The Howie Carr Radio Network

"The First Amendment Doesn't Exist:" Aidan "Turtleboy" Kearney joins the show | 4.4.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 4

Howie welcomes Turtleboy back on the show to update listeners on the ongoing encroachment of constitutional rights in Massachusetts, specifically on the local level. Then, catch Howie's interview with RFK Jr.

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04 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." ♪♪♪ Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And prices, although inflation is moderate, prices are still high. Price of gasoline is still high. The Biden administration announced that it's going to pull back its plans to refill the SPR, the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. This summer could be a tough summer if you want to drive somewhere. Well, I think the theory of the case is pretty simple. The president's done a good job. Raw. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We're down in crime in the subway system for order first quarter. We're down. New numbers from the NYPD showing uptick in subway crime. Men's in the hospital tonight after being hit with some sort of mental object when getting off a subway. A shocker on the subway, a group of people attacked by a stranger with fire. If you don't feel safe because you see this disorder going on, then you're going to say that, "Hey, we're not safe." I'm in danger. Rump swabs, hacks, and moonbats beware. It's Howie Car. Still have gift certificates left to Kelly's roast beef. The Florida locations only in Sarasota, Naples, and South Pasadena. $50 gift certificates for just $25. They're good. If you're back in New England, you can still get them for use when you return to Florida. They're opening three new locations in the coming months on the west coast of Florida. Go to to get your $50 gift certificates for $25 to Kelly's roast beef locations in Florida. All right, so the Karen Reid murder trial is getting closer and closer. It starts a jury selection, starts on April 16th and datum. And Mike Morris, the district attorney of Norfolk County, was trying to get a 500-foot buffer. 500 feet, almost two football fields, to keep demonstrators away from the courthouse. And today, Judge Anti-Bev, Beverly Canone, ruled that there's going to still be... She threw out the 500-foot motion for a buffer zone, but she left in a 200-foot. That's two-thirds of a football field, instead of one-and-two-thirds football fields. That still seems like a lot to me. 844-542-42. Joining us now on the line to discuss this latest move by the judge and the district attorney is Aiden Kerenie, also known as Turtle Boy. He's been covering this case for a long time, and he's one of the principals in the case. Aiden, this really isn't much of a victory, is it, for the First Amendment? No, the First Amendment is officially over in Norfolk County, and no longer exists, Howie. I mean, it's been under assault for quite some time, stemming from my ridiculous bogus arrest for peaceful protest and activism, to the canton-9th threaten of felony charges of the same. And now we have this nonsense, this nonsense, this 200-foot buffer zone, which is more than just a buffer zone, really, Howie. It prevents people from even wearing shirts or clothing, or anything that signifies anything about the defendant or anything related to the case, whatever that means, whatever that means within 200 feet. This is blatantly unconstitutional. The First Amendment no longer exists in Norfolk County, they're getting away with it. I mean, even the ACLU is on our side, Howie, and she still disregarded it, and she said, "Oh, we'll do 500 feet, that's absurd." So they throw an absurd number to begin with, which is 500, and then they said 200, which is almost as absurd. If they set a mile, then she would say, "Oh, what does it do, half a mile? That's not bad. It's just half a meter in the middle." No, no feet, no feet. Two hundred feet, that will take it back into private property, won't it? So if you're building 200 feet from the courthouse, you can't wear a free care and read T-shirt or a sweater. Is that what it means? I don't understand it. You're going to be arrested if you do that. You cannot do that. You cannot have anything to do with that. Now, we're getting crafts. This is only going to make our search for justice more. We're going to get around it, Howie. We're going to come up with codes. I mean, they didn't say what language. I mean, I assume it's in English. I mean, maybe we can do free care, read it in Japanese, in French, in Arabic. I don't know. The more they try to shut us up, the more we're going to keep talking. It's not going to work. People are already planning color days, coded language. I mean, I don't know what, maybe these people