The Howie Carr Radio Network

Biden Reacts to Israeli Drone Strike plus Mayor Pete Insults EV Detractors | 4.3.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 1

All eyes are on the Middle East as the Israeli Defense Forces take out civilians and foreign aid workers. Grace shares the reactions of the Left and the Right, the hypocrisy in the media, and more.

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03 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trateria Studio, it's the Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and the spectator. Especially Grace, Grace Standup. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Hey! Hello everyone. Welcome back to the Grace Curly Show. As always, thank you so much for joining us today. We've got a lot of updates for you on the Presidential election. There's new polls out showing. And the thing about polls, this is what always happens with numbers. Everyone can spin it. The spin doctors, man. That's a job Jared. It's not, you know how usually I tell you, "Oh, I wish I was in that industry." Oh, I wish Jared that we could start up consulting firms and things like that. Being one of these spin people in the White House or on any sort of campaign, whether it's RFK Jr., Donald J. Trump, I just, I would find it exhausting. Because you constantly have to be trying to fudge the numbers in a way, and they can do it. They're really good at it. Make it seem like you're winning. For example, today, I hit some story, and it's all about how Biden's surging, or Biden's finally making up ground on Trump according to this poll. And I'm thinking, "Oh, wow. Okay." I didn't see that happening. I don't know what happened over the last couple of days that would give him a boost. Maybe it was the fundraiser receiving Colbert that really endeared him to people. And then I get into work in the Wall Street Journal story showing the Trump's leading Biden in six battleground states. And I'm like, "How did they manage to take that poll and spin it in Biden's favor?" But they always do. They always do. They work really, really hard at that. So we have updates on that, updates on fundraising also. I had mentioned that Biden brought in 26 million, I think was the final count, the final tabulation of how much money he brought in at that Ritzy fundraiser. And Donald Trump's fundraising, and this was kind of weird. I was on Fox earlier this week, and usually they'll give you some topics that you're ready for. And there was a question I was not ready for, which was, and hopefully you guys couldn't tell if you watched it, but it was about why Trump is not fundraising as well as Biden and why he is behind as far as having cash on hand. And I basically just said, maybe people are freaked out about the legal battles. Maybe they don't like the monies being used to fight these battles. But I didn't have an answer because I can't explain it. And the more I thought about it after, I said, "Well, maybe it's because when it comes to the big tech people, the real billionaires, the people in California, in Silicon Valley, when it comes to these big A-list celebrities, they all do tend to be part of the same crew, and they've got a lot of money to give." But then I saw this report today about Trump's fundraising this week, and it seems like maybe the wind is shifting. It seems like Republicans are starting to dig into their pockets and give some major money to Donald Trump. It always amazes me that more people in big tech, in finance, you know, on Wall Street don't donate to Republicans because I just don't understand in what world they think another four years of what we have right now is going to help them. But I wanted to start with something else, a big story that broke today. It actually broke yesterday. Joe Biden has reacted to it. An Israeli strike killed seven aid workers from the World Central Kitchen, which is a disaster relief charity. It's a really well-known one. The U.S.-based nonprofit group had operations set up in Gaza. And the man who created this charity is very well-known in D.C. He's a very prominent figure there. One American was among the seven aid workers, killed tragic. Netanyahu spoke about this. He, I think he was in a surgery yesterday for something. And after a probe was opened into the strike and an investigation happened while he was leaving said surgery. He did say this. He said, unfortunately, in the last day, there was a tragic case of our forces unintentionally hitting innocent people in the Gaza Strip. It happens in war. We check it to the end. We are in contact with the governments and we will do everything so that this thing does not happen again. Now, obviously, this has prompted an entire new wave of condemnation of denouncements from leaders all over the world. And this is nothing new for Israel. They've been dealing with, they've been receiving plenty of criticism for their handling of this war against Hamas. Now, Biden's team, and