The Howie Carr Radio Network

Electric Cars didn't take off, so Electric Trucks it is & the Chump Line | 4.1.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Howie breaks down (pun intended) the latest brilliant idea of the climate cultist Democrats. Electric school busses and electric trucks are supposed to keep Earth on its proper axis... Plus, Howie emcees the April Fools Chump Line, so you're in for a treat.

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01 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. So I have something at the top for all of you and I think you'll be really interested in this. Not full. So President Biden is scheduled to announce he is revoking the Hatch Act. So as a gift to all of you so now I can actually take all your questions about 2024. No? That's so funny last time I heard that I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. I wonder if he still wants the big job one day. Is it still something you aspire to? I sincerely don't know what weather I will run for elected office of any kind again. You better not be. Who's your captain? Howie Car. What's your message to people about why they've got to engage and get out there to vote? Well I think people are going to surprise people again. What about the rat? Yeah, we'll have rabbits too. By the way, say hello to oyster buddies. Uh, oysters? Pretty big bunny, huh? Rump swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's... Howie Car. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. We're going to have Turtle Boy with us in the next hour. He's the blogger who's been writing about the Karen Reed murder case in Canton. She's charged with second degree murder even though the FBI, their accident reconstruction unit thinks that her boyfriend could not have been killed by the car. But she's charged with murder in Canton. And now it turns out that the police chief in Canton was involved in an accident where she almost ran over a 67 year old man with a cane in a crosswalk wearing a reflexive vest at night. And she kept it reflective, I should say. She... She says this was an unfortunate accident. She took a breathalyzer and blew zero, zero, zero. And she was cited for negligent operation of a motor vehicle. Upon further reflection in considering the amount of attention that has been focused on Canton, meaning the fact that the FBI apparently says that they're trying to frame a woman for hitting her boyfriend when she didn't really hit her boyfriend, I should have issued a statement sooner. Considering she's admitted that she had a guy, the police chief has admitted she had a guy, and they kept it under wraps for seven weeks. The guy spent 67 years old with a cane. He spent two weeks in a hospital. He hadn't decided whether he's going to sue yet or not. We'll be talking more about this in the next hour. It's pretty amazing. I mean, there's so many twists and turns, and this is just another crazy one. The woman is charged, denies. And she reported back to this, the woman says, the police chief says, "I reported back to the selectment." One of the selectments did six months in jail for killing somebody with a motor vehicle. I mean, you can't make this stuff up. You really can't. Time now for the Chumpline. ♪♪♪ ♪♪♪ Here comes Peter Cottontail, hopping down that oyster trail. ♪♪♪ Did the oyster bunny have any commemorations or any events today in Wellfleet? ♪♪♪ The poll question should have been, which do you prefer? No angling oyster bunny chowder? Or Manhattan oyster bunny chowder? ♪♪♪ I'm a new angling guy myself. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curb in Harwichport, open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun, food and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwichport, the exclusive home of the stone grill dinner. Online at ♪♪♪ Come on, man. Today is Easter Monday when we remember the interaction of the Easter Bunny and the bunny's transmission from either her or her. The bunny was a special counsel. ♪♪♪ The Easter Rebellion in Ireland was at 1916. He doesn't know. He has no clue. He's Irish though. He knows all the great poets are Irish. That's about as far as his knowledge goes of the Emerald Isle. So Biden says the trans day of visibility was not his idea. Who would have thought that Joe Biden has no idea? ♪♪♪ Yeah, sometimes, you know, when you say you don't recall, or someone says I don't recall, or I didn't do that, I had nothing to do with that. You know it's true because, you know, they have nothing to do with anything, such as in this case. ♪♪♪ Governor Healy and her partner, Joanna Lydgate, are going to have a migrant family live with them in Miss Lydgate, and they're going home. April Fool! You had me going there for a second. You say that about any family in the Commonwealth, and then wrap it up by saying April Fool's, except for that one pair of nice people in South Brookline. ♪♪♪ Come on, man. I didn't issue that trans proclamation. Why, the only decisions they let me make are capioca, or mint chocolate chip. Not a joke. ♪♪♪ Sometimes you don't like me TV, and they let you switch over to Nick at night, right? ♪♪♪ Howie, I resent the fact that people are saying here in New York City we're soft on crime. Haven't you ever heard of 22 strikes, and you're out? ♪♪♪ 22, you're just starting at 22, man. Come on. ♪♪♪ I was surprised Brandon didn't ask, "Where's Kit, the Trans Am from Night Rider during yesterday's Easter celebration?" ♪♪♪ Where was he yesterday? He was, I guess he was a camp David, and then he came back for his performance with the Oyster Bunnies. ♪♪♪ You remay, what's going on here? It remits the end of the traditional Easter weekend. They remay, not