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29 Dec 2024
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this. And we're talking praises. However, there's a dimension of praises that God is taking us into. The dimension where is David praise God, and his government were falling off. And the one would say, ah, a hooking, you don't see like this? There is a dimension that God intends for us to go imprison him individually and collectively. It's a part of the anti-massive preparation for the coming of the Lord because God desires our praises. I want you to dwell in that secret place where is David brought? Amen. Praise God. You welcome to this session of this service in Jesus name. Before I give the world a law, I lead my heart, there is a song to sing. And that song says, when Jesus comes to reward his servants, that is kind of the song. In Louis, he can just sing along with me. Some good ladies, when Jesus comes to reward his servants, where thy be known all night, faithful to him, will he find us watching? With our lungs so trim, I'm bright. Oh, can we say we are ready? Prada, ready for the so bright. Oh, say we live fine. You are misty watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come. If at the dawn of the early morning, he shall call us one by one. When to the Lord we restore our talents. Oh, can we say we are ready? Sisters, ready for the so bright. Oh, say we live fine. You are misty watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come. Have we been true to the truth? He left us, no we say to, no our back. If in a house there is none on the cross, we shall have a glorious rest. Oh, can we say we are ready? Prada, ready for the so bright. Oh, say we live fine. You are misty watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come. Blessed are those whom the Lord finds for change, he is loaded in shasha. If he shall come, at the dawn of the night, will he find us one? She dance. Oh, can we say we are ready? Prada, ready for the soo bright. Oh, say we live fine. You are misty watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come. Amen. Verse open to Luke chapter 19 verse 13, Gospel of Luke. Luke 19, that is saying, "I call the Lord unto them." Amen. Thank you, the entrance to your word, this light. Father, I ask that you speak true meaning unto your children this money. I also give the grace to understand and catch the revelation and to work with it in the name of Jesus. But I thank you in Jesus' name. Jesus gave a parable, and that parable, Jesus told us about a man who was traveling with far country to receive kinship, and then he gave his servants some talents, some sons, some sons, some sons. So this parable is to tell us about the need to wait for the coming of the Lord. Amen. This parable also tells us about the kingdom of God. The Jews, when they knew that they were to have a messiah, they might say that the messiah would come and deliver them from the Roman dominion. The Romans know the Roman Empire, the whole world, the whole world at that time, including the Jews and Jerusalem. And so it was like a substitute to the Roman Empire. So if God has promised us a messiah, according to Genesis 49 verse 10, then that messiah must be king, and that messiah must come and rescue us from this estena domination by the Romans, so that we have our freedom and independence. That was their mindset. And when Jesus came speaking, they were wondering, is he really the messiah? Is he really the messiah? They saw signs I want us quite all right. But we were convinced that the messiah would be king who rule over them and run them independence. So when Jesus fed 5,000 people, you remember the stories in the Bible, and there were quite baskets of fragments that were left over, the people who marvelled at this miracle. In fact, you know what I did? He said there's no delay anymore. Let's go and crown him and making king over us. Let's go to John chapter 6 verse 15. John chapter 6 verse 15, when Jesus therefore perceived that they would come and take him by force to make him a king, he departed into a mountain instead he loomed. Can you see something? It's like recognition indeed go to a promise of messiah and we can see signs and wonder. And a lot of left over, we never seen this time before. Therefore, let us go and just crown him. That was the intention. Jesus perceived what they had in their mind. He knew what they had in their mind. They were to force him to become king. And Jesus said no, he left their midst miraculously. And he went to a mountain side, was there alone. In John chapter 8 verses, during the trial of Jesus before Pilate, Jesus said this word. Jesus answered, my kingdom is not of this word. If my kingdom were of this word, then I would my servants fight that I should not be delivered to the Jews. But now it's my kingdom not from his. When we talk about the kingdom of God, by God's will dev a little bit to what the kingdom of God really is. The kingdom of God is the spiritual aspect and the physical aspect. Amen. So before then, it's a sort of primal to get you to understand what Jesus was talking about. When God created the universe, he created creatures, little the planets and everything that there is. For man, we can divide all this stretch of time. God has no