I'm not going to pretend, I think I've officially crossed the line, Jared, of pretending Joe Biden writes any of these things. Or you know what? I used to say, like, does he, there's no way he writes this stuff that goes on to social media? I've got a new one for you. There's no way he even sees it. How we brought up the Pete Rose defense, Pete Rose said, you know, oh, he, he was asked about something in his book and he said, I didn't read it. You think I read that book? I didn't write it or read it. That's the Pete Rose defense is now Joe Biden's defense. He just gets to say, I didn't do that. So not only do I not think he had any hand in crafting these statements, which they're the Biden campaign right now, the reelection campaign is, and this is a conversation I want to have later on in the show. I would almost argue that Biden is less accessible now than he was in 2020. So remember in 2020, when Biden was running, and a lot of people call it the basement campaign, he would make videos from his basement. Occasionally he would have a rally if you want to call it that and there'd be about 12 people googled this because I was writing a column yesterday and I had to remind myself if it was just some fever dream I had, but it actually happened. Google Biden, lawn chairs, chalk drawn circles, and you'll see the photo of like 12 people in weird circles. It looks like something at a black mirror watching Joe Biden give a speech. And that was his campaign in 2020. And his excuse, of course, was COVID, you know, Trump's holding rallies. I can't do that. I wouldn't want to put people's safety at risk. But I would say now, four years later, he's almost, he's almost less visible than he was then. And I think that he has a better excuse this time, which is, you know, I'm doing presidential things. I have a call with Eugene Ping. You know, there's other things that need to be done. I have the presidential daily briefing, which takes up like 20 minutes of his day. I have lunch. I have to take a call. There's no time for other things. So Joe Biden, his team is relying a lot on social media on these statements and they put out a statement about the Israeli strike. And I want to read this to you because this is just part of it. This is on Twitter. Biden or, you know, the Easter Bunny, who's ever writing these things said, I'm outraged and heartbroken by the deaths of seven humanitarian workers from World Central Kitchen, including one American and Gaza yesterday. Incidents like yesterday simply should not happen. Now, first, let me say this is horrible. And it shouldn't happen. And it's tragic. And I feel awful for those people and for their families. So let's just start there because I never want to seem dismissive or callous or anything like that. But BB's response, and I know people hate BB. I know Joe Biden hates BB. BB's response while it doesn't undo the damage. And I wish this didn't happen for so many reasons. Obviously the loss of life being number one, but number two being now Israel is going to receive even more push to back down to Hamas. And that is not what we should any of us should want. But BB's response, while it does not undo the damage, he isn't wrong when he says, unfortunately, this happens in war. There are innocent casualties in war. It doesn't make it, it doesn't make it good. It doesn't make it okay. But it is a reality of war. And the same people who are saying things like what Joe Biden wrote, this cannot happen. How does this happen? You know, this is unacceptable. The same people who write that they've overseen drone strikes that have killed innocent people that have killed innocent children. They know these things happen. They're very well aware that these things happen in war. And again, I'm not saying it negates the tragedy, but it does highlight how the responses from these leaders, from these world leaders, from Joe Biden, from people in his cabinet. It's all dependent on a particular set of circumstances. And those circumstances are, does this benefit me? Does this benefit my agenda? Does this benefit what I want to see happen? Biden's drone strike in Afghanistan killed 10 civilians, including seven children, because they targeted the wrong vehicle. And you can say what you want about BB Netanyahu, you can say you can criticize Israel. I'm not opposed to anyone criticizing Israel. But I don't think it's even up for debate that if you compare what happened with these aid workers versus what happened in Kabul, that Israel was far more transparent and forthcoming with information than Joe Biden and his administration ever were. I don't even think that you can argue that. And what's interesting is a lot of times the media rushes to blame Israel for something, and then it will come out later that actually, no, they got information from, from Hamas, from the Ministry of Health. And what this did show me in part is that when there is a mistake that is made, when there is a tragedy that