The Howie Carr Radio Network

Pianist Pete pokes fun at internal combustion engine enjoyers | 4.3.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

Remember just a few weeks ago, when a major cell operator had an outage, and landline owners were the smart ones? Bury that day in the news cycle. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is back on television making fun of grassroots Americans, this time with EVs.

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03 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book, Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. But when these polls, like the Wall Street Journal won land in the White House and he's losing in all the battleground states. No, he's not losing in all the battleground states. He's covering up. Once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win the selection. Do you gamble, Nintendo? Every time I order out. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. And Mama Earth was never meant to be lost or sold in full place. Thank you to the Howie Waz, who are always around us. To the ancestors in this room, to the ancestors of these descendants in this room. Ooh, Earth Rider. Thanks for the great lakes. Who's your captain, Howie Car? So you think he was only referring to those murderers, not referring in general to illegal immigrants who are coming into the United States? I listened to the tape. That's exactly what he was talking about, in my opinion. Ooh, roasted. Rump swabs, hacks and moonbaats beware. It's... Howie Car? Welcome. To the Howie Car show, if you'd like to join us, the number 844-542-444-542-442. The governor of Massachusetts has announced a hiring freeze because they don't know how many illegal aliens are in the state. How many are flopping in the foreign freeload or flop houses that used to be motels. They don't know how much it's costing. They are clueless, clueless, they're saying, but we're going to give the cities and towns the right to raise the meals tax in the hotel room occupancy taxes. Of course, that's a problem because most of the affected communities aren't collecting hotel, motel occupancy taxes anymore. The restaurants in those towns are fleeing or going out of business or seeing greatly reduced rates of business, but hey, well, we'll talk about all this. We'll talk about it. Everything is totally under control. 844-542-442. Every day or every week, you can't see anything or hear anything stupider from any member of the Biden administration, from the president on down to the Deputy Associate General, a junior senior council for red tape and tangled bureaucratic webs. But every day, there's something new that's even worse, that's even dumber. Today, it's Pete Buttigieg yesterday on Fox. This was really astonishing, what he said. And again, I would remind you that he went to Harvard, Harvard. And he speaks parts of, I counted up on Wikipedia, parts of seven languages in addition to English. I'm sure he knows really a lot of Farsi, for instance, or Maltese. And he's a pianist, too. He's a pianist. But he doesn't know diddly squat about anything real in life. I wonder how much he really plays the piano. Has anyone ever seen him play the piano? You know, a lot of people claim to be pretty... Yeah, I'm pretty good on the piano. Oh, can I hear you? Why don't you play Misty for me? Why don't you play Satin Ball? Oh, no, no, no. I'm kind of shy. Oh, okay, you're shy. Okay. I get the feeling that's the kind of pianist that Pete Buttigieg is. He went out on maternity leave. He has... His husband took his last name. And they have twins, adopted twins. So, anyway, Pete Buttigieg was talking about... He was on with John Roberts on Fox. And John Roberts was raising the same points we've been talking about the last few days, actually the last few years, but mainly it's getting worse as they issue more and more mandates for EVs. That there is no technology to produce the chemicals, the batteries that they need to put into all these electrical vehicles. And even if there were the chemicals, et cetera, and to produce the batteries, there is no power. There is no grid. It would cost over a trillion dollars, according to the Wall Street Journal, to get the grid, the transformers, the utility power lines, et cetera, et cetera, up and running. And John Roberts asked him about this, and he said, "Well, yeah, Buttigieg says that." "Well, yeah, of course, we don't have the capacity now, but we're gonna have to work at it." You know, this is something that's mandated to occur in just over 10 years, and you don't have any clue what's going on, do you? Mr. Secretary, but it gets worse. It gets worse. This is the most amazing thing of all that he said. You have to hear it, and then we can discuss how stupid it is. Cut four. Tesla sales fell 8.5% in the first quarter of this year, four this week is laying off two-thirds of its workforce at the F-150 electric lightning plant. It's also scaling back a battery production facility because of sagging sales. EV sales are nowhere near what this president wanted or expected, yet the administration continues to shove them down consumer's throats. Why? Well, let's be clear. Consumers have wanted and purchased more EVs