Jesse Kelly Show

Berkeley Bans White People on Saturdays and Jesse is OK With That

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04 Apr 2024
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It is Ryan here and I have a question for you, what do you do when you win? Like are you a fist-pumper, a woohoo, a hand clap or a high-fiver? I kind of like the high-fiver, but if you want to hone in on those winning moves, check out Chumba Casino. At, choose from hundreds of social casino-style games for your chance to redeem serious cash prizes. There are new game releases weekly plus free daily bonuses, so don't wait, start having the most fun ever at This is a podcast from W.O.R. It is the Jesse Kelly Show, final hour of the Jesse Kelly Show on a Wednesday. What an outstanding hour it's going to be. We're going to talk about the good guys being afraid again real quick here. We're going to talk about the white people being banned at Berkeley. The gifted students program being gone. Those two calls we took were awesome, so probably do some more of those. In fact, we're definitely going to do some more of those here shortly. I'm going to do a couple of things first though. First, there's an article out. This is from the Post Millennial. This is the headline. You see Berkeley own community farm of allegedly bans white people on Saturdays, and everyone's talking about this story today. Oh my gosh, Berkeley banned white people on Saturdays. White people aren't allowed there on Saturdays, you know, you young people. What do you like? Would you like my Saturdays coming to you're welcome to come take them because let me tell you something. When you're not 20 years old with no responsibilities whatsoever, Saturdays are fantastic. And believe me, I have been there before you sleep until nine. Maybe you wake up drift on down to McDonald's get some sausage burritos from the dollar menu for you and the boys, maybe you're going to go out, shoot some hoops that day, maybe you're going to go out and shoot some guns that day. Grab a beer. Hey, let's call some dimes and see if we can go make out with somebody. Oh, I know, I know Saturday doesn't look like that when you're 42. The kids will be up early, dad, I'm hungry. Hey, should we make bacon? And then you can't make enough bacon. You just have to sit there. If you ever make the mistake of I'll just make a few pieces. I made eight pieces of a couple of Saturdays ago, eight pieces and I was supposed to be enough for everyone because the wife doesn't even eat it. I set it down on the plate behind me and started making eggs. I turned around the bacon was gone. What Chris? What? No, I'm not making it in the oven. Okay. I'm sorry. I love America. I don't make my bacon in the oven. The one thing I will do different is I will make it on the black stone. I've started to learn to take advantage of that much surface area just because you got to throw the whole pound on. But then that gets expensive. You know what? A pound of Oscar Meyer bacon costs now. It's a lot. And I know you don't. Oh, yeah, I guess you don't do you, Chris. Chris didn't know what it costs. And then eggs. Oh, you think you're going to make everyone two eggs. That's hilarious. No, you're going to have to make a dozen eggs because my oldest he'll take down six or seven at least. And that's, that's when I've cut him off for my sake. That's when I've cut him off toast. And that's when you're done with that. Then it's of course practices. Oh, we have a swim meet today. I got to get a track today. You want my Saturday's communists? You're welcome. Please banish me from Saturday. I don't want, I don't want this. I am on board with no white people Saturday. All right, quit focus eight, seven, seven, three, seven, four, three, seven, three, Susan Alaska. Go. Hi, I'm the wife of a now retired military veteran. She was in the military for about 26 years and I have come to believe that leftists are as dangerous or actually more dangerous than the grizzlies that live around me and I am not kidding. The things that I've seen up here, I was in, you had mentioned the earthquake earlier. I was in, it was just a 7.2 earthquake, but I was all by myself. I was up in the mountains and head, no power, which meant I didn't have water for my well, et cetera. My husband was gone and so we were having all these aftershocks and it was dark and I put on his little headlamp and went out on our, we have about five acres in the mountains and put on my headlamp or his headlamp. I was going down the mountain to go look for. I love my headlamp. I'm telling you right now, speaking of Saturdays and speaking of kids, you know, I couldn't find it anymore. I had this sweet headlamp and I had it in my go bag as part of my go bag. You know why I couldn't find it anymore? Because my youngest is a reader. He's a book freak. He loves books. He's books after books that I know, Chris, I know, well, he likes to steal my headlamps so he can lay in bed and read when he should be asleep. And so now my headlamp, what now that I discovered it already half the bulbs are burned out. It doesn't work right in. This is what I'm talking about about Saturdays. Now we'll get back to these in a minute, 8, 7, 7, 3, 7, 4, 3, 7, 3, 7, 3. I want to talk about this really quickly. Just going to say this quick and move on. We've talked about the problem we have, one of the problems we have being this simple fact that the evil people are so bold now and the good people are afraid. Bad people who want horrible evil things, they are bold about it. They