The Howie Carr Radio Network

Dr. Jill SNAPS on CBS over Biden's Polls in Swing States | 4.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 2

You've heard of Girl Math. We give you: Dr. Jill Math. The First Lady defies the results of polls that claim her husband, Joe Biden, is not winning in swing states. Tune in for the shrieky audio from the Education Doctor.

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03 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. So I mentioned briefly in the first hour how Sage Steele, who formerly worked at ESPN, she didn't interview with Fox News Digital and she revealed much to, at least not my surprise, that when she interviewed Joe Biden while she was at ESPN, she was given strict orders from up above about what she could and could not say. And that she had to stay on script and not stay on script like stay on topic, stay on script. Word for word. And even like in news channels here, they get a little leeway. You know, you always see if you watch some of these morning shows, they have, you know, conversation. This was not one of those situations. This was like a play. You say this, I say this, then we wrap it up. No follow-ups was part of it. But there was another cut in here that I wasn't really going to pay much attention to because we've hashed this out before. But I actually think it ties in well with the Jill Biden cut from today. So let's play Sage Steele commenting on one of the themes of the Biden presidency, which is sometimes your scorn turns to pity. This is cut three. The big picture to me is that I think it's heartbreaking. I think it's really heartbreaking that the people who love Joe Biden and say they truly care about him have allowed it to get to this point. So I'm not even looking at this from a political angle or my beliefs in anything. This is the human side of it. And when someone is struggling, we allow them to continue to be in the spotlight and put them out there in the first place when they knew there were issues. Of course, they had to know. It's a humanity thing with me where I don't care where anyone stands and what they voted for or who they believe in. Do you really care about that person as a father, as a husband, as a everything? Yeah, and a lot of people have been careful about pointing this out in the past because, and I remember, I referenced this quite a bit, but Rachel Campo's Duffy at one point during the beginning of this presidency, which is, it's amazing if you look back just four years ago, how much sharper he seemed. And even then I was going, this guy's out of his mind, but the comparisons now, it's gotten worse very quickly. And Rachel Campo's Duffy made that point on the air. She said, you know, where's his wife? She was very critical of Dr. B. And she was met with wrath from Dr. B's spokespeople, who drummed up the bodega speeches and those, you know, Hispanics are as unique as breakfast tacos. Those people were very offended by what Rachel Campo's Duffy had to say. And they demanded apologies. And I remember listening to it and going, wait, what did she say that was incorrect? What part of that did she have to apologize for? And some other people have pointed out Nancy Reagan and how Nancy Reagan would never Ronald Reagan towards the end of his life also had problems with his memory. He also had Alzheimer's, I think. Was it officially at Alzheimer's? I believe he did. And Nancy Reagan was very protective of Ronald Reagan and not just then, but even before then, even before the diagnosis of Alzheimer's, she was extremely protective of her husband. And he came first, like the White House did not come first to her. He came first. And I think for any wife or spouse out there, you can understand that. It's like, you know, it doesn't matter how much ambition you have. I hate the expression at the end of the day, but at the end of the day, you want the person you love. You want your other half to be happy, to be safe. And Dr. Jill has dropped the ball on that front. And I do credit it to ambition. I do think a lot of it has to do with the fact that as much as she gets criticism for not being very bright from Tucker Carlson and other people who have looked into some of her work as, I don't know if it was like her thesis or whatever, she gets criticism for not being very bright. I don't think that that's mutually exclusive to being incredibly ambitious. And that is where this next cut comes in. She was on CBS today. And it turns out she's got, there's a lot of temper issues in the Biden White House. A lot of thin skin and a lot of short fuses going on at the Casa de Biden. So one of the report, I'm not going to pretend I know his name, but from CBS asks her about this recent Wall Street Journal poll, which if you missed it, talked about it in the first hour, that podcast will be up shortly. But the Wall Street Journal poll shows that Biden is losing in almost all of the major swing states. The issue here, though, is as part of the media, as part of the parrot propaganda parade, you are not supposed to, in any circumstance, as Sage Steele would say, go off script. You are never supposed to confront these people with reality. Because it shatters everything they've created. It