The Howie Carr Radio Network

Details of Brutal D.C. Murder Sparks Outrage plus Toby Leary Answers 2A Questions | 4.2.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

It's 2A Tuesday on the Grace Curley Show, and Toby Leary of Cape Gun Works is ready to answer questions from full phone lines! It looks like Americans are hopping in line to get their licenses to carry, what with the uptick in violent crime and infringements to constitutional rights.

Broadcast on:
02 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Ibiba Trateria Studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the Spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining me today. I wanted to read a little bit from the story. I will preface this by saying it is brutal to read and to just hear about the details in this story. The word I was thinking of before, because I was trying to explain that I saw a video and all great videos I see on social media. I did not save it. I did not know where to look for it again. So now it's gone. It's gone into the interwebs. I saw this video of a man and he was breaking down on one of the news stations I watched, the importance of focusing on the type of crimes that we're currently seeing. Because if you want to look at statistics and some of these politicians, some of these officials, they can make the numbers work in their favor no matter what. And also they decriminalize things so that people aren't charged with crimes. It doesn't mean crimes actually going down, but they're able to kind of fudge the numbers that way. But what this man was saying was the types of crimes that we're seeing should give people pause and should make people question what's going on. It really feels like there's a moral rot happening. And again, you could argue, Grace, there's always been one. We just didn't have access to it. You weren't reading like 6,000 bad headlines before you even had your coffee in the morning. You have access to everything now. You scroll through the daily mail. I got to cut myself off before I even come into work because there's so much bad news out there. But there's also, it's more than that though. Like when you read about these things, and I think that the guy I was watching described is like something out of a Batman movie. You know, with the Joker, it feels very ominous. And I think the word I was trying to think of was sadistic. It feels like the point of these crimes because you look at, for example, a carjacking and how he always says, you know, what would have been Nino say that it's not a serious crime. And how he said it's serious if it happens to you. Like if you ever have your car stolen or house broken into, it feels like a pretty big deal. But with that being said, with some of those crimes, you understand what the end game is. They steal the car. They want to get the car. The criminal breaks into your house. They steal your jewelry. A lot of what we're seeing now, you look at it and you go, what's the point of this? Is it just to cause suffering? Is it just to hurt someone? Are you driving joy from just causing pain to other people? It's sadistic. And this next story, one of them that keeps coming up now that we haven't really talked about on this show, but Aaron probably hit on it once or twice, is that females in New York City were all being punched in the face. There's these stories about females walking down the street and being punched in the face. I text my sister who lives in New York City three times a day telling her, head on a swivel, head on a swivel, don't walk with your headphones and look around. Where you're going. And not to say that's going to prevent something, but it's, I think it helps a little bit. But that's another case where you go. It's like something out of a Batman movie, something an evil villain would do for no reason, push someone to the subway. Now listen to this, it takes you to a whole different level. Three girls between 12 and 13 arrested for beating disabled man to death on DC street. I was going to make the poll question, should parents be held accountable if their kids skip school? Because the mayor in DC is proposing that. And they think that a lot of these young people who are committing these crimes, these young monsters, they're a common denominator is they're also not going to school. They're just absent from school. I don't think that's going to help. I don't think punishing the parents. I'm not saying they don't deserve accountability here, but I don't think putting more laws on the books to punish parents is going to solve this problem. I think this goes a lot deeper than slaps on the wrist for people whose kids aren't showing up at school. But it says a 12 year old girl and two 13 year olds were arrested this week in Washington DC for a brutal 2023 attack on a disabled man in which they chased him through an alley and stomped him to death. This was on October 17. It was a middle of the night attack of Reggie Brown. The graphic video showed a group of five girls chasing the disabled 64 year old down an alley and ripping him off a chain link fence as he desperately tried to flee. They stomped his head on the concrete before pulling his pants down to his ankles and using his own belt to beat him. The deranged group allegedly laughed as Brown began bleeding from his head with one of the girls shouting he's leaking. Brown was found dead on the street just before 1 a.m. An autopsy later listed his manner of death as blunt force trauma. According to police Brown was disabled and had mental health issues. He also had a metal plate in his head and only had