The Howie Carr Radio Network

Violin Please: Bubba, Barack, and Biden's Whine Test is Toast of Town | 4.1.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

While Grace was gone, Biden hit the town with big names like Barack Obama and Stephen Colbert. The Millennial with the Mic has to provide her two cents on the subject, so tune in!

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01 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio, it's the Grace Curly show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly show. Quite a few topics I want to hit here in this last hour and I did mention before we went to break the story about the illegal aliens who were released yesterday on what some people call Easter Sunday. If you're a traditionalist, they were released on their own recognizance yesterday. The judge said, "I think that there wasn't enough information," or, you know, "I don't have the exact quote here in front of me," but I thought that if you're released on your own recognizance, it's because you're low risk of fleeing, low risk of violence. I would say both of those boxes are not checked in this case, but there's more to the story when it comes to illegal aliens. You know what I was just thinking, Jared, it's a little bear with me here, but when it comes to this transgender day of visibility, it's an interesting, I have to assume that the White House, because they're constantly pandering. They're constantly trying to make people happy, and they're really trying to appease the far left radicals in their party, and so I have to think they think this is some sort of crumb or this is going to appease them in some way. But if you look at the percentage, the breakdown of people, this is a very small percentage of the population that Joe Biden thinks he's reaching out to, thinks that he's making happy with his proclamation, versus the Christians in this country, which there's a huge -- and the reason I say this is because when it comes to illegal immigration, I understand to a degree the idea that if you let people into this country and you give them all sorts of free things, that maybe down the line, you're hoping they'll vote for you, I get that calculation, but some of these calculations that he's making, like appeasing the anti-Israel protesters who are ruining Easter vigil, that to me is someone's calculators off here, someone needs to hit the refresh, because the math isn't mathing. Well, and you brought it up, too, with the proclamation that was not in the White House's Spanish website, because the vast majority of Central and Latin American countries are majority Christian countries in terms of faith, and they're very serious about it, so even if they're coming in, whatever illegally, if they're coming in from Central -- I know there's other places, but a lot of them coming in through Mexico, from Central America, those are more than likely Christians. Yes, and so if you're -- the first thing you do when you welcome them into your home is to, you know, as the guy said, spit in the face of their religion, as our last caller said, that's not a great ploy, because it's not a great play. You know, it's a little bit of a tried expression, but I do think it makes sense in this situation, which is, if you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for -- if you don't stand for anything, you'll fall for everything. And in this case, it's like, if you don't stand for something, Joe Biden is willing to bend in any which way to make these different portions of his party, these different factions happy, right? You know, he will do or say anything to appease people. And when you keep doing that, eventually these groups -- eventually you can't be all the same things at once. You know what I mean? Like, you can't be like you said so for the Hispanic community and also insulting them on a high holiday. It just, at a certain point, it's all collapsing in on itself, and that's what's going to happen. If you don't have your own set of beliefs, if you're not governing and making decisions based off what you think is the right thing to do, and you know what you could actually go back to here, you could go back to this Ritzy fundraiser they had on Thursday. I was on Fox this morning -- well, humble brag -- but I was very happy to be on this morning, and they were asking about the fundraiser with Stephen Colbert and Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. And now you have Jim Clyburn, Rokana, all these Democrats going on the lame-stream media and saying how the Democrats are unified. And I said, "Yeah, I think they're unified. They're unified in their desperation. They know how bad this is. They have to bring in Barack Obama and Bill Clinton because this is a disaster." They have this event on Thursday. And the stark, the appalling juxtaposition of this Ritzy, Hollywood, Radio City, you know, all these celebrities, Mindy Kaling, Lizzo, at this event, making Trump jokes, laughing at people, versus Trump, who's going to the wake in funeral. And the funeral of this NYPD officer, 31 years old, has a one-year-old child. He's -- this officer's now dead. His wife's a widow. So Trump's there. He's praying with the family. He's praying with the priest who married these two people before Officer Diller was murdered. And so you have this foil. And it's so glaring to