The Howie Carr Radio Network

JK Rowling Won't Be Arrested for Hate Speech: Libby Emmons Reacts | 4.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace welcomes Libby Emmons of the Post Millennial and Human Events to the show to discuss the latest uproar from the radical Left. They're going after famous author J.K. Rowling, a recurring war as she refuses to acknowledge the reality of "transgenderism."

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03 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattria studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially, Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to the Grace Curly Show. The Chiron right now on the box says Boston moves migrants into a former veteran's home that's in Chelsea. And the excuse, which we always hear of this, is like, oh, no one, we saw the same thing in Melnea Cass. Well, we're going to go above and beyond to make sure that the people who are using the recreation center still are able to do their activities elsewhere. And it's like, I hate to break this to the officials in Massachusetts. You guys don't do a good job with everyone who's here to begin with. Let alone, once we have an influx of more people and you start moving things around and shifting things, I don't think the programs that are already not going off without a hitch are suddenly going to be A-OK when you have 500 more people showing up. It just doesn't make any sense. And plus, budgeting-wise, Massachusetts is infamous for not knowing how to do that. And I don't think that helps that situation either. Joining us now on a totally different topic is one of my favorite guests, Libby Emmons. It's been a while. Libby Emmons works for the post-millennial. And she joins us now to talk about a few things that are going on in the news. I want to start Libby with a story that I haven't talked about at all yet on the air. So I'm going to need you to give people a little background. But I want to read the headline from NBC News. It says, "J.K. Rowling will not be arrested for comments about transgender women, police say." What is going on, Libby? What is going on? Yeah, so there was a law that was passed by the Scottish Parliament in 2021 to expand the protections for so-called marginalized groups, including trans people, and created a new category called "Stirring Up Hatred," which made it a crime to behave or communicate in a way that a reasonable person would consider it to be threatening, abusive, or insulting. And that's a quote from it. So to enter J.K. Rowling, who has been extremely outspoken advocate for women's rights, she has taken a lot of heat for this. She has gone on social media and said exactly that she believes, believe that men are not women, that nothing they can do surgically or chemically to change their appearance will make them women. She's gotten a lot of backlash about this from the trans community, which is very strong in the UK, as is the women's advocacy movement in the UK. They've been very outspoken about women's rights. You know, this used to be something that the left would rally around, "Yay, women's rights. We're going to wear our little hats." So that's not true anymore anyway. So she came out on social media and was like, "I absolutely will not be going along with this law. I'm going to continue to essentially misgender men who say that they are women, specifically horrific criminals who rape women and then transition and get housed in women's prisons," which perhaps, let's not know this, but that happens in the United States. It happens in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. So it happens all over the world in western-speaking countries where women's rights have been chucked under the bus of trans equality. You know what's so interesting, Lydia? The way you framed it, you said, you know, she's been so outspoken about women's rights and standing up for women. And it's amazing how the way you describe that, if you look at how it's framed by, I would say, 95, maybe more percent of the media, the way that exact thing is framed is she's anti-trans. And she's been very clear that she is not anti-transgender, that she's not anti-anyone, and she's not trying to make anyone feel bad. And so it's amazing how that simple thing now, being pro-woman or being, you know, a feminist of any kind, can now be construed as being anti-trans. Yeah, it's really wacky. I have spoken out for women's rights as well for, you know, the entirety of my career both now and when I was in the theater, and I've been called anti-trans, and I'm always sort of like, you guys are insane. I've hired trans people. I've worked with trans people. I have never once discriminated against anyone for any reason, you know, unless they're mean, in which case, like you get to be discriminated against if you're mean. But otherwise, no. And you get, you know, you get people just blasting you with these horrible insults that are not true, and the only reason that they do it is to bolster their side, which is pretty much undefendable. It's impossible to say that a man who has been arrested for, you know, rape should be referred to as a woman on the stand, and that's exactly what happens in the UK. There have