The Howie Carr Radio Network

"I didn't do that": UH OH- Biden Backtracks on Proclamation | 4.1.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Have you ever released a proclamation? If you did, would you make sure that the part about the "power vested" in you to proclaim such a proclamation were accurate to your beliefs and desires? Joe Biden alleges he had no parts of this "proclamation" that declared March 31—to many, Easter Sunday—as Transgender Visibility Day.

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01 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone. Welcome back. This is not Naperal Fool's prank. It is true. I have returned. I'm so excited to be here. I'm pumped. Really pumped. I just said to Jared, the only thing I'm worried about is that my mouth won't be working as fast as I hope my brain is working. Because there's just so much going on. And I say that every time I'm here, but I took the week off and man, it was a whopper of a week. Let me start by saying, number one, I hope everyone had a lovely and peaceful Easter weekend. I hope you celebrated with friends and family. I hope you took stock of what really matters. I hope that if you celebrate, you were able to go to church and enjoy that. And there wasn't any protests at your mass, any extinction rebellion protesters. And I also want to start by thanking my fabulous villain host, Aaron Chadborn, Maine's very own Aaron Chadborn, tens across the board. The reviews were great. Honestly, a little for me, a little too good. I was getting a lot of like, you know how Emma greeted me this morning? I said, "Oh, Emma, did you guys miss me terribly?" And she said, "Yeah, sure." And she said, "It was definitely quiet when you weren't here." Which I took as, you know, I talk a lot. And then she says this, which was really a punch of the gut. She was, Aaron's very likable. Ouch. I go, "Yeah, no, I know. Yeah, he's my friend." And she goes, "Oh, he's really funny. He said a lot of things that made us laugh in the green room." I'm like, "All right. All right. Thank you very much. See you later." No, but everybody loved Aaron. He did a great job. And that's cool. That's cool. I'm cool with it. That's okay. No problem here. Also, thank you to Jared, Emma, the whole team at Howie Car Radio Network, holding down the fort, per usual. And let's get right into it. Okay, so there was no shortage of news last week. I told Jared, I said, "What a, maybe better, what's the best way to start off?" Or maybe you might say the worst way to start off. I'm going to sing. I'm going to sing a little song. All I could think about with all the news, Jared, was we didn't start the fire. And so here's my best thing, okay. SPF 25, truth, social on the rise, Rona out at NBC, transvisibility. We didn't stop the fire. I'm like, "Do I treat you?" Nice. Yeah, pretty good, right? I just did that. Lyrical genius. No, there were so many news stories this week. It was actually pretty wild. And, or last week, I should say. And some really sad ones, the horrific Francis Scott Keybridge collapse in Baltimore. That started last week. And, of course, the wake and funeral of NYPD officer John Diller, 10,000 people showed up to honor the detective, husband and father of a one-year-old. I saw a photo today in the Daily Mail. Daily Mail always does great with photos. They understand that people like to just see picture after picture of things. And I was looking at these photos. And especially when I'm in the office, Jared, takes a lot. Like, I can get sent emotional about things if I'm watching a movie or something. But I typically have to be in the zone. And when I'm in the office, I'm not in that zone. But I saw a photo of his little boy, his one-year-old, in a jacket, like a little suit. His mother, and now widow, Stephanie, is holding him. And he's reaching out to his father's casket. And it is so devastating. It's hard to put it into words. It's unforgivable. And Kathy Hochl, who I know she got a talking to when she showed up at the wake, Kathy Hochl, Joe Biden, Eric Adams, all of these progressive DAs who allow this to happen, they have blood on their hands. Now, meanwhile, at the same time, you have people like Dave Portnoy, who the media, the left hates Dave Portnoy. They think he's a misogynist. They think he's a horrible person. And Dave Portnoy and Barstow raised over $1.5 million for the family. That's incredible. That is incredible. And like I said, the brilliant minds at Business Insider and all these places, he's a bad dude Dave Portnoy. Well, you raise over a million dollars for a family whose life is in shambles, and you're okay by me. I'll tell you that much. You get the thumbs up from Grace Curly. We'll go back to that story because there's a lot of updates for you. And also some stories that broke last week, but we are going to go back to P Diddy. I mean, that was a massive story in the news. SPF 25 years. I'll talk about that. But I want to start today with what happened this weekend. So I was talking to Matt Ganyon from WGAN as I do every Monday morning. And he says to me, you know, Grace, normally Easter weekend is kind of a quiet news weekend for the White House. And I said, come on now, Matt. There's nothing normal about this bunch. There is nothing normal. These people are out of their ever loving minds. No days off