord has made me to understand. I have someone who is going to call it the everlasting righteousness. Look at my someone who is going to call it the everlasting righteousness. That's how we are going to get that everlasting righteousness. Because if God is going to do this and put on that in man, you know that God has actually been giving us a prototype in the Galilean. Before you do something, you make a prototype. God gave you a prototype in Joseph in Egypt. You know the story of Joseph? What did he do? What did Joseph do? He used to be a ruler. He was famous when he said, "I am going to put everything under you, Joseph. I will only be above you by the only throne." Then you take charge of your religion. So everybody know about Jesus. It won't be man before, that was before Jesus. That was the second man, right hand man of Jesus. The second man, left hand man, the other man outbound to Joseph. And he said, "You said you are in charge." That was a prototype. Of what God has seen. God allowed those who are like, "Let me show you what I am going to do." But it's only that it's not going to be him who is through the seed of Abraham. He basically sits upon me as the seed of Abraham. Before God, it's not going to be put on the Arab passage. He is going to kill you with your Hebrew and you know he has to come now. This Christ himself will be God, himself will carry it into the flesh. And he will be living, walking inside us. God is the papa. And this is what I would say God has revealed to him the mystery of his will. That in this passage, the fullness of time, it might get us together in one. Oh, this is Christ, both which are in heaven and which are not even in heaven. And we don't believe the first level again, before we go to our Lord. In whom also we have obtained it in inheritance, we are attestinated according to the purpose of him who worketh all things after the counsel of his own will, that we should be to the praise of his glory who first trusted in Christ. It's a call of predestination. Now if we go after him, what is up with the distinction that does mean that those who are going to heaven are already predestined to go ahead. And those who are going to hell are already predestined to go ahead. I was supposed to say that we are predestinated by this to be, to obtain this inheritance it's a predestination, so to speak. But I'm not going to look at it to say for knowledge of God. The difference between for knowledge and predestination, you know the difference between for knowledge and predestination. What is for knowledge? For knowledge is knowing all things from the earth before it happens. Okay, predestination, I say in a way, God already said this is good to hell, this is good to hell, this is good to hell, this is good to hell, this is good to hell, this is good to hell. That's what you think, predestination is. But we can explain God to us, we say, well, that means that if I'm not clear, I'm not clear, I'm not clear, I'm not clear, I'm not clear, I'm not clear. Yes, Christ also says it's in a way, predestinated. But it's also in a way for knowledge of God. God can say, choose between this and this. God already knows what you choose. Not that he has predestinated to choose that, but he knows what you choose, because he knows what you are inclining or what to do. What you are inclination is, that's really fun already. You can put A, A, put B, and say, and give you description and say, choose which one you like. Because of what he knows, you always learn towards this, you pass, you choose A. And that is really why you call it fun already. But God probably says predestination, so it's more like an exchangeable world. But that's what I say, we are predestinated to be, I hate this thing, like God is calling us. So he is sure what you are seeing, then it's Christ came as the king of this new world as bringing. And it's calling people into his kingdom, like I was saying, I can say something, yesterday or something ago. But when he's calling people into his kingdom, he is the one that is the head of the kingdom, like you have in your country, America, and you can't just come into the country without it. So you are going to select who should be given this one. So the employees of the government or the American officers are following the rule. This is the following qualification for this one to be brought into their country. The same way Christ has come and started this kingdom, and it's selecting those whom he is inviting to the kingdom. So he comes, and what he comes, and then he is giving them exchange hearts. The exchange hearts, those who are sitting, give them exchange hearts. It's a parable way to say, when the king came, he saw one that doesn't have a garment. You know, how do you come in and you have a weighting garment? You say that man is in all of the rules. That's what it means, you follow the rules, because if you come to the door, then you give them a change of color. If you didn't follow the rule, it's going to scratch the gate, you know, try even getting out of it. So that is the same principle that we are saying that Christ actually is calling people into his kingdom. So when we are calling to his kingdom, we just say, thank God. He says, it's not that bad, all right, just call us to come and where we come. He says, let's say that's it, it's like a door. In front of you, they say, oh, so ever we come, people are passing by, those who like to open the door. They say, when you get inside the door and you look at the back of the door, it's from this side. It's actually you actually choose it to enter. I thought I'd just come by myself, no, you actually choose it to enter. That's actually, we are called, but you actually choose it. Everybody's called. But those who listen and come on in, they are choosing to come on in. That is what it means, a predestination. Or finally, somewhere else, we just hear it, we just go away. So it's this foreign language, and it's also predestination. In whom you also trusted, after that you heard the word of truth, a gospel of your salvation, in whom also, after that you believed, you were sealed with that Holy Spirit of promise, which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchase possession into the praise of His glory. Now, point to that one, redemption of the purchase possession. So God has given us the Holy Spirit as like the deposits. You know, when you want to buy a house, when you want to buy this house, your mom will tell you, because he is the first person you are sitting there. You have to pay down people to call this money. Once you say, "I want to