The Howie Carr Radio Network

Breitbart's Rome Bureau Chief on Devout Catholic Joe Biden plus Pets on Planes, Oyster Bunny and El Paso Rioters Released | 4.1.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes Dr. Tom Williams, Breitbart's Rome Bureau Chief, to the show to enlighten listeners on Joe Biden's anti-Christian moves during Holy Week at the White House. Then, Emma Foley joins the show to share the response of Washington D.C.'s archbishop, Cardinal Gregory, to Joe Biden's "cafeteria Catholicism."

Broadcast on:
01 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. I'm so excited to be back. I've already had so much fun and we're only one hour in with a lot more to go. Thrilled, absolutely thrilled about our next guest. He's Breitbart's Rome Bureau Chief. He's a professor of ethics. He has degrees in economics, philosophy, and theology. He is here to discuss all of the current going ons at the White House and more. Dr. Tom Williams joins us now. Dr. Williams, thanks so much for coming on the show. Grace, it's such a pleasure to be back with you again. Thank you, Brad. I want to start obviously on Good Friday, the White House. At the time we were told it was Joe Biden's proclamation. Now he's denying it, but on Good Friday they put out this proclamation for the transgender day of visibility, which was on Sunday, Easter Sunday. This was met with obvious, I mean, to most normal people. They could see why this would be met with backlash. Dr. Williams, first before we get into kind of more of the details here, can you give us your reaction to this and why you think that as woke as things seem to have gotten, it still had such an impact with people, and there was such a reaction from Americans when they saw this proclamation. I think really, Grace, it's a question of Joe Biden and his administration being so ridiculously tone deaf. I think the problem is that even people who are basically on his side, they don't like to see him co-opting. Christian feasts like Good Friday, like Easter Sunday, especially when he himself is claiming to be a devout Catholic, and using it for something which completely subverts the tenets of Christianity in terms of its moral teaching. So to proclaim transgender visibility day to coincide with Easter Sunday, granted, they've been doing it on March 31st for years. It wasn't that it was chosen specifically, but in the proclamation itself, you've got little Easter bunnies on the proclamation. They well knew that it was Easter Sunday. He didn't have to do that, and it's just, I think people of good will basically look at this and say, "Why is he attacking some of our core constituency just as Americans?" People who really believe in our country, who love our country, why would he attack their faith? He wouldn't do that with Jews. He wouldn't do that with Muslims. He wouldn't do that with any other faith group. Why does he do it with Christians? And I guess he does because he feels he can get away with it because he himself is a Catholic, but everyone's irritated over this, and I think with good reason. Yeah, I think that's such a great point that you just made, and I never thought of it in that sense, is that because he feels like almost he has a Catholic card. It gives him carte blanche to kind of do what he wants or say what he wants because you're right. He feels the same way about being Irish. He can go to Ireland and talk about how he doesn't drink and no one in his family is in jail. I might be Irish, but I'm not stupid. He can insult the Irish people as much as he wants, and he feels as though he's Teflon in that sense. Now, what's interesting, Dr. Williams, is that the Archbishop of D.C. has come out, called him a cafeteria Catholic on CBS's Face the Nation, and the reason I want to talk about this a little bit is because sometimes when I see whether it's Christian leaders or people in that community that are starting to realize just how watered down this religion has become, especially under Joe Biden, I kind of feel like this has been happening for a very long time, and whether we're talking about the Pope or other people, they've kind of been okay with ushering in this watering down of Christianity, and now they're acting surprised that something like this happens, and they're offended, but have you noticed that that we've kind of been seeing this happening for a while? Oh, absolutely, and the case you mentioned right now, Cardinal Wilson Gregory of Washington, D.C., is a Democrat, and he was pro-Biden all the way. He's been a severe critic of Donald Trump, but I think he feels like his back has been so pushed against the wall, and he has to say something because his own, again, constituency is up in arms over the fact that Joe Biden is spitting in the face of Catholics, and I think he really felt obliged to say something, and granted, he couched in all the typical language of, you know, like many Catholics, he's a cafeteria Catholic, picking and choosing what he likes and what he doesn't like, but he had to admit the fact that Biden and so many issues is completely, you know, opposes Catholic teaching on things like in the first place abortion and the sanctity of human life in the second place gay marriage. The third place, and very recently, and he pushes this so