occurs, when there are civilian casualties, Israel will be forthcoming about it. They under BB Netanyahu fully understands that by being honest about this and by admitting that this was a mistake, that he is going to endure a lot of wrath from around the world. But he was honest anyway, and you can't say the same thing about Joe Biden. In fact, I want to read you this from Amber Smith. She was former Pentagon official and she replied to this response from Joe Biden where he said I'm outraged and heartbroken incidents like yesterday simply should not happen. She was Amber Smith reply. You launched a drone strike that killed 10 civilians, including seven children in Afghanistan, that you claimed was ISIS, and then had the Pentagon lie about it for weeks until the New York Times uncovered the truth and you had to come clean about it. They constantly say like oh yeah we it was ISIS and then they say well who was it oh we can't really tell you no names yet. And then weeks and weeks and weeks and then the New York Times of all places holds their feet to the fire and then finally they're honest about it. And that same administration now is going to condemn BB Netanyahu and say how do these things happen you know how they happen you've done it before. And you might say oh that's what about is um you know doesn't make one thing right. But if you don't call out the hypocrisy. And if it's just it's maddening if you don't see this for what it is. If people's memories are this short. Because Joe Biden loves. He loves to pretend that he is some sort of like moral compass for everyone. And it could not be further from the truth. 844 542 I know that was a little bit of a heavy topic to start with, but it's all over the news today it's a big story. And again tragic and heartbreaking but that is the reality of war. And that's why I hope that Israel is able to finish this war quickly and then this can end but it's not going to end by a ceasefire with Hamas savages that's just not the way it happens. But we will be right back we'll take your calls 844 542 42 other things I'm watching today. Just as a little just as a little tease for what's coming up in the show. The Biden campaign thinks Florida is flippable. They think it's winnable. And we're going to talk about that. They're relying heavily now on the abortion debate which has made its way to Florida thanks to a decision from the Florida Supreme Court. We're also going to talk about Trump's fundraising as I mentioned, and Joe's call with Xi Jinping plus yesterday during the show I always have the TVs on here usually have the local on, and I have Fox on and I was watching and Pete Buttigieg, the transportation secretary. He wasn't in the office. He was at Fox and he was talking about a host of different issues. And as I was sitting here I thought this is a really long interview. Like I kept looking up thinking they'd move on to something else and it was still Mayor Pete front and center. Well he said a couple of interesting tidbits during that interview. And I think you guys are going to want to hear it. We'll be right back. Again, we'll take your calls. Don't go anywhere. This is the Grace Curly show. The Grace Curly show will be right back. This is the Grace Curly show. You know what I was just thinking about? I always have used such a hard time Jared for always taking digs at Fauci for his height. But I do what to you about your age. I would say multiple times a show. I make a crack about how old you are and you're not an old person. But it's kind of become part of my stick. It's all stick. I mean, I honestly don't go home and cry about it. I do not. No, I like it. I like the atmosphere. It's like a British sitcom. Everybody's hacking on everybody. That's just the way you can still use the word midget. Can you? No, I don't think so. Okay. I was going to say, Hey, by the way, I wanted to. The reason I even bring this up is because I was thinking about you today because there's this big story about Sage Steel from ESPN and Jared's a former ESPN guy. You love to throw it around. Tell us about some of the celebs you met back in the day. Yeah, yeah. Some of the athletes. We know we know kind of a big deal. I'm sure you were. And Sage Steel has this interview with Fox Fox News Digital. And she's talking about how her entire interview she did while she was at ESPN with Joe Biden was scripted. The only thing that's, remember how he used to say about the Robert her report? The only surprising part about the Robert her report is that he had the temerity to write it down. Like nothing about Joe Biden's state of mind. His the fact that he's losing his faculties. Nothing about that should shock you if you've watched more than six minutes of the dude. But what surprised me was that Robert her knowing what he knows about the DC swamp had the gall to put pen to paper. I know they don't actually put pen to paper, but to type it all out. That surprised me. This Sage Steel story, I