The Howie Carr Radio Network

CUT THE FEED: RFK Jr. Slams Censorship... on CNN! | 4.2.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

Robert F. Kennedy Jr's place in this race is to call out the mainstream media, the big-money lobbyists, and the establishment politicians. This brand new audio from his visit to CNN proves it.

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02 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, they stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hello, everyone, and welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us today. On this gorgeous Tuesday afternoon, we are so excited to have you here. Here's our big, big day. Not for Joe Biden. Joe Biden's got a pretty clear schedule today. I got a glimpse of this, not jam-packed. The good news, though, is that he's going to have plenty of time. He's got the full day Jared. After the PDB, the presidential daily briefing, he has the entire day for someone in the White House to inform him of his proclamation and let him know what he signed off on. According to Joe, he had no idea he didn't do that, according to the president. So he's got a full, clear schedule to figure out what exactly he signed on to on Good Friday for Easter Sunday, which, by the way, James Carville says no one in the White House was aware that transgender visibility day was going to coincide with Easter Sunday. Weird because the proclamation, as I noted yesterday, had the Easter Bunny on top of it. The only thing that's the only problem I have with Carville's excuse is that the Easter Bunny is sitting atop the proclamation. So we will get to all of this, and there's some sort of press conference today with the Biden administration. But I don't understand what it is because he has nothing on his schedule. So maybe it's somebody else. It's not Korean John Pierre, hers is at 130. I don't know what they're planning. We'll keep you abreast of what's going on at the White House. But today, big, big day in legal news, which is why in the one o'clock hour, I will be talking to our friend Mark Salinas. If you missed it, Trump posted the $175 million bond in his civil case in New York. So last week, when I was off a New York, and I was so happy to see this, I was getting ready to go to the pool and it just flashes across the screen that it had been reduced to 175 million the bond. And I was like, you know what? That's a good note for me to head out into the sun on is that Trump can handle 175 million. So the New York Appeals Court restored eight. Three cash. Yeah, I didn't, Jared, I was off when Trump looked at the cameras and they said, what do they say to them? They said, how are you going to pay it? And he said, cash, cash. And it was pretty badass. Yeah. So, yeah, it's 175 million. A New York Appeals Court last week restored a modicum of sanity to the Empire State. Just a teeny, tiny bit. We still got a lot of work to do on that front, but they reduced the bond from judge and garan's obscene. I think originally it was like 350 million plus the 100 million in interest. It ended up being around $464 million. He was supposed to post in order to appeal the excessive ruling by the judge. And now it's just 175. I love how I keep saying it's just 175 million dollars. Like it's pocket change. Like it's walking around money. You know, it's just 170 million. He can do it. But income, I can find that in my blue suit. In comparison to what he was looking at, the good news is now that he's not going to have to sell any of his properties as of right now. Trump tower lives to see another day. Sorry, Tish. Sorry to miss Tish. Lattisha James. I'm sure is bummed out about this. And you know what I want to ask Mark Salinas and I can't take credit. I saw it today on Fox. They were asking the same thing. What happens in a case where, okay, so judge anger on he's had decisions overturned before he's had rulings questioned by appellate courts before as most judges have. But does there come a point where a ruling gets to another court and the judges say, what was this person thinking? Like, what is this judge doing? Do we have to start questioning this judge's judgment? If they're if they're handing out 350 million dollar rulings, like, does that come into play at all with these appellate courts? Do they get it and they go, wait, how did you? What was the calculation here? Like, what was the precedent for this? A shirtless buff judge. Can you show us your work here, please? Yeah, show us your eyes to hate that in school. When they be like, show us your work in math, Jared, show us your work. I would always think it doesn't. You don't need to see the work because the answer is wrong. So it doesn't matter. Like, really, it doesn't matter. The answer is wrong. I'm coming out with, like, the answer 75 and the other kids are coming out with decimals. It's not going to be right. Why do you need to see how we got here if here is so wrong? But yeah, you should have to show us your work. How did you get to 350 million dollars? Because the other part of it too, Jared, is if you have a judge who's handing out these excessive rulings and then it has to be appealed, that is tying up the courts in and of itself. I know nobody cares if Trump ties up the courts because it's all in the