should open a history book up. The more you try to suppress speech and tell people not to say things, the more they're going to want to say those things. You cannot silence the people. And there's a reason this is happening. There wouldn't be a need to protest. If this whole case was in a sham, a corrupt sham to begin with. What about Nathan the dog? Is he going to be banned from wearing his sweater that says "free care" and read? I read the language. I didn't see anything about any dogs. I also didn't see anything about planes. So I think Nathan the dog is safe. And if we got a plane with a banner on it said "free care read," which is entirely possible, something we're looking into, or cars. I mean, what's the stop of parade of cars, how are you coming through there with free care read signs in their windows? At the federal courthouse, I mean, it was constructed fairly recently, but they can bring a bus in and bring it around and then bring it into the underground garage. They don't have that option at the Superior Court in Datum. But I mean, couldn't they use a bus for the jurors? There's a backdoor. I came in and shackled a couple weeks ago. They'd exist. You can just bring the jurors in the backdoor. It's not brain surgery. It's not complicated. And this idea that a bunch of peaceful protesters wearing free care read shirts will somehow influence the jury. This is the whole -- you read this out there in jury selection. You say, "Can you stay neutral in the sight of some 50-year-old woman wearing a free care read shirt on the way in?" Can you? If you can't do the new chart during that, this isn't the trial for you. That's the whole purpose of jury selection is reading people out like that. You can get 12 people who can kind of tone out the noise, Howie. We have a right to peacefully protest. What they don't want these jurors to know is that this is out -- they are being part of a case that is outrageous, that is making people upset. And if these 12 people that they end up picking somehow have never heard of this case before, that's exactly how they want it. They don't want anyone. They got jurors for the Boston Marathon bombers. They got jurors for Whitey Bulger. They can get jurors easily now. They also had protesters in favor of Joe Karan Janaev outside of the federal courthouse now. Remember those ladies? The groupies, the would-be groupies. Yeah, I remember that. The terrorist gets -- you know, he gets protesters, but Karen Reed doesn't. And honestly, I think her lawyers -- I mean, they're lawyers today. They took a neutral position on it, which I get it, because there has been so much of a push by the Commonwealth to assert the dastardly Karen Reed with Turtle Boy and say that, oh, actually, she's pulling the strings. She's getting them to do all this, quote unquote, witness intimidation. She's the one behind it. And so I think they want to, you know, make it clear that, well, we're not -- because if they had gone our record and said, oh, yeah, we -- they have a right to protest. We wanted to protest. They say, oh, see, they're directing witness intimidation. That's how common -- Yeah, no, I understood why they didn't take a position on that. Let me ask you about something else. The Boston Globe has filed a motion asking for the release of the impounded defense motion to dismiss. I think you said in the tweet, what took them so long? I mean, why are they interested now? I mean, this motion was filed about a year ago, right? Yeah, I mean, the motion dismissed was only filed a few weeks ago, I believe, or maybe a little longer. But, yeah, it's been impounded, which is just insane that we can't see the motion to dismiss. I mean, it's probably the most important motion filed in this entire case. And we can't see it. We don't know what's in it, and they're hiding it. And how, yeah, I mean, I -- this is -- they've impounded everything in this case. I wrote an affidavit in July after the McCabe brother threatened to bury my corpse in Anki Bez's seaside cottage. And I -- and I filed a -- I wrote an affidavit for the -- in -- in support of the defense in the motion to refuse the judge with that. And you go on the court -- and that's -- you can't even read it. My -- my own affidavit is impounded. You can't even read it, my own words. It's just like -- and I called the clerk up, and I -- and Jim McDermott, some hack over there. And I got him on the phone, and I said, "Why is this impounded?" And he just said, "Because -- that's it. Just -- because -- that's it. They've -- and they're just so arrogant that they're like, "You know what? We have the power, peon, because we have all the guns, and we run things around here. And you're just going to sit there and have your rights violated. You're not going to do anything about it." Why do you think it's going to take to pick