The Howie Carr Radio Network

Howie smokes Moonbat who is cool with importing Haitian Cannibals | 4.2.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Howie found a more preferable transgender holiday: Transgender Day of Silence. After an update on the border crisis, Howie receives a call from a flaming moonbat who thinks these criminal imports are okay. Tune in to see how Howie responds.

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02 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. What do you make of President Biden's redubbing of the holiday as transgender day of his day? He said that didn't happen. If either he's not being honest with the public, or he really didn't know what was going on. And so my question would be who's running the presidency? Go oyster buddies. Come on up, buddies. Get up there as I can see you. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Oh, by the way, that triggers me to see the injecting police press conference. At some point, I'll tell you guys the backstory of how I tried to stop that in the West Wing. Am I a hero? I really can't say, but yes. I don't even think anyone knew about the transgender proclamation. I worked in the mayor's office. They have proclamation every other day. Hyegie, hyegie! The intergalactic jester proclaims this conformity factory closed. Fifteen years of loyal service, and this is how they tell me, a jester with an invisible proclamation. Rump swabs, hacks and moonbaits beware. It's... Howie Carr. Welcome to the Howie Carr Show. President Trump is speaking as we speak live in Rand Rapids, Michigan, and he's on fire today. He's got a bunch of police officers, servicemen behind him. He's talking about the... I'll give you a quote. It's a border bloodbath, and it's destroying our country. He's using the word bloodbath, bloodbath. It is destroying our country, and he's talking about... He mentioned Lake and Riley, the nursing student that was slaughtered by a Venezuelan savage in Athens, Georgia, a few weeks back. And now there's a case we mentioned last week, Ruby Garcia, 25 years old from Michigan. She was killed by an illegal alien. Brandon Ortiz Vite, who was deported during the Trump years, October 2020, and then he's come back in since Biden became president. And he murdered her, shot her five times. And so he says they're seeking justice for... for Lacon, and now they're seeking justice for Ruby as well. And they're clapping, and he says they've got to do something about Biden migrant crime. Biden migrant crime. 844-500. We'll pull more cuts as we go through the afternoon, and later on he's going to be in Green Bay, Wisconsin. And they're having the primary today in Wisconsin, and so he's going to be there at six o'clock. That'll be... we'll try to grab some sound cuts off of that as... off that speech as well. It'll probably be pretty much the same. Meanwhile, down here in Florida today, an illegal migrant from Haiti. Stop me if you've heard this one before, has reportedly admitted to Florida law enforcement he inappropriately botched a ten-year-old girl. The suspect, 37-year-old Nevinson Sarazan, was arrested in Pembroke Park. There's an incident report. He's charged... the illegal alien from Haiti is charged with sexual battery of a minor. Battery on a child by throwing tossing, projecting... I don't want to read what... possession of child pornography. They're really into the porn. They watch it on their free phones that they're given by the NGOs, which are given the money to buy them by the United States government. Meaning you and me, the taxpayers. We're buying free porn for these Haitian illegals and Haitian... and Venezuelan illegals and all other... savages from these third world hellholes. And, you know, this is what they're... they're getting all excited, and they're raping... raping women. And little girls. 844-542. He said the Haitian illegal said he loses control. That's great. I'm glad he's in the country. It's good that we've invited these people into a civil... what was once a civilized nation? 844-542-42. Let's see. That's all. Anyway, 844-542-844-542. That is the number of the Howie Car Show. I think the most interesting story today so far is... is RFK Jr. And, you know, I'm starting to take him a little more seriously. Now these got on the ballot in North Carolina. That's a big state. And it's been... it looked like it was red, then it went purple, then it's... now it's trended back to red. But still, I mean, it looked like it, you know, theoretically, it was up for grabs. But now it appears that RFK Jr. has made the ballot in North Carolina, which should make it much easier for Trump to win the state. And it should also make it easier for the Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson, who's really, really going to be a star, I think. He speaks his mind, and he's the Lieutenant Governor. He's running the incumbent Democrat disaster. A Whitmer, Parker, Cuomo, Murphy-like, COVID Nazi is term limited, so he's gone. And if we can get that, the Governor's ship back, that would be great. That would be great. I already have the legislature, and most of the congressional delegation and the two senators, but it'd be nice to have the Governor's ship as well, so he can't, so they won't be vetoing bills. So they... so he's on the ballot there, and he's apparently... he's close to getting on the ballot in Nevada, another swing state with a Republican governor. And that, you know, sometimes they've