mission to get Trump and save democracy. But in a normal world, that would be a problem. It's like, are you doing this out of your personal vendetta or your personal, you know, your eagerness to get this guy? Because you're tying up the courts. That's not what being a judge is supposed to be. It's not supposed to be, oh, I get to come up with some number out of thin air that makes me happy when I'm pumping iron in the gym. I think there's supposed to be some other tabulation there. So that's one bit of news. And also in courtroom drama, courtroom battles, a big blow today to Hunter Biden's legal team. A big blow. I said you out for that one. I knew what I was doing. To Prince, Prince Hunter, as I like to call him, and his big wig lawyer, Abby Lowell. I just want to say, I've heard a lot about this Abby Lowell person now. Okay, like he's the lawyer to the stars. The lawyer lawyer to the painters. He's supposed to be so expensive. He's so great. I think he at one point represented Bob Menendez, the first time around gold bar Bob's first rodeo, which he somehow, you know, got away by the skin of his teeth and now he's back at it. I'm not a heavy little set on the second one. You're on your own Bob. I've done all I can speaking of 175 million in cash in a suit coat. Yeah, I can't. I can't help you Bob. You are. You're going to have to face this one with somebody else. But I keep hearing about this Abby Lowell and thus far from what I'm reading today on this ruling from a judge in the Golden State thus far, not impressed, not impressed by his homework so far. So let me tell you a little bit about this. The federal judge in the Golden State puts out an 82 page ruling in which he rejected all eight of the first son's motions to get his felony tax charges dismissed. And the New York Post highlighted a couple of notable points in the ruling. Some of these rulings they can be very entertaining if you take the time to read them. I want to read you one here. This is regarding the defense claims that the IRS whistleblowers, testimony to Congress and their public statements amounted to. This is outrageous government conduct. So these two whistleblowers who had the audacity, Shapley and Ziegler, to tell the truth about Hunter Biden, to tell the truth about how the IRS was working, bending over backwards to not get Hunter or Joe in trouble, these two people who were actually brave Americans. According to Hunter and his lawyers, their public statements amounted to outrageous government conduct. The judge found that Hunter Biden's lawyer offered no facts to suggest that the information Shapley and Ziegler shared publicly had any prejudicial effect on the grand jury on the grand jury's decision to return an indictment. But here's my favorite part. Shapley and Ziegler's public statements brought notoriety to defendants case is not enough to show prejudice, the judge ruled, adding in a footnote that Hunter Biden himself brought notoriety to his conduct through the publication of a memoir. Ah, memoirs of a hunter. That's right. The memoir. Of course. I think Hunter, maybe Hunter's getting a little foggy on the memoir. Let me remind you, the memoir Hunter was the book that you wrote that you went on Jimmy Kimmel to promote. You wrote about the Parmesan cheese and the hookers and the secret service. Yeah, that might not have been a great idea. I love when these arrogant privileged pukes like Hunter Biden and Andrew Cuomo, they write books about all of their crimes. They write books about everything they've done wrong. You know, Hunter Biden Jared, I know we know him as an artist, we're fans of his work, but Georgetown graduate and Yale Law School, he's a lawyer and his dad's a lawyer in case you forgot. Delicate genius. I guess at Yale Law School, they didn't teach this men's semester, Hunter Biden, that you shouldn't write down all the things you've done wrong. You shouldn't provide a blueprint to your debauchery and your dysfunction. That's not a great idea. And another thing I want to say, and we'll wrap up here because there's just so much I want to get to and I want to leave myself enough time. But Hunter's team of lawyers, the team of expensive lawyers. Red State took out an excerpt from the judges ruling in regards to Hunter's claim that the indictment is based on selective and vindictive prosecution. Because he's got a right to sing the blues, you know, everybody's everybody's being mean to Hunter. And this is this is from the judge. As the court stated at the hearing, defendant filed his motion without any evidence. The motion is remarkable and that it fails to include a single declaration, exhibit or request for judicial notice. Instead, defendant cites portions of various internet news sources, social media posts and legal blogs. These citations, however, are not evidence. The circumstantial allegations of animists he offers are thin. Boom, roasted. Now, I know he's saying Hunter offered it. Obviously, it's not Hunter who's writing this stuff up. I know he's a lawyer, but I think he leaves this one to the experts. He doesn't try to pull like a Matt Damon in Goodwill Hunting. He's not trying to represent himself. But even so, this is what I'd say to Abilow. No evidence? Thin? Only conjecture? Come on. Come on, Lowell, you