a jury? I mean, I think it'll take probably two days. That would be my guess. But, you know, there was a jury on Earth that could convict Karen Reid, not a single jury once they see the evidence here. They're going to be the fastest acquittal in the history of criminal justice. And John O'Keefe will never get justice as long as Karen Reid is the only one who stands trial for this. All right. Turtle Boy, let me ask you about the canton elections. I mean, it hasn't gotten a lot of publicity, but I told people last night that there -- the two sort of reform candidates for selectmen. One of them won, and one of them didn't. So kind of a mixed verdict for Karen Reid's appoints. You would think that, like, they would -- it would be a joint package thing. I mean, I don't know who is the person that voted for one of the reform candidates and not the other, but there's a few hundred of them that did that. They'd probably bullet-voted. But, yes, I mean, it's good. I mean, the chairman's out. It's old folks who's been on there since the beginning of time, Tom Theodore. So, you know, change takes time, and it's a good thing. And I think it was more of, like, a referendum. I mean, we got first and third, and they got second and fourth. So that's -- in my view, we won. So what happened with the other candidates? Did you have a school board candidate to a school committee? Yeah, but that wasn't, like, I mean, a woman by the name of Jennifer O'Donnell, really nicely. But that election, like, the school committee won wasn't -- like, the school committee, whoever the incumbent was. I mean, she's not the one, you know, given the police a new contract, you know, so they kind of have not been on our radar at all. I don't even know what the top issues with education and -- and, uh, Canton is. I'm more really into the selection. And she's the one who takes the -- your candidate -- or the reform candidate, quote, unquote -- is she's the one who takes the sign to the meetings, right? So -- Yes. She was -- she may have been regarded as a little further out there than -- than, say, Trish Boyden. Oh, no, she -- no, she -- no, she doesn't really -- I mean, she speaks. She speaks -- she calls out Chris Albert, so, you know, they've all done it. I'm not sure who the signed woman is, but I don't think that's her, to my knowledge. Okay. And so, Chris -- Chris Albert has another year left on the -- on the select -- Two years. Two years. John Connolly. The guy that's, like, looks like he's one hokey away from a heart attack. That guy. John Connolly, the guy that doesn't like random citizens showing up at the town hall. Yeah, he really does like it. Oh, my God. That poor guy. He looks like he's a -- like, you left a burrito in the microwave for too long. That guy. Oh, my God. He looks like he's about to explode. But, yeah, he's up for reelection next year, and then the other two, Schmoz, or the -- after that. So, we're stuck with Chris Albert for two more years. All right. So, where can people go? When's your next YouTube live broadcast? Saturday night, we're setting up our Ratchet Madness tournament for Kinton. We have, like, a '64 person tournament, and we're going to have, like, you know, we vote on who should advance until you get to the final four or whatever. So, check it out on Turtle Boy Live on YouTube, on Twitter, I am @DrTurtleBoy in is the website. And that's where you can find out where to donate because Turtle Boy is still jammed up with these silly charges against him, at least until Karen Reed is acquitted. Right. That's correct. So, every dollar counts. Appreciate it, Ari. All right. Aiden, Karen, Turtle Boy, thanks for checking in. So, the buffer zone is now not 500 feet for demonstrators outside the Karen Reed trial, which begins in about 12 days or so. It's going to be 200 feet -- 200 feet. And only -- it only covers human beings, though. We don't think it covers dogs. There's no mention -- no mention of the K-9s, including Nathan -- Nathan the Wonder Dog. Spring is here in Sowah's allergy season, which is why you need the Eden Pier Thunderstorm air purifier 3-pack. Paul Rizzo from Rizzo Insurance just ordered another three with code Howey3. He uses them in both his home and office, and he also buys them as gifts. It's not a surprise that everyone wants and loves the thunderstorm due to how well it works and how affordable it is. Dave Hinchy has one in every room at the Nossett Beach Inn. Dr. Matt the Vets swears by them. Not only does it help with pollen in your home, but with the USB cable, you can use it in your car as well. Every time you open that door to your home or car, pollen is coming inside. Pollen can give you itchy eyes, a sore throat, or just overall feelings of fatigue. Take care of the air inside your car with the Thunderstorm air purifier. The Eden Pier 3-pack