anyone with half a brain. It's glaring. And so what the press is running with now is, "Oh, it's -- they raised $25 million." And I'm thinking, "Yeah, but Trump did what he knew was right." And I'm not trying to claim Trump's a saint. You all know that that's -- that's not a hill I'm willing to die on. But when do you start to go, "I got to do what's right?" This young -- this young guy is dead. He has a one-year-old son who's never going to know his father. And you're sitting around with Stephen Colbert, putting on your Raybans for the 400th time, making dumb jokes, rising out of the middle of the stage like you're a Backstreet Boy? You don't have any sort of compass. You're just doing whatever your handlers tell you to do. You're putting out proclamations for whatever they tell you. And there's nothing about this that comes back to your belief system. And so they raised $25 million. And right now, by the way, fundraising's all -- it's wonderful. When Joe Biden and Bill Clinton and Barack Obama raised $25 million with the help of Lizzo and Mindy Kaling, that's all great. This week, Trump's got a fundraiser in Palm Beach. They're expecting him to make $33 million. Jared, fundraising will go back to being evil. You're going to start hearing about dark money and things like that. And about three, two, one. Let's go. Trust me, once you start seeing that $33 million, they're not going to be as ecstatic about that as they are about Stephen Colbert, Stephen Colbert and Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. But they think that's wonderful. And I'm sitting here going $25 million. But I'll tell you right now, the visual for Americans of the former president standing with the widow of that officer versus the current president sitting next to Stephen Colbert, you know what that is? That's priceless. That's something you can't put a price on. $25 million, but at what cost? That's my question. I don't think they're calculating correctly. You know, I think as AOC would say, they're missing the forest for the trees. Now, speaking of this, I want to read you a little bit more about this because I was blown away. And I'm sorry, this is a little bit older, but it's worth it. It's worth it. It's from the AP, which I hope somebody at the AP is on the Biden payroll. Because if you're doing this kind of advertising, if you're doing this kind of ass kissing and you're not on the payroll, shame, shame on you, you're doing too much work. Let me read you a couple sentences from this joke of an article. Biden's NYC fundraiser with Obama and Clinton raised $25 million campaigns as the mood at Radio City Musical was electric as Obama praised Biden's willingness to look for common ground and said, that's the kind of president I want. Clinton said simply of the choices facing voters in 2024, stay with what works. Is this considered working? Is what we have right now considered you consider this working, sir? Sounds electric already. Moderator Stephen Colbert in an armchair conversation with the trio called them champion talkers and joke that the three presidents had come to town and not one of them is here to appear in court. A dig at Trump's many legal troubles. Speaking of legal trouble, speaking of legal troubles, doesn't Stephen Colbert have a couple of legal troubles after he was making fun of Kate Middleton, who has cancer? He thought that was a laugh riot. He alluded to Prince William having an affair. I think he's having a few legal troubles himself now. But I won't make jokes about it. The eye-popping fundraising hall was a major show of Democratic support for Biden at a time of persistently low poll numbers. Now, now we have record-breaking fundraising, eye-popping fundraising hall, electric. Do you think in Palm Beach this week when Trump raises, they're estimating over $30 million that that's going to get any of those words to describe it? Oh, no. That'll be modeling. Well, we even hear about it. Well, there'll be an article. It says during the nearly hour-long conversation, people were paying like thousands of dollars to watch. Can you imagine, Jared, to watch those three old guys in suits talk for an hour? That's the best use for that money. Honestly, if I were a Democrat, I would say I'll write a check, but I can't sit through this. I will write a check, but I can't watch this train wreck for an hour. Obama and Clinton explained just how hard Biden's job is. They spoke of loneliness. Can I get the violin, please? Obama and Clinton explained just how hard Biden's job is. They spoke of loneliness and frustration over policies that work, but aren't immediately felt by the public. They gave an insider's view of the office as they sought to explain why Biden was best for the job. Oh, you know what, Jared? So sad. The office has loneliness. It's a gilded cage, as Joe Biden once said. You know who I bet is really singing the blues for Joe and Barack and Bill? The widow of Officer Diller. I'm sure she feels real bad for you guys. Must be tough, right? Must be tough at Radio City with Stephen Colbert. Oh, it's really-- and by the way, I just want to say something here. Jared, can I get the, uh, no yelling ban lifted for a minute? Thank you. You wanted this job. Like, stop telling me how sad it is and how lonely it is and how bummed out you are and how nobody understands what a good job is. I