The Zack & Black Podcast

Ep.9 Diddy Do It

1h 32m
Broadcast on:
01 Apr 2024
Audio Format:

come back to the Zack and black podcast. I'm black. I'm Zach. Tony. We got Tony in the back. He in the back of the whip right now. Because this is another week y'all another week where we are out of the studio. Uh, families is getting sick. All across and already upset man like like even my uh my kids they care. They're shut down on Monday. Oh yeah. So so they're shut down tomorrow. They got cases of R. Is he uh COVID and the flu? Oh my god. My son has the flu. I think Zach Zach what does your daughter have the flu? Um my wife had to sign some questions. I'm sure she just got whatever she got. Okay. Yeah. But yeah, either way, man. Everybody's getting sick still. That's not an excuse for us to not give you all content though. So we're back with another episode here before we get started. Remember to like, share, uh, rate, uh, and um follow us on X at Zach in black pod that's Zach in the letter in black pod. Okay. Uh, we got a few things for you all today. Uh a little bit, uh a little bit personal stories from uh from myself here. We got a you haul next to me right now. That's acting like they don't know how to drive because the car next to me stopped. Somebody moving in. Look, if they look, look, it's for real just like if they hit my car, like everyone's just gonna hear me fight on a pod. Like that's why it's gonna happen. Like like on Jesus. But I'm gonna disregard that for now. Uh we do have an update from uh what was it the Wednesday pod or was that last Sunday? Uh we talked about show. Hey, that was last Sunday. Oh yeah, last Sunday. Okay. Yeah, we got an update there for you all. Uh we're gonna get into the creeps of the week and you already know who these creeps are. Everyone is talking about them. But D and D you already know but we will get into that when we get into that. But I'm gonna pass it off to Zach here with the show. Hey update and then we'll get into it. All right. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. All right. Um so you know basically show hey just told us exactly what everybody would say in this situation if you were an almost billion dollar athlete. Um you know, along the lines of eBay's been stealing money from me, from my account, and it's told lies. Um this is this is through uh his teammate Yoshi Nobu Yamamoto's interpreter. So everything is a little awkward and they're like the whole interview is kind of like wacky. Um but you know along the lines of he's telling lies, I never placed the bet with him. Um yeah. I will he said I will be working with the authorities uh with anything they need and this last time you'll hear me speak about this publicly. Um and basically said I'm just gonna go out there and ball out. You know I'm not going to hear anything from me. Basically. Yeah. Um there was a hold on one second. Another thing came out about eBay over the weekend. Um so his university that he put on his resume, UC Riverside, said that somebody from ESPN, I believe, um Sam, no from the athletic Sam Blum reached out to UC Riverside and UC Riverside said that eBay has never attended the school. There was no record of him being at this school. So you know wait wait so does that does that school have to do with him being an interpreter or he was already an interpreter before they they came uh this side of the shore anyway though right? Well no eBay was born in the United States. Really? Yeah I think yeah pretty sure yeah. And he went to he went to supposedly went to UC Riverside to get his degree for interpretation and shit like that. Public relations. Okay and yeah then there's no record of that so yeah apparently. So he's a fraud but that doesn't work out for his case. I'm not stealing money at all but I mean he's he's still obviously good at being an interpreter. Yeah you just got it off the strength that just knowing English. Yeah you know what I'm saying like he really he worked it out but uh like I said this doesn't work towards this case of not stealing because like we already know you're fraud now. Yeah man for real. This is another story of not going to college though. I think I think this is this is kind of smart low-key because it is what I'm saying. He saves so much money by line. That too but he also didn't just like lie and be like yeah I went to Harvard now he said UC Riverside. Right well that's why. You can't lie about a big school. You have to lie about one of you know like a sister school because like UC Riverside that's like that's like yeah I went to UC Irvine like who goes there. Yeah nobody's gonna reach out to UC Irvine to check you know what I mean? Nothing nothing UC. They're they're not gonna look into any of those schools over at the coast. They'll they'll be really good lying about any of those schools. You just can't say UCLA. Yeah what if hey I'm gonna go to Baker and get my interpreter degree. Hey you know the sad thing about Baker College? What? All right now I drove past there like where usually is over off of 94. Yeah it's a high school though. Oh no Baker's done. Yeah it's I don't know what what the high school is there their mascot is a cardinal but the Baker Baker College is gone dog. Like from that area at least maybe they're all online but that was supposed to be our plug dude. Damn straight up man I've been telling they goes to go to Baker College forever like just being funny but I wanted to chips off of that but it looked like they losing money. Dude you want to know the first article that came up when I googled it? What'd you say again? They go to the first article that came up when I googled Baker College. What was it man? Baker College turnaround plagued by federal scrutiny and plunging revenue. That's why I was gonna get down because I could get in a pocket instantly. It's like I know that you're killing people over these interest loans and shit like that but I'm trying to get down. I've been telling niggas to go. That's sad man. That's a man. That's a man. That's a mess. All right but back to show hey my bad. Back to show hey. Like Zach said it seems like he's just saying everything that we knew he would say. You know he's gonna work hand in hand with who is it? Who is it that's working on the case frame? Is it just local local police or is it deeper? I think it I think right now it's just LAPD. Okay but but it it's gonna turn into a federal thing. Like yeah it's 4.2 mil you said? Yeah 4.5. 4.5 yeah yeah bro it's gonna get federal real quick. It's gonna get federal real quick but like like he said he already said all the things that we thought. And now we're just waiting but but EPA got a strike against him now. Yeah he is a liar. He's smart and I respect it but he is a fraud. Yeah so gambler is not too far down the totem pole from fraud. There's a I don't think I don't think at least. There's a picture of BP before a recent game of Otani and Mookie Betts sitting next to each other and it's just as Otani and Betts. So it said he sure does illegally too. That's that's ridiculous man. They can't be seen in public together. That's crazy. They should have been in a jersey swap. Speaking of jersey swaps did you guys see the NBA jersey swap or did it black dick? Oh yeah black dick. Yeah did you see the jersey swap? No I did. I forgot where their names is. I don't know if you can look it up but uh there was a jersey swap between uh two NBA players. Grady Grady Dick and um what's his name uh fuck. Yeah I'm not sure what I'm not sure what the names are actually but their last names are dicking. No sir just just type in I don't even know if you should type that in. You can't just type in black dick into Google and Anthony Black. Anthony Black and Grady Dick. Anthony Black jersey swap. Just type that in. But it's two basketball players. Their last names are dicking black so they did a jersey swap and then took a picture where the picture says black dick. Usually you find it. Yeah this is the video of it so yeah there's there's black right there and there's dick and then during the video you can see that they're talking about it. Yeah. And then at one point one of the guys is just like fuck it I'm gonna do it. So they're headed off to do the jersey swap here and just look at how they make sure what their placement is before they before they change it. Now look at them change spots. You see them change spots? Yeah. So they're just like yeah but it's about to say black dick. I think I think him and Bruce Brown did one earlier in the season. Who did? Him and Bruce Brown. Brown dick. He did Brown dick too? Yeah. Oh man he's big. He's probably just looking for all the last names now because that's what I would do. I'm trying to think of some other good ones. Man too bad Luke Longley doesn't still play. Dude. Longley's. Get his son in the week now. Longley dick dick. Longley. I'm gonna figure out a whole bunch of good