Bava Basra Daf 136
because it's hard to say. The first thing you want to do is write the name of Yaym Al-Aqamese, and see that Yaym Al-Aqamese holds the name of Yaym Al-Aqamese. The mission says that if a person writes his properties to his son, but wants to retain the produce during his lifetime, Yaym Al-Aqamese explains that this means that the "guff" of the karka is acquired by the son immediately and the "paris" of Yaym Al-Aqamese. Yaym Al-Aqamese says that he doesn't have to write Yaym. "When Abba'evu was sick, we have Huna told of Naqman to ask him if Naqman is like Yaym Al-Aqamese. If Naqman responded, he doesn't even know the reason for Abba'isi. How could he ask the Talahqah follows Abba'isi? If Huna said, he would explain Abba'isi afterwards. After Abba'evu was told of Naqman, that Talahqah is like Abba'isi, if Huna explained Abba'isi holds Manesh Shastar M'riyaqalaf. The reason why he wrote a date in the Shnair is to demonstrate that he wants it to take effect at that time. Second, singing in the daff, the son who owns the land's paris, trying to sell the land. Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff. The mission says where a father gifted his son property. Maryam Al-Aqamese, the son owns the "guff" and the father retains the paris. Neither can unilaterally sell the land now because of the rights of the other. If the father sells it, the buyer can eat the paris until the father dies. If the son sells it, the buyer gets nothing until the father dies. And Miram discussed Al-Aqamese, if the son sold the property and died before the father. Abba'isi and says the buyer is not Kena. Even after the father dies, because he owns Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff. Since the father was considered the primary owner, the son sold property that never became his. So the sale is void. If slackers told the buyer is Kena, the property, after the father dies, because he owns Kenyim paris' life, Kenyim Al-Guff. Third-slinging of the daft, Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff, regarding Bikurim. The Gomar asked that Abba'isi and Shluckus are ready to disagree somewhere else regarding Kenyim paris. If one sells his field for paris, Abba'isi and says, "Maybe Bikare," because Kenyim paris is considered Kenyim Al-Guff. If Shluckus says, "Maybe Bikare," because it's not Kenyim Al-Guff, the Gomar explains that both maklakes are not necessary. If Abba'isi and only said, Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff, generally, one might have thought that when he gives the gifts to his son, he's makl, and therefore he gives him the physical property completely. If a slackers had only said Kenyim paris' life, Kenyim Al-Guff, generally, one would have thought that when it comes to himself, a person cures more about himself even in regard to his son, and he'd retain ownership even through the paris. If Abba'isi and Shluckus had to disagree in this case, too, Zuk'af al-Laf al-Baslaf could flameth vav. The first-slinging of the daft, writing Mihayyim Al-Aqamisa, Abba'isi holds Manisha Steinmerty al-Guff. Second-slinging of the son who owns the land's paris, trying to sell the land, Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff. Third-slinging of Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff, regarding Mihayyim. This information about kuflameth vav is klu. The Bezden who used the date in the Shtair as a klu, to determine that it took effect Mihayyim Al-Aqamisa, tried to notify the father that even though his son sold the field, he would still get the whole field when his son died, because Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff, but the father was ready on his way to bring his bikurim and Seidep Sukhim. Klu reminds that of kuflameth vav. The Bezden that used the date on the Shtair to determine Mihayyim Al-Aqamisa reminds the first Sukhim Al-Aqamisa, riding Mihayyim Al-Aqamisa. Ebyayyim holds Manisha Steinmerty al-Guff. They tried to notify the father that even though his son sold the field, he would still get the whole field when his son died, reminds of the second Sukhim Al-Aqaf, the son who owns the land's paris, trying to sell the land, Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff, and he was on his way to bring his bikurim and Seidep Sukhim reminds of the third Sukhim Al-Aqaf, Kenyim paris, Kenyim Al-Guff, regarding bikurim.