is small enough to hold in your hand and doesn't take up any floor space. It also doesn't need filters, and that saves you both time and money. For pet odors, cooking smells, tobacco, musty basements, and so many more lousy odors, you need the Eden Pier Thunderstorm 3-pack. I have one in several rooms, and it's always great. It keeps things smelling fresh and like a thunderstorm in the summer. Back in stock now, order now at use code Howey3. That's the number three in Get Yours Now. That's code Howey3. I'm HoweyCar. The HoweyCar Show will be right back. This hour of The HoweyCar Show is brought to you in part by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwichport. Open year round with seasonal favorites. For family fun, food, and entertainment, it's Jake Rooney's in Harwichport. ♪♪ ♪♪ He's HoweyCar, and he's back. ♪♪ Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system, but what's going to physically stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. That's a lot, a lot more than a bolt lock or a chain lock. We'll do a chain bolt. Learn more at That's F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com F-L-I-P-L-O-K dot com. Jared, what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question, which you can vote in at HoweyCar Show dot com, is Secretary of State Anthony Blinken wants NATO to admit Ukraine is a member this summer. Is that a good or a bad idea? That is a really poor idea. I can't imagine a much worse idea than that. 95% of the audience agrees that it is a bad idea. A bad, bad idea. 844-542-42. You know, I got criticized a few weeks ago because I did a poll question about the McDonald's prices going up. They said, "Hey, Howey, you're using the prices from an I-95 in Connecticut just off the highway. McDonald's, of course they're going to have higher prices." Well, now there is a study by Finance Buzz, which cited average prices nationwide for McDonald's. McDonald's has jacked up its menu prices by more than 100% over the course of the last decade. More than three times the rate of U.S. inflation, according to this research report from Finance Buzz. This is in the New York Post today. Prices make double. That's the headline. Now a quarter pounder with cheese meal goes for $11.99, more than double the $5.39 at cost in 2014. The McDouble sandwich in 2014, 10 years ago, cost an average of $1.19. Now costs almost three times that amount. $3.19. Well, a medium fries has seen its price point go from $1.59 to $3.79. Big Macs from $3.99, 10 years ago to $5.99 today. And there are a lot of places that have raised their prices very heavily. McDonald's are the days when you have to pull up to McDonald's and sit in the parking lot with your child to do their homework when there's virtual learning going on. Yeah, other places have gone up a lot. Popeyes, Taco Bell, Chipotle, Jimmy John's, but not as much as McDonald's. Brian, you're next with how we car. Go ahead, Brian. You there, Brian? Hello. Go ahead. Quickly. Oh, we lost him. 844-542-42. Ed McDonald's, a 10-piece McNugget meal. The 10.99 combo, which includes a fries and a drink, is now 83% more expensive than it was a decade ago. Cost $5.99, the 10-piece McNuggets with the fries and the drink. An Oreo McFlurry now costs almost twice what it did 10 years ago. That sweet treat would have set you back $2.39 in 2014 compared to $4.49 today. Actually, that bugs me a lot more than the other stuff. I like McFlurries. Those are good. All right. When we come back, we're going to replay the Bobby Kennedy Jr. interview from earlier today. So if you haven't heard it, stick around. I think it turned out pretty well. I think you'll enjoy it. We'll be right back on Howie Car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. Hey, thanks for coming in. We appreciate it. Good to have you here on the Howie Car Show. So let me ask you first off, how is the campaign going? How many states are you going to be on the ballot on? We'll be on every state. Every state? Yeah, we're not going to win. In fact, we got on Idaho today and we got on... Where do we get on yesterday? They kept you off one state, didn't they? Because you didn't have the running mate last week? We got on Nevada. But who did we get on yesterday? Idaho today, Nevada. Okay, Nevada. But we're going to do... Then I think tomorrow we're going to be on Vermont. We're going to do two states a week from now on. So we're going to announce two new states. The Secretary of State, it was a crazy thing in Nevada. The Secretary of State, we check with the Secretary of State. We had written permission. We say, do we need a vice presidential candidate? Your state laws say no. The Secretary of State and four members of the staff all signed off that we had done everything right. And then the DNC talked to them and they came out and said, oh