two fingers on each hand. My uncle really didn't deserve this. Anisa Brown said in a statement to news four. Detective Harry Singleton testified that a man in his early 20s initiated the attack by grabbing Brown by the caller and throwing him against a brick wall. Listen to this, this is the part of it where I went. What in the world is happening? The girls happen to be walking by at the time where this man, this man in his early 20s is pushing this poor disabled 64 year old against the wall. And the girls say to the man, one of the girls says, "Can I fight him?" And this guy responds, "Yes, the 12 year old girl who was the one who pulled Brown off the fence and used his belt against him all while filming the sickening beatdown on her cell phone." Now, this makes me think of when we talked about the two minors who were driving the car and ran over that retired police officer or police chief. And I think it was in Vegas and they filmed it and they laughed, ha, ha, ha, ha, hit him, go, ha, ha, look, it's beyond my comprehension. And Lawrence Jones said it today, he was really on fire today, he said, "You know, my parents used to put the fear of God in me if I did something wrong." He said, "There's no fear here, period. There's no fear of going to prison. There's no fear of going to hell. There's no fear of anything." The 12 year old girl, it says, "Investigate, there's emphasized that the girls did not know the man they murdered but are still looking into whether the stranger, into whether the stranger who started the fight did." One of the girls told cops that the two assailants did not want to beat Brown but were forced to by the stranger who was allegedly threatening them with a gun in his waistband. I'm not so sure. I believe that. I don't think you chase someone and gleefully beat them and say he's leaking because somebody else made you do it. But every single day, there's stories like this, and it's just, it's really chilling stuff. And obviously, we could have a whole conversation about what the real problem is here. Is it lack of religion? Is it lack of parenting? I think that's a huge part of this, is parenting. And I also would be curious to know the races involved in this. I know the man who died was black, but I can assure you that I shouldn't say anything I don't know, but I have a feeling if these were like five white girls, this would be everywhere. Just, just a feeling I have. One other story here because I don't want to end on that depressing note. This is like a headline, a headline out of the Babylon Bee, but it's from our very own Boston Herald. Boston City Councilor, calling for attendance accountability, has missed the most meetings, minute show. Don't you hate it when that happens? You try to take a stand. You try to be a hero, and your own past comes back to haunt you. The louder she spoke of her honor. So a Boston City Councilor, Tanya Fernandez Anderson, who has no shortage of headlines focusing on her lately. She's logged seven absences at regular weekly city council meetings since taking office in January 2022. She's calling for more accountability around the body's performance. Here's what I want to say about this. I don't mind if you show up late, because I run late. I do. I run late. I try not to. I really try not to with work, but in general, I'm not like the timelies person. Here's what I wouldn't do though, Jared. I wouldn't lecture you on being on time. Like, I have that self-awareness. The lack of self-awareness always is worth noting. It's not enough that she's missing these meetings. God forbid you just go, "You know what? I'm missing these meetings, and none of my colleagues are saying boo. I'm in the clear." No, you have to take it a step further and get on your soapbox and call for accountability in the meetings. I don't understand how someone can have so little self-awareness. The roles and responsibilities of Boston City Councilors are fundamental to the effective governance of our city, impacting the lives of residents and shaping the future of our communities. She states in a hearing order, "It is imperative to establish clear metrics to assess the performance of Boston City Councilors and fulfilling their duties to their constituents, necessitating the implementation of measurable criteria such as responsiveness to constituent inquiries, attendance at meetings and hearings and effectiveness in advancing key policy objectives." Unfortunately, it would seem that some of those metrics aren't being too kind to Tanya Fernandez Anderson. Don't come for me, because if you want smoke, you get smoke. Was that TFA? Three of four absences logged in 2023 by Fernandez Anderson occurred on days when the council took big votes on public safety. And again, like, fine. You want to miss meetings? You want to miss minutes? You're not going to hear me giving you a hard time about it until you get up and suggest, if I'm one of the city councilors, I'm like, "Oh, seriously? It's not enough that you show up later, that you don't show up at all, but now you're going to yell at all of us?" Just doesn't sit right with me. Eight, four, four, five hundred, forty, two, four. That would be like me, Jared, coming on here and yelling at you about being too loud on the microphone. Ridiculous, right? You look at me like I had three heads. We'll be right back. Let's take a call here though, before we go to break, and we bring on Toby Leary. Ed, your next step on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Ed. Thanks for taking my crawl, Grace. I don't think media even understands how pissed the American people are. Doesn't