will shout it from the rooftops. The good people are sheepish. Well, I mean, I don't want to offend anyone. Well, if me being right was offensive, I'm sorry, headline US soccer player apologizes for sharing Christian content after Megan Rapinoe says it's hateful and causing child suicide. I know she's only 20 years old. I'm not even going to bother calling her out by name Christians don't apologize for sharing biblical things. You don't apologize for anything you believe ever to anybody and you definitely don't apologize to some commie lesbian hag Megan Rapinoe because she happens to be offensive offended by something. I don't give a crap what Megan Rapinoe is offended by. In fact, let me tell all of you something right now. If you are doing things that don't offend Megan Rapinoe, that's when you should stop and examine yourself. If your very existence doesn't offend that Maoist piece of communist trash, you are screwing up and she doesn't get an apology from you. Don't you ever apologize to communist scum. Your liberal Aunt Peggy wants to carve up babies like a third Thanksgiving turkeys. You want to stop her. You don't have to be sheepish about what you believe. She's the demon. She's the one who wants open borders. She's the one who wants your country full of rapists. She's the one who wants the dollar destroyed. She's the one. Look, this is what these people believe. These people feel comfortable talking like this publicly. Why are you apologizing for anything? We live and work within systems and those systems are so deeply rooted in patriarchy and colonialism and racism and otherism. The culture of misogyny has allowed men to act without consequence and it becomes part of what we believe is normal. Yeah, speaking of culture, why is that will to beast allowed to speak like that publicly without fear of shame? Oh, do we wrong? She shouldn't fear legal recourse. She shouldn't fear any physical harm or anything like that. That's not what I'm saying, but these dirtballs should be afraid, afraid of their friends, family, afraid of society, but they're not. They're so bold. They shout the evil things. They think they shout them from the mountaintops, the good people. Oh, they're so sorry. Oh, if anyone, if did I offend you, I'm so sorry. I'm not sorry. I'm sorry at all. Aaron Brooklyn. Go. Hello. You may be very well be interested in your two things I'd like to point out, but probably the most amazing thing is. I'm already bored. 877-377-4373, 877-377-4373, Danny, North Carolina, go. The true belief is always win. There is no substitute for a president that will fight for their constituents. Now, if the border with the Texas Rangers and the National Guard down there, they're telling the illegals, do you know who Steve from Manhattan is? Oh, he did it. Oh, that was sick. He got through. Oh, man, props to you, buddy, he pulled it off. That guy hasn't squirmed by an age as that was awesome. 877-377-4373, Seattle's gifted programs being ditched. Too many. Let's look. This is according to them. Too many white and Asian kids. Look. Seattle. I appreciate you tossing the lights of bone there, but we all know it was all Asian kids in the gifted classes. All right, whatever. 877-377-4373, we're going to do a couple of emails, talk a little sage, steal stuff. We'll get back to those in a little bit before we get to those. Let's chat. We talk about our medical institutions all the time, right? How twisted they've become CDC now going to get involved in gun violence. Do you think maybe we should be seeking out alternatives whenever possible? I love chalk because chalk is not my last resort. They're my first stop. When I have something I want improved on, I go to chalk first because chalk is so much more than male vitality stacks. That's just what I take every day. It's natural herbal supplements, no matter your age, male, female, old, young, middle. I don't. It doesn't matter. They have something that will improve your life. And they have a big discount on everything for subscriptions. So go get one C H O Q dot com promo code Jesse. All right, promo code Jesse, you're listening to the oracle is the Jesse Kelly show. Hey, great news from last night out of Wisconsin, Wisconsin voters overwhelmingly voted to ban the private funds that get put into their elections. There was so much ugliness going on in Wisconsin in the past few years that Wisconsin elected officials like green base have resigned over. That's how dirty all that stuff got. So we'll never get straight answers, but the good news is a lot of that money ain't allowed anymore, so put a smile on your face. That is a good thing. Now let's get to some emails and then we'll get back to these calls, find they got some lines open up there, had to hang up on a few people eight, seven, seven, three, seven, seven, four, three, seven, three, seven, three, hey, European oracle as communism is the antithesis to an omnipotent God. How can Cuba stay Catholic and communist? My next question is really for asked Dr. Jesse Friday, but as a Jew, due to the Sabbath, I can't listen. Chris, I thought that the Sabbath was on Saturday. Oh, Friday night to Saturday night. Did you people just recently change those rules or was that that was the, oh, that's been the, it's been like that for a while. I didn't get the newsletter. No, I did not. Anyway, okay. Anyway, this guy's Jewish. You couldn't listen on Friday. You could answer this one. What was the purpose of Hitler's battle of the bulge? Was it to force the US to a conditional surrender and was it possible for the