Jesse Kelly Show

Jesse talks about Easter vs. tranny day and has a cultural talk

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02 Apr 2024
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It is Ryan here and I have a question for you, what do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper, a woohoo, a hand-clap or a high-fiver? I kind of like the high-fiver, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. At, choose from hundreds of social casino-style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses, so don't wait, start having the most fun ever at This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Kelly Show. Let's have some fun, New York, on a Monday and it's going to be an amazing Monday today. We are going to talk, first of all, obviously, there's going to be Medal of Honor Monday. Got an hour from now, got a good one tonight, you will enjoy that one. We are going to discuss the Cultural Pendulum Swing. We're going to discuss Cultural Religions, the Hall Monitor, right? Don't worry, if none of this makes sense, I'm going to make it make sense here in a few minutes. We're going to discuss the interest on the debt, all the new jobs going to immigrants, and so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Kelly Show before I get into any of that. And yes, we're going to talk about Easter versus the tranny day versus all this other stuff. Why are you gay? First, I want to do this one really quickly though. Got this email, just felt right. Jesse I wanted to share with you that my husband and I listen to your Medal of Honor Monday winners every Monday between 7 and 7 15. However, my husband, Jake Stoffko, died on Palm Sunday, March 24, 2024. He was a veteran from the Vietnam War, so on and so forth. Thank you for your service to the country. I am so grateful for my husband and your service to our country. Her name is Kathleen, and she says this is a note to honor my husband's service and to introduce you to him. Can't do this all the time, obviously won't do this all the time, but we lost the Vietnam vet. We lost him a week ago for yesterday and I think we should honor the man. [Music] [Music] [Music] Rest in peace, sir. That one hit me hard. I'm going to get into this trainee day and Easter here in just a second, but I'll tell you that one hit me hard. It's been hit me hard a lot lately. Remember I told you about the baseball game I went to last week to be one of the flag holders for the anthem, whatever, and at this baseball game they introduced, they had a, I guess it was a World War II moment or a veterans moment, I wasn't sure why, but they had two World War II veterans there and they were so old and it hit me that were losing these guys, right? The World War II guys, there are no World War I guys left pretty much. The World War II guys are almost all gone and that's going to be Vietnam guys soon, and I hate that. It's life, I'm not complaining about the way life goes, but it sucks we're losing those old timers. All right, let's move on and let's have a long, this is going to be, I'm warning you right now, this is going to be a long cultural discussion, and the jump off point for this is this, in case you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you already know this, let me catch you up on something. Another day was Easter, yesterday was resurrection day for Bible believing Christians in America. Maybe you're not one, so allow me to clue you in on this, which you probably already know, this is, if you're a Christian who believes in the Bible, yesterday was the most important day, not of the year, I need to stress this, resurrection days, not the most important day of the year, Jesus rising up from the dead for Christians is the most important day in history, understand that, that is the most important day in history. And so what has hit the news? What have you heard about all day? Maybe what have you been yelling about for the last two days? It turned into Tranny Day for Democrats, Trans Day of Visibility. You heard this over and over and over and over and over again, yesterday on the most important day in Christianity's history, on Trans Day of Visibility. We celebrate the trans individuals in our communities and recognize their struggle, struggles for recognition, and increasingly survival in the face of unfathomable hate. On Trans Day of Visibility, my message is simple, I see you and I've got your back. From all of us here at the Department of Education, happy Trans Day of Visibility. On this transgender day of visibility, we must continue. Yeah, yeah, on and on and on it goes. Biden himself got into it. This is directly from the White House. Now I therefore, Joseph R. Biden, Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution of the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim March 31st, 2024 as Transgender Day of Visibility. All right, well, we'll get to the fact that it was Tranny Day of Visibility for like 10 years. We've dealt with this filth. We'll deal with that in a little while. I'm actually going to connect this to a different story because we're going to have a big cultural religious talk here. In this story, I'm going to connect it to doesn't sound connected at all. You just have to stay with me and I'll get there headline. This is from the New York Post. This ethnic discrimination to force New York City pizzerias and matzamakers to comply with green edicts, new bill. There's a new bill, New York