no. Welcome to law fair. It's not just for a public incident or is it? No. I'm getting the end of it. Then they play hardball. So, you know, I got to ask you about the... When we talked on the phone, you can't get secret service protection. Joe Biden has your father's bust behind him in the Oval Office. Yeah, and he stole his speeches when he was running for president in '87. Why did he give you a seat? Well, you know, I think it's pretty clear. I don't like to look into people's heads, but I think it's pretty clear that they think that it will hurt me financially. It's costing me about a million and a half dollars a month to do my securities. You know, they'd rather me spend it on security than spending it on advertising or ballot access. The history of it is how... Not many people running for president were not entitled to secret service until my dad was shot in '68. So, my dad did not have secret service protection. And you weren't at that until that time. You weren't allowed to get secret service protection until you became the party's nominee. So, that's when it kicked in. And then when my father was killed, I think at that time we were like 12 people running. You know, George Wallace was running at... Right. Yeah. Karthi Humphrey. Romney. Romney. And they all immediately got secret service protection. And then Congress, the first time it convened after that pass law saying that 120 days out, anybody who has scored 15 points on a poll gets it. But in practice, the president can give it to anybody. And he's never denied it in history. No president ever denied it. And they've given it to 44 people, including like Pat Buchanan and Lyndon LaRouche and Jesse Jackson. People had only two or three percent. Your family has been so tough on you for running. What do they think of the fact that their guy, their man, who pays a couple of them on his federal payroll, what do they think of the fact that he won't give you? You know, it's odd because I had dinner with my cousin Maria Shriver this week and with one of my brothers, Max Kennedy. And, you know, I talked to him about this issue and they said, "Oh, my gosh, we didn't think of that. You know, we will do whatever we can to get you secret service protection." So, Max really disagrees with me on Ukraine war. And he disagrees with me on Sirhan. And because of my position on -- You want to keep Sirhan in, correct? No, I don't. Oh, okay, I'm sorry. I want him released. But most of my family wants to keep him locked up. So, I took that position and I took it publicly. And a lot of my siblings were very hurt by that and I understand that. I get it. I think I'm right on the issue, but I understand also their feelings. I don't begrudge them their feelings. And that's one of the reasons -- that's probably the major reason that Max is not supporting me. Because he thinks that I'll free Sirhan if I edit. If you weren't in the race, who would you be inclined to vote for, Trump or Biden? You know, I can't say that because -- can I tell you the way that I look at this race? I think these guys -- everybody looks at them and says there's a huge difference between Trump and Biden. But in a way, they're in a way and I'm going to qualify that. They're kind of mirror images of each other. They're very different temperaments, very different personalities, very different -- and they're rhetoric and they're ideologies. But the issues that they actually dispute each other on are mainly culture war issues. They're abortion that guns the border -- very, very important issue. You're on Trump's side on the border. You're on Trump's side on Ukraine, aren't you? Well, I would end the Ukraine war and I would sail the border, so to the extent that Trump's policies -- Those are two big ones, though. But the biggest issues are issues that neither of them are going to do anything about. The biggest issue of all of the budget is a deficit. We have $34 trillion in the last 100 days. We've added another trillion. The guys who ran that up are Trump and Biden. So by Trump ran up $8 trillion more than any president in history, more than every president before him combined. 