been situations where women are facing their accusers on the stand, and the judge has cautioned them and told them that they have to refer to their rapist as she. That is just absolutely humiliating. And it's a lie. Why are we forcing women to lie about what happens to them? So, yeah, what J.K. Rowling said on Monday was she said that the goddess parliament placed a higher value on the feelings of men performing their idea of femaleness. However, misogynistically or opportunistically, then on the rights and freedoms of actual women and girls, and she essentially dared the police to arrest her for saying these things. She put out a very long thread. Again, this was the Monday thread saying, listing all of these men who'd gone to prison for horrible crimes, transitioned and ended up in women's prison. This is not where men who are violent against women should be, you know, serving their sentence to society. So, the police came out and they said that they wouldn't arrest her, which really, if she were anyone else, they would have, but they don't want to turn J.K. Rowling into a martyr. Yeah, no, you're absolutely right about that. Libby, I want to switch gears here for a minute and talk a little bit about a memo that came out from the Biden re-election campaign yesterday, started circulating, you know, amongst the usual suspects in the media. And basically, the subject line, if I had to sum it up, was they think Florida is winnable, and the reason they think this is because of a decision that came down from the Florida Supreme Court that upheld a ban on abortion after 15 weeks of pregnancy. Also, there's a weird thing where it paves the way for a six-week ban to take place, and a lot of people on the left, and specifically in the Biden White House, they think that this can, you know, act as another rallying cry, come election time as it did in 2022 in certain states, not in Florida, though. I want your take on this because the post-millennial covers a lot of these social issues that I think Republicans kind of tend to steer clear of, or, you know, sometimes they figure it's not helping them. But what do you make of this? Do you think that this is an opportunity for Florida to turn blue? You know, I'm not super up on Florida's electoral politics, but I do think that the Democrats have been masterful at messaging on abortion. Somehow they manage to know fully that, you know, aborting a baby inside the womb. They know that this is murder. They know that this is taking a human life. Yet they have managed to frame it to say that this is a woman's rights issue, that women have the right to kill their children. Abortion has not been particularly well-framed by conservatives. I think you also have a majority of Americans. This came up in an interview I was listening to the other day with Batia Angar Sargon and Barry Weiss. And Batia was saying that she went around and talked to a lot of people and what she discovered with that. For the most part, a lot of conservative Americans would say that they do not want to have an abortion, that most people would say they do not want to have an abortion, but that they don't feel comfortable making it illegal. So I do think that this is a place where, you know, perhaps the conservative administrations have overstepped a little bit, and I'm sure that I'm out of line with a lot of conservatives on that. I'm wholly opposed to abortion. I don't think anyone should have an abortion. I don't think any woman should be put in a position where she feels that this is her only option. I also know as will most women, this is not something that we talk about very often, but women know that women are often coerced into having abortions by their partners. They know that their boyfriends, you know, we've all had friends whose, you know, their boyfriends have said, "If you don't get an abortion, I'll leave you." And the woman wants the man more than the child, and certainly more than raising a child alone, which regardless of the decrease in stigma in our society, and single motherhood is still a marvelously difficult undertaking. I've known women whose husbands have pressured them into having abortions. And for the most part, if you are a woman and you're with a man and you're pregnant, what you really want is for your man to say, "Baby, that's so amazing. I love you so much. Let's raise this baby. Let's make a family." And why aren't more men saying that? You know, for the most part, you don't see women coming out and being like, "I love being slutty, and I'm going to abort my baby." That's not the usual thing that happens. So I do think that mothers need more support. I do think that women who are pregnant need more support, and I think that we need to tell women more, "Hey, you can be a mom. You can do this." And we need to tell men, "Step up and be a dad." It's kind of the greatest thing in the whole world. Just go ahead and do it. And I think that the conservatives do have a messaging problem where they think that the law is going to fix this, and this isn't a legal problem. This is a social problem. Libby, I love having you on. You always have such a nuanced approach to these topics, which sometimes can feel overwhelming to people. But that's why we