shatters the illusion that the emperor still has clothes. Take a listen to this cut. But when these polls like the Wall Street Journal won land in the White House and he's losing in all the battleground states. No, he's not losing in all the battleground states. He's coming up and he's even or doing better. So, you know what, once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it's obvious that Joe will win this election. All right. It's not obvious to the people the Wall Street Journal was polling, obviously. I like how she says he's even or doing better, huh? What an interesting analysis. That's... That is false. You know what I would prefer, Jill? I didn't think to say he's even or doing better. I just don't think it has the same ring, too. It is Jack the polls, Jack. I think he got to keep it short and sweet. That's just my advice. Ron, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Ron? Grace, how are you? I know it's yesterday's news, but RFK for what he said about Joe Biden being a threat to democracy. I consider him a true patriot. That's where the push that needs to come from. It needs to come from the disenfranchised and scorned Democrats at this point. He also, too, like Bill Maher came out, said we need a COVID commission recently, and he had Dean Phillips saying that his party is delusional. That's really where it needs to come from. And if RFK tips the election to Trump, then he's definitely going to need Secret Service protection after that. Yeah, I would say he should already have Secret Service protection. I really don't think that that's right that Joe Biden won't allow for that, especially just given his family's history, which I don't have to tell any of you all about. But the other thing is I'm glad he brought up RFK Junior because it's not yesterday's. It is technically Ron yesterday's news, but that interview has sparked a little bit of a snowball, especially here at the Howie Car Radio Network. If people miss this during how we show yesterday, he was talking a lot about RFK Junior, how he has a history with the Kennedys. It always has. It hasn't always been a nice one. You know, they're not big fans of each other. But he was talking about RFK Junior, and he liked what RFK Junior had to say when he was on CNN with Aaron Burnett. He talked about how as much as the media wants to pretend that Donald Trump is this giant threat to democracy for questioning elections. He said questioning elections, he didn't think is as big of a threat to democracy as Joe Biden censoring his political opponents and censoring anyone who dares to pose any information that he doesn't like. Aaron Burnett didn't hear any of this. Her mind, it was a running sound of just Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, and she went right back to Trump. But how he was talking about RFK Junior, and then Jared, what ended up happening? Our kid Junior himself actually called into the show. And we've all been trying. We've all been trying to get in contact with this guy. And I just assumed because of Howie's books and things like that, I just assumed, oh, he's just not going to do it. He's not going to cross that line of, you know, joining Howie Car, but he was calling Howie. It wasn't a setup interview. He was dialing into the regular phone number and saying, "Hey, can I get on the air with Howie Car?" Yeah, he just called into the show, which is great. We are going to effort to get him on again on the show this week. What did he say to Howie when he first got on? It was funny because Emma did a very good job. She showed us the phone screen. She's a great phone screen. Oh, she did her job perfectly of, you know, trying to make sure things are on the level before we put something on the air. And he came on. He's like, "Howie, you're tougher to get it, or you're harder to get to than Osama bin Laden." Yeah. Well, because he has a very distinct voice and you could see someone, especially like April Fools, or you could see somebody trying to get on. We have people who call up to impressions pretending to be Trump, pretending to be by whoever. So, yeah, no. He calls up and he's like, "It's really me. Me, R.K. Jr." Yeah. And, you know, she did. She screamed and then we did the verification protocols and luckily we got him on. Yeah. And I just wanted to mention here that David Harsani, speaking of R.K. Jr., he has an excellent piece. You guys know he's probably my top five as far as conservative writers go. I love the style of his writing. It's super simple and easy to follow. And he always makes really good points. And he wrote about R.K. Jr. today. And he's not a fan of R.K. Jr. He thinks he's a bit of a crackpot. But he, again, you don't have to like somebody. You don't have to agree with everything somebody's ever said. In fact, it's probably rare you're going to agree with everything someone's ever said. But it doesn't mean that every once in a while they say something and you go, "That was a good point. That deserves to be heard. That deserves to be amplified." They're on to something. And that's exactly what David Harsani had to say about R.K. Jr. He says, "The biggest threat to democracy, if by democracy we still mean the Constitution, is when the