283 years. But that was COVID. Well, yeah, why did he lock down the country in COVID? I would never have done that. I would not have just -- And I'm a Trump guy. I think you know that. I'm going to talk you out of that. No, about 15 minutes. But what I'm saying, he was in a tough spot politically. I mean, he was boxed into a quarter, wasn't it? That is baloney. He could have done -- yeah, he should have -- listen, if I had been there, I would have explained to the American public what was happening. You don't shut down businesses during a -- you don't shut down society because of respiratory virus. You know, I was reading the science at that time, and I was reading the pandemic protocols that are published by CDC, WHO, European Medical Agency. Every one of them says you never shut down the society if it's a respiratory virus because it's going to spread anyway. And you're just going to end up killing a lot more people because the lockdowns kill people. I don't think he kind of understood that. He did. And that's the problem with Trump, is that he gets rolled by his bureaucrats again and again and again. The things that he -- you know, he says, "I'm going to drink a swamp." And then he caves in, and he appoints John Bolden to run the NSA. He says, you know, he appoints a Scott Gottlieb, who's the head and, you know, jump-olds a swamp creature. He is the epitome of the swamp creature. He appoints Scott Gottlieb, who is a Pfizer business partner, to run FDA. Scott Gottlieb does a $100 billion favor for Pfizer, and then goes back to Pfizer's board and collects his pay off. And if you look at every one of the agencies, they were all being run by lobbyists from the industry. They're supposed to regularly -- I'll just -- before we move on from Trump. Don't you think Trump has learned something, though, from being rolled? No, because every day he gets up and says, "My greatest accomplishment was Operation Warp Speed." So, no, I don't think by his own, you know, by his own admissions, I don't think he's learned anything. And everybody is telling him, "Stop saying that. You're losing your own base." Because, you know, everybody's seeing what's happening now with the myocarditis injuries and the pericotitis, all these young people who are dying. Biden wanted to fire people. He did fire people, and he set up the protocols to fire people. And that's what I mean, is that both of these guys differ on the margins, but on the big issues, like the national debt, the chronic disease epidemic, which is now affecting 60% of our kids, neither of us have any idea about what to do about it. The polarization in our country is tearing our country apart. Both of them are part of that. The destruction of our soils, the poisoning of our food supply. You know, we have this epidemic diabetes alley. When you and I were kids, a typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes in his lifetime. A 40-year career, one case. Isn't that obesity, though? Juvenile diabetes. Today, one out of every three kids who are exposed or is prediabetic or diabetic, diabetes now cause more than the national defense budget. And why is this happening? It's happening because we're mass poisoning our children. Even this year, they changed the definition of Alzheimer's disease that it's now called type 3 diabetes because they realize it's being caused by the same thing, a poison food supply, and neither drum nor binder is going to do anything about it. Let me ask you about the border. My wife asked me, she wants to know, what are you going to do about all the illegal aliens that are in the country? Are you going to deport them? I'm going to shut down the border, okay? And I'm going to do that. There's three things you need to change in policy. You need infrastructure changes in personnel. The policy changes is we need to immediately revive the Immigration Protection Act, which said that any immigrant who comes in from Mexico with an asylum claim has to adjudicate that claim while they're still in Mexico in the United States. You're going to return to the Trump policy. There's a cat, right? That's right. There's a cat generally program now, which needs to be returned to what it was under Trump, which is catch and return. And we need to complete the wall. There's 27 holes in the wall. You don't need a wall all the way from Brownsville, Texas, 2,200 miles to San Diego, but you need the wall in the urban areas where they can come across and quickly disappear. And there's 27 gaps that bind left in that wall. We already have the materials and everything else they were purchased. I've been down there and just sitting on the ground. It's crazy. And then you need personnel. We need to complete the – we need to hire about 2,000 more border patrol. We need to hire about 300 asylum judges and get them down there. So the case is going to get adjudicated about four people. How about the war in Gaza? You heard today Biden had this conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu when he told him he had to have an immediate ceasefire. You've been more Trumpian than Biden like on Israel. What do you think of Biden's policy of trying to pressure Israel to a ceasefire? I think it's wrong. I think – look, I'm pro-Palestinian. In spite of it. I'm pro-Palestinian. I'm anti-Hamas. Many friends are Palestinian in Israel. I've been to the West Bank. I met with a Palestinian leadership. I have friends in Gaza today who are suffering terribly. You know, every death over there is terrible. But Israel is taking greater