Today, I'm not only some very fundamental thing upon my heart that we're going to share the gospel. Give me Mach chapter 16, verse 15 and 16. What is the gospel? That is what we are going to go through today. I pray, let's just say, for I pray, Lord, that you will give us understanding and teach us yourself. Receive your plan, your safety to all the audience and to those who are watching online or on television. That you may know what Jesus Christ has brought for us. Thank you for that in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, we are pray. Mach chapter 16, just after the name. Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. Now, the gospel is good news. Good news. Now, that is what I want to explain. What is the good news? That the Lord Jesus Christ has brought to mankind. And it is summarizing what we can call the full redemption of man. That is the good news. What is the good news about that? The first word I don't talk about is God has forgiven your world. Do you know that? God has forgiven you. That is the good news that we mankind. God is the city has forgiven us. Second Corinthians chapter 5, verse 19. Second Corinthians chapter 5, verse 19. Let's read it. Second Corinthians chapter 5, verse 19. See what the scripture said. God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. Now, look at the next phrase. "Not imputing their trespasses unto them." And as a commissioner, I'll draw the word of reconciliation. "Imputing" is what you call the accounting term. You say, it's not imputing your sins. I mean, you have done so many things. You have run away from the Father's house. Every man has gone away from the Father's house. But God is saying, he has forgiven all of you. You know, it's just coming back here. Let's do reconciliation. Your sins already forgiven. But unless you come, you won't know about it. So God was in Christ reconciling the world. Not just believe us, we believe us are those that have accepted the call. We believe us are those that have accepted reconciliation. And we have reconciled back to God. So this message is for you that is all there. Or if you are in the congregation, you have not really realized that you have sinned. So I've been forgiving you. So now just think of the story of a prodigal son that the Lord Jesus had gave a part of the prodigal son. This young man decided that he was fed up with his Father's house. Give me all that belongs to me and I want to make it in Las Vegas. And he got all together and fled. But his Father has forgiven him with him, looking. Hopefully, he's going to come back alive. That is what God said. God was in Christ. Christ came to manifest that the Father has already forgiven you all. That's not saying come back to me in every constellation. I said the reconciliation. I said the free will, free give the forgiveness. And then you can come back and inherit. You remember when that prodigal son came back? You think he would not inherit anything? His brother, his father, brother, was angry. That's how dare you kill the fact that call for this boy who has wasted all your goods. But if I will come to him, or I'll tell you. God is welcoming everybody that will come back to him. If you don't come back, all dare is death and destruction. That is what hell and lack of fire is. But when you come back, it's you to accept you. Look at him, studying actually a post chapter 13. If I study it, after the post chapter 13, if I study it, I said the Lord is forgiving the old world. It's just asking you to come back to him. Now, this is what a possible power was pushing. So I'm trying to give you some Bible background. I'm making sure that God has forgiven the old world. This is what he said. A possible power was pushing in a place, ancho called a conium. I said, "Be ignorant to you, therefore, man, I'm breading." That through this man, through Jesus, is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins. What's that tonight? And by him, that is by the Lord Jesus Christ, oh, that belief. Remember, oh, I justify from all things from which you could not be justified by the Lord of Moses. So God is not saying, well, you can't come back home unless you must keep all the 10 commandments. But that was the Lord of Moses. No, that was not what he was saying. He said, just come as you are. Just come as you are. Christ has-- see, the difference between the Lord of Moses and what Jesus Christ brought was preached in the book of Hebrews. The Bible said, the Lord just gave you what you must not do. But he didn't give you the power not to do them. You must not do that. You must not do that. You must not do that. But there was no power to be able to do all those laws. But when he came to the Lord, Jesus Christ, he came-- as the Bible said, the Lord came through Moses, but grace and truth came through the Lord. The grace is the power to do it. Because he can't and come and live inside you and give you something called the Holy Spirit. That we make you be able to do all those things that you know God wants us to be like this. But you cannot be robbed by yourself. Grace and truth came through the Lord Jesus Christ. And that is what you call being born again. That is what Jesus Christ told the rabbis. In Gospel of John chapter 3, give me verse 3 and 11, verse 5. Gospel of John chapter 3. Nicodemos was, say, Pharisee, one of the teachers in the Old Testament. And he came to the Lord Jesus Christ by night. He wanted to find out, how did you get this power? It started something young, man. He thought it was starting something young, man. And the Lord started telling you, you must be born again. And he said, how can a man be born? When he spoke, can he enter the second time? He says, move this one, and be born. And the Lord said it, verse 5, that you must be born of water and of the Spirit. So in short, this is financial miracle of power. Christ is given to people that will come to him, that will be born again in some experience. And it's inviting to come as you are, and he will regenerate you. He will regenerate you. A new Spirit will give to you. He has already promised that in the book of Jeremiah, you see also in Hebrew chapter 10, verse 16 and 2 17, Hebrew chapter 10, that God said he was going to make a new commandment, a new covenant with us. See, this is the covenant that we make with them after those days. He was already prophesied in the days of Jeremiah. What was coming through the Messiah? Which Christ came to fulfill. But now if, forgiving you, will say, come now to him, you are making a new covenant with mankind. I will make with them after