every single year than the year before. And, you know, Tesla is facing more competition as GM and Ford, Anstellantis and other competitive players start to make sure they get a piece of the EV market. Let's be clear that the automotive sector is moving toward EVs, and we can't pretend otherwise. Sometimes when these debates happen, I feel like it's the early 2000s, and I'm talking to some people who think that we can just have landline phones forever. He's comparing EVs to cell phones, and he's comparing your internal combustion automobile, your regular car to an EV. Now, should we go on the list of differences and similarities? People wanted cell phones. Okay? Nobody wants an EV. Let's be serious about this. Maybe some virtue signalers in the upscale suburbs want them one for a second or third vehicle, but that's about it. People wanted cell phones. They were waiting lists to buy cell phones. Cell phones made your life easier because you weren't tethered to a phone. You weren't tethered to a cord. On the other hand, if you buy an EV, you are tethered to a cord. You have a cell phone expands your mobility as a human being, your ability to get around. An EV limits more than somewhat your ability to get around. You can get a lot of products on your cell phone. You can get a lot of headaches if you buy an EV. Other than that, it's a very apt analogy, right? I mean, I know it's only Wednesday, so we have a couple days left, but it's going to be hard to top this for a stupid, stupid statement from the Biden administration. How lost are they? Do they really think anybody is buying this nonsense that they're spouting out? And by the way, we didn't play the whole cut because it just goes on and on and on. But he admits that everything John Roberts on Fox is saying about the fact that there is no infrastructure. Roberts didn't even get into the fact that it's going to cost -- it would, theoretically, if you could do it. If you had the labor force, if you had the specialized steel, if you had the rare earth minerals, and if you had the will, it would take a trillion dollars. He admits it. He admits they're not doing it, but we'll have to do it. We'll have to do it. Oh, okay. We'll just do it. And then he says, "People want EVs." That's a lie. That is a lie. 8-6-0 says EVs are the landlines of the future. That is an excellent way to put it. Yeah, so cell phones were technological upgrade. EVs are a technological downgrade. How are they? And they're more expensive. I love how he's also saying, like, all these car companies, they want a piece of this pie. Like, they're all fighting to get a piece of this EV market. Yeah, I mean, they're all losing billions of dollars producing these things. The only thing they're getting out of it are these tax credits. And the tax credits are basically another income transfer payment. They're just a different version of welfare payments, or EBT cards, or the climate core that they're starting now, or DEI. It's just another way to provide income to the non-working or the case of the auto manufacturers, the non-productive segments of the economy. And the auto company should be a productive segment, but they're trying to switch them over so they can become a drain. Like every other Democrat infested part of the society. They can't fix potholes, but they're going to spend a trillion dollars to upgrade the power grid. Right, that's very clear. 844-542-42. Let's be clear is what does it tell? I agree too. That is a tell. Whenever they say let's be clear, that means this is BS, or make no mistake about it. And then that's another lie. And then when they say period stop, that means period stop, now I'm going to tell another lie. Alright, 844-542-42. Yeah, he does have it backwards. Yeah, EVs are the landlines of tomorrow. That's exactly what it is. 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No deviations to the purchase and the buyers' feet are kept to the fire. To learn more on how to get your commercial, residential, or land sold quickly, contact Charlie Gill at 800-521-01-11 or visit Call Charlie today at 800-521-01-11 or go to and get your real estate sold. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. He's Howie Carr, and he's back. Today's poll question is brought to you by Perfect Smiles. Don't be fooled by impostors with similar names. If you're unhappy with your smile, you need to visit Dr. Bruce Houghton in Nashua. Call 1-844-a-perfect-smile or visit That's Best dental office I've ever been to. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at HowieCars, is which of these technological changes has improved or will improve your life more? Cell phones replacing landlines or EVs replacing regular cars. I know this is going to be another 99 to 1. Maybe even higher cell phones replacing landlines. Actually, it's 98 to 2 for cell phones replacing landlines. 98 to 2. That was on the low end. I thought it would be the margin. It's outside the margin of error, though. 844-500-4242. The only reason that EVs have any traction whatsoever is because the government is trying to force them down everyone's throats, including the auto manufacturers. That's why Trump is ahead in Michigan. That's why the heads of the United Auto Workers admit that their rank and file are going to vote for Trump because they're going to lose jobs. Not to mention it's just insane to go backwards technologically and make life tougher for everybody by switching over to these things. 