Jesse Kelly Show

Democrats/Liberals Lying...Earthquake Weapon

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04 Apr 2024
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Step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse. With family, canolis, and spins mean everything. Now, you wanna get mixed up in the family business. Introducing, The Godfather. At, test your luck in the shadowy world of The Godfather Slides. Someday, I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play The Godfather. Now at Welcome to the family. VTW Group. No purchase necessary. Evolie, we're prohibited by law. See terms and conditions, 18 plus. This is a podcast from WOR. It is the Jesse Cali Show. Let's have some fun, New York. On A, what is it Wednesday today? It's hump day, baby. Put a smile on your face. It's gonna be a great day today. We're gonna talk about so many things. Like, people on the right, not funding causes on the right. Why is that an issue that plagues us? Refilling the strategic petroleum reserve. Why aren't they doing it? In fact, Daniel Turner is gonna come out about a half hour from now and make us all smarter when it comes to that. We're gonna talk about the system. Speaking with one voice at all times is a couple great examples there. Apparently, white people are banned from Saturdays in Berkeley. They're lying about violent crime. The good guys are apologizing again. I'll probably even take some phone calls next hour. Oh, that's so much more coming up tonight on the world famous Jesse Cali Show. I want to begin here with the system. The system and how it speaks with one voice at all times. That is one of the things that has hit me more and more and more in recent years as I look at what's happening with our government, with our country, with our institutions. You look at the different institutions that are supposed to be separate institutions. Remember, media is supposed to be separate from the government. In fact, media is supposed to pretty much be hostile to the government at all times. Obviously, you see that's not how it works. The National Defense Apparatus is supposed to be outside of politics. That includes things like FBI, things like that, supposed to exist outside of it. The education system, politics, they're supposed to be separate. The medical institutions and politics, they're supposed to be separate. Now, you obviously know you've been alive over the past few years. You know now they all speak with one voice at all times. So, for instance, if the government itself has a Republican president, it once removed because the government is about, I think it's 94% Democrats in the United States government. That's a path to national suicide, by the way. So if the Democrats that occupy our bureaucratic agencies want to remove a Republican president and they want a disease the country has, a virus, they want it to be as bad as humanly possible. And that Republican president or maybe some famous podcasters, if they announced that, hey, you could take maybe a Ivermectin or something like that. Well, when you own every institution, you can have the FDA come out and tell the American people that Ivermectin is for animals. Even though Ivermectin had been taken by humans forever, you see what I mean, one voice. One voice. I saw this today. You probably haven't heard anything else about it, but man alive. One voice. The Federal Reserve Chairman, his name is Jerome Powell. You are well aware of who it is. You're well aware of what the Fed does, even though the Fed shouldn't exist. Why is the Federal Reserve Chairman talking about illegal? We got a very large increase in population last year, which may have helped with inflation. It certainly helped with output. At the same time, the economy is growing 3.1% last year. Around that, we also had inflation coming down shortly. Surveys of businesses still show difficulties in hiring people. Did you hear what I'm saying? All this illegal immigration, man, this is good stuff. In fact, it helped the economy. You're going to hear a ton of that this year as illegal immigration continues to hurt Democrats at the polls. You're going to hear all kinds of mixed messaging. The border is secure. We're going to secure the border. What? I don't even want to secure the border. What are you talking about? We want to hand everything out to these people. But when they want one message spread, they can have not just the Federal Reserve Chairman. They can have the Hollywood actress, the NFL wide receiver. They can have your son's social studies teacher. They can have the President of the United States of America and the host on CNN that night. Every single one of those people will speak with one voice moving in the same direction at all times. And that's why I call it the system. And it's really, really, really bad. And it's bad that they mutually support each other and the destruction of the country. Did you hear Corinne diversity higher? Being asked about DAs. Look, people have eyes. People can see. You don't have to live in New York City to know it's really, really bad. You don't have to live in New York City to know why it's really, really bad headline. New York City's serious crimes hit unseen levels in two decades. Adams is, of course, calling it a perception problem. But everyone can see and everyone knows why. Why? Well, you won't keep criminals in jail. It's really that simple. As