Canucks Central

Overrated/Underrated: Team Defence, Ian Cole, and Line Brawls

Dan and Sat get into Overrated/Underrated as they debate whether the Canucks defensive play, Ian Cole's recent form, and much more is overrated or underrated.

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04 Apr 2024
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Dan and Sat get into Overrated/Underrated as they debate whether the Canucks defensive play, Ian Cole's recent form, and much more is overrated or underrated.

This podcast was produced by Josh Elliott-Wolfe.

The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the hosts and guests and do not necessarily reflect the position of Rogers Media Inc. or any affiliate.

(upbeat music) - Back in on Canucks Central, we are in the Kintec Studio, it's Dan Reicho, and Satty R. Shaw. Kintec, Canada's favorite orthotics provider, powered by thousands of five-star Google reviews. So our feet, what are you waiting for? It is a Wednesday here on Canucks Central, so you know what happens on a Wednesday? It is a game day. - Yes. - So we will get to the pregame as well, coming up after six o'clock, Canucks in Arizona coyotes at Mollet Arena, coming up after seven. But it's Wednesday, so we do overrated, underrated. Hit the music. (upbeat music) (sings) Yes, overrated, underrated, or in the off chance, it is perfectly rated, like, example, wearing golf attire every day. - No one does that here. - No, except for Reich and Ben. (laughs) - I think golf shoes. - I've reached that stage where I'm just like, you know what, golf shirt and pants, fine, great. I don't care if I look like I just got in from the course. It's comfortable. - I did get in from the course. - You do. - Business casual, I guess you could say. - But like Ben is like-- - Totally fine with it. - Ben is like, it's his profession almost. Like he has two professions. One is one is radio producer slash host, and the other one is golfing. - Training to be a professional golfer. - Be on the tour. - So I gotta do what I gotta do. - That's it. - Got to wear the uniform to the other job. - Yeah, I mean, it's hard to bring too. You can't, how many changes of clothes can you bring? Reich is just trying to manifest being a golfer. - Yes. I just like the vibe of it, you know? - Yeah. - Get you in the headspace. - Like 'cause it's like going to the airport, right? When you know you're going to the airport, you're like, man, this is exciting. I'm going somewhere new. When I put it on golf clothes, I'm like, I know I'm not going golfing today, but at least I can feel like I'm going golf. - Is it kind of like being a method actor, where you're like, I was gonna act when I play the part, and then when I have to get out there, like I'll just feel natural. - Yes. I definitely thought you just meant like going to the airport is exciting. - No. - Like you're excited to just go to the airport, and then I figured it out. - Do that, just go to the airport. - Just watch people arrive. - I see it on. - It's like that TV show. What was that weird TV show concept? Just like showing people at the airport. Like there's a lot of emotional moments at an airport. Yes, I get that. I don't know if I need a TV show about it. - If you go to Arrivals and you sit through, you'll probably see a lot of emotional moments. But you can also see like people who are like not as happy to see each other. - Yeah. - Side hug. - Yeah, it's like, hey. - I missed you. - Yeah. - Anyway. - All right. - Submission. - Anyways, golf attire underrated. - Austin and Langley. - The Canucks making it out of the first round with their current play. Overrated or underrated? - Underrated still. 'Cause I think, I mean, the overall sentiment on our feedback channels, whether it's on social media, whether it's on the text inbox, has been, they're not getting out of the first round. - Yes. - I'm not saying all fans feel that way. But from what I've seen interaction-wise, the majority has been like, they're not going to get this done. So I think them actually winning in the first round is underrated because I think people are overrating how bad things are right now. - They can still beat Nashville or LA playing the way they have in the last little while here. If it were to be another opponent, say the Vegas Golden Knights, yeah, you're not being Vegas if you're playing like this. But people are, not that the Canucks have been great lately. They obviously have not 0-4-1 against future playoff teams in their last five in those types of opponents. But last night was an outlier compared to a lot of their other games where their defensive play crumbled. They haven't been able to score as much as you'd like to see them score lightly. That's for sure a bit of a concern going into the postseason. But last night still was an outlier compared to the overall picture of what this team has played and put on paper in recent weeks. - Yeah, it has been. But it was also confirmation bias for all your fears and concerns. - Yes, so if you were looking at their trend and saying unconvinced, 'cause as much as they haven't been horrible, they also haven't been as convincing as people want and trying to extrapolate that unconvincing stretch of hockey to their doomed. And then they had an absolute stinker against Vegas. It was probably a lot of