hard, he said, you have gender affirming care, even for minors, and without parental consent, he really believes that boys can become girls and girls can become boys, and, you know, a lot of Catholics, even if they are liberal, draw a line at that and say, whoa, whoa, whoa. You know, I mean, even LGBT people that I know, the key part is trouble for them. They even, they say, yeah, you know, we believe in people, you know, they go to bed with you, they want, but, you know, boys are not girls and girls are not boys, and I think that Biden has made this such a front and center position for himself that he's drawing a lot of flag, and rightly so. Yeah, and I also think that now he's coming out and saying, well, I didn't do that. I didn't put out that proclamation. I mean, Dr. Williams, putting on a proclamation about this on four Easter Sunday is a big deal, and the fact that somebody else is doing it in the White House and not even addressing it with him and not kind of, you know, getting his sign off on it, that's also concerning. Well, that's just cowardly. I mean, I think to not own what your administration is doing on your website, I mean, if you really care, you'd say heads are going to roll, I'm going to lay out, you know what I mean? I mean, you could really make a stand, but the fact is that everything about that proclamation was completely in, corresponded to everything that Joe Biden has said and stood for during his entire presidency. So there's nothing about it that is in any way a subversion of what he stands for. And, you know, to suggest otherwise, I think it's being a coward. And he has to own what his administration is and stands for and what he himself has said in the past. Yeah, a way I would put that is it's on brand for Joe Biden. You know, it tracks with his previous record. I'm speaking with Breitbart's Rome bureau chief, Dr. Thomas Williams. We're so excited to have him. The other thing I wanted to ask you about is because you mentioned how they have the Easter Bunny on top of this proclamation and one of my coworkers, Emma, who's going to join us later to talk about this, she brought up the fact that it's a weird thing now where it's fine to focus on that. It's fine to focus on the more commercial aspects of Easter, the eggs and the candy and the Easter Bunny, but nobody really wants to focus on the actual point of Easter, the actual tradition, the actual message. I'm curious if you noticed that because yesterday I was watching some of the morning shows and it's almost like taboo to talk about the religious part of Easter. Well, the White House actually forbade it for their annual Easter egg roll. They would not allow people to come in with overtly religious messages. And I mean, Christmas is already has become completely secularized and OK, we've got Santa Claus. We've got so many symbols of this that are not overtly Christian, even though it celebrates the birth of Christ. But Easter is a quintessentially Christian holiday. It's like taking, I mean, it's like taking Ramadan or it's like taking any of the high Jewish holidays and saying, well, this is just, we're going to make it secular. It's not, Easter is about the direction of Jesus Christ following his passion, following Holy Thursday, good Friday. You can say, we don't want anything overtly religious, you can just bring bunnies and wear green and pink. It's ridiculous. I mean, it's really denying the fact of, you know, the same way that he denies the science in transgender ideology, he denies the religiosity, which is the base of Easter. And so he wants it both ways, but he can't have it both ways. And you think that as a Catholic, he would say, all right, this is something that for us, as for the Biden family, it's very important being Christians. And everybody would love them for it. Nobody would say, like, oh, you're trying to, you know, institute a confessional religion. And I'd say, no, it would just be, okay, yeah, that's what you are. And a lot of Christians celebrate that. Easter is not even really a national holiday. It's a holiday for religious people. It's not like Easter. Sorry, it's not like Christmas where, you know, it has become a complete secular holiday. Why not just own that and get the goodwill from people, but he will not do it? He just steps away from its faith every chance he gets. And honestly, for believing Christians, I think it's extraordinarily frustrating. Yeah, you're right. I can see, you're absolutely right. I could see the headlines now. If he were to do that, it would be like, well, we all know how devout a Catholic Joe Biden is. He goes to church every Sunday. They would write it up and they would add all this, you know, extraneous detail to make them look good. One other thing I wanted to ask you about, Dr. Williams, is about the protest that occurred yesterday at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Anti-Israel activists showed up to disrupt the Easter vigil mass that was being held. It actually didn't happen yesterday. It happened Saturday afternoon. It was the Saturday afternoon mass. I would love to hear your take on that. Well, this is, I mean, this is something that is also going to continue. I have a feeling. It's very worrisome. I mean, the whole kind of Palestine versus Israel