attack to capture the ports in Belgium? Okay. Let's talk about battle of the bulge real quickly as almost everyone knows the deal. This was towards the end. This was the last gasp of the Nazi army. They mass their forces up and they, you know, everything set an align in battle. It's so funny how little things have changed throughout the years and the old days, you know, 2000 years ago, you would have a battle line and on that line, you would have swords and spears and things like that. And you want to stay parallel to each other. It's one of those things. If you've never gone through boot camp, I can't speak to all the others, but Marine Corps boot camps this way. I'm sure army boot camps this way. When you're advancing, whatever you're doing, it's like, get in line. Get in line. You could just, I could just hear all the yelling, getting in line. You always want to be in line. It's a huge problem, huge problem. If someone gets too far ahead or too far behind, because what that happens then is your, your flank gets exposed. You want to be in line, whether it's modern day or ancient times. So no one can hit you from the sides, hit you from the back. You only have one direction to worry about, right? If you're in line, you're together, all the problems in the front. So we, even in massive armies, even across Europe, at this time, late stage Europe, there was a line, a line all the way across that we were boxing Hitler in. And remember, Hitler was in a bad, bad, bad spot for bigger reasons than us. The Soviets were busy beating the crap out of him on the other side, on the eastern side. And the Soviets weren't beating the crap out of him the way we were. It was one of the most vicious armies in the history of mankind. And because of the enemy they were slaughtering, they'll never get the publicity for it. But you know, the Nazis invaded the Soviet Union, all those atrocities, all the, all the death and the massacres, but the Soviets are not ones to forget such things. And they were visiting all that stuff back on the German civilians, not just Nazi Empire on the way to Berlin. This is a long way of saying Hitler was really stuck between a rock and a hard place. The answer to your question, because people say that all the time, and that really was what was sold. That was the goal of it. We're going to try to break through that line. Remember I said there's a line, there were the allied lines, mass up your troops, break through the line. If you can break through the line, maybe you can get to Belgium's ports and look, even if he'd taken the Belgium's ports, it would have delayed the inevitable. They didn't have control of the seas could take the ports all you want. We control the seas. The United States Navy at the end of World War II, what I'm even talking about, Britain's our Navy ruled the world by then. Frankly, we overbuilt our Navy by the time World War II was done, our Navy was ridiculous. It was ridiculous. So the ports wouldn't have saved him. Nothing would have saved him. It's called a bulge because the lines never broke. It just bulged backwards into this big ball. And then eventually we were able to repel him. Those end days of World War II, I know there've been a million World War II books written in 90% of them are written about Europe because that was really the central part of it. I find the Pacific war to be actually more fascinating, but I understand why the world is more fascinated with, you know, you have this big evil monster like Hitler and you have this all time atrocity like the Holocaust and like this big flashy, splashy things are in Europe at the times, but the end days in Europe were really, really ugly. And not only because of all the Soviet atrocities, oh, the things the Soviets did to civilians. It was, look, it's stuff that I won't even really talk about on the radio. It was really, really, really bad. But that stuff has not been talked about enough, to be honest with you, it's a fascinating part of history. But it is what it is anyway. Rudy, Jersey, go. Hey, good show. I'll listen to you quite a bit, but you mentioned something about the local elections that we don't lose the local elections because there's no hanky panky going on. You know, you're kind of wrong on that unless you've not done some research to find out what's going on like with the masons. Have you did any research on that? Oh, the Freemasons. What ones did they steal? Yeah, they're all over the place there. They're in the schools. They're teachers. They're in our local governments, not to mention, you know, they're in the police. In fact, I'll give you a thing about the police. They're coming off the boat anyway, you know, private boat, yadda yadda yadda, right? And the game board can come down, right? We'll see a free message. Well, I heard that some of the game boardens are masons, right? I figure. And I know a little bit. So I gave them the masons sign. He looked at me. Give it to me a small fly. What's the Mason sign? Hold on. What's the Mason sign? Okay. Turned around and walked away. Rudy, hold on. What's the Mason sign? I want to know it. You know, well, you've got to do the research, man. One is, you know, when you put your hand, I bet I know what it is. I've seen them give the signs to the base runners to steal second. Bet you money. It's real close to that. In fact, I'm going to give that. I'm going to give that to the next school teacher I meet, see if he's one of you people, Chris. Anyway, you know what? I'm going to text someone about this now on my peer talk phone. I bet you