with Dick Longley. Dick Longley. Yeah bro. Speaking about a dicks. Let's get to the creeps of the week bro. Creepers. Yeah. Tony I'm actually going to toss this off to you first off because we already know who his house got rated. Uh duh duh duh ditty. What are we called? Ditty. Puffy. Puffy. Puffy. I call Puffy. P Ditty. I still call him P Ditty. Gaddy. Hey yo. Oh. Chik Mills. Chik Mills is wild. Chik Mills is wild. You can call him that now though from all the shit and listen him back to some lyrics. Did you know? Did you hear the audio? What audio? The audio of him getting his cheeks clapped by Ditty himself. Oh god. Where where where did you hear about this? Or this is all over the net. It's all over the net. By all over he means conspiracy take time. There's an audio. Yeah bro. Exactly. There's an audio. Let me look up the audio. We don't need it. We're not gonna. I don't know. I don't know if you put that out of the airways. No but I'm saying how would they verify that the audio is me. Oh it's another guy that said he was at that party. See so that they hoard it. It's hearsay bro. It's hearsay. We don't know if that was Ditty in Meek Mills. Meek Mills had his back arched in the pool. How we know that if it's a audio? Through getting stroked. That's cool. Oh my god. That's wild. That's wild. We weren't even supposed to get into Ditty at all of his bad stuff yet. Because I was trying to get you started talking about quiet on the set. The Nickelodeon docu-series. The Nickelodeon documentaries that catalogs the lives of the kids who grew up in show business under Dan Snyder's tutelage shows that we all know like all that. The Amanda show. Victorious. I carly. Uh what he even made up. I think the teammates show called like what I like about you. It was like on the like I don't know like UPN or some shit like that. I don't know. But uh all the shows that uh he made all these kids were under and the pressures and um abuses uh that they took. And there was actually there was actually a bigger uh villain than Dan Snyder on the show. Um I'm gonna go ahead and say it now Brian Peck. We're not gonna say what he did. But he was a touchy man. Who is he related to Josh? Right. That's the first thing that I thought. I don't think he is. They're they're not related though. They're they're they're not related at all. But if you guys don't know who Brian Peck is. If you're in your 30s you know who Pickleboy is. Who was on the Amanda show? The grown man who just used to hit out Pickles and stuff. Yeah. That's Brian Peck. All right. So that that that's who one of the May villains was on there. But uh Tony can you tell us about some things that you saw while you were watching it. And I'll give you guys a few things that they didn't even mention in the show. What all that? Not all that. I'm talking about when you watch Quiet on the set. We're talking about the creeps bro. We're not talking about the good times right now. Just the creeps. But I mean if like it's something that happened on the show that was like hey oh that's creepy. Like just anything. I mean yeah it's just like when Drake was talking about being on the couch and not knowing who or what was touching him while he was unconscious is just you know it just didn't rub me the right way like and I don't want to say the wrong things but he woke up to some heads. You know what I'm saying? Like oh my god. Some of the volatia. You know what I'm saying? Like then that's not uh it's got uh it said hey if you want to keep it a buck Zach if you want to keep it a buck in the court documents it did say oral compilation. Oral sex. So I mean but that's not the only thing that happened. So we don't know if that first that first mention of essay was that yeah but I mean kind of like Tony said earlier though it's like what else could it have been for that but yeah like he's saying nobody nobody should go through something like that. In the crazy part about that this happened in I believe it said like August 2003. I think within the next month or two, Drake and Josh finally like did their pilot. It has nothing to do with like cast and couch stuff like that didn't it's not like that happened and then they got the show. The show was already slated. Yeah but that's just showing that even like a child at like 14, 15 something like that can happen to them and you will never know because most of the people who were even interviewed on that show like after they finally saw the final cuts and everything everybody was just thrown off. Yeah because like like Drake like I'm not my bad. But that's not who people thought it would have been. Like if anyone would have thought anything it probably would have been a man to buy. Because Dan Snyder was so close to her when she got hurt enough as a kid. He got it too. Yeah but she didn't come to the show so we don't know. We don't know. I'll say but her life is so off track now. I think she said she's taking a test to be like an esthetician now. What is the esthetician? Like like skincare shit or something. I don't know like one of those girl things bro. I don't know. You know what an esthetician is like? Esthetician? Yeah. No I don't. Okay yes he is girl stuff. Yeah we don't well know what that is. Yeah. But like she literally went from being a tour de force as far as like really female comedians because like when it comes to slapstick comedy and stuff like that a man to buy is still probably one of the best edit. But yeah her life was derailed by this guy and so many different things happen to other people as well that they didn't even talk about in the show. Like uh Brittany Spears is a younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears. Oh yeah I remember Zoey 101. Don't ask her. Don't ask if I can show her. It got it got cut short. Why? You know why I got cut short? She didn't want it to. No she was pregnant. Oh shit. She got pregnant. Oh yeah I heard about that. Yeah when she was a was a teenager. I'm not I'm not saying that Dan is the baby daddy. I'm not saying that. What I'm saying is they were adults on that set bro. Like because he blared the line for them. Yeah. Like it'll be crazy to try to work under somebody like that. Especially they only had like two women writers back on the Amanda show and they had to share they had to share a salary and it was also said that they would like Dan would just ask them to do like sexually explicit things under the guise of a joke and everybody would want to you know appease Dan so they would go ahead and you know go through that abuse and stuff like that so it it goes farther past the kids. Yeah and it's crazy because it all happened like right in front of our faces like especially for me being thirsty and I grew up before like most of these shows were out and stuff like that so I saw everything. I didn't I didn't start seeing all the feet until two years ago. Wow. You don't notice that as a kid but as an adult you start watching stuff and you're just like dude what the fuck is going on? Like why is every joke a foot in the mouth or someone taking their shoes off and putting it in something. They're cake sitting bro. That's a porn topic. Yeah. That's that's a that's a wild thing. I know I know you didn't watch it Zach but have have you heard any of the uh Nick Kid lore that that shows this type of abuse? Yeah I mean I've I don't know uh who is listening that has watched the uh Blame it on Jorge doc on YouTube about like five years ago but yeah I've all this all the things that you guys are saying I've I've heard besides the directing that that thing's new um but yeah I've I've heard about all this um eat the fucking uh the Sam and Cat uh Twitter account uh tweeting out for kids to write Sam and Cat on their feet and post it on Twitter. Wow. That was fucking wild. Yeah yeah they had uh they didn't talk about that during the uh they're in the quiet on the set but then they come out. No there was uh the creator here in Snyder was telling kids to like send in like your talents and blah blah blah but it would mostly just be kids doing stuff with their feet. Yeah and you would see it on the show because there was a segment be like you know what did the kids send in type shit and it's always feet stuff. Oh wow and we we we never fucking caught on dude. We never got caught on so like like there's definitely there there's definitely like a uh oh what's the word there's a disconnect there's a disconnect when you're a child and you're seeing this type of media between when you're adult and you're seeing it. I understand that you have to have adult jokes and satire in kid shows just to keep kids watching them. I mean just to keep the adults in the room while the kids watching it. You know what I mean? Yeah like I mean like there's a scene on like a boss baby where uh one of the kids uh he drinks a long island iced tea. He takes a sip of it and he's like oh those people in