lines being drawn in the United States and a refusal to take a stronger stand with Israel that was, you know, as we know, was the recipient of that initial aggressive lethal attack. And it's now, you know, you can argue details of the response, but you can't argue the basic core of what is going on. Where Israel is defending itself against something which was a heinous, horrendous attack. And there are still all these hostages being held. And so this is playing out in churches. And, you know, the funny thing is, too, you have Christians who are denying their Jewish roots that are coming out now and saying, you know, this is not as we are. We are with Palestine. It's ridiculous. And this is a moment to really stand with Israel. And I've not always said that. There have been moments where I would question what Israel has done. But at this moment, I mean, it's very, very clear. And even Pope Prince himself on this, I think, has been a little wishy-washy. He always looks like on both sides of every question. And I think that it's just going to blow up really in his face in the face of other leaders who will not take a stand on this. Yeah. And a lot of people pointed out on social media. And I did think it was a valid comparison. They said, can you imagine if, for example, Trump supporters showed up at a mosque and disrupted it and had to be hauled away? I mean, they would be in prison, Dr. Williams. Well, yeah. I mean, this is the other thing. I mean, the moment of choosing a solemn -- something that for Catholics is a sacred moment. I mean, this is something that is -- it should be off the table. I mean, there's a way to protest, no matter what your beliefs are, no matter what it is that you feel strongly about. There's a way to do that and a way not to do that. And this should, in my mind, draw a universal condemnation simply as you say for the way it was carried out. I mean, it's not -- I mean, I would argue, you know, the motive behind it and the position. But even second of that, because everyone has a right to protest, even if you're something that I completely disagree with, you have as much right as I do. But there's a way of doing that that is okay and a way of that that really crosses a line. Yeah, it does deserve universal condemnation. And I can assure you, it will not get that. Dr. Tom Williams, we thank you so much for coming on the show. It's been a while since we had you on. I hope we have you on a lot sooner. Dr. Can you let people know where they can follow you on social media and where they can read all of your pieces? Sure. On X-former Twitter at T.D. Williams-Rome, and I have a website, Thank you so much, Grace. Lovely to be with you, as always. Excellent. Thank you so much, sir. We appreciate it. When we come back, we'll take your calls on this. We are going to talk to Emma Foley in just a little bit about all of these topics regarding Easter Sunday, regarding this proclamation from the press. I just saw the oyster bunny was at the podium. Not sure how many questions he or she answered. My question would be, what's it like? What's it like running this ship? What's it like being in charge? What's it like being on top, Mr. Oyster Bunny? But I don't think the Oyster Bunny was able to answer that many questions. When we come back, we'll take your calls. It's 844-542-42. Octions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man. Octions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities. But it's funny because a lot of people don't realize that auctions can be a great way, a competitive way to sell your real estate. So just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price or your neighbors listed their home in a certain way, it doesn't mean you have to. You can do something different. Now, just because it's different doesn't mean it's not time-tested. JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate and it began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976. So what are some of the main benefits? There are too many to name here. We'd be here all day, but I'm going to give you a couple. There are no contingencies. 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Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly Show. All right, people are weighing in on American Airlines. They're relaxing their policies for furry friends, their pet policy. They're making it cheaper, really, to fly. This is what it says in the New York Post. A beautiful dog. A talented dog. I actually saw it when I was at the airport. There was a guy and he had a dog in one of those old bags. He was very cranky, this man, and he kept -- I think the dog's name was Luann. And he kept saying like, "Shh, Luann!" and kind of nudging it with his foot. I was like, "Come on, be nice to the dog. We're all here. We can see you being mean to this poor pup. He's just been on a flight for however many hours. He's probably stressed out of his mind. The longest man, he'll kill cats. Yeah, it was a little bit of a kick, you might say, kick the dog. Under the new policy, pet carriers will no longer be counted as carry-on bags, meaning travelers may be allowed to board the plane with their precious pet cargo plus an additional piece for just the $150 pet fee. Previously, passengers who boarded with a pet