The Howie Carr Radio Network

COVID memories, drug-dealing squatters, & the Chump Line | 4.3.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Tune in as Howie tackles today's Chump Line. Then, he opens the phone lines to hear from listeners like you about the damages suffered during COVID-19.

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03 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. But when these polls, like the Wall Street Journal, won land in the White House and he's losing in all the battleground states. No, he's not losing in all the battleground states. He's coming up. Once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win this so much. Few gamble antennas every time I order out. Live from the Matthew's Brothers Studios. The Mama Earth was never meant to be lost or sold in full place. Thank you to the anyone who are always around us, to the ancestors in this room, to the ancestors of these descendants in this room. Ooh, worse riders. Thanks for the great lakes. Who's your captain, Howie Car? So you think he was only referring to those murderers not referring in general to illegal immigrants who are coming into the United States? I listened to the tape. That's exactly what he was talking about, in my opinion. Oh, roasted rum swabs, hacks and moon bounce beware. It's Howie Car. Who is that wolf blitz or asking that question? Like he had listened to it himself and didn't know exactly what Trump had said. He's playing it down. Oh, I have to play it down the middle. Maybe Brandon knows what he's talking about. Why would yesterday have been the first time that he ever told the truth or his campaign ever told the truth? Because he's not all there, obviously. 781 says COVID was the greatest gift in the history of mankind. I believe he probably meant to say it was the greatest grift in the history of mankind. It was, as Jane Fonda said, God's gift to the Democrats. But I don't think God had much to do with it. It was Red China's gift to the Democrats is more like it. And by the way, the story is posted. We put a link to it. We tweeted it out at Howie Car Show. Follow @HowieCarShow. And you can see where to get it at the epic times. It's worth sharing with people. That's for sure, I think. And again, why isn't it on the CNN website, the Washington Post website, the New York Times, the Boston Globe? They've all given it a good leaving alone, even though it's all in the public domain now. No one can be sued over it. It's not rushing this information. It's from the CDC's own records. And they won't touch it with a ten-foot poll, because it doesn't help the Democrats. What a shock, huh? Time now for the Chumplight. ♪♪ ♪♪ Howie booted Judge is right. We love our cell phones. We need our cell phones. How else are we going to call AAA when our EV pukes out in the middle of winter with a dead battery? Yeesh. ♪♪ Everyone loves their cell phone because it freed them from the cord that's attached to the lab-wide. Now everyone wants to get rid of their regular vehicle so they can get reattached to a cord. Only an even more unwieldy and unreliable cord than used to be attached to the landline. ♪♪ Given tomorrow's forecast of 12 inches of global warming, I just took my landline to the station and got it filled up. ♪♪ The officer, Mark, says the global warming is already commenced in his part of New Hampshire. They have a forecast of 12 to 18 inches of global warming. It's April. God. Whatever happened to snow in the winter? New question. Whatever happened to snow in the spring? Because we're in the spring now. ♪♪ Today's Chumplight is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport. Open year-round with seasonal favorites for family fun food and entertainment. It's Jake Rooney's on Harwichport, the exclusive home of the Stone Grill dinner. Online at Hello, howdy. This is Robert Kennedy, Jr. calling. Not only was the Biden administration censoring me on Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms, but I have reason to believe that they were preventing me from calling in to your -- ♪♪ He'll be in studio tomorrow if all goes according to plan here at 3 o'clock. And you can see him on social media, rumble, Twitter, Facebook, you can watch him. And we look forward to having him in here talking. And, you know, I'm not with him on every issue, but I'm with him on COVID, Ukraine. The First Amendment. Those are some important issues, I would say. Pete Booty Judge is an expert when it comes to wanting something that most people don't. ♪♪ That's a very, very observant thing to say. Yes, it is true. I think I'll leave it at that, though. ♪♪ Peru's new press celebrated with a nice scotch and then committed an all-time colossal botch. It was when Ben let's start a scam. Now she's on her way out over a Rolex watch. ♪♪ Yes, it's one of those things, you know? You never know what's going to bring you down. ♪♪ Let's be clear here. The average American consumer is just too