8, 4, and they're spending, and then he's bragging about all the money they're spending repairing roads, which I haven't really noticed there, they're spending any money repairing roads or bridges, seep, Baltimore, for instance, or rail lines, see East Palestine, Ohio. But these trucks, these EV trucks, assuming they ever get off the ground, they're going to wreck the roads even faster because they're a lot heavier, and they're going to require truckers to charge all the time, 170 miles, and they're going to have to carry less product in the back of the trucks, in the trailers, because they're going to need more space for the batteries. They push the lie, electricity is free, cheap, and plentiful, therefore everybody needs an electric car. That's not in weed zone, also turn off your lights before you leave the house. He was saying to, "Well, you know, I can go home, I live in Michigan now, and I can go home and I can just charge my electric vehicle in my garage overnight." Oh, that's swell. How many people live in apartments? What are they going to do? Bring the EV up in the elevator? Where are people going to charge these? What about when they're out on the road? Where are they going to recharge them? Is there going to be a line? Is there going to be like the gas lines that we used to have? Oh, boy. Bill, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Bill. Hi, sir. I have a question for you to compose to candidate Kennedy. We all want to hear a debate. If he can put a podium written in the President in the other candidate's name on his stage when he has a rally or a conference. He's not going to have it. I mean, you think Joe Biden is going to debate Bobby Kennedy, Jr.? I don't think that's not in the cards, Bill. You know, I can bring it up, but that's not going to happen. I mean, he won't even give him Secret Service Protection. You think he's going to give him any kind of visibility? Thanks for the call. Bobby, you're next with highway car. Go ahead, Bobby. Hey, Ali. So I actually work as a lineman. Yeah. And a lot of this EV stuff is putting a hurting on the grid a big time. We get a wire out there that's actually heating up, and we have to upgrade the wire to a larger wire like forot. Right. So it can't stand it, and we're adding more transformers. It's a very expensive thing. And people don't understand that they're -- to charge these things, you're burning fossil fuels. You're still not keeping it clean. Right. That's why I used to call them -- I used to call the EVs. I used to call them coal-fired vehicles. I mean, now I guess you could call them natural gas-fired vehicles or nuclear-fired vehicles, right? I mean, the electricity has to come from somewhere, and it's certainly not coming from the sun or wind out in the windmills out in the ocean. I mean, maybe two, three percent, ops on a good day on a sunny, windy day. 844-542-42, I'm how we start. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Great text line on this subject of cell phones versus EVs. A subject raised by Buttigieg, none of us were thinking about this. None of us are insane enough to compare the two. John from Kansas, just once I would love to have these EV Nazis answer the question, how many EVs have you and your family members bought as opposed to how many gas guzzlers do you still own? That's it. These are like little sports cars that you have around with convertibles that you use in the summertime, just to have fun and be cool. Only in this case, you just want to virtue signal and make yourself seem more virtuous. It's like a coexist bumper sticker, but an entire car. Right, exactly. Here's another text. Did the government ever have to pay an incentive to get people to buy cell phones? The answer, of course, is no. I believe they were waiting lists at the time. When a new phone comes out occasionally and it's a real technological upgrade, you have to stand in line at the store to get it, right, Grace? Yeah, and did they ever phase out landlines? Did they come and take them away from you? I don't think they did. And you were just mentioning how he did a good question for these liberals is how many of these vehicles have you owned. In the case of Joe Biden, I believe his son Hunter got one of these electric vehicles and he traded it in for a Porsche. And I don't think it was an electric Porsche. I think it was just a good old fashioned Porsche. He had one of those like, what was it called? I was a fisker. The fisker. Well, you know, isn't a Hertz, isn't Hertz trying to trade in? Basically, it's entire EV fleet and they have no takers because nobody wants them. Yeah. Word of mouth, it's the best or the worst kind of advertising and that's what the EVs are getting right now. You know, I had to drive three hours to a wedding and I didn't make it because I had to stop and charge the car in two hours and there was a line. Yeah, it can really ruin your plans. Yeah, it can. It can't. Someone said, you know, you forget to charge your cell phone at