long island sure don't know how to make an iced tea. It's like the adults know that that nigga just drunk alcohol. Yeah but but none of the kids do but that makes us line up so we're just like all right I'll keep watching it too. But when it comes to like sexually explicit things they'll should stay out of uh children's television. Yeah definitely. I don't I don't think there's any place for it at all. Um I think the closest you can ever get to that is like kicking a dude in the nuts and it's just a he got hit in the nuts joke because that's not sexual but it's genitalia. But I but I think that's the closest you can get. Yeah. Without you crossing a line. Kids can relate to that too. I got kicked in the nuts. I don't know what it feels like. Yeah for sure. Definitely like maybe not an open poem hit you know where they're touching. Yeah. Yeah. You know close face girl like a shoe maybe. Yeah. Ooh not close face. Oh god. Ooh I felt that. I let me stop talking about that Jesus yeah man but but it definitely makes you look at things a lot differently yeah and that also brings me back to Diddy so before we get he did it did it did it did did he do the diddly that that that's what he needs to change but even with uh even with Diddy people watched him take in usher when he was a young teen 15 um taking him through the club teen yep yep taking him through the club bruh uh probably was in there drinking i mean he he had just hit the scene you know what i'm saying but Diddy got to get to you first he did the same thing with uh did the same thing with Justin Bieber damn all this Diddy what the fuck dude Diddy was well he he had to have been i think he was in his 20s when he was uh when he was like managing with Biggie and that was in the 90s yeah yeah yeah he's like almost like in his 50s or high 40s low 50s something like that 54 ushers 45 that makes sense yeah yeah so so yeah also did the same thing with Justin Bieber uh still busy at the scene he had him over there uh there's actually a clip of Justin Bieber being uh shown shown to be uncomfortable with Diddy upset that he doesn't want to stay at his house oh you know i'm saying like did he want to spend a night yeah yeah he he told me he had to spend the night bag and and Bieber said no and he just upset about it basically but uh these are things that that we saw growing up and people are just like oh yeah just you know someone taking them under their wing and then they turned out to be a monster uh Diddy's house i'm not sure which which uh home of his was rated but Diddy's home was rated earlier in the week i believe his sons may have been there at the time yeah all four of them i think yeah uh yeah i believe his children were there Diddy was seeing uh he was seen taking his private uh private jet to where was it do you remember exactly where it was that um i'm not sure i can pull it up but it is a country that the island it's a country that does not actually yeah yeah which is the big thing it's safe that it does an extra day it is safe to say that he is not coming home i believe that he is home i'm not going to hold you uh he ain't coming home though no no no listen listen they will not do that home not coming home not to that house but i mean they had they had a warrant to search they don't have a warrant for a arrest yeah which is what the what the thing is and i didn't delve into court documents or anything mom springs okay so okay it's Palm Springs crib so what's that what's that flirting i don't know i'm broke i don't know nothing about the nice places yeah that's four that's four that's four it is four that you know it's california see we broke his hails act damn we don't know nothing did he's in Cape Verde right now Cape Verde that's where it was okay so yeah so did he went off off the Cape Verde uh i don't believe he's been questioned really about anything because like i said they had a warrant to search but i don't believe they have a warrant for arrest and also like i said i didn't delve into the case but we know they had to find at least a few double-sided deals that was up in there right yeah had to find something like he probably got like a like a torture room probably like a room with just shower heads on it because then it's easier to clean it up like after he's just peeing on people because we know he liked peeing on people like a gymsha oh damn really land on them man this isn't slander this look look this is how it is right young miami had said something about getting peed on she started talking about none of that shit until she got what did he she'd been caving for him ever since did he peeze on it because as soon as you make a certain amount of money i guess tell you herself she is a whore all right but what that got to do with peeing peeing on all right but that means something that just solidified that just verifies it all right she's a whore she's saying she got peed on we know did he's doing it did he is peeing on this come on it's not that far-fetched we knew our kelly was doing it how far-fetched is it that that did he was doing it how far-fetched they said they said did he go walk up in the jail and then our kelly go pop out like twin no where have you been nobody oh their parties have to have been like crazy bro i'm not saying like fun just like crazy in general you seen uh you seen a video of LeBron and him on ig live a couple years ago he's saying uh ain't no party like a ditty party well because there ain't no party like a ditty party but the ditty party you got to go like you got to go like all the way downstairs and then there's a door all right and then once you go through that door that's when the party starts ten foil hat let's go yeah man that's that's where all the shower heads are bro yeah let's go let's go baby it is ten foil time yeah let's go what do we think ditty has in his house well i mean he's definitely got some trapdoors in that john i knew he got some trapdoors he got to have some like like like it's his big space here we can't get in it like yeah he said yeah what else he probably got those uh he got he got like like wanting them long ass hauls which is a whole bunch of paintings and like he's just behind them like with the eyes and shit like an america psycho he probably uses it like like he has a foyer room like so they're in parties when people are having sex he's just behind he's just behind the painting look at it people just just punching the clown punching the clown eh over there just choking to shake it they don't know what that grunting is but it's ditty behind the painting of uh king james king james painting the first one man he is a mess bro it's crazy dude dude it's gonna it's gonna be wild when it all comes out when it all comes out when he crash and burn it's gonna be wild how many people are gonna go down bro no one's gonna go down everybody you got a lot of people around now oh my god bro what if they don't do my man's like Epstein everybody going down because Epstein was pretty much Epstein was like white ditty maybe oh yeah he's definitely white dude you know what i'm saying Epstein was white ditty and he at this point and he uh finger quotations he deleted himself yeah yeah he did all right self-insolitary all right crock shit crock shit exactly she'll see see see look at you you got yeah jeffrey jeffrey yeah mse you zack you got your ten foil hat on right now - no not even ten foil that's parchment paper right even that's parchment fucking bro everybody knows what he said he said i looked up jeffrey Epstein and did he came up i told you he's he's he's white ditty bro you think he's on the flight log would it shock you no that wouldn't shock me why would he not be on the flight log he's no no no but just from the strength of he's one of the richest black people yeah why would he not go yeah come on now like like you're gonna go yeah for like even even other people who aren't partaking they're going so you know ditty's going because he won a partake for a show man damn man all these creeps in a week man man i dropped i dropped my knees when i saw a picture of kobe daphone ditty at the ditty party oh my god i mean like at the end of the day man he still did he that's like like his it was nothing but a boost in his career no look look it's it's just the part where it's just like i like i like the uh art and not the artist you know what i'm saying yeah separate the art from the artist man i mean i do it all the time man but you can't even do that because in this music you talk about fucking meek mill he said you can't even do it because thought you're listening to ditty folks hey no one listening to ditty he's already what anybody who listening to ditty i'm gonna say what you listening to ditty fuck listen no one's listening to ditty it's all good dude what he did what did he do dude down everything illegally dude daphone at the point oh jesus what was that did