don't give a flying, you know what, you wanted the job and I'll tell you something else, Joe. You claim to want it again. So if it's so lonely and it's so sad and you're not getting any of the credit that you deserve, the so-called credit for this utopia you've created, then don't run again. Otherwise, stop complaining. Self-pity. Sorry, Howie. I'm stealing it. Self-pity is not good box office. Sitting around with Stephen Colbert and a bunch of former presidents in whining about how hard you have it as there's a wake going on for an NYPD officer who was murdered by someone who had committed crime after crime after crime because of your policies was not put away. I'm telling you right now, you're not winning anybody over with that. Absolutely pathetic. They all want to complain about it's really hard. Nobody appreciates everything I'm doing. Nobody forced you into this. You want it. In fact, one of the guys on stage with you, Joe, I believe he was the one who said you don't have to do this. Do I have that right? You do indeed. So, what gives? I thought you were the guy for the job. I thought stay with what works. You're doing so well. What's up with this pity party? What is up with this whining? There's people who have a right to sing the blues because of Joe Biden, because of his policies, because of the destruction that his policies have wrought. There's people who have a right to sing the blues and I'm here to tell you, Joe, it is not you. You do not fall under that category. 844-542-42. I've got more from this. I've got some updates from the New York Times and I want to talk about this new plan in New York City, $15 million plan to provide free mental health services to illegal aliens. Just an update for everybody. I've said it before. I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, he is the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth and your smile, but what he really does is he builds the self-confidence of his patients. A smile, a great smile that you're proud of, it changes your whole life. It changes how you interact with people. It changes your confidence level and it just makes you feel good. When you feel good, everybody's going to benefit. Here's one thing I want to tell people. I noticed that the older I get, the more I notice, a lot of people put everyone else in their life ahead of themselves. They're so busy taking care of people that they think, "Ah, I don't have to do that. I don't have to call. I'll do that later." Take care of yourself. You deserve it. You deserve to be thought of and have a smile that you're really proud of and that's personalized to what you want and that's exactly what Dr. Houghton and his entire team can do. They're really wonderful. They love what they do and they're going to walk you through it at your own pace. Call Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire, tell them I sent you because you're going to want to do that and then they'll give word to me and say, "Hey, we saw so-and-so." They came in and it's just wonderful. You guys are going to love them. They're conveniently located off Route 3. They've got plenty of parking. You can reach them at That's Change your smile. Change your life. Be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is The Grace Curly Show. Some people don't know what I'm referencing with the stage. You should look it up. I can't describe it. So if you go to see like Destiny's, remember Destiny's Child is at the Super Bowl and they came up from the middle of the stage and it was like a hydraulic pin. And then they kind of jumped a little bit. It's hard for me to describe on radio. But that's what happened with Joe Barack and Bill Clinton, but it was like a slow rise up from the ground. And Aaron Chadborn, don't want to give him any more credit than I already have today, but he brought it to my attention and he said, "I think they did all that just to avoid Joe having to walk across the stage." And I'm like, "Yeah, I guess if you have the lift and you can avoid having to have him cross all the way through, then you should do that." But there was something odd about how still they were when it was rising up. Normally, it's a fast, it's like Taylor Swift, you know, you pop up, boom, boom. The lights change. In this case, it was just three old guys rising up from the ground, from the basement. Strange stuff. Zev, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Zev. Hi. If those three old guys were a bit smart, they could have upstaged Trump by saying, "We'll give a million dollars to the family of the police officer who was killed." Yeah. Then they would have, of course, they're not going to stoop down to that, but maybe Trump should do that when he has this fundraiser this week, and that will make the record straight. Yeah. And I had just, I had mentioned earlier, Zev, and it's a great point that you bring up that Dave Portner, who was all over Fox this past week, talking about how, you know, they sold a T-shirt on Barstool, raised $1.5 million. And he made the point of saying to Brian Kilmeade, "This is not going to fill the void that, you know, Stephanie, the widow of this NYPD officer, Jonathan Diller, it's not going to fill the void." And Brian Kilmeade came right back at him and said, "That's true, but when the music stops in the next couple of days, the bills keep coming in, and it does make a difference. Even if it doesn't change things, it does make a difference." And you're right. And something else I'd mention here, Zev, in this piece by the AP, I counted. And it's hard to tell because the way they have it set up, there's a lot of paragraphs that go with the photos. But I would say at least 20 graphs in before even a mention of Jonathan Diller. They're talking all about this big, fancy fundraiser in NYC. They finally get to the very end of the story. And they said, I'll read it to you, it says, "Trump was in the New York area on Thursday, attending the Long Island wake of a New York City police officer who was shot and killed during a traffic stop in Queens." 