The Howie Carr Radio Network

Karen Read, Donald Trump's Gag Order, and More with Marc Salinas | 4.2.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

Grace welcomes her go-to lawyer for all current events, Marc Salinas, to the show to explain a buffet of cases across this week's news cycle.

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02 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello everyone and welcome back to The Grace Curly Show. Tons to get to including Toby Leary joining us in the two o'clock hour. And a lot of sound, Hillary Clinton is back in the news. She just will not go away. We've got Whoopi Goldberg. But we also have a lot of intense topics. There's a crazy, crazy, horrible crime in DC. And I want to talk about this because I saw this really interesting take from, I think it was a lawyer on one of the main networks. And they were talking about how crime, especially in these big cities, it's been, it's always there. But what you should be taking note of right now, and I never thought of it in this way, is the types of crimes that are happening. There's something very evil. And you might say, "Well, Grace, you know, you break into someone's house, that's evil too." But it's like a specific kind of craziness that's going on, pushing people into the subway, punching women in the face in New York City. Do you know what I'm saying? And they used to work to describe it, which I'm blanking on right now. But it was something I hadn't thought of before, which is like, it's the type of crime that's currently going on. In the case in DC, a 12 and 13 year old, 12 and 13 year old, and one other girl, I don't think they have her age, beat a disabled man to death in DC. I was reading this story in the New York Post. I couldn't even believe what I was reading. It was so sick and twisted. And they were basically doing it for the sake of just beating him to death. Like it was fun for them, so disturbing. And we'll talk all about that. There's tons of stories in the news in that regard. But right now, there's a lot of legal news out there. And there's no one better on that front than Mark Salinas from Silva and Salinas. Great friend of the show. He always makes time for us. Mark, thank you so much for coming on. I want to start right away with the news that Trump has posted this $175 million bond in his New York civil fraud case. And my question for you, Mark, is in a case like this where it goes to the New York appeals court and they decide, listen, Judge Engeron's ruling was too excessive. Did they also then, does anyone take into account, like, how did you come up with this number? You know, what was the calculation here? Or does he just get to continue on, you know, making these decisions in the future? Well, one would like to think it's not completely arbitrary in that decision that came out of the New York appeals court. They didn't go into a thorough analysis as to why they reduced it. But what I can tell you is that clearly the thought process would have been, is this based on any type of facts that were presented at the trial? And I think that the judges must have been concerned about that. And they also probably looked at the amount and just said that this is staggering to put somebody in a position where they may lose all of their real estate holdings or substantially valuable real estate holdings just to prove their case on appeal. Is not fair. Yeah, and Mark, now it's saying, and I'm reading here from, it's Reuters was the one that reported this, the merits of Trump's appeal will be heard by a three judge panel of the appeals court. What, you know, obviously you don't have a crystal ball, none of us do, but as someone who's witnessed these kind of cases go through the courts before, do you have any predictions on what's going to happen next? It's so hard to predict these things, but if I'm going to go with my gut, I think that this, this judgment is going to get thrown out. There were just no facts that I could see when I was reviewing the case and the testimony for the judge to put the values on the properties that he did. And then the second level of this is, what are you basing the amount of the damages award on? And that doesn't seem to be clear at all through any of these findings. It's almost as if that there was an arbitrary amount that was intended to punish Donald Trump, not based on what he did, but based on his wealth. And that is not the way the justice system is supposed to work. And I think that is what's most problematic about this case. And I think when the appeals court looks at it, they are going to set aside that verdict or that judgment I should say. Another big story today, Mark, which I know you've been following is that Hunter Biden's motions to dismiss were rejected by a judge in California. A lot of interesting takeaways from this and a few of them were highlighted in the New York Post. Let me just read you one here. It says, defendants fails to present a reasonable inference, let alone clear evidence of discriminatory effect and discriminatory purposes. Accordingly, the selective prosecution claim fails. Defendant offers only conjecture about animus motivated in the prosecutorial decisions in this case. The circumstantial allegations of animus he offers are thin. And so a lot, there were eight different motions that were rejected by this judge. I would love your reaction to this. Oh, can we just talk about the absurdity of this motion to