time. But for man, for our own understanding, we can see there are three divisions of time. We can call eternity. Eternity past that we do not know about. Before Adam was created, it took dominion over the earth. Before Adam was created, the eternity past. It was in the eternity past that Lucifer rebelled against God and it was cast down to this planet. Now, with Adam coming another time or dispensation came into being the dispensation of man. Eternity past the dispensation of man. And after the dispensation of man, there will be eternity future. And that we have to do with the millennium and the new heavens and the new earth. So what we know in human history is about this dispensation of man. Our man's dispensation is just in the short form. I will tell you, you can do for that stories on that. My dispensation, we are not going to detest. My dispensation consists of the dispensation of innocence, a period of time when God created man. Then followed by the dispensation of conscience, followed by the dispensation of human government, followed by the dispensation of promise, followed by the dispensation of law. And now followed by the dispensation of grace. That is the one we are familiar with. The church age, the time between Christ coming and the second coming. That is the church age. Man's dispensation lasts from Adam to the second advent of Christ. The church age, that the dispensation of grace, which we are in, we are saved by grace. We are not under the law. We are saved by grace. This is the dispensation from Christ's first coming to Jesus' second coming. And after the second coming of Christ, we step into the last era, eternity future. Praise the Lord. We have eternity past, man's dispensation, eternity future. When this, when the dispensation of church age or dispensation of grace passes, it will lead to eternity future. That, that pry ambo, I give it and you look why I said it. The present kingdom of God is described in Luke 17, 20 to 21. Because when the kingdom reigns, we are here now. Children of God, born into the kingdom. You are born into this kingdom. But the new bed, except it might be born again. He cannot see the kingdom of God. So we are in the kingdom of God that is spiritual, the kingdom of God within. But not yet the time when Christ will reign physically with his sense. That will be during the millennium and in the eternity future. New heavens and new earth. We are going to reign with Christ. There are several, you know, refers to that in the Bible. We are going to reign with Christ. Presently, it is spiritual kingdom. Presently, it is the kingdom of God within. Amen. Luke 17, 20 to 21. The kingdom of God, command not with observation. Nada shah, dese, lo, is here or lo is there. For behold, the kingdom of God is within you. I just want you to do that. Under the dispossession of grace, the kingdom of God is within us. Amen. Yes. We can reign as priests, we can reign as kings because Jesus is the king of kings. We have spiritual dominion over the forces of darkness. So in the way we are really spiritual, but not yet physically. That should be understood. Romans 14, the 70th tesos, for the kingdom of God is not meat and drink, for righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. That's what this present kingdom of God within. Righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost. In the dispossession of divine government, which we start after the battle for Magcedon, Jesus already physically, with his sense. First in the millennium, 1,000 years, and after that, the new heavens and new earth. On your, you can re-revelation chapter 20 and chapter 21. It tells you about this kingdom. In Daniel chapter 2 verse 44 to 45, we are told, the time we come when all the human government will give way to divine government. Let's read it. Let's read it. Daniel chapter 2, 44 to 45. And in the days of these kings, talking about the kings of Daniel's vision, it was a golden image. And that one represented the kingdoms of man, no different kingdoms. First we had the Egyptian Empire, had the Assyrian Empire, had the Babylonian Empire, had the Mido-Pecian Empire, had the Gristian Empire, had the Roman Empire, and the Roman Empire is still here now. Yes, there is two aspects of the Roman Empire, the pagan Roman Empire. That one has gone now the religious Roman Empire. And prophetically, this one we give way to the Antichrist rule, just for seven years. That's the last. And thus, we end everything before the jail process of the human government upon the end. In the parable, let's go back to the parable. In the parable, a pound that was given to them was said to be three years which, not just like one dollar, you know, just having, no, no, no, no, no, no. Three years, three years, not one year, not to a three years which. So, a lot of money that the man in this parable gave to his servants, gave one, one, one pound. Then the other, two pounds, then five pounds. I was saw in that parable, had it treated and eventually they came back to the masses, I said, "Oh, you give me five pounds, I've gained five more." And I was like, "You give me two, I've gained two more." Then the last one, "Oh, you give me just one pound." What? I hid it, I kept it for you, so that when you come, you take your money. But the