matter if you're on the left or the right or not. Things are going to hell. I hope our representatives actually step up and stop worrying about how they're going to get elected again and start doing their job. This is serious business. There's some serious crack going on, and I come from way back. I was 20 years behind World War II. My parents, they made damn sure I knew what evil was, and that's exactly what's going on today. I hope to guard everyone just wakes up and does the right thing. Thank you for taking my call. Thank you very much, Ed, and you know what? You actually just made me think of something because a lot of talk right now is about how Joe Biden is so terrified of losing the young voters. You know, he's losing the young demographic, this voting block that's so important. And really, I think what the media focuses on and what the Democrats and the strategists are focusing on is the fact that he's losing these far left radicals who are very pro, in some cases, just straight up pro Hamas, but they're also just very anti-Israel. And so they're worried about that. They're worried about losing people who wanted all their student loans cancelled. They don't think Joe Biden made good. But something I was thinking about this morning is that's the people like, again, it's the loudest people that you hear from. I would say for the most part, and this is my own experience, there's a lot of young people, again, I consider myself young, 31. There's a lot of young people out there who are like everybody else just trying to mind their own business, trying to buy a house, trying to start a family, and they're not happy. And I would guess if you actually ran the numbers, Joe Biden's at risk way more of losing those people. Who don't mind going in and voting for Biden and voting against Trump when it made them feel good, but now four years into it, they're going, I can't afford this anymore. I wanted to have a different life. I wanted to have a nice life. I wanted to send my kids to this school or to move to this town or to go on vacation here, and I can't afford it. I can't afford to buy a house. I can't afford these interest rates. I think there's a lot of people in that kind of moderate, maybe a little bit to the left, moderate young voting block, who he's definitely at risk of losing. But he's so focused on losing the pro Hamas contingency that he's forgetting that he's got a big group of people who are also walking out the door who have nothing to do with that conflict. I'm going to wait for four, four, five hundred, forty two, forty two. Nossa Beach Inn just opened up reservations. I'm already checking mine out, figuring out which one I'm going to, which, which time I'm going to stay there, which weekend. I'm so excited. There's so much to love about the Nossa Beach Inn. It steps from the beach. There's fire pits. The views, Jared, you tell me the views are like nothing you've ever seen. It is truly the most, one of the best ambiances that I've ever been around because, I mean, being stepped from the beach, you are right there on the water. The sunsets are amazing. The moonrise is amazing. And just being able to be there and in that nice, you know, tranquil environment, you can enjoy sitting by the fire pits, or you can just take a nice leisurely walk, especially now in the off season. We have to worry about crowds. It's the perfect getaway to just relax and unwind. All the rooms are nice. It's clean. Everything is such an enjoyable experience. I cannot wait. I'm so excited. And right now you can book your April stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from two forty nine ninety nine a night, which is an incredible deal. You're not going to find that anywhere else. And this may rates from two fifty nine ninety nine a night also an excellent deal. So don't delay these rooms go fast to reserve your ocean view room. Go to nossa beach in calm. Very easy. I was working the site today. Very easy to figure out. That's nossa beach in calm. We'll be right back. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're not happy with your smile, you should change that. Call Dr. Bruce Houten in Nashua one eight four four a perfect smile or visit perfect Jared. What is the poll question and what are the results thus far today's poll question which you can vote in at grace curly is which is more valuable a liberal arts degree or trade skills. I'm going to say trade skills. Ninety six percent of the audience says trade skills. Four percent say a liberal arts degree. And it will cost you a lot less. Some colleges this fall are going to be charging ninety five thousand dollars. And a lot of those colleges are in New England joining us now speaking of New England is Toby Leary from Cape Gunworks. And we're so excited to have him. If you want to call in and ask Toby any of your questions, the number is eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Again, it's eight four four five hundred forty two forty two. Toby, thank you so much for coming on the show. Oh, it's always a pleasure. Grace. It's one of the highlights of my week. And Toby, we were just discussing a story out of DC about a brutal brutal attack on a disabled man. It seems like every single day there are more stories like this that really just, you know, send a shutter up your spine. People are very people are on high alert right now. People are getting punched in New York City just out of the blue randomly. Are you noticing that because of this crime, because of the kind of sadistic nature of it, that people are more concerned and more more eager to arm themselves? Yeah, I