were allowed only one additional personal item, a bag small enough to fit under the seat for the $150. Carry-on pets are dependent on breed and size and are limited to cats and dogs that meet the requirements per the policy. They said we made the change to provide a more convenient and comfortable experience to customers whose pets fly American. So our poll question is brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results, whether it's family law, criminal defense or some other legal concern, Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is American Airlines is relaxing their in-flight pet policy. Is this a good idea? I'm going to say no. I don't have a problem. If you want to pay the higher fee, if you want to bring your precious pet with you, I do not fall too for that. You shouldn't be punished, but I don't think we should be incentivizing this flying with animals. I think it could become quite a zoo. Some of the textures are saying I'd rather fly next to a dog than a kid. That the children are more of a nuisance than the dogs, but people tend to have less options when it comes to just, you know, I guess maybe. I guess it's the same amount of work to find someone to watch your dog or your child. But I'm still going to say no. I think this is a slippery slope. 82% of the audience now agrees with you. They say no. They say no. Oh, wow. I wasn't sure because, you know, people get about their pets. People feel really protective. They want to bring them with. They want to go on the planes with them. And you know what I would say? If the guy next to me has a dog, I don't have an issue with it, but I think I should get a little bit of a discount. In the same way, I think people who offer to go in the middle, who choose the middle seat, they should get a discount. Because the middle seat, I was on the middle seat to Florida and back, and there's just, there's nothing good there. There's nothing good about the middle seat. When we come back, we are going to talk to Emma Foley, and also we are going to get to the story about the illegal aliens, arrested on the southern border after that riot, where they kind of ran through the fence, ran through the guards there, and they've been released by an El Paso judge. That also happened yesterday on Easter/Transgender Visibility Day. We'll be right back with Emma Foley. Don't go anywhere. ♪♪ ♪♪ Live from the Aviva Thratria Studio. ♪♪ Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. I should mention here, we're getting a lot of text about this poll question regarding whether or not it should be easier for people to fly with their pets. One person is pointing out that if you have allergies, as Jared does, are there going to be different sections for people? But that's what I don't understand, because I see pets sometimes on planes and those little bags, those little totes. And I don't think they're asking everyone, "Hey, do you have an allergy?" They're just assuming it's a small enough dog where it's not going to affect you. But then this also brought up the conversation in the green room about the smoking sections of planes. And Jared, back in your day. Yeah, the entire plane was a smoking section. It was like mad men up in the skies. It really was. I mean, you know... That's crazy. So people were just smoking on the plane. It's smoking indiscriminately up until 1990, when U.S. domestic flights under six hours banded. But actual full-on smoking was not banned until 2000. So back when I was a kid flying, there were cigarettes everywhere. It wasn't a big deal. You had your goggles and your scarf and you were just like, "Your head was above the biplane." So there's no problem. Yeah. To confound Jerry at every turn. But we got it done. But you were also mentioning that restaurants, that also changed when you were in your mid-30s. Yes. Yes. I remember restaurants when they didn't have smoking sections and then when they started to designate smoking sections. You know, it must have been such, because I thought... The first two cars actually had ashtrays in them. I remember when one of my parents' cars had an ashtray in it. But you know how we always talk to Howie about how one day, one day, if you ate meat on Friday, it was a mortal sin. You were going to hell. And then the next Friday, they just changed it. The Catholic Church just said, "Oh, actually, it's not a mortal sin. You know, it's not good, but you won't go to hell." That day was probably so stark for people. It was such a severe change. I have to imagine that when they decided, okay, maybe they phased it in, Jared, I don't know. But when they decided, oh, no, you can't smoke in here anymore. You have to go outside for people who love to smoke cigarettes. That must have been such a big decision. Now I have to go out and people do. I've seen it. People will make the trek. But at the time, it was probably like, damn, seriously? You get used to smoking in the booth and then obviously you have to go out in the rain? Yeah. I mean, it really was just pretty much an arbitrary starting point of, hey, you can't do that anymore now because secondhand smoke was one of the big boogie men of the '80s and the early '90s. I worked at an outdoor beer garden and we had a designated smoking section. It didn't really make sense