purpose of the man, giving them the talents or powers, was to go and trade, was to go and make profit. It was not for keeps, not for them to just go and keep. So, we're going to see that. That the world occupied, when Jesus said, "Occupy till I come." After giving that parable, it not to occupy till I come. What does that mean? Occupy means to invest with intent of increase. It means to stay busy with what I have given you. It comes from a Greek world, pragman, tumor, to trade. It means to buy to be busy, to be busy, you know, but profit. It does not mean to relax. It does not mean to hang out. And it's not a passive world. Occupy till I come, it's an active world. And in Romans chapter 12 and 6, we are told that God has given us gifts and talents with which to profit with. The purpose of God gives us gifts is to trade with spiritually, not to make merchandise of the gospel, but to trade and get increased. The kingdom of God will increase through you and through me. That's God's purpose. All the gifts in this church is to establish that, to make sure the church comes to spiritual maturity, not tossed to and flow by everyone with a doctrine. That's the purpose. So we are to invest our time that God has given us. Every one of all, we've got time. This time is to be used to propagate the good news. You see, whether it consents you, the propagation of good news is whether it consents you or just some select few. We're going to see that. So we are to invest our time. We are to invest our talents. We are to invest our treasures, including siva and gold, money, dollars, you know, pound, and also the opportunity to calm your way. God has caused a potential to calm your way with the intent of using the opportunity to expand the kingdom of God by preaching the good news. He wants every of his followers to be witnesses. That's God's purpose. So at the end, we'll see whether we are already fulfilling God's purpose or just partially doing that. It is to invest such that God's work will be advanced and multiplied. God's command is for us to occupy till he comes again. He came the first time and is coming back again. It requires patience, passion, and persistence, and it will not suffer. Why? Because it's a long time. Secondly, because we do not know the hour and time or day that Jesus will come. So this is too far to admit. This has referred us to have some patience, some passion, and some persistence, and long suffering. Because God has given that promise. I'm coming back again, but before the occupy till I come, we have to remain faithful to the Lord response. That's why that song is very instructive. We have to remain faithful till Christ comes. Please, no one knows when Jesus shall come, we need to be watchful. We don't need to be distracted because they ask how fast will we come in the last days, and they are already here. They say, oh, if we are talking about the coming of the Lord, the coming of the Lord, the second coming of the Lord, where will you actually come? Do you think we can? That's why it was regarding the first promises concerning his first coming. The prophecy that will give me due to the testimony concerning his first coming. People doubted, but Isaiah and other people who God gave those revelations, they didn't doubt. Even though it didn't happen in their time, they kept on believing that someday somehow Jesus is going to come. Even Daniel, he had revelation about the coming of the Lord, and how he will offer himself as his sacrifice for mankind. He never saw the realization, but he believed it. And today we are seeing it's now history. Jesus actually came, and he died for us, and he went to heaven. He said, I am coming back, occupy till I come. It is easy to be distracted from the kingdom business. That's why Jesus was pressing to occupy telecom. The pride of life, the pleasures of this life, and the deceitfulness of riches can disrupt people from pursuing God's business. Even the rise of false prophets will deceive many, and many will be rid. That's nothing. Many will be rid from the true faith because of false prophets. So that is why we need to be patient. That's why we need to be persistent and to have long suffering. Jesus command to occupy till I come means yet another thing, militarily. We want to consider that also. In military terms, to occupy means to feel or use a space. It means to enter a place in a large group and take control of it, especially by military force. When the military invests in territory, they take over the place as they are owned, they occupy. Jesus made disciples were to take over and occupy the nations of the earth with the gospel. Amen. So you understand now, in chapter 5, that's 27 to 28. The sad you see is, you know, they were set of the Jews. They complained that the Christian had freed Jerusalem with their daughtering, freed it as 547. And when they have brought them, they set them before the council, and the high priest asked them, that's 28. Say, did we not strictly command you that you should not teach in this mass name and behold, you have freed Jerusalem with your daughtering? And you tend to bring this mass blood upon us. Take note of that expression. You have freed Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. Amen. Yes, you're like feeding the capital of