Genesis 24:6 KJV And Abraham said unto him, Beware thou that thou bring not my son thither again.
KJV Cafe
Part 2 - Bible Study - Genesis 24:6
Amen, glory to God. Welcome to the program. Welcome to Cafe pastor Clark Covington here with another episode of KJV cafe And since I did an introduction yesterday, I won't do one today So we'll just get right to the message amen right to the Bible study because that's what we do here It's a Bible study and we're in Genesis 24 and we're looking at verse six Okay, and this is the servant in verse five suggesting to Abraham Should I just bring Isaac with me right to get this wife for him because they may not believe me and verse six Abraham said on him be where that thou bring not my son to their again And so Abraham saying don't bring him back to where I'm from don't go back Don't bring him back to where I'm from and the lesson we have is spiritually We are not to go back to where we came from and so if you've been saved You've had a moment surely where you realized your sinful nature, right? You've realized Romans 3 23 that's that's rang true to you for all of sin and comes short of the glory of God, right? You've you've understood that You've understood that the next verse being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus so we're justified freely we're saved by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone and We are bought with a price. We are no longer our own. We are blood bought. We are we are now reconciled to God We're now giving over to the ministry of reconciliation the whole concept here is we change And so if someone says they've been saved and they're as wicked as they were when they're born Then they you know only God knows but their fruit will not show it by the Bible says by their fruits You'll know them now. I couldn't tell you the preacher. This is about Because honestly, I don't remember but there was a I've watched these old's, you know Biographies and documentaries of the great men and women of God From before time from old days from from times past, okay? And I don't watch them every day, but you know if it's something comes up on My feed or you know from read about someone somewhere and I search it I find a video That's just how I learn a lot some people read a lot of books I typically watch a lot of video or listen to a lot of audio I do read books, but I find the videos I can get through in the book I may get a few chapters in and something comes up. I get distracted. So There was a video about a preacher a young boy who become a mighty man of God And he essentially was so far ahead In his understanding of the ways of the Lord and who God was that when he got put into a church He had gone from like, you know a lost person into just as very mature person in Christ They kicked him out of the church. They couldn't stand this guy the deacons They all went nuts They'd been there forever and they said who is this guy and why is he bringing up these principles? And he was messing up their religious Religiosity or religiosity if you would say or they're there they're Rituals and all these things he's messing it up. Okay, and they're like get out you get out they kicked him out Okay, and the reason why was because He couldn't go back to who he was before right and the same way that one person can really Stir a church up in a negative way if that church is dying and you know doesn't know the Lord It doesn't know the basic principles of theology and you have one that does and just like that's oil and water. It can't mix It's the same way that once we're saved and born again We don't want to go back. And so what we're gonna look at is some scripture here We come back from this break about backsliding in the Bible. So stay tuned Hey, it's break time around here. Thank you for listening to KJV cafe If you haven't already visit KJV for more information Alright, so let's tackle a scripture here That that really you know deals with backsliding in in a way we would understand it Hosea 11 7 and my people are bent to backsliding from me Though they call them to the most high none at all would exalt him right? So the idea is they're going away. They're sliding back, right? They're retreating, okay, and It is worse right because they're supposed to know better So when I say it's worse, it would be worse than like not having any idea who God is and living sinful, right? Paul kind of explains that saying like he did a lot of bad things, but he did them out of ignorance. He didn't understand, right? But how much worse is it when you know who Christ is you know what God's done for you? You know his character of love and forgiveness and yet you choose to go away from him Which is a vote of distrust, right? What is faith if not trust of both of distrust against God saying? I don't believe you You're not you're not who I'm gonna serve This other God seems appealing to me right and think of it from that perspective of the other gods in the world then and now What are they? They're made they're fashioned by men's hands in some parts of the world they literally take money and stuff it into a tree or into a grave or they burn it up and they have other ones where there's the sexual connotations to it or lust or greed or Whatever, you know, whatever it is that man can fashion into an idol He or she will right so a man to be he and woman be she but I'm just saying women aren't off the hook here It is a problem culturally that we're dealing with today as they were then that you have these attractive idols That that are tempting you to come back to them You know and today maybe the most prominent one in the year I'm recording this the latter part of 24 coming on to 2025 is Materialism the idol of mammon of money of gold of riches right and people put this on a pedestal and they say well Gosh, if I worship this god, I'm gonna be popular in the world if I have it I'm going to make this my god to solve my problems And oh, I don't need to depart from sin because the materials don't care whether I sin or not And so the god that they're tempted by becomes something really unique to them because it fits their lifestyle What they want, right? So our god tells us to be holy because he's holy Our god tells us to love our enemies that if our enemy is hungry We should feed them because it's like keeping hot coals on their head This is some tough stuff to understand right our god speaks to concentration and sanctification and living for a hymn and Dying to self and taking up the cross and the world's god speak to enriching yourself and following your heart and do what seems Right and do what feels good and all of these things that are natural to the natural man So as a born-again Christian, you're faced with this paradox where the whole world is tempting you to act one way and Yet you're tempted by another Right so your whole world is is tempting excuse me The whole world is tempting you to act one way and yet you're told or taught to act another through God's word, right? Don't go back