for the best and brightest and wokest disasters to ever grace the White House. And remember the good old days? This feels like a million years ago. The good old days were the biggest issue to come out of the White House on Easter weekend was Joe Biden being led around by the Easter Bunny. I mean, if you compare that to this Easter, that's nothing. We should have been appreciative of how normal that was compared to what we're dealing with now. And so on Good Friday, devout Catholic, keep that in mind. He's a devout Catholic. He was raised in several different churches, black churches, Greek churches. But he's always, that's a consistent part of his storyline. That's a consistent part. What do they call it, Jared, of his folklore, of his fabrications, his exaggerations is that he is a devout Catholic. Don't let your eyes fool you. Don't let his actions fool you. This man goes to church on Sundays. Okay. So on Friday, he decides. Good Friday. What else is a devout Catholic going to do? He puts out a proclamation declaring Sunday, which some of you at home might know is Easter Sunday as transgender visibility day. Now there's a media backlash, immediate black backlash. And I don't get offended by things easily, just because I consume this stuff all day long. It takes a lot. I will say, though, when I heard about this, you know, my first reaction was, I was like, do these people ever take a day off? And when I say these people, I mean the White House, all these eggheads at the White House, do they ever sit one out? Do they ever think? And you might say, because there's been, there's been different responses to this. So first of all, if you had a response to the president putting out this proclamation, had a little Easter bunny on the top of it, by the way. So it wasn't like it was lost on them that it was Easter. They had the bunny up there, and they're talking about transgender visibility day. If you had any sort of reaction, even an eye roll, the response was you are a hateful, evil bigot, and you are part of the problem. You are part of why the transgender community feels under attack, because it, because you don't embrace this with open arms. So that's number one, which, you know, you'd expect. The New York Post described it as a, the proclamation as a dark creed, claiming bullying harassment and discrimination of people who embraced a transgender identity. So if you had any issue with this proclamation, hateful bigot, but I'll be real with you, you probably already were considered a hateful bigot, by the White House, so it's not really anything new on that front. Kind of obvious. Now, even if you raised any sort of issue or eyebrow at this proclamation, you were just, just a mean person. The second part is that a lot of people kept saying, actually, this day has been on the calendar since 2009, and it's like, yeah, but there's nothing that says the White House has to put out a proclamation. And by the way, no other presidents besides Joe Biden have done this, he goes out of his way. He goes out of his way to step on Easter Sunday. That's the only way it can describe it. He goes out of his way. By the way, I checked out the LGBTQ days on the calendar. There's no, that they're not underrepresented. There's a lot of days for these kind of holidays or visibility days. And naturally, Christians were a little taken aback by this. They thought maybe Sunday would be their day. Selfish SOBs. And what I really liked is the spin from the media. So Brian Stelter comes out and he says, this is on Twitter. He says, lots of misinfo. He loves misinforming. Go there. By the way, to Brian Stelter translation, misinformation is anything he doesn't like. Anything that doesn't make Brian Stelter feel good goes under the misinformation category. He says, lots of misinfo flying around this site today, this site, this site, by the way that I thought he was leaving. He was very upset. There's no time for potato heads. Remember when Elon Musk took over Twitter and he was telling us nobody wants to go to a party where there's no rules. That was hall monitor in chief Brian Stelter when he was still at CNN. Apparently, he likes the party with no rules because, unless my eyes deceive me, he's still there. But he goes, lots of misinfo flying around this site today about international transgender day of visibility, which is not a White House thing and not an Easter thing. Maybe this thread can clear it up. I would add on, maybe this thread can clear it up for all you dummies out there. And it's like, if it's not an Easter thing, why do they put an Easter running on top of the proclamation? And if it's not a White House thing, why did the White House feel the need to put out a proclamation? Again, I'm not bothered. Like, I understand now that this is the White House that we have. And if people want this, if people like this, we'll find out at the next election. But don't act like it's a coincidence or it's by accident. That's what bothers me. I don't like people treating me like I'm an idiot. Oh, you know, it's not a White House thing. It feels like a White House thing. If you go on the White House website, there's a proclamation put out by the White House with an Easter Bunny on top. Am I missing something? Is there something about that? I don't understand? And David Marcus, friend of the show who I