powerful ignore limits of the state with impunity." From that perspective, Biden has been a cancer on democracy. The left rationalizes and often justifies his authoritarianism by noting the existence of Trump. Even if the former president were as bad as Democrats claim, there was a slew of institutions ready to stop him. Biden, those institutions cheer on his abuses. And that alone makes him more dangerous. Really good stuff by David Harsani as far as R.K. Jr. goes. If you want to talk about this, I know that it's still trending in a lot of places. We are open to it. It's 844-542-42. When we come back, we've got more sound to get to. And I alluded to this in the last hour. We didn't really talk about it too much. Because, Jared, I'm almost at a point now. It's like I have fake outrage fatigue every day. And we've already done. I think I've seen this film before and I didn't like the ending. I watched this happen time and time again when Trump was president. Every single day, there was something he said. He put fish food in the koi pond and killed all the fish. Or he overdid it or he had two scoops of ice cream. They were always trying to make something out of nothing. In this case, yesterday, Trump's in Michigan, and as I said, he added a couple new things to his set. Some of it was very light and some of it was very intense. And one of the things that he's talking about right now, because based off polls that we're seeing at a pew and at a gallop, immigration is overtaking the economy as a number one issue for people. And Trump has been very, very strong on immigration. And he's gotten a lot of flack for it in the past. I should be more specific. Legal immigration. Legal immigration. Trump is very strong on. And so he talked about this and he talked about Lake and Riley. And Lake and Riley's murderer has elicited a lot more sympathy from the media and from Democrats than Lake and Riley herself. It's actually Jared, you know what it's reminiscent of? It's reminiscent of the Tennessee shooter. She goes into a school, kills a bunch of Christian children. And then KGB gets out there and says the transgender communities under attack. That was their takeaway. And in this case, this illegal alien murders Lake and Riley on a running path at the University of Georgia, the Athens campus. And we're concerned about, don't call him illegal. He's undocumented. Well, Trump, Trump didn't care about either of those things. He just went straight to he's an animal. And now that's the big scandal. I just, you know, if we could only have this kind of concern about, you know, if we could only care this much, if the media could only care as much about these young women who are getting their skulls bashed in as they do about the labels being used for these murderers. Maybe the country wouldn't be in the current state that it's in. Just a thought. Listen up, everyone. You've waited for a long time through the cold weather. These are always the toughest months to get through. But we're almost there. The sun is about to start shining. Today's not a good example of a Jared, but you know what today is a good example of? When the rain is done and you go outside and everything feels fresh, that's a perfect example of what the thunderstorm is able to do. Take note, everyone. It's raining right now. When it stops, you're going to go out. There's going to be rain on the pavement. Everything's the allergens will be gone. The pollutants will be gone. That is what the thunderstorm is able to do wherever you take it in your kitchen, in your car. It can bring that freshness, that renewal to your space. That's why it gets to be called the thunderstorm, actually. And it's great because what it does is like a thunderstorm, it ionizes the air and creates this super oxygen. And what that does is that eliminates any odors that are in the air, as well as any allergens and pollutants. It's great for allergy season. And this rain, unfortunately, is going to be great for the growth of vegetation that pollinates. And that pollen will very soon. If you look at the calendar very soon, it'll be yellow and green everywhere. Yes, and if you want to get your hands on the three pack, this is such a great deal, but I want you to get it before they run out. Go to, use code GRACE3 to get the three pack. Again, that's Don't forget to use code GRACE3. We'll be right back. Hi, it's Toby from Cape Gun Works. I'm taking all your firearm and self-defense questions every Tuesday. Join GRACE and me for 2A Tuesday, Tuesdays at 2PM. This is the GRACE Curly Show. [music] You know, Joe Biden always calls the White House a "gilded cage." That's why he's always escaping to other places like St. Croix and Antucket. He's got to get out of the "gilded cage." But I truly think that his team, his re-election campaign team that put out that memo about winning Florida and all this nonsense, I think that they are excited about the constraints of the White House because they're using that to their advantage. They want people to think like, "Oh, you're so busy with presidential duties. You know, you had breakfast this morning at 11, and your call was Xi Jinping from 1 to 1.30." And before you knew it, the day was done. You didn't have time to