a single Kennedy. It's been accused of raping some girl. They remay that this is an April Fools prank, or else this generation of off-brand Kennedys is a big disappointment. ♪♪♪ Yeah, check out my column. I wrote it yesterday about the Kennedy Family's traditional Easter weekend of 1991. People have forgotten what happened, and they've also forgotten that Ted Kennedy is largely responsible for this disaster. We've got on the Southern border. He started it. I mean, he's obviously been dead. He's been sober for almost 15 years now, but he started it with the Immigration Reform Act of 1965. That's what opened the floodgates that have led to the disaster we're facing now. ♪♪♪ Joe Biden said he had nothing to do with the Trans Visibility Day proclamation and both the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy will back him up. ♪♪♪ Remember a couple years ago, he just had one Easter Bunny. It was the Secretary of the Interior. And now he's failed so much he needs two Easter monies for the White House egg roll. It's not the Easter egg roll anymore. It's just the egg roll. ♪♪♪ Congratulations to CNN, the first network with more employees than viewers. ♪♪♪ I think that's probably true. Although MSNBC is going to be closing in on them, as Matt Taibi put it, they puked on themselves last week over Ronna McDaniel. ♪♪♪ That was your last jump line message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chumped. Alright, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voice mail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time every weekday. The Chumpline number, if you wish to leave such a message. 844-542-42. That's 844-542-42. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you'd just like to hear a second, you can bring a new Chumpline. Every evening, we have one every weekday, and it's called Chop Chumps. It's posted around 7 p.m. Eastern time every week night, or wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast, you can get your Chumpline. Your second Chumpline of the day, Chop Chumps. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the Curvin' Harwich Port. Open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun, food, and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwich Port. The exclusive home of the Stone Grill Dinner, online at The poll question should have been which do you prefer? You know, England Oyster Bunny Chowder? Or Manhattan Oyster Bunny Chowder? 917 Howie, is it true the Oyster Bunny brings baskets full of crackers and cocktail sauce to dementia sufferers every spring? Yeah. Maybe it's the Chinese egg roll, says 207. That would be more appropriate, given who's paying the Biden's, who has been paying the Biden's for quite some time now. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr show will be right back. You're listening to The Howie Carr show. Help Mom tune out all the noise this Mother's Day with a brand new pair of Raycon everyday earbuds. She'll get audio quality she loves at a price you'll love even more. Right now, get 20% off plus free shipping at That's Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is what did you celebrate yesterday? Transgender Day of Visibility, Caesar Chavez's birthday, Arab American History Month, or Easter Sunday? Easter Sunday. 95% of the audience says Easter Sunday, 1% for Arab American History Month, 2% for Transgender Day of Visibility, and your boy Chavi is finally on the verge of putting up a crooked number, 2% for Caesar Chavez's birthday. Wow, he really went up big time. After getting nothing in the first couple of hours, he's now up to 2%. Let's be undocumented American numbers coming in. Alright, 844-542-42. So, Guiana, I just got to play these sound cuts. These are fantastic. Guiana is near Venezuela, and Venezuela is not doing too well extracting oil, as you might expect. They're a communist country. Communists don't do anything well. And so Guiana has decided to start drilling, and they're doing very well with their oil. They've discovered all kinds of reserves, and some of it, I think, is in the ocean off of Guiana. And so this woke BBC host, I guess I'm repeating myself. They're all woke at the BBC. He goes over to interview the president of Guiana, and basically give him a lecture about how they should just leave all the oil in the ground, because it's good for seagulls, or polar bears, or penguins, or somebody. Again, it's a cult. It's superstition. So this host tries to lecture. Muhammad Irfan Ali, he's the president of Guiana. And he's just sitting there. My knee is owned business. I don't know if he knew things. If he thought things were on the level, it was like the BBC was still on the level, but of course, like all mainstream media everywhere in the western world, they're not. They're cult. So anyway, the guy hits him with a question, and Muhammad Irfan Ali, the president of Guiana, lights him up big time. This runs on, but it's great stuff. Cut 10. Let's take a big picture look at what's going on here. Over the next decade, two decades, it is-- - This is the 20th decade. - ... that there will be $150 billion worth of oil and gas extracted off your coast. It's an extraordinary figure. But think of it in practical terms. That means, according to many experts, more than two billion tons of carbon emissions will come from your seabed, from those reserves, and be released into the atmosphere. I don't know if you, as a head of state, went to the cop in Dubai. Let me stop you right here. Let me stop you right here. Do you know that Guiana has a forest forever that is a size of England and Scotland combined? A forest that stores 19.5 gigatons of carbon? A forest that we have kept alive. A forest