on a windy day, but yeah. I always think like I hate being cold so much. I hate it. And my grandmother was a big smoker. A lot of people in my family smoke. And in like the coldest days, we'd have a Christmas party. It'd be so freezing outside. They'd be out in the porch smoking. And I was like, I just don't know. I get that it's addicting, but at what cost? Eventually don't you get chilly? You want to come inside? So it keeps you warm? I guess. Emma Foley joins us now now. It's like a smokey hug. We're not promoting smoking, by the way. Emma Foley joins us now and she wanted to come on here to talk a little bit about the transgender day of visibility. I also thought you'd be a great person to remark on this year, a theology major. You're an expert on a lot of these things. And so let's get into it, Emma. People immediately hear about this proclamation, which by the way, now Joe Biden is saying he had nothing to do with, which is strange. And they're offended. They feel like as Dr. Thomas Williams put it earlier in this hour, that Easter Sunday was co-opted by this other day. Give us your response. I think they know exactly what they were doing. Whether it was Joe Biden, we don't know if he's all there or not. But I think that whoever put this out knows exactly what they were doing. This is the 15th anniversary. It's been happening since 2009, but they knew that someday it would land on Easter Sunday. And the fact that the proclamation went out on Good Friday, which is the most solemn day of the Christian calendar, that's a double whammy. So they're hitting it, they're hitting it on Easter and they're hitting it on Good Friday. Now Joe Biden's saying, "I didn't do that." And so someone in his camp, and I actually believe him. Like whenever he says, "I didn't know about that," I do tend to believe him. It's Occam's razor. It's like, "Okay, I don't think he's clever enough to now back away from it." I think he's cowardly enough. But in this situation, I can't imagine, you know what? It's like being the staffer who has to explain that to him. That would be a whole day of work in itself. Like we got to sit down with this whole guy and go, "Hey, so we're putting together a statement and it's going to fall on Easter Sunday." They're not doing that. They're just typing it up and sending it out. But even if they did sit down with him, I'm sure he'd say, "Oh, that's okay. Like whatever they need, whatever they need, like pandering for the vote, even if it's diametrically opposed to your faith." He's Catholic Joe, devout Catholic Joe, rosary beads in the pockets all the time. Like this doesn't really fly with the Catholic church. Yeah, I want to read you the tweet from Javier Becerra, the HHS secretary. So a lot of his tweets, they get like a couple hundred likes maybe, people respond. He put out a tweet about Happy Easter, a few responses here and there. This tweet, this is what the kids call, "ratioed." Got 242 likes. It got over 3,000 replies. I'm going to read it to you. Today I'm thinking about, I'm just going to read the first sentence. Today I'm thinking about our country's great transgender, non-binary and two-spirit leaders who epitomize resilience, progress, and joy. Emma, I'm not even familiar with two-spirit leaders. What is that? Relatively new. I mean, it's been around since like the 90s. Some woman had a dream and then she kind of ran with it and now two-spirit is some sort of indigenous take. They was added to the alphabet of, "Oh, okay, okay." So that's what he's sitting there. Okay, now we also have the Archbishop of DC who responded, "Give us a little bit of information on this before we play the cut." So I took a look into this guy's past because he's the Archbishop of DC and they're strategic where they place their Cardinals and Archpishops. So Cardinal Wilton Gregory, he's pretty progressive on some issues. You're not going to agree with him 100% if you are a traditional Catholic. He restricted traditional Latin Mass, which is a big, big conversation right now, to only three locations in the DC Archdiocese. But something that comes up time and time again is, "Should we deny communion to Catholics that are defying their faith in the public square, such as Nancy Pelosi, Joe Biden?" He did not comment on that. He said he would continue to give communion to them. You're not going to agree with Cardinal Gregory on everything. He probably aligns with Joe on some ideas. He might be an ally with Joe on some things. He might not love Donald Trump, for example. But he joined CBS Face the Nation and totally, totally denounced Joe Biden on this issue. And we have it right here, cut 10. I would say that he's very sincere about his faith. But like a number of Catholics, he picks and chooses dimensions of the faith to highlight while ignoring or even contradicting other parts. There is a phrase that we have used in the past, a cafeteria Catholic. You choose that which is attractive and dismiss that which is challenging. See, and you know, I'm glad that you played this, Emma. I'm glad that Tom Williams from Breitbart brought this up because it feels like even in this interview, which he's clearly doing to denounce Joe Biden. As you said, he's still being so gentle about it. And he's still so afraid to tick off the left or to seem like he's being too harsh. And then these same people like the Archbishop of DC, they wonder how we got here. Right. So there's been decades of watering down the Catholic faith, especially in the United States. You see massive growth in Africa and in other countries where people are joining the church. But in the United States, people are leaving. And people have been doing this for decades. The progressive, the weak Catholics continue to water down to be nice. And being nice is not going to bring people in. And you're actually seeing attacks on Catholic churches totally go ignored. 