love, he wrote back to Brian Stelter and he said, it's not an accident. They could have observed it on Monday as we often do with holidays. This is a slap in the face at the very same time the White House is barring religious displays in the Easter eye contest. We aren't stupid. That story has a couple layers to it, which we will get into. But do you get what I'm saying? It's like, if you got to do it, at least own it. And to be fair, some of the members of the White House are owning it. They're doubling, tripling down. But I hate this idea of, like, you guys are overreacting. This was just, this was always this day. No, you wanted to put out the proclamation. And you know what else? I could talk about this one story all day because I find that there's amusing parts of it. If it wasn't so ridiculous, it's also like we're supposed to buy that Joe Biden sitting around the White House going, oh. I'm, I really want to acknowledge transgender visibility day. This man can't even go to it White House Easter egg hunt without the bunny himself or herself or their self walking him around the lawn. Did you not just see him blowing that whistle to start the egg roll, Grace? Bigger. A burst. That's what they're calling in the AP because this fundraiser, they said, a burst of fundraising. He's on the kid. There was something about a burst. And did you see, by the way, speaking of Aaron Chadborn, he texts me today. He goes, did you notice that at that fundraiser, Biden came out of the stage from the center? Yeah, they did like a lit. It was a radio city. So they lifted them up like a boy. I guess. Yeah. Like I was waiting for them to do like back street back. All right. But instead it's just Joe Biden. There was something creepy about it because Joe Biden's so still that it looked like something you see a Disney world. It's a small world or something like that. But yeah, there's just, there's so much to get to. But my biggest qualm with this, with this transgender visibility day is one that they're acting like they didn't orchestrate it to be on purpose. Don't try to tell me you guys didn't know it was Easter Sunday. You have the bunny on there. And don't try to tell me that there's not one person who says, Hey guys, you think maybe we should wait till Monday? No. The the point of it is to slap the Christians across the country in the face of it. It really is. And that's fine. But don't try to hide that. We'll be right back. We had a lot more to talk about. Listen up everyone. You've waited out the cold temps in February, the rainy weather in March. And now the longer warmer, sunnier days are finally on their way. I promise, just hang in there a little bit longer. Spring means more flowers and sunshine, all that stuff we love. But unfortunately, it can also mean more pollen, more allergens. Jared, you are very familiar with this. You always have a box of tissues hanging somewhere nearby. That's the downside of this this season. Yeah. Or I should say I always did until the end pure thunderstorm. No, actually, I still do because I don't live in a bubble with the thunderstorm as much as I'd like to. The thunderstorm has been great for my allergies because what it does is it ionizes the air, which eliminates allergens and pollutants in the air. It doesn't cover up odors. It eliminates odors as well. It's science people as Ron Burgundy would say. Yes, and in a hundred percent of the time it works every time. So finally, you're looking forward to opening your windows and to let that fresh air in. And now you can because the thunderstorms going to take care of any of the allergens and pollutants. Now, the thunderstorm is here to eliminate all of those things. And with a three pack special, you don't have to move your thunderstorm from one spot to another. You can be like Jared, have one in your office, one in your car, one in your house, and you take care of everything. Now, here's what you need to do. Go to, code GRACE and the number three to get the three pack special. With the thunderstorm, you can enjoy this beautiful time of year without having to reach for those tissues. The three pack special is such a great deal. I want you guys to get on this. Go to, use code GRACE3. That's, code GRACE and the number three. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack today. We'll be right back with more This is the Grace Curly Show. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. You know, it's time to do something different. Like, we're not going to have this conversation again. Thanks, everybody. And by the way, say hello to oyster bunnies. Come on up, bunnies. Get up here as I can see you. Come on, get in there. Pretty big bunny, huh? The oyster bunnies all the way from Wellesley. Wow, what a beautiful day for Joe Biden. Messed up Easter. It's a tough one. You know, I'm pretty generous, Jared, when it comes to the words he messes up because I mess up words all the time. I always say to Jared, if you give me something to pronounce whatever the standard, like whatever your mind would go to, that's probably how it should be pronounced. I will do the exact opposite. So I'm very forgiving on that note. But I mean Easter. Easter. Thanks, everybody. And by the way, say hello to oyster bunnies. Come on up, bunnies. Get up here as I can see you. I hope they're chilled. Ah, shucks. The Easter. The