go anywhere. You know, Jared, it's not a basement at the White House, but it'll do. It'll do just fine this time around. Today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossett Beach Inn. Book your spring stay at Nossett Beach Inn with April rates starting at $2.49.99. To reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room, with a fireplace, go to That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at, is do you think Joe Biden can flip Florida? Yes, abortion debate moves the needle or a new chance. The abortion debate has moved the needle before, but it didn't move the needle in Florida in 2022. It had moved the needle in plenty of other states. So I'm going to say no, plus anecdotally speaking, I was in Florida last week on my vacation. It was lovely. You guys know I love Florida. It's free America, baby, and I was able to talk to a lot of people there. A lot of Uber drivers, especially, and they, for the most part, everyone was on the same page. Because people go there and they like it. They like what they're seeing. And I do think people are starting to understand that if you flee a state like New York, or if you wait on the waitlist in California for the U-haul for a couple months, and then you finally get to where you're going, and it's better that maybe they're doing something right and you shouldn't mess with that. So I don't think Florida is going blue anytime soon. I'm going to say a big no. 90% of the audience says no. So yesterday, well, Biden wrapped up his call with Xi Jinping. Can you, Jared, we're getting two different versions of how the call went. The White House is saying like, oh, yeah, they talked about this, and that, and fentanyl, and, you know, Biden, and then Xi Jinping's crew is saying Biden was defensive, and, you know, he dominated the call, and he basically, his version of it was, he basically said to Biden, like, bleep you. I'm not, I'm not following any of your rules. So you can decide which version of that you want to believe. But while he was doing that, Trump was in Michigan. And Trump talked about Lake and Riley, who was brutally murdered by an illegal alien in Georgia. And he called this illegal alien an animal, this man who bashed this young nursing student's in Scotland. And that has the media up in arms. They're running once again. This isn't the first time they've run to the defense of this murderer. This guy's got more fans in the media than he probably ever dreamed of. But Scott Jennings in CNN is actually coming to Trump's defense. We'll play that sound for you when we've got a lot more to talk about when we come back. Live from the Aviva Tretria studio. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining me. If you miss this poll out of the Wall Street Journal, it shows that Trump is leading Biden in six crucial swing states, despite what Dr. Jill told us on CBS. She said that's not true. And in the White House, and he's losing all the battleground states. No, he's not losing in all the battlegrounds, but he's coming up and he's even or doing better. So you know what? They should bring her on as their new fact checker. You say something and she goes, "No, that's not true. What my husband says is true and what you say is not true and it's even or it's more so than that was before." Need I say more? Thank you so much, Dr. B. We really appreciate the clarification. She was perfectly clear on that. Now, Trump is the house of learning doctors. Trump and the RNC have raised nearly $66 million in March with over $93 million in cash on hand. They still have a giant gap to make up if they want to catch up to Joe Biden. But like I said, Joe Biden is dealing with Hollywood and big tech and all the billionaire class. You know the billionaires that he wants to pay their fair share? They pay him a good chunk of their fair share. They give him a lot of donations and a lot of the richest people in the country like Joe Biden. But fortunately, it seems as though the wealthier people, especially in Florida at some of these fundraisers are starting to reach into their pockets for Donald Trump. Like I said, he's going to have to still do a lot more work in order to fill that gap between his spending or his fundraising and Biden's. But it looks like it's going in the right direction and that's a good thing. Now back to the rally yesterday in Michigan, which I was writing about the rally because I was doing kind of a compare and contrast of the way that both of these candidates are handling campaign season. And what's interesting is it's not that different than 2020 in a lot of ways. Trump's doing rallies, Trump's, you know, being larger than life and he's driving the media insane and they're running with everything he says and turning it into something else. Biden, meanwhile, is hiding. He's having his team, you know, put together compilations of Donald Trump for social media. He's avoiding the press. He's hiding in the gilded cage and his schedule is for the most part fairly light. And so there's not a lot here that's different, but what's majorly different this time around is that people have, and again, I got to, I think, credit David Horsani for this because I didn't think of it in this way. People have a