The Howie Carr Radio Network

Turtleboy talks Chief Rafferty, Karen Read, and Sandra Birchmore | 4.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie welcomes Aidan Kearney to the show to update listeners on a fascinating story out of the Canton Police Department that may convince you of their corruption. Then, Howie shares his unfiltered opinion on the unrest in the Middle East.

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01 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. So I have something at the top for all of you. I think you'll be really interested in this. So President Biden is scheduled to announce he is revoking the Hatch Act. So as a gift to all of you, so now I can actually take all your questions about 2024. No? That's so funny last time I heard that I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I wonder if he still wants the big job one day. Is it still something you aspire to? I sincerely don't know what weather I will run for elected office of any kind again. You better not be. Who's your captain, Howie Car? What's your message to people about why they've got to engage and get out there to vote? I think people are going to surprise me coming in. What about the rap? Yeah, we'll have rabbits too. By the way, say hello to oyster buddies. Uh, oysters? Pretty big bunny, huh? Rum swabs, hacks, and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. Just when you thought the Caron Reed murder case couldn't get any crazier before the actual trial starts in about two weeks, it gets crazier. Today, a turtle boy, Aiden Kearney, who's been covering the case and is charged with witness intimidation, so-called. He reported that... First of all, remember, Caron Reed is charged with killing her boyfriend's second-degree murder for backing into him, running over him in a snowstorm in January of 2022. The FBI says their accident reconstruction investigators say it couldn't have happened. It couldn't have happened, all right? Now, it turns out that seven weeks ago, the police chief of the town where Caron Reed is charged with running over her boyfriend, the police chief in a nearby town, ran over a 67-year-old man with a cane in a crosswalk who was wearing a reflective vest, and it never came out. The police chief, a woman, a townie, part of the cabal that's been running canton since the dawn of time, didn't bother to tell anybody that she had run over this guy. She didn't kill him, but he had to spend weeks in the hospital supposedly at nine surgeries. There's an election pending. Today, probably have the pending tomorrow to elect or not re-elect some of the people who keep this cabal running in canton. Probably half the people have already done early voting. This probably would have changed the results of the collection. The townies may still be ousted. The McAlbert townies may still be ousted, but I don't think they would have been re-elected if anyone had known that this was going on, that this police chief had run over somebody who was in a crosswalk, by the way. Joining us now is the guy who broke the story and has broken all these stories. Aiden, Turtle Boy, Cairney. This is a really wacky one, Turtle Boy. You got a tip, obviously, but the rent them police where this happened, they didn't hold anything back from you. It was almost like they were waiting for a call, wasn't it? Yeah, they couldn't wait. I mean, we went there and walked in, and Barbara, the lady who does records wasn't in, and we were told to call the next day. I didn't have to call. The sergeant called me back this morning, and it's like, you're getting the report. They couldn't wait to get it to me right away. It was almost like they wanted to just absolve themselves from it and say, "We're not part of this. We're not part of this dumpster fire," because I'm sure they've seen all the coverage, and I mean, who wants to be associated with this sort of corruption? Right. I know. And then the police chief, it's interesting on the report that it says they get there at like 639, and at 646, seven minutes later, they called the police chief to let him know that this has happened. And now today, the police chief in rent them is saying, "Well, this is nothing out of the ordinary to be notified." I mean, this poor 67-year-old guy with the cane and the reflexive vest, he wasn't going to die or anything. Do they alert the chief to every accident like this with non-life-threatening injuries? Every time there's a friend of vendor in rent them, I guess the police chief has to get a call on his personal cell phone and let him know that chief has been an accident in town. But I'll tell you what, it's like, where is the transparency? I mean, this happened seven weeks ago, seven weeks ago, and she didn't feel the need to tell anybody about it. Even though they're literally in the news every day, they're being audited, she claims that she welcomes the audit because they have nothing to hide in there, completely transparent, and yet she's hiding this, she's hiding this. I mean, how do you hit somebody in a crosswalk who's wearing reflective gear? I mean, that's the whole point of that. The guy's going out of his way to make it so that he can be seen, and she doesn't see him somehow. I mean, how is that possible if you're paying attention to the road? I don't know. She did take a breathalyzer. She was smart enough to realize that there was going to be talk if she didn't take the breathalyzer, so she blew a zip. Take him a breathalyzer is evidence that she knew this was going to be made public. So why then would she not