had some voting... voting adventure, shall we say, in Clark County, and lost the Senate seat there. That should make it easier for Trump to carry in Nevada and New Hampshire. It'll be... that's... that's a good state to... to be in... try to keep the Governor's ship with Kelly Aiot. You know, I know... I know she may not be the reddest of Republicans, but she's certainly... she's certainly better than the... the alternative, which is the former mayor of Manchester, who presided over a... a Michelle Wu, Eric Adams, Brandon Johnson type of descent into a Third World Chaos in Manchester. So these... these are all good signs. He's got this... this woman, the divorced ex-wife of one of the founders of Google. She's a billionaire. She's got more than enough money to finance a lot of this stuff. Although I... I don't... I don't know how much it costs to get on the ballot in all these states. It's just... it's just... amazing. I mean, I hear they're charging in... in Massachusetts now to get signatures. The rate is up to... I'm told... I don't know this for a fact... ten or eleven bucks signature. I... I remembered not that long ago was three bucks, four bucks. Now, it's... I guess it's... you know, it's like anything else. You can't... you can't get good help to go out to the... to the recycling facilities, formerly known as dumps, to get the signatures. And it's hard to get signatures at church now, because nobody goes to church anymore, because of COVID that got out of the habit, unfortunately. And it's just... it's just very expensive to get on the ballot in these states, especially when Biden has got law... the law fair crowd trying to get the people thrown off. Well, the... Kennedy just got... got thrown off of a... a ballot, even though he got the signatures, because he didn't have a vice presidential candidate. And they're gonna... the... the... the... the moral biases of the world are gonna be... are gonna be looking for all kinds of loopholes to knock Bobby Kennedy Jr. off the ballot. And again, I'm not a big Bobby Kennedy Jr. fan. I wrote about him in Kennedy Babylon, too, a lot. But... but he... he's... he's good for Trump, as Trump has admitted, to... to drain votes off of... out of Biden's hide. And also, you know what? He tells the truth about some things. And not just COVID, either, as he proved yesterday on CNN. This... this... what he said about Biden was just... was just amazing. And, you know, he went in... they weren't... they weren't expecting it. CNN... those anchors are not good on their feet. They're... they... they don't... they don't ad-lib very well, or ad-lib, as Bobby Jr.'s uncle Teddy used to say. They... this woman, Aaron Burnett, was just totally flummoxed when he told her that the obvious truth, that we all understand. Anyone who studies the situation for more than five minutes understands that Joe Biden is a much greater threat to democracy, to the Bill of Rights, to our constitutional liberties than Donald Trump ever was. I mean, Donald Trump never dreamed of doing the things that Joe Biden has been doing. For that matter, Richard Nixon, you know, this... this... this great boogie man of the... of the Democrat operatives with press passes, he never did anything like Joe Biden has done. 844, 500, 42, 42, 844, 500, 42, 42. 508 says they ran a list of all the trans, LGBT, et cetera, days, weeks and months on their show. Today, you should try to find that it's lengthy. Hey, you know what? I have it in front of me. I have it in front of me. You're right. It's going to take an entire segment to read... to read all of them. My favorite one, The Day of Silence. I was reminded of what Oscar Wilde used to say about, you know, the love that dared not speak its name. Now it won't shut up. That's why we need a Day of Silence. So the love that dares not speak its name would shut up for a little while anyway. 844, 500, 42, 42. We come back. I got the poll question. We're going to play some of these RFK junior cuts about Joe Biden. I know his voice is hard to take and a lot of you are going to text in the plane. But, you know, sometimes you got to listen to what he's... it's worth getting through the scratchiness of it. Susan Collins, not so much, but this Bobby Kennedy stuff. You won't regret listening to it. I don't think. Spring is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm and air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code, Howie Three. He uses them in both his home and office and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matthew Vett swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside of your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pier 3 pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and more, you need the Eden Pier thunderstorm 3 pack. It works everywhere and anywhere. Back in stock now, order at use code Howie3. That's the number three and get yours now. That's code Howie3. I'm Howie Car. The Howie Car Show returns after this. The Howie Car Show is back. President Trump is with these cops and he's talking to some guy. He looks like he's a chief for something. He's in plain clothes and he's just saying that our people arrested these illegal aliens for felonies and they get reduced to misdemeanors. When the charges are reduced to misdemeanors, that means no bond and they just walk out the door on personal recognizance even though they're thugs in the country illegally. Personal recognizance, no bond. He says they're back out