dismiss? They're claiming that Joe Biden's Department of Justice is selectively prosecuting his son. I mean, this is just completely insane. We are in reverse. We're in bizarre world now. I think it was a Seinfeld episode. They did that, right? I mean, they have been going after Donald Trump for a since he left the presidency, prosecuting him in ways that no other person has been prosecuted. Now they're going to come back and say, whoa, wait a minute. What you're doing here to Joe Biden's son is selective prosecution. The judge knew that this was not a good argument. And it was Judge Mark Scarcey in the United States District Court that said, nice try motion to dismiss denied. I also love how he's trying to claim that the IRS whistleblowers, you know, brought him notoriety by their public statements. And the judge had to point out, listen, I mean, a lot of this notoriety was already brought because of the memoir that you wrote. I mean, have you ever heard of anything so absurd? No, it really. It's just silly. I mean, he's brought all this attention onto himself. He's done everything he can to remain in the spotlight, including those antics of showing up in Congress to testify when he wasn't invited. He just decided to become that uninvited guest at Thanksgiving dinner to testify. So, you know, he's not getting any sympathy, I think, in the court of public opinion. And he's certainly not getting any sympathy now from the United States District court judge assigned to this case. Mark, on a different note here, a governor that seems to have a lot of legal wins under his belt at this point is Governor Ron DeSantis in Florida. And he got another one on Monday, a federal judge. This is from the Postmillennial. A federal judge dropped Florida Governor Ron DeSantis from a lawsuit over the coordination of flights of illegal immigrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard. And the reason here that was brought by this U.S. District Judge is that he says there were insufficient facts presented in the case in ruling that the court couldn't ascertain what actions were taken by whom and therefore cannot determine which, if any of those individual defendants transacted business or caused injury here. Are you surprised by this mark, by this ruling? A little bit because what I read into that is that the complaint that was filed was kind of a little bit of a hot mess. What the judge is saying, Allison Burrows, is, you know, look, the facts that you presented here, we can't tell who did what and what their ties are here to Massachusetts. So it's a personal jurisdiction issue. It's not going to the core merits of whether or not what DeSantis did was right or wrong. They're saying you don't have personal jurisdiction here. And a fun fact on this one is that the District court judge appointed to this case was an Obama 2014 appointee. So that kind of tells you that this was a pretty thin case to begin with. Now, Mark, speaking of hot messes, there always seems to be conflicts of interest when it comes to any of these cases involving Donald Trump. One that we've talked about a lot is Fannie Willis. And now we have this case that the daughter of the judge presiding over Donald Trump's New York Hush Money trial has two significant Democratic clients who have raised over $93 million in campaign donations by fundraising off the criminal case. This is from Red State. Trump came out. He thinks the judge should recuse himself. And now there's a gag order being floated around because Trump has mentioned that his daughter, that there might be a conflict of interest with her job. And I want, I wanted to ask you because this is weird to me. It seems like any time Trump points out the obvious. These are conflicts of interest where it takes a lot to understand why someone would think there's a problem here. But any time Trump points it out on his true social, he's the one who gets a gag order. Yeah, I've never seen these gag orders given up so freely in court cases. I mean, it's a pretty rare thing because you're taking away somebody's freedoms of speech. And when you're on the receiving end of a lawsuit, civil or criminal, you have a right to defend yourself and you have a right to speak out and speak your mind. Otherwise, you're not able to present your side of the case. In high profile cases, that's incredibly important. So on one hand, the point this or the prosecution gets to say whatever they want, but then the defendant can't say anything in response. It's crazy. Now, last time I had you on, Mark, I brought up and I didn't really let you know beforehand, I just brought up the Karen Reed case. It's a local case and it's turned into a national story. A lot of people are following it. And I was happy to learn that you've been following it pretty closely. So I wanted to go over a recent update on this case. Norfolk DA's office will remain on Karen Reed case after judge denies motion to disqualify. This is good news for Michael Morrissey. I'm sure the Karen Reed camp is not happy about it. What do you say? I don't like it. I don't like it at all. It all smells very bad. Now, you know, every time that there's a media reaches out for a comment to a district attorney's office, what do they say? I'm sorry, we can't comment on an ongoing investigation. There's a reason for that. The reason is to ensure the defendant has a fair trial. Now, the Superior Court judge that looked at this motion said, look, the district