can do better than that. You're getting paid the big bucks. Internet posts, social media, legal blogs. That's all you have. So again, I know that this is a territory that Hunter's not familiar with at all. Where he's just racking up the legal blows here. He's used to winning these type of things. But it makes me very happy. And we'll continue to talk about it. 844-542-42. Also, we're going to ask Mark Salinas a little bit about Trump's latest gag order. We talked about this yesterday. Played the cut from Nicole Wallace. As I said, it seems like everybody is allowed to say whatever they want about Donald Trump. And everybody's allowed to have any conflict of interest they want. Whether you're talking about this judge, merchant, and his daughter working for Democrats, working for a consulting firm, and the Democrats represented by the consulting firm are fundraising off of Trump's legal problems, or whether you're talking about Fannie Fannie Willis. Everybody else has allowed conflicts of interest, but if Trump points them out, then he is the bad guy. He's the one who needs to have the gag order. It doesn't seem right to me. We'll talk more about that when we return. The number is 844-542-42. And I wanted to let you all know that as I pointed out, it's a gorgeous day today. We've got gorgeous days ahead. That's one of the greatest parts about New England, is if you really stick out the winter, then you appreciate the spring and the summer so much more. And we're headed in that direction. But with that, Jared, comes allergy season. And as someone who suffers from allergies, you don't suffer as much anymore because now you have the thunderstorm and it can purify the air. And it also works in your car, which is great because I know people like to put the windows down and enjoy this fresh air. If you suffer from allergies, you definitely want to give the thunderstorm a chance because what it does is it actually ionizes the air, which eliminates the allergens and the pollutants and the same way it does smells that are in the air. And each unit has a USB cable. It comes with it. So you just plug that in to the unit, plug it into the USB port. You get that clean, ionized, purified air in your car, which is great during the bloom that is happening right now. Absolutely. And you want to get the three-pack special. Get on this right now because then you can have one in your office. Even if you're in an office like this where the windows don't open, you turn it on and you keep that air circulating. You keep that air fresh. You can have one in your kitchen. If you've got kitchen odors, you can have one in your car. Now, here's what I want you to do. Go to Use code GRACE and the number three. Again, that's, code GRACE and the number three. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the three-pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE 3. Also, when we come back, we'll take your calls on all of Trump's legal battles, on Hunter Biden's latest legal losses, and everything in between. Join us 844-542, and we'll be right back. Follow GRACE on Twitter at @g_curly. This is the GRACE Curly Show. Oh, everyone's clamoring for my sports take on the big game last night, Jared. LSU vs. Ohio. No, Iowa. As you can see, very invested in this. I did watch it, though. I will say that. I watched it. I keep hearing about Caitlin Clark, Caitlin Clark, Caitlin Clark, and the only reason I really, the only time we've really talked about her was last year when Dr. B stepped in it, and I believe Iowa had lost to LSU, and then Dr. Jill invited both to the White House, and then everybody was upset. Like, she's the only one who can take something. They say, "Hey, first lady, you go out there, you congratulate the team that won." She's the only one who can mess that up. She said, "Quadley!" I'm sorry. What am I saying? Her better half could mess it up, too. But that's the reason that I ever talked about Caitlin Clark on this show. So yesterday it was on, my husband turned on the TV, and then, as always, turns it on, and then he falls asleep immediately. So I'm there watching the rest of this game, and Jared, I gotta say, I get it. It was electric. I don't know a lot about basketball, but the three pointers are good, right? And I mean, she was hitting a lot of those. It was very cool. It was very fun to watch, and so naturally, Jamelle Hill, who I think is -- I don't think she's ESPN anymore. But you know, she's no longer the ESPN. You used to be an ESPN guy, right, Jared? Yes, I did. Yeah. Jamelle was there when I was there. Really? We weren't coworkers. We didn't interact, but she was with the company at the same time I was. Well, she came out with a hot take that Caitlin Clark receives more coverage than black players. Praises on, racism. I've got stuff to say on this, but I'm actually gonna save it, 'cause I wanna do the poll question here, and before I do it, let me give you a little background. Usually, when we're hearing about Gen Z -- and I'm guilty of this, too -- it's because we're warning people that Gen Z is going to destroy the world. Like, they are on a path of destruction between TikTok and the trends they're doing, and it's never good news about Gen Z. And then I saw this today in the Wall Street Journal, and I