really unique set of circumstances going into this election. They have two guys who both have four years that they can look back on. Think about that, Jared. Very, very rare in a presidential election. You have two people, I don't know if it's ever happened, where you have one person who's coming back to run again and you have another person who just had four years. So you have records of both these, because typically what you have is you have one guy who says, he did this for four years. I'm going to do this and I'm going to be so much better and you just have to kind of trust it. Like you don't know what they would do if they want. Oh, yeah, hopefully. And that's why incumbents usually have such an advantage because it's like the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know. In this case, you had, you know the other devil pretty well. You had four years of them and you can look back on that. Whoopi Goldberg doesn't think you should. Whoopi Goldberg made this whole statement about how it's ridiculous, Jared, to ask yourself the question, are you better off than you were four years ago? You know why I think Whoopi finds that question ridiculous? She doesn't like the answer. She knows that people's answers would be, no, no, I'm not. But here you have two guys with records you can look at. And so what's going to happen now is people are going to have to decide, you know, is hating Donald Trump enough to get me to hold my nose and set my wallet on fire and vote for Joe Biden or do I want to go back to the media melting down at all times, but at least I like the policies. And you know what I think is a very strong argument. It's the argument of whether Donald Trump wins or not. He's going to be the focus of everything either way regardless of whether or not he wins. So you might as well have him in there and have a little bit of normalcy restored and maybe some peace across the world restored because whether or not he's in the White House, he's going to get blamed for everything. He's going to be the butt of every joke on late night TV. He's going to be the focus of everything piece. Think about the last four years. Everyone said, Oh, this one normalcy back. I just want it to be. I just want things to go back to normal. I just, I'm just tired. I just want things to be quiet for a while. So what we got was four years of a dumpster fire brought to you by Joe Biden. And we're still always talking about Donald Trump. It's the worst of both worlds at least put the guy in there. And you all can freak out what you do anyway. And the rest of us can maybe go to the grocery store and not break the bank. I think that's a good solution. You guys get to have meltdowns, which you're going to do no matter who's in there. You're going to blame it on Trump, no matter who's in there. It might as well be him. You're going to blame it on them anyway. You might as well have him in there. Now with all that being said, the latest freak out is that Trump had the audacity to label the savage murderer of Lake and Riley, the young nursing student in Georgia. He labeled this man, this illegal alien, an animal. And that has a lot of this man's defenders in the media very upset. I want to play Scott Jennings from CNN. I really like Scott Jennings. He does a good job. This was his response. Cut 13. But when he says these are these immigrants are animals, they're not humans. What does that suggest? I mean, isn't that brutal? Shouldn't people be condemning that? I listened to the entire tape. He was specifically talking about the person who murdered Lake and Riley in Georgia. And to be honest with you, if somebody murders another human being, I think they deserve to be called animals. And I don't think any American is really going to reject that kind of rhetoric. That poor girl was murdered in cold blood. Is that person who did it? Not an animal? I think that's an apt term. So you think he was only referring to those murderers, not referring in general to illegal immigrants who are coming into the United States. I listened to the tape. That's exactly what he was talking about in my opinion. If only Wolf Blitzer, you don't know what to tell me. I know that to Wolf. I know that voice anywhere. If only Wolf Blitzer had access to the tape, it isn't that crazy, Jared? He says, so you think this? So you think that's what he's referring to? Scott Jennings should say, do you need to see the tape? Because I know I've got I've got people here at this live shot who could give you access Wolf. You don't even need a passcode to get it. We could get you this tape and you could watch it yourself so that you can stop spinning this complete BS if you want. This tape is an off limits for you. He's like, so tell us more about this video that you saw. Give us your interpretation of this video. He's acting like it's one of the biggest mysteries. Like it's the video of the J6 bomber, you know? If only we could figure out if only we could get to the bottom of this and figure out who he was referring to. It's on tape, Wolf, and you guys have access to it. Just look at it. And then you tell us what you think. Good Lord. It's pathetic. Also pathetic though. It's not just it, it's not just where is that CNN is that