20 graphs into this, 20 graphs about Ray Bands and Stephen Colbert jokes, and they casually mention, "Oh, there's an NYPD officer's wank in funeral." Yeah, by the way, which 10,000 people attended. Something you might want to lead with, just that's just me being an editor here, something you might want to lead with. And also, it says, "The talk was by turns humorous and serious, ending with all three dawning sunglasses and the mostly dark music hall, a nod to the trademark Ray Bands sunglasses that Biden often wears." You know, it drives me crazy about Joe Biden? There's so many things. I don't like, you know that person who, it's like George Costanza, the person who always is trying to give themselves a nickname? Like, that's my thing, you know me. That's how the sunglasses feel at this point. It's like, I get that he wears Ray Bands. I get that he wears sunglasses. But is this how much of the bottom of the barrel we are, scraping, that that's supposed to be his thing? Oh, you know, Joe, he's always wearing sunglasses outside, like, okay, same here. Is that going to be my bit to the end of time that I wear sunglasses? I just think he needs a new stick. This isn't cutting it for me anymore. And now Bill Clinton and Barack are both wearing them. And listen to this. Listen to how much money this thing is. Your money got donors more intimate time with the presidents. I'll tell you right now, if there's one thing you can count me out on, it's intimate time with Bill Clinton and Joe Biden. Imagine that photo op. I would be like, all right, you guys stand up front, I'll stand back here, six feet to slow the spread. We don't need to be very close for this, okay? Hands up front, Bill. Yeah, please. I'm going to skip this. You can have the 100,000. I'm going to skip the step and repeat this time. We'll be right back with more. Take your calls. Don't go anywhere. This is Toby from Cape Gun Works. The Second Amendment is so important. Just like all other rights, the best way to keep any of our amendments alive is to come down and experience your right to keep and bear arms. Come into Cape Gun Works, try a range experience package or rent a gun on our wall and see if firearms are right for you. We have private lessons and date night every Friday. All of these activities don't require a gun license. Come into Cape Gun Works or go to and give us a shot. Live from the Aviva Tratria Studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today, for a show back after vacation. I think we covered a lot. But there's still a few more stories to hit. I want to talk about Nicole Wallace in just a second here. But before I get to that, NYC politicians, they're always coming up with great ideas. There's no shortage of great ideas. Now they're pushing a $15 million plan to provide free mental health services to migrants. Remember at one point, de Blasio, when he was running the city? I'd say things were better then, but it's all a blur. My image, when I think de Blasio, will two images? One is the Groundhog, which I don't believe was the true punks that Hani Phil, right, Jared? Because it was in New York. No, that was like Long Island viny or something. Yeah, and that was when the Groundhog bit his hand and then he dropped the groundhog. And then the groundhog, Jared, died. And I don't want to say de Blasio, I'm not into defamation here at The Grace Curly Show, but some people said, allegedly, that they felt that de Blasio killed that groundhog. That's just what, as Trump would say, it's just what some people say. I'm not saying it, but that's what some people say. They say, I walked into this place, I said, look at that groundhog, he's dead. And the other image I have of de Blasio is him and his wife in Times Square, when he cleared everybody out for COVID and they danced in the middle of Times Square by themselves. Now his wife, who I believe now he's separated from, he's dating some woman. He's always at a restaurant in New York City, canoeedling with his new girlfriend. His wife at one point was heading up a giant, I think, multi-million dollar mental health agency in New York City. I don't think much ever came from it. I think it cost a lot of money. I don't think we saw a lot of the fruits of that labor, but now there's an idea that newly arrived migrants, newcomers, to the five boroughs, may soon be able to visit with taxpayer funded therapists to get in touch with their feelings. Should a new city council proposal become law and why wouldn't it? Insanity rules the day in Gotham City. The Billwood station, mental health coordinators at all 218 city migrant shelters and run taxpayers on the low end, at least $50 million a year. It's another 15 million a year. Oh, so it's creating another hack sector. Got it. A whole new industry. The measure would require the mayor's office of community health to have at least one mental health coordinator at any location where refugees and migrants receive services from the city. On a serious note here, I'm very pro therapy. I think for a lot of people, I've gone to therapy. I think for a lot of people can be very beneficial. I think there's a lot of American citizens who could use mental health services. And I think it's something that people like to throw out after a disaster, after an atrocity, people have to say, "Oh, yeah, mental health problems are here." And no one ever actually wants to do anything about it because it's a broad issue. It would require a lot of work. So people just like to say it after the fact and then hope it goes away. But here we have an actual effort to use taxpayer money to hire these therapists for people who are just getting here. And meanwhile, we have all of these citizens and we have veterans, we have young people in this country who are crying out for help, who have such problems in their day to day life. You go on the subway in New York City and there's a mental health crisis everywhere you turn. But we're going to have therapists, taxpayer-funded therapists for illegal aliens. I mean, it's really, I mean, it's, what can I say, it's insane. And it brings me back, Jared, actually to that conversation that we were having a few weeks ago where people love to say on the left, it should be more specific. Members of the squad, for example. One of their big talking points is, well, American citizens actually commit more crimes than illegal aliens. And I was trying so hard for like an entire segment to put it towards why that argument doesn't make sense or why it doesn't do it for me. And someone just texted in and said, we have enough of our own knuckleheads to deal with. We don't need to be importing more knuckleheads. And I thought that's a good, that's a simple, regular way to put it. And I'm not saying anyone mental health issues, that's not how I'm trying to lump you in here. I'm just saying that there's a lot of Americans who have problems. There's a lot of kids now who don't go to school. I was reading today. I think it was in, Jared, correct me if I'm wrong, I think it was in D.C. where they're floating the idea of punishing parents whose kids don't come to school because there's such a rate of kids just, you know, marking kids absent. They don't even, they didn't even come back after COVID. But there's so much anxiety, there's so much depression and no one cares. No one cares about the American kids who were kept out of school for two years and then never went back. That seems to have fallen on the back burner. Now to bring it more locally, Massachusetts migrant crisis hits Cape Cod, the Yarmouth Motel is being accused of serving families for too long. This is from the Herald. More than 20 migrant families have called Harborside Suites and South Yarmouth, their home since last September. But the Town Zoning Board of Appeals has declared the motel has violated a local by-law that limits temporary stays to less than 30 days. Recently, we were also talking about this in Taun because the hotel, is it the Clarion? The Clarion Hotel, they're having issues too because they're packing too many people in, which is also going against zoning laws. But now, keep in mind, this were you. If you were trying to put an in-law in your house or if you were trying to add an addition onto your kitchen, these laws would apply. You'd be dealing with the town non-stop, you'd be getting fined. When it comes to this, it's like, really, no holds barred, nothing happens. And last but not least, this one's going to take me a little while to explain. It involves Nicole Wallace. Let me try to pull up, oh, here it is. Okay. So, there's a situation that has Nicole Wallace freaking out, which shouldn't surprise anyone. Typically, what I hear when I turn on MSNBC is, or NBC or CNN, it's a lot of talk about defending democracy. And I noticed that with Clyburn over the weekend. He was talking about this fundraiser and he said, "Oh, yeah, there are Barack and Bill Clinton and Joe, they're united. They're united in defending democracy." And it's such a vague expression that really, what it says to me is, "I'm throwing this out there. It's the last refuge of a scoundrel." I can't run on any sort of successful record of Joe Biden. So I have to run on this fear-mongering idea that another January 6 is brewing and that's why you should elect Joe Biden. They say, "Defending democracy." Now, on MSNBC, Nicole Wallace is freaking out for a different reason. And this has to do with gag orders against Donald Trump. I'm going to read directly from Red State because it gets a little complicated. The daughter of the judge presiding over Donald Trump's New York hush money trial, this shouldn't even be a trial in the first place. This one is so ridiculous that I can't believe it's even going on still. So the daughter of the judge presiding over Donald Trump's New York hush money trial has two significant Democratic clients who have raised over 93 million in campaign donations by fundraising off the criminal case. These clients, Representative Adam Schiff and the