that we have kept alive. Does that give you the right to release all of this carbon? Does that give you the right to lecture us on climate change? I am going to lecture you on climate change. I will lecture you on climate change. Go for it, Muhammad. Cut 11. Because we have kept this forest alive, that stores 19.5 gigatons of carbon that you enjoy, that the world enjoy, that you don't pay us for, that you don't value, that you don't see a value in, that the people of Guiana has kept alive. Guess what? We have the lowest deforestation rate in the world. And guess what? Even with our greatest exploration of the oil and gas resource we have now, we will still be net zero. Guiana will still be net zero with all of our exploration. Couple of points. There's still be net zero. No, no, there's no powerful words, Mr. President. I am not completed as yet. I am not finished as yet. I am just not finished as yet. Because this is the hypocrisy that exists in the world. We, the world in the last 50 years has lost 65% of all this biodiversity. We have kept our biodiversity. Are you valuing it? Are you ready to pay for it? When is it developed? Or is it paid for it? Or are you in the pockets? Are you in the pockets of those who have damaged the environment? Are you in the pockets, are you in your system, in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment, through the industrial revolution and now lecturing us? Are you in their pockets? Are you paid by them? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? 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Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? Are you in the pockets of those who destroyed the environment? ♪♪♪ Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios! 844-542-42. I just want to read you a few things about these electric trucks that the brand that administration is now promoting. The EPA chose Good Friday to roll out its burdensome electric truck mandate no doubt so fewer people noticed it would notice. This was the Wall Street Journal. Biden officials well know the damage they are doing, but it's damage in the name of climate change, and that's the point. The truck mandate is even more costly and fanciful than the passenger car mandate. EVs make up less than 1% of U.S. heavy-duty truck sales, less than 1% of nearly all are in California. EPA's rules will require electric models to account for 60% of new urban delivery trucks and 25% of long-haul tractor sales by 2032. The harm is predictable in return for no climate benefit. Start with the fact that no electric long-haul tractors are currently in mass production. Most electric trucks can't go more than 170 miles on a charge. They must carry lighter loads to avoid damaging roads, and how are they going to get across these bridges, as one of the textors points out? The bridges are already in trouble. They announced last week that 400 bridges in Massachusetts alone are at the end of their, quote-unquote, useful lives. So now they're going to put these giant trucks, heavy trucks, heavier trucks than Iran now. On there, fleet operators will have to use more trucks to transport the same amount of goods. This will increase the vehicle congestion, especially around ports and distribution centers. EPA says its rule will reduce pollution in environmental justice communities, environmental justice communities, near major truck routes. An electric semi consumes about seven times as much electricity on a single charge as a single home does in a day. Truck charging depots can draw as much power from the grid as small cities. This will require, all these additional charges will require major grid updates when there are already shortages of critical components such as transformers. Truckers estimate the EPA rule, this is mandating more electric trucks, will cost utilities $370 billion to upgrade their networks. On top of that, truckers will have to invest $620 billion in their own charging infrastructure. For those keeping, score at home, that's about a trillion dollars, just under a trillion dollars. Replacing diesel trucks with electric will cost the industry tens of billions of dollars each year. Truckers will, guess what, pass these costs on to customers, meaning U.S. manufacturers and retailers, which will ultimately pass them on to American consumers in higher prices. This is Biden's trickle-down economics. IRA tax credits, this is the environmental, excuse me, the infrastructure restructuring act. IRA tax credits for electric trucks aren't conditioned on the source of battery material, so expect most to come from China, China, which pays off the Bidens. That's the Biden's paymasters. Forget Ukraine. Chinese green technology manufacturers are already flooding the U.S. markets, and they're in the mandates and subsidies are the reason. EPA's press release highlighted laudatory statements from left-wing groups, including the hip-hop caucus, which claims to "use cultural expression to dismantle oppressive systems." You mean like work? So the administration is oppressing American businesses and consumers with a destructive regulation to curry favor with the hip-hop community. Such are this administration's priorities. Elections have consequences. Catastrophic elections have catastrophic consequences. TJ, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, TJ. How are you, Howie? Hope everyone's fine. All right, I'm waiting through Google and everything else. I see Vanessa Carey, John Carey's daughter, is with the world with who? The health organization is doing the same thing her father was doing for them. Now, for all these crazies out there, I hope the regular people understand what she's pushing