buy this house," okay? You'll put an animal down, and then it's going to be the power of the people who want to call this type of company, and we go into escrow. And when it is completed, you come and possess the house you've posted. You bring the rest of the money, who says the house you've posted. Possession of the house is what I suppose describing it. He said, "The Holy Spirit of Silulos is the hardness of our inheritance." You guys are giving us the idea that we are going to inherit this. Yes, it's the deposit. So we have the Holy Ghost in us as a deposit of this inheritance, and we are going to inherit this system. And that's why I posted on the book of Revelation said, "He does not have much inheritance, all things. We are going to inherit all things. Everything that we are crisis is hurting. We are part of it. We're hurting the heavens and the earth." So I suppose it's saying that this earnest or the Holy Spirit of Silulos is the possible gift to everyone that is born again, and given the Holy Spirit as it unless money for the thing is purchased. We are the one who is purchased. We are part of this temporary building. In many ways, we've got to explain this thing. As I told David, David said, "No, your seed will build me a temple." Well, David thought it was Solomon. Like God was talking about physical temple. God was talking about this Abraham's seed. As we build him a temple, the temple of God is human beings. Made of human beings. That's why I call it living stones. We are all living stones in the spirits. Like we are part of the building. God is building his temple of God is the structure. We are crisis the earth. His church is the body, all up to the end of the world. And every one of the members of that body is filled. You will speak every member. You will not deny feeling everything within yourself. That means God is the Spirit. That is feeling everything from the earth to the earth. So that is what is when you say, "Yes, that is the rich temple God is beautiful." The temple made of human beings. That's what he was talking about. When you say, "Oh, I see, we build me a temple." But now Solomon builds the physical temple. He says, "Well, we've got to live heaven. Come on, we'll live in this month." Because if that is temple God is talking about, he won't let it be destroyed. But this temple he was referring to is talking parable. He is the temple of the body of Christ. And the body is the body. And every one of the people you respond to. God is collecting the old temple. That's why he says, "Now he is coming to who says that temple when he is bringing it back." He says, "It is on till the redemption of the postures. But in this time he is going to not take it over completely." And that is when he is opposed to replying to that. He gives you all the silence of the rest of the temple. That is the redemption of that postures. Now you are going to possess it. And the paradise is going to possess the old body. Not everybody has your speed here and there. There is not yet until you get to the end of the world where the rest of the people comes in. Then he is going to really feel everything with himself. And that's why the Bible is saying in the earlier chapter 22, "Behold, this tabanakul of God is with me." He is with me. He is going to live in a movement. And that is part of the plan of God that is going to be living a movement. But it is this Christ because when you look at the book of Revelation and you say, "There was only one throne, not throne, throne of the lamp." But the lamp is the one that you will see. But that is the one that is God incarnate. New engineering temple. He said, "There is no temple in that new year that will go back and release the temple." But you see the throne of God and of the lamp is the throne not lost. And this God is inside that lamp. This Christ deserves. And every member of the body of Christ is filled with him. You will speak. Now let's go for that in verse 15. "Wherefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus, in love unto all the saints, sees not to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers, that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the knowledge of him. The eyes of your understanding, being enlightened, that you may know what is the hope of his calling and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints." Yes, that's the place. You say that we may know the hope of his calling. If you understand that this is a great thing, it's calling us out. If you make us to the Humbub, if we remember, if we are in, and to Humbub, if we are in, and to say that I will be done all alone in my life, that I will be done all alone in my life. Just think of God, give us a quick example. Not my way, but I will be done. For everything God is doing through us or through us or through us or in love. What I look like, this is painful Lord, this is painful Lord, this is for his purpose. And it is to bring us to that glory that he wants us to be. At least we are going to be part of this temple that is building. That is the hope of his calling. What is his purpose? Why is he calling us? What do you want us to do with us? He wants to make us part of him, part of himself. And I will say that he has given us everything that we need. He has given us everything that we need so that we can be partikas. Partikas of the divine nature. As our apostle Peter, we have to be partikas of the divine nature, the nature of God, which is Christ is manifesting right now that you can have here. And this up here that we see is now in the light. You can come back out of the light and come back in the light. And up here as you might be not get to your majesty, the divine nature and his bringing us to that. So that we will be like Christ. Every member of the Bible will be like him. And that's our position on this. When we shall see we shall be like him. That's what was 17. Verse 19. And what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us word? Who believe according to the working of his mighty power, which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead and set him at his own right hand in the heavenly places. Far above all principality and power in my dominion and every name that is named not only in this world, but also in that which is to come. That's what we have described that God has appointed one person, a possible saint, and a book of actual opposition. He has appointed one man to enjoy the world. And he sees the other way here. He has raised up a lot of these guys to sit on his right hand in the heavenly places. And he says he is far above all