407 attacks against Catholic churches in the United States since 2020. You saw there was a scandalous quote unquote funeral at St. Patrick's Cathedral about a month ago. And there was another thing with Sabrina Carpenter, that musician. Yes, there was a music video in the church. It's like, it's the only religion. And I guess you could say Christianity as a whole is the only thing where it's like being Irish. You can, it's no holds bar. There's no limit to what you can do. And people aren't supposed to be offended. And they say, weak men create hard times and good times, great week men. And you have that back and forth and you're seeing that in the church right now. And we're seeing people come to the Catholic church seeking that tradition. But we are weak from decades of just watering down the faith. Yeah, really well said. Emma Foley, thank you so much. Do you want to promote anything on the site right now? You can go to the site and check out Howie's latest columns and follow me on X formerly Twitter at Emma Foley Media. And if you missed it, this is just a little bit of local news for you. There's a big break in the Karen Reed case and Howie's going to talk about it today with Turtle Boy. But just to give you a little bit of a tease here, this is from his Twitter earlier today. Scandalous new revelations involving Canton PD cops targeting Karen Reed. Per Turtle Boy news, Canton police chief Helena Rafferty struck a 67 year old pedestrian wearing a yellow reflects a vest in a crosswalk and rent them on February 16th, a Friday night, seven weeks ago. So as Emma said, check out the Howie Car website for all of that and also follow him on Twitter. Follow me on Twitter, follow Emma on Twitter. And you should be all set. Thank you very much, Emma Foley. I want to hit one other story here before we go to break. And I had mentioned this before. So before I left last week, there was a big story about illegal aliens who rushed the border. They took Joe Biden's debate advice and they surged the border. And it was shocking video. It first really started going viral on social media. The New York Post had it and it was a video, mostly males, mostly adult men. And they were charging the border and it was a riot. I think that'd be the best way to describe it. Well, according to the post presiding magistrate judge, Humberto Acosta ruled during a bond hearing that the illegal aliens, they say migrants in the New York Post, charged with riot participation would be set free following the shocking riot along the Rio Grande 10 days ago, according to the El Paso Times. It is the ruling of the court that all of the rioting participation cases will be released on their own recognizance, Acosta stated during the virtual conference. Now when you release people on their own recognizance, Jared, it typically is because you think they're low risk of causing harm or fleeing. Here we have people who were causing harm by surging the border and running over these border patrol guards. And also, I would say if you're breaking into the country illegally, you're at risk of fleeing. You might not have the most incentives to stay put. Wow. Somebody's wearing their mega hat. That was going to be my other thing. If these people, if these people that were surging the border, sir is the border, is by and said, we're wearing mega hats. They might be rotting in a prison for the next 10 years. And the capital Gulag in the basement. Yeah. There's different riots mean different things in 2024. That's really something to keep in mind here. And you could use that mega hat theory. I know it's a little bit old. It's a little cliche. You put mega hats on those rioters at St. Patrick's Cathedral and you put a mega sign up there. Again, get the Gulag ready. We've got new people to put in. We got, we got new people joining the crew. But if you are part of the far left, I mean, you don't even get brought in. You don't even get charged with anything. I think we've seen their cognizance. Do we really need to release them back to it? Yeah. No, it says court officials also said migrants will remain detained if a federal immigration hold is preventing their release, according to the newspaper. Well, here's hoping, I guess, fingers crossed, but it's absolutely. And then you, you, you point these things out and you're told, oh no, there's not, there's no two systems of justice here. There's no double standards. Emma just said this. I mean, you have people who feel as though they're constantly the target of discrimination based off the fact that they're Christian and the White House thinks that's ridiculous. The New York Times, I read you a story earlier, they think that's