you hear that i heard that you all hear me yeah yeah oh i i think i i think i bounced out real quick but did y'all did y'all hear that love album he dropped like right before all this happened who did he yeah that shit was flames dude oh my god what was it like like some like feature type shit like some uh DJ Khaled type producer cd well dude i don't i think i'd keep in this button but yeah it's kind of like the rb version an rb version yeah pretty much yeah that's no it's got the weekend summer on it oh my god there's i bet you was a beggar yeah see and and that's exactly why make us fuck with ditty all right because he's still dropping it you know how long everyone fucked with our kelly you want to know why chakra factory ignition like big it like he every time he was about to catch a case what did he do you know drop the album that make biggest forget about it oh my god that's all they be going bro he made a whole a whole modern opera trapped in the closet bro just to get our minds off of it even though they was doing wild shit and trapped in the closet man once a year i go back and i listen to every single every single installment a trapped in the closet oh my god it's the shit dog is it's a masterpiece bro i'm sorry i'm i'm sorry to like just be big up in our kelly right now but trapped in the closet is a modern masterpiece at least at least pirate in jesus tries oh my god pirate it yeah i mean i just watch it through youtube bro let's give it him streams he's not getting paid for those streams somebody is going to the it's going to the victims isn't it it's going to the victims bro the victims will have anything the more views the better now yeah i believe yeah i've been like oh man but that that's all it is that's all it is all right it's they don't like the things that he's doing but come on man like he made that joint with faith evidence man like like biggie passed away made the made the memorial ten foil time yep we know he did it all right we know that he sacrificed biggie all right we already know that he's almost not even ten foil either do you think that's ten foil zach i i don't know about biggie but you don't know i pock for sure i think i think you did pock why would he kill pock he had no he had no horse in the race well they had each other well no no listen he he had no horse because yeah but but but if he kills him and he kills biggie then he has nobody to jump off of no but i don't i don't think he killed me i don't think he killed me you right there he killed all the cops he killed all the cops and i'm man all right see i need i need i need some more fucking foil on my my hat bro because i'm fucking up now remember we used to be because conspiracy niggas you remember that shit all right so when we was younger bro oh no we was mad into watching conspiracy shit bro yeah that's where half of this shit coming from and that's why i always just look at shit with an extra lens i didn't do it when i was a kid kid that's how i missed out i know it is michalonian shit yeah but nothing disney ever passed me didn't you can't get away from shit yeah and cartoon network they really only got like probably a couple bad things that happened through air like rebecca sugar she uh what she didn't even do anything bad for real but she has a fan fake of edna and neti where they're all just like fucking each other oh my god yeah but they're kids so it's like cp oh god damn don't say that Jesus oh yeah it's 40 minutes in yeah yeah it's 40 minutes they were good but but yeah it's it's just i can't think of any super bad people from that network you know you know uh do you guys remember that era and like no because you guys were you guys were grown ass adults by the bro i i go go ahead exactly what you mean i'm not a kid the the era where like destroy bill destroy and like all his live action shows that cartoon network did yeah they were trying to they were trying to replicate uh michalonian and disney's success with that you know why they did it low key why they did it because they weren't paying their animators the animators were on strike oh yeah so they had to get yeah lift their children yeah that they didn't have to break their children who didn't have to they didn't have to pay as much and then they put that wackish shit on tv destroy bill destroy was like that was the only show that lasted was destroy bill destroy and um there's one other show that actually lasted for a little bit but the rest of them just fell straight off the map no one was trying to wash that shit nigga this is cartoon network this is not a cartoon this is not a fucking cartoon he's a not a nickeloni oh you know actually you know it no yeah yeah okay all right y'all got anything else to say about these creeps before we don't give any more any more uh airtime today names yo sorry about the technical difficulties y'all uh we're doing this uh we're doing another app all right do we do it another app tonight so we try to get all this stuff down so we can get the show out to y'all thank you for being with us through this time until we get back into the studio um but like i was saying uh is there anything else that we want to say about these guys before we stop giving them airtime anything else uh i think i'm good was like you guys good but i say tony said before uh said no ditty all right no ditty all right so no ditty instead of pause now that's what we doing i guess no ditty instead of no homo why because no ditty no ditty yeah because no matter what you say it's just like getting a bitty bro yeah it is officially no bitty tony want to delve into the the meek mill audio did you say you want to delve into the meek mill audio we not we we ain't got enough time for that but i'll say because ain't once i hear that i'm gonna have to go back and listen to lyrics of song and stuff i ain't got time i swear i ain't got no time sure all right y'all but let's see we're gonna actually push it over to tony now uh last week we had tony ask us a person a question all right so we're gonna go ahead and see what other questions tony may have for us tony take it away okay oh before you do that my bad bro i say since we in the car y'all y'all already know what it is i said i'm about to fire these drawn up real quick oh my god babe you already know bro and i got the bruce dojetski in here the child's mikowski but yeah go ahead tony and leave off with what's your question is brother okay so the question i have today oh you wrote it down i was going through the question if you could choose only one condiment to eat for the rest of your life which would you choose that was condiment he said that was condiment uh a frank's red hot gotta be frank should you hear me that was a frank is red hot that was a quick ass answer yep i put that shit on everything i put that shit on everything dude you got that's been the slogan forever bro that's funny as shit you know what i think you want to know what i say what what blue cheese blue cheese blue cheese no no but no but listen bro that that is your last condiment ever it's my last time so that means like darker than ranch no no listen it's better than ranch is better than mustard oh hold on it's better than sugar wait what we don't really count sugar as a condiment okay you can still use spices and relish okay relish it's it's just all around better here listen listen as a blue cheese fan yes okay no no listen because i'm going to give you some pushback here okay all right i'm going to give you some pushback here because i love blue cheese but blue cheese is for chicken bro it is only for chicken there's nothing else you should be putting blue cheese on so it burgers what you crazy that's too much thank in a burger bro i don't know it's too much all right so all right listen if i give you burger because because i don't i don't hate it in a burger either i don't hate it in a burger it has that the closet you listen to what else can you put it on besides those two things and don't be filthy okay besides chicken and in burgers in burgers what can you put blue cheese on that is not filthy fries that's filthy bro that's that's crazy that's disgusting that's disgusting that's not that crazy dude come on baby you're gonna make me hate blue cheese and i love it but but but but but i i can taste a potato and blue cheese in my mouth right now it matters sick it is not that crazy listen all right this one this one is actually very hard for me all right but i need to get off of this blue cheese stuff because that's wild all right this is actually kind of hard as a condiment to pick this one because i love ranch on everything but you can't put ranch on a steak and you can't put ranch on a burger and you shouldn't put it on fries the only condiment that can literally go on anything besides hot sauce because that's great i wouldn't pick french i'd pick louise again but that's just because my momma from