Senate Majority PAC are clients of authentic campaigns, a Chicago-based progressive political consulting firm, where Lauren Merchant, the daughter of Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchant, is president. Now, this from the New York Post, it says, "They told the spokesman, Stephen Chung, says the evidence of bias is even clear now. Authentic campaigns and thus the judge's daughter is actively making money from this sham attack against President Trump, rendering Judge Merchant conflicted out." Now, I no longer understand what a conflict of interest is because nothing seems to be it. Like, I thought Fannie Fannie Willis, I thought that was clear as day conflict of interest and apparently, the Fannie train just keeps on running. They said, "Oh, you just got as long as your boyfriend takes a step or your ex-boyfriend takes a step to the side, you can stay on the case." So I don't know what rises to the level of conflict of interest, but this would also seem like one. A conflict of interest is when the President of the United States is talking to a world leader in a country where he once had a hotel. That's a conflict of interest, Grace. Oh, thank you for clarifying, good sir. But Nicole Wallace is upset because Trump goes on truth social and Trump is talking about the daughter of this judge. But here's the weird part. At first, when I heard about this, at first I thought, "Well, let's play Nicole Wallace and then I'll explain." Here's Nicole Wallace. This is having a normal one. This is a typical day for her freaking out, melting down, cut six. So, you know, it's time to do something different, like we're not going to have this conversation again. I have come on the air with breaking news about requests for gag orders because of threats for judges and their kids more times than I could count today before I got ready. And Judge Lueg, I think it's time, I don't know who has to write the betters at the bottom of my show. I'm sorry in advance, but Donald Trump broke the rule of law. We should cover a broken judiciary in this country. Donald Trump managed to delay every federal criminal trial based on facts that he barely denies. Donald Trump managed to enlist the Supreme Court in a delay process, the highest court in the land. Donald Trump brazenly and repeatedly attacks not just judges. And I've had the privilege of sitting across, not just from you, Judge Lueg, but from Judge Esther Solis, whose son was assassinated by a crazy person. They just don't have Secret Service protecting them. They don't even always have, I mean, her child answered the door. What are we going to do different because Donald Trump sure as hell isn't changing. Okay. Now, I want to mention something here, the daughter of this judge. Not only, because if you heard that, Jared, you would think Donald Trump's attacking, keep saying this kid or this child, he's 34 years old. That's just number one. And number two is that you might not say she's a public figure, but she's spoken on podcasts about Donald Trump. Dare I say, once you enter the podcast realm and start talking about your dad, the judge, and Donald Trump and social media that he's allowed to respond, what is this new world we live in where everyone can say whatever they want about Trump? But if he responds, then it's like you're putting people in danger. How does that work? It's just like the first amendment applies to everybody except Donald Trump. Okay. So I want to play this. This is a cut. Again, this isn't like a recorded phone call. The daughter of this judge was on a podcast. And if you're wondering why she was on a podcast because she worked for, she was the director of digital persuasion for vice president Kamala Harris's 2020 presidential campaign. Wow, the definition of a private citizen, yeah, the persuasion, Jared, not a lot of people were persuaded in the case of vice president Kamala Harris because the 2020 presidential campaign actually ended in 2019. That's how non-persuaded everybody was, but let's leave that out of it for a second. This is what she had to say. We found the cut from this podcast. This is a flashback. This cut seven. So I've actually had a couple of conversations with my dad recently where he's kind of like I hate that politicians use Twitter and like it's so unprofessional. And you know, that's not how a politician should behave themselves. And I explain that like, yeah, I think there are a lot of instances where it is not used and like when our president tweets anything that he thinks. And like that's not what he should be using it for. Now, my only point here is I don't think you should say anything nasty about the woman. But I do think that you're allowed to point out if you're being, if you're the one at trial, I do think you're allowed to say, hey, this seems like this is a conflict of interest. Your daughter's working for Democrats, the Democrats she's working for or her company's doing work for are fundraising off of my hush money trial. Don't you think this is a problem? Everyone had to recuse themselves of everything when Trump was president. Oh, you spoke to somebody at a buffet. You got to recuse yourself. And now you've got judges whose daughters are working for Adam Schiff at a consulting firm for Adam Schiff, and they don't have to recuse themselves. And if you point it out, you're the one who needs the gag order. Today's poll question is brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a law firm with a proven track record of big results, whether it's family law, criminal defense or some other legal concern. Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more at Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is American Airlines is relaxing their in flight pet policy. Is this a good idea? No, I don't think so. 82% of the audience agrees with you. Nope. Not a good idea. Yeah. And by the way, this is, this is what Trump wrote. His daughter is a senior executive at super liberal Democrat firm that works for Adam Shifty Shift, the Democrat National Committee Senate Majority Pack and even Crooked Joe Biden. I mean, is that, what, what about, is that defamatory? It seems like it's true. Unless I'm missing a huge part of the story, it seems like that's just stating a fact. The Shifty Shift, that's a little bit of, you know, artistic license, but that's Trump. It's editorial. Yeah. Just a little bit. Listen up, everyone. You've waded through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March. And we are getting there. Every day we're getting closer. It goes back and forth. You're, it's a little bit like ping pong. You get closer one day and then boom, you're back to a little bit of cold weather. But that sun is coming. And with that beautiful spring weather, we're also going to get the pollen. We're also going to get the allergens. And especially when you're stuck sometimes indoors and you can't open the windows, it gets like this weird stale air, but that's where the impure thunderstorm comes in handy. And with the three pack, you can do what Jared does, have one in your house, one in your car, in one in your office or, you know, some area that you work in. It's the perfect way to keep your sinuses clear all day, to be breathing in that fresh air, and to not have to worry about that musty smell that sometimes hits you. Yeah. You know, you've had to have your windows closed all winter. I mean, unless you're really, really new Englander and you ever windows down on the winter, but you've had to have them closed. You finally get to open the windows. It's nice out. It's not raining. The last thing you want us to have to deal with all the pollen because it started already. It started early this year, and it's been really bad this year. That's why I keep the thunderstorm in my car. Every unit comes with its own USB cable, you plug it into the unit, plug it into the port in your car, and then you turn it on, you get that ionized air in the car. And that is what eliminates any allergens and pollutants. It also eliminates odors, even some viruses. So get your hands on the three pack special now, go to and use code grace three. That's code grace and the number three. Don't forget the code grace three. Today's car crossover is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC Fisher, GMC and Fisher plows from TuxTrucks, GMC Fisher and Hudson Mass. TuxTrucks GMC knows what's best for your needs as a business New England. Talk with a sales consultant at TuxTrucks GMC Fisher, call 1-800 MYTruck. We don't have the oyster bunny with us today. We do have howie car for the car crossover. And howie, I first want to start with, how many proclamations have you put up on the Howie Car website? I don't really put up that many proclamations. Proclamation is worth even less than a resolution, and a resolution is worth next to nothing. Now, if I put up a proclamation on your behalf and you didn't know about it, would that be a problem for you? If it insulted like 25-30, not probably more than half the country all told. You don't have to be a Catholic to be offended by that. No, it's ridiculous, but you don't think he's doing anything. He doesn't do anything. No. He doesn't know what's happening. No. You know, he, remember when he said, "We're going to have a ceasefire by the end of the weekend," that was how long ago was that a month and a half ago? He just announced that, right? Yeah. In Gaza. He just rifts. And then today he comes out and he says, "I didn't do that about the proclamation." And they say, "Well, do you want to respond to Speaker Johnson's claims that you did?" And I'm going, "Speaker Johnson's claims? What about the White House's proclamation they put up?" It's on the website. I was just checking it again because I wanted to get the, for the poll question, I wanted to get the actual phrasing of the American History Month. I had also got a proclamation along with Cesar Chavez's birthday and the transgender day of viability, visibility, but no Easter, no Easter. Not even a mention of the oyster bunnies. Yeah, the poor oyster bunnies. A lot of people are pointing out how he did the fried clam bunnies were no shows this year, which was probably a big bummer for you. It was. It was. And, you know, there are a lot of things, you know, soul bunnies. I like to over-solve, or gray-solve, for that matter, a snapper down here in Florida. The snapper bunnies. Howie, the mailer manager, likes the rainbow trout bunny, I think. That's her favorite. Howie Carr is coming up next. He's got a jam-packed show for you, and he's got Turtle Boy coming up, which you are not going to want to miss. I'll be back tomorrow, everybody, for our Tuesday program. I'm back, baby. (upbeat music)