think I think it's actually a perfect storm grace brewing. We have uncertainty in our future, right? Like nobody has a crystal ball. We've seen things that we could have never imagined happen in the last few years, even have happened. And it almost is like we're watching a movie. It's like, you know, some scripted show that, you know, you'd say, uh, yeah, that's a good entertaining show, but it's a little far fetch. Right. You know, if somebody had showed us this movie five, ten years ago, that's what we would think. But look what's happened in the last three or four years alone. And frankly, it doesn't seem to be getting any better. And the uncertainty part of things is compounded by the massive offensive that government and media have taken against our God given rights here in this country. So we have in like spreading like a disease throughout the country where a virus is this massive push to disarm the people that you don't need to worry about. And yet free people and let out a jail on their own personal recognizance, the people you do need to worry about. And then when things go bad, continue to blame the people who aren't responsible. And it's like this bad game of the Truman Show or Groundhog Day for those of us who are paying attention. And you say, how is it that people are going along with this? And yet, you know, every day we wake up and we're told by media that don't bleed your line eyes. This is your fault. It's not the fault of government or of soft on crime. Prosecutors are mayors of, you know, who refuse to convict and sentence people to the fullest extent of the law. Right. And Toby, we're going to follow up on this because I love the way you put that right there. We'll be right back with Toby. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. I loved how Toby put that before the break. He said, Toby, I'm probably going to butcher this, but you said there's a push from, you know, bad actors in our government to take away people's God given rights to take away people who are doing the right things. Ability to have a gun to protect themselves. And at the same time that that's happening, there's also a push to let people out of prison and let people on the streets who are doing the wrong thing. And then when those people do the wrong thing, the people who are doing the right thing get more of a push to have their guns taken away. It is so backwards. And it's, it's such a problem and we're so happy Toby's always fighting the good fight. Now we have full lines for Toby Larry from Cape Gun Works. Let's go right to them. Let's go to George. We'll start with you. Go ahead, George. Hi, this is George. Yep. Go ahead, George. Toby. Yes, my question. I currently live in Quincy, Massachusetts has for 20 or so years. I have an out of state handgun permit in the state of Florida, which is where I leave my gun. I used to have a Massachusetts permit back in 1999 until I moved out of the state. It expired. What do I need to do now to get a license to carry in the state of Massachusetts? Yeah, great question, George. I will give you the answer that I hope works for you. And then I'll give you the answer that will work for you if that doesn't. The first part of the answer is I would apply at the Quincy Police Department for a resident license to carry. Some towns will issue them. Some towns will not if you're not a permanent resident. In other words, if you live down in Florida, you have a house in Quincy and you come up here for summers or something, they may or may not give you a resident license. It's really important to get a resident license because it'll allow you to buy guns while you're here. And ammunition, because believe it or not, if you get a non-resident license to carry, you cannot buy ammunition while you're here, which is absolutely ridiculous. The state says you're illegally allowed to carry a loaded firearm wherever you're legally allowed to do that, but you can't go to the gun store and lawfully purchased ammunition. So you got to bring it from Florida is what they're telling you. So hopefully the first scenario works out for you. If not, you have to apply at the Department of Public Safety in Chelsea. And I believe they're making appointments about a year out. So go down to your local PD for us, George. Good luck with that. Thank you very much, George. Let's go to Randy, your next up with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Randy. Hi, Toby. I enjoy your covering of grace when she's elsewhere. You do a wonderful job, and I'm glad I could get through to ask you a question. First, the personal matter. I am retired law enforcement, so I'm entitled to the HE 218 law enforcement safety and so on. But I think you might want to answer my question in terms of both general use for other people and maybe a little specific application to me. My question is regarding red flag laws in Massachusetts. Who is allowed to make a red flag charge or accusation on a person? In my case, which makes me a little distinctive, it would be an out-of-state sibling with whom I have significant political differences with and who is also very anti-gun. This is a very California liberal type person. I live in Boston myself, and I served with Boston police. So he thinks I'm dangerous simply by my political persuasions, and I'm not going to go into those details. But for example, we took a road trip together, and he says, "I don't want you to carry your gun with you. I just don't trust you," and so on. So my concern is that he might make some kind of charge a red flag accusation or something like that. By the way, I have no