Arizona. You have fed the whole of finished with this mass daughtering. Can you imagine that? The few disciples that were at that time, they made so much impact. They had imparted the whole city everywhere, feed it with the daughtering of God. That's with the gospel. Also in chapter 6, verse 7, the word of God increased. And the number of disciples multiplied in Jerusalem. In accordance with both desire, occupy in icon. The word of God increased, and the number of disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly. And great company of the priests were obedient to defeat. Praise the Lord. God was happy because that's exactly what Jesus said. It should go and do, occupy it like comp. Preach the gospel. Take over nations and dominions with the word of God. And that's exactly what he did. In chapter 17, 5, 2, 6, the Jews which believed notes, moved with every crying. These have turned the whole world upside down, are calm, either or so. Think about that. They have turned the whole world outside of when the gospel, everywhere you go. Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, believe in the logic of Christ shall be saved. Believe in the logic of Christ shall be saved. Are you born again? Be born again. That's what happened. They vetted. They occupy your place and preach the gospel. In Antioch, the believers were first called Christians. They were nicked for their nickname. That is what they are just a Christ. Everywhere we thought we were supposed to kill that man. But you see, we made a great mistake. There are so many, Jesus is now. You killed one, but thousands and now millions, they are in place. In chapter 11, verse 26, the early church indeed took over territories and nations. Within the space of two years, Apostle Paul had evangelized the whole of Asia as of that time. This is a few years. So they were not just relaxing. Jesus is coming again. He was up and doing busy, doing the work of God. In chapter 19, verse 10, and this continued by the space of two years so that all day we sweat in Asia had the word of God, had the word of the logic of both Jews and Greeks. Not just in Jerusalem, the whole of Asia. Oh my God. The early church, they really imparted their generation. They really obey this command to occupy the icon. But you'll be a better judge whether we are still in the footsteps of their apostles today. The early church obeyed and carried out the mandate. The persecuted Christians, which were scattered abroad, spread the good news anywhere they went. There was great persecution. Even in the midst of persecution, the gods were spread like wildfire. Amen? In chapter 8, verse 4, "Therefore, they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the world." They were not sent as special missionaries. They were just Christians like you and me Christians. No title, not in nothing. Don't they believe in Jesus Christ? Don't like you have believed. Don't like I have believed. And beside that there was persecution. Maybe if it were, some of us say, "Oh, grumbly, why couldn't God protect us? Why are they persecuted? Why, why, why, why, why?" They went everywhere, some to the east, some to the west, the south and north, and they went everywhere preaching the gospel. I want you to see that these were human beings like you and me. They were trusted with that great commission to preach the good news, occupy it like come. And in strict obedience, they did exalise your death. Even when they were not in their home countries, when they were abroad, this pretty good news everywhere. Today, we need to go back to the Bible and review our service for the Lord. We have generally deviated from the core mission of the church, the core mission of the church. Now, let me tell you, the church has three principal functions. The church, generally, has three principal functions. One vertical relationship with God and praising him like we just talked about, praising and worship, praising him. That's one cardinal responsibility of the church. The other one is ministry to the body of Christ, like we are doing right now ministry to one another, you know? In fellowship, in Godry, Lydin, assemblies, we encourage one another. It's a command of the church. And, partly, reaching out to the world around us, reaching out with the gospel to unbelieve us, so that they will come into the kingdom of God. Remember, when the kingdom of God went in, the church and individuals have lost the militant spirit of the early church to occupy. Why we are saying that the exceptions, the example was those two militant who preached the gospel, but generally, that flavor has led. The church has gone mundane and preached materialism more than the gospel of Christ. Today, that the church, generally. The church is called to evangelize the world and make disciples of all nations. The church has significantly neglected this mission. The early church sponsored missionaries, and Lydin says, "We're missionaries, even as individuals." And these sponsored missionaries sent them, go pray the gospel, as a body, and supported them. Remember, even when Apostle Paul and Salah were sent forth, after praying and fasting, they just sent them forth. I will still do that today. We may read this and say, "Oh, in the time past, this used to happen." And the church