those days, say it, I will put my laws into their hearts. And in their minds, will I write them, verse 17? Next verse. And their sins and inequities will I remember no more. That's the forgiveness that he has brought to mankind. What I'm saying is this is good news. Everybody was afraid of going to hell, leap of fire, death and destruction. God was angry with mankind. True, this law of Moses, everybody was scared today. And the good news is, God has forgiven everybody. Does that mean everybody is going to be saved and good to heaven? Only those that accept the forgiveness. Only those-- that's why he said, he pushed against everybody. Come, and I said this, for goodness is free. Where should I come and join your church? Somebody saying that in the South, I says, listen. You don't have to join this church or that church, but you have to come to Jesus. You have to come to Jesus in your heart. Ask him to come. It is this church is people of life, mind, day, fellowing together, exhorting one another as we see the day approaching. That is what the body of believers really is. It's not like you have to come and join this church to be saved. You must be saved. Give your love to Christ. Then when you come among them, you are part of a family. And then you encourage one another as we see the day approaching. But Christ is giving this power. It's making a new covenant with you and me. When you come to him and accept this free gift, so there are things and inequities I will remember no more. And he went for the next verse. He said, they don't need to tell what another Lord is. Like everyone, we know me. Why? Because he's going to be living inside you. Christ in us is the hope of our glory. That is the good news. So what is good is about that? That your sister, forgive me. There are no more strangers to go. God is calling you to come back to him freely. If you accept it, you are saved. If you say that anyone that believes in me is part of death onto life, it's what the Lord is just going to say. And you are no more going into condemnation. If you accept this free gift of God, you say you are part of death, which is spiritual death, held like a birth to life. Are you sure? That's what's going to be living in my country. They call Christians. You know what they call Christians? Only Bible. What does that really mean? Believers. That is general technology for them believers. You mean they are trust-- they are just believing. That is what it is. You mean you believe what Jesus Christ said? You already-- just by believing in him, you are not going to hear a little from him. That's what he said. Just believe it. And then come to him and say, OK, Lord, I come. You see, my sister forgive you. I was a murderer. Just come and see you. When you know I was this, just come and see you. When you know I did that, just come and see you. Remember, it's thief on the cross. What can be more aggressive than that? A thief on the cross. He knew that thief knew he was a thief. And he was so confessing and I said, look, we were guilty. We received what we deserved. We were nailing them to the cross with the Lord Jesus Christ. But he was saying, well, what has this man done? He said, well, he was a blessed man. Oh. He said, by that thief on the cross said, remember me. When you come to your kingdom. He said, well, you have to go and baptize. No? Oh, no, you got to go back and leave right. I mean, sorry, I see you. No, he has no way of going back to leave right. He was already near to the cross. But you just can't see it. Today, just believe it. Just believe it. Yeah. Just believe it. That this is the message. He said, remember me when you come to your kingdom. That's all. Oh, what a-- did they would like to say? What about what he did yesterday? What about what he did? Two more-- yeah, sorry, penter of that. He believed in Jesus. And that's what Elijah just said. You are accepted when you come to him, just as you are. But then, when you come, he's going to wash you. If you don't have any more time, like this tip on the cross, you may say, well, it's too late. But when you come, it's called sanctification. It's going to wash you and give you a new heart so that now you are to produce good walks after you have been saved. That good walks is not what he's going to save. He's just coming to him first. So my first invisible to you that is listening to me is, how do you want to give your life to Jesus? And receive this free gift of salvation, forgiveness of sins. It's just what we call redemption. If you want, I want you to enforce value. This is the false part. Because that is just one of the things he has done for mankind and you receive it, you are saved. This is what Elijah just guys said. Just by believing in him, you have passed from death onto life. In the gospel of John chapter 5, you may be above what started 33 days. You see what Elijah just said, just believe it. You have passed from death onto life. Christ came to bear witness onto the truth. And he said, anyone that believe in him is going to raise them up Arilazi. Just by believing in him, you are going to believe Arilazi. Now, I said, you want to come and give your life to Christ, I want to just bow your head and not put to do this false part of it, pray, before I go to the next part of what Christ has come to do for us. Say it with your heart, because if I will say it, if you will believe, this is what the apostles were preaching in the false generation. Our apostles John wrote it in a way, in Romans chapter 10, verse 9. Here is what he said, how do you get saved? You see, if thou shall confess with thy mouth be Lord Jesus, that is Jesus is your Lord, believe in. And shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the day that thou shall be saved. What does this save to me? What does it save to me? Your heart will be changed to a new creature. That's what Christ said. A new heart will be different today. If you come to him, he will give you a new heart. And you become a only game believer. And you will be completely renovated. I would use the word innovative. You will be regenerated from inside. That is the salvation from our sins. That is the fundamental that you must forget that. And then you are back into the Father's house. Praise the Lord. So I want to lift people in prayer. If you are watching online and you want to say, how can I be saved? This is what you're going to do. I'm going to pray for you right now. I want you to bow your head and talk to the Lord yourself. And say, I believe, Lord Jesus Christ, that you die for me on the cross. I believe that you rose again for my justification. And I accept you as my Lord and my Savior. That is, you had a lot of my life. And that's all that you did on the cross. It was for me. You were so far. You were wounded. You were crucified for my sick to redeem me. I accept you as my Lord and Savior right now coming to my heart, Lord Jesus. And give me this bond again experience. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Now, that is the first part. It's a good news that your sins were forgiven. Many people, when they give their life to Christ, one of the first experiences they found that was the body was lifted, the body of guilt. That didn't even know it was there, but you see, it is not working out in life. But when you come to Christ, something is changing you. When you do that prayer sincerely from your heart, you talk to him and say, "I accept you, Lord. Take over my life." He lifted something in the Spirit. And you are free in your heart. You'll be a peace that comes to you. You'll know one panicking what speaks to happen tomorrow, where you give you peace. That peace is the presence of Jesus. When it comes into you, you become a new Christian in Christ Jesus. All the chaos of this life will be like, "Well, I don't worry about this right now because something has taken over my life." That is the experience that we add one day. You'll be able to point to the day that you receive that experience. It's called born again, experience. It is a spiritual experience that you feel in the physical when Christ comes into your life. And don't take it lightly. That is to now make you begin to love the Lord and love your embrace of the good works. Pray the Lord. Pray the Lord. Now, I said, "That is good news, but that is not all that the logical brought." The good news is that he also brought unto us power over sicknesses, diseases, poverty, and troubles of life. Why? Because if you go to Deuteronomy 28, Deuteronomy 28, we're talking about the law of Moses. The law of Moses was 14, the staff of verse 15, Deuteronomy 28, verse 15. What you see is that when Moses wrote that law, he put a cost upon those who that will not be the law. It's called in the cost of the law. And you can read it from verse 15 to 61, it was cost and cost and cost and cost. He said, "But it shall come to pass if thou will not act unto the voice of the Lord thy God." If you have to do all his commandments, all, see, that is why it's a cost. Because not everybody has to do all. And if I will say, "If you fail in one, you're fail in all." But look at it, because if you have, if you, if you, if each are come to pass, if you will not act unto the voice of the Lord, I go to observe to do all his commandments and his objectives, which I commande this day, that all these causes, not just all causes. This is a commande, and you can go on, and you can read the next, and the next day all causes and causes, they all summarize the sicknesses, diseases, poverty, physical death, and of course, ultimately, this doctrine here. Go to verse 61 of that, where you summarize the last part of it, verse 61. And because he named some of those sicknesses that he was pro-man, pro-nasa, pro-lasa, who will not follow the Lord that he wrote them. And also, also, every sickness, he said, "Let's think about that." And every plague, which is not written in the book of this law, then will the Lord bring upon thee unto thou be destroyed, gee, that was a cost. That was what Christ came to deliver us from. Galicia chapter 3 verse 13. Galicia chapter 3 verse 13, when we say Christ came to save us, people don't know what does it mean. He came to save us. I told you about this sin part, because he has to deal with sin first, before you can enjoy the blessing. This is what the Bible says, "Christ has redeemed us from the cost of the law." Me made a cost for us, why it is written? And this is how it took living, cost is everyone that hundred upon it. So when Christ went to a hundred upon it, in crucifixion, all this cost, all the diseases, all the sicknesses, everything that was put in the law of Moses, in the spiritual law was put upon him to carry it away from mankind. I don't know many of some of you have watched the movie, what you call the Lord of the Rings, some of you have watched it. They kind of try to typify this story in that example. Where somebody was to go and take this ring that was evil and go into some fires of something. And that was symbolized sin, symbolized in what Christ had collected. The sin of the world was placed upon his spirit, not upon the physical man, upon his spirit, but he has to carry it to the fire of hell and don't be somebody who can do that except somebody who can come back. If you couldn't come back, we are lost. But he was, he said, "I have the power to leg on my life and I have the power to stick it again." So that is the only thing that saved mankind. So he went there and he said, "God has the tone in the Bible because the sin of the world can only look at sin, but it will put upon his son." He warned that could go down there and let captivity captive and don't pour the sin of the world into the fires of hell and come back alive by himself. That is why he is our savior. Now the power of our sickness is the power of our disease, the power of our poverty because when you look at that autonomy, it's going through everything poverty, the sickness is pligs. The one you will do, you won't do no. That's why he said, "Oh, hold on, this is the crisis, come to redeem all of that." And he has redeemed him, but not as he weep, he has already done it. He blessed a lot. So loin this sin is good news. That's why he said, "Go out and preach this good news on your world." But he said, "You have to believe it." Suppose I say where I like this is my son and I say, "I'm so rich and I deposit one million dollars in this bank account." And I told him about he is sovereign and where it's at, okay, I have deposited one million dollars into a bank account. If he didn't believe it, I didn't go to collect, he would still be miserable where he was trying to survive. But if he believed it, he would pursue the bank, he's in the bank and he has to go and do take some steps. There are some steps, you have to take us to collect that million dollars or some of the million dollars. You enjoy it in the world right now, if you have money, what do you do to collect it? You can write a check. Not so. If you're online, you can transfer the money to here, you can use to pay some of the steps you take. And the other thing you can do, you can't afford a car, go to ATM, and pull it in the machine