on the street before our guys even finish up their chefs. That's the way it used to be in Boston with hookers getting arrested in the combads on it. We always thought well this is just hookers. It's silly to let them out that quickly but it's not that bad of a crime. These people are actually thugs and they're committing violent crimes and they're getting out instantaneously. Something is wrong, very wrong in this country. The sign in front of Trump's podium says stop Biden's border bloodbath. This is the speech that's going on now. Now Trump is back at the podium talking. Anyway, we're going to play these RFK cuts as we go along but first we'll do the poll question. I love my pillows products. I sleep with their pillows. I wear their slippers. They dry off with their towels. Now you could enjoy all of their products with great discounts by using the code For pillows, towels, slippers, and even their Giza Dream sheets go to and use code howie for amazing discounts. Jared, Taylor's off again today. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said yesterday that Joe Biden is a bigger threat to democracy than Donald Trump. Do you agree? Yes, no or they're about the same. I agree with Bobby Kennedy. Yes. 97% of the audience says yes. Two percent say they're about the same and one percent says no. One percent. Okay. 844-540. I think these numbers will remain relatively steady all afternoon if I had to guess. John, you're next with howiecar. Go ahead, John. Hey, I was just calling because I was hearing you talk about the illegal immigrant situation. Yes. It just kind of seems to me like some of the language you use might be a little harsh. Such as? Like calling them savages. Well, what do you think when they come in when they come in and they rape and murder? Do you think that's the sign of a civilized person? Well, in my understanding, there's a lot more like middle aged white men doing that kind of thing. Really? You think there are a lot more middle aged white men who are raping 10 year old girls in browns? In Broward County, Florida and beating them in the heads of young nursing students? And by the way, they're a lot more middle aged white men than there are illegal aliens still, although Biden wants to change that. I think you've got to deal with the violence. And the other thing is, why are they in this country in the first place if they're inclined to commit these kind of savage crimes? Yeah. Why are they here? I understand. Why are they here, John? Can you tell me? What do they add to the society with their crime and welfare dependency, their diseases, their unskilled, they don't obey any laws. No laws whatsoever. Why are they here? What are they adding to the society, John? Tell me. And you know, I will tell me. I agree with you and say that those individuals are not contributing to our society, but for the few bad apples that you are choosing to... For the few bad apples, they don't work. They don't work. Do you know Harvard University did a study of the so-called dreamers? This was the cream of the crop of the illegal aliens in three quarters of them were on welfare, one form or another. Why are we allowing people into the country on welfare when we have homeless veterans living on the street? When they have in New York City, they have cut the medical benefits to retired city workers so they can give more money to these savages and thugs that are destroying the fabric of life in the city. Why are we doing that, John? Well... Why? Oh, just so that Democrats can win elections by importing a new underclass that is slaughtering Americans? Why are we allowing this? I'm going to vote for Joe Biden to continue this. Look at people like Robert Card. You know, that's the people we need to be worried about is the white... Robert Card? He's a bit of a one-off, isn't he? In Maine? You talking about him? What about the guy that was arrested in the riot in New Hampshire, the Brazilian illegal alien? He killed as many people in Brazil as Robert Card killed in Lewiston, Maine. And he was just working up here and taking it easy. And the illegal alien, did you know that ICE in Boston picked up four child rapists in the last week or so? Four. You think this is good to be? How many rapists do you want to allow into the country? How many illegal alien murderers? How many cannibals do you want to allow into the country? John, how many? None. What the cannibals add to American society when they come in from Haiti? Hello? I do want to let them in the country and... Oh, you want to let the cannibals in the country? Good. I'll send them to your house. They're hungry. I'm Howie Car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-42. Is it virtue signaling to want some cannibals from Haiti sent to your house? It's like a national suicide, or at least the suicide of this guy, John, if they were to let in some cannibals. 