used to send out missionaries. I will still do that. That is originally for us. In these last days, to go back to our first law, go back to our first law. March of '24, 10 to 12. Many have been offended, and the love of many have was cooled, because of persecution, because of the insularity of man, and all that, because of so much wickedness in the world. No more have become so cold with the law. It ought not to be. Let there be restoration. Let there be revival in the name of Jesus. As individuals, we need to wake up to our primary assignment to be Jesus and Basada's reconciling man back to God. Please don't forget that. Even if you forget your authority of safety, you are Jesus and Basada. Not just for the world of things, you know, there is a church called Christ and Basada. Let's say another. He passed the politician. And it's from the second culture chapter of five, verse 19 to 20. "Geochra means those to be ambassados. He is all ambassados." So, with God was a cry reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them, and had committed unto us the world of reconciliation. That's our duty. A church of God. Now, then we are ambassados for Christ. Not just for the title of ambassados, so let it give me some ambassadorial rule. Not that in spirit be an ambassadorial indeed. We are ambassados for Christ, although God did beseech you. By us, we pray you in Christ's dead, be ye reconciled to God. God has made us his own ambassados. Amen? You and I. Forget about Tyro. If you gave your lesson, see a little cry last week. You already got ambassados and it's expected that the light of God will continue to shine. It will do you have known that studio Bible, but the little light that you have, let it shine. Let my own shine. And then collectively, we shine like that. We will take over the world again. We turn the world upside down again. Amen. We can perfect in missions as individuals. When you talk about missions, missions involve sending people to places where the gospel has never been preached. Not just a walkover kind of thing. They had never heard about God. The interior of interiors, same people day, and some people have responded to that call. They are called missionaries. They go to such places and press the good news. Maybe you know some missionaries. Not long ago, we're talking about missionaries, you know, in the clubhouse that, oh, what an awesome responsibility. What an awesome job. You see, we hardly talk about missionaries. We talk about evangelism. We talk about prophets. We talk about pastors and, you know, talking about evangelists, teachers. But missionaries, we hardly recognize them, but they are doing a great job, just like a possible deed. Preaching the good news that the people have never received the gospel. So there are three ways you can participate as a missionary. You can be the one to go. You push the good news. Place it where the gospel has never been preached. You're ready to face persecution or position. Yeah. Secondly, you can be a sponsoring missionary. You are not dead. We send people with your money, your money. Send people there. Encourage them. You do a good job. And then, of course, the taught group, those who pray for them, pray for missionaries, we should always pray for them because they face a lot of dangers, a lot of opposition. Praise the Lord. Lord help them in Jesus' name. Let us like apostle Paul on his conversion as the Lord this thing. As chapter 9 verse 6, Lord, what will you have made? So, as God, as individual, Lord, I've had to do that. It's not just sitting down. Don't realize this. If I die, go to heaven. It's beyond that. Lord, what will you have made do in this great commission of occupying till you come? As chapter 9 verse 6. So you pray that prayer, because immediately apostle Paul was converted, he was the one who, on his own, prayed to God, Lord, what will you have made do? And God said, okay, go to Ananias. He would tell you what you're going to do. And actually, he did. And God revealed his plan that was to be a messenger to the Gentiles. Praise the Lord. Everyone of all, we need to ask this. In this great work, we can't do everything. Lord, what will you want me do? Ask an ambassador for Christ. Let not your past failures detail you. Let us arise and shine for our light has come. We know everything is winding up, and Jesus coming is so near now. So you mean it. The important thing is that, look, my father must not die and go to hell. My mother must not die and go to hell, because after death, no reconciliation. It's appointed to my wants to die after that judgment. So after somebody has died, there is no possibility that person will be saved again. It's as important as that. Though there are some false teachers who say they say, please call Paul Guthrie, that is not Bibleic. There's no such a place. If we need to repent, it is known or never. Neither because you wear an amulet. That's why it's called an amulet. It's some religious setting, Christian, pagan Christian religious setting. They have what's called amlet, more than the tides on their necks. And if you open inside, say if you die, where is this amlet, you go to hell? Falsehood, falsehood. There's nothing like that. No, it's just a third time. Neither is it. When somebody has died, there is a