evidence that support your feelings already, right? I'm just not there. Like I mentioned last night, people were like, "Well, I'll leave what was texting in and saying, I can't believe how positive you are." I'm like, I'm not positive, I'm just saying they're not doomed. I guess that goes for positive nowadays. - How dare you? How dare you? Next one comes from Mighty Quinn, the Canucks defensive play since the All-Star break. Overrated or underrated? - Underrated. - Yeah, still underrated. Based on the sentiment around the team. - Yeah. Like throw last night out and you're looking at one of the surefire better teams defensively since the All-Star break in the entire national hockey league. - Yeah. - I mean, before Demko, so before last night in the games that Demko had been out, they were allowing just over two goals a game with their backup goalie in that, you know? You're telling me that's a bad defensive team? It's not like Casey to Smith was standing on his head every night. He was doing the job he had to do. We just had Kevin Whitley on saying exactly that. Yeah, he wasn't standing on his head. He wasn't going above expected, but he was doing what the Canucks asked of him to do. And he was able to do that. And in that stretch, the Canucks were giving up 2.11 goals against per game. It's a nine game stretch, not a huge sample, but you're telling me in a nine game stretch with your backup netminder, you're the second best defensive team by goals against. In the entire national hockey league? Give me a break. Like they're still an elite defensive team when they're going well. - And five on five, they've been one of the best defensive teams in the NHL. I mean, all season, obviously, but also the final 25. And as you spoke to Kevin Whitley, generally speaking, outside of last night, they weren't giving up a ton of rush chances and great A's. And obviously, you know, gave up way too many of them last night. - Next one comes from Matitude, Ian Cole's recent play. Overrated or underrated? - I mean, he hasn't been good recently. He's had some struggles. There's no doubt. Am I worried that Ian Cole can't figure it out on the playoffs? No, I think you'll see a better player once the postseason comes around. But yes, he's struggled. - So Ian Cole has been poorly. - Yeah. - Yeah. Has anybody been overrating his play lately? I think everybody's seen that his play has taken a bit of a dip in the last little while. - I call him the unsung hero, but that's a season award. Like every single player on this team has gone through ups and downs. I mean, maybe Quinn Hughes and Dasey-- - That's not about recency bias. - But I mean, I'm going on a totality of the season. To me, he's, you know, unsung hero. Recently, he's been, it's kind of like Connor Hallibook picking a bad time to be bad, you know? - Picking a bad time to be bad. Yeah, that's kind of what it is. Like for my narrative, bad for my narrative, really. - Definitely bad for your narrative. - Well, we should worry about his satsonary. - That's all I care about. So it's not, I think Ian Cole's recent play has been perfectly rated. Nobody's over rating it. We all can see that he's not having as good a time as he was early in the season, not having as much of an impact as he was early in the season, but also nobody's under rating it. So it's perfectly rated. We see what's happening. We're kind of worried about it, but he should still be the wily vet that connects you to the postseason. - So the last 10 games. - Yeah. - Ian Cole. Actually, the last eight games Ian Cole has played. He's been on the ice for five goals against. - Not great. - But also been on the ice for six goals four. - So his goal differential is plus one through this eight game stream. - Don't take that. Like I said, he hasn't been great, but he hasn't been as bad as he will make him out. - Yeah, but what is it against the good teams and what is it against the bad teams? - What, what, there's a full moon in spring. What about that? - Mercury is in retrograde now, by the way. - Oh, my wife has told me, yes. - Probably why the connects lost. - The reason everything is going wrong in the world is because Mercury is in retrograde. - When does it stop retrograde? - I don't know. - I'll be able to show what retrograde is. - Hopefully sooner rather than later. - I'm the science guy. I'm like, what is even the Mercury in retrograde even me? - You don't know this? - I have no idea. - You never heard about this. Mercury in retrograde. - I've heard about it. I don't know what it means. I haven't found, I haven't been interested enough to look into it. 