oyster buddies are here. Wonderful. Kind of weird hybrid science. Are we doing it at the White House? Do you want to hear the craziest thing now? One of the points that I made, and I will admit that opening was a lot because I was just very excited to be here. I tried to pack a lot in in that first 15 minutes. But one of the things I did mention, Jared, was that part of the reason I find the proclamation about the transgender visibility day. So disingenuous and so unnecessary is because Joe Biden can barely put his shoes on. And there's just no way that he's sitting around with the best and the brightest. And he's saying, guys, I really want to put out a statement about transgender visibility. Like it's some intern. It's some staffer who's doing it. And I don't want to say I told you so because it was pretty obvious and you all could have guessed it anyway. But listen to this, I didn't do that. Biden said, when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday, Trans Day of Visibility, asked about Speaker Johnson's claim. Otherwise, the president replied, he's thoroughly uninformed. Now, this is Philip Wegman from Real Clear Politics. I just want to say something else. It says, asked about Speaker Johnson's claim. Otherwise, why are we referencing Speaker Johnson's claim when we have a proclamation from the White House? From the White House website where it says, now, therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States do hereby proclaim March 31st as transgender day of visibility. But what do you say to Speaker Johnson who claims otherwise? Oh, so Speaker Johnson's actually saying what happened? Why don't you say what about the proclamation you put on your website? I was confused at the proclamation because of your use of I proclaim. Yeah. And now he just goes out there and goes, I didn't do that. And all the reporters go, okay, sure. He says he didn't do it. Like Johnson's Evo. By the way, Jared, we have a lot more Biden cuts to play. I've been off for a week and I'm officially putting you on. You did nothing to deserve this, but you were on duty as far as making sure I don't yell too much. Because we're not even 30 minutes into this bad boy. And I feel like I'm yelling a lot. I feel like it's been, it's been a yelly show already. And it's only going to get worse. Don't go anywhere. We get a lot more to get to. We've got tons of updates for you, including a Texas judge who's ordered the release of the riot migrants and so much more. 844-500-4242, join us. We'll be right back. Keep your car, truck, or SUV in tip-top running condition and get your oil changed. My friends at JB AutoCare and Weymouth are offering $20 off an oil change, conventional or synthetic. The waiting room is clean and the service is excellent. Need repairs? I count on JB Auto. We offer Saturday service, three loaner cars, and a three-year 36,000 mile warranty on all repairs. Call today and let them know, Grace sent you or book online at JB AutoCare, Ruth 3A in North Weymouth. 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You have to stand by it. How many proclamations would you say, Jared, in your long life we know that you are like Benjamin Button. You have no idea how old you are. We don't want to know. How many proclamations have you put out yourself? I've never made any proclamations as it turns out. A couple of declarations, some summations. I declare bankruptcy. Yeah. Okay. Well, I would guess that if you're going to put out a proclamation, it's like because you believe something strongly, which is why I found this whole thing ridiculous because I don't think I think Joe Biden believes in pandering strongly. He believes in gaslighting strongly, but I don't get the sense that he's got a good grasp of like transgender issues or any of these things that he goes around the country claiming to care so much about. And now it turns out he had no idea. Whoever put out this statement didn't tell Joe, didn't even give him a little heads up that, Hey, you know, there might be some controversy here. And so now he's saying to the press, I didn't do that about this proclamation. I didn't put out the proclamation. He says, I didn't do that Biden said when asked about proclaiming Easter Sunday, Trans Day of Visibility asked about Speaker Johnson's claim otherwise the president replied he's thoroughly uninformed. I would just like to say, going forward, any proclamations by Joe Biden will from here on out be referred to as Speaker Johnson's claims. Because that is the claim, right? The claim is the actual proclamation that's on the website. I, Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. Do hereby proclaim. It reads like something, you know, that. Yeah, when Punxsutawney Phil gives the weather, he, he proclaims that he did not see his shadow. It's so crazy. You bring that up. Did you see the story about Punxsutawney Phil? Did that come up? Plus? Yeah, I'm a brother. That is why Pennsylvania centric last call. That is, that is why it's pregnant. Yeah, she's, she had babies. She's she already. Oh, she already gave birth. She already gave birth and the children are not going to be stuck in generational slavery of having to predict the weather. They'll be allowed to dictate their own lives. We've been told. Oh, it's like a movie star who doesn't want their kid to be in the same