we've discussed many times before, I don't know if you know anyone in law enforcement, but one of the reasons cops are able to track down criminals so quickly is because there actually aren't that many criminals in any given part of a society. In the bad neighborhood, it's a percentage. It's a small percentage. It's the same people doing the same crimes over and over and over again. So if you're a cop in this precinct in New York and you know your precinct, you know your area, you've been doing it a while and you find out someone, someone did a stick up at the local 7-Eleven and he stole a bunch of lottery tickets and some chewing tobacco, you probably have a list of about five guys you know who are possible suspects of that and you'll be able to find him and apprehend him quickly. But when you don't keep the guys in jail, then it doesn't allow you to give that small percentage off the streets. Everyone knows it. Everyone in the country. Corinne Diversity Hire was asked about it today. Listen to the answers she gives and also keep in mind as she gives this answer. Not only does she run cover for the DAs, but she also sounds pretty reasonable on the issue to Norm and Norma, right? Not to you. You'll know you'll see through her dirty commie language, but Norm sitting at home is in New York City. He's about a Democrat his whole life. I don't know. He's kind of getting sour on it though. His wife had a homeless guy poop on the sidewalk in front of her yesterday and so now I don't know. He's kind of souring on Democrats, but I don't know. I mean it does sound like they care don't they? They care for sure. You guys think that some big cities in this country have liberal DAs that are too soft on crime? Look. Here we go. This first part's for Norm. This is for Norm, Norma. Norm Democrat in New York. He needs to hear this. I will say is I'm not going to speak to every state or city here. It's not for me to speak to. We have been very clear about this. Anyone who commits a crime and is feeling guilty needs to be held accountable. That's what this president believes. Right there for Norm. Right there for Norma. This president, who are in diversity higher, all of them believe in the outright destruction of the United States of America. That's what these people actually believe. In fact, let me toss it to the new DEI officer in the United States of America. You're currently paying this person's salary. This is what they believe. We live and work within systems, and those systems are so deeply rooted in patriarchy, in colonialism, in racism, in otherism. The culture of misogyny has allowed men to act without consequence, and it becomes part of what we believe is normal. And that in order to make any change, we've literally got to be about the work of dismantling that traditional structure at every juncture. But how do you do that and appear to be a get along person or a good team worker? For some reason, there's also this very negative stereotype of feminists as being angry people who just don't smile and don't know how to have a good time. And I think, unfortunately, guess what? We have great time. Yeah. That's the real mentality of this government. Backing everything at all times, they're lying about everything at all times, and they speak with one voice moving in one direction, lies the Federal Reserve Chairman, singing the praises of mass migration, because we live in a corrupted system where the institutions work with each other, and they don't just work with each other in order to destroy the country. Obviously, that's a nice side benefit. In fact, that's the overall goal for them. But there's another aspect to it. Good old fashioned profit, good old fashioned money and power. That's an aspect of what you see. And I'm going to explain this in a little more detail in a moment. You see, they're looting the treasury. You know it. I know it. They're pillaging the treasury. They do it in very specific ways, courtesy of John Podesta and Joe Biden. We have a great example of this, and I'll lay this out for you in just a moment. And then we get to Daniel Turner and we'll talk about the energy reserves. We'll talk about so much tonight on the Jesse Kelly show before we talk about that. Let's talk about your dog. Let me ask you, how's your dog's breath? How's that coat lookin'? How's your dog's energy, hyperactive, maybe even too lethargic? You know our dogs have so many problems they shouldn't have because we don't give them actual nutrition. We give them dog food. Dog food is brown because dog food is dead. Brown things are dead. Alive things are green. They kill everything in dog food so it can last longer on the shelf. You don't have to take Muffy's food away from him, give him rough greens. And all natural nutritional supplement, you pour it on his food, you will see physical differences in your dog. My dog Fred used to have digestive problems after every meal. Do you know what a nightmare that is? No more. Courtesy of rough greens. Oh, by the way, it has probiotics in it too. Call 833-33-my-dog for a free jumpstart trial bag or go to their website, We'll be back. It is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday. I hope Daniel Turner is going to join us about 10 minutes and now get us a little updated on the strategic petroleum reserve, which we're not filling apparently because it's too expensive. Today, the Biden administration announced