tell the select board? Would she had a duty to tell? Because, oh yeah, she was also driving a town-owned vehicle. She trying to save gas money? Why are you driving a town-owned vehicle for personal recreation in a town that you don't live in? A town that you don't work in? Why was she driving that car? And so she had a duty to tell the select board about this. Whether they know or don't know, if they know, then they covered it up because all five of them are in the bag for the good old boy network in that town. If they if they weren't alerted, then that's just more evident that she's covering. Well, she's issued a statement this afternoon to the Globe Turtle Boy. Oh, I saw it. I saw it. And she called it. She called it my vehicle. It's not your vehicle. It's the taxpayers vehicle. You don't own that car. You don't have the title on that car. But she said the chief said, let me read this from the Globe. The chief said that she quote, immediately notified, can't an officials as to what happened? Unquote. Now, would this include Chris Albert, the selectman? Now, tell us about Chris Albert that she that she apparently notified. What's his background as for vehicles? Yeah, they've a similar background to Kennedy, I suppose. He in 1994, Chris Albert was driving on I-95 in Attaburo when he rear at like three in the morning, probably wasted when he rear-ended a Hungarian immigrant by the name of Peter Berger and killed him. And he fled the scene. Then two days later, sobered up, turned himself in. He did six months in jail. And this never came out before he ran for a selectman last year. And he got elected. And by the way, he's a magnet guy in a town that voted by Biden won that town by like 30%. So that shows you how far the Albert name goes in that town. It transcends politics. You know, it's basically like everybody in that town didn't graduate high school. It's the cool kids are running the town. And Chris Albert is a moron by all, you know, appropriate measures. I think anybody that talks in for more than five seconds would receive conclusion. So a guy that this stupid that literally killed the man in 1994 in a vehicle is on the border selectman, apparently became aware that the police chief, he hired and pays also hit somebody in a crosswalk. And ironically, the person, the only person in town who's being charged with hitting someone with the car is Karen Reed, who the FBI said could not have possibly hit someone with the car. Well, let me read your her statement and get the reaction. Now that she's been busted after seven weeks after, you know, using a town vehicle to run over a 67 year old guy with a cane and a reflexive vest in a crosswalk on a Friday night, several towns over. This was an unfortunate accident, she said in her statement, upon further reflection and considering the amount of attention that has been focused on Canton, I should have issued a statement sooner, unquote. You should have, yeah, now that she's got caught, she should have done that. You're right, she should have issued a statement sooner, but she didn't. And this is the problem in this town is these people, they don't say anything until they get caught until it's undeniable. I mean, why didn't she come forward and say this? If it was truly an accident, like she said, why wouldn't she say it? The answer is because she was driving a town issued car. I mean, that's the real question. Why aren't you driving your own vehicle? This woman lives in a $1.8 million house as a public servant, which to me leads to a lot more questions about her, quite frankly, how that's possible. Her ex-husband is a firefighter who is not on the mortgage, so she pays it all by herself. She's paid by the taxpayers and she collects $1,200 a month in child support, even though all her children are grown adults. I have a lot of questions about this woman. This is the same woman who told people to stop asking questions, stop listening to quote-unquote sensationalist media, aka turtle boy. Don't listen to that guy. There was no evidence whatsoever of a cover-up of the murder of John O'Keefe when there is a mountain of evidence suggesting that, and she's the first person who went on record and said that what I was doing, my peaceful protesting, was actually witness intimidation. It says here, in a statement issued on her behalf Monday, the town doesn't have a PR person. Do you think she hired some PR people from Black? She didn't say this herself. She didn't say this herself. No, it says in a statement released on her behalf Monday. Oh, she's crying out loud. Like it was a flack. She hired a flack. It looks like. Who does she think she is? The Queen of England? Like what? She is a PR spokesperson. You're the police chief. That's what it looks like. You know, it's funny. The police chief of the police chief of rent them has no problems answering his own emails and requests, right? He didn't hate an issue with these statements through his PR person. He issued a statement himself, right? You're right. Since when does a small town police chief have a PR firm handling his work for him? You know, I mean, how much money does this town waste on this nonsense in covering for these people, the good old boys club? And by the way, this is election interference, right? This is very similar to the Hunter Biden laptop thing. They got news of this thing. If this story got out, it would be very bad for anyone who supported Helena Rafferty, which includes the two incumbents running for reelection on the border selection, who both voted against the audit and support Helena