always bring you back. Libby Evans from the Post Millennial. Can you let people know where they can follow you and where they can read all your work? For sure. I'm @libbyemmons on Twitter. You can check out everything we're doing at and All right. Thank you very much, Libby. We'll talk to you again soon. Listen up, everyone. If you're out there right now and you're tuning in, you've heard me talk about the thunderstorm before. You've probably heard me talk about the 3-pack. And some people ask me, "Well, I don't need a 3-pack. You know, I can just have one." It's really handy to have three of these awesome products because you're going to want to put one in your car. We're heading into allergy season. Your windshield's about to be covered in pollen. You have it in your car. You can drive with the windows down. You can enjoy that fresh air. And it's going to eliminate those pollutants and those allergens. Also great to have one in your kitchen to eliminate any cooking odors that you might have or even take out orders if you're not a cooking kind of gal or guy. And plus, it's great to have an extra to give one as a gift or maybe to put one in your basement for musty odors or to bring one into the office and share the wealth with everybody else. There are so many great reasons to have a thunderstorm and you can enjoy this beautiful time of year without having to reach for the tissues. No sneeze attacks when you've got the thunderstorm by your side. The three-pack special is such a great deal. I want my listeners to get on board with this to get their hands on the three-pack before it ends. So here's what you need to do. You need to go to and use code GRACE3. That's Use code GRACE and the number three. Say hello to spring and goodbye to allergens. Get the three-pack today. Don't forget the code GRACE3. When we come back, Jared, I had you pull this and I know what you were thinking. She's going to have me pull this and she's never going to play it. Well, usually that would be true. But there's a cut here and it's from Lisa Gray Garcia. And the title of this cut is prayer for Mama Earth Part 1 and Part 2. We're going to see how much of this we can get through when we come back. I'll give you a little more context around it on the other side. You're listening to The Grace Curly Show. This is The Grace Curly Show. [MUSIC] Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us. If you're on the line, stay right there. We'll get right back to your calls. The number is 844-542-42. Jared, did I tell you my sister's been doing this impression of me? What I sound like on the radio? Oh, I am Grace Curly and welcome back to The Grace Curly. But if I don't do that, if I don't emphasize enough, it all becomes mumbly. Towards the end of the show, I hear myself getting tired and the words string together. So you kind of do have to put on a little bit of that radio voice. You just need to talk like you have giant dentures in your mouth. So you're really in Muncie. And after three hours, I just want to talk normal again. We'll be right back to your calls in a second here. But first, today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossett Beach Inn. Book your spring stay at Nossett Beach Inn with April rates starting at $249.99. To reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room with a fireplace, go to That's Poll question doing very well today, Jared. A lot of people interested in the Biden memo saying that they're going to flip Florida blue. They think it's winnable according to Biden's re-election campaign team. And that brings us to the question. What do we got, Jared? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you think Joe Biden can flip Florida? Yes, the abortion debate moves the needle or a new chance. I'm going to say no chance based off the voting in 2022, Governor Ron DeSantis' win, which I think was like 54.7% of the vote, which is pretty much a landslide, or definitely a landslide, but pretty astronomical for a governor in Florida, a Republican governor. I'm going to say no, they can't flip it. Up to 91% now who agree, no chance. Okay, so we just talked to Libby Emmons about a couple things. We actually did touch on this Florida story, which is worth following because the left is putting a lot of their eggs in this basket. There seems to be a few different prongs to their approach. One of the prongses will go abortion heavy that worked in 2022. It kind of stopped the red wave from crashing. The other thing is threat to democracy. They seem to think that that was a good play for them in the past. And I would say the last thing is threat to democracy. Oh, maybe I guess going back to the JK Rowling thing is that Donald Trump and Republicans are anti-trans or anti-LGBTQ or hateful or bigots, which I don't believe. Let's go to Jerry, your next up on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Jerry. Hi, Grace, how are you? Let me just stop by saying three years in a row. Now I've gone down to the Nossa Beach Inn late November, early December. And there's a reason why I've gone down three times. Awesome. It's worth going back. Oh, that's awesome, Jerry. I'm so glad that you filled this in on that. I'm so glad you checked it out. And everybody else, go