that it's going to pull back its plans to refill the SPR, the strategic petroleum reserve. You know, they drained that to try and bring gas prices down earlier. Well, they've been trying to fill it back up, but now it is way too expensive. So they say we hit $86 today on the futures market. Yeah. Why is it so expensive? We'll talk to Daniel about that. But before we get to Daniel, let's talk about this and remember, we'll probably do some calls next hour. Don't call. There's no one there yet. I've told him don't even show up yet. I have a bunch of stuff I want to get to first. But you know something that's always bothered me about history, about historical societies, empires. What's always bothered me is some version of this story. King so and so we'll call him King Chris. He's corrupt and bad. He's looting the treasury, stealing from the people. And eventually King Chris's empire crumbles. But the people while they suffer a great deal, they die, they starve, they become enslaved. King Chris doesn't King Chris and all of his men, wife, all of his administrators. The story ends with King Chris living in exile somewhere and you always find out exile was some castle in Scotland where he fishes every day on his on his private yacht. It has bothered me throughout history, ancient societies, modern societies when corrupt evil people hop on that beautiful luxury life raft after destroying their country and they sail off into the sunset while normal people get smashed. It is driven me crazy and it happens all the time historically and it drives me nuts as I watch it happen here. Let me explain something kind of like a 30,000 foot view of this before I get more specific about Podesta and going green stuff. The reason you feel like the economy is bad. The reason you feel like things are more expensive is because they are. But the reason the numbers don't always match that, hey, the stock market tie. What's the big deal? We got a good stock market. Look at all the jobs we created, another 100,000 jobs last month. We beat the market. You know, they're always saying things like that and you can't ever figure out why. Well, let me explain why. What's happening and this has been happening for years and years and years and years and years, but it really got accelerated under COVID was this large corporations and anyone who has aligned themselves with the Democrat run government, including Republicans. They have begun the slow, steady process of looting the treasury of this country as they destroy this country. And one of the places you can really, really see that is the closure of small business. The fact that all the jobs, remember American jobs for American citizens are at a net loss by hundreds of thousands. All net job gains have gone to immigrants. What I'm saying is all the bad people who are destroying this country, they're busy, floods sucking all the money out of their political enemies and handing it all to their friends. Yeah, the stock market looks great. Wow. Is that us? Did we just gut 50 local banks and hand all their assets to Merrill Lynch? Whoa, buy your Merrill Lynch stock. The stock market's up. That's what you're seeing. Overall, you are seeing the looting of the treasury phase of this country. So these people can live high on the hog no matter what they do to your dollar and your retirement. You never see it anymore apparent than this going green stuff. I'm going to give credit to Red State for doing the story of Bochi, Bochi, but whatever his name is, but it's Red State. It's their story, not mine, but they did some digging into John Podesta and go rate yourself if you want. I'm not going to lay it all out. So let me just give you the simplistic version of this. John Podesta currently sits as the climate czar under Joe Biden. When he's not climate czar, he works for an environmentalist group, an environmentalist group that's highly, highly invested in the destruction of oil and gas. Now that he's climate czar, those checks may have stopped coming from the environmentalist group, but if you're the head of the environmentalist group, you get access to one president, Joe Biden. You want to hear, you want to hear one great example of this, speaking of blood sucking from normal people and handing it to their friends. This isn't even us. This is actually from the UK, but it's a great example of this revealed that this is from the daily skeptic, renewable energy jobs are being subsidized by 250,000 euros each job each year. As they create an economy just for themselves and their friends, they pillage the decent people, the free people of this country, gutting us all like fish, looting the treasury. That's why they won't stop spending. That's why it's just everything has to keep going. No cuts. No cuts anywhere. Keep spending. Keep spending like they're like they're drunk, like they're insane. How can you not stop when we've got all this trouble coming? What are you doing? They don't care because they're scraping the last of the treasury into their sacks before they ride off into the sunset and exile in their castles while we're all stuck holding the bag. Now, let's talk about energy with Daniel Turner next before we get to that. Do you have 25 bucks left? Hopefully you at least have that left and you know, 25 bucks still can get you something out there. You know, my pillow, you know, you can buy a two pack of the multi-use my pillows, 25 bucks