business. You know, I want something different for them. I wonder what they'll become. Doctors, lawyers. Only time will tell if only we had a crystal ball. Yeah. So Joe Biden is now saying, I didn't do that about this proclamation, which I guess is like, okay. Now my follow up question, if I'm in the press would be who wrote the proclamation or whose decision was the proclamation because it was had to be. Was it Stephen Colbert's? Was it Bill Clinton's? I know they were all together on Thursday in New York while the wake and funeral for this NYPD officer were going on. They were all sitting together exchanging jokes and putting on sunglasses. They love the sunglasses, Jared. That will never go out of style for this president. So maybe that's maybe it maybe it was drummed up there. Maybe Barack handed it to him and said, Hey, Joe, do me a favor. And I'll get this on the site. Can you repost this for me? But bold move to send out the old man and not even let him know that he's proclaimed something. I like to know, Jared, if people are putting out proclamations in my name, next time you put out one of my proclamations, if you don't give me a heads up, we're going to have words. They're going to have to start pinning proclamations to his suit jacket. Like your mom used to pin the mittens so you wouldn't lose them. And in bold letters, it's going to say you proclaimed this and you're allowed to ask Zeke Miller to give you a question about it. Oh, man, what a train wreck. We are going to come back to that in a second, but I want to do the poll question because typically when I pick a poll question, I have an idea, an inkling of where I think it's going to go. In this case, I have no idea. It's brought to you by Silva and Salinas. I'm going to try to have a mark on this week because we have a lot to talk about as far as these Trump cases go. And there's just, there's a lot of news. And I also want to ask him about Karen Reid because last time he was on, I threw it at him kind of last minute and he was like, Oh, my gosh, I've been following this. He was so into it. So then I thought, Oh, this is an untapped resource. We should have Mark on more often. And if you missed it on a side note, there is breaking news with Karen Reid. A good, a good source to follow would be how he car who put this out. He said breaking scandalous new revelations involving Canton PD cops targeting Karen Reid per turtle boy. Can police chief Helena Rafferty struck a 67 year old pedestrian wearing a yellow reflexive vest in a crosswalk and rent them on February 16 of Friday night, seven weeks ago. Obviously, everyone concerned knew this was a mess considering the circumstances of what happened with the Chiefs Canton vehicle as compared to Karen Reid's vehicle in January 2022. So if you're not familiar with the Karen Reid story, she's being accused of killing her boyfriend, who's boss who was a Boston police officer and running him over backing into him with her car. And then meanwhile, you have the Canton police chief who struck a 67 year old pedestrian wearing a yellow vest on a crosswalk seven weeks ago. And somehow, Jared, somehow we never got that information until today when the town elections in kin are tomorrow. Weird. Transparency is a funny thing. Transparency and also timing. Timing is everything, you know. And if I were a more paranoid person, I would think there was something going on here. I would suggest there was some sort of cover up, but I'm not going to do that. Also on the Karen Reid front, a judge declined Karen Reid's defense request to disqualify Michael Morrissey, the district attorney in Norfolk. So that's a big update for you as well. How he's having turtle boy on later. So we'll get all sorts of information with that. But today's poll question to get back to it. Brought to you by Silva and Salinas, a small law firm with a proven track record of big results, whether it's family law, criminal defense or some other legal concern. Mark Salinas and his team are with you from start to finish. Learn more about Silva and Salinas at That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results this far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is American Airlines is relaxing their in flight pet policy. Is this a good idea? All right, so I was traveling recently. I don't fly often, but I was on a plane and I noticed a lot of people had dogs. A lot of people had smaller dogs like Roscoe size. You could put them in those little purse looking things. And some people had bigger dogs. One lady had a baby and a dog and I was like, Oh God, I cannot even imagine traveling with all that commotion. And this got me thinking about traveling with pets because I believe for bigger dogs, they put them in like the cargo area. They're not. I mean, I haven't seen them roaming about the cabin. So I have to assume they're somewhere on the plane. But this idea and people have already been coming at me on Twitter. They're like, they're not changing the policy. They're just making it, you know, cheaper to fly with pets. I'm like, well, yeah, okay, changing the policy. That's what we're getting at. I feel like the people flying with the pets. I don't mind if they get a discount, but I feel like the people sitting next to the pets. The people, for example, if someone has one of those little bags with the dog in it, I think the people dealing with the pets at the airport should get a discount on their flights. Do you know what I'm saying? Because the people flying with the dogs, they obviously like the dog. You're assuming everyone else on the plane wants to deal with the dog. And I don't know. I don't know if we should be incentivizing more people to bring their pets. I mean, I hate to sound like that. The male or man is just going to say, oh, there she goes again, dog hater. But no, I'm not on board. And maybe I'll be. Maybe people will convince me otherwise. 