to to book your room and be like, "Jerry, thank you, Jerry, for that info. What's going on?" All right, so if I could push back a little bit with regards to Libby and her comments. Yeah. I disagree with regards to the moral fiber of the present-day American female, and I offer as evidence of that only fan. There are certainly far more women who are promiscuous today's day and age than 40 years ago when I was their age. The stigma for abortion has been so greatly minimized that it's no longer a scholar letter. It's no longer a stain on your soul if you have an abortion. And on top of that, the negative narrative that the left has worked into having a baby. If you have this baby, your life is going to be miserable. You're not going to be able to afford the baby. You'll be living on the street. You'll be crack-addled. It only serves to promote the actual abortion. And the last thing that I would say to Libby is, Libby, 50% of that fetus, embryo, baby, whatever you want to identify it as, is the man's DNA. And not once. And that ever, have we stopped to consider that there's another person in this equation and we should give some credence to their position. I know it's not 50-50 because there's that whole issue about, well, the mother's going to carry the baby. You know, she's going to live with the birth issues and all that stuff. I get it. However, that does not usurp the fact that 50% of that DNA belongs to me. And I should have some say in that. And if I say, have the baby, then something's going to be negotiated. Yeah. I think that I understand what you're saying as far as the man's involvement. I think you may have missed a little bit. I don't think Libby was trying to say that men shouldn't have a say. I think she was just hoping because there have been studies and it's hard. It's really hard to track these things because, first of all, people aren't always honest after the fact about, you know, what brought them there. But there has been research that shows women do oftentimes feel coerced into having an abortion by a partner or by someone in their lives. So I think Libby's only point with that was that, yeah, men should have a say. And hopefully the say should be encouraging to have the baby. I think that's where she was at. I don't think she's trying to minimize the man's involvement whatsoever. I think actually she was saying the opposite of that. And as far as kind of the celebration of having abortions, which I have noticed a lot in Hollywood, I think we hear of that a lot from the media and from these organizations like Planned Parenthood, they're trying to make it more mainstream and like it's a light topic that people choose all the time. But I think Libby's point is that most regular women don't feel that way about it. [MUSIC] Live from the Aviva Trattria Studio. [MUSIC] Hello everyone. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. If you missed it, we talked to Libby Emmons in the beginning of this hour about JK Rowling and the consequences of being outspoken about women's rights and standing up for women. And we also talked about the abortion question in Florida and whether or not the recent Florida Supreme Court ruling is going to have an effect on the election coming up in November. And the conversation about abortion actually sparked a little bit of discussion and one of the callers disagrees with Libby and her take on it that a lot of women feel coerced to get an abortion by their spouses or their partners. And one thing I will say, and I always go back to this when we're discussing abortion, is that I feel as though if you're going to have a conversation about something as serious as this. And there's a lot of people who say, "Listen, I know what I would do, but this is where I fall. I know what I would do, but I don't want to tell other people what to do." And for some people who are very anti-abortion, very pro-life, I should say, they have a real issue with me saying that, and I understand. I totally understand. But one thing I always do go back to is if you're going to have a conversation about abortion, you should be honest with women about the procedure, and you should be honest about the impact it could have on your mental health going forward. Because I do agree with that last caller that there is this narrative or this real attempt by the media and by Hollywood and by so-called feminists to make it seem as though it's a one-stop process that's going to make your life easier or it's celebrated. It's kind of glamorized in a lot of ways. And you might say, "Oh, no, that's not true." It is. You have celebrities bragging about how many abortions they've had and my career would never have been this good if I didn't have an abortion. And they're allowed to say that. That's their story. They're allowed to share it. But I don't think that that is being honest with young women because there's a lot of people who go down this road, who don't have that experience, whose lives are not the same, who carry around a lot of guilt and a really heavy burden for the rest of their lives. And my only ask in this conversation is if you're going to make this your rallying cry, which the left is, we've seen them do it before, don't be upset when the other