was not even going to go near it because I thought, who cares? It's so, and I like Sage Steel. By the way, I should start with that. I really like her. But I thought nothing about this surprise. Nothing about this surprises me that they had a script that they told her you can say this. You can't say that. No follow up questions. The only part of this entire thing that surprises me is the response on social media from conservatives who've been watching this game now for over four years going. Wow, even with what we know about the Biden White House, this is really extreme, how they like choreographed this interview. And I'm thinking, no, it's not. I saw Joe Biden on a porch a couple weeks ago. And the girls who go, thank you, thank you, move along. They were moving people along, Jared, like they were going to push them out of the room, but they were outside. There was nowhere for them to push. And they were still going, like, get away from his presence. They're screening attendees for these events to try to make sure there's no hecklers in the bunch, that there's no lurkers hanging around. They will leave no stone unturned when it comes to protecting Joe Biden from any sort of scrutiny. So the only part of the Sage deal revelations that surprised me are that it surprises other people. I'm like, where have you guys been? Let's play a tiny bit of Sage deal before we go to break here. This is cut to. This was about two months after he took office. That was an interesting experience in its own right because it was so structured and I was told, you will say every word that we write out, you will not deviate from the script and go to the word. Like every single question was scripted, gone over dozens of times by many executives, editors and executives. Absolutely. I was on script and was told not to deviate as it was very much. This is what you will ask. This is how you will say it. No follow ups. No follow ups. Next. Again, it's ESPN, which we know is incredibly woke, incredibly liberal, and it's the Biden White House. I mean, does anyone think that a team up of these two is going to lead to a transparent interview where you get real questions answer. 844-542-42. We got a lot more to get to. We'll take your calls when we come back. Live from the Aviva Thratria studio. Welcome back everyone to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for tuning in. The number is 844-542-42. And today's poll question is brought to you by the Nossa Beach Inn. So what I'm trying to do, Jared, is I'm trying to coordinate my stay at the Nossa Beach Inn with Moby Dicks being opened on the Cape so that I can hit two birds with one stone there. But the Nossa Beach Inn is a solid plan. Yes. And the Nossa Beach Inn is a beautiful spot that you guys are going to love. Their April rates are starting at $249.99. To reserve your pet-friendly ocean view room with a fireplace, go to That's Jared, what is the poll question and what are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at is, do you think Joe Biden can flip Florida? Yes, abortion debate moves the needle or no chance. I have a story. Hopefully if they like it coming out in spectator, they're having a couple of technical, a lot of technical issues happening today. But hopefully it's coming out and I do touch a little bit on this topic about whether or not Biden can flip Florida. That's what his White House team put out. But they also, I mean, you're his reelection team. You're going to say that anything's possible. You're not going to say you can't flip Florida. But the reason they put this out- One word, possibilities. One word, so many possibilities. Yeah, so the reason they think that there are possibilities is because there was a Florida Supreme Court ruling that upheld an abortion ban, a 15-week abortion ban. And abortion has been proven in the past, specifically most recently, 2022, when we thought there was going to be this big red wave. It was really a small red, you know, I don't even know, Jared, puddle. There was barely anything. And a big part of that was because of abortion. And I was wrong on that one. I thought that the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, I thought that, yes, it would bring some people out in blue states, but I did not think that it would have the kind of effect it did. In the midterms. And so I stand corrected on that. And I'm very cautious about poo pooing certain issues that as far as their power when it comes to elections, because I've been wrong before. With that being said, though, if you go back to 2022, when abortion did move the needle in a very positive way for Democrats. And what we've seen before, as in regards to polls about abortion, it shows that extremes on either side don't tend to play well. I'm not saying, I'm not speaking here morally. I'm not saying like, oh, one's right or one's right. I'm saying, strategically speaking in politics, they find that whether it's extreme bans or extreme, you