Rafferty, no matter what. But they covered this up so the people of Canon would not know. And a lot of them have already voted. Right. And you have these two reform candidates, these women who often get up at the meetings and roast Chris Albert and complain about him, being the Canon Board of Selectman meetings have become must watch theater, just watching Chris Albert get roasted week after week after week and he just sits there and he takes it. But these women almost have been cheated by this because this has intentionally been covered up by Rafferty and the board of selectman. The polls open tomorrow at 7 a.m. It's too early, it's too late to early vote. But you can vote, go down if you live in Canton, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Who should they vote for, Turtle Boy? I would vote for Rita Lombardi and Trish Boyden and on the school committee of over Jennifer O'Donnell and for the town, whatever, I think it's Kathleen Holly, just both for all the new people who aren't incumbents because that town needs change. It's the most corrupt town in Massachusetts right now, which is really saying something and it just needs to get fixed. All right, Turtle Boy, you want to stick around for one more quick segment just to take a couple of calls? Maybe? Okay, if you got any more questions, there's a lot going on still here in this with this case. We'll be back with Turtle Boy in just a moment 844-542. I'm how we car. How we car? We'll be right back. He's Holly Carr. Canton cover up part 321, that's the headline on Turtle Boy's story today, the latest story about this. He's got the police report. If you want to see the whole police report, you can see it. And in her car, her spokesman's comments are in the loop. She didn't have a comment, her spokesman had a comment. Who knew she had a flack of her own? But you can go to if you want to read up on this case. It's fascinating what's going on there. And Turtle Boy, where can people go if they want to donate to your defense fund because you're jammed up too in this case? They can just go on my Twitter account at Dr. Turtle Boy. It's pinned right to the top, the just end goal. All right. I want to ask you, I haven't I haven't had you on the show since Auntie Bev, the judge, Beverly Kanone, issued her ruling that Michael passed the grave here, meatball Morrissey would not be removed as the prosecutor here. But I just want to read you some of the comments that she made about his behavior when she said he should not be removed from the case. Some of his comments are clearly inconsistent with rules of professional conduct. Prejudicial effect on the proceedings run the risk of heightening public condemnation of the defendant, meaning Karen Reed. He crossed the line of permissible extra judicial statements. But yet she's letting him stay on the case. That's pretty damning. I mean, that's about as damning as what the inspector general said about Rachel Rollins when she was removed as the U.S. attorney for going on my show just to discuss a sentencing. This there hasn't even been a trial yet. And he's saying these things. I mean, it's wild. I mean, that's why today a guy by the name Paul Christopher was leading protests at the district attorney's office frequently. Now he had a big one today. NBC News is down there. Well, over 100 people just marched in circles around his office today. I mean, this is I mean, this is embarrassing to have your district attorney's office regularly picketed by people because you're so corrupt. And it's just wild that Auntie Bev Canoni these basically says in that that whole, you know, order was a big smackdown on the district attorney saying he did everything wrong. He was completely inappropriate. But we don't know if it prejudice the jury because the jury hasn't been picked yet. So we're going to let it slide. And it's just it's it's it's wild that the judge and the district attorney are allowing the sham to go to trial. I mean, it's going to be a joke of a trial. You're going to see the I mean, I'm here for it. I can't wait to watch it. But it's going to be like no trial you've ever seen before. You're going to see witnesses taking this like the police officers taking the fifth like star witnesses incriminating themselves. It's going to I've only seen it once in my life. And I still remembered it was revere revere detectives being asked if they'd taken bribes one after another take in the Fifth Amendment. Yeah, it is it is memorable. It's must see TV or being in the courtroom to see it. And I and I can't wait. I mean, it starts in two weeks. And I think at the sham, this is happening. God knows how much this is going to cost the taxpayers and Karen Reed. And at the end of the day, she's going to be acquitted. No jury on earth ever going to convict her of this. And that's not justice because at the end of the day, that she gives the district attorney's office a chance to throw their hands up in the air and say, well, we tried. And John O'Keefe will never get justice that way. Can you take a question? A couple of people got questions for you here. Absolutely. Andrew, you're next with how we car and turtle boy. Go ahead, Andrew. Hello, Howie. Hello, turtle boy. I don't want to change the subject, but it's a direct connection. Turtle boy, if anything good comes out of all of this, it's that the Sandra Birch Moore case is coming back to light. And I think there are a lot of the same players involved. He just posted he and Andrew, we just posted something on Sandra Birch Moore. We haven't we haven't got much time left. Tell