KJV Cafe

Part 1 - Bible Study - Genesis 22:11-12

Broadcast on:
16 Oct 2024
Audio Format:

Genesis 22:11-12 KJV

11 And the angel of the Lord called unto him out of heaven, and said, Abraham, Abraham: and he said, Here am I.

12 And he said, Lay not thine hand upon the lad, neither do thou any thing unto him: for now I know that thou fearest God, seeing thou hast not withheld thy son, thine only son from me.

Hey, man, glory to God. Welcome to the program. No introduction music. No storm or anything causing no introduction music We just changed it up here. KJV cafe. Hey, look, that's what we do. Uh, season two episode 200 and 89 hey, we're gonna change it up. Okay, you know, there's plenty of Episodes with the music, but it just seemed like it was a time My software was updated that I record this in And it would seem like it was time to just drop the music for a season drop the introduction Get straight to the Bible study. We're still gonna have a break middle of the Bible study and nothing else changes till 15 minutes Just no music for now Hey, God knows if I'm honest, I don't always know but I know God knows and it just seemed like it was the right time To make that change I was already thinking in my mind the next season We were gonna do something different and God went ahead and did it now and I think that's the right right way to do it Alright, but you could let me know if you miss the music. I'm sure most of you probably don't at all But for the sake of consistency. Yes, this is pastor Clark here with another Bible study KJV cafe If you haven't already check us out on KJV on YouTube and social media and so forth Okay, so we're just gonna spend a few episodes looking at Genesis 22 And we're gonna look at verses 11 and 12. Okay, and this kind of here encapsulates Abraham's obedience 22 Genesis 22 verse 11 the angel the Lord called unto him out of heaven and said Abraham Abraham And he said here am I now to put this in the context verse 10 Abraham had stretched forth his hand and took the knife to slay his son Okay, so he was going to do the unimaginable because God called him to the angel then says Abraham Abraham He says here am I right he calls him out of heaven by the way So a lot of times when you're reading this or thinking about it You may think the angel appears, but he's actually calling him out of heaven. So this would have been upward, right? Verse 12 and he said this is the angel lay not thine hand upon the lad neither do anything unto him For now I know that thou fear is God seeing that as not withheld thy son thine only son from me And so it's interesting here in verse 12. We see both The angel speaking here, but also in the first person from me And so the angel was speaking on behalf of God or this is God speaking through the angel And we see that God's test was what that the most precious thing in Abraham's life was he willing to give it to God Against every ounce of emotion that he had every ounce of intellect that he had was he willing to go against all of that and Truly provide his son as a sacrifice to God and the answer is yes and God says don't do it because I know you fear me you fear me so much you would do this you haven't withheld your son You're only son from me and also only punctuates that ishmael is not the line of Christ not the chosen one not the progeny that's going to lead to the children as Numerable as the stars in the sky in the sand of the sea that it is Isaac that is the son the only true son Amen, and so we see all this here and it brings about a beautiful picture that certainly Old Testament Israelites would relate to and that is sacrifice and that is a sacrifice of Abraham the sacrifice of Abraham for God and this this attempt to shed blood At God's command and we're going to look how the New Testament addresses this Through Jesus and also addresses Abraham when we come back from this break, so stay tuned Hey, it's break time around here. Thank you for listening to KJV cafe. If you haven't already visit KJV for more information So we're going to look here at Hebrews to bring it into the New Testament 13 10 through 15 The writer of Hebrews writes we have an altar where of they have no right to eat which serve the tabernacle For the bodies of those beasts who blood is brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for sin are burned without the camp Wherefore Jesus also that he might sanctify the people with his own blood suffered without the gate Let us go forth therefore unto him without the camp bearing his reproach for here Have we no continuing city, but we seek one to come by him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God Continually that is the fruit of our lips giving thanks to his name And so we see the writer of Hebrews giving us the difference between the old-time religion What we're seeing Abraham act out there in Genesis 22 the Mosaic laws that were being crafted then right and a New Testament Christianity Which is we're saying by grace alone through faith alone in Jesus Christ And that the sacrifice of the New Testament Christian is far different than the sacrifice of the Old Testament Christian and The sacrifice poetically is tied into this time Right and there's so much to this verse and for time's sake. We only have an episode and a half to tackle it To this passage here. I should say But let's look at Romans 10 for for Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone that believeth You know, so so many walk around today thinking they need to do something to obtain favor with God But there's nothing that we can do there is no law to fulfill because Christ has already fulfilled it And so Christ is the perfect sinless spotless sacrifice For all mankind past present and future who that would accept him as Savior, right and so the sacrifice has been provided So if you were to go to a Baptist church or Methodist church or Presbyterian church and a preacher got a table out and said All right, bring in, you know, bring in the the spotless lamb And we're gonna make a sacrifice here run in the other direction because Jesus already paid the price There is no need for any more Sacrifice no more physical sacrifice and what Paul writes so eloquently I believe Paul wrote Hebrews is that hey, let's therefore offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually even though We're bearing his reproach. We're out of the camp We have no continuing city and we're gonna get to some of these elements in a little bit And it's fascinating how these elements play out in our lives day to day But he's saying let's offer this sacrifice. Let's praise him anyways, right a great gospel song I love listening to it And I don't know where it came from, but there's some preachers out of the African-American church that sing it amazingly Hallelujah anyway. Oh, that is so good I love that song and it is kind of that idea of praising God despite of whatever you're going through Or in spite of whatever you're going through You know, Jesus suffered and he suffered Because he was