by the time I get back from break, I will know what the free Mason sign is. If anyone in my contacts list knows what it is, I'll know what it is because peer talks on the same great 5G network as everyone else. So my goal for my free Mason, I almost call them gold masons, Chris. So my free Mason text messaging, it's going to go through all know the signs and I'll be paying less for this cell phone service. And when you switch to peer talk today, you save an additional 50% off your first month. So switch today's the day. Top with your garbage cell phone company, the commie cell phone companies, Verizon's the AT&T's, the T-Mobile's. These are bad places. We should not be funding these places. Pure top. Pick up your phone dial pound two five zero and say Jesse Kelly. They actually love the country. They actually hire Americans. No free masons. Just Americans dial pound two five zero say Jesse Kelly. All right, eight seven seven three seven seven four three seven three. We'll be back. They're getting a little spicy over there in Asia and you know me as a journalist. It's my job to bring you the news. It's journalist Jesse. There's just no one better. We love Jesse. He's the best. Jesse, please kiss my baby. Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. So you know how there was that big earthquake in Taiwan and we talked about it and how much I want an earthquake weapon and I think China might have one. I'm kidding. They don't have one, but that would be cool if they did anyway. There was a big earthquake in Taiwan all joking aside. A big seven point fiver Japan just told the Okinawans, ah, probably time for you guys to go apparently the tidal wave that's coming is gigantic and might want to say a prayer for that one because tidal waves are those things. Remember that insane one? I forget. Gosh, I'm a terrible person. I forget where it was a few years back. Ten years back. I don't remember it was Thailand maybe or Cambodia. There's all that video of it that that tidal wave that came in and just wiped out a shore tidal waves. They're like tornadoes, man. It's the ocean. It can take it all out, so that is not good. You know what else isn't good? The president of the United States of America is not, he's, he's not functional sage steel. She used to be a sports reporter on ESPN. She broke free from those evil dirty commies. Now she's doing other stuff, but she had to interview Biden in 2021. I want you to listen to this and this is not about sage steel or yes, pianist. It's not really about any of that. But what does it mean when the commander in chief requires this level of preparation to go through a softball interview? Remember, this was sage steel at a sports network. It's not like he was sitting down with me to answer questions here. It's not like he was going to get some toughies and listen to what the president needs to do interview. That was an interesting experience in its own, right? Because it was so structured and I was told you will say every word that we write out, you will not deviate from the script and go to the word. Every single question was scripted, gone over dozens of times by many executives, editors and executives. Absolutely. I was on script and was told not to deviate as it was very much. This is what you will ask. This is how you will say it. No follow ups, no follow ups next. I knew that this was a lot bigger than just the wonderful editors that I worked with. This went up to the fourth floor, as we said, that we're all the bosses, the top executives and decision makers are the president of our company, the CEO, where they all work. The system speaks with one voice, ESPN owned by Disney, Disney owned by communists, communist insisting that their man be presented in the best light at all times. So Joe Biden isn't even going to take a follow up question from a sports reporter on ESPN. Yeah, Lee, that is honestly, it's frightening. It's not even aggravating this dude. I mean, do you realize the decision making that goes into being commander in chief in peace time, the decision making is it's a lot. There is a ton that goes into it. That's in peace time. What if what if these people really do get us into a war and they might? They sure might. You know what? Moving on. Let's talk about other things. Rico Denver. Go. Hey, I want to dream that up for two seconds. What would it look like if we were to convince these aliens through the Democrats really are and turn them and make them all better conservative people, American citizens? How are we going to do that, Rico? I was thinking starting a foundation, helping them. They work for cash, but also then you teach them the pledge of allegiance. You teach them what America is. You teach them the founding fathers. And I don't know. They're already freaking here. Let's step. Do you recommend? Do you have any ideas? No. That's what's in the middle here. Let's walk through this together. We'll do this together. It's just you and me here. Okay. So your plan is to start a foundation. You're going to pay them to work and teach them the pledge of allegiance, constitution and all that other stuff and all those things are wonderful. Okay. Let's say Jewish producer Chris is a Jewish producer, a Lupe, all right, and he just got here from Guatemala and I, I'm a dirtball Democrat. Hey, Chris, I've got a free hotel room for you and your family. We're going to make sure you get citizenship. Oh, and here's a debit card. You can buy whatever you want in the city, free room and board. Your kids get a free education. Don't worry. No