side of the aisle or the other side of the spectrum when it comes to this debate says, "Okay, well, let's actually talk about what goes into this. Let's talk about what the procedure is. Let's be honest about the seriousness of this. Let's be honest about the fact that there is a fetus. There is a life there that's being killed. And you might say, "Well, that's something that I think is okay, or that's something I think people should have a right to do." But it doesn't change the fact that that's what's happening. And if you're so proud of your stance on this, then you should be comfortable having that discussion. It almost feels like they want to have this be a cornerstone of their agenda. And when I say they, I mean the left, they want this to be a cornerstone of their ideology and their agenda, but they don't want to get into the details of it. Like if you dare say, "Well, what happens here? Like what medically what happens to the baby?" Then it becomes, "Oh, well, yeah, it's reproductive rights." It becomes all these vague terms that kind of obfuscate the actual process of what's happening. And that to me isn't right because if you're going to try to convince women that it's no, like, "This is something you should be able to do. This is a great thing." You should be honest with them because if people make this decision, they're no coming back from it. And if they're sold this bill of, "Oh, your life's going to be better. Your career is going to take off. You're never going to think about it again." And then that's not what happens for them. That's a problem. Yeah. And it's a tactic they always use the same thing with what they would call gender affirming care. They don't get into the fact that, "Hey, we're going to cut part of you off. We're going to take this part of you out from somewhere else. We're going to, like, reshape it. And we're going to reattach it. And, you know, and yeah. First of all, the recovery process on that may end up being six weeks. You could die from it. There's all these complications that they don't say. It's just, "Oh, you don't feel like you or you're not happy. This is how you'll become happy. This is going to be the cure all for all your happiness." It's the abortion argument and the gender affirming care argument from the left. It's the same principle. It is, Jared. And if you're going to be on the side of this is a great thing, then you've got to be able to debate and you've got to be able to explain it and you've got to be able to -- you've got to be able to come to the table with facts. You can't just use, like Jared said, these unicorn terms and say reproductive rights and women's health care and gender affirming, "No, no, no. We're going to -- it's a medical procedure. So we're going to have to talk about what actually ends up happening. It's not enough for you to say, "Every woman should have a right to choose. What does that mean? What are the choices?" One of the choices doesn't sit well with a huge part of the population in this country. And if we're going to have a conversation about it, it has to be an honest one. And like Jared said, and it's the same thing with gender affirming -- I'm using quotes here -- gender affirming health care -- the actual details of what goes into one of these things that the left never wants to talk about. And furthermore, Jared, you just said, "This can go wrong. That can go wrong. We take this from here. We put it here." Everything can go right. And you can be one of these young people who years later regrets it. And then you can't have kids. Or then, you know, you can't live a life that you would have been able to live otherwise. So that's a whole other element of it. Even best-case scenario, everything goes right. Mentally, you might regret it. Yeah. And it comes back to, in the medical field, informed consent. And you're not giving these people the information before they can consent. It's malpractice from the doctors who would perform it without providing the information. It's malpractice from the people pushing it. It's just -- and again, I'm very much live your life how you want to live your life. I really am. Whatever you want to do as an adult, do it. As long as it's not, you know, causing problems or illegal, go do it. Live your life. Be the you that you want to be. But, again, in a lot of times, it's a scam. It's a scam run by people who are making money off of this. Off of what would be your misery or your problems. Yeah. And one thing I always think about when it comes to abortion is there will be people -- like, I'm not denying the fact that there are celebrities. I've seen this or there are women at those marches who hold the signs and they say, "I had an abortion. It was the best decision I ever." There are people who will have an abortion and will go on to live their lives and they will go on to not regret their decision. And they will get up every morning and they won't think about it. And that's part of the conversation that there are those people. But the part of the conversation that never gets brought up are there are really sensitive people. There are people who will relive that decision every single day. Whose lives will be stunted because of that decision. And they're