night, damn. What if you forget to charge your, your own EV and you got an important appointment in the morning? You're really bleeped then. Yeah. And the other thing you were, I mean, it kind of ties in with the conversation about all of these structural issues with bridges and roads that we have to work on in this country because one of your callers a few months ago brought this up, how the batteries in these EVs are very heavy and a lot of these old bridges, they weren't designed to handle that weight. Right. And the garages, too, you hear all these random stories about garages collapsing in New York and in other places and some people think that that's contributing to the, to the issue as well. And there've been some recalls too recently at where they're, some of these manufacturing, these auto manufacturers are saying, don't, don't put your car in the garage because it might catch fire and burn down your entire home. Keep the, keep the car outside. And then we talked about the guy in a, in Wayland in a, in a tiny Kia EV6 and he, he ran into a tree on early Saturday morning and they couldn't get it, they couldn't get him out of the car because it was on fire and it took 40 minutes for the fire department to put out a car fire in a, in a, in a mini vehicle and he was dead, the guy's dead. Just another EV success story. All right, it's time now for Grace with the, I want to start today with a sound cut that Matt was smart enough to put in your opening howie, but it's worth replaying Dr B showed up at CBS and it turns out she is as a thin skinned and as short fused as Joe when it comes to hearing about these polls. So one of the anchors at CBS decided to bring up the Wall Street Journal poll that came out today that shows Trump is beating Biden in six swing states. Take a listen to Dr. Joe's reaction. Well, when these polls like the Wall Street Journal won land in the White House and he's losing all the battleground states. No, he's not losing in all the bad, he's coming up and he's even or doing better. So you know what, once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win this election. Obviously, not a lot of push back there, but look at how can you fight that? She says, nah, he's even or he's growing. I don't know what you say back to that. Whatever you say. Yeah. Can we see those polls? Edith. Oh, excuse me. You're not Edith Wilson. You're Jill Biden. You're just acting like Edith Wilson. It is amazing though, because that's her response is like, no, he's even or he's doing better. And then Joe's response is, check the polls, Jack. They must have access to these sneaky, hidden, magical polls that show Joe Biden crushing it. And they're just, they're not letting us see them. Maybe they ought to give some to James Carvel, you know, so he would stop being gloomy Gus on all these. Yeah, but all of these. They run media or the guy that or the guy that said the Democrats better stop registering young voters because they're just registering Trump voters. Yeah. Well, Dr B was not happy at CBS and I'm sure that anchor got a talking to also how he big news. As I said, Trump's leading Biden crucial swing states as voters cite presidents mental fitness as a top concern. A Wall Street Journal survey released Wednesday found Trump 77 is leading in Michigan and Georgia by between one and three percentage points in a North Carolina, Arizona, and Nevada by more than the polls margin of error. And mental fitness and can you believe? I mean, this is this is the major issue, even though state run media refuses to confront the issue ever. Yeah. And they won't. They won't at this point. I mean, there's just no thank God for those cell phones that, you know, that the boot edge edge doesn't think too much of that's the only way that a lot of people in America ever see any of these, this insanity that Biden is involved in every day, like with the oyster bunnies. Yeah, and his mental fitness, the handling of the economy and illegal immigration are all the top issues. And I don't think there's any question that he's by the way, did you see that the Biden administration now has asked Ukraine, our client state not to send any more drone missiles into to bomb the Russian oil fields and the refineries because it's driving up the price of gasoline and other and other fuel products in the West and the United States in particular. I didn't see that, but it makes sense why Peter Ducey asked KJP today about the strategic petroleum reserves. And she he said, you know, you guys had said during Putin's original Putin's price hike and gas prices were going up. You said you were draining these reserves, but you would refill them eventually. You haven't done that. Why not? And she referred, I think she referred Peter to the energy department. And I thought, well, what a job she has, how she's basically like, you know, when a receptionist takes your call and then they just transfer you to somebody else, she doesn't even have to do the transfer. She just has to say that's so and so's department. You'll have to talk to them about it. Right. But you know, you know, this whole war in Ukraine, why, why were there no protesters on Easter Sunday at St. Patrick's Cathedral saying stop the war in