know, letting people have abortions at nine months, people in the United States don't tend to like either of those. And so because in 2022, I think it was kind of seen that the more extreme side was the Republicans, we can debate whether or not that's true later. I don't think it is. But Republicans were the ones who got hurt by that issue in 2022 for their election, you know, shot got hurt. But here's, here's an important thing to note, Florida in 2022 was one of the few bright spots we had as Republicans. It was kind of a depressing night. Florida was one of the only states. I mean, Governor Ron DeSantis, I think when he won his race for governor. He won by like 54 point, he got like 54.7% of the vote. He got something. It was a real landslide of a win. And he flipped a lot of counties that otherwise have been, or in the past have been extremely liberal. And so that's where I'm kind of like, all right, I get that you think this issue can really change the direction of things for Democrats and they're not wrong to think that, but I wouldn't be banking on that change in Florida of all places Florida to me now is red. And I don't see this changing it. So I'm going to say now. 98% of the audience says no chance. No chance. You know what I want to mention here, Jared, I was off. Was it last week? Yeah, it was last week I was off. And that was when the news broke about P Diddy. Or I guess now he goes by Diddy. I was noticing that in the hip hop community. The names get shorter and shorter and shorter. Like they always want to lose Kanye did that for a while too. Kanye, then it was just yay. It was Sean P Diddy combs and it was P Diddy. Then it was Diddy. I think now it's just Diddy. But there was a raid of his Miami home when I was away. And I wasn't shocked by this because a few months ago if people remember his ex girlfriend who was also a singer and I remember one or two of her songs from way back in the day when I was like in high school. And let's see is her name. She sued Diddy for a lot of awful things that he supposedly did. And she won her lawsuit and I think it was like $20 million that he settled with her $20 million. And between the time that the lawsuit came out or the news broke that she was, you know, that she was going to go to court with Diddy and the time that he settled with her. It was like 24 hours or something very short. And I immediately thought, Oh, where are there smoke? There's fire. Like if you're, you're not giving someone $20 million after a day. Because you're not trying to squash something. And there was a lot of people. There was a lot of people in his camp being like, it doesn't, you know how they always do this, like you'll settle with someone for $20 million. And just because they settled doesn't mean it's not an admittance of guilt. It just means that, no, I mean $20 million. There's, she had to come with summer seats. So I was reading about this case yesterday. And if what people are, you know, if what I'm reading is true. I think I was reading it in the New York Post. Horrible, horrible things is what they're alleging that Diddy has done over the years. And really like weird, weird stuff. And I'm not trying to be funny here at all. But the thing I was thinking about on vacation is I have a lot of these, these streamers now, like a lot of these different streaming network. So I have like Netflix. Actually, I don't have Netflix. I have Hulu and HBO. And they make documentaries now. They are cranking out. Have you noticed that they crank out documentaries about everything? Like it doesn't even have to be like a scandal anymore. They just will crank out a current event. They'll crank out a documentary for. But one of the big documentaries at one point was our Kelly. And that was like huge for a while. And I thought when I saw this P2D story, I'm like, these networks, HBO, Hulu, Netflix, they must be. They must have their editors on like overdrive right now. Because everyone wants to be the first one to pump it out. You know, it's like after fire fast, there was four different documentaries. So they are probably like, go, go, go, get this out. Get this out. We need this Diddy documentary. And now what I see is they're showing on TV now on Fox. They're showing the footage of this raid. And Diddy's ex-girlfriend is trying to say that like they manhandled his son when the feds raided or they were, you know, they terrorized his son. So he's already trying to play the victim in this case based off what I'm reading about these parties he had at these hotels and the video recordings. I don't think that's going to work. And the other part of the story, which I found very, very peculiar is that it wasn't just about the debauchery and, you know, the accusations that he's a massive predator. It's also the fact that he liked to record everything. He had these crazy weird parties and he liked to have recordings of everything. And so if you're the feds and you're raiding that house, yeah, you're going to go in guns of blazing because you want to get these recordings. You don't want people, you know, trying to destroy anything. So this is this is big stuff. 