
Bava Basra Daf 134

Broadcast on:
07 Nov 2024
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Zukaflam-bas-laf-kuflam-adallad. The first Sogannada after 80 Tameedim of Hila Zukan. The Bryce says Hila Zukan had 80 Tameedim. 30 of them were Roy Shatish-Shalam-Shrin-o, like Maishabenum. 30 of them were Roy that the Sun should stand for them like Yishabenun and 20 were in between. The greatest was Ennisom and Azil. The least was Yerkam and Zaki. The Bryce disguised as Yerkam and Zaki's expertise in all areas of Tyre. He was a fulfillment of the post-Glam-kalayah-vay-yay-sh very to Sam-a-Malay. If this was the greatness of the least of them, then obviously Ennisom and Azil was even greater. They said about him that at the time that he was sitting and learning Tyre, any bird flying over him was burnt. Second-sucking-a-daf, claiming one as children to exempt his wife from Yibam and claiming Yerashti as she did. The mission says if a person says Zebani, he's believed. The Gomar explains that it's coming to say that he could pat his wife from Yibam. Even though Roy had to learn this on a different mission, even if we assume he has brothers, says wife would have Yibam, he still believed to say he has sons. Shmul explains, since it's Bi-al-Dilagasho. A Bi-al-Dilagasho says, according to this, "A ba'al that says he divorced his wife as believed, because he could divorce her in any time." The Gomar asks Estira from a different sheet of Abhiran, and the Gomar ends off that the baal was not believed in Mafre'a, but he is believed Mika'an al-Abh'a. Third-sucking-a-daf, if one who said he divorced his wife in the past is believed, regarding the future. We assume before that a man is believed to say he just divorced his wife, but not to say he divorced her in the past. The Gomar asks, "Let's say he said he divorced her in the past, is he believed to the future. Do we say Pagan and Diburra or not?" Rabbi Ma'an was very disagree about this. The Gomar asks, "Why is it different than Rava's sock?" When her aide said, "Plaini was mizanah with my wife. He's believed to have the other person killed, but not his wife." This proves you could say Pagan and Diburra. The Gomar answers, we could say Pagan and Diburra are about two people, but about one person, we don't necessarily say it. Second-sugia, claiming one has children to pat his wife from imam and claiming Girashi's sushti. Third-sugia, if one who said he divorced his wife in the past, is believed, regarding the future. Pagan and Diburra. This same for a bastard of Kiflam-a-dala is a cloud. The birds flying under the cloud and getting burned as they flew over a great kakhum learning, dropped from the sky and landed on the head of a man, who is not believed when he said that he divorced his wife in the past, as others questioned, whether Pagan and Diburra should be believed regarding the future. Cloud reminds us of the Kiflam-a-dala. The birds that were getting burned as they flew over the kakhum who was learning, reminds the first-sugia on the daaf. The 80th-sugia on the daaf, they landed on the head of the man who was not believed when he said he divorced his wife in the past, reminds the second-sugia on the daaf, claiming one has children to pat his wife in imam and claiming Girashi's sushti. And the other's question, if you say Pagan and Diburra, that he should believe for the future, reminds the third-sugia on the daaf if a person said he divorced his wife in the past, Is he believed to regard in the future?