City, essentially, if you're a Jewish business, if you're an Italian pizzeria, what they're saying is this. This is from the Republican Assemblyman, quote, I'm trying to stop discrimination against ethnic restaurants. These misguided laws go against businesses that cook ethnic cuisine. That's what the guy said. Okay. One of those two things have to do with each other at all. Why is this a cultural talk? Okay. First of all, let's do a little analogy here. Have you ever been in a fight with your husband, your wife, your girlfriend, your boyfriend of any kind and argument of any kind? Let's say, let's set this one up. This is a hypothetical. This didn't happen, but it could happen in my house. Let's say we're trying to save. We do. We try to be savers. Save up, trying to stash money away, save for a rainy day, save up for this, save up for that. We're trying to save, trying to stash money away. We're watching every dime. We're not. Now we're trying to be good savers. I go out. I buy the $500 gun, whatever it is, I buy a $500 gun. My wife, I don't tell her about it. My wife sees on the bank statement the $500 gun, what? Then she, she comes to me when I go home that night and she says, Hey, baby. We were saving. We weren't going to spend anything and you bought a $500 gun. Now let's pause right there. Let's pause right there in that moment. In that moment, that moment is the most critical moment. You know why? Because in that moment, I will either acknowledge that I did buy the gun and then the argument is going to go a certain way. Well, yes, I did. I bought the gun. I'm sorry. It was perfect. I can't wait to shoot it. If I accept that I bought the gun, if I acknowledge that the truth that I bought the gun, then that argument is going to go a certain way. But in the end, it doesn't matter whether it's calm and in collected, whether we're yelling and screaming and throwing popcorn at each other. I'm sorry. I'm kidding. We don't throw popcorn at each other. And well, I'm going to lose, why? Because I bought the gun. Whatever happens after whatever is said after I bought the gun, I screwed up. However, what if what if she comes to me and says, she says, baby, $500 at the gun shop? Gosh. And I say, honey, I don't know what that is. Wouldn't me either one of the maybe one of the kids got the credit card. Or you know what? Probably fraud. We'd probably act. Someone fraud. Someone bought a gun was not me. And then we argue from there. Well, in the end, how can we ever resolve the argument if we start off in the direction of an outright lie? Do you understand what I mean? If it's never accepted, it acknowledged that I'm the one who screwed up that I bought the gun. And if she goes along with that, if she says to me, oh, thank goodness, I'm glad it wasn't you. I knew it wasn't you. Let's go find out who stole. Let's go find out. If she goes that route in that critical moment, if she buys into the lie, if she gives into the lie in that critical moment, no matter what else happens in that argument, she will not win it. She cannot win it because the basic, the basic truth of the argument was dismissed in favor of a lie. This is what happens on the right often, and it's going to come back to the White House thing. It's going to come back to the pizza shop. It's going to come back to so much. I have a big cultural talk I want to have in a moment. We're having a big cultural talk. And we're kind of doing using two different stories to leap off of it. White House Easter decides it's training day. Of course, you heard it all across the map. This was the education set to the many transgender students across the country listening on this Trans Day of Visibility. We in the Biden Harris administration want you to know that we see you. We support you. Okay, we got it. It was Easter, but then you saw a lot of people on the right step in and say they didn't specifically say this day was tranny day. It's been tranny day for 10 years. What are you talking about? You saw a bunch of that on the right. Maybe you've heard of that. Maybe you said it yourself. And we're kind of making a connection between that and this story on a New York where some Republican is saying you can't, you can't use your green measures. You're green, you're going green agenda against against Italian businesses or Jewish businesses. It's it's against their ethnicity. It's ethnic discrimination. Okay. So we're having a long talk about pendulum swings, the culture, and I used an analogy. I'm about to use another one, but I need to explain something. It feels like the culture has only ever moved left in your lifetime, doesn't it? I don't really think that that's arguable. It's not that we've never had a little wind here or a little wind there. But anybody of any age can see the culture has only gone one way. In fact, let's make it beyond culture. If you look at the left, the communist desire, what do they want? They want the border open. They want your son to cut his penis off. They want to spend so much at bankrupts the nation. They want government to grow. They want that. Okay. That's what they want. What is someone on the right one in general? You would want a secure border. You would want stronger families. You would want to. So understanding those kind of macro high point items each side once the left has done nothing. But wait, correct. We're not talking about individual elections. Yeah, you're going to lose this and lose that, but why have they just won and