'Cause I don't know if it matters. - Science sat, you're letting me down right now. - That's more astrology BS. Like when the stars align, certain things happen. It's like, you know. - Isn't it something like Mercury starts turning the other way or something like that? - I don't know. - I mean, it becomes like mythology at some point. Those things are mythology to mean that real science. Like if you're trying to extrapolate like how people are behaving based on the alignment of the stars, like, come on, bro. - No, you know. - You lose me there. (laughing) - I took the car in for service on Monday, right? Supposed to be just like the regular annual service. Next thing you know. And by the way, Monday just happened to be the first day that Mercury was in retrograde. Next thing you know, breaks need to be done on the car, of course. It's because Mercury's in retrograde. - Not because the brakes wink put. - Just because Mercury's in retrograde. - So it affected the Canucks last night, but helped the Vegas Golden Knights? - Yes. - How does it work? - I mean, depends on your definition of who is it in retrograde for. - Evil thrives in retrograde, like the Vegas Golden Knights. (laughing) - All right. - Anyway, next one. The from Kootenys, the R.C.T. Banes experiment, overrated or underrated. - The drag, the kid. - I mean overrated. Like, and I think it's more about being realistic. Like, he played, the first couple of games he came on, he had so much energy and excitement. And like we mentioned, and this is something the coach himself talked about, it's like, and yeah, he has said this himself, it's like any player who's close to the NHL level can play one or two games, five, maybe even 10 games. They can play. - Yeah. - It's about consistency and then day in and day out and then being able to adapt to what NHL hockey truly is. And it catches up with you pretty quickly. And that's why not a lot of guys are able to stick. But he's also a young player getting his first taste in the National Hockey League. The sentiment some had when he showed so well the first couple of games was, "Man, maybe just maybe he can move up the lineup." And this happens all the time. We get this all the time. Like already with the Keramac, we get text messages saying, "Should the Canucks call him up? "He'd be better than Banes." I'm like, "Oh, just relax." Like, everyone needs to calm down. Just 'cause he's had like maybe one good shift for a couple of good games, doesn't mean he's ready for NHL action. And just because he had one good debut, doesn't mean he can move up your lineup. Just you have to give it time. And I think the reality with R.C. Banes is very promising, but it still has work to do. And a more realistic time for expectations as next training camp and the beginning of next season. - Part of this is just like his overall development plan, giving him a taste of the NHL. We've talked about this, giving him a chance to at least feel what pressure games are going to be like in case you have to dip that far into your depth chart for a playoff game. In the next couple of weeks, that's what this is. R.C. Banes is still a big part of the future. I'm not sure he should be any more a part of the now in the experiment. I haven't loved it, but the hope is in the long run, it'll be underrated because R.C. Banes will benefit from having this time to get a taste of what the pace is like for a playoff team in the National Hockey League. - Next one from Ricky, home ice advantage. Overrated or underrated? - If you go by the numbers, they tend to say overrated. - Yeah, it is. I mean, and I think last night, a fast eddy was trying to make this point too. He's like, everyone talks about, you know, home ice advantage, and it's like, what if like 51% of 49 or something? Like when you break the numbers down, it's a marginal benefit. - Yeah, it's not a huge benefit. - The benefits like for game seven really. But even then, it's not as beneficial as, it's not like a 60% of teams that have home ice win. And more in the 50s, it's like a 55, 45, and maybe even less than that, like it's not as big advantage as people make it out to be. But it's the only advantage you can gain by having success in the regular season. So that's why we hype it up, because it's the only thing you can gain. - The more, the better advantage of like the Canucks finishing higher in the standings is who your opponent is going to be, rather than home ice advantage. You'd always prefer home ice advantage more than not. Certainly ownership around the league would prefer more home ice advantage than not. The chance at more home games, rather than less. But it's overstated. I don't have the numbers with me right now, but I know in the last couple of years, especially home ice advantage hasn't really been a thing in the Stanley Cup playoffs. - Oh, it's true. Next one from Duncan ordering DoorDash to avoid the toxic Vancouver media. - So I didn't hear Rick Talkett on the Coyote's podcast there with PH and X or whoever does it. But apparently he said that Travis Green told him he used to order DoorDash to avoid having to go out and maybe encountering people. - Yeah, but I mean, also he coached here during like two pandemic seasons as well. - Yes, that's true. - You know, like, and more recently towards the end. - Yeah, it was like, you know, team's not doing well. You're, you know, staying in your home for most part. Maybe we all ordered a lot of DoorDash, but last like three or four years, I bet. - I didn't listen to the whole thing, but I'm imagining that the comparison was, what's it like coaching in Arizona versus Vancouver? And look, if Rick Talkett goes anywhere right now, who is not buying him a drink? You know, like, if you were to see Rick Talkett at a restaurant or a bar in Vancouver, whatever it might be, are you not like, man, I love what this guy's done for the team. Rick, you're the best. - Yeah, what a piece of that. - You took us from no hope to now having a lot of hope. I appreciate you for that. So right now, things are