nasty peace. Why do Christian pray the prayer? If you are a new testament believer and you actually believe that it's happened to my wants to die after that judgment, why do you pray that prayer? You think your prayer cannot fail. If somebody has died in sin and is dead in hell, who made up as he come back to God and go to heaven, impossible. I don't pray that prayer. No, bitch, I may are so rest in peace. That's just a wish, not to re-pray, actually. It's commonplace and it surprises me. Commit a Christian pray that may he so rest in peace just to conform with the way if you can't be there, join them. Be a radical for Jesus. And tell the plain truth that look now is the time after somebody has died, sorry. So, this is the time to live for our family members who are not just sick. It's time for today to enter the act of salvation. Now, now, now. Let us not dwell on the past. Let us return to our God and let us deploy our talents, our giftings, our blessings towards the heartbeat of God. Heart beat is so winning. Heart beat of God is so winning. So winning. So winning. Winning, so soon. After that, the Holy Ghost come up on you. And you shall be my witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and in Samaria and unto the autumnal part of the earth, talking to you and me. Please, don't push the responsibility to apostles, pastors and evangelists in law. Please, because there's no basis for that in the scriptures. This commission is to every believer, wherever you are, you shine your corner, I shine in my corner. I may not be as impartial as an apostle because there are different giftings and different levels of grace. I may not be as impartial as an evangelist or a missionary, but in my own little corner, I should shine. You should shine, amen? Therefore, deploy your talents, deploy your giftings, deploy all the blessings you have received towards the heartbeat of God, both by our own lifestyle and by preaching. Don't just say my lifestyle is good enough. Just leave a good godly life and people will see that you are with Jesus. Very good. The apostles did that, but they went beyond. Verbalias press that Jesus is Lord. Tell others about how He saved you and how He counsels, save them. That's witnessing. You don't have to know the whole Bible. In our schools, in our workplace, in our community, in our families and everywhere, let us tell others about Jesus. Jerusalem is the first day we should start. No? And that's our fabulous. I'm very concerned when somebody dies. My first question is, did that person know God? Do I even know whether to cry with you or to see, realize Jesus in control? Right now, your relationships, your brother, that you lost so much, your sister, that you lost so much a day in Christ, it's your responsibility to tell them about Jesus if they don't yet know Jesus. If you are harsh, wicked, unforgiving to wear them, can they hear the gospel through you? No. Therefore, there must be a change of attitude as well. If that's the problem you have and that's why you are not minister to your relations, please let there be a change of hearts in Jesus' name. Jesus came to seek and to save them that are lost. Luke 19 verse 10. That's the purpose. If you were to summarize the purpose of why did Jesus Christ, the Son of God, come into this world, promptly put, he came to seek and to save them that was lost. That the reason why Jesus Christ went from village to village, from city to city, universe, sat in one place. People must hear in gospel. And it's not only Jesus that did this, he gave all this command and the apostles disciples, the early church, they obeyed to the letter and that is why he had all those results that were read about. Let us have the same spirit that the early disciples had. Let us have the same spirit and passion that Jesus also had. Let us not forget where individuals, we as individuals have been made ministers of reconciliation. Are you a minister? Yes, you are. It could be music minister, but at the same time you are a minister of reconciliation. It could be a pastor. At the same time you are a minister of reconciliation. It can be an evangelist prophet. Yet you are a minister of reconciliation. Just know that. So you have your portfolio. You are to reconcile men and we may back to God. It's not by power. It's not by mind. You say the world, you tell them about Jesus' love. How he died for them and if they believe, no, they too can receive forgiveness of sins like you did. Simple. Holy Spirit is the one that converts. Is the one that converts and converts. Yours is to proclaim the world. Amen. Yes, I don't want you to be discouraged. Even some of us who have been winnied souls. And sometimes we ask ourselves where are my fruits now? Like yesterday, we went out. We want souls quite alright. But where are the year now in this gathering? That shouldn't bother you. Amen? I want to encourage you. If that the discouragement that you have, don't be discouraged anymore. The reason is that God has given this commission to the charge in general and to us, basically, but we have to work at the body of Christ. That is what I call a process. I, for planted, apolus, water, God gives the increase. Those people you are spoken to, you have invested in water, God in them. They can become a process