and take some money because you have money in the bank account. But if you don't know about it, the money can be there doing you no good. There are many stories of people like that that have inherited something and you are living as a papa because you didn't know about it. That is why you say go preach this good news to the world. This salvation is free, you have to come and believe it and begin to enjoy it. The power, that's why he said in Luke chapter 10 verse 19, Luke chapter 10 verse 19, gospel of Luke chapter 10 verse 19, Christ has given all the authority to save you, to give you power, to trade on sappens and scorpions and of all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by enemies haunt you. That is one of the declarations that he gives to us that this is already given to you, begin to use it. And we have many more. And the magic of the system that we follow was the machine on the team. He gave us all our promises. This science shall follow them that believe. Believe in Jesus Christ. This science shall follow them that believe and I send them as auspicious of prophets, or the most we have possible. He said, damn that belief. So if you, 5 year old person is smart enough to understand this, I believe, this science shall follow you also. In my name, Shaddha Kastar deus, they just speak with new terms, less verse, plus the thing. And they shall take up sappens and if they drink and in their little channel, hold them, they shall they answer the sick and they shall recover. When you are, when you are doing that means that you are already overcoming these sicknesses, diseases, poverty and all this power over them, that is one of the things that he said he had deposited into your account, just believe it, you need to take this step to make use of it. This is good news that Christ has not only saved us and forgiven us since, he also has brought control of something to enjoy while we are here. Look at it, I said chapter 53, it has been prophesied before he came, I said chapter 53 verse 4, because he returned also from the cause of the law. Christ, if I came, I say I prophesied that this is what he is coming to do for us, surely he has borne our gifts, carried our sorrows, yet we esteem him speaking of God and afflictive verse 5, but he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our inadequacies, he shall baptize me of our peace of the upon him and with his cries we are healed, that was what I was describing that did not put upon him the initial verse or you see that in the next verse, the initial verse, the initial verse of the verse, and in the second verse chapter chapter 2 Peter was now looking back but was already proven, this was still looking to the future when our sorrows, but when it was fulfilled, first Peter chapter 2 verse 24, Peter said, "Who is all self be our sins in his own body on the tree, that we be dead to sins you live unto righteousness by whose cries ye were healed, now don't ask them." But you still have to do it, believe in, which is called faith, is the key, some of us are saying, well what's added, you have a card to go to the ATM, to check, to collect, that card is the faith, you have a checkbook to write for your bank account so that you can get this money from the bank account, that checkbook is the faith, believe in this change that was written down for us is what is going to get you these benefits that have been deposited into your account. When press was preaching all about Matthew chapter 8 verse 17, he was already showing it to before he went to the cross, he said, "That it might be fulfilled," he was taking their sicknesses, he was touching them and healing them and people were lining up just to touch him because something was coming out of him and Bob said, "It might be fulfilled, but he was smoking by us all the property," he said and took our infinities and took our sicknesses. If I really went to the cross, he was carrying those things, he was showing it to us, "This is what he came for," and after it was done, it's done for the, oh wow, it's preaching good news. That is what we call it good news, the gospel, good news, the gospel, and if it's a good news, what do I need to get it, be born again. The ones that are monitored, they believe this Bible verses and begin to exercise them. Believe them, like a Bible, as I say, when they are doing the review, faith with action is believing, the steps, you have to take some steps, in many of places we have preached over on this purpose, some steps that men of all, even the men in the old days, they took some steps. After they said they believed, you have to take some steps to show that you believe, just like I said, you said, "I have money in the bank, yeah, one million dollars." Somebody told me, "My father told me, they sent me this check, I saw the data," or the attorney said, "The wheel, what is wheel in the world?" When the parents are about to pass on, they write what they call wheel, how their aesthetics should be divided, it's not something, it's called a wheel, but that is the father's wheel, you are of God, that is the father's wheel, you are of God, for mankind. All he wanted is yesterday to be divided, and then he himself was the father that came and put on the human flesh, and came among us. After he has completed it, now he came back alive to enforce the wheel, now in the days of, you know, modern world, if an old man wrote a wheel, he wrote the attorney the stampede and said, "Well, this man said he saw it, you be divided," and the man died, you know, the sheriff could be good to fight a born grown up, and said, "No, I don't accept it," and they go to court. The attorneys have to be defending this, and defend that. Suppose the man came back and said, "I want to enforce this wheel, this is what I wrote it now." Well, they have to, they can't say where we are disagreeing with you, but we are disagreeing with you, that if you can't accept it, no. The father was the estate, if he could come back alive and say, "This is how I wrote it now," then everybody has to, "So, then that way, no, so." But that is what the lawyers guys did. That is the father's way to sweeten the floor, all that he said, and he has given it to us. In India's diet was gone, and now we are infighting with the devil, because devil is the one that we are collecting this thing from. He came back alive by himself and said, "Setan, you have to do it right," because the father is alive. Jesus Christ is alive yesterday, and forever man is enforcing his own wheel that he wrote down for us. Just like if you have a wheel, they