81% of the audience agrees with you. They say, no, this is not a good idea. Really? What do you say, Jared? I am tainted in this one because I am severely allergic to dogs. Oh, so I'm being trapped inside a metal tube for hours with a dog. Very likely could actually kill me. So I don't like this at all. And now it's not just dogs. Now people are bringing on. I mean, it's mostly some dogs. But it's a slippery slope soon. You know, you got the peacocks. Yeah, I don't know if I'm allergic to peacocks. I've never been around one, but I don't want to find out about a 35,000 feet above Cleveland. Yeah, you don't want to test it out. Yeah, I understand that eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Okay, so we had a busy Easter weekend. I'm going to save a lot of that for Dr. Thomas Williams from Breitbart when he joins us in one o'clock. Emma's also going to come on the show and tell us a little bit of her take on Joe Biden's proclamation. But I did want to read you this, which cracked me up. This isn't the New York Times today. Sometimes, sometimes I just peruse. I just peruse the New York Times to see what they're up to. I don't even read the full. I can't get past the paywall. Remember, they had a strike a couple of months ago and they said, don't cross the digital pickle line. I'm still having that strike. I refuse to cross the digital pickle line. But occasionally, I'll say to Emma, can you get through this paywall? Just send me the PDF. And so today, this one stuck out to me with everything going on with the Easter eggs and the painting and the transgender visibility day and the Easter bunnies and all of it. This is the headline that the New York Times comes out with. The Church of Trump, how he's infusing Christianity into his movement. The horror. Imagine infusing Christianity into his movement. The gall of this man. And then I highlighted one part of this because it's just, it's like 20 pages long. I don't know who's reading all of it, but this line really made me laugh. His success, talking about Trump, his success at portraying those prosecutions as persecutions in warning without merit that his followers could be targeted next has fueled enthusiasm for his candidacy and placed him once again in a position to capture the White House. To capture it like he's the Grinch. Oh, he's going to capture it and put it in a giant sack. He's going to ruin Christmas for all the who's in whoville. But I love that suggesting warning without merit that his followers could be targeted next. It's that old thing Trump says where he says they're not after me, they're after you. And I say it often too. I say if they can go after a guy with billions of dollars, a former president with the greatest lawyers in the world and, you know, plenty of money and plenty of power, then they can go after you. But according to the New York Times, that suggestion is without merit to which I would argue, what about Mark Hauck, the father of seven who had the SWAT team show up at his door, the pro-life father of seven who was met with guns at his front door, pointing at he and his wife and his children. What about the DOJ memo that went out sending undercover feds into Catholic masses? What would Peter Navarro, who's serving time in prison right now, is that really without merit to suggest that, hey, you know, they're doing this to Trump, but at some point down the line, it could happen to you. Is that really a crate? Is that something we need to, like, we need the New York Times to approve? It seems kind of obvious to me. It seems pretty merit-head, I would say. I would say right now with the current, with the current climate, I don't think it's a huge jump. Not to mention the FBI going to people's houses over tweets and memes. You know, in 2016, Jesus Christ didn't arm wrestle Hillary Clinton jail. Yeah, no, it's obvious. And it's also, like, take Trump out of the equation. That's just a good warning for anything. Anything the feds are doing to somebody, any weaponization of our justice system, it will eventually, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not next week, but it will eventually affect you. So you should operate with that standard. It's the golden rule. You know, would you like to be treated like this? And what they love to say is, Trump's not above the law. No one's above the law. They love that line. No one's above the law. And I don't remember -- it might have been Lisa Booth on Fox who said, he's not below the law either. Nobody's beneath the law. And that's how he's being treated. And for people who can't see where this would eventually go, I would suggest looking up revolutions because they tend -- the history of these revolutions, they tend to eat their own. And it's not just going -- it's not going