844-542-42. Time now for Grace with the nose. Hello, Howard. Joe Biden had a very, very empty schedule today, and then it was announced that he spoke with Xi Jinping in the first US-China phone call since 2022. So for the first time in nearly two years, the Chinese president and President Biden spoke in an attempt to quash some of the raging tensions between the two nations. This is from the New York Post. The two leaders were expected to discuss cooperation where interests align. Did they discuss the $5 million to Hunter Biden? Oh, that's right. He got that after he made the phone call. Can you imagine if they released a transcript of it? And we actually got to see, like, it was an accurate transcript of how the conversation went because he talks a lot. Jared, don't we have cut where he's talking about all the miles he's traveled with Xi Jinping and all the different-- On the Tibetan plateau. Yeah. Do you think he brings that up when he's on the phone with them? He must. Well, he brings it up at least one out of every two or three speeches he makes. Yes. They come into play. Supposedly, they talked about stemming the flow of fentanyl into the US and responsible use of AI systems. Has Joe Biden spoken to any of the oyster bunnies today? Yeah, he talks to them about AI, too. It was a real whopper of a conversation. Another big story today, House Republicans are pushing to rename DC International Airport after Donald J. Trump. That's okay with me, but it doesn't seem like it's really in the cards at this particular point. Yeah, one of-- Seems like there's other stuff they could be concentrating on. I know. This kind of, to me, felt like just a little way to troll some of the Democrats on the other side of the aisle. Just as millions of domestic and international travelers fly to the airport, there is no better symbol of freedom, prosperity, and strength than hearing welcome to Trump International Airport as they land on American soil. Now, speaking of Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell is vowing to remain in the Senate to fight his own party. He said he's going to fight back against the isolationist movement in my own party, which I think is a little bit of a, you know, nod to Donald. You know, nod to Donald Trump and the MAGA movement that is taking over the GOP. Does Mitch McConnell have any kids? Do we know? I don't know. That's a good question. You know, if he does have kids, you know, shouldn't he encourage them to go to fight for Ukraine? I mean, Ukraine means so much to him. That's a good question. He has three daughters, Jared, said. Well, they can fight. Yeah, he said the symbol of that lately is are we going to help Ukraine or not? I've got this sort of on my mind for the next couple of years. Why doesn't he personally help by having one or two of his daughters go over there and take up arms? That's a really good question. And how we, I think a lot of people assume that, you remember back in February, it was announced that he's going to step down as the Senate minority leader. Well, so he's pulling basically the same thing Pelosi did with the House where she said, you know, I'm stepping away from my leadership position, but they can't relinquish the torch, you know, or the baton that much. So they're going to have to stay in politics, even if they're not in the leadership position at 82 years old, keep in mind. Yeah, I think we can't look back into the minds of the founding fathers, but I don't think this was their goal was everybody dying in office. I don't think so either. I know people are being wheeled in to make these votes. They bring people in in their hospital gowns to vote on the Senate floor and then they wheel them back out again. It is completely insane. People used to only do like, they'd go to Congress and they'd do one or two terms because they wanted to run for governor or even for mayor of a big city, you know, and they just need it. Like Carly, like your ancestor. You know, he was in Congress for a while, but he wanted to be the mayor and he wanted to be the governor. What did JFK say about being in Congress? It was like being an ant. Yeah, I just, they love being ants. I just find it so depressing. I always think of Nancy Pelosi. She's just like with her heels on, clacking around the house, floors, you know, doing all these interviews, mumbling around. It's like, what kind of life is this? Does no one have anything they want to enjoy in their, you know, golden years? What was Nancy Pelosi's job before she was in Congress? What was Chuck Schumer? Chuck Schumer never had a job. I know that. He was an aide, I think, in Albany, and then he became an assemblyman, then he became a congressman, then he became a senator. I mean, Mitch McConnell basically followed that same career trajectory. Yeah, and this is. Same with Paul Ryan. I mean, don't these guys ever like want to like have their own, you know, franchise at the mall or a law firm that handles wheels and closings or, you know, insurance agency, a bar room, anything other than just being a hack. You know, it's funny how he, when I was in Florida last week, I had a lot of different Uber drivers, a lot of great people. And I always find that you can have really good conversations in an Uber if you're open to chatting. And one of the drivers said to me, we were talking about Trump and he said, I always find it weird that people are more angry at a guy who made his millions and then went into public office as opposed to all of these people who make their millions after joining politics. And I said, it's such a good point and it doesn't get brought up as much as you think. Like Trump never even took a paycheck when he was president. And these people are making hand over fist and they like to tell you it's because of their memoirs. Which speaking of memoirs, Howie, did you see the judges 82 page ruling about Hunter Biden that was actually brought up? He basically said, and I'm summarizing here, people can read it themselves, but he was dismissing, he was rejecting these motions to dismiss from Hunter Biden's