Ukraine? It's not only is it killing hundreds of thousands of people, but we're basically providing funds for both sides, kind of like the war in Gaza, you know, where we're giving, we're giving and selling the Israelis weapons to attack Hamas. And then we're building peers in the Mediterranean to supply goods that Hamas is going to use to fight Israel. Yeah. It's that, it's that meme that Jared, you showed me at once, it's a meme and it's of rockets firing on both sides, you know, firing towards each other. And then it says above it, somehow my tax money is, is funding both of sides of this. Right. Like all of these rockets are provided by us. Yeah. And just to talk about Israel for one second here, there's a big story that broke yesterday that I want to give you an update on. But first, Grace's news is brought to you by TuxTrucks GMC in Hudson, Mass. TuxTrucks has GMC Sierra 2500 HD and GMC Sierra 3500 HD trucks ready for commercial businesses to get your work done. Some with dump bodies to fit your needs shop online at tuxtrucks Howie, it was reported that the world central kitchen had several aid workers, seven of them, I believe, were killed in an Israeli drone strike. And Biden came out with a statement about this basically saying it's unacceptable. A lot of people were pointing out the hypocrisy of a White House that had their own drone strike that killed 10 people in Afghanistan and was a lot less forthcoming about that information when it occurred. Right. And those 10 people were basically US employees are trying to help out. They were delivering water in Kabul. They were not terrorists. And the only reason that they decided to bomb these innocent civilians, they did it by mistake, was because they were trying to make up for the fact that 13 US servicemen and women had been killed a couple of days earlier at the Kabul Kabul airport because of another screw up by the Biden administration. Yeah. And just one other thing I'll tell you how you before we go is there was a tweet today about how the US was not notified in advance about the Israeli strike in Damascus. And David Harsani retweeted it and you wrote maybe and I'm just spitballing here because there is an Iranian asset in the Pentagon. I thought you'd like that. All right. That's it for me. That one by that's an excellent observation by David Harsani eight for thank you grace. See you later for a hate mail Monday on a Wednesday eight four four five hundred forty four forty four forty four forty two forty two I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of perfect smiles is a superb dental architect. When it comes to dentistry, he's the best at what he does. He fixes your teeth, your smile. But what he really does is build a self confidence of his patients. When you have a smile that you are proud of, it builds confidence in your professional life and your personal life. The better you look, the better you feel and that helps every aspect of your life, every interaction you have daily. If you're not afraid to smile, every other part of your life becomes so much easier. Summer will be here soon before you know it with weddings, cookouts and family reunions to attend. In this summer of twenty twenty four, you have the opportunity to smile with more confidence than ever before. Have you thought about perfect smiles for years but never called? Take care of yourself this year. You deserve it. Call perfect smiles in Nashua, New Hampshire, they're the best dental office I've ever been to. Dr. Houghton is the absolute best. He's got two new dentists who are really, really advanced. They go to all the additional training state-of-the-art learning that he takes part in and perfect smiles is conveniently located off Route 3 and they have plenty of parking. You can reach them at That's Change your smile, change your life. I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show will be right back. The Emperor of Hate, Howie Carr is back. It's Howie Carr's cheap bastard deal. Oh yeah. Sounds too good to be true. Oh no, it's real and it's a steal. You know there's plenty more when you shop at Howie store for another Howie Carr cheap bastard deal. Howie Carr, the cheapest bastard around. This is a restaurant I'm very familiar with since my early youth boons, a landmark seafood restaurant on Portland Harbor in Portland, Maine since 1898. Some of the original baked stuffed Maine lobster now featuring oyster bar, wood fire grilled steaks and local seafood. While supplies last, you could purchase a gift card to boons on the waterfront in Portland valued at $50 for just $25. Now these aren't good in July and August but you can use them many times. You know there's two, three months till July just about and you can use them as starting in September again. So this is a great deal with $50 gift certificate to boons for just $25 with us now to discuss boons is Christopher O'Neill. Thanks for being with us Christopher. Tell us about, tell people who don't know boons, what it's about. Howie, good to be with you again. Thank you. Really good. And you mentioned 1898, I know you were a Portland high school class of 1898. So you remember going, Hey now, hey now, Oh, no, no, I graduated a couple of years after John Ford and