to end with Trump. And all of these people, these business people in New York, they should all be hoping that Trump comes out on top with all this stuff. And so over the week, Jared, when I was off, I was with my parents in Florida, and they watch a lot of news all the time. And the news came out about true social and how it was being valued at such a crazy price. And Jessica Tarlov, I think her name is, from the five, was saying how it's a pump and dump. You know how all the left were losing their minds over it? They were so mad that it was being valued so high. It only brought in $3 million last corner, and it's being valued at this, and Reddit's only being valued. And I thought, is it illegal? Because if it's illegal, then finally, you guys will probably get him this time, right? This will be the thing. If he's doing something illegal, then congratulations. You finally found -- you finally found the way you're going to get him. But otherwise, I don't care. Otherwise, shut up. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty-two, forty-two, nasa beach-in, just open reservations for spring. Jared, I think -- I don't want to make you jealous, but I think I'm going to get to go to the nasa beach-in soon. You've been bragging about your stay for like a year now, and finally, I think Greece is going to get to check it out. And I've seen -- obviously, I've been to the Cape. I've seen so many beautiful pictures of it. I've heard your testimony of -- You're going to love it. I'm just so excited. I cannot wait to check it out, because Jared, you always say it's like the most peaceful place you've ever been. Yeah, it's fantastic. I actually would love to go, but the boy doesn't really sleep away from home yet, so I kind of got to wait for him to get out of that phase. But, I mean, it was the most peaceful, the most tranquil place we've ever been. You are steps from the beach. You can listen to the waves, especially in the off-season. You almost kind of have the beach to yourself. You don't have to worry about fighting crowds. There's plenty to do around there as well. You can bring your pets. They're pet-friendly. So you can run the pet wherever. Dave was on last week for the Grace's Goodies. He did say that, I think, starting this week, the beach is closed for the plovers for the dogs for a while. But eventually, they'll be able to go back. But you can still bring your dog down. There's hiking trails around there. The dogs can run around on the grounds. You can see the stars. They have fire pits. You can stay outside. This is the time of year where the fire pits are going to be great. So whatever you want to do down at the Nossa beach in, you can enjoy it. You're going to love it. And right now, you can book your April stay at the Nossa beach in from 2.49.99 at night. And this May rates are from 2.59.99 at night. So don't delay these rooms go fast. The Nossa beach in, like Jared said, it's pet-friendly. So to reserve your ocean view room, go to I'm so excited to check it out. I cannot wait. That's We will be right back. People are asking me about the story I teased regarding the illegal aliens being released by the judge and El Paso, the ones who were involved in that riot at the border. We will talk about that at some point today. Just stay tuned. We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. I have an update for you on the proclamation. This proclamation. This proclamation has taken on the life of its own. Okay, Jared declares bankruptcy and Joe Biden proclaims he had nothing to do with the proclamation. This is going to be a game of clue. Who wrote the proclamation? Who's idea? Who's brainchild was this? Step forward because you must be so proud of yourselves because this is turning into a complete cluster bleep. I just mentioned Jared. The only thing I believe about Joe Biden is that he loves to be pander. That's something I believe. I don't believe he's sitting around worried about transgender visibility day. I think if you ask him to explain what that even means, he would have no clue. But I think he loves to pander to anyone that he's fearful will not vote for him. And that kind of makes sense. He's a politician. But this is how bad it is at this White House. There used to be some nuance to pandering. You know, these politicians used a pander. They tried to do it subtly. They put up the proclamation, Jared, on the White House website, right? On the main English account, they did not put up the proclamation on the White House Spanish language account for the transgender visibility day. It's almost like they know. Now, keep in mind, they are bleeding Hispanic voters. That is something. And I keep hearing about all these. Oh, Joe Biden's having a little bump in the polls. I'm like, okay, show me where that bump is. But we know that they're bleeding Hispanic voters. They're bleeding Black voters. And it's almost like they know that the Hispanic community isn't on board with transgender visibility day. Or that's not going to play well with that crowd. So they don't put it on the Spanish website. They just put it on the English website because that's how strongly they stand with their convictions and their proclamations. That they have two different versions, one of which just doesn't exist. Got to love it. We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]