not in the confines of the law. He was not in the temple hierarchy. He was outside of it He was ridiculed mocked humiliated falsely accused because he was not part of the religious system of the time And we see this in a perfect picture in John 8 53 through 59 When Jesus is arguing and disputing with the religious elite of the time John 8 53 art thou greater than our father Abraham, which is dead and the prophets are dead who make us thou thyself They had a big problem with Jesus speaking as one with authority. They weren't used to it They didn't like it. It usurped their power, etc. Verse 54 Jesus answered if I honor myself my honor is nothing It is my father that honoreth me of whom you say that he is your God yet You have not known him, but I know him and if I should say I know him not I shall be a liar like unto you, but I know him and keep his saying Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day and he saw it and was glad Then said the Jews unto him thou are not yet 50 years old and that and has thou seen Abraham? Jesus said unto them very rarely I say unto you before Abraham was I am Then took they up stones to cast at him But Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by you see how the religious elite treated Jesus they wanted to kill him They looked at him through what through an earthly carnal lens They looked at him through their religious system lens and they say you don't stack up buddy. You're not you're not Five hundred years old a thousand years old in their eyes, right? Though we know God is eternal I think it's John one says that that Jesus. He is the word by the way that Jesus made Everything without him was nothing made so he's the creator of all things. He is eternal. He's alpha no mega He's beginning and end but they're looking at him not as God But as this earthly human that's 30 some years old that's telling them something that's very controversial to hear very hard to hear and They treated him despitefully they wanted to kill him. He he had to hide himself and go out of the temple and Yet today people are living in unbelief Twisting the life of Jesus with the life of a religious person thinking they need works to save them right thinking that Salvation comes by different gods thinking that that their idols will save them. I mean nothing has changed in 2000 plus years nothing has changed The way that the Pharisees and elite and so forth looked at Jesus in that day is The way that many today the populace if you will and those in control would look at him today They you if you told a rich person your riches mean nothing and you're blind and you're wretched Well, that would be a fence to them because they're riches. That's their idol. That's their power. That's their everything, right? Or if you told the president your power means nothing. You're blind and you're wretched Well, that'd be very offensive to them their power is their identity. It's who they are. It's what they do It's it's how they they have power, right? And so when Jesus confronted the religious elite there in John 8 and he did it so Precisely and he's mentioning Abraham because in this aspect of Genesis 22 We see this incredible sacrifice of Abraham and so the Israelites understood that they understood this idea that hey, you know what? This person was willing to sacrifice even the chosen one are our line right the seed are our our Genealogy our line to God. He's a chosen one. He's willing to do that He he didn't have to do that God provided the ram in the thicket which we'll get to in a couple episodes and Jesus is saying you guys don't get it Abraham saw my day and was glad and we know that Abraham's in heaven because There's that scripture about the rich man, right and Lazarus and the rich man He's burning and helling once one drop of water and Lazarus is what in Abraham's bosom and the rich man says father Abraham So we know Abraham is established there in heaven. We know he's seen Jesus We know he's with Jesus and Jesus is simply telling them this truth that Abraham has seen his day and was glad amen was glad and Now they have perverted if you will Abraham's life Abraham's willing Going to sacrifice Isaac and all the rest that Abraham did by faith They perverted that into a doctrine of works of keeping the law of All these other things we know the law is simply presented as a school master to bring people to Christ as Paul writes The idea is the law simply helps us to understand we can't fulfill it. Amen How about the speed limit, you know, maybe there's one or two listening that's never gone over it But if you're if you're honest, you can't keep the speed limit Well, if you can't keep the speed limit, how could you not covet and how could you not lust after another and never tell lie and never steal And on and on I mean, you know, it's a it's a greatest hits list for most people all over the world Amen Everyone has sinned all the Bible says that all have fallen short. There's none righteous. No, not one amen And so what we Understand about this it this situation is both Abraham's great faith But also how the Israelites view the sacrifice and view the idea of abiding by the law instead of being saved by faith alone through Grace alone in Jesus Christ alone. What was Jesus doing in his earthly ministry? He was asking them to simply believe right now. He was sent to the Jews. He was sent to Be their king, right? He was not to go to the Gentiles and so we understand That he ends up. We end up becoming his if you will he ends up coming to us if you will Because the Jews didn't believe they rejected him. They rejected him. They had unbelief and so therefore He turned us the Bible says to make them jealous God turned to us to the Gentiles to a people they don't know to a foreign people the Bible were to be a stranger, right? Turn to us so that we could be saved because number one we some of us would believe the Gentiles, right? But also number two to provoke them to jealousy. That's what the Lord says in his word Amen And I'm gonna dig it up here Make sure that you know where that's at and here it is perfectly written in Romans 11 11 through 14 Not the only place, but here's a very clear picture of of this scripture Romans 11 11 through 14 I say then have they stumbled that they should fall God forbid, but rather through their fall. This is the Jews Salvation is come unto the Gentiles for to provoke them the Jews to jealousy Now if the fall of them be riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles how much more their fullness? For I speak to you Gentiles in as much as I am the apostle the Gentiles I magnify mine office if by any means I may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them and So Paul is writing that he hopes to make some Jews jealous the Jews are his flesh He was both Roman and Jewish amen and so for time sake, we'll stop here But we'll pick right back up the next episode. Make sure to tune in then. Thank you. God bless. Amen Thanks for listening to KJV Cafe and we'll see you at the cafe tomorrow.