good for Rick Talkett. When things are bad, yeah, I can imagine how you might not want to have to engage with, whether it's media or fans, whatever it might be. It's not only a Vancouver thing, it's definitely a Canadian hockey market thing. - Next one from basketball fill, lion brawls and coaches getting into it. Overrated or underrated? - I mean, underrated. They're a fantastic, great theater. Everybody's reacting to the lion brawl between the Rangers and the Devils. If you've missed it, I'm sure you'll see it at some point, whether you're driving right now, or, you know, or if you're listening on the podcast, you've seen it already. People get excited, it's fun. Now, like I've mentioned numerous times before, it's always uncomfortable when we talk about fights in the NHL and I get it, head injuries and all that sort of stuff, but at the same time, violence is kind of part of hockey, has been part of hockey, you know, forgive me for enjoying a good tilt. You know, that's kind of how I feel about it at the same time, but it's like everyone is enthralled when there's a lion brawl. And when coaches go out of like Travis Green and I was going out, it would lab you'll let, it's exciting, it's fun, it's entertaining, it's honestly one of the most fun things in hockey is when like things go chaotic, right? Everyone gets into it and there's this passionate game, fans are yelling, throwing stuff, you don't see them throwing stuff on the ice, but they're getting animated, you're getting coaches going at each other, benches chirping, fights throughout a game, like it's a lot of fun, we don't see it very often. - Why do you love the Stanley Cup playoffs? You can tell that the emotion is real. Why do you love a lion brawl? You can tell that the emotion is real. - Heck, people buy into WWE and you have to see the fighting is real, but how much of the storylines are manufactured in the lead up to a fight? Same thing with boxing, people love that. It's a soap opera of it. And you knew that this was coming with the New York Rangers and New Jersey Devils, given everything that happened with Matt Rempe in the past, and now you got it. I understand the conversation around head injuries, but you cannot deny how much excitement, that sort of emotion, that kind of a situation, is still something that goes viral for the NHL, that gets every person in Madison Square Garden on their feet and freaking out. It's still one of the things you love about hockey, most of us love about hockey, that real raw emotion that can be part of the game, part of the competition, because of things that happen on the ice. You know, when fighting got to the point where it was like, two guys lining up at a face off and they just look at each other, "Hey, you wanna go, you wanna go?" Yeah, let's go. And it was just like a manufactured fight for absolutely no reason, nobody cared about that. Nobody really longed at that. Stage fights, stage fights were the worst. This kind of thing, people still love it. When you feel that raw emotion, when you feel that real emotion between two teams hating on each other, we're gonna get it in the Stanley Cup playoffs, you got it tonight with the Rangers and Devils, everybody loves that, it's still underrated. - Next one from Jordy, "No Hidders, Overrated or Underrated." - I mean, Jordan, I gotta do this to me, Jordy. - Underrated. - I think they're overrated. - What? - At this point. How are they overrated? - I feel like we see more of them than we used to. - And so, Josh, like, if you have 12 hole-in-ones, is the 13th hole-in-one going to be overrated? - I mean, at that point, I might be like, "No, stop this, stop this, stop this." - I'm just good at this. - This is how I live. This is me. - Perfect games are underrated. - I mean, "No Hidders," I don't know. I'm getting over it. - Josh is like, "Not every no hitter is created equal, actually." - I remember when Edwin Jackson had eight walks to get a no hitter. - Exactly. - That's an overrated no hitter. - He walked in two runs. (both laughing) - The thing is, it's now the three true outcomes in baseball, you know, and it's-- - Wow, three true. - And it's just like, it's not the same as it once was. - I get what you're saying, but you're wrong. - Back in my day. - Back in my day. - It's like, now we're like parsing greatness. - No hitter is still incredible. - I'm not saying it's not like very impressive. I'm just saying it's maybe getting overrated. - You're saying it's overrated. - Yeah. - Yeah. - Even combined, "No Hidders" are cool. Now you're telling me four pitchers on the day got together to be like, "You know what? We're not gonna let these guys have a hit." - It's like when Demko and the Smith got the shutout. - Yes, combined shutout. - It's right. Still cool. - It's fun. - It's fun. - Just enjoy sports, Josh. How about that? - Josh is unimpressed. - You know what, why the no hitter that's being referred to was overrated 'cause it happened against my Blue Jays. And it really hit me in all in the feels as far as my confirmation bias towards the Blue Jays and their terrible offense. - Every second day reaches like jazz that the Blue Jays are confirming. - Oh, even last night was just rough. What was it? 16 scoreless innings in a row and then Davis Schneider. - Vinger. Still one. - Hey, wins, it wins a