principality and power. And every name that is named is above that. Not only in this world, but also in that which is the color of his kingdom. The largest guy is the Lord of all. And that's what he was describing. Like I used the story of Joseph. And Joseph suddenly became the prime minister of Egypt. And Pharaoh said, "I am Pharaoh. Nobody else will reasonably accept the bow to you." And he is just going to figure out on top of Joseph in Egypt. And that is what he says same as the type of what he has been through Christ. And he says, "All the things under his feet and gave him to be the head over all things to the church." Which is his body. The fullness of him that fell off all in all. And he says, "Christ is made to be head to the church. And this is his body. And this is the head of all things. And he gave him to be the head over all things to the church, which is his body, the fullness of him that fell off all in all." Christ is made to be head to the church. And this church is his body. And this is the head of all things to the church. In short, it is a total of all things. So that the church also can help it all in a total of all things. Because the head and the body are the same. If the head is willing to, like somebody say, give an example. If the head and body are the same, you call me as a genius, okay? You don't say, "Yeah, it is as a genius. The body is not the same person." So by this, my head wants to pick up this cup. As we go to pick up the head, as we go through my body. And in my body, this hand. When the head, we install this head, it's controlled the hand. You pick it up by that. That is the function of the church, the body of Christ. Members are hands, members are feet, members are every part of it. But the head is Christ. That's how he uses it in a symbology for the image that is in the book. And this is also in the vision. I say, "That is the kingdom of Babylon. From the head to the soul kingdom, it is Christ. From the head to toe, his church is the body, and Christ is the head." Now, what somebody has to understand is that Christ is the head, and all the authority of Christ is going to shine through the church to be implemented. Through the body of Christ. Somebody is praying over the old Lord, "Hey, my mom. Oh, deliver my mom from sickness, deliver my mom's disease." And God wants to answer the prayer. God has to go through his body. So let's say the minister of the gospel is nearby. That is the hand of God. You want to leave your hand upon that person. And you will be getting away. I remember when I was in Nigeria. And I was travelling from where I was walking to another place. And then on Sunday, I was coming from Sunday morning. I was coming from fellowship, coming back to my station. And as I was driving, the Lord took me to go and branch somewhere on the road. And I said, "Well, Sunday morning. Nobody will be in that village. Don't go." So I went there. And I said, "I was surprised. People were in that village. I recorded that in some of my testimony." And that village when I started fishing with my yabu, yabu gada. And then there was a woman there in the crowd. Suddenly behind him, that was eaten by, eaten away by the proxy. I did not know until I was praying for everybody. After a piece of the day, I was praying for them to leave me up on everybody. And I got to this woman. She was behind, wrapped around every part of her. And I just saw everywhere. And I just used my finger to touch her and I just spoke in tongues. I didn't speak in tongues. And the spirits just dropped off of her head. That was how she was delivered. She was delivered. The woman could have been praying to God. Praying to God, praying to God, praying to God wanted to heal the woman. God needed the hand. Many stars are hand. Many stars are hand. We just like Christ is the head. The church is the body. Some members are hands. Some members are feet. Some members are legs. Some members are chest. But at the time you need somebody to go there and say, "You're a precious body." I got to that woman. I just touched her. I was only going to spoken tongues. I jumped out and read. And I saw that because you put my eyes to see the demon. So how do you know the woman was healed? The only Sunday I passed by the young woman. That was all full of souls. The souls were all healed. Like the only Sunday and she was heavy. And I just stopped. Please go for us. Keep praying. Keep breathing your Bible. And that was how the Lord uses the body. Yes. You put up the hands. You have to do that. These are so. But everybody has crying to God. God has to answer them. If you can answer them, you need a body to go there. You need help to push them. When you say, "The lay hands are always sick and they shall go away." If you have no hands, then it's like someone that is paralyzed. So that is what it means when you say it. The whole authority is in the end of our lives. This guy is using the authority to discharge the body of Christ. And that's why he still put ministry there. And he still put ministry there to do the work of God. Now, when we go, you see that it's not even the last day we had chapter 1 in the end. But see, they just divided the chapter 1 and 2. But for reference, let's go to chapter 2. And what's with us is you continue to hear. Let's talk about where are we involved. Now, let's go to Romeo today. Yeah, that's chapter 2. And you, he, happy, quickened, who are dead in trespasses and sins, wherein in time past you walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now work within the children of disobedience, among whom also we all had our conversation in times past and the loss of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and whereby nature, the children of wrath, even as others. But God, who was rich in mercy, for his great love, wherewith he loved us, even when we were dead in sins, have quickened us together with Christ, by grace you are saved, and hath raised us up together, and made us sit together in heavenly places with Christ Jesus. Exactly, that's how 6 is where we will get to. The God has raised all of us believers together with Christ by faith, we have to believe it, and we are seated in heavenly places with Christ, we have to believe it by faith. And we are Christ is sitting, we are seated there with him. Well, you are 30, that he has, we can use them on 30. That is very important. And then, you will fall and say, we have to remember his back. Grace, not because we deserve something, or we deserve something great, but it's by faith, you know, just guys. And I'm going to stop right there. God bless you.