attorney crossed the line here and undoubtedly reflected poor judgment, but didn't go far enough to say that he must recuse himself from the case. It's really problematic what happened here. In August of 23, the district attorney came out under pressure from all this media attention and said, look, we have great prosecutors on this team. The credibility of them is, you know, uncouchable. You're vouching for the witnesses that are going to be in the case like it's an advertisement. And what that does is it tinks the jury pool because the jury now is hearing all about the case from the prosecutor's standpoint. That is never done here in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. It's a type of thing you'd expect to see in Georgia, not here. Yeah. And to your point, most of the time these DA offices will say we can't comment on it. They don't make videos, you know, elaborating on why they don't think that a certain blogger should be talking to witnesses. So right there, it was strange. But the other part that you just brought up is how many times are we going to see cases where a judge comes forward and says, well, this person, and I'm obviously now referencing back to Fannie Willis, this person shouldn't have done X, Y and Z, but I'm not going to do anything about it. That seems to be a common theme here, Mark. Yeah, and it's really troubling. And understand, we're not talking about a rank and file prosecutor that has a lack of judgment, says the wrong thing in court or maybe speaks to the media when they shouldn't. These are the individuals that are running the offices. They are the top level prosecutors of the state or county that they're in and they're getting dinged up for what you think would be obvious and very avoidable mistakes. It's really problematic that we're seeing a trend here. And again, I've said this before on your show. What I don't like about it is it undermines people's confidence in the justice system. And that doesn't go well for anybody. Yeah, really well said. Mark Salinas from Silva and Salinas. We love having you on. You're so knowledgeable and you always make time for us. Mark, please tell people where they can reach you if they have questions of their own. Oh, we have a small firm in north. The end over SS law If you want to learn more about us or you can follow me on Twitter. Mark Salinas. Salinas, ESQ. All right, awesome. Thank you, Mark. We'll talk to you soon. Nossa Beach Inn just opened reservations for spring. I'm so excited, Jared. So I have been went home yesterday. I told Will, I said, we're going to the Nossa Beach Inn. And he said to me, you know, Jared's always talking about the fire pits. It sounds pretty cool. It sounds like a pretty cool spot. And I said, I think it is a pretty cool spot. We're going to get to check it out. We are booking our reservation right now. Just kind of going over some dates, which one's going to work best. What do we have to look forward to when we finally get to visit this spot? Well, you have peace, tranquility, peace of mind, great atmosphere to look forward to. The fire pits really are great. They have there's like one kind of in the center of all the rooms and as a couple spread out on the edges. I mean, so it's really you just get to sit by the fire pits and you get to enjoy the sound of the waves. Whether you're watching the sunrise in the morning or you're looking at the stars and the moon rise at night. There are trails you can walk along. Obviously, I think the Cape Cod rail trail is there. Obviously, you can walk along the beach. They're pet friendly. So if you want to bring your dog or you want to bring whoever you have as a pet, you can bring them down there. And each room has a fireplace and a picture window. It's tranquil. It's cozy. It's just it's a great way to relax. Yes, indeed. And right now you can relax at the Nossa Beach Inn. And you can book your April stay at the Nossa Beach Inn from 249.99 at night. And this may rates from 259.99 at night. So don't delay. These rooms go fast. To reserve your ocean view rum, go to That's We will be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join Grace and me for 2A Tuesday. Tuesdays at 2PM. This is The Grace Curly Show. Oh, something I want to mention here. Before I forget, I was talking about perfect smiles and how much I love Dr. Bruce Houghton. He's so nice. Everybody there so nice. He's actually featured on Meet the Experts with Howie Car. And you will understand when you listen to him why I'm such a big fan. Because he's just a very calm, kind person. And that's what you want when you're getting your teeth worked on. So check that out. Meet the experts wherever you get your podcasts. I also wanted to do the poll question here, which is, you know, it's drumming up some conversation on social media. Are trade schools, are trade jobs the best option for people? Should people, because back in the day, not back in my day, maybe back in Jared's day. Back in the day, you went to college. You paid a certain amount and you got this degree at the end. And you were supposed to be able to not only make up for the money you spend at school, but live a life, have a career where you made more money because of that piece of paper. That's kind of been flipped on its head now. Now, according to the report that I was reading earlier, about $95,000 a year to go to school, college and says, $95,000 a year, but college is say, school say it's okay, because financial aid