thought, "Oh, that's a little bit of a silver lining." And it says, "How Gen Z is becoming the tool belt generation. More young workers are going into trades as a disenchantment with the college track continues in rising pay and new technology shine up plumbing and electrical jobs." And I thought, "This is great. I'm a huge fan of the trades. My husband's an electrician. I think it's oftentimes underutilized. I guess, based off -- now, keep in mind, they've only been recording these numbers since, I think, 2018. But in the last year, the amount of kids going into these trade schools has risen by the vocational-focused schools, has risen by 16% in the last year alone. So a lot of young people are waking up to the -- just the fact that this is a great job opportunity, that you can build a really nice life with one of these jobs. And that brings us to our poll question. Oh, wait, one more thing, Jared. Cohen signs with another story I saw. College will cost up to $95,000 this fall. Schools say it's okay. Of course they do. Schools are like, "Don't worry about it. It's fine." Because financial aid can numb the sticker shock. It's going to take a lot of financial aid to numb that. But today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which is more valuable, a liberal arts degree or trade skills? Trade skills. 97% of the audience agrees that trade skill is more valuable than a liberal arts degree. I had a feeling it was going to go that way, but I still wanted to discuss this because this is a topic we bring up every so often. And it also made me think, Jared, if you were to do it all over again and you were going to go to a vote tech school or, you know, a trade school of some kind, which trade would be your choice. I actually think I would want to get into carpentry. Wow, very interesting. I really like watching woodworking videos and I really want to do it, but I just know I wouldn't be able to. So I think I would like to do that. Okay, very good answer. If I were a carpenter, you were late. You had a hammer, man. We'll be right back. We'll take your calls to just hang in there. 844-542-4242 plus RFK Jr. in the news coming up next. [Music] Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. [Music] Welcome back, everyone, to the Grace Curly show. So, RFK Jr. has been making the rounds quite a bit lately. He was on Fox this morning. He was on CNN with Aaron Burnett, and I've already seen on social media some liberals are very unhappy with the fact that CNN is giving him a platform. They're legitimizing the conspiracy theorist. And that's actually ironic because what he ended up saying on CNN, which is also making their heads explode, is that censorship is not a good thing. All the people who want to censor him, not happy about that. So, we'll play that a little bit, but first I want to go to the callers here. The number is 844-542-4242. The text line, which we do check, often is 617-213-1066. Start the text with the word Curly. Let's go to Arthur, your first up today. Go ahead, Arthur. Hey, great. How you doing? Good. What's going on? Well, you know, there's a thing that's going on in this country. You know how many judges that Obama and Biden have appointed in terms of office? I was told there's no such thing as an Obama judge or a Trump judge. They're just judges. Oh, you're absolutely right. But those anonymous type judges total over 700 federal judges, district appeals courts, and Trump went around as you recall during his time in office. He was bragging about a couple of hundred, and he never should brag about anything. You always keep walking softly and keep things. You don't let your enemies know what you're doing. But in the meantime, this is why he's having all these problems. And that's why this grows and grows, because every time you find these judges, and they make ridiculous rulings, because their judges, they're supposed to be just because that's the first few letters of the word justice. And they're supposed to be fair. And these people are outrageous. They don't care what the law is. They're strictly all about agendas. And I can't believe that in this country, although we're supposed to, that we don't have judicial review, that these people. Oh, Arthur, I think we're losing you. You know what, Arthur, I agree with your take about the fact that it is, it is disheartening when you see judges like Judge and Garan, you know, coming up with these obscene, excessive rulings. And, you know, payments that they, you know, $350 million. But here's the other thing I'd say, is that I almost now, I don't really put too much stock in someone's political background. And I'll give you a reason why it's not because I'm naive. I mean, I am naive on some things, but not on this front. It's because I'm always surprised. Like, for example, the ballot bans, right? Judges in California rejected this, the idea of kicking Trump off the ballot in California, which I think is in contention to be one of the most far left states going. And so there's an example. And then you have the Supreme Court, where Cattanji Brown Jackson and other far left justices were all on the same page with Amy Coney Barrett with Brett Kavanaugh on the fact that you can't ban Trump from the ballot. And so I'm never, and then Judge Scott McAfee, when