stupid to know what's best for them. ♪♪ Well, that's what they think. You know, but even if they thought that they're not too stupid, that they know what's good for them, the bureaucrats in Washington are going to make the decision. Administrative law, it's just another form of law fair. Only administrative law is directed at everybody in the country, not just a handful of people that they want to politically persecute. ♪♪ Thanks to a federal grant secured by the branded administration of May or Peace, GM has expected to roll out a rainbow themed EV TransAm just in time for next year's transgender day of visibility. ♪♪ Yeah, people on the internet, a lot of people don't remember TransAm's. I don't think, but yeah, TransAm's deserve to come back. Maybe a Dylan Mulvaney could write in a TransAm on the next rainbow pride parade in Boston. ♪♪ When my grandfather Ambrose, Ambrose did it and was young. He had to put down a Scottish insurrection, led by some bad dude, came to William George Wallace. Even though he risked being accused of hate crime, he put that insurrection in his place by saying, "What's bad?" ♪♪ You know, just when Scotland announces they're not really going to go after J.K. Rowling, because, let's face it, it's not because the law, they think, is bad. It's because they think she's got too much money and is too visible. Now, Canada is talking about jailing people for lengthy prison sentences for so-called hate crimes. And they'll be the ones who decide, just in true dough at all, will be the ones who decide what's a hate crime and what is allowable speech. ♪♪ Because he did the same thing in Afghanistan, Joe Biden told me it's really prime mistake. He understands how you can blow up a carload of innocent people. Oh, wait, it's no longer April 4th. Sorry, never mind. ♪♪ Yeah, Joe Biden didn't just say he was saddened by what happened with the aid workers being blown up by the IDF. He was outraged. He was outraged that seven people were killed by the IDF. He was not outraged. He didn't even stop his weekend trip to the beach when ten Afghans who were delivering water and who would work for the U.S. government and the allies during the war were blown up in a drone strike that was meant to show that he was serious after 13 American servicemen and women were killed at the Kabul airport, which was totally unnecessary because we could have evacuated them out of Bagram, but we abandoned Bagram against the wishes of all the U.S. military. But now, talk about double standards. If it weren't for double standards, the deep state would have no standards at all. ♪♪ Loving. There appears to be something wrong with their television remote control. I'm scanning around for the UNC basketball match, yet those tard heels are nowhere to be found. Pray tell, what happened to that numberwood ranked team? (laughs) I don't believe that tard heels were number one ranked. They were number one in the West Regional. But, you know, they're playing in, they look for the uniforms that say NC State. I switched over to a different color. It's red now rather than light blue. ♪♪ Gee, Halley, I went to my favorite place for lunch today. After I asked for oyster crackers with my oyster bunny soup, they asked me to leave. No joke. ♪♪ Yes, we still have, we still have some gift certificates left to boons, fish house, and they have great oysters as well. This is... Say hello to oyster bunnies. Come on. No, they're no oyster bunnies at boons. It's the landmark seafood restaurant on Portland Harbor in Portland, Maine since 1898. Home of the original big stuffed main lobster now featuring oyster bar, wood fire, grill steaks, and local seafood while supplies last. You can purchase a gift card value to 50 bucks for 25 bucks. Go to and click on store if you're planning to be in Portland any time soon. Pick up one of these gift certificates. It's a great place to go. There are blackout months, blackout dates in the summer, but you can check them out at when you pick up your cheap bastard deal today. $50 gift certificates for 25 bucks. ♪♪ That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling HowieCar. You chump. All right, that's it for the Chumpline today. The Chumpline is the recorded voicemail message service of the HowieCar Show. You can call and leave a message at any time between the hours of 1 and 4 p.m. Eastern time, weekdays, the Chumpline number. If you wish to leave such a message, 844-542-844-542-442-442. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message. We may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your messages, you'd just like to hear a second brand new Chumpline every day. You can. It's called Chopped Chumps. It's where we put the messages. We didn't have room or time for just now. Chopped Chumps is the second Chumpline of the day is posted every evening around 7 p.m. Eastern wherever you get your HowieCar Show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the Curve in Harwichport. Open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun, food and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwichport. The exclusive home of the Stone Grilled Dinner. Online at Given tomorrow's forecast of 12 inches of global warming, I just took my landline to the station and got it filled up. Yeah, it's terrible. It's terrible. What's this global warming? We're never going to see snow again. Well, maybe once or twice more. I'm HowieCar. Want more from the HowieCar Show? Yes, always. Watch Howie Live at HowieCarShow. He's not just another pretty face. He's an extraordinarily good looking man. He's HowieCar. There's a little bit of a bromance going on there. The greatest dental office I've ever visited, Perfect Smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire, is growing. Learn more about Dr. Bruce Houghton and his team on this week's episode of Meet the Experts with HowieCar. Available wherever you get your HowieCar Show podcasts. ♪♪ He's HowieCar. ♪♪ Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by imposters with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is which of these technological changes has improved or will improve your life? Cell phones replacing landlines or EVs replacing regular cars. Do I even have to say, it's cell phones. Back to 98%. 98% say the EVs. The Pete Boot Edge constituency is checking in big time. 844-542. Skets and people still want to talk about the vaxes. And again, we posted the story from the epic times. It's a pretty amazing story. And again, it's a self-selecting sample of people calling into the COVID hotline and complaining if they have complaints about how their health was affected adversely by these jabs in 2021, 2022, et cetera. And of course, the CDC didn't want to release the results because there were hundreds, if not thousands of people saying they were harmed physically by taking the shots. But a Trump judge has -- I know there are no such things as Trump judges, according to Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts. But this was a Trump judge who ordered the CDC to release the damning evidence of problems. And you can see it. Go to @HowieCarShow on Twitter or X, and you can get a link to the story. Lisa, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Lisa. You there, Lisa. Ron, you're next with HowieCar. Go ahead, Ron. Yes, here's Howie. I have a story. This was in my first shot, or the booster. I went, and I'm pretty sure it was the booster and stuff like that. And I went and got it. Full of national gods there, everybody. I got my shot, they said, sit down for 10 to 15 minutes and then check out. Right. So I did that. And once I got up and started walking away, I heard something real weird behind me. Oh, turned around. There was a young guy around 20-something years old, flat on his back, Howie. Flat on his back. I couldn't believe it. I'm like, this is unbelievable. Two things, national gods came right over. Quite a few of them, stretcher and everything. They were working on them. And I'm like, how many steps do I have to take before they will stop working on me? Oh. So that's all I had to say. No, I know. Again, for months, if not years afterwards, every day or so you'd read about some mysterious death, sudden death of a 20-something year old male or female. Many times they were athletes. They just keeled over. I mean, that almost happens in tiny, tiny, vanishingly small numbers. It happened a lot more after they started giving everybody the jab. Dennis, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dennis. Howie, it's amazing. The only immunity that this vaccine delivered was the immunity from tort liability, the big pharma got, if any of the sponsor pointers were. Yeah. Very good point. Yes. That was the first thing. They said, we're not going to do any more work on these drugs until we get an immunity law passed by Congress and signed by the president, and they got it. They got it. Yeah. And many want to expand the tort liability for gun manufacturers, but you're far more likely to die from an imperfect vaccine than an imperfect gun. You know, that would be interesting. I mean, if you could actually prove how many people died from the vaccine as opposed to how many people died from being shot with guns that they didn't use to shoot themselves. In other words, non-suicides. I bet it would be a lot more from the vaccine than murders on Howie Carr. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-542-844-542-442. It's a great story, a front page story in the New York Post. I just had to reach up to get it. Loose cannons, migrant squatters busted with guns, drugs, freed on no bail. They got a picture of these lovely undocumented Democrats living in the Bronx. And they were just out of control. And they, again, drugs, guns, and they're squatters on top of everything else. And they were, the neighbors said, can you go in and arrest these people? They were illegal aliens with, they're selling drugs. They're keeping us up because they don't work. They have guns on the premises. The New York PD said, oh, we can't do anything. They were illegal aliens. Well, guess what? Feds, just the new headline, evicted. Finally, they were evicted today. Feds bust three migrants after migrants. They were illegal aliens after raiding NYC home of gun-toting drug-dealing squatters, just the day after post-report on Bronx chaos. You know what? Brandon is going to issue a national day of remembrance for drug-dealing gun-toting illegal aliens, Bronx squatters. And then when he's attacked for that, he'll say, I didn't do that. 844-542-42. A bearded transgender basketball player attending a Massachusetts private school who was seen in a viral video knocking down a rival. Remember this? This was the guy who knocked out three girls. And the other team, the other private school team just said, we're going home. We only had five players left. We don't want anybody else injured. He was allegedly this transgendered with guy with a beard, was allegedly suspended from a female rowing team for staring at a topless girl in a changing room, according to a report from the New York Post. The same six-foot tall student athlete enrolled at KIPP Academy in Lynn, Massachusetts, participated in six different female sports, including rowing, volleyball, and Taekwondo. He reported the Australian magazine Quilllette. He joined a female rowing team at a private club in Massachusetts in 2021 after allegedly doing poorly on the male team. He did not even bother to shave and continued wearing the male team's uniform. The final straw was an incident in 2022 when the transgender rower, the guy with a beard, allegedly walked into a girl's changing room, served a teammate who was topless and said, oh, I can't use the word. It's one of the band words by the FCC in reference to her breasts. Isn't that nice? New Hampshire, you are warned in the second congressional district where any custer is not seeking another term. Mrs. Jake Sullivan, you know who Jake Sullivan is? He's that Pajama boy, beta male. He's one of the architects of the foreign policy fiasco of the branded administration. His wife, who has a different last name needless to say, is wants to run for the seed. Maggie Goodlander, for that is indeed her name, is not only a former top official, this is the Boston Globe, so the spin they're putting on it, this is wonderful news, is not only a former top official at the Department of Justice currently working in the White House as part of an elite circle of AIDS, to, elite circle of AIDS to President Joe Biden. That's why they're having such great success because they're elite. She was born and raised in the district and has family with the roots in the state. Right. And most importantly, she's married to Jake Sullivan. Meaning this contest could be watched internationally. Want some more bonafides for this woman? Other than being married to Jake Sullivan? She's a graduate of Yale Law School. Hillary Clinton gave a reading at her wedding during her 2016 presidential campaign. Sullivan was at her, her spouse, her husband, was a top aide to Sullivan during her campaign and during her time as Secretary of State. Oh, what a pedigree she has. Oh, by the way, she lives in the, she has a home in the first congressional district. That's where she's registered to vote. But hey, she's a Democrat. What the hell does that matter? Nancy, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Nancy. Oh, yes. Hi, Howie. I talked to you a long, long time ago and I'm a nurse about the vaccine. And it's not a vaccine. It's an mRNA genetic treatment. Okay. So it's not a vaccine. They basically worded it, you know, a lie word and faked everybody out. I mean, Israel and Canada. And let me see. Sweden had the research on it early, early on on the mRNA treatment therapy. And all the facts were out there. I mean, I'm a nurse. We won't talk about it. I'll take the fits on the whole thing. But it's poison. And we're still seeing the repercussions. And furthermore, it's not just the COVID vaccine and the boosters. Okay. It's the influenza vaccines. Is mRNA now pretty much? Okay. You know, you know, Nancy, I always got the flu vaccine for probably for 30 years. Just so I didn't get sick and you know, missed just so I didn't have to call in sick and inconvenience other people, et cetera. This year, I got the flu vaccine after swearing off the all the booster shots and everything. And within two weeks, I had the flu. You know what, Nancy? I'm off the flu vaccine now, too. I'm joining you in that. Yeah. You got to be off all of them because you see they're lying to everybody and you don't know what's in them. And it's an mRNA treatment. It affects your genetic makeup. I mean, they're just, you can't trust them. So trust your immune system. Frontline doctors protocol was absolutely spot on. They're Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, C, D3, with