and those people are pushing. You're going to need to start beating meat, dairy products, give up air travel, private car ownership, live in cashless societies, lab-grown or plant and insect-based food is what we're looking for, if that world economic forum comes with it. You will have nothing like it, TJ. That's what it boils down to. It's unbelievable how these people just let these things roll off their back. I know. The thing is, there's no basis for anything that they say, any positives that are going to be caused by this return to Stone Age living standards. It's not going to change anything except make life worse for the vast majority of people across the planet, but they don't care because it's their religion, TJ. In their own way, there was crazy as Isis or Hamas. They don't mind exterminating anybody in one way or another or at least reducing them to p-inage, anybody who disagrees with them. It's the same when you have a religion that's out of control. This religion is out of control, unlike Christianity. They want to say Christianity's out of control. Christianity is live and let live. Maybe it hasn't always been, but right now it is. Green is as destructive as Islam is. Thanks for the call. Ron, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ron. Hey, how are you happy for late at transgender day? Thank you. Same to you. And happy first anniversary of Dylan Mulvaney taking over Transizer Bush. Well, thank you so much. I'm not saying this against transgender people because I believe a lot of them are victims along with their families. Many of them have autism, but they're being deceived by these sociopath Democrats that are setting up an assembly line, a transgender assembly line, and Joe Biden is the groomer in chief. It's basically pronouns to scalpels. That's what they're doing. Did you see Ann Coulter's tweet on Saturday? It was very funny. No, I did not see it. She said, "They/them" is risen. Oh, geez. That was the funniest thing she said in a long time. Thanks for the call, Ron, 844-542-42. I don't think Biden just does anything that he thinks is going to keep him in the White House in power. When segregation was still somewhat in vogue in the Democrat party in the 70s, he was all with the segregationists. When they wanted to crack down on super predators, meaning urban criminals in the 1990s and crack cocaine as opposed to powder cocaine, he was all in on that too because he thought that was the way to salvation. When he thought stealing Bobby Kennedy's speeches were the way to get elected, he stole Bobby Kennedy's speeches. When he thought staying in power entailed denying Bobby Kennedy's son's secret service protection, he was all in on that too. He's just like some kind of low IQ predator. He just does whatever he has to do to stay alive. Now he has no IQ whatsoever, but he has these people that rely on him or rely on his power or are attached to his power. I'm not explaining it very well, but these are people who they prop him up as a figurehead so they can remain in power and they are a really sinister group of people. 844-500-4242, we will be eating bugs while they are eating filet mignon. That's the plan. That is the plan. 919, long haul truckers need to travel 500 miles a day to make money. The long haul truckers aren't going to be eating too much filet mignon, are they? They are going to be eating a lot of bugs. 978, I drive for mass to main every night for work. I drive just under 400 miles. The electric trucks would force me to do my run in two shifts instead of one. No thanks. No thanks. 508, the Ford F-150 only goes 90 miles while in tow. Those are facts. I believe you. 200 miles from Boston to New York City so you couldn't make a run in an electric truck. You couldn't make a run from Boston to New York City. You couldn't run a, just to cite an example, a load of seafood, a load of lobsters from Boston to New York. You would have to pull over in New Haven or Stanford to recharge, isn't that great? 844, 542, 5, another 508, if they can't put out electric cars that are on fire in 40 minutes like the Kia and Wayland on Saturday morning we were talking about, what are they going to do with tractors and trailers? How long is it going to be to put those fires out? Monique, you're next with how we car. Go ahead Monique. Hey, Howie. Thank you for talking about all this, including the impact art and new rules supposedly about trucks. I've taken a look at this, none of this is going to happen. It all would, a large part of it would depend upon the production of adequate batteries. Renewable energy requires massive batteries, especially for trucks, and it's not possible to produce them in any kind of, I mean, I don't know if they could ever produce enough, but it's certainly not in any kind of time frame like they're talking about. They can't produce enough electricity, even if they could produce the batteries. No, that's exactly. That's the other major flaw with this, is they can't possibly upgrade the grid as estimates that the grid has to have at least three times the current capacity to accommodate all of this. That's not physically possible. Yeah. I've got another story. I'll read it the next few days about it was from the Wall Street Journal too. They're doing a good job covering this kind of thing about how impossible it is to upgrade the grid. It's just not humanly possible. And you know what Monique, the worst thing, there's no need for this. We have plenty of fuel as the president of Guyana said, they're just going to make the environment worse by their religion. They're insane religion. How is this any different than the human sacrifices of the Aztecs? They're willing to sacrifice