you're talking about Fannie Willis, here was a person who I had a little bit of faith that he was going to do the right thing. He didn't end up doing it. So I really, I just take it based off as it comes because I can never predict what they're going to do. Sometimes these judges do surprise me. Sometimes the wheels of justice churned slowly, but exceedingly fine. I'm not sure if I got that one right, but it's something like that. And then other times these judges do exactly what you think they're going to do. So I don't blame you for being skeptical. I don't blame you for being bitter about the way the justice system is being weaponized against Donald Trump. But I would just say have hope because there's been a few occasions lately where rulings come down where I've thought, hey, that actually makes a lot of sense. Here's a good example. The judge looking at the Hunter Biden case with the IRS, these, these tax charges, these felonies who dismissed eight motions and said, no, I'm rejecting this. One of these, you don't have any evidence of this. Hunter Biden's lawyers tried to claim that Shapley and Ziegler that, let me actually read the exact thing here, that Shapley and Ziegler's public statements brought notoriety to the defendant's case. And the judge said, yeah, his statements brought notoriety to the defendant's case, but Hunter Biden brought himself notoriety through the publication of a memoir. So there are still judges out there who are doing the right thing. And still have their heads on straight. And that's what we have to, I mean, that's what we all should be fingers crossed praying for every single day, because I think that's at this point. That's the only thing that's keeping us from turning into a complete banana republic. And one other thing I want to mention here, because we are going to get to the RFK junior. The conversation about censorship, I'm guilty of this when a politician talks about it, when Tucker Carlson, Elon Musk, they go on, you know, they talk about censorship. It's easy to go. Oh, yeah, yeah, I know, you know, all these tech companies are. But if you look back, if you learn a little bit about history, and I need to learn plenty, but I am fascinated by the founding fathers because it seems like when you read some of their quotes right now in the climate that we're in. The warnings that these men were giving to each other and to the nation about censorship, about the importance of the freedom of the press, about the importance of letting people speak their minds freely. Otherwise, if you have an enslaved press, you don't have a country. If you read these quotes and then you listen to what RFK junior is saying about how that's the threat to democracy, it's not Donald Trump questioning an election. You'll, you'll, I'm going to read you a couple of them. Your mind will be blown at how that was such a fear for these founding fathers. It was the importance of a media that holds government officials accountable. And we don't have that anymore. We have outliers. Sure. But for the most part, you have MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CNN, regurgitating. The president's propaganda at every single turn. The president yesterday came out and he said he didn't have a proclamation. He didn't do the proclamation for the transgender day of visibility. And the way it was framed by the media was that he was combating something that Speaker Johnson had suggested. Speaker Johnson made comments about his proclamation. So the media said, Oh, well, you know, Joe Biden says that he didn't do that. They don't bring up the fact that there's a proclamation on the White House website. They don't point out the obvious and say, well, sir, then who put out this proclamation? They don't ask follow up questions. Like, we do have a press right now that is in bed with the White House. And that is a problem. And I'm really glad that R of K Jr. I mean, I, I'm not going to vote for him. I'm going to vote for Trump, but I'm glad he's bringing up these issues on national television because a lot of people at CNN need to hear this. They don't have a lot of audience. You know, they don't have a lot of viewers, but for the couple hundred. That's the truth. It'd be very helpful. Lisa, you're next up on the Grace Curly show. Go ahead, Lisa. Hey, Grace, how are you? What's going on? Good. Well, I just wanted to comment real quick on the Hunter Biden issue and the judges. The judges, I mean, it's very frustrating because we don't have any remedy after the court. So, I mean, you have to have a very strong case and a lot of money and a lot of ambition to go all the way up to the Supreme Court, but just just for the record. I want to put on record today that this Hunter Biden thing will go away quietly when nobody's looking. They'll drag it on for a few more months. Yeah, it looks like they're denying his request or his lawyers request, but I think that it will go away quietly pretty soon because nobody wants to be the judge or the DA or the prosecutor who brings down the president's son and has to make him pardon his own son. So I think that's going to go away. I think that's the loader. You know what? And then I think that Trump is going to get caught up on like at least one of these indictments. And so we're