Football Function

Reefer's Rivalries: Top 10 NFL Fights

Grim Reefer adds a twist to his weekly series, this time covering the top 10 fights in NFL history.

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03 Apr 2024
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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] holiday day matters and welcome to this week's Rifas rivalries with me Michael Twenterman the Grim Rifas and let's say you know my schedule's been a bit off last few weeks it's explained last time a little busy I've gone away last few weeks but you know today is the last day that I'm gonna be busy for a bit so I should awfully start getting back into a normal routine after this after tonight really there after Manchester to say slash it's gonna be fantastic but yeah I think last time I spoke to you as I was just about to go and see ugly kid Joe in the gorilla in Manchester which made us feel 15 again with Phil Crane well what a dude is where from man he just did not stop all gig I mean the is getting on the guy is he must be must be well into his 50s I would say 55 maybe even older and yeah it's Christi made us made us Phil 15 again where he was jumping about didn't stop usually when they get older you know the player bigger venues and slow down the sets but this was high octane all the way from the start like played all the classics yeah and then well then I went to say dr. John you know the punk poet is always he's always good he's there some of his poetry you know it's not like let's say like you know the romantic nice poetry that you would expect you know his clusters of punk poet for a reason and yeah I think he's more famous for his poem titled twat which is about someone that he doesn't like one of one of the best yarns I think is questions I don't have the answer for yeah it's you stop Pestrin as you've questions but yeah and then I ended up back up in Kumbria back up to see family over the Easter weekend it's that it was all just there it was all just one massive bender really I'm just a fed up a drink so I'm not even drinking at such tonight but before I went to see dr. John on Friday I thought I've even got a day free here so I like a message mine was like oh I found a day free I can maybe get this episode done and because we had Friday off because it was you know the Easter public holidays over here when we finished work on the first we just made the wife decided to go for something to eat we went to Italian at a nice nice meal and then because we had the day off we just got pissed like really bad yeah I've got on the go on the booze till I don't know what time to three o'clock in morning or something so that yeah I was at I tried the day after before I went to see dr. John to to get the episode out but I just couldn't do it so yeah not after last time when I actually did that full episode with a hadn't I've heard that was the most growing thing I've ever done I think so with this episode I was going to bring you the Falcons versus the Saints but because I'm had enough in a couple of hours as far I'd give you this a little bit of a bonus episode of things I've been noticing when doing me research and putting these episodes together you know been coming across quite a lot of fights so it's just a little bit of a bonus episode before I can get back on to my normal schedule of there I've had this list for a while now and it's coming handy because I'm gonna bring you a episode of my top 10 NFL fights now these fights that players versus players coaching staff versus coaching staff teams versus teams and if any fights that you know a lot of them on this list as well the ones that don't think I'll be covering that rivalry that much in the series so you know I feel like some of these individual fights needed to get a little bit of recognition because some of them are absolutely crazy so number 10 in my top 10 NFL fights is to in Washington Redskins Santana Moss and New York Giants Corey Webster and and this fight happened in 2009 when Redskins and Giants met and things took a turn after Moss blocks Webster and the two staff fighting so while they've while the fighting and trying to punch each other Moss's helmet gets knocked off and the Moss connects the punch to Webster and you know Webster brings down Moss and then all the team jump in I was just carnage and yeah both both players receive personal foul penalties but neither were ejected for them from the game and they were later issued with $5,000 fine for their actions number nine a buddy right in verse is Kevin Kilbrand and this is a fight between Hugh Snowless court and stuff versus the Hugh Snowless court and stuff and this was a fight that brewed all season long really where defensive coordinate at Buddy Ryan and and offense coordinator Kevin Kilbrand the camp blows on the sideline in the final game of the 1993, 1984 season against the Jets and that's just this is despite them actually being up after the first quarter and it all came along with Buddy Ryan and just went over and smacked Kevin Kilbrand there's a bit of a tussle and all the team jump in and separate them but then you know I didn't it didn't stop them the oil is still went ahead to win the game number eight Steve Smith senior versus Malcolm Jenkins and this is in a Carolina Panthers versus New Orleans Saints game back in 2011 and all this started Steve Smith got the ball and there got a touchdown but it was hit late by Roman Harper and not only was he hit late he proper clattered him he was down on ground but he then got up and celebrated by spinning the ball did a little celebration and then instead of going after Roman Harper he just went for the first black and gold player that he could find and that unfortunately was Malcolm Jenkins and he scribes him to the floor grabbing all of him by his face mask and lifting him up by his helmet and then all the team jump in and trying to settle it down so that the fact that you know Smith stuck up for himself and actually celebrate before he did it quite a good fight that number seven Joey Porter versus William Green for the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Cleveland Browns you know what's more crazy about this fight is that didn't even make it to kick off he was in the pregame warm-up that the start from words that each other and then staff from fists and what what I like about this fight is neither of the mother helmet on yeah when they're actually punching they can actually connect with the head and I think this fight ended up with a bloody bloody lip for Green and there was ten thousand dollar fine for both players number six but Richard Sherman versus Trent Williams a Seattle Seahawks is the Washington Redskins this conference isn't really came about after a wild card game where Williams got in Sherman's face after the game and you know the both briefly exchanged words and then Williams smacked him in the face hello it is Ryan and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin slot games