are freaking down, your children are going to be fighting the right after your person. If you can come back alive, you will be able to say, "No, you don't fight on this, this is what my wheel said," you don't need to go to court for this. That is what the Lord Jesus has done for us. He is alive, and he is imposing that wheel, but you still have to believe it. You still have to take the steps, write your check, collect, take your credit card or your card, go to the ATM, and collect. That is what your faith will do when you believe the word of God. Christ has redeemed us from the cost of the law. The cost of the law is sickness, diseases, poverty, and ultimate debt, the third part that many people receive that many points or something. There is court of spiritual debt which is going to have a lake of fire that is spiritual debt. If somebody is still in their sin and they have not been regenerated, they didn't accept Christ. They are dead in their sins. Jesus Christ said, "If you don't believe that I am dead, say you will die in your sins." That means they will go to that lake of fire, which is spiritual debt. But there is a physical debt that human beings have been going through, which is the good news also, the taught good news that we need to know. Just like God said, "Good news, Christ has forgiven us, we are now to come back to Him. Good news that Him will have given us the victory of our sicknesses, diseases, we can overcome all these things. We don't have to be going from doctor to doctor to hospital to hospital, being troubled by Satan, not by God, by Satan, like sleep master, just weeping his lips with sicknesses, diseases, all those type of troubles. But when we come to Christ, we are free and that you have to exercise, you have to stand your ground against you, you have to confess what you want to go see, you have to know who you are in Christ and confess it before Satan and he has to be able to withdraw from you. The other part is that Christ has brought to us this physical debt, that is to be no more. Say, "Well, that will be by and by, yeah, but you can be good and enjoy it also." Look at Him from Gospel of John chapter 3, that is spiritual debt, verse 14 and 15. Gospel of John chapter 3 verse 14 and 15, he says, "Most is lifted up, the serpent in the wilderness, even so most of the son of man be lifted up, verse 15. Whosoever believe it, it means you not perish, does the spiritual debt, you go to the lake of fire that you have everlasting life, you will believe." Now, let's go to chapter 6, verse 39 and 40, Gospel of John chapter 6 verse 39. Now we are talking about the will, the will, the will, the will, the Father's will, which is the will, that's the man that owned the estate wants to give to his children. That is the Father's will and that is the Father's will, God is our Father. So this is the Father's will, which has sent me that of all which he has given me as you loose on it, but as you raise it up again at the last day, that is what Jesus Christ has come to do to raise all those that believe in it, they will die, if the death is carried, you will raise them over the last day and went on in verse 40 also and it was 44, instead it's again. He would have him that sent me, that everyone we see had this on and believe it on him may have everlasting life, also automatically have everlasting life and I raised him up at the last day, verse 45 again, verse 47, it said it's empty, verse 44, "So no man can come to me except the Father which has sent me drawing." Now, that is, we have many of us make a mistake because we try to beat our heads over the wall, Father go, "Why is this man not changing?" Or we see the wall full of Hebrew to us, we have said, "No man can come on to me except the Father which has sent me drawing and I will raise him up at it as he." So you are blessed for even listening, you have been drawn by the Father, you should be grateful, you have been drawn by the Father go for believing, so you have to know that because you can't even come except the Father is drawing you and Christ I know my ship. So, it's not everybody in the world that I see, he said it to someone, "No man can come on to me except the Father which has sent me drawing and I will raise him up at the last day." So you and I are just listening, that you pay attention to listening, you have to be grateful that God has called you to believe, verse 47, verse 47, "Very, very essential to you that believe it on me I have one last same life." The next verse, "I am that blade of life." So it was more interesting, the same thing I was saying, if you've been living in the Lord Jesus Christ and you already have the same life, remember that. Now, I talk about the physical, they say, "Good news is that you are not going to help because you should believe." The other goodness is giving your authority over sickness and disease, you have to leave above those things by knowing who you are and exercising your feet and the third part is that it's not only the spiritual death, there's the physical death, he has said, "First, John chapter 11, verse 25 and 26, gospel of John chapter 11, verse 25 and 26. The Lord Jesus Christ was saying this to Marta when he came to release of Lord Zalot. He said, "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believe it in me, though he was dead he shall leave." That's the resurrection. And you say, "Well, leave it and believe it in me, shall never die if you can't believe that." So believe it out is. So that is telling us, "Yes, but also what the physical death is." And in 2nd Timothy, verse 1 verse 10, he said, "The apostles said the same thing throughout that Christ has actually come to lay it down for us." 2nd Timothy, verse 1 verse 10, "But it is manifest by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ who has abolished death, which type of death, physical and spiritual, abolished and has brought life and immortality to life through the gospel." You remember in the days of many hundred years ago, they abolished the slip trade. When they abolished slip trade, the powers that the government said, "No more, let's see, these slaves are not free, they have to fight in America just to keep them free and also civil war because of that." So it's still going on, Christ has abolished death basically, people have still died. Why? Because it's some slip masters, they love the slips, they love to keep the slips, not that they love slip, they love to keep the slips, because they are making money out of it. So that's why they have to fight civil war over in this country because of slip