going to be looking if he doesn't win, he's going to jail. He will go to jail if he does not win. I don't think that's going to end. I don't think I don't think Trump's going to jail. That's what I'll say on this run. As far as the Hunter Biden, that whole thing going away quietly, it wouldn't shock me if it did. But again, I hate to be this person who keeps pointing out the good judges because I know it's more fun to dump on the judges, but what about Judge Nureka? She was the one who originally saw this immunity deal and said, "Yeah, I'm not rubber stamping this." And that blew everyone away. Everyone thought that he was going to get this basically get out of jail free card. This magic unicorn card that he could wave and say, "I didn't do anything wrong." And then everyone will go, "Okay." And Judge Nureka was the one to push back on that. So there have been moments where my faith has been restored a little bit. I don't think anyone's going to be in an orange jumpsuit. I should make that clear right now. I don't think anyone's going to be behind bars. But I don't know if it's going to be that easy where this is going to be something that's just broomed and we don't hear about it anymore. I think that there's a lot of layers to this now. All right, now I want to play this cut from RFK Jr. because I think this could really spark up some good conversation with the listeners. RFK Jr. was asked about the biggest threat to democracy. And of course at CNN, we know that they think the biggest threat to democracy is Donald Trump. And I noticed this yesterday when I was watching some clips of James Clyburn talking about how Trump's the threat to democracy. They can't run on Biden's record at this point. So they have to throw out this really vague kind of alarmism, this fear-mongering. And I guess the thought process, Jared, and it's not the worst thing I've ever heard, is if we make people feel as though the stakes are so high and they need to be in this state of panic. Like nobody has a cool head. Everyone's just, oh, it's on edge. It's too important to think about. You have to throw out your common sense. You can't think about if you're better off now than you were four years ago. You can't think about your bills. You can't think about logic. You can't think about your lifestyle. It's too important. It's too important for you to use your intelligence. You just have to trust us that democracy is being threatened. Then maybe they'll be able to get people to disregard the last four years of their life and vote against the boogeyman. So RFK Jr. pushes back on this. Let's play cut one. I see Trump and Biden is saying different issues. But do you really believe that when people talk about the threat to democracy that Trump poses? Do you really think that that is, is it equal to Biden? Listen, I can make the argument that President Biden is a much worse threat to democracy. And the reason for that is President Biden is the first candidate in history, the first president in history, that has used the federal agencies to censor political speech. So to censor his opponent, I, you know, I can say that because I just want to case the federal court of appeals. And now before the Supreme Court, the shows that he started censoring not just made with 37 hours after he took the oath of office. He was censoring me. No president in the country has ever done that. The greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns. But a president in the United States who uses the power of his office to force the social media companies, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter. Don't open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, the SISA, the NIH, to censor his political critics. President Biden, for the first president in history, used the secret, his power over the secret service. Just a nice secret service protection to one of his political opponents for political reasons. He's weaponizing the federal agencies. Those are really critical threats to the Congress. You know what it is? It's like you talk to people like this in real life. You talk to somebody and you know when you're looking at them that they're not listening to anything you're saying. They're just getting ready for you to stop talking. That is every anchor at CNN when they're hearing something they don't like. Her mind goes completely blank. There's just white noise and she's waiting to go, "Dana Trump! Dana Trump!" It's a hell of a lot of journalism. It's like, did you hear anything he just said? That would be a great question if somebody put that back to them. What did I just say? Remember when teachers would do that to you? They'd catch you talking in class and they'd go, "Hey Grace, what did I just say?" They'd always get me with that, as you can imagine. That'd be in the back, like, um, something about to kill a mockingbird. Wrong. But if he asked Aaron Burnett, "What did I just say to you? Do you listen to any of that?" Her mind is just going, "Orange man, orange man, orange man, back on track, back on track, back on track, January 6, January 6, because they're an enslaved press!" And I want to read you some of these quotes when we come back from, "I've got Benjamin Franklin here. I've got Thomas Jefferson." And I swear, it's not going to be