win. - Yeah. - That game had to get real drunk for the Blue Jays to win it last night, but no hitters still underrated. Don't believe Josh. - Next one from Dom. You know what, I'll throw a different Dom one in here than the one he submitted. And then we'll do the one he submitted as well. Dom, winning one round in the playoffs and not going further than that. Overrated or underrated? - Winning one round? - Winning one round, let's just say the Canucks winning one round in the playoffs, overrated or underrated, and having that competitive second round. - It's different for every team. Like if you're the Edmonton Oilers winning one round at this stage, when you have two years left of Conor McDavid under contract, one more year left of Leon Dreyseide, like yeah, you know, finishing with one, you know, by winning one round isn't good enough for the Edmonton Oilers. - Yeah, a different conversation for the Canucks. - Yeah, I think so I think the Canucks season would be very disappointing if they lose in the first round. Does that depend on opponent? - I still think it's disappointing. - Okay. - If they lose in the second round, I don't find as much disappointment. Now again, I think given the give up first round pick and when it got lint home, the season they've had, success they've had, the opportunity that exists, it'd be a missed opportunity if you don't get past the second round. But I think generally the few team that hasn't been in the playoffs since 2020 in that weird pandemic here. - Yeah. - That if you win a round, you can't view the season as a failure. So I'd say a lot of fans won't be happy with that and I'm not saying just win a round. That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying winning a round is probably underrated, especially for a team that hasn't been in the playoffs for more than twice the last decade. - How many teams go from like relative obscurity to just Stanley Cup champion? It just doesn't happen. - It's like Chicago. - They went to the Western Conference final and then the year afterwards won the Cup. - Yeah, but yeah, so it's still that and that's really quick. - Yeah, that was really, they went to Conference final, which was a huge step. - It was pretty quick for them, right? - They missed the playoffs in Crosby's first year. They were a disaster. And then the next year they made the playoffs and went to the Conference final, right? - Yeah. The Leafs made the playoffs Austin Matthews first season and then they'd never made them pass the first round until last year. So yeah, for a team like that, obviously losing in the first round or winning one round isn't enough. - Yeah, the first year Pittsburgh made the playoffs, they went one round, lost in the first round. The second year they went to the Stanley Cup and went to the Cup final two years in a row. They lost in the first round, their first time in the playoffs. - To think that your team is gonna go from relative obscurity to Stanley Cup final is bonkers. It's just not realistic. So if you're going into this year's playoffs, thinking that about the Vancouver Canucks, I mean, yeah, you're setting yourself up for a little bit of disappointment. And I'm not going to be like Vince Vaughn and Dodgeball like setting my goals low so that I never fail anything. But you have to be realistic about your team's chances. The Canucks aren't a heavy favorite to win the Stanley Cup. Should they have some level of success in the Stanley Cup playoffs? I mean, they made a big trade. They made one of the biggest splashes at the trade deadline. So being one and done, that would sting. I think generally you just want to see this team take a step toward being a continued contender over the next couple of years. I don't know if you prove that in one playoff. So it's hard for me to put it into context that winning one round is going to be enough. What if you get to the second round, you're up 3-0 in the second round series and then you blow it and you lose in game seven? You're still gonna be happy about losing in the second round? - No, you're not. - Context matters. Context does matter in this conversation as well. - The goal post constantly changed. - Always. - Next one is Stefan Diggs at age 30, overrated or underrated? - Houston Texans think underrated. - I think for that price, it's underrated. - Yeah, I mean, he wasn't the one thing I will say, though I'd say somewhat overrated 'cause I don't think Diggs was as good as people think he was last year and even maybe the year before. Like his game has slipped a little bit. He's really good, but if you think as he's like a top five receiver, I don't think that's the case anymore. - My bigger question, like the Bills obviously think overrated. So that's why they moved on, but what are the Bills doing? Are the Bills going for Justin Jefferson here, Josh? - Oh, they better not. They could have had him the first time. Got Diggs instead. - Like they lost Gabe Davis this offseason. Now they've lost Stefan Diggs. - They're vibing. - I'm not sure who Josh Allen is gonna throw the ball to at this point. Curtis Samuel? Salton Kincaid and some guys. - Yeah. - Daniel Shakir? - They take a big dead cap hit too on that trade. So it kind of tells you how out they were on the player, right? - So overrated Stefan Diggs. - And we'll end with this one. Tyler, women's