my aunt Mabel. Come on. Okay. Yeah, the Boone family operated boons restaurant for several generations until they ran out of generations. And that's when my wife Darcy said, I want to reopen that place that I remembered so fondly as a kid. This was 11 years ago. And she built out two decks, all new dining rooms, all new kitchen. And it's a hotspot in Portland year round. It's obviously a hotspot being outside either in the shady deck or on the sunny deck in the summer. But we do really well in the winter. And no small part from having partnered with you on the cheap bachelor deals, we've got regular customers now for a couple of years who had not heard of us until we went on your show. Yeah, it's right down near the ferry. That's why I used to see it when I was a kid, we'd go by and, you know, we, you know, it was kind of expensive for the car family back in those days. But it's, I mean, it's a great, it's a great place and it's reasonably priced and the views are fantastic. And again, you know, it's like the Nossett beach in, you know, when you're out looking out over the ocean, there's always a different view, you know, even, and even if you're in the harbor in the, you know, in the inner area, you can see all the, all different vistas every time you go and you can get great food to it, Boons. It is a fantastic place. Yeah, there's about 20 boats that tie up right in front of us. Most of them lobster boats, a few draggers, various fishing boats. And our lobsterman comes right in at our dock by 10, 10, 15 every morning and delivers the catch of the day to us. So the lobster you're having for lunch or happy hour or dinner was swimming just a few hours earlier. It's a good place to be. So well, well, for the people that don't know Boons, what would, what would you recommend as, what are your top entrees at, at Boons fish house and oyster room? Well, how we are claimed to fame and hallmark dishes, the big stuff lobster, Alexander Boons purportedly created, invented the big stuff lobster. It's been imitated hundreds, maybe thousands of times since, but it's, it's good to be known as the authentic, the genuine article. You can get lobster on any given day on the menu seven or eight different ways, whether it's lobster bisque, different sorts of lobster rolls. You can get the lobster mac and cheese. You can get big stuff lobster, steam lobster, I mean, lobster's all, all over the place. But we pride ourselves on having an eclectic menu with the fired, really nice steaks. We can do a Tomahawk steak, we'll do a ribeye, we'll have various fish. Our salmon is to die for people rave about the grilled salmon and then you've got all manner of other dishes that can please pretty much anybody in the family. And you know, it's the thing, the thing about lobster is, lobster's great under any circumstances, but when it's fresh, it's, it's even better. That's the best. That is, when you get a fresh, unfrozen lobster, it's, it's just the best. And, you know, I'm, I get tired of, you know, taking lobster out of, out of shells, but, but again, you have all different kinds of, you don't have to worry about shells if you don't want to. You have all these different, like, like, tell us, tell us what other kinds of lobster you have. Sure. How I would not infer that you're a lazy man, but we do have a lazy man, a lobster, which I'll put for you. I, I did, I did a lot of work at the Colony Hotel in Catabung Fort, you know, getting lobsters out of shells for people. And I did, I did my yeoman's work. I could be a lazy man now, but go ahead. So we get the lazy man lobster, you got lobster bisque. It's messy work, but, but again, you can do it. The lobster mac and cheese is elegant. You know, people think of mac and cheese, what, what kind of flute is that? It's simply elegant. The, the, the two different lobster rolls is an ongoing debate, howie, whether to do the lobster roll with a little, right, a little bit of mayo with celery and the secret seasoning or just with the drawn butter, either way, you get it on a toasted brioche roll that's, it's already got a tablespoon of butter grilled into it and, and you get the sides that go with it. So, you know, we're not pretentious, it's, it's, it's really good food at boons, but we're not stuffy about it. We even allow people to bring their, their dogs in and anybody that brings their dog, generally my wife Darcy is a dog person, she'll sneak into the kitchen line and grab a slab of a bacon and feed, feed somebody's puppy. Boons, it's a great seafood restaurant, it's, it's been around since I was a youth back in the late 19th century, and that's, it's been on the, the harbor who was owned by the Boone family for about a hundred years, over a hundred years. Now it's, now it's owned by Christopher O'Neill and his wife. And we have a gift certificates, $50 gift certificates for just $25, $50 gift certificates for just $25 to boons go to, click on store. And again, the, the, the months of July and August, these gift certificates aren't good, but any time before or after July and August, these are great gift certificates. Look forward to seeing you this summer, Christopher O'Neill and everybody at Boone's. It's a fantastic place of how we go. [ Music ]