a history class. They're just really quick quotes. But they highlight exactly what R.F.K. Jr. and Elon Musk and Donald Trump have been talking about, which is, if you don't let people speak their minds, that's way more of a threat to us than someone questioning the election. And by the way, if we're going to talk questioning elections, again, Hillary Clinton, who's also in the news today, Stacey Abrams. Al Gore. Donald Trump's not the first one to- you'd think he was the first one to do it based off the response, but he's not the first one, by any means. And also James Madison, who I would say was one of the most fervent supporters of the First Amendment, the freedom of speech, the free press. I'll just read you this one right now. I love this quote. "If our nation is ever taken over, it will be taken over from within." When R.F.K. Jr. was saying all that, Jared, about the FBI, all these big tech companies, all these intelligence agencies, that was the quote I thought of. "If we're ever taken over, we'll be taken over from within." And that's exactly what's happening. Don't go anywhere. We'll take more of your calls when we come back. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, "Doctor Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. When it comes to dentistry, he's the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth and your smile, but what he really does is he builds the self-confidence of his patients." Maybe you're sitting here, you're going, "Grace, I'm 50, 60 years old. Self-confidence isn't a big problem for me." You should be focused on your self-confidence, because when you feel good about yourself, when you feel proud of your smile, it's going to change every aspect of your life. It's going to change how you interact with people, it's going to make you happier, and there's no one better to handle this than Dr. Houghton. He is an expert at what he does. He's passionate about what he does. He's going to take it at your own pace. And something I think is really important when you're talking about getting your teeth fixed or cleaning up your smile is he's very, very nice. He's just a really, really sweet person, and you can trust me on that one. So take care of yourself. You deserve it. The entire team at Perfect Smiles is the best in the business. Call them. They're in Nashville, New Hampshire. If you want to check out the video testimonials to learn a little bit more, you can go to That's Change your smile. Change your life. Again, We'll be right back. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. I found that the greatest threat to democracy is not somebody who questions election returns, but a president in the United States who uses the power of his office to force the social media companies, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter to open a portal and give access to that portal to the FBI, the CIA, the IRS, the CISA, the NIH, the sensor, his political critics. President Biden, for the first president in history, used the secret, his power over the secret service, just a nice secret service protection to one of his political opponents. For political reasons, he's weaponizing federal agencies. Those are really critical threats. Donald Trump, of course. I love that. I love that cut. Erin Burnett with blinders on from the back of Donald Trump. We get it. We get that you want to stay on topic. The topic is always Donald Trump, but RFK juniors absolutely right. And I'm just going to read you a couple of quotes here that stuck out to me. This is Thomas Jefferson. The only security of all is in a free press. In case you think he's exaggerating, he's not. Another one from Thomas Jefferson. When the speech condemns a free press, you are hearing the words of a tyrant. Now, I was told Donald Trump was a tyrant, but I don't remember any journalist being thrown in jail when Donald Trump was president. And I don't remember anyone being censored because Donald Trump was mad about something. You know, if Donald Trump was censoring people, if he was a tyrant, if he was a dictator to all these journalists, he was really bad at it. You know, he was really, it's like what people say when I was watching Oppenheimer, you know, there's the whole conversation about, is he a commie? If he's a commie, if he was a commie, in the end, he was a pretty bad one when you look at everything that happened. And you could say the same exact thing about Donald Trump. It's like, okay, so you guys want to say he's all these things, but it doesn't add up because all of these Erin Burnett's of the world are getting book deals and podcasts and everything else. And so the real threat to democracy, the real person trying to censor everyone, is the current White House and the current president. Okay, and one last one to leave you with, and we're going to bring on Mark Salinas in the next hour. Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government. When this support is taken away, the Constitution of a free society is dissolved, and tyranny is erected on its ruins. All of the people constantly foaming at the mouth about the threat to democracy, when they hear about the censorship from this current president, what's their response? Donald Trump! Donald Trump! We'll be right back. [MUSIC PLAYING]