the south and that's what i'm used to okay but a one steak sauce you have you have to you can put you can literally put that on everything say say say say one thing that'll be nasty fries a baloney sound fries with fries with a one baloney fries with steak sauce what'd you say Zach fries with steak sauce steakhouse fries if you never had a steak with fries inside of it now you reach it you reach it you reach it i've never i've never seen anybody do that it is good i've never seen nobody do that steak fries you're a rare breed one steak no it's not it's not something that i do but it's something that i would you know what i'm saying you're a rare breed since since i since i'm not constrained to only one condiment i don't do it all right okay so i'm like with me i put ketchup and mustard on my fries well i put them in i put them in one spot and then i just twisted all up until it's orange and then i eat it like that because i need the tango in it i'd catch up so that that's what i do all right but if i couldn't have any other condiment steak sauce it's great with fries okay i'm gonna have to take you right for it because i'm never doing that hey man next time you said because i'm never doing it next time you go to a steakhouse if you get a steak and fries on the side man just dip it in a one i'm not saying make i'm not saying make a meal of it i'm just saying what it tastes like that's all i'm saying but then they won oh god just don't dip it in no blue cheese like filthy mcnasty over here what do you mean that'll be the best bro that's so it's so hunky blue cheese first of all the chunky blue cheese is the best oh hey yo hey yo the chunky blue cheese is the best but if i ever seen they could throw it on fries or a baked potato or something like that i got adapted i'd have to call the police or something like they got to get him out they got to get him out on a on a baked potato blue cheese what it's still potato that's the best oh you put blue cheese on baked potatoes i would oh my god man i would say i thought i was the nastiest person with food because i eat all type of weird shit i say because i'll just throw peanut butter in a bowl and then put some now that's nad and then put some syrup on it that's nasty and then and then i whip it all up no nigga that's ghetto caramell nigga what you that's ghetto caramell and then like like put it on some bread niggas a sandwich niggas what you mean you just must not like peanut butter i don't like that you hate coming from the blue cheese guy yeah come on man he said no he said he said he said blue cheese though because i agree with hot sauce only reason i wouldn't say hot sauce though is because i got bagged up now and i can't have that shit all the time well yeah it's your big ass age bro you can't have hot sauce every day did you say my big ass age yeah i shut your ass up but yeah i can't i can't eat that shit no more all the time like every now and then it's well not even every now and then every friday every friday when i drop off all the kids and i don't have to pick nobody up in the morning probably around nine thirty i go to subway every friday every single friday nigga girl i go to subway i get uh chicken bacon ranch premium footlong sub by an Italian urban cheese okay and i throw a gang of jalapenos on that bitch because that's the only hot shit well i put other stuff on there but y'all need to know about my old bag yeah they all do it is it's a bit filthy because as long as it's sloppy it's my uh dude no okay but though i put jalapenos on there and then i'd be i'd be sick to my stomach for about two days during every week because i have to eat it but i know i can't so that hot sauce shit would kill me that hot sauce shit would kill me if i had to only have that shit hell no that was a good-ass question that turned into a whole bunch of shit yeah got to be on the question sony before we drop into some uh more personal topics we need to get real personal no one tony might plug in blue cheese but dude what jesus christ i almost got to try it now i got some blue cheese inside the hood inside the fridge right now i do too where's the best blue cheese for him not one not one that you buy in a store something this like like that you order like like for mercy or something where you think the best blue cheese is and then i'll tell you why you're wrong uh worst bar i have been to the worst bar before but i haven't had that blue cheese blue cheese burger you know who got some real good blue cheese who outback snake house they do they make us do that shit part chunky it's like medium chunky nigga it's like medium chunky like like you're gonna fuck around and get it you're gonna fuck around and get a chunk but it's still like real smooth though okay yeah that's a good bro they go they go they go being this nigga bonding on blue cheeses i swear to god straight up see we've been talking about it since so long i ain't even sparked this spark this ale yet this is entertaining this fun we need some more questions from toady dog this is gonna definitely be a weekly thing oh yeah we don't we don't give them another one real quick because i don't know how how long that's going branch out because i actually do want to get into our other topic this might be one of our longest shows yeah that's like because we're probably gonna we're probably at least getting close to like an hour now at least oh we're we're already we're hour 20 right now i mean we're still gonna have cuts and stuff though right so that's the best i'm saying it but yeah we're not many cuts not many cuts we're gonna be like hour 40 maybe i'll share and pay y'all self's on the back y'all this is basically a live show man good job everybody but yeah tony go ahead kick us with another question real quick and then then we'll hop into the last topic before bookmarks okay so this question is like a test a test of your nuts okay so you mean balls as in like bravery or balls as in just balls balls as in just balls okay okay how gullible you consider yourself i'm gobbled in a motherfucker now you can tell me you could tell me it's raining men and i look at it speaking of like like like relationship experience or like what oh brother i'm just talking about like everything like i said you can tell me it's raining men and i'll look up that's fucking hilarious yeah that's how you accidentally catch somebody in your mouth don't do that hey yo catching in the mouth hey hey man no diddy no diddy no diddy no diddy no diddy gullible i don't think i'm pretty gullible um it's probably mostly just because i'm stubborn yeah yeah like anytime somebody will tell me some shit i just do some quick thinking i was be like no like like i don't think so i don't think that's right or no that doesn't like like i look shit up i'm that type of nigga like you you tell me something and then i walk away i'll go look at it and if it's wrong i'm gonna come back and tell you so you're not that gullible i don't believe so i don't i don't think i'm gullible we would be a situation when you were go back when i first started fucking with hoes and the hoes get you yeah when i first started getting them slip you up and trip you up yeah when you first start getting them you don't know what to do so then you just like yeah man all this is great well you don't know how females act you don't know what's real until you get some experience down the line you know but then at that point like i'm i mean i'm not gonna do that stuff now but but yeah when i was a child well not a child because i i didn't jump off the porch so i was damn near 18 but yeah when i was younger definitely gullible when it came to females but that's just thing because i i think i was thinking with my other hand though yeah there's something like that so like that you gullible okay that's all the questions i got no tony you gullible oh yeah see you might not let me say you can't get them for me yeah am i gullible um you know if they pretty enough if they might just jump off a roof you know what i'm saying like i'm not going to even hold you up like if they pretty enough and if they got my attention bro them bitches can tell me to move out of state whoa and that's and that's crazy so like my goalfulness is like crazy so you say you only gullible when they come to females yes i'm only gullible when it comes so like a nigga can't tell you some off the wall shit now you believe it probably he said probably not probably hell no no wait unless this ditty shit it just if this ditty shit got me then oh no let's make it just let it go and get tricked by ditty oh no oh damn did he have the best that's crazy i don't think he did it oh my god here we go i don't think he did shit i don't think he touched nobody i don't think he molested nobody then they hey hey hey hey hey hey hey slow down brother you got a little bit too much dip on your chip all right oh my god i don't