on I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing they're also playing Chumbagocino coincidence I think not everybody's loving having fun with it Chumbagocino's home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime anywhere even at 30,000 feet so sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus that's and live the Chumbalay. No purchase necessary. D.W. We're hitting my loss in terms of conditions 18+ Sherman didn't have his helmet on but Sherman give him his gel didn't reactor he didn't react he is just standing there I do nothing he came up and thing the the reason for Williams going up and punching Sherman in the face was he was winding them up all game all game Sherman was it was it was banging in the fork it was talking crap to them he was winding them up he could tell that Williams went over smacked him in the face for the full washing Redskins team you know he didn't do it as a beaten he just went over had a few words to do smacked him in the face walked off caused a load of carry-on number five on my NFL top 10 fights list is Jalen Ramsey versus A.J. Green for Jacksonville Jaguars versus the Cincinnati Bengals. Now this fight came both you know coming up to halftime and it all started with a little shove and then it got into a bigger shove and then that turned into a chokehold and then someone got flipped over it was it's a good watch Green's punching him in the helmet and then you know all the teams jump in and one of them gets flipped up in the air but resulted in both of them getting ejected as no suspensions were given out and after the game Jalen Ramsey came out and said that he got into Green's head said it's never played came up against a player like Jalen Ramsey before and he couldn't handle it whereas A.J. Green just came out and said he was defending himself from being pushed over so number four Odell Beckham Jr. versus Alec Ogle tree this is for the New York Jones versus the Los Angeles Rams and this all started when Ogle tree pushed Beckham out to the sideline quite a strong tackle and Beckham being Beckham just retaliated the only way that Beckham knows and yeah well I like this and it's a bit where Beckham's on the floor actually actually hits him he hits Ogle tree in the head with the football and then it goes from 0 to 100 very very quickly to the full team everyone's just scrapping joining in pushing up everyone there's caution stuff all the people on the sidelines that all tangled up in it all and three players were ejected in after all this and nearly sixty thousand dollars worth of fines were given number three is the Auckland Raiders Michael Crabtree versus Denver Broncos equipped Taleib now this all started the year before in week 17 game between the Raiders and the Broncos where Taleib ripped off the gold chain run that was around Crabtree's neck and I think it keeps it you can see him putting it in his pocket but the win on that game that they were all right about it but then following season in week 12 Taleib manages to rip off Crabtree's chain again and also ripping off his helmet where the both start having a scrap teams jump in to try and try and split it up but the both managed to get away and continue fighting open it open the touchdown area and I think both both players got ejected from the game they ended up with two games suspension each which was later reduced to one game but you know I think for the fact that Taleib managed to grab Crabtree's chain and rip it off not once but twice makes this you know up there we without out after these fights come about number two on my top 10 NFL fights list is between Houston Texans Andre Johnson and Tennessee Titans Cortland Finnegan now this happened in 2010 when the Texans and the Titans matched up and we got one of the most well-known fights in NFL history in the fourth quarter Finnegan it was you know known for winding up the defense and Johnson you know they started pushing shoving each other Finnegan's got his helmet ripped off and then the proceeded to line up for the next player but Finnegan goes over and starts from punches at Johnson and Johnson pulls off Finnegan's helmet and then Finnegan pulls off Johnson's helmet and you know then the staff from punches at each other and there was flags thrown and ref is even in there trying to break it up he gets flawed and both of them were ejected from the game and there was a $25,000 finds each and even though the two deny the altercation has been a personal matter the season before Johnson was fined seven and a half thousand F for taking Finnegan to the ground so it seems like it's a little bit more going on for the frustration on Johnson's side so that gets us to the number my number one NFL fights and that is between Miles Garrett and Mason Rudolph of the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers this fight I think it's just more memorable to me I remember watching it and it was a first night game and there was only five seconds left on the clock and the Browns were up 21-7 when Miles Garrett got into a bit of a scrap with Mason Rudolph and he rips his helmet off and then smacks Rudolph in the head with the helmet and actually no I'm gonna actually put it watch its slow motion and I'm just gonna describe it yeah so he's down at full heart is giving him a few trying to smack him in the face so he realized he's got his helmet on rips his helmet off and he's been scuttled away and it swings it smashes Rudolph in the head with his helmet and then Ogun Jovi comes in and flattens Rudolph but the bit that I love about this fight most is Marky's Poisy where it is he is right on Garrett he's kicking crap out of him and then he's trying to while he's on the floor he's kicking him in the head he's actually like trying to kick him in the head while he's got his helmet on it's brilliant well that that fight ended up with three players being suspended ejected Garrett was suspended indefinitely but then that was reinstated in February after a meeting with the League officials and Ogun Jovi was barred for one game Poncey was suspended for three games Brad that number reduced to two after an appeal so there we have my top 10 NFL crazy fights now any of these you can just go on to YouTube or anywhere and just just type in the names fights and they'll come up so it's a lot they're shorter episode this week but I'm at under a little bit of time constraint and they're heading off out in half an hour so I thought get this quick one out for years now and the next one I will have time in the next couple of days to get recorded which will be the Atlanta Falcons versus the New Orleans since and so yeah hopefully I'll get that out to you in the next couple of days and then once I've got these pretty much rest of this week out of where I will be back to my normal schedule and hopefully getting these episodes up to you on a weekly basis so with that being said I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week and I will speak to you next time stay flat everybody