K2. You got to take K2 with D3. NAC, which is an acetyl cysteine, this stuff all works. And the most important part of all is the zinc, because zinc kills all viruses. And the kercicin, hydroxychloroquine, and Ivermectin get it into the nucleus of the cell so that the virus can't proliferate spread through your body. Yeah. I don't know how much good it does, but I take those zinc pills. I added them to my daily vitamin regimen is when all this happened and I read that. So I'm doing the best I can. You know, I had shingles really bad about 10 years ago and I started getting the shingle shot every once in a while. But I'm not even getting that anymore. You know, I just, I figure I dodged a bullet with taking the initial mRNA and the booster. And I'm not taking any more chances. Thanks for the call, Nancy. 844, 500, 42, 42, 339 says dogs have pedigrees. How does good land are according to the Boston Globe? She has a pedigree. A beautiful dog, a talented dog. You're right. Has anyone ever told you about your pedigree? No one's ever told me about my pedigree. I'm not registered with the American kettle club or the American human club for that matter. Kevin, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Kevin. Hey, Howie. I'm retired. My wife is the breadwinner. Three years ago, we were lined up to take our second shot and it was the day after a woman she knew just died suddenly. Yeah. That was right after her second shot. Yeah. So we debated about it. We went through it anyway. One of the things they said in the propaganda sheet they gave you was not to consume alcohol. Yeah. And we wound up home and kind of tying on a good one. Kind of saying to admit, but we did it and I really did that. They believe it kind of saved my bacon that we really put on a hoot that night. Yeah. You know, I don't, you know, the thing is it didn't deliver any of a, maybe it did. Maybe it saved some people from getting sick, but the fact is the vast, vast majority of people who weren't either very old, very sick or very fat. And so you didn't have to get it. So there was no, why did you have to take the chance of taking the shot? You didn't have to take the shot. But, you know, and Joe Biden is, you know, he's fighting big pharma. This was the biggest boondoggle, the biggest windfall profits for big pharma ever, ever. And, you know, you know, I assume they made a lot of money off things like the polio vaccine. But the polio vaccine actually stopped you from getting polio. It was actually a boon to, to, to humankind. Was the COVID vaccine a boon to humankind? I think not. 844, 542, 42. How about the millions who were admitted to hospitals with normal maladies that were reclassified as COVID cases? So the hospitals would get more money from Uncle Sam. Yeah, there were, there were people in Colorado who were shot to death, but they, because they tested positive for COVID in their autopsies, they were listed as COVID deaths. There were, there were people killed on motorcycles. There was one in Orlando, I remember reading about, but there, I mean, I'm sure there were dozens, if not hundreds, if not thousands who were listed as COVID deaths. Dan, you're next with Howie Carr. Go ahead, Dan. Hey, Howie, the word I'm trying to introduce is, introduce here in New York is Squatamalan. You know, they're squatting, they're illegal. You got to get that word in circulation. Squatamalan. Yeah, I like that. Squatamalan. Yeah, man. Those are the good boys. The very good boys on the cover of the post today live from New York, you know, Squatamalan. Listen, man, New York is, I got to tell you, it was so bad trying to live here through COVID. Besides the little malice, like shaming you every second with a sick mask on and all that. Yeah. You know, even till today, even after all this stuff came out, you know, they still want to do blood tests on kids to make sure they're not like using fake Vax cards or that they're not fake in their way to get back into school. And COVID, I had it four times. It was a joke for me every time. It was nothing. It was, I thought I had, like, got dusted or I was having a little allergic reaction, you know. But to this day, if you try to discuss it on social media or anything, it's like one of the seven words you can't say. You got to like revamp the George Carlin list now, right? It's not, it's not, you know, the seven words you can't say as you so aptly put it before. But now it's like vaccine, you know, or election fraud or anything you say, it's really chilling, like really fascist. I mean, the New York could show us, I think, more than a lot of the other states, how much drunk on control and power these people are. I mean, New York, if this was a country, you'd never come here. You know, well, it's a, but it's a state and nobody's, nobody's coming there. And you know, you still see these people walking around with these dirty, filthy masks on their face, Dan. And you