Honest Ecommerce

086 | Test Things Out Before Starting a Business | with Selom Agbitor and Oliver Zak

Selom Agbitor and Oliver Zak are 2019 graduates of Miami University’s Farmer School of business and the founders of Mad Rabbit. On this podcast, we talk about where the idea of Mad Rabbit came from, Mad Rabbit’s marketing strategies, the importance of testing before starting your online store, and so much more. To learn more, visit: Resources: Mad Rabbit’s website: Mad Rabbit’s Instagram: @shopmadrabbit Mad Rabbit’s Facebook: Mad Rabbit’s Pinterest: Mad Rabbit’s TikTok: @madrabbittattoo Visit to get your 2nd month with Gorgias free! Visit to schedule a demo! Visit for a free 30-day trial! 
Broadcast on:
31 Aug 2020

Selom Agbitor and Oliver Zak are 2019 graduates of Miami University’s Farmer School of business and the founders of Mad Rabbit.

On this podcast, we talk about where the idea of Mad Rabbit came from, Mad Rabbit’s marketing strategies, the importance of testing before starting your online store, and so much more.

To learn more, visit:


Selom Agbitor and Oliver Zak are 2019 graduates of Miami University’s Farmer School of business and the founders of Mad Rabbit. On this podcast, we talk about where the idea of Mad Rabbit came from, Mad Rabbit’s marketing strategies, the importance of testing before starting your online store, and so much more. To learn more, visit: Resources: Mad Rabbit’s website: Mad Rabbit’s Instagram: @shopmadrabbit Mad Rabbit’s Facebook: Mad Rabbit’s Pinterest: Mad Rabbit’s TikTok: @madrabbittattoo Visit to get your 2nd month with Gorgias free! Visit to schedule a demo! Visit for a free 30-day trial!