can help. And I'm like, well, of course the schools are saying it's okay. They're the ones charging you. If I'm charging you, Jared, an obscene amount for a product, I'm going to be like, oh, yeah, it's okay though. You can, you can afford it. I'm not going to say, yeah, this is how much the product cost and it's way overpriced. You should not buy this. Of course, I'm going to say, don't worry about it. It's worth it. It's worth it in the long run. So, $95,000 this fall for certain schools, some of which are in New England, Massachusetts, specifically. And it got me thinking because the Wall Street Journal has this entire article about how Gen Z is going to be the tool belt generation. And here I thought there were the TikTok generation. You know, they're doing all these dumb challenges, shaving off their teeth and whatnot, turns out maybe the kids are going to be all right after all. And that brought me to our poll question, which is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton. Call 1-844-a-Perfect-Smile or visit And as I mentioned, check out Dr. Bruce Houghton on Meet the Experts with Howie Cards. Great listen. And you'll definitely enjoy it. Jared, what do we got for the PQ today? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which is more valuable liberal arts degree or trade skills? Trade skills. 97% of the audience says trade skills. I am biased because my husband's an electrician and I just love it. I love that when he goes to work every day, he's really creating something. You know, he's fixing problems. He's checking things off the list. I think that's really cool. I will say, if I were to, I don't have a brain for it, I'm not technically skilled in that way at all. It'd be a terrible career path for me. But if I were to be some sort of tradesman or tradeswoman, the field I would choose is plumbing. And I'll tell you why. And this is just anecdotal evidence, okay? This is just my own experience. But if something goes wrong in my house, if obviously if it's a lighting issue, well can handle it. But in the old days before I met well. You might shop around a little bit, talk to a couple of people, say, oh come, come by tomorrow. And then in the afternoon, I'll have someone else come by, look at it. Do we, can someone fix this? You might toy around with a couple of ideas. If you have a plumbing issue, if something goes awry with the toilet, if something goes awry with the tub, if there's a leak, you need somebody there like yesterday. And when they get there, you're using that person, Jared. You're not going to try to, you know, negotiate with them. You're just going to say, do what you need to do so that water's not coming through my ceiling. And that's why I think it's the best option. Because first of all, you get paid a lot. And also, people get desperate when the plumbing's not working. So that's just my hot take, 844-542-42. When we come back, I want to play some more sound for you. I want to talk a little bit about Jamel Hill's hot take. And also, James Carville has a podcast and he's making waves. Don't go anywhere. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio. Speaking of censorship, there was an interesting story about Tucker Carlson. He was invited to speak at St. George's boarding school in Rhode Island, which he attended. That was his high school. And he was invited to speak by a student. And the school gave him the run around for a really long time. And before eventually, just using the old cop out, it's too dangerous. That's always the final. That's when you know things are going nowhere, is when you get the "it's just too dangerous." And so he had the Zoom call, he arranged with the students, and he was talking about this. And how disappointed he was. He loved the school. He's donated to the school. His kids went to the school. I think he was actually married on the campus. They must have a church there. And he was very, very adamant that this is a problem. And he even said, "I wouldn't force people to come watch me speak. It would be people could attend if they wanted to." But this school, St. George's, and I notice this about private schools because I get the old magazines and stuff like that from my school. The entire thing is riddled with talk of, "We love fostering conversation and civil discourse." That's a big one. The higher pages of my high school magazine is about civil discourse. And here you have someone who, a student invited, who, whether you like him or not, there's no denying that he's a very intellectual person. And he knows what he's talking about. And that he's an influential person who has an opinion. And since you guys claim that you want your students, you want the student body to understand different opinions or at least know how to handle different opinions, you think you'd be clamoring to have him show up and speak. But instead, you block him out. And the reason I bring this up is because the headline at Red State said, "Tucker Carlson's prep school too scared to let him speak on campus, quote, "People could be killed." And I was thinking about this, Jared. People could be killed. And I was like, "Well, hypothetically, I guess you could say that about anything, right? People could be killed." And that's the new reason why you're not going to have someone speak. People could be killed. It reminds me of when Kramer and Jerry have this bet going and Kramer's going to build all these stairs in his house, all these different