844 500 42 42. Okay, now I want to talk a little bit. About should we go to Pete Buttigieg or should we go to Xi Jinping. Let's go to Pete Buttigieg, Pete Buttigieg, the Secretary of Transportation, he was on Fox. He's talking about the electric vehicles. It's not going the way they thought it was going to go. They had really high hopes for electric vehicles and based off the numbers and whether you're looking at Tesla or really any of these. Anyone in the auto industry, they're all kind of pulling back on this Toyota was really the only manufacturer that had been pushing back on some of these mandates from the beginning. They weren't as agreeable to a lot of this stuff, but now other plants and other auto manufacturers are starting to are also starting to push back on it and starting to push back on this green revolution. But Pete Buttigieg, he never misses an opportunity. It really comes naturally to these Biden officials to talk down to people. It really like the snobbiness factor. They don't even have to work at that. They have to work at everything else. But being condescending is second nature to the best and the brightest. Take a listen to Pete Buttigieg cut for. Tesla sales fell 8.5% in the first quarter of this year for this week is laying off two thirds of its workforce at the F-150 electric lightning plant. It's also scaling back a battery production facility because of sagging sales. EV sales are nowhere near what this president wanted or expected. Yet the administration continues to shove them down consumer's throats. Why? Well, let's be clear. Consumers have wanted and purchased more EVs every single year than the year before. And, you know, Tesla is facing more competition as GM and Ford and Stellantis and other competitive players start to make sure they get a piece of the EV market. Let's be clear that the automotive sector is moving toward EVs and we can't pretend otherwise. Sometimes when these debates happen, I feel like it's the early 2000s and I'm talking to some people who think that we can just have landline phones forever. That's good. Whenever you have people questioning your capabilities or questioning the direction things are going in, it's always good. It's always good to condescend. That's always a nice place to start. By the way, I just want to, I just want to point out something in the beginning when he said every year people are buying more than they did the last year. That reminds me of during COVID when you'd see a headline about cases double in the state and then you look a little further early. Okay. In this town, cases have doubled. And if you do a little bit of digging, it will say there were eight cases or do you know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? There were four cases and now there are eight. And it's like, yeah, technically the case is doubled, but there's eight cases. We should still keep that in perspective. He's saying, oh, every year more and more people buy EVs. Well, first of all, you guys are, you know, pumping these things out like there's no tomorrow. I'm sure a lot of the people using the EVs are government agencies and things of that nature. But then furthermore, that's kind of a vague statistic. You know, how many? Give us a number. And I don't think there's any denying that this is not going the way they plan. Another thing Pete said that I want to talk about when we come back is he was asked about whether he would run again and he's saying like, oh, you know, watching Joe Biden run, watching Joe Biden be president. It's really showed me how much work goes into this. And I don't think that, you know, I might not run for political office again. Please, please, Pete Buttigieg is just getting started. And the only reason that he wouldn't run for political office again, it's not because, oh, it's been so much hard work. The only reason he'd not run again is if he didn't think that he could get elected because he's done such a crappy job at being transportation secretary. But it's not because like he came to the conclusion that it's just too much work. 844, 500, 42, 42 will be right back. We'll take your calls. Don't go anywhere. But first, Jared, we were just talking about the Nossett Beach Inn. This is such a beautiful spot and everyone should check it out. I'm so excited. I get the opportunity to visit the Nossett Beach Inn. This spring slash summer is still working out the details on the dates that I'm going to check out the Nossett Beach Inn. But I already have my plans mapped out and they're pretty simple. Walk the beach, sit by the fire pits, enjoy my ocean view and relax. Yeah, that's the way to do it. That's what my wife and I did. When we went down there, we loved. We sat by the fire pits. We watched the sunrise, drank our morning coffee. Just had