problems at all. That's my offer to Jewish producer Lupe. Your offer to him is giving him a job and teaching him the pledge of allegiance. Which do you think he's going to pick? Well, you put it that way. I understand the whole that is that theory. No, no, no, you're, you're, you're, it's not like you said something dumb. It's, it's, it's a legitimate concern. Hey, they're here. What do we do? What if we convert them? But that's not how it works and Democrats understand that's not how it works. And for the longest time, the right has convinced itself that, no, we don't need to deport them, secure our borders. We'll teach them about freedom. We have in so many ways on the right, I call it nursery rhyme conservatism. We have some of the most naive views of humanity itself. We do. We freedom loving people. We patriotic people. We Americans. You don't understand how much D how much our DNA is freedom loving and how much that makes us different than so many other peoples on the planet. I've been to many of the ugly parts on the planet. And I'm telling you right now, this idea that most people crave quote, freedom from government, that's a lie. Oh, yeah, don't get me wrong, people living under tyranny, crave freedom from government. I realized that government suppressing them and whatnot. But you talk to most people around the world, even, you know, good people. They don't even understand the American concept of freedom. Someone like me, like when I talk to foreigners and you know, I speak a lot of European. I speak a lot of languages, but wouldn't see, see, when I talk to foreigners, when I give them my honest opinion of government and the role of government and the size of government, when I tell them I want virtually every, every, every department eliminated the government slash to virtually nothing, they're aghast at me. And these are people who you would think share our values. These are the quote conservatives across the pond and the UK and whatnot. It is the biggest pipe dream in the world to think that someone is going to come here as an indentured servant, be handed free Xboxes, free hotels, free jobs, free credit cards, free everything free, free this, free that and we're instead going to sit down and tell them about John Hancock and sway him to our side. I wish that would work. I do. That is living in some kind of alternate reality. I'll tell you that much. David Idaho go, oh, I didn't pick the button. David, I hope you're not already talking David Idaho go and you hear me. Can you hear me? I'm the one who pressed the button wrong. I'll give you a pass on that one. Go ahead. Okay. You're missing the rope. Adope. Trump ran the tables in 2020 and the Dems stopped the ballot boxes. Everyone is expecting the Dems to do the same thing again and Trump's going to win again in the landslide again and as soon as election night is over, there's going to be all kinds of witnesses, cameras, footages and overwhelming, quote, proof of, quote, Republican stopping ballot boxes. If they're going to let Trump win and they're going to frame it, they're going to frame him as a change. Hi, I don't know if I'll go that far. Look, I can't call you crazy at all that these people are that evil. I don't doubt that they're that evil. I do kind of doubt that they're that smart. They are most definitely planning on all kinds of legal challenges. In the case Trump wins there, they've been very honest about it. You watch. They're not going to certify the election if they have the house. They'll challenge it in the courts. You can't imagine what these people will do if Trump wins next time. Oh my gosh, you thought it was bad last time, whatever. Let's not talk about that. Let's talk about something good. You ever heard of the do good village? The do good village. So I want you to picture this that a family has a terrible loss. Dad is a cop gunned down a line of duty leaves behind white two kids. But if there was a community of other families like that where they could move and heal together and play together and live together, that's what the do good villages in Florida. That's what tunnel to towers is building for gold star families, fallen first responder families, catastrophically injured veterans, people who have suffered loss for our country and our communities. They're being brought together and provided for by you in tunnel to towers. I just wanted you to know that's where your $11 a month is going. T the number two T dot org. Go give what you can tunnel to towers. We'll be back. Fighting for your freedom, Jesse Kelly show final segment of the Jesse Kelly show. We'll be back to do all this again tomorrow. Remember you can email the show Jesse at Jesse Kelly show dot com. Okay, a couple of things real quick before I get to maybe one or two more calls, some headlines. I wanted to touch on something really quickly here. First, let's do a couple of emails. Hey, Jesse, I was thinking today where cuts need to be. She's talking about social security cuts. That's the subject of it crap like giving millions to people that have these stupid research like shrimp on a treadmill. That's where the cuts should be. Listen, the cuts have to be everywhere. This is what this is what people don't understand. People will say, because I believe because every, here's where I stand, I'm trying to save our way of life, all right, trying to do so in a way that does not harm the people who are now older have paid in and rely on them. However, I'm trying to save America. Every time I try to do that, I end up calling for cuts to