background of any type of mishandling, misuse, or any such thing with a firearm. I'm also a Vietnam combat veteran. I go back that far. So is there a chance that this disaffected relative of mine could call Boston and say, "I had an argument with my brother." I think he's dangerous, and I think that something should be done about his carrying a gun. Do you think there's a chance that you can probably get into with that? Yeah, this is a concern of all of ours. There's no due process with red flag laws. And unfortunately, they are going to probably err on the side of caution if somebody is calling and saying, "Hey, you have threatened somebody because of whatever." They could make up a story, and there's no real peace to a false accusation, unfortunately. There is, but they won't enforce it as far as I'm from what I've seen so far. But basically, I believe they have to petition the police to act on their behalf. I know right now immediate family members can certainly do it. I think a medical or health professional can. And this current legislation that is being pushed down our throat at age 4139, that the conference committee is hashing out language up right now, will actually expand it to include teachers, nurses, police, and some other extended family or friends. So it's going to become one of those things where people will be able to really jam up people, I believe. And they won't even know who accused them. That's the danger of the red flag laws. You don't have a right to confront your accuser like you do in court or if you're being charged with something. So it's all done behind the scenes. They act first, take the guns, and you have to defend yourself and prove that you're not, which is antithetical to the entire American way of innocent until proven guilty. I hope that the Supreme Court takes one of these red flag law cases because they are a very dangerous tool in the hands of the wrong people. And most states already have a tool in place for somebody who's genuinely threatening somebody or threatening society. So I believe it's a redundant way of basically extending the cabinet upon lawful and legal peaceful citizens, unfortunately. And it's going to be abused. So hopefully you can work out your differences with your family, Randy. And I don't have a great answer for you because I don't believe red flag laws are ever going to do what they are supposed to do, but they will definitely catch good people and charge them basically and they'll have to defend their good name. Thank you for the call, Randy. Let's go to Kate. Kate, you're next up with Toby Leary. Go ahead, Kate. Hello, I'm a Boston resident and I have stabbed the process of going through the class. I passed it. Then started in August, going with the Boston Police Department and doing all the paperwork. I finally received my license over the weekend. So I'm all done and I'm looking for I'm comfortable with Ruger and rifles. I've been going with my brother was licensed in Plymouth Gun Club. So I'm excited to get my first pistol. Nice. And again, comfortable with Ruger. Yeah, Ruger is a great gun, Kate. Can you imagine any other right that it takes eight months for you to exercise? I don't think any other logical intellectual person who's intellectually honest. Let's put it that way. Would ever say that you should have to wait eight months to exercise any of your enumerated rights. But anyway, Ruger makes a great firearm. I would look at the there's a Ruger security 380. That's legal for us in Massachusetts. Also, the Ruger Max 9 is a very good gun. The Ruger LC9S, which is now called the EC9S. Those three guns are something I'd take a look at and see which one you like the best and which one fits your hand. We have, I think, all three for rent on our range here at Cape Gunworks. So you want to welcome them to come down and make a trip to the Cape. Get a good lobster roll and a cup of chowder and shoot a couple guns on our range and figure out which one you like. And we'll be happy to help you out with that Cape. Good luck with that. Yeah, you can go to Moby Dix and then just go right on to Toby's. It's the perfect combination. All right, let's go to Howie. You're up next. Go ahead, Howie. Hi, Grace. Hi, Toby. How you doing? Good, what's going on? Well, I'm crazy about the situation with this elderly man that was beaten to death by two young teenage girls. I just don't understand how the society is going to hell in a handbag. And the fact of the matter is if this elderly man was a concealed carrier and he shot these girls that were beating him severely and then he died, of course. If he had shot them, he'd end up going to jail. If he didn't have a gun and he was able to protect himself and he'd beat these two girls after they started beating on him, he'd still probably go in jail because he'd be the guy he'd be frowned on by society. Yeah, and Toby, I think another part of this that's worth mentioning and it kind of goes into what Howie's saying is that people are afraid and you make mention of insurance and things like that because especially here in Massachusetts, if you do defend yourself and that's when you should be using your weapon, it's not, as Toby always says, if it's a question of your life or someone else's life that you love, then you defend yourself, people do run into legal trouble afterwards to Howie's point. They do end up kind of coming under fire for using their weapon. Right. Yeah, I mean, the age old saying is that rather be tried by 12 and carried by six. That's a good one. Yeah, the point is he may still be alive if he was carrying a gun and used it to