a very nice, tranquil feeling and relaxing walk along the beach. The rooms are super cozy. Every room has a fireplace and they have a nice big picture window. So if you need to stay inside or want to stay inside, have a bed day. Who knows what you just want to do. Just lay around and relax. You can do that as well and you can still enjoy all the ambiance that's down there. The Cape Cod rail trail is near there. So if you want to do some hiking, they're pet-friendly. So you can bring your dog. Anything you can think that you want to do with the Nossett Beach Inn, it's there to be done. But hop on this now. When we did the graces, goodies, dates are flying off the calendar. So do not wait. Yes, indeed. To reserve your ocean view room, go to That's April State of the Nossett Beach Inn is from 2.49.99 at night and this may rates from 2.59.99 at night. So don't delay. Go to That's We will be right back. And by the way, I see people on the rumble chat. They're a little upset. The rumble. We're having some issues with it. But you can go to wherever you listen to, you know, whether it's the iHeart app or, you know, just go to 680 or whatever affiliate you're listening to. You can check us out there. Even if you don't get the screen, if you don't get the video, you can still listen. We'll be right back with more. This is the Grace Curly Show. You're listening to the Grace Curly Show. This is the Grace Curly Show. We started the show today discussing the Israeli strike that killed seven world central kitchen aid workers. And there's been a lot of response and even in conservative media, which did surprise me about the impact this is going to have. And it doesn't surprise me because I don't understand that this is a horrible thing that happened. But Red State wrote, "The world's central kitchen deaths in Gaza will have an impact like nothing else in Israel's conflict." I think it will have the response and the condemnations from around the world will pour in. I'm not as convinced that BB Netanyahu is going to change anything as far as his current mission. And again, I go back to the fact that when you have someone like Joe Biden, who knows exactly what happens in war? He knows exactly what happens with these drone strikes that can kill innocent people because he's had drone strikes kill innocent people, ten people, seven children in Afghanistan. It wasn't that long ago. And so a lot of these leaders who are coming out now and denouncing BB Netanyahu, it's convenient for them in this moment. But I think he can see the hypocrisy in what they're doing and he can see the political nature of it. And it doesn't mean that like he had said, you know, this is horrible and where we wish it didn't happen and we're going to do everything we can. In the future, Israel has a very good record of going out of their way to try to prevent these kind of casualties. But it's war. It's war. And I think that everybody in Israel right now understands that. And I don't think that Joe Biden putting out statements on Twitter is going to change their strategy. To, to a certain extent, eight, four, four, five hundred forty two, forty two speaking of Joe Biden yesterday we talked a little bit about how he had a call with Xi Jinping. And, you know, when I was writing my column, I made mention of this and I said, you know, Joe Biden had a call with Xi Jinping and, you know, they discussed all sorts of issues from fentanyl to climate change. Keep in mind the day before he struggled through an Easter interview with Al Roker about what Easter means to him on the White House lawn. But sure, I'm supposed to believe that he had a long call with Xi Jinping about artificial intelligence and that went really smoothly. Okay. But while that's happening, Trump goes to a rally in Michigan. And he talks a lot about illegal immigration. You know, he did. It was, I would say it was a pretty traditional rally for Donald Trump. He played some of the hits. He did, you know, some funny little stand up routines. At one point, he did an impression of Joe Biden's golf swing, which I hadn't seen that one before. He did an impression and said that Joe Biden says he's a six handicap and, you know, all these sort of things that had the crowd going wild. But he did focus a lot on illegal immigration because it's a massive issue right now. And he talked about Lake and Riley and he described Lake and Riley's murderer as an animal, which I don't disagree with. You bash a young nursing student in the skull who's on a jog. She's just on a jog. You bash her in the skull and you kill her. Yeah, you're going to get that label. I know it's going to upset the left, but that's what's going to happen. But now, of course, the media, they're not content with the bloodbath fake outrage. They've moved on to Trump calls immigrants animals, which even Elon Musk had to come out and say, that's not what he said. We'll talk more about this when we come back. (upbeat music) (upbeat music)