believe it i don't believe it he even one of the people outside of our kelly's uh miss courthouse with one of them saying he ain't do it yeah i was about to say you could close your eyes and hear that outside of our kelly chorus oh my god yeah y'all have no faith this y'all ain't got no faith right there ditty all right finally here we go y'all this is the point i've been trying to get to besides lighting up this front of me this joy there we go Trevor's showing emotion y'all feeling oh man shut up all right this shit gonna be funny oh but uh a lot of people that know me personally think that i like have no emotions at all i would like to say that that is just stoicism i'm kind of like a brick wall sometimes but brick walls can still be damaged y'all all right yeah yeah so what i wanted to talk about Tony you go ahead like this up because i'm over here talking and i can't like that shit what i want to talk about is moments of vulnerability y'all specifically crying in times that we have cried in the reasons for it oh man all right so this is a little bit different for me you know i'm getting getting vulnerable here which are so yeah so facts over feelings let's go this is definitely feelings over facts right now though well it's it's a fact that i had these feelings so it's a fact that i have it's the same it's honestly all right but yeah we gonna start it off real kosher all right one of the times recently that i cry like and i know it'll just make me cry every time i see it have you guys seen the movie cocoa i know just don't know it's the movie of like a spanish kid like they're celebrated like the day of the day oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right so there's this uh well the plot line just goes they have to put a picture on their mantle so that they're remembered in the afterlife yeah um this boy he goes he goes into basically the spirit world and then he meets who his i believe his great grandfather actually is and as soon as they figure out their family he starts um he starts weathering away because no one's no one's remembering him anymore his daughter is starting to forget him and his daughter is the main character's grandmother and he hurry ups and gets out of the underworld gets back to his grandma and then starts singing the song that her dad used to sing to her and then before the song ends she starts singing the lyrics given this woman says nothing this woman says nothing throughout the whole movie she she stopped talking for years as soon as she starts hearing the lyrics of the song she starts singing it with a grandson dude that puts that big-ass fucking ball in my goddamn throw bro like that is so goddamn sad because then my my fiance turned and looked at me she was like are you crying i was just like i'm like i'm so happy she remembered that bro she was real fucking dead and i'm like literally just crying dude it felt good you know what i'm saying it felt good to let that go because i'm not too emotional of a person well that's this deep dark it and i wanted to start off with an easy one because i mean we've all cried to different movies like like what are some Disney movies you guys have cried to like i'm sure we open season stuff like open season oh dude yeah then or do you see open season bro i cried in the movie theater bro oh my god the animals are getting hunted bro dude fucking lion king dude lion king ain't get you when mufasa got stumped out can i get you get me damn are you human he has no heart geez well here's something that might get you i ain't besides that movie shit no you know what got me what i am giant you're right dude iron giant is a sad movie yeah it's a sad movie iron giant is sad it's for real and this one is good as hell for it here you go and let me hit y'all with another one real quick this one's actually a bit more sad so i was on the toilet all right this is probably like a few weeks ago all right yeah i was on the toilet just scrolling and stuff and then i see a video of a uh like a middle age woman and an older man so the man turns to her and he looks at her and he says he's like oh how far along are you and then she turns and looks at him and she's like what and he's like oh i'm i'm sorry and then she's just like i'm 26 weeks or however many weeks and he's just like the other babe is going to be old before you know it and then she's just like yeah well it's it's just kind of hard right now like you know uh i'm taking care of my dad and you know uh the dad's not around and stuff like that and uh you know he's dealing with health problems and is really hard and he's just like you know what you're gonna you're gonna do just fine and i believe in you you're gonna do great and then she says thank you given they're sitting at a bus stop right now yeah the bus comes she gets up she's about to walk to the bus and then she turns to him and she says dad dad get up this is this is our bus oh shit and the man is so confused he is so confused because he just asked this woman about the baby about the grandfather and everything and he is the grandfather and basically he just has dementia yeah and this seems to be something that they go through all the time dude i was sitting on the toilet i'm literally balling for real you can you can check two fucking fucking comments and shit that i dropped on it it's it's actually still going for some reason my instagram comments go crazy i probably got like four five hundred on it but but yeah i was just like why am i sitting here just fucking balling right now dude jesus dude that saddest fuck isn't it yeah man as soon as she turned his head dad i was just like oh my god he doesn't know like dude i was so fucking sad dude it hurt my heart jesus it hurt my heart bro like seriously man i feel it i feel it that is so crazy because i that would be that that has to be one of the hardest things to fucking deal with yeah like loving somebody who you know loves you but they can't they can't remember it like it is so fucking crazy dude man that that's making me sad i was like and we said all over again this is wild oh jesus what are y'all gonna tell y'all story about crying before i came back um it kind of in the same vein as tremor i was watching a video i think this was when my daughter was like nine months old i think she was sleeping on my chest or something i was watching this video this dad washed him bottles and he was like dude you i know washing bottles sucks and putting it on the dry and rack but you never know when the last bottle there you're gonna wash his and that shit killed me dude because like it did like a time lapse of like like newborn bottles uh sippy cups and then it was just it wasn't there and then like i just oh god they're they're gonna grow up bro dude oh god i still got bottles in my house because i keep popping them out yeah you got a brand new one yeah but but man yeah they're gonna grow up bro and it's gonna be faster than we fucking know it dude i say it's gonna be it's gonna be a sad little time like like everyone always just like oh i can't wait to the kids go out of my house no dude i don't want that shit to happen no but i'm just saying like a lot of parents say that but then like the day that is just like all right now they're not gonna live under my roof anymore like i'm not gonna see them every day yeah it's gonna change you dude he's definitely gonna fucking change yeah i say mr stone wall over here he'll know he'll know i'm watching him bro y'all y'all don't know y'all got me thinking about like all this shit like because i'm a dad of three yeah you know what i'm saying so it's like i can't help but think about the time that my dad didn't pick me up you know what i'm saying like and it's like my dad he didn't he didn't pick me up when my mom told me that he was supposed to pick me up and i was just standing outside with my bags you know what i'm saying and uh bro that's that that's fucking sad dude i just couldn't get picked up he didn't pick me up that's so fucking sad dude you know what i'm saying and i don't know so like when i think of my kids that like i got now like i make sure that i get them like i just dropped them off today and i make sure that i get them and i make sure i spend my time with them but um i don't know that's my little sad little shit yeah man like that they're giving me but i'll say like i don't mean i'm not poking fun when i say this bazak like when when Tony tony said that what did you see what do you mean when when he said he had his bags packed and like waiting for his dad what did you see and i saw i saw i saw a little tony on the side of the street with his backpack and waiting for waiting for his dad see and i think i made it sadder in my head because i even though he said he was outside i didn't picture you outside i pictured you in the window and i and i think that's box that makes it yeah that makes me worse see i