trade. They didn't want to let the slips go. Set on, they didn't want the slips to go either. Set on, oh, the slip masters are keeping them as slaves since Adam fell, they didn't want the slips to go, but Christ has defeated him and after he has defeated him, but you have to believe it and follow the champion and say, "I'm not with the champion, they will now be scared of you, but if you don't know it, then we still will say, "Well, in those slaves also are free of the slip masters, some are to sneak up." And they said, "People have run after them, we don't." I watched some of those movies since we came back to where the slip running, we tried to shoot him, but basically, if I can just cross about the renauts, we are the free. The same thing, you have to cross about Jesus, come to the kingdom of God where you are free from all the civil things that we still put on the market. That is what is going on, it's a cross that has abolished death and brought life and immortality. You physical one, to light through the gospel, believing it, pressing on to receive, to get yourself free. I said, "Deliver, I said, "What the hell is that?" First Corinthians chapter 15, verse 24 and 26, verse 24 and chapter 15, verse 24 and 26. This is our point of support, we have set the story, that Christ is ruling now from verse 23, so Christ is reigning until the end, so then come at the end, when it shall have delivered of the kingdom of God, even the Father, when it shall have put down all rule and all authority on power, verse 25, "For Christ must reign till he has put all enemies on the his feet," the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death. So what are these enemies? Sin is the first enemy, this is his sickness, this is his spirits. You have to remember that we are not just talking, we say, "Well they know they are some pathogens, some viruses, some of those things you cannot see, they are Tobincy mankind." The God said, "They are spirits, satanic forces that we are dealing with that are sending all those animals, what are called the animals, pathogens, viruses, they are animals, invisible animals, or microbes, or co-picky animals, and some of those that are not animal, they are just plants, some plants, seeds that they can get upon your nose and your sneeze and sneeze and sneeze, basically, spirits can also get out of them and come and dump people in YouTube. Those are the ones we are dealing with, those are the enemies, they are causing sicknesses, they are causing death, they are causing poverty, they are causing all those liberties and they are the enemy. They are the rest, the most rain, until I have put all the enemy on the ice field, when you say the most rain, it is already raining, but you say it is going to put all the enemies on the ice, feet, the last enemy in the Chabi De Soy is that death, which is the physical death. The satanic spirits are causing death also, but they specialize in attack, they will just die upon their bed, they don't know what is happening, it is the spirits, you should do things. But he said, he is going to put all those enemies on the ice field, now this is not talking about the feet of the Lord Jesus Christ, because he has already rained, but the church is the body of Christ, say amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen, amen. The church does believe us, we are the body of Christ. Remember this story in the book of Daniel, Nebuchadnezzar added dream, and got shot in the dream, and it was symbolizing the kingdoms of the world, as was a statue of image, head of gold, breast of silver, brass in the belly, the legs of iron, and the toes, and Daniel interpreted that image to mean the kingdom of the world from the days of Babylon. He said, Nebuchadnezzar you are the head. So that image of a human being was representing the kingdoms of the world, from the head to the toes. He said, at the toes, at the end of the world, God is going to settle the kingdom, is told that it was caught with our hands, that it was going to bruise that image, that it fits, that was made of iron and clay. Daniel chapter 2, we can read the old story there, in that tradition. Now that was symbolized to Daniel Nebuchadnezzar as a kingdom. Now the kingdom of God is similar, the kingdom of God is represented in the under vision of Daniel chapter 7, that kingdom of God is a son of man, a human being. That's Jesus, the head is Jesus, the head is Jesus, the body is the church. But that's why when Daniel was in chapter 7, he can go back to Daniel chapter 7 and see what the angels said to Daniel, when he was saying, what are these, many of these things, he said, the people of this sense of the Messiah, we talk about the kingdom, he said, the Messiah, we talk about the people, that is the old body of Christ, head to toe, the church. So that means we are the body of Christ. So when he said, the last image to be destroyed, he put all enemies on the east feet, he's not talking about that, the feet of Christ, it's already ruling on Nebuchadnezzar, so that his body is fit, the church, are you understand what I'm saying? So it is under our feet that he has to subdue this sense, and we are not getting to subdue it yet because we are still afraid of the devil, we are still afraid not to move overcoming sicknesses and diseases, we are still struggling, we sicknesses are much more dead because sickness and diseases are preliminary, dead, not so. So what he was prophesying is that he will reign, that is Christ, we still be ready in heaven. So now, remember what he wants to say, whatever you shall buy it or not, shall be bound in heaven. Where does it initiate first, we, you are not have to buy it or not first, and it just rob a stampede in heaven. So if you are not buying anything on earth, you are not knowing your authority, you are afraid of the enemy, then you are not able to buy anything, so it's a place, it won't do anything. That is why many things are happening among the body of Christ, we are still not enjoying all the beneficials provided for us, lots of beneficials as provided, and that is the good news, I say, what is this good news, seeing the devil's feet, sicknesses is there, even the physical death. It's already said, it's on our feet that we have to come to the level understanding and we can just exercise our authority, and the devil who is the slave master, have to back off, have to back off, when you know you are right, the back off, if you don't know you are right, they stand, they are ground, and see what are you, you know everything. So that's the reason, my people perish for what, for