we haven't well. Here's why. Well, here's one of the reasons why. The right has two big problems and the two big problems are kind of connected, but we're going to discuss both of these problems. These are problems that are killing us and they're causing the culture shift to the right. First, it all come back to the accepting the premise problem. I want to talk about our hall monitor problem. I call it hall monitor conservatism. You have probably seen a lot of this in your life. After I explain it, you'll know you've seen it. Maybe even you've participated in this and maybe just maybe maybe you were correct when you were correcting people on the right. What's an example? Here's an example. Here's a great example. The left when the communists lose elections, especially in this modern era, they will claim the election is stolen. There are endless montages I could play for you right now. Shoot, I think the RNC has one up. I think they have a 24 minute montage up just in case your liberal and Peggy doesn't believe me. There is a 24 minute montage up of Democrats losing elections and claiming it was stolen. It was cheated. It was stolen. It was Russians. It was cheated. It was stolen Donald Trump's an illegitimate president. This election wasn't legitimate. It's not legitimate. Every single election comes up when Democrats lose, they will claim the election stolen. So this is just one example to stay with me. So 2020 election happens. All kinds of odd things took place that night. We all went to bed around midnight. Trump was winning. We all woke up and he was losing. Hold on. Wait. Why is he losing? There were a bunch of ballots that came down at like three in the morning after they stopped counting and they kind of all went for Biden. That doesn't seem right. Okay. So there was all this talk after the 2020 election in a lot of people on the right. Maybe you, maybe me, believe that that election for a lot of different reasons wasn't legitimate. I was stolen. It was this. It was sad. It was the FBI got involved with Facebook. It was a ballot boxes and whatever you believe, whatever you believe that just the specifics don't matter right now, whatever you believe. But then, then you heard a bunch of people, a bunch of people on the right. You've heard them. Haven't you say things like this to you? Oh gosh. Here we go. The election wasn't stolen. Oh, we have to be better than that. We can't just say the election was stolen every time. That's there's no facts. There's nothing. Nothing's with you. Stop saying it's stolen. I didn't say don't ever say the election was stolen. We're above that. We have to be, we're not going to be like that. The election was stolen. Okay. All right. Now, let's do this. Whatever you believe about the 2020 election, let's just for the sake of our argument, stay with me. Let's say the people who are lecturing you on the right, the hall monitors on the right, let's say they're factually correct about the 2020 election. If it was all on the up and up, all that stuff out, totally innocent was all on the up and up. Let's say in this specific instance, they're right and you're wrong. You believe it's stolen. They say it's not. And let's say factually they're correct. Let's talk about why what they're doing is a mistake anyway and hurts us anyway. I'll discuss this in more detail. Just stay with me. After all the detail of this in just a moment before I get to that, I'll get to this really quickly. Hey, Jesse, this is from, oh, I didn't say I could use this name. I heard about, I heard your ad about building a real estate portfolio. I can't remember the name of the site you referenced. Please provide. Okay. This is done for you real estate. And when I try to stress every time I talk about this is this is not for millionaires. Don't be wrong. If you're a millionaire, they can help you too. But this is so normal people can begin to own more real estate rental properties. The beauty of that is it, it withstands disasters. It withstands economic calamity, even though the housing market goes up and goes down when you own something you can touch and feel the value never disappears. That's the beauty of it. You're not checking your 401k every day crossing your fingers. All done for you real estate, get ahold of them and find out how they help normal people do this. They'll find everything for you, the homes, the finance and the handle would all for you. Go to done for you, Jesse dot com. That's the name of it done for you, Jesse dot com. We'll be back. It's the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. We're going to get to Medal of Honor Monday about a half hour from now. We're having a larger talk about the right and pushing back against the left and cultural issues. And I'm addressing two major problems on the right. I already addressed the premise part of it at the very beginning of the show. I'll come back to that one. We're talking about a second one right now called the home, hall monitor right. The people on the right who are constantly, constantly, scolding you, maybe you are one of these people, scolding you, scolding other people about going too far or doing things the right way. We don't want to do that. And there are 10 million examples of this. I just used in case you missed it, whatever you believe about the election being stolen or not. Okay, let's say for the sake of argument here, let's say the 2020 election was all in the up and up. All right. This is the sake