tomorrow without your knowing. I don't even need to know here, but over there, you are going to be rewarded. Amen? Yes. May the Lord help us to really occupy the He comes in the name of Jesus. Are you listening to me or you are right here? You have no knowing Jesus. The very first thing is to know Jesus before you talk about responsibilities, before you talk about service to God. First of know him. The pastor that we have a personal relationship with Jesus. And you can't only do that, but acknowledge that you are a sinner. You may be a philanthropist doing good things for the poor and all that, that not with standing. Bible says all have seen and fallen short of the glory of God. There is therefore need for man to repent. Come out of religiosity. I'm a religious man. I do this. No religious man would go to heaven. Only born against Christian would make heaven. Just know that you are religious and you're not born again. Now, now you can be reconciled to God. I acknowledge you are a sinner. In the spirit of whatever you have done, I see doing. The Lord have mess you upon me. I'm a sinner. I give my sin. What should we my sin? I believe you died for me. I believe we are buried for me. And I believe you rose again for me. I believe you are coming back again for me. Say that prayer sincerely a minute and that's the beginning of the Christian race. For us who already believe us, for ages, we have left the responsibility of so winning to many stars of the gospel to apostles and prophets and teachers, evangelists and missionaries. That's a great error. At least from the world ago, we have seen this being called ministers of reconciliation. You are not exempted. Nobody is exempted. Even little ones, they can evangelize. They are fellow little ones. Hell, all that's about Jesus. Leave the Holy Spirit take over and complete the process. Amen? Yes. And before we round up, you say gospel, that sis is the one that heals. If there is anyone that is haunting, just raise up your hand. I'm going to pray. I know there are some watching and some listening to me online on the internet. You can do the same. There is no distance to go. The Bible says, he sent his word and healed them. All you need is faith. There was a woman who had issue of blood and marriage. It was so long. There had been poverty. I've seen so many physicians, no cure. But she knew that Jesus was coming. Oh, today I'm going to be healed. Today, I am going to be healed. Whether anybody likes it, no, by fire, by conduct, I will be healed today. You know what she did? To a desperate. And she went, hey, look, if I followed you protocol, I can't see this man, Jesus. Therefore, she broke protocol and went through the crowd and saw Jesus and told the hem of his gummy. And that was the beginning of our miracles. By faith, you can strive for your hands to tell the hem of Jesus gummy right now. His compassionates. The same sacrifice embedded on the cross was to serve you from sin and also sickness and disease. What's that doctor says? He says, you have a terminal sickness and they are giving up on you. That is man talking. Man is very limited. God who created you and who also has purpose and who can send his angels to do an oppression on you and you are healed. He says you are healed. By his stretch, we're healed. First spiritual chapter 2, verse 24. By his stretch, we were healed. Claim it by faith. Walked by faith. We walk by faith and not by sight. They just shall live by faith. Let us pray. Heavenly Father, I thank you this morning. I thank you, Lord, because you have spoken to us again to remind us of a great and awesome responsibility, of being your witnesses, of being light to the world. King of glory, thank you. The world has comfort. We are so Lord that this world will fall on federal ground indeed and bring forth increase that the kingdom will go with increase. That is your intent. When you send us forth, I will should go and preach the gospel to all the nations of the earth. Lord, what I cannot do, what my big products are doing, Lord, have so many conversations, so many souls, giving their light to Christ at once, but in my own little way, Lord, in my own little way, help us, teach us to know what to do and how to participate in this end time harvest. Even as your coming is coming, that love will not go before you empty hand day. We go with your daily love. These are the souls, even the ones we do not know. I remember in those days used to preach in the 46 when we were traveling and souls would give their light to Christ. I have never seen those, I have never heard of them, but God knows about it. There is a reward for each and every one of us we live on in the gospel. Romans, I mean, Revelation 22 verse 12 says, "Behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me to give to every man according to his work shall be. What about you are doing for the Lord now? There is a great reward. Please do not relax. If you have not witnessed so before, arise and shine for your light has come. If you have been discouraged because of circumstances and tears of this world, let's go back to America and say, Lord, we are sorry, we missed it. Restore us until the joy of our salvation. Thank you, Father, as you do all these for us. In Jesus' precious name we pray. [Applause]