lack of knowledge, so our problem is not knowing these things, and not believing what we say we had, I don't believe in what you said, what you had, if when we believe it and we believe the exercise we say it was, it was. We tried, you don't need to try, do it, somebody said don't try, you do it, why you do it, you see why it works. I was in the place many years ago, we were doing what we are committing, committing in the college, I was sitting in college then, and we got all these high school kids, for Christmas I committed, some of them are 13 years old, 12, 30, 40, 50 high school kids, we taught them the word of God and so on, and then we taught them how praying was sickness and so on. And then we break into groups, and I went with about six boys, there are boys, yeah, six boys, among groups, I mean senior, we are college students, then there are high school kids, so we got all of them, and then we were to follow, to follow up with what we have been taught in the general assembly, and one of these boys brought a question to me in the little group, I said, yeah, what you call in Africa, you know what you call, you know, you're running nose, you know, running nose, boys say, yeah, some of them, I mean, why it was encompassed in that camp, it was having this running nose, so maybe I could pray for him, I said, no, I don't need to pray for you, and everything we have been taught teaching you since the last two days to this, that you have for 30, but it's this, trying to say, you do it, just say, you just did your half of your nose and say what you want to happen, okay, so the boys did us, we didn't say it out, and then we came back to the general assembly, I didn't know what happened, we didn't say anything, but when we came back to the general assembly, we have to, after the break up into groups, we came back together, and this starting year old boy, stood up to testify, when we were asking testimony, it's young boy, it's two of these boys, that in that we went this, we were told to take that after 30, I did it, quietly, he said to his amissment, it worked, that was the testimony, so what I'm telling you is that it works, so for a little boy, it works, for old grown up, it works, let me give you another reason, it was always the way you are telling all what happened about the years the water has grown down in there, when I was raising my children they were playing tennis, and once other day they said that he went to go and 30 is about 3 of them then, the oldest was 12 years old, 12 years old, and then I about 4pm I didn't feel like going to drive after, to drive them, to the tennis courts, I don't feel like ok, they said he wants to go and practice, ok ok, you can't do the car, but reluctantly I was taking them there, not too far away, so as we are going into the tennis court, I just drive me, I saw the rain, the rain is not going to let you play today, so it's not, and they said why don't you let them play about the rain, so I said I'm not going to play for the rain, not for the fall, so the rain is still dripping, dripping, and these boys, they get two guests, oh boy, they were so excited, they wanted to play today, right, I said well you have to, you just have to take a third of all this rain, I'm not going to take any third of all this rain, in my heart I was reluctant to even come, you have to stay there, and you have to play for one and one, I have to just be watching, no sir, so that was my reluctance, so I said ok, you guys won't really want to play, when you, the last day you take a third, if you can't, you play, you are the oldest, you just drive me, you just leave me with you guys, so I sat down there, and the rain was still dripping, dripping, not heavy rain yet, more like I thought it was a test for it, that's what I said, it was, you can see the black cloud just come to all the, all the tennis court, and drips on waters, and if that continues you, please be too way to come play, so I said why, you pray, you are the oldest, you pray, so she just served and you just have to pray, you just have to pray, not to, not to, not to fall in Jesus name, they say amen, amen, so they are a mess man, you what I stopped dripping, to they ask me this as a way, and I say well Lord you are doing this for me, I saw the hand of the Lord teaching them something, taking it out of my hands, that I didn't want to pray because I was doubting, not only doubting, I was not interested in today's thing, but they were interested, God is telling the teaching them, you have the same authority that your father has, you have the same authority that the pastor has, so when the pastor says everybody come forward and pray, right, you have to come forward, if you know that, if you understood what he had just taught you, you could see it there, pray, the way the pastor has to leave it for me, that's when you cannot help yourself, if you cannot help yourself, then you need help, if you understand that this authority is to be put under the body of Christ under our feet, not under the feet of the pastors, not under the feet of the evangelist or prophets, under the feet of the church, and if you are a member of the church, it's under your feet also, amen, but believe it, then act on it, do it, pray the Lord, so that is the challenge, sorry, challenge is the truth, you are not to just say, I'm good to do that, that was what that boy in high school did, when we just challenged him, do it yourself, you see it works, it works, because you are not dealing with this preacher that taught you, you are not dealing with me, you are dealing with your material, you go with everywhere, and he's listening, and he says, you are also my shell, even that for five years old he sees his shell, he says, do it, it's very easy for you to keep doing, you understand how to believe it, and take action, and if you understand how it works, don't lose it after you have grown up and become to be educated by a scientist, you may have praise the Lord, don't let the scientist own or why I do catch you, you see, one of God is so simple, just can say this is for everybody, believe it, act on it, you will see that it works, pray this is the Lord, that is my message for you today, this is the good news seen as in death with, good news sequence as in death with, good news is the only physical death as in death with, if we can only believe it, and take this step, press it a lot, let's give press it to the Lord, just thank Jesus, just, no, no, don't clap your hands, lift your hands and wave to him, clapping is applauding man, look, applauding man, waving to him is