right now. Been wanting those my pillow sandals. I know everyone wants them, but man, they're kind of pricey sometimes. Yeah, they're 25 bucks right now. Six piece Tal said 25 bucks right now. Listen, $25 extravaganza sale at my pillow is appointment style television, even though it's not television. You need to go there and take advantage when you can get so much for so little. click on the radio list or special square and use the promo code Jesse walk around and your my pillow sandals, lay your head down on your my pillow pillows, have a double on the pillows. If you'd like, it's 25 bucks. My promo code Jesse, Daniel Turner talks about power and oil is the Jesse Kelly show and joining me now as he does whenever we have energy questions. And I have many, many energy questions tonight. My friend Daniel Turner of power, the future given a get always getting us boned up on the who's who and what's what here was Corinne diversity higher today. You guys started draining this strategic petroleum reserve to try and help with the Putin price type a few years ago, said you were going to refill it, but now it doesn't seem like that's happening. Why? Well, from I believe the Department of Energy is is responsible for for that particular component is refilling refilling that. So I would refer you to Department of Energy. I know there are certain what I can't speak to that. I just work here. Daniel, what's the strategic petroleum reserve anyway? Why does it even exist? Yeah, this is about 900 million barrels of oil that we have set aside in strategic locations for the sole purpose of God forbid, there's an emergency. The best example of when we used it was hurricane Katrina, which really obviously, as you know, hit the Gulf Coast pretty hard and took out a lot of our oil capabilities, but no worries. We have four months of reserves on hand and we can tap into it and the economy can keep running because as much as Joe Biden doesn't want to admit it, we are a fossil fuel economy and we need to move goods and we need to move military and we need to transport things and stay alive and that requires oil. So that's what the reserve is for. It's not supposed to be touched unless there's some sort of national security, natural disaster, black swan event, unless you're the nefarious little Joe Biden and it's 2022 and you are at risk of losing the Senate and so you say, what if I start pumping millions of barrels from the reserves into the general oil economy that will increase the supply, it will therefore lower prices and that's one less talking point they're going to hit me on in 2022 midterms and it worked. It was a very smart idea politically. It was a scumbag move for the national security and for the economy. The president of the United States should not take such liberalities with America's goods for political purposes but this is Joe Biden we're talking about. So very, very nasty decision and we're in a huge hole as a result. Daniel, you can speak to the size of that hole if you will but I want to also ask you 900 million barrels of oil. For those of us who don't do what you do for a living, that's just a gargantuan number but it doesn't mean anything to me. What is that power and how long does it power it? How long does that help us along? Great question. So we use around 20 million barrels of oil a day. The nation does. That's you going to the gas station and having there be gas there. That's you deciding, I'm going to go see grandma, let me book a flight on Delta and Delta having a flight because they have jet fuel. So it's crude oil, right? We use 20 million barrels of crude oil which is refined in multiple different ways. So if you want to do the math of 900 million, 20 million per day, that's how much of a reserve we have. Joe Biden shrunk it to about 17 days which is cataclysmic, right? Again, when Hurricane Katrina hit Jesse back in whatever year that was 2003, 2002, I forget when Hurricane Katrina hit, we used about 25 days worth of reserves. We had 17 under Joe Biden. So fingers crossed, right? That's what we do as a government now. Fingers crossed, all these people crossed in the border aren't terrorists. Fingers crossed that there's no huge hurricane that hits the Gulf Coast in hurricane season, right? I'm getting to hurricane season soon because it's getting to be summer, right? Fingers crossed that, et cetera, et cetera. That's how the Dubai administration works. But you can only cross your fingers so many times, right? Eventually, life is going to catch up to you. Speaking with Daniel Turner, Power of the Future, Daniel, okay, so help me understand why they wouldn't refill it though. Look, they're saying today that it's, quote, too expensive, but none of these people care about money. They certainly don't care about the value of the dollar or the, any of these things. Why not just fill it back up? Yeah. Oil prices are high. They're at 85 right now. And so the Trump administration tried to fill the reserves when it was around 750 million. He wanted to tap it out completely when oil was at $25, $30 a barrel. And Congress stopped him and said, "You do not have the authority to spend so much money." It's funny how when Trump ever tried to do anything, Congress had the authority to stop it. But when Biden tries to do everything, our Congress is like, "Well, you know, I mean, he is the president, elections have consequences." But somehow the