precautions to avoid civilian casualties than any army in history. And don't believe me. That's what John Spencer, who is the director of the Urban War, for instance, at West Point. The civilian combatant death ratio in every battle since World War II has been 9 to 1. And that is Mosul, Fallujah. Right. In Gaza, they have achieved – Israel has achieved a one-to-one combatant civilian to combatant ratio in the most difficult circumstances. You have an army at their fighting of 40,000 troops that deliberately use the civilian shields. They put their armories, their command centers, their lives in hospitals and schools, and you know, and – but – How is it? Why are you doing this? How are you going to get rid of Hamas? I mean, you can't leave Hamas in play. Hamas is vowed one – this isn't a territory of war. They don't want to negotiate. Their charter says we believe in three things. The annihilation of Israel, the extermination of every Jew, and that any attempt to negotiate with the Israelis is a violation of the laws of Islam except as a ruse. So how do you negotiate with – So why is Biden pressuring Israel? I think because the American left has gone crazy on this issue. They don't understand the history. They're ignorant about the facts on the ground. And, you know, they're seeing these terrible scenes of civilian casualties and civilian deaths. And they're saying, you know, we've got to stop it. And I don't blame them. I understand that. But it is, you know, the President Biden has a responsibility. Which is to – is to – actually to research, to understand – to understand Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East. Every other state is an apartheid state. Israel is the only – there's 27 states in the Middle East. Ali, 26th of them have an official religion. The only one that doesn't is Israel. Every other one is – has an official religion and they have laws in place that are oppressive toward minority religions. For example, in Gaza, the West Bank, in Jordan, you can get the death penalty for selling land to a Jew. Those are apartheid states. Israel – everybody has a right to vote. There's 20% of Israel's population is Palestinian. They all can run for a political office. They all have a right to vote. They serve on the judges. There's total freedom of speech. There's total freedom of religion. If you had a minute to speak to both Joe Biden and Donald Trump, what would you say to them? First, start with Biden. What would you say to President Biden? On what issue? On any issue. I mean, I think that if President Biden – you know, President Biden's had a very productive life as a public servant. But, you know, we're dealing with issues now that he is not capable of handling. He has no solution for the chronic disease epidemic, which is now 60% of our kids. He has no solution for the dead. He has no solution and the polarization. I shudder to think what's going to happen with AI, with either of these presidents. AI is the impact of AI on our democracy. It's capacity to control human thought, to trigger behavior, to alter reality. The impacts that it could have on our democracy are really frightening. But also the promise of AI is extraordinary. And we need a president who can actually is capable of complexity and nuance. And I'm going to run out of time, so I'm going to give you 30 seconds to tell it. What would you tell Donald Trump? Listen, I would tell Donald Trump that I don't think it's good for America to polarize people. I think we need to start focusing on the common ground, on the values that we all share in common, rather than on those issues that drive us apart. I wouldn't expect that he would listen to me, by the way. He said good things about you to me when he went on the show. He likes you sometimes. I sued him twice, by the way, on one. All right, Bobby Kennedy, we really appreciate what you're having me. Thank you. And I want you to sign the book before you leave to the real Anthony Fauci. We've got to take a break. I'm Howie Carr. The emperor of hate, Howie Carr, is back. Welcome back to The Howie Carr Show. If you missed any part of the last segment, our exclusive interview with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. here in the studio today, you can head to and click on Listen. You can also catch the full interview wherever you get our podcasts. Be sure to head to and click on Store to check out today's cheap bastard deal with Kelly's roast beef. You can get a Kelly's gift card for half off. These are redeemable at the three Florida locations only. And check out our other amazing deals on the website, shirts, books, and other merchandise. Thanks for listening. See you all tomorrow. I'm Howie Carr. Thanks, individuals. Tragically, lost their lives when the Francis Scott King Bridge collapsed last week. (dramatic music)