something. But remember, I call for cuts to everything. I'm not specific. Oh, nope. Your thing has to go. Oh, nope. Your thing's has to go. No, because it all has to go. I'm going to read this to you again, 84%. Social security, Medicare, Medicaid, they take up 84% of the money the government brings in. Government brings in $4 trillion in chains. We'll just call it $4 trillion, 84% to those all the rest of it, military, everything has to be borrowed for or crammed in that little 16% setting aside any anger. I want you to listen to something. This is Senator Rand Paul. He was on my TV show. I remember I do a TV show every night at 9 p.m. Eastern time on the first. This was Rand Paul. It's not me. It's not even Rand. This is math. Listen, within the next couple of years, the people who live on the, the basic smallest amount of social security, which I believe is around $700 a month, those people will get a 20% cut in their social security unless we reform it. So you have to reform it. Unless someone does something, 20% cut is coming, not 20 years, not 50, a couple you'll be here. The problem, the big crisis, it's here. It's at our door. And none of these people care. None of them act like they want to do anything about it. And so no, you can't just cut this and that. And yes, I agree with you all the ridiculous money they hand out to countries and programs and grants and no, I, I'm slash all that too, slash it all to save our way of life. Again, if you think about all the, all the programs and expenditures of the government, like a bowl of a hundred marbles, we think about our budget problems and we think about them like, okay, let's sit down with the bowl and that's, okay, we don't need this marble. We'll take this one out and this marble, I guess we can do without that one. And no, you're not understanding the crisis situation. Put the ball, all of them gone, then we'll figure out what we can put back. Okay, first of all, let's make sure we're taking care of the people who aren't working anymore who rely on these programs. Okay, boom. Let's put some of those back in. Let's put national defense. Obviously we need to have some sort of national defense, strong enough military to, okay, so let's put some of those back. We're trying to decide the few marbles to put back in. But look, consider it a going out of business sale. Everything must go. You've seen those signs? Everything must go. Eddie, Tennessee, go. Yeah, I hope that we do show back to the immigration thing. I hope that Trump gets elected and he does the mass, the portion that he's talking about, supporting everybody. And we take them all and stick them back across the Mexican border and tell the extortionist president of Mexico where he can stick his $20 billion and remind him what happened the last time Mexico wanted to test our borders. I hope we do too. There is another aspect to this we should probably discuss, even though it's towards the end of the show, but it's worth discussing China, China is moving into Mexico. You've heard that. You've heard that on the show many, many, many, many, many times, but you should understand that they're moving into Mexico in a real way. China needs oil, Mexico has boatloads of oil outside of drugs and tourism. It's their largest industry. In fact, I think I think oil might be number two, as a matter of fact, it's number. It's in the top three. I know that. They have a gargantuan amount of it. China wants it. China is making deals with Mexico developing inroads with Mexico. Why does that matter? Well, back to what he was just talking about. Look, I hope the same thing too. Arrest every single one of them and deport them all. If we lose our leverage over Mexico, we might find ourselves in a place where we no longer have the authority or the leverage, I should say, to make Mexico do things. Isn't that a scary place to be? To think that we might be there, but that's China's goal. China wants to make it, so we go to Mexico and we say, hey, Mexico, oh, hey, take these illegals back and Mexico says, no, and we say, well, do it or else we'll cancel that $50 billion auto contract and Mexico says back, take your $50 billion auto contract and stuff it. We'll sign a $60 billion one with China. Goodbye. Being a country like that, right there on our border, potentially not only hostile to us, but aligned with the foreign hostile power. That's not something that's outside of the realm of possibility. That's something China is actively trying to make happen. China in Mexico, there's a future there. It's really bad. And again, on a macro level, I know we're running up against the end of the show. Maybe we'll expand on this a little bit more tomorrow on a macro level. This is what happens towards the end of the empire. You lose it. You know your own man, Britain's awesome, but we've been loving this place. Oh, wow. We don't, we don't have the money or the troops to stay there anymore. We got to give it back to the barbarians. When your empire is at the end, you give up outposts is rough. This has been a podcast from W.O.R., step into the world of power, loyalty, and luck. I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse with family, canoles, and spins mean everything. Now you want to get mixed up in the family business, introducing the godfather at Test your luck in the shadowy world of the godfather slots. Someday I will call upon you to do a service for me. Play the godfather. Now at, welcome to the family. V-T-W group, no purchase necessary, avoid where prohibited by loss, see terms and conditions,