levels. And Jerry says, "Makes a bet with him and says, 'You're not going to do that. That's not going to end up happening.'" And then at the end of the episode, Kramer says, "Well, I didn't do it, but I could have. So I win the bet because I could have done it." And Jerry goes, "Anything can be done. The question is, did you do it? That was the bet. Did you do it?" And it's like, "If you're going to throw that out there, people could be killed." Well, yeah, people could be killed going to work or driving in a car that that's the best reason you can come up with for why you're too afraid to have someone come and speak. And it brings me back to RFK Jr. in this question of censorship. RFK Jr. goes on CNN to talk about President Biden censoring him and censoring other people and censoring opinions that he doesn't like and how dangerous that is for our democracy. On the way that they talk about threats to the democracy about the grandmas and the rotunda with the Trump flags, he's talking about actual danger to our democracy. And this is how thick the other side is. They hear, and not thick, like, I mean, dumb, not like the young people use it. I'm talking about out of their minds, okay? They hear this and they go see an engine of let him on. That's the exact thing he's talking about. You're so afraid of hearing an opinion you don't like that now you're calling for the guy who's saying you need to be open to other opinions to be off the TV because you don't like his opinion. Turn off the tell, change the channel, let me assure you so many people before you have made that decision to change the channel when CNN is on. If you don't like RFK Jr., if you don't like, you can change the channel when he was on Fox this morning, you can change the channel when he's on CNN. But the response, which is like, I need him off my TV. He needs to be centered. And that's what they do at Tucker Carlson, AOC was calling for it, Chuck Schumer was calling for it. They thought it was a great thing that he should be kicked off Fox because he was saying things they didn't like. I think at the time it was about the 2020 election, but who knows? I mean, there's so many things they don't like to hear. There's so much misinformation, i.e. things that, you know, don't compute with their brains that they freak out about. But yeah, the school's response is people could be killed. It's too dangerous. You could literally use that as an excuse for anything. Like, oh, Jared, I'm not going to come to work tomorrow. People could be. What can you do? What can you do? That's kind of life. And I'm not, I'm not downplaying the fact that if Tucker Carlson showed up to a school, yeah, maybe you don't want to have enhanced security. He suggested it. He said, I bring my own security team, since you guys don't really have any security here. He suggested it. But it's a really lame ass excuse for a school that claims to want all of this freedom of speech. Was there an active threat? Like, how were people going to die if Tucker Carlson showed up? Did they explain that? Like, how does somebody coming to a campus talk mean people could die? They sent out a memo outlining their safety concerns with Tucker coming to campus alleging that he violated an agreement to not record the Zoom session he had with students. Oh, how many people have died from recorded Zoom sessions? I retract my question. The world may never know. I retract my question. Okay. Now, something else I wanted to discuss here, Jared, there's a few different ways I could go. But I want to talk about the LSU game last night, LSU versus Iowa. I'm not going to try to give you guys a breakdown of what I thought. I'm not a basketball expert by any means. But I did watch it. I thought it was really exciting. You know what I thought was really cool? I'm going to sound corny here. But to watch a female athlete have all of these big celebrities and all of these guys cheering for her, I did think that was really cool. Like Jason Sudeikis was there, all these big A-listers cheering on female basketball players. I did think that was awesome. Now, the other part of it is Jamel Hill, and she's not the first one to come out with this hot take, is saying that Caitlyn Clark gets more attention than other basketball players because she's white. And Outkick had a piece on this, and it was really well written, and it talked about it's that Clark is a singular transcendent star. Those come around every few decades, and when they come around in sports, it prompts uneven media focus. It goes on to reference how Tiger Woods is a good example. He had a lot more coverage than the other golfers he was playing against, Simone Biles. And the things that these athletes have in common, the common denominator, it's not their skin color, it's the fact that they were excellent, and they captivated people, and people wanted to watch them. They put asses in the seats, and based off the ticket prices for these games, Caitlyn Clark is doing just that. And it got me thinking, though, about something along these same lines, anytime, and I'm not sure if anyone else is noticing this, anytime there's an event where people are excited to watch or people are excited to partake or, you know, it's wholesome, it's good fun. It kind of puts politics to the side for just a minute, which we used to do a lot in this country. It happens less and less. But anytime there's something like that, there's a knee-jerk reaction, not by the majority