of our argument. Stay with me. Well, we know Democrats will deny every single election the legitimacy of every election they lose. They've been doing this forever. They're on tape. It's not arguable. Don't care what you have to say about it. They will. In 2020, this was the first time the Republicans participated in that, that sort of thing in mass. It was stolen. It was stolen. It was stolen. It was stolen. It was stolen. And you saw so many people you've seen so many people from the whole monitor right step up stop. Stop saying that. It wasn't stolen. It was all in the up and up. It was all legitimate. Well, let's say those people were correct. Let's say it was legitimate. They may be correct in this specific instance, but they're still wrong strategically. And here's why. If the left, if the left is going to rally and scream that every election they lose is stolen. And they're all going to with one voice after every election with one voice. And you know, they've done this. We've shown it over and over and over again. It's stolen. It's still legitimate. It's stolen. And they stay unified in that way. Well, what that's going to do is it's going to pull maybe a little, maybe a lot. It's going to pull the entire culture towards their side, even if it's just a little bit, you're going to have people because they're so loud. They're so committed. They're going to have people. The norms and norms of the world. They're going to believe more and more. Well, I mean, that election was stolen from Hillary. I guess what she said. It was the Russians. I guess it was stolen now to counter that, to counter that, there must be there must be an equal and opposite reaction. That's the way it works. There must be. So if a Republican gets elected and Democrats jump up and say it was stolen, they will pull the culture their way. All they store for the Democrats. They store for the Democrats. Now a Democrat gets elected and Republicans, some of them step up and say, this is stolen. He's not legitimate. Joe Biden's not legitimate. Hey, stolen. It was the machines. It was a Facebook. It was whatever, whatever you're blaming it on. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. So the Republicans jump up and say it was stolen. And so the pendulum starts to swing back with equal and opposite force, but instead of everyone on the right jumping on board, a bunch of people on the right instead, reach up and try to hold back to my men and we'll not too far. No, hold on. That all the facts might not be, whoa, not too fast. Guys, this is getting out of control here. Even if you're correct in that specific instance, the effect for the culture is it only goes left. If you never allow it to swing back, right. That makes sense. Let me explain to you this way. Picture this. We're all a bunch of ants. We're ant-sized people, right? And we're all on a desk. And on this desk, the desk is very smooth, very slick desk. And on it is just this pendulum. It's just a ball tied to a string and it's on a rack on the desk, right? You picture in it, it swings back and forth. No big deal. Swings left swings right. Well, when the ball swings to the left, they have 100 ants and we have 100 ants. When the ball is swinging to the left, all their ants jump on top and they hold on to the ball to give it even more weight. And when it swings because they're adding more weight to it, that thing is pushing left across the desk. The entire rack is starting to slide to the left. However, every time the ball starts to swing back to the right, our 100 ants, 50 of them will jump onto the ball to try to swing it back. But the other 50 will try to slow the ball down. No, not too far to the right. Slow down. We want to do this the right way. Are we being polite? I don't want this to look if you, if you, when you're fighting monsters, be careful. You don't become one, you know, all the lame nursery rhyme conservatism you've all heard in your lifetime. Okay. Well, you may say that's right or wrong, but in the end is the rack going to fall off the desk? Okay, it is, right? Which direction is it going to fall off the desk to the left or to the right? You see what I'm saying? We have a serious hall monitor. Want some more examples? About, uh, let's just make it about the most recent one, the trans day of visibility. Yes, it is true that this is a day the, uh, disgusting demons have declared a tranny day for years. Yes, it is. That is 100% true. It has been tranny day for many, many, many years. It's also true the Biden White House could have abstained from saying anything about it this day. Democrats across America, they could have abstained from saying anything about it because it was on the most holy day for Christians in the United States of America. It's the most holy day for Christians worldwide. Let's be honest. They could have abstained, but they didn't. They went all in on tranny day, all in every one of them, Democrat after Democrat after Democrat, I have Joe Biden's official statement. I have this. You. Trans day of visibility. We celebrate the trans individuals in our communities and recognize their struggle struggles for recognition and increasingly survival in the face of unfathomable hate on trans day visibility. My message is simple. I see you. Yeah. Yeah. You heard it all. You heard it all. And so you've seen, I know you've seen it people on the right, maybe you participated in this. Well, hold on. It wasn't specifically about Easter today. Hang