defend himself. Would he have legal troubles? Yes, but it'd be alive, right? Right. And so we always say that lethal force is first in priority when, you know, your life or somebody who loves life is on the line, like you're not going to think about, "Oh man, if I defend my wife and she lives, I'll have to go on trial for that." You're not even thinking about that, right? It's like the alternative is insufferable. I couldn't live with myself if I could have done something and wasn't able to or chose not to. I should say that to me would be harder to live with than sitting there having to raise funds and sit on trial and give, you know, be cross-examined by someone who wants me in jail. I understand what happens. And the bottom line is going home to your family has to be a priority. And it's not for everybody. Some people will say, "You know what? I'd rather die than take someone else's life." And that's fine. That's up to everybody to decide for themselves. But the bottom line is the script has been flipped. And unfortunately, as I said in the first segment, Grace, there's a symbiotic relationship between the violence that's occurring in our society and the beating over the head, the people that want to defend themselves. That has to go hand in hand or else they can't continue to use. They need the narrative to promote the agenda. And that's unfortunately going to continue. Yeah, yeah. Excellent way of putting it. Toby, we are running out of time here. Can you let people know where they can find you at Cape Gun Works and where they can listen to you as well and follow you on social media? Yeah, thanks for mentioning that, Grace. I would actually ask a huge favor of everybody. We've been restricted on just about every social media platform. So if you go to @capegunworks or @rapidfireradio, give us a like and subscribe and share it with your friends. That'll help us grow our channels and get the word out. There's a lot of information that needs to get out in Massachusetts right now about upcoming laws and legislation. And that's the only way we're going to get the word out. So I would appreciate it if everyone does that. And you can also listen to me each week on WXDK on Sundays from noon to 1 and on Wednesdays from 4 to 6 on rapid fire. So go to to sign up and be notified whenever we go live. And of course, you can always listen to us here. But check out our website. We have some amazing products in stock right now at Cape Gun Works and we'll help you guys out when you're ready to make that purchase. And thanks so much for having me on your tweet, Grace. Absolutely. And to everyone who is waiting on hold and we weren't able to get to you, try again next week. We'll go right to the calls. Thank you very much, Toby Leary. 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The car crossover is brought to you by ReadyWise with inflation, food and energy costs, rising families are feeling the financial pinch as they struggle to make ends meet. Preparation is key. Friends at ReadyWise have emergency food kits that will provide peace of mind. So go to and use code Howie20 at checkout to save 20% on your order. HowieCar joins us now and how I'm looking at Trump. He's live right now in Michigan and the chiron says Trump, every state is now a border state. We know that all too well here in Massachusetts. You're in Florida. You're also seeing it, especially with Haitian refugees. It's becoming a real big issue. And as something you talked about a little bit last week, Maura Healy's facing a lot of heat over her treatment of Massachusetts veterans, as I'm reading a piece here from the Boston Herald, but talk a little bit about how every state right now is struggling with this. And Joe Biden doesn't seem to really care. Yeah, I'm not Nostradamus, but I've been saying this for years that every state was a border state. It's just becoming clearer and clearer to people, even those who don't follow the news. And you know, you talk about Haitians. There's just a story today, Broward County, you know, the county next door to where I am. It's Fort Lauderdale. A Haitian illegal was just arrested down there over the weekend for raping a 10-year-old girl. A 10-year-old girl. I mean, it was 15 up in Rockland. It's just terrible. You know, President Trump is going to make an issue of this. You know, any state he goes to, he can find some terrible atrocity in Michigan. It's this Mexican illegal, who'd been deported, I think, five times. And he came back and he killed, shot another person of Mexican descent, a woman. I don't know if she was legal or not, but he shot her five times. Five times and then threw a body out of the car. And there's in Oakland County, one of the richer counties in Michigan, the sheriff just warned the affluent homeowners there that you have to worry about these illegal alien gangs coming in. You know, you go away for the weekend. Yeah. He said they're like, he said it's like ninjas. They know exactly what they're doing. They come in, they have masks on, they break right through. I saw that this morning. You spend, you spend like, you know, an extra few hundred thousand bucks to get land next to conservation land or a birth path like I have in Wellesley. And then they, they come, but they come there because they know that they, that's the easiest way to come in through the house. Such scary stuff and how he's got more of that when he joins you next. You're not going to want to miss his show. Thank you, everybody. If you missed any of the hours or any of the interviews, get it wherever you get your I'll catch you all tomorrow. (upbeat music)