not told that when they first go in. Because, like Jared said, that's not the angle that wants to be pushed. It wants to be pushed. This is great. No, you have ever read to do this and you're going to love it and this is a great decision. And for women who are very sensitive and women who are going to carry that with them, that's heavy. That's heavy for the rest of your life. And that's my only ask. Is can we talk about that? Is that not allowed to be said? Because it's a pretty big chunk of people I would have to imagine. You don't hear from them. They're not the people at the marches. You know, screaming into the bull horns about how happy they are. But they're definitely out there. I know it's anecdotal, but I've talked to people myself. I've talked to people myself about it. And it's hard for them to talk about, which is part of the reason that you don't hear from them a lot. Because it's hard. It weighs heavy on them. But it's part of the reality of it. 844-542-42. Let's go to Lisa. You're up next on the Grace Curly Show. Go ahead, Lisa. Hey Grace, how are you? I'm good. What's going on? I just wanted to say that no, you're not wrong about the people who don't talk about it are there. They're obviously there. But there are also people like you who have their babies and they get married and you should have three more, by the way. At least two more. It's difficult to talk about the subject. It's so difficult because, listen, I've been on one side or the other, a number of Republicans, so you could imagine what side I've been on. It's not fun. It's very hard, it's heartbreaking, and it's shameful, really. But we have to keep talking about it in a way that isn't shameful to women but is encouraging to women like you who are having their babies. That's a good thing. Have families, have lots of kids, and that's a good thing. Obviously, there are women who can't do that and make different decisions and we all know that. I think part of what you just said, Lisa, is you said we should be having these conversations and encouraging to people and not making people feel shame no matter where they fall on the subject, but also being honest about it. That's my whole thing. It's just be honest. It seems like you're not allowed to be honest about the downsides of it or the negatives of it. There are negatives of it. People just don't want to address that part. Sally, thank you for the call, Lisa. Sally, you're up next on The Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Sally? Sally, I definitely want to echo that there's a lot of people who are uncomfortable talking about what you're speaking to and being one of those women who've gone through something like that and regretted every day of their life. I just want who's ever listening to know that it's not the only choice you have and it is something that is got wrenching. I just think people should be talking more about it. Sally, do you feel as though that part of the conversation that you're talking about, the part of the heaviness that comes with it and how it affects the rest of your life? Do you feel as though that is represented in media or that is represented in this? Absolutely not. It is not represented. I felt and there was not support. I didn't feel that there was people at the time. It was very presented as a, this is the best option for you, for your life. I didn't feel that there was, it's not represented in the media and in what you're talking about. Yeah, and it's unfortunate. Sally, thank you for calling. I know it's hard, but I really appreciate your point of view and I'm glad that you, I'm glad that you took the time to call in because you're right. You might help somebody else who's tuning in and who's not really sure what they're going to do and it doesn't form people's choices. Thank you, Sally. 844-542. I want to get to one thing really quick here, Jared, before we go to break and thank you to all the people who called in. I know it's a tough subject, but it's an important one and it's going to come up a lot more heading into this presidential election, whether you like it or not. There is sound going around of this UCLA medical school. This was a class on, it was a course on structural racism. This is how I would describe this story from free begin. If you took a chat bot, like chat GPT AI and you put together just a giant pot of all of the crazy stories we've heard over the last couple of years of the soup throwers and the traffic stoppers and the tire slashers and the safe spacers, this is what you would get. This is Lisa Tiny Gray Garcia. She has referred to the October 7 terrorist attacks as justice. She began this mandatory course on structural racism by leading students in what she described as a non secular prayer to the ancestors, instructing everyone to get on their knees and touch the floor, mama earth with their fists. Can I have cut five? Again, if you beat up and can create it for another year, right? Thank you to longer relatives for taking care of this small part of longer earth, this deep part of longer earth, that the separate is called LA, Los Angeles, taking care of it so beautifully so that we can still be here, surviving the violent removal of genocide, so that we think that