know, they're, they're just, they're like, they're COVID zombies, you know. They're alone in the car, howie, by themselves. I know. I saw one last week. I couldn't believe it. It was a warm night in Palm Beach. And he had his window down. And even Dan, he had the mask down below his nose. So, I mean, what was he wearing it for? You know? The ones with the goggles. You see the goggles once. And 99% of the time, I mean, this is not the stereotype, far be it for me. But it's always a Subaru with a thousand bumper stickers on the back, like Biden and, you know, hate has no home here. And we believe in science. And then they're inside. They're all gobbled up against all science. I guess all logic. Right. That's the trust of science. And they're, and they're just into superstition. They might as well be having, you know, animal sacrifices out in the backyard, you know, we're throwing a virgin into the volcano. I mean, that's, there was no, there was no science whatsoever to any of this. The only science was political science. We have to get the orange man out. The economy is too good. Let's shut down the entire society. Let's ruin everything to get rid of him. Mission accomplished. Thanks for the call, Dan. 844 542 42 spring is here and so is allergy season, which is why you need the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier three pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code how we three. He uses them in in both his home and his office. And he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Henshey has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the vet swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside your car with the thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden pure three pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters and that saves you both time and money. For pet owners, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements and so much more, you need the Eden pure thunderstorm three pack. I use them all over the both both condos that I have. And again, they work so well. Back in stock now, order at Use code Howie3. That's the number three to get yours now. code Howie3. I'm Howie Car. Howie will be right back after this short break. Howie Car is back. My ex-wife says 603 forced me to get the shot. And a year later, she divorced me because I didn't get the boosters. Every time she got a booster, she got the virus. I had it only once a week after I got the shot, completing the utter BS. 603, my pet peeve is people who wear the mask down around their chin. I mean, it's just more amusing though, isn't it? Now to see stuff like that? I mean, you might as well, you might as well be wearing a, you know, I'm going to vote for Biden no matter how terrible the society becomes under his watch. I mean, they're all Biden voters. You know that. It's the equivalent of wearing your underwear, but only up to your knees. It does nothing. 844 direct sunlight and fresh air is the best thing, but they told us to stay indoors. Yes, they did tell us to stay indoors. And what they did to the kids was worst of that was the worst of all. That was the worst thing of all. I mean, these kids that lost a year, two years of school, they're not, they're not going to recover. It's going to be, we're going to be generations. If we ever get the learning curve back up and where it was. I mean, every, every demographic group, it's not just poor kids. Every demographic group that test score results have plummeted since this happened. 844, 542, 42, Bill, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Bill. Hey, Ali. Yes. Hey, Ali, a friend of mine, her brother, when, when in the hospital with COVID, about two years ago, maybe it was 21, 2001 and 2021. And anyway, they treated him with it. I can't think of the dam. I'm growing a blank on the drug, but it's known to cause kidney failure. And as he was believing he was checking out of the hospital, his organs started shutting down, kidneys and the guy died. The nurse before, the nurse that was on before mentioned the name of it and I can't think of it. But anyway, a month later, his widow got a bill for the treatment and I've seen the car, I've seen the bill, you know, you know how much it was? How much? 535,000 dollars for that one drug. Well, I'm sure the feds picked it up. You know, I mean, that's one reason why we have these amazing deficits. I mean, you know, there was the economic devastation. They told everybody to stop working. It's like a certain percentage of people go on welfare. They can never get off and it's a pretty large percentage and a pretty large percentage of people never did go back to work. Or if they did go back to work, they went back to work with phony baloney jobs. They're telecommuting. All these government agencies like the courts in Massachusetts. Nobody ever went back to work. The probate courts in Massachusetts, those people haven't worked in years. I'm Howie Carr.