Democrats stopped everything Trump wanted to do. We just can't seem to stop Biden. But that's an aside, Jesse. Maybe that's another show. So that's exactly what's happening is the Biden administration planned to refill it, but they didn't want, they didn't plan for oil to be climbing this high. And quite frankly, we don't have the money, we don't have the money for anything. We certainly don't have the money to buy oil. And Biden knows that if he keeps buying an additional million, in addition to what the consumers are buying, prices are going to go up and they're going to go up. So he's trying to take the demand factor out of the equation. Daniel, what's Guyana? I've never been to that part of Europe. Guyana? The South American oil giant that everyone seems to be talking about now, are they friends? Are they foes? Guyana, Guyana, I forget how it's pronounced. You know, that's a tough one because 30 years ago, we had great friends in South America and then the Chavez regime came on board and Venezuela has the world's largest petroleum reserves, bigger than America, bigger than the Saudis. They're a neighboring country. But I would tend to think anyone in South America right now, if they're not under the control of Venezuela and just flat out communists, they're in the control of communist China. So I'm not optimistic of their huge reserves there. We're talking about the same country. Okay. We are talking about the same country. Yeah. Where does China get its oil from, Daniel? It's my understanding that they don't have large quantities of it. So where are they getting? Is this all Russia? Is this Iran? Does Iran have loads of it? Exactly. Those two in particular, Iran and Russia and you raise a really good point and your military background would kick in and this is a great conversation in terms of strategic engagement with China. China doesn't have a domestic supply of oil and it's their biggest vulnerability. So imagine if we could just squeeze China by refusing to allow them to get oil. That's what we're supposed to be doing all along, but we just let China take a pass. The reason why China is in bad shape also from lack of oil is why they're pushing their citizens to drive electric vehicles because what China does have a lot of is coal. So they say, "Well, we can burn all these coal plants. We're not going to burn it in any responsible way. We'll give our citizens these crappy EVs no one wants because we make them here at home." And if we need cars, we'll use electric cars. Now if you're more on like Jennifer Granholm, our energy secretary, you look at that and you say, "Look at China. They're buying EVs. They care about the earth." No, they don't. They don't give a damn about the earth. What they give a damn about is that they don't have oil. So China needs oil desperately, but they don't have a domestic supply. It's part of why they are trying to conquer much of the world, why they're active in South America, why they're active right now in Mexico, hugely active in Mexico. China is building cities and industry in Mexico that would embarrass America if we ever woke up. And it's because Mexico also has huge oil supply. So China is, as always, a step ahead of us. And Joe Biden is deciding if he wants, you know, putting for dessert. Yeah, like Daniel, you were the best brother. Thank you for letting us know exactly. It's one day it's going to be good news. I swear we'll get there, Jesse. It's all right. It's all right. Thank you, brother. Like 17 days. We have 17 days worth of oil for the country shuts down if something bad happens. That's not good. Anyway, let's get on to some emails and some other stuff. Hang on. The Jesse Kelly show, it is the Jesse Kelly show on a Wednesday, an amazing hump day. Don't forget, you can email the show love, hate, death threats, ask Dr. Jesse questions for Friday, whatever you want, email that all into Jesse at Jesse Kelly Now before I get back to the politics and some other things. So did you see the earthquake last night? I saw the, well, the footage of the earthquake in Taiwan last night. There was a point, apparently a 7.5 magnitude earthquake in Taiwan. That is a large earthquake. That is a, I want you, I want you to picture this. I want you to picture this. I want you to picture. It's an icy day. The sidewalk is covered in a sheet of ice. I want you to picture Whoopi Goldberg walking out of the studio, slipping and falling right in front of you. That is what a 7.5 magnitude earthquake feels like. Think about that. And I don't know if you saw the pictures, the videos, there are all these buildings now in Taiwan. Obviously many came down. Many of them are leaning like the leaning tower of pizza and it's really, really frightening. So I then saw the news story that went with it that China was mobilizing a bunch of planes and things for a quote aid to Taiwan. Now let me clarify something. I have spoken to multiple people who I consider to be experts in that field for policy in China and intelligence and whatnot. They actually are, many of them are questioning whether or not China wants to invade Taiwan. They think China might be trying to bribe Taiwan. Basically hand, hand Taiwan enough goodies that they eventually hand Taiwan back to you willingly. So let me clarify. I don't believe what I'm about to say, but what if China has an earthquake weapon and I don't get in the what Chris hear me out. No, I