of people, but by the loudest people, a small minority of people on the left, that really want to turn it into something, like a thesis that you read about in college, like they want to turn it into something negative, or they want to turn it into like a wine fest, and it bumps me out because it just makes me think, "Why can't we have one thing, sports used to be really fun for people to watch?" I watched that game last night. I wasn't watching that game thinking, you know, the uneven media focus of this game makes me wonder if it's because Caitlyn Clark, no, I was like, "Whoa, this girl can really play basketball." She's unbelievable. The coach of the other team said the same thing. She said, "I've never seen anything like it. No one can cover her. She's unbelievable." But it's just sometimes with this, and it comes from this administration, but it really does come from a small portion of the left, their go-to reaction when people are having fun, is to be party poopers, is to be Debbie Downers, and go, "Well, actually, they're it, and I don't know why, Jared." Because at its core, aside from wanting to just be iconoclastic and destroy, establish things, leftism at its heart is a miserable, soulless existence, and the only existence they know is that misery, and therefore, they have to validate and justify their existence by bringing that emptiness and thrusting it into everybody's face. Infusing the ideology into everything, and here's where I think there's a tremendous miscalculation, a tremendous miscalculation, is that I don't think there's ever been a time in my life where there is such a thirst and desire for non-political content, and people want something that everyone can get behind. People are craving that, and you could say the same thing about these comedians, and you know how I know it? Because every time these comedians actually do something funny, it goes viral, and everybody's retweeting it. It happens once every 10 years, because they're so political, and I was listening today. Lawrence Jones was doing a great job, and he said, this morning on Fox, he was talking about how Biden only listens to the loudest voices. And again, I go back to this, someone's tabulating this wrong, somebody's looking at the calculator, and they're mixing up the numbers here, because the vast majority of people I think right now in this country are more leaning towards being moderates than they are being far left. And that's where I think RFK Jr. is going to pull away a lot of Biden voters, because I do think people are sick of occasionally enjoying something, and then having this administration walk along and go, "We have something to say," or "Jamell Hill," or "Anyone on the left." It's constant, this infusion of this ideology, and I know we always play, "This is why we can't have nice things," but it's true to a degree, it's like, "We can't have any fun anymore." Yeah. Things used to be fun sometimes. I don't know when that ended. Well, again, like- And the right does it too, I should say. The right occasionally does it too, but it's definitely, it happens more on the left. Well, even, you know, people like Bill Maher, who say it is like, "Listen, you guys are crazy." Like, people are just tired of the crazy. Like I, you know, I want to watch a basketball game. Great. The highest scoring player in the history of the sport happens to be White. That's why she's getting coverage, because she's the highest scoring player in the history of this game. That has nothing to do with it, Jerry. If it happened to be a Black player, that player would get all of the- And just to kind of spin this a little bit, Jamel Hill, who is the most famous female basketball player that you can think of? Brittany Griner, she's Black. If Joe Biden had to trade the- What, the merchant of death for a White basketball player? Do you think you would have done that? Yeah. I mean, if we follow this whole logical- It's scary. It's a logical, which is a brew of potion that we're mixing in our cauldron right now. Do you think he would have traded for a White player? I don't. And the other part of it, too, Jerry, which drives me crazy, is like, "What a great moment for women." I just said to you. I said, "It makes me happy, as I consider myself so semi-young woman, to watch." I was never an athlete or anything like that, but to watch this female athlete dominating her sport, and to- I hate to say it like this, but to finally have people interested in women's basketball, it's not happening every single day. And instead of celebrating this and going, "Wow, this is so cool." All these little girls are watching Caitlyn Clark dominate the basketball court, and they're inspired by it, and they're going to play basketball, and they're going to want to be like her, instead, and this is where the left comes in. It's like, "Bam, bam!" Well, the only reason she's getting this- No, maybe the reason she's getting the coverage is because she's awesome. She's excellent. And there's not a lot of excellence these days, and people want to see excellence, and people want to see non-political things that make them happy. Is that lost on people? Dave, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Dave. Hey, Grace. Yeah. And does she know Mr. Melhill? I mean, she's a racist anyway, but how about the endorsements that Angel Reese gets are pretty significant? And I would ask to Melhillhill if she has heard of the other white players, LeBron James, Michael Jordan, Patrick Mahomes, you know, Candace Parker, they're all white, right? Right. Right. And they're bodies in the seats. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And they are some of the athletes you just named are the most covered athletes in the world right now, and no one has a problem with that because they're excellent. It's not always- It doesn't- Everything doesn't have to always be negative. Like, "Oh, our response has to be, "There's a negative side to this." They can enjoy anything, 844-500-42-42. And the other part of it too is now I keep seeing that Trump, there's a lot of reports that when Trump comes into the office, he's going to be tackling anti-white racism. That's the way it's being phrased. I hate when people describe anything like that, like reverse racism, anti-white racism. It's just racism. We're over-complicating things now. Judging people based off the color of their skin or treating them differently based off the color of their skin is racism. It doesn't have to be reversed. It doesn't have to be anti-white. It's just racism. And when you have a female athlete who's killing it on the basketball court in the whole world's watching her, it's okay just to celebrate that. There doesn't have- There doesn't have to be a dot-dot-dot, however, we'll be right back. We'll take more of your calls. Thank you for the call, Dave. Listen up, everyone. You've waited through the cold temps in February and the rainy weather in March, and now based off today, we're looking at warmer days ahead. That's always a great thing. We always look forward to it. But unfortunately, it does come with a little bit of baggage. It comes with pollutants in the air, you know, when you're windshield jared is just covered in yellow and you must look at that and go, "Oh boy, that's going to be a long day for me." But luckily, you've got the thunderstorm. You can crank that up here in the office, crank it up in your car, and it works like magic. Yeah, every unit comes with its own USB cable, so you can plug that into the unit, plug it into the USB port in your car, and like me, you can have that ionized air which eliminates the allergen and pollutants that are in your car, and we spend a lot of time in our car in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and driving up to Maine, New Hampshire, wherever you're going into England, you spend a lot of time in your car, and you want that ionized air there, especially during this season, because you already see those first little blooms, and pretty soon the ground's going to be yellow, and if you're anything like me, that's the worst time of the year for you. And with the thunderstorm, you can enjoy this beautiful time of year without having to reach for the tissues. Like Jared said, you can make spring great again. So the three-pack special is such a great deal. I want my listeners to get their hands on it before it ends, so here's what you need to do. Go to, use code GRACE3. That's, and don't forget to use GRACE and the number three as your code when you check out to get this three-pack special. We will be right back, don't go anywhere. Another reason I was happy about the outcome of that game last night was that James Carverle, every time I see a cut of him on his new podcast, he's always got an LSU sweatshirt on. So that made it extra sweet. He's making a lot of news lately, and I wanted to play a cut from him, something he said. Biden was coming under fire for his proclamation about transgender Visibility Day. He put it out on Good Friday, and to declare that, and I know I understand that it's always been that day, March 31st, but it happened to fall on Easter. But a lot of people said, "Well, yeah, just because it happened to be that day, other presidents haven't put out proclamations with an Easter buddy on top." But according to James Carverle, Biden, nobody at the White House knew about this. So let's have cut six. Nobody's saying that, first of all, and second of all, I would ask James Carverle if he saw the interview of the priest who was at the funeral for that officer in New York, John Diller, who mentioned talking to Trump and praying with Trump. That was a church that I don't think Trump was afraid to go into when it was honoring an NYPD officer who was murdered because of the policies of your party, James Carverle. I'm going to pull up, was it John Stewart for a minute? So Joe Biden is in church every week. Do you have film of that? Maybe show us that and then we can believe. They do sometimes. They do sometimes show him walking out of church. They'll put up pictures of that, but also, so he says, as if Biden knew it was transgender awareness. Nobody's saying that the point of this is to hate transgender people. I hate when this becomes the story. It's like Republicans, no, no, no, no, no. I have a few issues with this. One is that if you're going to put out a proclamation, and James Carverle, you might agree with me, I think it's profoundly stupid to put out a proclamation and then say you didn't put it out. I don't know if Trump would get that same benefit of the doubt that, oh, you know, he just, he doesn't know what he's doing. That's the defense now, a feeble old man who can't stand trial, a feeble old man who puts out proclamations and then says, I didn't put that out. And I'm supposed to believe the White House didn't know that it fell on Easter. There was a bunny on top of the proclamation, we'll be right back.