people about Sandra Birch Moore, or a turtle boy. Yeah, Sandra Birch Moore is a girl, a 23 year old woman who allegedly killed herself in 2021. She was pregnant with a baby from a student police officer who groomed her and had sex with her since she was 15 years old. She was passed around that department, like a sexual object. And it is widely believed that Matthew Farwell, the student police officer who has since resigned, murder. And there was no investigation in the same corrupt car. We have no proof of that. We have no proof that is just an allegation turtle boy. Okay, so that's what that's my opinion. So, but the same what the fact is that the same players involved in the John O'Keefe in quote unquote investigation are involved in the Sandra Birch Moore one, like Fanning, Gerino, and Kevin Albert. They're all involved in that. And the FBI is involved now too, investigating both cases. Yeah. And the AGO took over because Michael Morrissey's office couldn't be trusted to apparently run that investigation. So, I think that's a great sign for the Karen Reed case because there's definitely a connection between the two. And the fact that the FBI is bringing up this three year old alleged suicide and taking it seriously tells you that they smell something. Yeah. And I'm going to check tomorrow with the state retirement board at care, Aidan Carity to see if any of these state police officers have put in their retirement papers yet. I think it's only a matter of time, don't you? Ah, we'll see. We'll see how it is. I'll check. I want to put it on their radar screen at the state retirement board. Thank you, Aidan, Turtle Boy, Cairney. I'm Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Help Mom tune out all the new noise this Mother's Day with a brand new pair of Raycon everyday earbuds. She'll get audio quality she loves at a price you'll love even more. Right now get 20% off plus free shipping at That's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what did you celebrate yesterday? Transgender Day of Visibility, Caesar Chavez's birthday, Arab American History Month, or Easter Sunday? Easter Sunday, 95% of the audience says Easter Sunday. Transgender Day of Visibility is at 3%, 2% for Caesar Chavez's birthday and Arab American History Month is down to 0%. Oh, it's back and forth all day long, these numbers. Heavy voting, I think. So get in there and vote at in the poll question. Bob, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Bob. Hey, Howie. I'm not a Kenton resident, but if I was, I would really want to know, first of all, it's come to light that the chief owns or partially owns a home that's appraised at about $1.8 million. Right, you could see that on He's got pictures of the house, $1.8 million. So I think it's come to light how you can afford that. You have a taxpayer-funded car, you don't pay for, you don't pay for the insurance. And I would love to see how the gas was paid for. She's driving around on her private time. That's it. Imagine you didn't have to pay gas for a few years, Howie. How much total? I know. She's, they owned another house apparently and she and her former husband owned another house in Canton as well, and they gave that to one of her children. So they've got, I think most of those townies in Canton have, they inherited houses from their family. And there's some, like in a lot of towns around 128, there's some resentment among the townie group that doesn't make the huge salaries. And they're resentful of the people who moved in. And I think that's part of the, a lot of this is going to play out at the polls tomorrow in Canton on top of the whole caron read scandal and all the other, all the other issues that are boiling underneath it. But again, as I think the people to vote for our Lombardi and, and vote, and Boyden, if you're right, if you're down there for selected for the select board. Eight, thanks for the call Bob. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. So there's a, there's a card, the cardinal in DC is named Wilton Daniel Gregory. And he's, he's kind of a lib as you might expect, you know, the Catholic Church like the Supreme Court follows politics. It's a fact, you may not like it, but it's true. And so they put in kind of a liberal, but even, even Cardinal Wilton Daniel Gregory sort of old liberal, he's the Archbishop of DC. Even he can't, you know, totally defend Joe Biden with this transgender visibility, visibility day. And the, and supporting abortion rights, you know, up to, up to the fourth trimesters, I like to say, meaning, you know, you can put them down if, you know, like him. He's, he's, Joe's got the same feeling about it as Ralph Northam, the former governor of Virginia. But anyway, this is a cardinal, the cardinal from, or the Archbishop from DC talking about Joe Biden's devout Catholicism, cut nine. I would say that he's very sincere about his faith. But like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight, while ignoring or even contradicting other parts. There, there is a phrase that we have used in the past, a cafeteria Catholic, you choose that which is attractive and dismiss that which is challenging. Yeah, in his case, it's not what's attractive to his own beliefs or theology, because he has no beliefs or theology. It's just what's attractive to getting him reelected. And you know, I mean, again, I understand why the Archbishop can't say that. But I can say it, you and I know it, both of us, you know, we all know it. I mean, the, you know, there, there is no philosophical or moral or ethical core