legal team. And he made reference to the fact that you can't blame these IRS whistleblowers for bringing forward some of these details when you wrote about them in your own memoir. Right. Well, yeah, the, yeah, the, the, the, the, the indictment of him has multiple quotes from, from his memoir. Yeah. I love when people write down all of their crimes. Yeah. He ought to use the, Hunter ought to use the Pete Rose defense. I didn't read my own memoir. Yeah. Well, that's what Joe Biden said. You think I read that? I didn't, I didn't, I didn't read this, let alone write this stuff in here. Come on. You can't hold this against me. Howie, the big guy used the Pete Rose defense yesterday when asked about the proclamation. He's like, I didn't, I didn't do that. And then, and then the excuse from James Carville is, oh, he didn't know or nobody knew what, what they were signing on. I know, I looked at, I looked at KJP statement. She used the word misinformation three times in like a minute. But, but this misinformation, she put it, she put it out there. I was looking at it on Friday afternoon, reading it onto the air race, you know, just right off the White House website. With the Easter Bunny on top of it. They didn't know it was going to coincide with Easter. I had a bunny, you know, staring down at the proclamation. But the other part of it too, Howie, there's so many different reasons why it's a stupid excuse. But also, now that's, that's your get out of jail free card is, oh, he didn't know, like, nobody reads these proclamations. They just put them up. Do you think that would be an excuse for Trump? If one of his proclamations, when he was president caused backlash and he said, oh, I just didn't read it. I didn't do that. There would be an, it's time for the 25th amendment. He's totally lost it. Absolutely. And then they would start saying, we need to investigate. Who's really running things? Who put that up? Who approved it? Release the transcripts. It would be a whole blue ribbon commission. But now it's just, oh, I didn't do that. Oh, okay, never mind. Sargent of bother you, sir. Continue on. Another big story today. White House calls squatting. There's been so many different squatting stories. A lot of them in New York, in California. And now the White House is calling squatting a local issue that governments must address. They're calling the squatting trend in which strangers seize and live in a homeowners property against their wishes. What if it's, wait a second, if it's a local issue, why is the White House involved? I thought you were going to say it's a local issue and the White House had no role in addressing this issue. But they're saying it's a local issue, but they have to get involved nonetheless. No, this is what KJP said. She said, my-- Oh, okay. That explains everything. So it obviously didn't make any sense if she said it. She said, we believe that what ultimately, what needs to happen is that the local government needs to make sure that they address this and they take action. Did you see the story in the New York Post about the squatters in New York that are fighting to keep possession of the house from the owners? They had a receipt from a Shake Shack or something? Yes, a $25 receipt from a delivery from a Shake Shack. That's their evidence. No further evidence to see it. Obviously, we live here. Here's the address. Case closed. They got a frappe and two burgers. What more do we need? Howie, one more story, and I only read this to you because it's a topic that over the years I've worked for you, you brought up a number of times. Oregon re-criminalizes drugs after state's huge mistake. So the governor of Oregon effectively re-criminalized drugs in the state on Monday after the state's failed experiment with legalization of most drugs. Lawmakers cite problems with the law's implementation, not the basis of legalization. The 2020 law offered treatment as an alternative penalty for drug possession and lowered criminal penalties. Treatment. Treatment. It's like the speaker of the New York Assembly. Do you see this? This is another story in the New York Post today. The retailers in New York City, they want to have some stiffer penalties for people who attack their retail clerks, their help. And he just said, "We're not going to have any more penalties because I don't believe punishment solves anything." Huh? Maybe it doesn't solve the problem in your soul or your mind, but it keeps you off the street. If you're in the prison, you're not going to be going in and beating some poor guy in a store or a bodega or a pharmacy that's making $15 an hour. You know what my response to that is? Let's try. Punishment doesn't solve everything. It's not going to solve the problem. Let's just try first. Let's give it a go because whatever we're doing now, whatever this is, is also not working. Yeah. When you let someone commit a crime and then you just let him stay outside, how does that solve a problem? He's just going to do something else. He's just going to keep committing crimes until he actually kills somebody. Exactly. Howie, that's it for me. Thank you very much. All right. Thank you, Grace. All right. 