on, guys. We want to make sure we're doing this the right way. Hold up. It's been tranny day for years. Hey, hold on. It's not a big deal. It's been tranny day for years. Don't go too far with the backlash, guys. Well, maybe in the specific instance, you're right. Maybe you're wrong. But what you are is somebody who guarantees that that ball pendulum on the desk will never slide to the right ever. If all of their ants jump on board to pull it to the left, half of our ants try to pull it to the right and the other half try to slow it down. We are never going to win. I could use a main example. Do you want me to keep going? About George Santos. Republicans join together with Democrats to eject George Santos because George Santos. I mean, he does look like a bit of a dirt ball with these accusations. He certainly looks bad, dishonest, terrible, but George Santos, Republicans, half of them joined with Democrats to kick him out of the house. Now we can't get impeachment done, can't get anything through, half the bow to their wishes at all times because we had to do things the right way. That's weird. Ilhan Omar is still in the house of representatives. Jamal Bowman pulled a fire alarm to disrupt an official proceeding and he's still a voting member of the house of representatives, but we had to do things the right way. You see this all the time and this is going to come right back to where I began the show. I'm going to tie all this back into the show to where I began in the pizza shop. Climate change. Great example for this one. This comes back to problem number two that plagues our side and the two things tie together. One, we have a whole monitor problem and two, we have a except the premise problem and we will discuss that as it relates to New York City pizzerias and climate change and we'll do that next. Before we do that, let's do this. I know I am a little bit hyped up today. I had an outstanding Easter had an outstanding weekend with the fam. We did an Easter church on Saturday night, as a matter of fact. And then we went to a sick movie that didn't have any of this filthy. It was Kong Godzilla and it was just a bunch of beating things up and blowing things up and I got to be honest between watching Kong Godzilla and my chalk male vitality stack, my T levels, they might be at like a 20 year old's level today. I can't guarantee it. I got up. I was so full of pep today. I had to lift weights right away this morning just because I'm so full of energy and that's what you can feel like with chalk male vitality stack gentlemen, ladies, a female vitality stack for you, not pills, not big pharma filth supplements, nature, natural herbal supplements. Chalk has the highest quality. There is go gentlemen, 20% increase in your T levels in 90 days. Stop taking shots from the clinic on the corner and do it naturally, ladies, get your energy up naturally. Subscriptions are discounted C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse, supercharged spring sale time. promo code Jesse. We'll talk about our second problem next get the cure for the Jesse Kelly show on a Monday. Only like 10 minutes away from a medal of honor Monday and that's going to be freaking sweet. Don't forget. You can email the show and you should email the show. Jesse at Jesse Kelly I actually am going to get to a bunch of emails and stuff next hour going to finish up this cultural talk already already talked about the first of the two problems the right has the hall monitor problem. Now I'm going to circle back to how I open the show, the premise, accepting the premise. Remember I talked about the argument if I'm arguing with my wife and I and I acknowledge that I did buy the gun, then in the end, I'm going to lose the argument no matter what because I acknowledge that I did buy the gun. However, if she accepts that I didn't, if I tell her, no, no credit card must have been stolen. I didn't buy the gun. I didn't spend the kids college money. If she accepts that I didn't, then in the end, she can never really win the argument with me at all. Now, can she? The right loves to accept the premise of the communist. You saw this yesterday with trainee day. Wow. Was an accident. Oh, guys, it was an accident, it's no big deal as if, as if a trainee day should even be a thing that exists. You understand that for most of human history, people who did things like this to themselves and others were rightfully cast out of society. I remember reading about some freaked, uh, that was on an island somewhere as a tribal people and they would have a designated person who was kind of like a prophet to them and they would take the children, whoever was, whoever was the loser, I guess. And they would, I, you know what, I'm going to skip most of the details. Just understand that one of the things they would do is they would cut open a hole in your back and stuff your arm in it as it was attached to your body and resell it so your body would form that way, like deformed, horrible stuff. It's something you can read books about to this day. That's how they're going to look at us. We're chopping human beings, penises off. We're flaying young girls and old girls. It doesn't matter how old they are. They don't have to be kids for this to be horrific. We're flaying their forearms and stuffing some mutilated piece of garbage on their crotch and calling it medical care. Trainee days shouldn't be a thing that exists ever in any form. And yet they're right. They'll