glorifying Jesus, that's how you thank him, just thank him Jesus, that you have brought this into mankind, thank you Jesus, you that are washing this over the airwaves, just stand up and say I believe this thing, and I'm going to act on it, and begin to thank the Lord that he has called to him who believed, like he said, no man can come on to me, except for that dressing, so let's stand up to a feet, stand up to a feet, and thank the Lord, and just pray right now to him for yourself, say Lord, thank you for this understanding, the good news that you have revealed to us, I want that good news, I want to begin to exercise my right and authority as a believer, and that authority is for you, for everyone, thank you, just thank him, thank him, I need to call you to come forward because you have heard this truth, just confess Christ and you are saved, and if you need him for your body, just lay your hands upon yourself, like he said, this time I shall follow them, I believe, you too, lay your hand upon yourself, and believe, and you see, it works for you, and believe that yes, I will abolish that, it's for you, it's for every believer, everyone that is in his body, if add to two, this is body, so the enemy is to be put on die of feet, and we are to initiate all this authority on that, it's in heaven ratifying it, praise the Lord, Father we thank you Lord, we just praise you, we worship you, let your name go be glorified, let this word that you are born to, let it minister to everyone that listens to it, whether on television, or they are listening to it, on the internet, or they are online right now watching it, and we just are here, let it rise up our feet, so take this test for Jesus, and glorify on him, and your name may not be glorified, no thank you Father, for you have done it for us, you finish it on the cross, it is finished, our redemption is completed, Christ has redeemed us, mankind, that belief, from the cause of the Lord, sin, sickness, this is death, we are all the cause of the Lord, you have redeemed us from it, thank you Jesus, blessed be the glory of the Lord, I will go forever away, amen, amen, praise see the Lord, take it over, I need to give unto the Lord, come with your giving, come with praise unto him, come rejoice in, it is time to give unto him, it is a fact that we are all alive and we are here this morning, so come rejoice in, bring your sacrifices unto him, bring your offering in the mighty name of Jesus, come down, sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, it is good, and we will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and we will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and he will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and I will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and he will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and I will sing unto the Lord, he is good, and I will sing unto the Lord, he is good, sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and I will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and I will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, I will praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and I will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name for the Lord, he is good, and I will sing unto the Lord, a joyful son, and praise his name, Oh, the Lord is good, I will sing unto the Lord, I will drive full song. I will praise His name for the Lord is good. Ready, I sing unto the Lord, I drive full song. I'll praise His glory, therefore the Lord is good. I will sing unto the Lord, I will drive full song. I will praise His name for the Lord is good. I will be your friend and Lord of Jesus, O Lord. Nobody can have it in. I am covered, I love Lord of Jesus. O Lord, I have a hope for God. Sing unto the Lord and I will sing unto the Lord. I will praise His name for the Lord is good. I will sing unto the Lord and I will sing unto the Lord. I will sing unto the Lord, I drive full song. I will sing unto the Lord, I drive full song. I will sing unto the Lord and I will sing unto the Lord. I will praise His name for the Lord is good. I will sing unto the Lord, I will sing unto the Lord. I will say that to the Lord, we pray for Son, I will praise His name for the Lord in today's house. I will pray for the Lord in today's house, I will pray for the Lord in today's house. I will lift up my voice and pray, what shall we do today? I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house, I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house. I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house, I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house. I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house, I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house. I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house, I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house. I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house, I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house, I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house. I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house, I will lift up my voice and pray for the Lord in today's house. Praise the Lord. I will bless the offering. Thank you Lord for the offering, we just pray Lord that you will bless those that gave and even those that couldn't give, help them to be able to give you next time. But are looking for opportunities, Lord, that you open the eyes to see the opportunity that you make up for them in the name of Allah Jesus Christ and let the offerings be used to the glory of your name, in order in the gospel. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Any announcement, pastors? No? So we are going to share the grace as we are finished, as well as we did. Let's say the grace together, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the communion of the Holy Spirit, give it to us now and forevermore in the name. Declare this for yourself. Show the goodness and message. Let me, all the days of my life, may we dwell in the precious of the Lord forever and ever. Amen. God bless you. Have we prayed the new grace, this too I got? Every word of worship, we'd want our glory, and we pray. Every word, every praise to our God. Let's sing the new praise, and we pray this too I got. Every word of worship, we'd want our glory, and we pray. Every word, every praise to our God. Let's sing the new praise, we'd want our glory, and we'd want our glory, and we'd want our glory. Let's sing the new praise, this too I got. [Music] [Music]