don't believe they have an earthquake weapon and I'm certainly not rooting for the Chai comms and any way to get a weapon that we don't have. That's not what I want. But wouldn't it be cool if there was an earthquake weapon? No, what Chris? Aren't you hearing me here picture this China wants to invade Taiwan. They do the that's probably what the earthquake weapon would sound like as it was charging up. That's what it sounds like as they shoot the earthquake like laser beams down to the plates. Whatever it is, Chris, they cause an earthquake on purpose in Taiwan and then they use the earthquake as kind of a first shot in the combined arms amphibious invasion into Taiwan. And no, none of this stuff is true. But gosh, wouldn't that be sweet and think about what you would do if you had an earthquake weapon. I don't think people have understood can really grasp what that would mean. Oh my goodness, I would have so much fun. Oh, you sporting event kind of bored at this track meet man. My kid doesn't run again for three hours. Oh, ground shake and everyone guess we better wrap it up and go home today. My neighbor Mike, my neighbor Mike, yeah, he's a great dude. We get a long fine, but he has this huge backyard. He's that guy who got the cherry lot and it's like 10 times the size of everyone else's yard and he's always putting fun stuff back there. Hey, Jesse, come over. I got a horseshoe pit put in. Hey, I got a play area for the kids. Oh, we're putting in a pool. Oh, Mike. Sorry about that earthquake last night. Man, your yard looks pretty busted up too bad about the new pool got the inflatable puffed up. If you'd like to come over and cool off today anyway in earthquake weapon, what if it actually does exist and Chris, you know the best part about this is you know for a hundred percent fact that we will show up tomorrow. In fact, probably before the show is over tonight, we're going to have emails with links to earthquake weapons that people think exists and no, I'm not going to believe your link. I'm not. I'm sorry. I'm not. It's not that I trust governments. I just see how poorly governments handle weapons. There's no way they'd have an earthquake weapon. No way. They would have already used it by now. Anyway, hey, paint flour. I thought you might find this interesting. There's large electronic billboards along the freeways in Michigan showing it's Donald's Trump fault. It's Donald Trump's fault at the border for the border crisis. He says these commies have no shame at all. This sure would be nice if some of our conservative money bags would dump some money in the Michigan like the, okay, let me, let's talk about this. His name is Dell. We just discussed briefly the Swiss billionaire now pause on this and think about what this guy's doing for a moment. This is going to come back to our people to stay with me. This is a billionaire. Billionaires generally aren't billionaires because they love to waste gigantic quantities of money, but this billionaire sinks tens of millions, hundreds of millions of dollars into left wing nonprofits to attack American politics to get involved in American politics. Bill Gates is famous for this sinks, gobs of money, George Soros. We hate him. You hate him. I hate him. You almost have to admire the commitment of that wrinkled old communist to make all this money and then turn around and pour it back into something that doesn't make him money. Now, yes, there are lots of cases where it does come back. It pays for their invested in solar panels. So they'll destroy oil. I'm aware that there is a profit motive behind some of these guys with some of the things they do. The truth is there is a mountain of communist money out there that gets thrown around with no hope whatsoever that they will get a return on investment. George Soros will never, ever, ever, ever, ever see a return on the gigantic gobs of money he has sunk into destroying America's cities. George Soros's bank account, it will never personal, it will never grow because he got Alvin Bragg elected in New York City. And now Alvin Bragg, make sure the murders and rapists are back on the street. That will not grow George Soros's checking account ever. It will not. And yet he spends anyway and he doesn't back off. They just made another announcement. We're making this about Soros now. They're going to spend more. They're spending more into this DA race. They're going to put more into that race and more into this and more into that and more into that. But you don't see that same thing from right wing millionaires and billionaires. Why is that? Why don't you see the same thing from right wing rich guys that you see from left wing rich guys? Let's discuss this. There's a fascinating dig into the mentality behind this and there's some other more easily explainable ways to do this. Let's let's talk about this next. Hang on. This has been a podcast from WOR with the Lucky Land Slides. You can get lucky just about anywhere. This is your captain speaking. We've got clear runway and the weather is fine, but we're just going to circle up here a while and get lucky. Oh, no, nothing like that. It's just these cash prizes that up quick. So I suggest you sit back, keep your tray table upright and start getting lucky. Live for free at LuckyLand Are you feeling lucky? No purchase necessary. Boyd were prohibited by law. 18 plus terms and conditions apply. See website for details.