Think of Eliezer for a minute the senior servant. What is he doing with Abraham? He's thinking intellectually He's thinking logically these people in your whole homeland, right? They're not going to, you know, think this is a good idea Even if I have ten camels with me and all these riches, they're not gonna like this idea So logically, I'll just bring one with me. I'll bring Isaac with me and we'll bring him back You know think about it think think about if he had come with him You know Rebecca's family say oh we're family. Just stay here Oh keep him here for a couple of years. Oh, you have kids and you know Hey, the uncle can help out the grandparents and so forth Hey, just stay here stay here stay here right and now you're rooted back in the old world And you're not doing what God has called you to do because God's plan involved the promised land and that's where they were to Be for better or worse and you would not have the same, you know, Jacob going into Egypt his family and so forth Joseph before that Joseph being sold off to slavery you wouldn't have all that happen in the way that it happened if Everything was going on with the children far far away And so we have God's plan at stake and we have man's temptation at hand And we have Abraham in his wisdom and age and holy spirit I'm sure provided him this said you don't go back there. You don't bring him back you go you get her and you bring her a year Don't worry about if it doesn't happen It will happen because guess what God's gonna go before you, right? God's gonna go before you and so for us when we look at the scriptures We see Over and over again about backsliding Jeremiah 322 return ye backsliding children and I will heal your backslidings behold we come unto thee for thou art the Lord our God Why then is this people of Jerusalem slid in back by perpetual backsliding they hold fast deceit? They refuse to return Jeremiah's called the weeping prophet for a reason He was troubled by this idea that Israel should know better and didn't right and for the Christian to know better and not Is is unacceptable Romans 12 - I was thinking about this verse this morning and be not conformed to this world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God We are commanded by Paul in the book of Romans to not be conformed to this world the natural world the dead-to-sin world But be transformed by the renewing of your mind So sin is killing us sin is forgiven when Christ dies on the cross at Calvary We accept Christ as our Savior because we realize we're a sinner amen and guess what happens? We're then born again We're born again. I was reading a testimony about Charles Spurgeon a little while ago And he was saying that he realized his sinful state that he was more sinful than the most vile creature on earth And he accepted Christ as Savior for paying that sin debt for him at a very young age Now he's known as one of the you know the prince of of preachers one of the greatest preachers of all time He's got a school named after him a library named after him and you know if this were you know modern times He would have a channel on satellite radio, right? He would have a very popular social media account and all well guess what? He realized at a young age his sinful nature and he accepted Christ as Savior So it would be awful to go back to that sinful nature to backslide And yet what happens in this world is oftentimes people will come of age They will grow older and and they will grow cold on the faith They'll grow cold on the faith. They will start intellectualizing like aliaser had say Well, wouldn't it make sense if I just went ahead and make this the priority You know if I make again materials the priority then my material needs will be met And then I'll just try to find God find time for God when I can But God is not calling us to be lukewarm Christians. He is not calling the born again to live like the world We are to be set apart. Amen. We are to be a city on a hill, right? We are to be a light that's not hit hit in a bush a candle light not hit In a bush. We are supposed to be visible. We are supposed to be different We are not visible and different when we're like everyone else, right? So you can find someone You know if you're a writer, right? If you're a writer and you're writing a characterization, you know, that's a lot of fun Like if you're writing a story and you have characters oftentimes When when you know writers will develop characterizations, you know, they'll develop like character profiles Just so they know how to write about a character You know, so it won't just be like Jim is tall and he is in his 20s and he likes soccer that that no I mean it would be a deep characterization You know, Jim Jim is tall and you know, he has longer hair Uh, and he's 26 and he went to school here and he loves the warm weather and he can't stand bugs And you're developing this characterization, right? Well, if you characterized The natural man in the natural world, it wouldn't be hard to do, right? You could look even at just you know, everybody does x, you know, they all buy this this kind of uh, um I was gonna say cd knowing by cd's they all download this kind of song They all stream this kind of video. Okay, like, you know, they all uh watch these shows They all go to these places. They all drive these kind of vehicles They all live in these kind of homes and I know i'm generalizing But there's probably a pretty good characterization of what the world looks like, right? Uh, and of course advertising plays a huge role in that So, you know, the advertisers are trying to insert themselves into that characterization So that may have a partner, but you pretty much could say this is what the world looks like, right? And i'll tell you right now crass Um, uh, not proud crass proud Uh, not, um, trying to think of the word And I don't know what it is, but Scantily clad, I guess, which I don't know like they're they're not they're not shamed. Amen. Um, rebellious Um, on and on, you know, many artifacts on their body Uh, an attitude Um, you know, uh, a desire for wealth and putting their faith in man and all these things You characterize the world and the idea here is that we don't want to go back there, right? So if you've been born again, you don't want to be there And if you've been born again and you've found it hard to change and we can talk about that on the next episode some Then maybe this verse can help you understand god's expectation for you Is to be holy because he's holy not to be perfect not to be under the law Not like fulfilling all the rules But living for him the best you can level best Because that's what he wants for us and that's what's best for us Amen What's best for us is not to go back but to go forward for god And what we'll do for timesake will pick that idea up in the next episode We'll wrap up this point about backsliding Thank you so much for listening. Take care. God bless and amen Thanks for listening to kjv cafe and we'll see you at the cafe tomorrow