to the guy. I mean, he's just, he's just the lowest of the low is what he is. 844 542 42. So some people were telling the truth about Biden yesterday on the chattering skull shows. And one of them was the former CENTCOM commander, General Frank McKenzie. And he was talking about, he was being interviewed on, I think, ABC, about the fact that it looks like this new group, ISIS K, they call it, they're based in Afghanistan, that they're going to, they're going to hit us sooner, rather than later, most likely. And mostly the reason that they're coming after us is it's not just the porous southern border, although that certainly has something to do with it. It also is connected to the fact that we don't have a presence in Afghanistan. When we, when we only had a few thousand soldiers, and no one was getting killed, by the way, no, no one, no, no Americans, no allies were being killed. But we had the Taliban under our thumb. Pretty much we had that big base was a bog room. We had $87 billion worth of equipment. We had, we had Afghan allies on the ground keeping an eye on him. And, you know, this guy, McKenzie, General McKenzie, makes the, makes the point that, you know, when you're up against these terrorists, I think the phrase he actually used, I thought was really good when he said, it's like an athletic team, you can play him at home, meaning on, in the US, or you can play him away. And in Gaza, or Afghanistan, or Iran, or Syria. And so Biden's insane policy of cutting and running, when we could have kept him under, under a watch, under our eye, and under control with 2000 troops and maybe 2000 other allies and our Afghan proxies, we just threw it all away. And now we're gonna, now we're gonna reap the whirlwind here. Cut 12 from Commander General Frank McKenzie. In general, your CENTCOM successor, General Michael Carrillo, said just days before the Moscow attack that ISIS K quote, "retains the capability and will to attack US and Western interests abroad in as little as six months and with little or no warning." What's your confidence in that intelligence? I think General Carrillo has spot on with that assessment. Here's the problem. Again, we go back to ISIS K. If you can keep pressure on them at their, in their homeland, in their base, it makes it hard for them to conduct these times, these types of attacks. Unfortunately, we no longer place that pressure on them. So they're free to gain strength, they're free to plan, they're free to coordinate and to outreach and hit us in our homelands. So you'd much rather be playing in a way game than a home game. We've chosen to play a home game. We didn't choose Brandon chose to play a home game because he's an idiot. He's a moron. He's never gotten anything right in now 50 years of foreign policy decisions. Cut 13, General McKenzie continues. And you were, of course, one of the senior leaders who did not want to leave Afghanistan entirely. When you look back on that period, do you think outside of the chaotic withdrawal, do you think had we left 2,500 troops there, things would be different? I have to believe Martha, that things would be very different. We believe that we believe at the time that leaving 2,500 troops, along with our NATO partners who'd have left four or 5,000 troops, we would have been able to continue to work against ISIS, which was the principal reason we're in Afghanistan to prevent attacks on our homeland. I think we might be in a very different place now. I think we might actually be safer now than we are. I mean, even a deep-stayed stooge like Christopher Ray has admitted that we are in dire peril of being attacked by these savages. And we were not in dire peril when Donald Trump was president because we were in Afghanistan because Hamas dared not attack. Iran didn't have the bankroll to finance Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, because the sanctions were still in effect. They didn't have this tens of billions of dollars to draw down, which Biden handed them on a silver platter because his administration is infiltrated by basically Iranian agents, some of whom he's had to remove. It's so obvious, but at least one of whom remains at the Pentagon. 917, I wonder if Biden has scheduled to come to Jesus meeting with the archbishop. That's right after his come to Jesus meeting with the Jewish Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu. Johnny, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Johnny. Yeah, I just a couple quick comments. So first off, he's not a cafeteria catholic. My family came into this country. We fought from the Civil War on in every World War II, Korea, Vietnam. I did Iraq in Afghanistan. We call him he's Shanty Irish. He's fighting the Shanty Irish. I don't think you're being fair to the Shanty Irish, Johnny. But I tell you, these guys have some goal. These are the guys that put together this withdrawal, you know, scumbags like Millie and equal opportunity Austin and Jim Mattis, who was in charge of the Marines, who gave himself the nickname mad dog. First of all, whoever gives himself a nickname, you know, he's a fraud. He was always a piece of garbage. These are the idiots that blew the war. Well, guys like us, boots on the ground, we could enter the war. When you go down to sit through a city block or street, we'll go out into these villages. And some guy looks like he's homeless. He's Taliban. Short him, you know, because no one in there, you could see him from a mile away. But we had these, you know, they could fire at us and if they lay their guns down, we couldn't return