this is a place called LA with no history, no history, no past, no peoples. And thank you for still being here. 500 and 200 Magorre in years later. Standing up, fighting up, speaking up and shouting out, land back. It was the crazy part of the story to me. It's not the herstory. It's not the mama earth. Get on your hands and knees, free Palestine, you know, all of which she manages to to get into this structural racism class. It says in the story, at least half of the assembled students complied when she told them to get on their knees and touch the floor for mama earth. And my my reaction to that is just half only half the class at UCLA on the course for structural racism, complied with Lisa tiny gray Garcia and got on their hands and knees to pray for mama earth, who was never meant to be bought, sold, pimped or played. I don't know, UCLA is losing its fastball Jared. It's going down the wrong path. If she can only get half the class on board, I don't like the sound of that. 844 542 42. Thank you again to all the Wild West temp style. Well, what was remind me of that, Jared, Wild West don't wait, don't tell me Wild West Pimp style. No, I don't remember. It's so very rarely get to play a cup that involves pimps that I have to jump on it. Ah, no, that was that's an oldie. That is an oldie. That was I believe the I think it was in Texas, the basically constitutional carry where like you just and she was arguing that people would come in Wild West Pimp style. Yes, well, it's still it still holds still still good. Absolutely. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Dr. Houghton of Perfect Smiles is a superb architect. By the way, you guys should check out how he's meet the experts with Dr. Houghton from Perfect Smiles. He is the best of what he does. He is such a kind person and you'll really understand if you listen to this podcast why we love him so much. He is awesome. He's talented. He'll take things at your own pace. He'll listen to you. A lot of times when you're going in to get your teeth done or anything, you're dealing with like delicate geniuses who think they know everything. That is not Dr. Houghton. He is such a humble guy. He wants to listen to you. He wants to take it at your own pace. He wants to make your smile perfect whatever that means to you. It's very personalized and one of my favorite parts is that you can go to and actually look at the video testimonials for so many people including Howard Lawrence Carr. So they're conveniently located off of Route 3. They've got plenty of parking. Again, go to Check out that Meet the Experts podcast that Houghton put up. I think it's on our Facebook now and it's also wherever you get your podcasts. That's Change your smile. Change your life. We'll be right back. Follow Grace on Twitter @g_curly. This is The Grace Curly Show. Robert Kennedy Jr. Good to have you on the line. I didn't even see you. I didn't even see who was on the line. Thanks for calling in. We've been looking for you. Hey Ollie. You're harding to get to know. I'm a bit loud. I'm a bit loud. One of my favorite line from yesterday's show, you're harder to get to than Oso. I've been loud. Grace's Car Crossover today is brought to you by Toyota of Portsmouth where you can enjoy a buying experience that is easy personalized and moves at your own pace. Car buying the way you want it to be. Toyota of Portsmouth. Route 1 in Portsmouth. Howie, what happened there? So RFK Juners just casually sitting on the line of your show? I guess he had direct messaged me on Twitter and I hadn't checked. I'm sorry Bobby if you're listening again today. But he'll be with us in studio here tomorrow in Florida at three o'clock right out of the top of the box. But you know what, Howie, it's a good message for everybody. We've got call screeners like you wouldn't believe. We're not letting anybody on. Howie, I think that makes me the seal team six of call screeners. No, you did the right thing. You know, after he left, I said, boy, I said the Jared, I said, that's Jared. I think that's the best I've heard him in 20, 30 years, you know, his voice. I was like, that's what tricks you. The artificial intelligence these days is getting too good. She thought it was AI. That's amazing. And how you got big news, is it today or tomorrow that you're expecting hopefully another call in from RFK Jr? No, tomorrow he's going to be, he's going to be right here in Boca with me. Oh, so it's going to be in person. I did hear him say that. So you know, he didn't say it, but we it was set up today. I don't know who set it up, but but it's it's it's done. It's it's going to well, it looks like it's going to happen, knock on wood. Okay. Do you have a copy of Kennedy Babylon one and two to give him when he's there? You know, I was thinking about that grace. You were. I think I'm going to let that one slide. If he if he asked me to get it to him, I I just had MSME down a couple more copies of Kennedy Babylon one. So I got I got I got enough of both, but I'm not going to volunteer it. You know what great minds think alike how we cars come up next. And by the way, everybody, I've got an article out. I know it's not often spectator Check it out. My latest up now. I'll see you all tomorrow.