humanity for their goals. You know, how are they different from Montezuma? The note, they aren't. They aren't. They're insane. As the texter just pointed out, they're insane and they're driving me insane. Eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two, eight four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Howton of Perfect Smiles is a superb dental architect. When it comes to dentistry, he's the absolute best at what he does. He fixes your teeth, your smile, but what he really does is build a self-confidence of his patients. When you have a smile that you are proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and your personal life. The better you look, the better you feel and that helps every aspect of your life, every interaction you have daily. If you're not afraid to smile, every other part of life becomes so much easier. Summer will be here before you know it with weddings, cookouts, and family reunions to attend. You have the opportunity to smile with more confidence than ever before. Have you thought about Perfect Smiles for years but never called? Take care of yourself for once. You deserve it. Call Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire. They are conveniently located off Route 3 and they have plenty of parking. You can reach them at Dr. Houten's the best dentist I've ever been to and his dental hygienists are the best and now he's adding some new partners who are equally good at what they do. Check them out, Change your smile. Change your life. I'm Howie Carr. If you missed any part of the show, we've got you covered. You know what there is? This could be a podcast. Subscribe to the Howie Carr radio network on your preferred podcast platform and start listening to previous shows and exclusive podcast only features. It's actually not a bad idea. Howie Carr is back. Officer Mark says next up Brandon will mandate electric fire trucks, ambulances and police cruisers. First responders will have to call an Uber to finish the trip to the emergency location. Don't give him any ideas, Officer Mark. 339 says come on Howie, the tractor trailers will have diesel powered electric generators with a couple of hundred pounds of goods they are hauling. I mean this is just, I mean it's just not possible. So why are they doing it? I mean I guess, you know, but it's not like the people they're trying to appease are ever going to vote for Donald Trump. Maybe they're worried about him voting for Robert F Kennedy Jr. or for Cornell West or Jill Stein or whoever else is running on that side of the political spectrum. That must be it. But it's, what is, you know, they were all saying what is the world think of us? What do you, what do you think? Same people in other countries and not that there are many sane countries left. But I mean, Guiana has a sane president. Hungary has the same president. There are sane people left in power. What are they thinking when they see us doing these insane things earnest? You're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Ernest. Good afternoon, this issue with the electric trucks, it's, it's, it's, it's a boondoggle. It's a train wreck. It's not going to happen because they're between the weight issues, the infrastructure issues, the environmental issues. We need to call our representatives, state, local, whatever, or, or call OO IDA, the owner operators, independent association. They, they have representation in Washington DC for the truck industry. I mean, you can get, you know, this is not like, this didn't pass Congress. This is just a regulation by the EPA. It Congress is just like walked away from, you know, trying to get control of these rogue agencies and it, you know, when Biden's president, it's not a rogue agency. They're doing his bidding because he's controlled by these, these green cultists. I mean, this will put the owner operator, the small trucking industry out of business, out of business. You can't get someone that has two trucks with a, with a minimum, with a small margin of profit. No, I know people are, people are texting that that own trucks. They said, I can't, they're, they're saying that I've got two or three texts about it just in the last 10 minutes. They, they can't, you're right. People are truckers are stretched to the limit to make the payments on one vehicle, let alone two. It's not good. It's not going to happen. They're, they're, they're in fairytale land. I mean, you, I mean, God forbid you ever get an EMP, it's the last thing you want to be in an electrical vehicle. Right. And again, think of the fire, think of the fire. And again, remember that story in, in Wayland, the, the guy ran into a tree, he was in a kia, a kia, and the fire department had to take 40 minutes to put it out. And the guy was dead at the end of it. What if you had a, whatever the EV equivalent of an 18 wheeler, tractor trailer is, and it caught fire. What would, what if it happened on a bridge? What if it happened on the George Washington bridge or the Chesapeake Bay Bridge? What would happen? 844, 542. That's, um, it's two, seven, I just tuned in and have no idea what the conversation is about, but I can say with absolute certainty if Biden likes it, it's a bad idea. These are electric vehicles, electric vehicle, electric trucks, EV trucks. These are new regulations that were just issued on late good Friday afternoon. So there's another indication if it, if it was good news for you and me and everybody else in the US, it wouldn't be issued on good Friday afternoon at five o'clock. When we come back, we're going to talk with Turtle Boy about the latest, the Kenton Police Chief ran over somebody, believe it or not, and how we car. (dramatic music)