fire. And if they went into a qualot, we couldn't enter the qualot unless we had. Now they're now they're trying to do the same thing to Israel. I mean, so Israel is supposed to let Hamas survive so that they can do this to Israel again. I mean, why would they, I mean, have they learned nothing from the fiasco of Afghanistan? And the answer, of course, is no, they haven't learned anything, Johnny. No Benjamin Netanyahu has it right. Start the war, beat them deltas. When we went to Afghanistan, we had them on the run with them one, you know, a couple of months, we had them done, but we stopped being mean. We allowed them to back it back into the fight. And that, and I just hope Israel isn't that stupid. I don't think Benjamin Netanyahu is, I just want them to exterminate them. That's how he get rid of the rodents. No, you're right. I mean, you know, they keep saying we're going to have a breakthrough in the hostage talks. And then Netanyahu stops it. And I think, I think the, you know, in history of Israel, we'll owe Benjamin Netanyahu a real favor for getting rid of these people once and for all, not not everybody in Gaza, but Hamas. I mean, Hamas is destroyed the entire little country. They could, that could be a prosperous country. Yeah, they're not going anywhere soon. I'll tell you that. All right. Thank you, Johnny. I'm just glad Benjamin Netanyahu was, you know, putting his foot down. I mean, they, you can't tolerate something like that. They tried to destroy Israel. That was, that was a genocidal attack. And now, now they, now they disrupted high mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City, because they want to cease fire. Let them surrender. There was a ceasefire on October the sixth. They broke the ceasefire. Now they're losing. They're being slaughtered. And they wanted, they want to cease fire. Surrender, turn over Yaya Sinwar and the other, the other genocidal Muslim savages. 844 542 42. I'm Howie Carr. Listen to the Howie Carr show from anywhere. Go to and click listen to start streaming Howie live in crystal clear, high definition. And whispering right in your ear, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz. Howie Carr is back. 844 542 42. The insanity continues in New York City. The, there's a ladder company in the East Village, ladder company 11 in the East Village, NY FDNY, New York Fire Department. The company had a flag with a red line in it honoring six of their brethren who were killed on 9/11 as they bravely tried to save people at the World Trade Center. And Fire Department brass just ordered the East Village ladder company to remove the red flag. Someone who identified himself as a staffer for Democrat Manhattan Councilwoman Karolina Rivera confronted the firefighters at their firehouse and said she had complained to the management FDNY brass about the flag, calling it a fascist symbol in the names of the six dead jakes on it and demanding to know why it was still up. They called it a politically charged symbol to have the names of the victims of the Muslim savages on 9/11 on the flag. After the alleged city council staffer visited the firehouse, the local fire chief, Joseph Scarelli, stopped by and told the firefighters they had to take down the flag because there was a rule about not flying altered quote unquote American flags. The chief said he was sympathetic, but they had to take it down even though the rule was ridiculous. That's when, so they took it down and they, they posted on it social media, some of the firefighters, social media erupted at such a absurd decision and the failure to recognize the importance of the flag. So then the fire commissioner, Kavanaugh and the number two person, the chief of department, reversed the decision and allowed the flag back out back on the truck. And the city councilwoman says none of her staff actually approached the latter company and that it was a constituent who complained. There's nothing is as as it's reported in red state, there's nothing political about the flag except in the mind of some leftist just like in the thin blue line flag. But this is what they're up against. This is what everybody's up against in New York. These people are insane. They're not just insane with the, the EVs. They're insane with, you know, commemorating the, the heroes, the victims of, of 9/11. They're, they're, they're insane with the, with, you know, keeping an eye on anyone who attends a Latin mass, anyone who complains about critical race theory in their local public schools or allow about allowing transgender males into middle school girls restrooms where the, where the girls can be attacked. Once a more New York City horror stories, boardwalk empire. You remember that, that series, that mini series. There was a guy that played Arnold Rothstein, the gambler who was shot, eventually fixed the 1919 World Series. His name was Michael Stullberg, bark. He was the actor who played Arnold Rothstein. He was randomly attacked last night with a rock by a homeless man near Central Park. He was walking near East 90th and East Drive around 745 when a 27 year old Xavier Israel struck him in the back of the neck with a rock for no reason. Israel who is homeless has previously been arrested for two similar assaults as well as a robbery. He, in 2022, he was caught stealing the wallet of a good Samaritan, this guy Israel of a good Samaritan who had given him his coat on a cold, chilly morning. And Israel decided to rob the a good Samaritan, the $1,500. He replied, he pummeled a 49 year old woman who'd been reportedly trying to help him.