ridiculous. But is it? I mean, Merrick Garland does very little when a church has graffiti all over it or if someone's attacked at a church, but he will send an under undercover agents to these Latin masses to try to figure out what all of the Catholics are up to. Those church attacks happen at night, Grace, what do you want them to do? It's dark out. It's dark. Blame it. You know, that song, Blame it on the rain, blame it on the nighttime, I guess. When we come back, we'll take your calls 844-542-42, the Nossip Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. I've been on the email chain with Dave from Nossip Beach Inn. I'm going to book my stay there very soon. I'm so excited to check it out because Jared, you're a little bit braggadocio about this. You come on here every day. You talk about how much you loved it and I'd even say I proclaim how much I enjoy the Nossip Beach Inn. Somebody wrote a proclamation and put you on the site. How much you love it? Jared Diggly will proclaim on this day the Nossip Beach Inn is fantastic and you're going to love it, too. Speaking of night, the stars in the sky, the moon rise right on the beach. It's incredible. The sunrise is fantastic. My wife and I, we loved sitting by the fire pits drinking our morning coffee and watching the sunrise. They're pet friendly. You can bring your pets. There's hiking trails, so there's stuff to do around there. You can just stay in your room and be cozy. Every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window so you get the views inside. It's a small, I think there are 12 rooms, so it's a small inn, but so you get to mingle a lot with the other people there so you can meet some great people. You can have a good time around the fire pits. You can even cook out. If you want to, you can walk the beach. It's pet friendly and Dave was on last week talking about the graces goodies and the dates are selling out, so if you want to get on these rates and you should get on these rates, get on them now. Yeah, right now you can book your April State of the Nossip Beach Inn from 249.99 at night and this May rates from 259.99 at night, so don't delay. Go to That's We will be right back with more This is the Grace Curly Show. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gunworks. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the Grace Curly Show. Thanks everybody and by the way, say hello to Orrsterbunnies. Come on up, buddy. Get up here as I can see you. I just got the best treat of all time. He goes, oh man, I wish it was the fried glam bunny. That's how he's favorite. How he likes the fried oyster bunny, too. Is there a tartar sauce bunny? The possibilities are endless. David, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, David? Grace, is there the bishop say that Joe Biden was sincere about his faith? Well, I find that a little bit confusing because look up sincere and it says, "Unadulterated," so if you're cheating on your wife and you're sincerely cheating on her, isn't that adultery? So the thing is, Joe Biden is defying, you'll think he should see her about. He's adulterated everything about the Catholic church. He goes out, he's endorsed an unborn, aborting the unborn. He's defying, he's sincerely defying the tenets of the faith. He wouldn't do to Muslims yesterday what he did to Catholics and Christians. He's mocking and spinning in the religious traditions and spinning in the face of Jesus by doing what he did yesterday. But he said he didn't do it, David. That's the craziest part. They come out with this proclamation and he told, I don't know if it was a gaggle of press people or what, but he said today, I didn't do that when asked about this proclamation. So now they're saying, "Oh, the power invested in me." Yeah, he's on the site. Here's the craziest. I always used to say about Joe Biden, that he will claim that he didn't say things that we have on video. I used to think it was nuts when he would say, "Someone would bring up something he did 30 years ago. You said this 30 years ago in the floor of the Senate and he would say, "No, I didn't." I thought, "Okay, well, maybe he thinks there's not video. Maybe his concept of time has gotten a little blurred. He doesn't understand that there's a record of these things." But now he's saying he didn't do things that he literally did like four days ago on the White House website that says, "I, Joseph, Robert Ebb, Biden, Jr., Proclaim, X, Y, and Z." And he's coming out and saying, "It wasn't me, it wasn't me." And I just, nobody's really pushing back on it. People just go, "The press just goes, 'Okay, never mind then. Sorry. We're stupid. It's where embarrassed here. It's bonkers." Yeah, I came out of the adultery, but I got a Corvette out of it, Jack. He's sincere in some ways. He's sincerely ridiculous. I think he's like I always say, Jared, he's a phony, but he truly believes his own BS. He really does think that he was raised in the Greek Orthodox Church and the Puerto Rican community and the Jewish area of New York. All these things, I bet if you put him on a lie detector test, he'd pass because he's just that crazy. I'd rather just put him on the EKG and see if his heart's beating. We'll be right back. Don't go anywhere. It's the Grace Curly Show. [music] (upbeat music)