think that's much more sad see like and i'm making myself sad i'm like i'm fucking accident oh damn see this is why i don't like talking about shit like this because then i start talking you feel me like it's it's nice to let it off you know every now and then like every time we can i gotta let it go gotta let it go yeah every time i crash especially that time when the toilet dude i needed that i needed that because it was crazy i was like crying so much i just started laughing because i'm just like why the fuck am i crying dude like i'm i don't know what is going on right now i'll be sure i'm actually before we uh jesus christ it's joint man my bad y'all but i don't know what's trying to say but he's hidden it's joint about to make you cry yeah if i stop breathing yeah but uh we're gonna say we actually got a two more two more uh story for you guys one of them is really quick and the other one might turn into another conversation but like i said that we we going we going long in this video y'all we we definitely going not because the first one the first one ended off like around 48 some minutes some shit like that so so yeah we chugging along y'all but uh i'll say so i'm trying to touch i'm trying to touch all the uh emotions of when i was crying and why you know what i mean so the first one well when's the first one i gave it first one i was giving you like it was a happy cry you know the second one that i gave y'all was the uh oh jesus because i now think about it the second one i gave y'all was the sad cry here's the mad one so y'all know my brother fucking his name's Theo i'm calling Theo right now because this is a real story all right and he's actually on his way to my house right now from Virginia so hopefully he listens to his episode shut out Ricky oh Ricky Rico Ricky right as well be Ricky he made the shit up but but when we were kids my brother was a piece of shit okay literally like like me and him didn't have a good relationship until we fought when i was already in like my 20s so we we had fought and then we've been cool ever since like maybe it was like he had to see see me as a man like like as an actual threat sometimes where it wasn't just uh you're my little brother i'm gonna do what i want to you so one night uh we probably had to have been maybe middle school age something like that he's only a year older than me but uh we were just probably just watching tv or playing a game or something like that and it was either my turn to watch something or it was my turn to play the game because we shared a room so we had to figure out what turns were but turns didn't really happen because i'm the little brother you know what i'm saying this one day this one day when it was my turn he didn't want it so bad that he hit me and when i was younger i would just let shit like that happen so he hit me and he saw that it did nothing so he hit me again and then i just started breathing real hard and then he just like he like throw a three piece at me nothing in the face but he throw a three piece at me and i'm just breathing hard as hell you know how fucking super sans look and shit or how it he fucking uh like superheroes be looking when they get mad and shit like that yeah so i'm just standing there little kid hands balled up breathing hard as hell like this all right yeah he get in his last hit that i allow him and then i just walk out of the room and i run to my parents room and i just fall out crying not because it hurt not because i'm sad i didn't get my turn i was i was crying because i knew if i put my hands on him that night i was going to kill him and that scared the shit out of it damn there's been a lot of time my brothers was such a dick back in the day there's been a lot of times where i felt like that where i'm just like i know like i'm glad me and you never fought until i was an adult because if i was a kid i wouldn't know where the line is you feel me yeah so that's just the angry time where the cry was but hey man they if i would have put hands on him he would have been through the door i promise y'all do that promise y'all jesus and this is the last one i believe y'all with and this is the scary one have you all heard of sleep paralysis yeah oh my god oh have either one of you guys experienced it no thank god explain what it is where you like wake up but you still sleep and you like stuck and you can't move yeah yeah exactly that exactly that thing sounds going to come in the room or shit that might be yo shit that might be your part of that ain't too much happened to me that happened to happen bro bro let's listen right so i was a kid again uh just taking like a nap in the middle of the day type shit there you got to be like summer break or something like that and i wake up i could see my tv to the left of me i see myself laying on the bed i see the posters on the wall i see my little locker on the side because we had the little fucking NBA lockers and shit that was real hot in the early 2000s so we had on that i'm about to get out of bed i can't move i can't move at all so i'm trying to i'm trying to move my arms nothing's moving i try to move my legs nothing's moving at this point i start noticing that i'm not breathing that requires movement right yeah yeah i'm not breathing at all bro and i don't know how long it lasted nigga it felt like an eternity felt like a fucking eternity it could have been it could have been seconds bro i don't fucking know as soon as i started moving though i caught my breath i fell straight to the ground i ran in my momma room again because that was the spot to go ran in my momma room i told her what happened and you know my momma she started busing out the prayer oil and oh no bro well done it was it was everything but i was already crying at that point because i was terrified oh no i didn't get the i didn't get the little black faceless people that people be talking about when they get sleep paralysis what i did have that everyone expresses though is that weight yeah that weight on your chest to feel like something sitting on you maybe that's why i couldn't breathe that's not why i couldn't move completely though because even if it bit shouldn't sitting on your chest you'd still make me lazy on it but that shit scared the life out of me and i'm glad it has never happened again because i feel like this was different than lucid dreaming because i feel like you see yourself outside of yourself when you lucid dream right yeah like you kind of like it's like astral projected like when you jump out of your body and you can see yourself when and sleep paralysis nigga you you can't see yourself you still ain't nobody you just have zero control and having no control is the scariest thing ever honestly for a long room like like i'm in a slip but i didn't have a good nice sleep for a long time after that shit that made a nigga cry out of fucking fucking fear nigga i was scared to death i didn't know what the fuck was gonna happen to me because because at first you just think you're dead you just think you're dead and you and your spirit hasn't come out your body yet jesus christ man bro it is the most sobering like before i've ever been intoxicated it was the most sobering thing that ever happened to me in my life oh my god and two of those are stories that i've never told anybody damn so so super phone a real bull which uh but i i guess i did want to get it off my chest because this was my topic pod exclusive you know what i mean all right this would have been on patreon but yeah bro see see you boy could get vulnerable to yeah yeah thank you for sharing that whichever that's that's crazy i bet i i appreciate that yeah man that that sleep paralysis shit is scary bro like i know you're you're just thinking about that right now dude i'm like looking over my shoulder like all the time we were working and shit i never brought it up or anything but i know what all the shit we were talking about yeah that it is just because it is too is too much bro like literally like the craziest thing that's ever happened to me and you've heard everything else that's happened yeah bro i'm like anyone who just says anything about that or anything please take them seriously yeah that shit is fucking real dude jeez i don't think i was cursed or anything like i don't think it was a witch or anything i i don't know what that is i just think i was stuck in our i just think i was stuck in our end i think that's what it's supposed to be some shit like that like stuck in our end but my brain is still telling me to wake up yeah i don't know fuck do you want to get scientific about it but oh yeah jesus christ like i said i just got vulnerable with job man yeah man but you know what you know what let's let's go ahead let's just kick it over kick it over the bookmarks unless anything jogged and y'all memory about some some some uh vulnerable times um i say because