Wolf Blitzer, CNN, MSNBC also got in the fun. Jared, can we go to this is Von Hilliard and this is one of my least favorite arguments when it comes to addressing the illegal immigration crisis. I don't know if you put this as gaslighting or just stupidity, but this is one of my least favorite cop outs from the left. Take a listen. Katie, in July of 2015, you and I were in Phoenix, Arizona, his first mega rally. And one of the pre speakers at that event in July of 2015 was the father of an individual who was killed by an undocumented immigrant. Donald Trump has used these anecdotal stories to try to motivate the base and support to rally around him. I can even go back to a past job of mine back in 2010, Steve King, the former congressman from Iowa, had made a claim that 9,000 Americans were killed annually by undocumented immigrants. This is something that Americans have heard, this sort of severe immigration rhetoric for a long time. But frankly, the data does not bear out the fact that undocumented immigrants kill Americans at any greater rate than legal Americans, if you will. But that is the difficult part here, and especially when you're dealing with devastating tragic stories like Lake and Riley's in Georgia and Donald Trump has made it clear that he is going to try to politically use those tragedies for the political game. Well, the data is not as emotional as a grieving family. I have a couple questions here. They almost answer my questions at the end. It's like, exactly. You wouldn't, would you look at this grieving family and try to tell them, hey, I know your daughter had her, had her head bashed in by an illegal alien, but the data doesn't bear out that there are more crimes from illegal aliens than American citizens. So that's what we have as far as the data goes. Yeah, enough of this anecdote about your family sorrow. That's the other thing I was going to say, Jared, I'm glad you brought that up. Lake Doto, anecdotal, anecdotal. I say anecdotal sometimes if I, if I'm giving out a point and I'm like, you can't really fact check this. I talked to an Uber driver in Florida, I don't know his name. We had a conversation about Donald Trump. I understand if you want to say that's anecdotal because you could question it. Lake and Riley being murdered while going on a jog, Kate Steinley, Molly Tibbetts, these are not anecdotal. These are things that happen. If you look up anecdotal in the dictionary, you're going to get not necessarily true or reliable. It's based on personal accounts rather than facts or research. Now, I have no doubt that the people at these networks are not doing their research, but the facts bear out that these things happened. And so I'm confused why he used that word to describe it will give him the benefit of the doubt, but also I hate this argument that like more Americans commit that's, that's an issue too, but we shouldn't be importing people who are also committing crimes. In fact, I'm on the side, this is, this is going to be crazy now, Jared. This is absolutely absurd, but I'm on the side of putting all criminals away if they commit heinous murders. I'm on the side of putting, for example, I would have loved if the horrible, savage monster who killed Officer Jonathan Diller if he was put away for the numerous crimes he committed before he killed that police officer. Just like I think the illegal alien who killed Lake and Riley should have been deported. It's not like one doesn't negate the other, you know, one saying, oh, more, more American citizens commit crimes than illegal aliens. Where does that leave Lake and Riley's family? Where does that leave Kate Steinle's family? Most murders are avoidable because these people don't have to be here in the first place. Now, by the way, I'm all for immigration, I'm all for going through a process, I'm all for vetting, but this is the dumbest strategy or like gaslighting attempt by the left. We have enough criminals here that are American citizens. We don't need to be asking more people to surge the border who are going to commit crimes. What country in its right mind would do that? I'll tell you what country would a country on a suicide mission. That's what kind of country would do that. That argument is a false equivalency and is also intellectually bankrupt, I believe would be the best terms. Very good, Jared. I like that. False, okay. Professorial. Do you have the source? I'm here right now. Where are you coming up with all this? This is the house of learning doctors. But Jared, we do talk about this argument a lot because it comes up. It seems to be like the last line of defense from the left. I thought what aboutism was frowned upon. It's the definition of what abouts. What about the Americans? Listen, some guy called up and did to Howie yesterday and he's like, don't you think some of the, don't you think some of the language you use is kind of harsh? I'm like, okay, okay, let's, let's just go down that road. You don't like the language, for example, how we car users to describe it. Think about what you're talking about. We're concerned about language while a family is reeling from the fact that their young daughter who is going to be a nurse who had her whole life ahead of her