844-542-844-542-542-508 says, "Notice how they call squatting a trend and not an epidemic or a crisis." You know what else is a trend? Women just being punched in the face in New York City. There's another story every day in the New York Post about it. Now they're not just being punched with open fists. These guys are carrying around the hammers and just hitting women. Oh, they're mentally ill. The system has failed them. No, the system failed the women. The system fails the victims of crime, not the perpetrators. Experience the ultimate savings event with MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. For a limited time, dive into incredible deals like a two-pack multi-use MyPillow's. Stylish standels for both men and women or a luxurious six-pack towel set. All of those are available for an astonishing $25 each. Yes, you heard me right. Just $25 per item during MyPillow's $25 extravaganza. But wait. There's more. Refresh your kitchen with their durable four-pack dish towels. You guessed it. Also at the unbeatable price of $25. And making it's debut, the premium MyPillow's with all new Giza fabric. Choose any size, any loft level, including the opulent king size, all for the low price of $25. These incredible offers won't last long, so order now. Call 800-658-4965 or go to and use promo code "Howie" for these incredible deals and to unlock free shipping on all orders over $75. That's 800-658-4965 or promo code "Howie". Elevate your comfort with the MyPillow $25 extravaganza. Don't delay. Go to and don't forget the code "Howie". I'm Howie Car. The "Howie" car show will be right back. He's Howie Car and he's back. 844-500-4242. We'll get to the RFK sound cuts. First he was on CNN last night and then Fox had him on this morning because he was just so, so incendiary. So brilliant in his dissection of the difference between Trump and Biden. Trump has finished up his speech and Grand Rapids is now on his way to Green Bay. We'll have some cuts as the afternoon goes on from the Grand Rapids appearance. Eric, you're next with Howie Car. Go ahead, Eric. Hey Howie, good talk to you. First time I called you was on 9/11 when Brandon was in Alaska. I was listening and again, military law enforcement came up. It was an MP a long time ago, still, and I switched over and did civilian law enforcement for the Army. The whole Robert Cart thing that, by the way, congratulations, you smoked that guy again. Fantastic job. Thanks. I've seen so many things go under the carpet with military law enforcement and the Army military will just brush anything under the carpet and oh, hands off. Oh, we don't know anything about this. And being from Maine, I've moved to Maine. I'm originally from Connecticut. Did many years in the Connecticut Army National Guard move all over the country anyway. Yeah, it's disgusting. What about the Muslim Army psychiatrist at Fort Hood in Texas? They knew that guy was trouble and they knew he was radicalized and they just let him go around and he killed 11 Americans, including, I think, a pregnant woman. And Obama had just recently said that servicemen and women couldn't carry guns on the base. What about that? I mean, was that a good thing? What was the guy's name, Ned Nidal, who's saying he's still in prison. They shot him and he's paralyzed. Now, you know, you want to talk about illegal alien crime, Eric. I mean, weren't 19 of the 22 or 23 9/11 hijackers? They were illegal aliens that overstayed their visas so they were in the country illegally. They killed 3,000 Americans on one day. Eric. Yes. You're absolutely right. It's just, listen, thanks for listening. I appreciate it. Thomas, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Thomas. Yeah, how we do things. Number one, as far as 9/11. Last April in 23, 60,000 pounds of ammonium nitrate and a train shipment went missing from Wyoming to California. And the seals were still on the train. So if it leaked out, they would have been able to find a trail. They didn't find it. Anyway, expect another 9/11 in the future, but the reason why I'm calling. I mean, every day that goes by, it's more likely as more and more of these savages get into the country. Yes. And for the pajama boy who called before Grace got on the air. Okay. I've tried to logically talk to people like him with regards to the 10 million migrants that Biden has brought in here. They're mostly unskilled people. How is that going to help us out? Right now, we don't have jobs for people like that anymore. Am I right or am I wrong? No, you're right. I mean, I think what's an even bigger problem is that when you bring somebody in and give them everything, they're going to come to expect it. We're already seeing it in these flop houses in Massachusetts, Thomas. They just expect they have a sense of entitlement. They've never worked. Everything has been handed to them. I mean, and they're unskilled. So how the hell are they ever going to replace the welfare income that they're getting from all these massive handouts that they're getting? They're getting everything. Go and read my list that I posted online at, the list of goodies that they get. I mean, everyone's got the favor one. Mine is free dry cleaning. Same day dry cleaning. You're on welfare, free room and board, free welfare card. If you've got a kid, you get a wick card, women and children on top of the welfare card, on top of the free room and board, and they get a free phone and a free tablet and they give you free dry cleaning, same day service. I mean, this is not conducive to instilling the Protestant work ethics. I'm not making a religious thing. It's just the state of Protestant work ethic. I think I have it and I'm a Catholic. You want immigrants who are going to come in here and work their tails off. I'm HowieCar.