we can kick at the bookmarks we've been we've been rocking for many y'all no i i think i'm good nice you got anything tony hope the question is for us uh next week i'll say because that's always a good conversation right yeah you got to pull out the notepad on the ass next time yeah shit but uh wait zach did you have any bookmarks um i got a couple nothing like nothing like uh serious um somebody uh somebody put up a an ignorant ass picture somebody put up a picture of gabrio union and kenis always next to each other and call kenis always gabrio confederacy oh no no no it says gabrio union and gabrio confederacy yeah that's true that's what it's that's what it's so i'm actually i'm actually currently in a uh instagram argument about that about what because somebody said like uh someone had said two beautiful black queens and then somebody said well one of them has things all wrong and i was like yeah union and now people hate me you just started shit cuz what's wrong with gabrio union nothing he just used like postured not even really postured i just like like upping i like upping people who aren't fucking victims and kenis always isn't a victim to me so i like upping her that that's literally all it is yeah there's nothing wrong with gabrio union yeah i mean her son's kind of weird or daughter or whatever you want to say daughter daughter yeah yeah that's actually that's actually a really good name i'm glad he brought that in because that is it's pretty fucking funny um a couple weeks ago uh president biden and uh dr dr and dr rivers doc rivers dude what's dr rivers government is it doc is it not dr bro oh that's a big name is his name doctor no it's Glenn it's Glenn jesus christ why would his name be doctor i don't know but uh apparently they met last week in the most random fucking uh collaboration in history but uh somebody said uh sources say they bonded over writing the coattails of the most talented co-workers in 2008 that's ignorant obama and kevin carnet right joe biden been with everybody later he was a little relevant recently dude yeah that day he he he just trying to get them votes out bro he's trying to get the the black votes by lying to niggas and then he's trying to get the gay votes by paying for all the niggas yeah i know that's why he had to be like yeah so even though like cuz what is it today is easter but on the 31st it is actual like like some type of trends holiday transvisibility day yeah transvisibility day which is always on the 31st it's just yeah so happened that easter also dropped on it yeah but like he made it a point to be like he he said it like he was like rewriting history though he was like this year trans villa visibility day is going to be the same day as easter but he said it like he made him that way instead of the fucking moon and stars and she he knows what he's doing he knows what he's trying to be a certain audience i know but but like he already has a certain audience in his pocket though i just want to get my people out for people yeah the people who aren't on the mental plantation oh my god we have to stop voting democrat black people okay yes vote socialist everybody vote socialist fuck the democrats fuck no not socialist why not we can be like we could still be like capitalist oh no you lost but no listen listen we can be capitalist but we can just make sure that we allocate funds into the bullshit that you like that's that's social democracy fuck that right what's wrong with social democracy because it's still painters to landlords and CEOs i fuck that fuck off people should be able to gain wealth in their countries act yes socialism is not about no fucking wealth i'm not saying that no but it's about shared wealth for some people who don't deserve it you think landlords don't exist in china they do but their money doesn't belong but they do but their money doesn't belong to them what do you say dude oh once you make a certain amount of money out there your money isn't your money no more don't you think that's kind of a good problem a good thing no because you shouldn't be able to tell me how to spend my money and i don't think billionaires should exist so well then tax me more that's that's what they're doing oh it's not because that's what people are learning about yeah all right all right all right off topic off topic off topic we we got in the whole bunch of shit my bad we might get into that another day but um i don't know if y'all are keeping up with nfl free agency but did you guys see that calvin really got a hundred million dollars a hundred million yes dude he got 92 million for how long four years four years what you said 192 no four years 92 million oh 92 in total yes what's that four years 92 that's like that's 24 i think or no no no no no like eight no it's 20 something to this 20 something a year 20 plus a couple like yeah yeah yeah yeah it's not that's not that big yeah for a for a start well these are not a star 30 calvin really i'm up dude i've been riding with calvin and you know what i mean fuck that he shouldn't have been he shouldn't have been paying for as long as he did when we have domestic abusers walking free you know what i mean but yeah but calvin really getting almost a hundred million dollars is fucking wild dude i let me read you his stats last year real quick off the top let me do this stance let me let me and you know this isn't my money so i'm not really tripping that hard you know what i mean go ahead spend it however you want but it's a thousand yards and eight touchdowns 92 billion what is that for a second a second uh street ready back i mean second street uh wire receiver yeah he's he's not a number one target he wasn't last year yeah but yeah but as a as a second target a thousand yards and eight touchdowns is not bad it's not bad but are you paying him 92 mil how much are they paying um the number one that's that that's what you would have to have it comparable to he's not the number one target he's uh he's honestly Tennessee since we got the tight end since we got the tight end no he's honestly not number two neither no he's he's in Tennessee he's in Tennessee no oh he is he is their number one oh okay then i'm not mad at it i'm not mad at it because they they even though his last year he didn't play for Tennessee last year right no he played for uh Jacksonville exactly so now they they can't just they're basing it off of what he did as the number two guy yeah since he's going to get more targets then yeah the the money makes sense i think they're basing it off of what he did in Atlanta with you know before all the gambling shit which yeah but yeah probably so but i i'm not mad at it no more yeah i'm not mad at it no more he's he's the number one target there yeah shut up Calvin really get that back me oh man right all right y'all got anything else oh no man just just uh like always y'all just uh make sure you uh make sure you follow that twitter account uh i'm trying to uh trying to drop more on there consistently um i really do want to talk to our listeners to see what you guys would like to talk about would like to hear at the show um also i am trying to go ahead and get this google number uh put together so we can eventually have a call in Harold Harold call every week i know you listen is that Harold call every week i don't mind if Harold call all i love talking Harold what if it's just Harold every week then then it's just going to be his segment then it's Harold every week Harold gets his own second yeah if it's no one else but Harold he gets his own second you know you get your own second let's go Harold let's go Harold but yeah try to get that uh trying to get that uh call in line together um so then hopefully on Sundays even while we are recorded because we do these shows on Sunday and drop them on Sunday yeah so we'll probably try to get call screened uh like during the show try to take them during the show uh so we'll let you know what times you all can call but you won't know that information unless you follow our twitter that is zack zack in black pod letter in y'all zack in black pod on x slash twitter please make sure you guys follow us there but yeah i'll go ahead and kick it right over to you to finish out the outro zack all right um as always like subscribe follow uh download the shit out of every episode tell your mom tell your sister tell your baby mama to download the episode to her baby daddy and then his baby mamas yep yep yep everybody download that episode they got a couple yeah remember remember like i said last week and them is the important part all right tell your mama and them yeah because and them is more than one person yeah yeah yeah um uh wherever you get your podcasts you know pandaora i heart spotify not halfway yet because they want bread uh these are these are you know what i mean uh all right we're gonna get out of y'all here deuces [ Silence ]