sports. - Ah, yes. - The women are underrated. - Now obviously a big topic of conversation because Bobby Ryan decided to... - Bobby Ryan is just digging himself a hole. - Yeah, he did. And I mean, it came off the heels of Kaitlyn Clark, Iowa playing LSU and everybody was so hyped about that game. And the thing is like the reason I found the reaction to it shocking in terms of like, you know, people like, oh, who cares about women's sports? They had like 12 million people watching that game. - 12 million. - Yeah. - NHL hasn't had ratings like that since 1970. - Bad stat blew my mind. Can you believe that? Like NHL hasn't had 12 million people watch their sport since the '70s. And since then the closer they've come, it's like five, six, seven, eight million. Like they haven't come close to touching women's basketball. Hockey hasn't come close to touching women's basketball. So it's funny for hockey players to sit there and laugh at women's basketball when they have 12 million people watching. - So it was 12.3 million viewers for the Iowa LSU game, which is what Bobby Ryan was all upset about. And obviously women's sports underrated. You're starting to see that. You're starting to see it blow up. The only game in NHL history that had higher rating is sat mentioned. May 18, 1971, Montreal Chicago game seven, 12.41 million. So just a hair above the women's semi final there. And you know, like Boston Vancouver game seven is number five on the list of all time most watched in the US, 8.54 million by that share. So it is very touchy what Bobby Ryan got into. I don't even understand it. I don't know what his point is, why he was trying to say what he's trying to do, why he's trying to downplay women's sports. Why do you care that other people care about watching this game? If you don't care, sure, go on about your day. Well, that's the thing. Well, and just 'cause you don't want to watch it doesn't mean other people don't want to watch it. Other people are interested in and one thing is true. And I saw Ted Leonesis talk about this, the owner of the capitals and the wizards about how like he's heavily invested in women's sports 'cause he sees the growth potential in it. And not just, you know, hockey too and basketball, of course, but mentions volleyball and sports like that. And there is potential to it. Now, yeah, maybe it won't become the NFL or perhaps even the NHL, but it's growing to a point where there's a tension on it and people are interested in watching it. So I think it's underrated 'cause they're getting more ratings now than ever. Leagues are actually making money. You're seeing it in soccer and in Europe as well. Yeah, maybe not at the men's level, but if you're laughing at it, dismissing it like nobody cares, it's false. Like people do care about it. You may not care about it, but people do. And I will say watching Caitlyn Clark, if you're a basketball fan or a sports fan that appreciates like greatness, you can appreciate that she's a great basketball player. Yes. I'd go out of my way to watch Caitlyn Clark play basketball. Now, maybe you don't, and you don't have to, it doesn't matter, but yeah, just let things be, man. You can live your life doing things you want to leave people alone. Just live your life and don't worry about what other people do. And I mean, it's just like, I may not want a lot, like I may not care for the Wimbledon final. You know, I'm not gonna sit here and be like, why do people care about Wimbledon, you know? Name me five tennis players. Name me five tennis players. I honestly think I could name more women in March Madness. 100% than I could men. 100% I watch NBA as much as I can, not as much, you know, during the NHL season, but I'm like, I'm an NBA fan. I can guarantee you I can name more women's basketball players right now in college than I can name male basketball players. 100%. - Definitely. - And if you were to, I mean, we have those stupid commercials that are always on during the Canucks games, where they're asking Americans about hockey, and guess what? None of them know anything about hockey. So if you're Bobby Ryan, American hockey player, you played in Ottawa, you played all over these places, if you were to go around the US and poll people like, hey, name seven people on the US Men's National Hockey Team. Are they gonna be able to do it? Probably not. So I don't get your argument here that people don't really like women's sports. They wouldn't be able to name seven players. - Guess what? They could name seven players, seven women playing in March Madness this year. - Yeah, exactly. And also if you just like sport, and you like watching greatness, then watching, you know, Caitlyn Clark do her thing, score 40 points in that game. Why wouldn't you care about that? So whether it's male or female, just it shouldn't really matter all that much. - Dan Rach, people like watching sports. - Yeah, it's just like it doesn't make any sense to me. Well, Bobby, tough one. Take the L move on. How about that? I'm sure you've had that advice, and you're still not taking it. Don't get it. Dan Rach, Satyar Shah, it is Canucks Central. - Hey, it's Mike Alford and Jason Ruff. - Join us for Halford and Ruff in the morning, weekdays for 6 to 9 a.m. on Sportsnet 650. - Or on demand anytime through your favorite podcast app.