accept the premise that, wow, I mean, yeah, I mean, it's there. Obviously, trainee people do exist, right guys? You see it all the time now when they talk about speaking of the transsexual stuff and they talk about women's sports. Now, I don't want trainees and women's sports beating up women, but pretending you can cut your penis off and become a woman was a big deal a long time before dudes started beating up women on the volleyball court is a big deal. We don't have to just accept that and then go against the women's sports version. Climate change is another great example. How many Republicans in the United States of America? Let me clue you in. It's about 95% of them. How many? How many do you here talk about reducing carbon? Carbon capture or clean energy? How many Republicans in the United States of America use the word clean energy? Well, I've got a clue for you guys. The second you say that you lost period. You accept that the premise that there is dirty energy, that coal is bad. Think about it this way. Forget about the pendulum thing. Let's look at it as a Y in the road. We're at the Y in the road. We can go left towards communism, towards the darkness of hell. We can go towards the right. We can go towards family and freedom and God and good and we can have a small government in a free society. Well, what you can't do is you can't decide you're going to go left with them on an issue like climate change stuff on tranny stuff. Just to go along. Well, they want to go left. We're going to go left for a while and then we're going to go along. And then what you're going to do along that leftward road is you're going to try to slow them down. Guys, this is getting too crazy here. We're going too far down the road. But what you can't do is go down that road at all. The answer must always be no, no, we are going to the right. Society's going to the right. Well, I really want to go left too bad, so sad that you're on your own. You can't go left. You can't accept the premise that man is destroying the destroying the climate. You can't accept the premise that you can chop off parts of your body and change the sex God created you with. You can't accept the premise that some people coming here illegally are okay. As long as he hasn't raped 95 women, maybe we should give him citizenship after a couple years. The second you accept the premise, you have lost. And you get to the why in the road, if you go to the left, you lost, you can't win ever. It's not possible. And that to answer the question I opened up the show with, that is exactly why no matter how old you are, whether you're six, we have six year olds who listen and we're the United six. We have 96 year olds who listen, no matter how old you are, the culture has only ever gone to the left because we home monitor ourselves when the pendulum is swinging back the other way, and we accept the premise of them. Here's one, here's one final great example. I don't move on. It's middle of honor, Monday time and stuff. Have you ever seen those he gets us commercials that those lame quote fake Christian TV commercials out there? And one of them, they ran it during the Super Bowl. I know I saw it. Someone sent it to me. There was a picture in this he gets us sad. They're trying to do that. Oh, we all get along hippie Jesus type of bull crap. And one of them, there was a, I believe it was a cop washing the feet of a black guy. Why is that bad? Well, you've accepted the premise. You've accepted the premise that well, yeah, cops are racist. Yeah, America. The law enforcement's racist. Well, yeah, it's racist against black people. Well, yeah, obviously cops have to make a lot of amends to black people because cops are racist. Once you've gone left, you went left. You can't possibly go down the right road once you've made that left. You accepted the premise. I ran it last week about it. I've ran it a million times about the, you know, Tim Scott was a great example. We had an asked Dr. Jesse question on Friday. Why don't you like Tim Scott? The second St. George Floyd died, the country decided it was going to take us left. Hey, yeah. America's racist, right? America's racist and cops are racist law enforcement's racist, right? You can't accept that premise or they're going to use that to take us far down that road. And what did guys like Tim Scott do? I'm not even trying to pick on him. It's just another example. What did he do? Well, hey guys, I have, I have created some federal police reform. The St. George Floyd thing is really bad and we've, we've, we've done this. It's what the Republicans did after the U of all day shooting. Once they accepted the premise that the guns were the problem, I'm Mitch McConnell and I've directed John Cornyn to work with Democrats on gun control legislation. The minute you've accepted the premise, you took a left at that Y in the road and you're already finished. No matter how far down that road you go, you already lost because you're not heading towards the right, you're heading in the wrong direction. We have never seen cultural wins. We've seen cultural slowdowns by the left, but we've never seen cultural wins on the right because we hall monitor ourselves to prevent the pendulum from ever coming back our way and because we accept the premise of the communists. Let us today resolve to stop doing that, shall we? Let's stop doing that. This has been a podcast from WOR. Okay. 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