is dead. And you're sitting there in your house with your hate has no home here sign, concerned that the language doesn't make you feel good, that it's just a little bit too harsh for you. This is insanity. This is insanity. There are people who have real issues here. There are families that will never be the same. They'll never be made whole. They'll never be okay, and it didn't have to happen. So while you sit there at your house, John, and you worry about how he cars language or Donald Trump's language, just know that other people have bigger fish to fry. Other people have, you know, more severe problems that are going to haunt them for the rest of their life because of your wonderful, caring, compassionate, political leanings. And we still appreciate them. We'll be right back 844-542-42, but not before Jared, you tell people about the Nossa Beach Inn. Jared's always been bragging about his time at the Nossa Beach Inn. Unfortunately for you, Jared, I'm about to steal your spot on this. I'm going to the Nossa Beach Inn, and I'm going to get to brag about it. Absolutely you should. The Nossa Beach Inn was fantastic. My wife and I went down there. We love the ambiance of being down there. It's the only lodging inside the Cape Cod National Seashore. Every room is steps from the beach. There's so much to do down there. You can enjoy the beach, especially in the off-season where you have to worry about crowds, the Cape Cod rail trails right there. My wife and I, we loved our favorite part, honestly, was sitting out by the fire pits, watching the moon rise, looking at the stars, and then again, sitting by the fire pits in the morning, drinking our morning coffee. Every room has a fireplace and a nice picture window, so you can stay cozy, you can still get the views and the ambiance that are down there. And they have great specials going on right now, and Dave Henshey was on with us last week when we did Grace's Goodies, and Dave was saying that these are getting scooped up fast, so you need to take advantage of this deal and you need to take advantage of it now. Yeah, the April Stays are for $249.99 a night. The May rates are from $259.99 a night. You cannot get those deals anywhere, especially on Cape Cod, so hop on this now. Go to to book your room today. That's We will be right back. The Grace Curly Show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly Show. Welcome back, everyone to the Grace Curly Show big update for you. Libby Emmons is going to join the show at 205. We've got a lot to discuss. Yes, thank you for the new sound. Yeah, Libby from the Postmillennial is going to join us, so I'm happy about that. Let's go to the callers now, though. Leslie, you're up next on the Grace Curly Show. What's going on, Leslie? Hi, Grace. Welcome back. I don't think they should be called animals because animals have their own habitat. I think they should be called maniac monsters. That's what they are. Murderers, you mean? Ficious. Ficious maniac monster murderers, that's what they should be called. Yeah, and for people who aren't aware of what Leslie's talking about just to fill you in, Donald Trump called the murderer of Lake and Riley an animal, and that has the left up in arms. And Scott Jennings' point was, any person who takes a human life, like, I don't think most the average American has an issue with that. I don't think the average American has an issue with that label being cast on someone who took somebody else's life in cold blood like this man did. Thank you for the call, Leslie. 44, 542, you know, Jared, it's crazy because there's still so much to get to. We've hit a lot in the last two hours, but there's way more. And I just want to let people know, some people are texting and asking about my take on the Israeli drone strike that killed seven aid workers in Gaza. And if you miss that, we covered it a lot in the first hour. But one of the textures brought up, because Joe Biden came out with a statement condemning this and saying how horrible it was and saying this cannot happen. And I did make the point earlier that this happened just recently, not recently, I guess, but in the scope of history, it was recently Joe Biden had a drone strike that killed 10 in Afghanistan. And not only was he not forthcoming about it, they lied about it. And then once the New York Times started digging around, they finally admitted that they killed all of these innocent civilians in this drone strike that went wrong after they had lied and said they killed the nicest terrorist. So Joe Biden knows exactly that these things happened during times of war 978 said after the debacle in Afghanistan, didn't Joe Biden blow up a guy in his family who were just bringing water to someone when they thought it was a terrorist? Yes. But you wouldn't know that if you followed the Joe Biden White House, because they really were, they were not as transparent about that as you think they would be, but they come out very quickly right now to denounce Beebe Netanyahu. And it's not lost on anybody. I saw people responding to his statement on social media, everybody's, everybody's catching on to Joe Biden and his record. We'll be right back with Libby Emmons. Don't go anywhere. [MUSIC PLAYING]