The Howie Carr Radio Network

Out of the Fog: Pot's Hold on America | 4.4.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 3

Democrats are pushing to ban menthol cigarettes. Funny, they're the same people pushing to legalize recreational marijuana. Plus, tune in for the Chump Line featuring the latest diary entry from Roscoe the pug!

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04 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on "Store." [Music] Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie Car Show. And prices, although inflation is moderate, prices are still high. Price of gasoline is still high. The Biden administration announced that it's going to pull back its plans to refill the SPR, the strategic petroleum reserve. This summer could be a tough summer if you want to drive somewhere. Well, I think the theory of the case is pretty simple. The president's done a good job. Raw. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We're down in crime in the subway system for order first quarter. We're down. New numbers from the NYPD showing uptick in subway crime. Men's in the hospital tonight after being hit with some sort of mental object when getting off the subway. A shocker on the subway, a group of people attacked by a stranger with fire. If you don't feel safe because you see this disorder going on, then you're going to say that, hey, we're not safe. I'm in danger. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's... How we car? Welcome to the How we Car Show 844-542-844-542-442. In the first hour, we had presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on with us. It was an interesting interview, I think. We're going to rebroadcast it during the final hour of the show tonight, probably around 6.30, I think. Somewhere in there, we haven't quite decided yet, but if you haven't heard it, you can check it out. We probably tweet out a picture of us together in the studio here in Boca Raton. He's an interesting guy. He delivered a message to my wife, too, afterwards. He said, "It must be difficult being married to someone like me. If she ever has any need for any counseling, she can feel free to give him a call." It was amusing. It was amusing. What can I say? 844-542, and Judge Canone has said that there's going to be a 200-foot buffer area around the datum courthouse when the Karen Reid murder trial starts in just a little under two weeks, April 16th. That seems like a mighty big buffer zone, 200 feet, again, the DA was asking for 500 feet, but that was absurd. But 200 feet, that's still two-thirds about of a football field. That's a lot of ground. I'll reach the entire order in a little while. I assume it will be appealed. I don't know how far they're going to get, though. 844-542. We also have a lot of gift certificates, not a lot, but we have some gift certificates left for Kelly's roast beef, Florida locations. Only we have $50 gift certificates for $25. These are good at the locations in Sarasota, Naples, and South Pasadena on the West Coast. They're opening three more this year, and one in Fort Myers, one in Parrish, and they're going to open a second location in Naples, Florida. So if you're a snowbird or know a snowbird that you want to get a gift for, just set it aside for when you return to Florida, if you've already gone back to New England, go to, click on store, $50 gift certificates to all of the Kelly's locations, in Sarasota, Naples, and South Pasadena, and they're more coming that you can use them at 844-542. Now it's time for the Chump Line. Here in fact checkers, Wilbur Trump's claim that Biden was hired to kite during the state of the union was false. Truth is, he was hired in a Chinese spy balloon. Did you see he was on, Trump I guess was on Hugh Hugh with this morning, and he said he wants the debate. Joe Biden, but he's going to insist on a drug test. I thought that was one of the funniest things I've seen all day long. Whatever your drug history is, aren't you curious about what they've got Joe Biden on when he goes out in front of a microphone and a camera? The night that the special counsel's report came out and he was all jazzed up for about three minutes, and then he started practically nodding off like a clock that hadn't been wound enough running out of juice. I think there's going to be a debate, but wouldn't it be great to know what drugs Joe Biden's on? Just so you could say, what is the healthcare proxy? Whatever they're giving Joe Biden, I don't want that. Just put me in a straight jacket or an iron lung or a padded room. Don't give me that stuff. I don't want to go out in public looking like that and sound them like that. The diary of Roscoe the Pug, day 302 of my captivity. The prison warden, who looks like a bespeckled Barnaby Jones, disenrolled me from the posh pet resort because he found a cheap canine cell block near his discount spray dance along on the rough side of town. Now I've been forced into a gang of undocumented Chihuahua drug smugglers. Instead of a drug mule, they call me their Pug Mule. Woof. I think he prefers the posh pet hotel which is further south, but he likes paws to VIP. Very important paws. At VIP paws, his best friend is another black pug. I haven't seen him, but they tell me he looks just like Roscoe. His name is Rocky. Rocky and Roscoe. Meanwhile at the park. A beautiful dog. A talented dog. As long as they don't give me Rocky and tell me it's Roscoe, we'll get along just fine at VIP. His best friend at the at the at the posh pet hotel is a French bulldog. So he moves with his own crowd. Dogs with no noses, no snouts. Today's Chump line is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curb in Harwichport, open year round with seasonal favorites for family fun food and entertainment. It's Jake Rooney's in Harwichport, the exclusive home of the stone grill dinner, online at Dementia Joe now thinks Google or even tough, tough, go would make a better Prime Minister of Israel than Netanyahu. You know, Joe Biden is so bad in so many ways. When was the last time he ever made a right decision as president, vice president, senator, the Wilmington city council or whatever the hell he was on? Has he ever made the right decision? A gate said he had never made a right decision in foreign policy, but I think you could you could include domestic policy as well. The Francis Scott King bridge has a dream that one day all ships will be judged, not under navigational prowess, but on the size of their payout to the big guy. Yeah, if you missed that KJP talk today about the Francis Scott King bridge. I think she was confused with Coretta Scott King. She's confused by a lot of things. Six individuals tragically lost their lives when the Francis Scott King bridge collapsed last week. And the police officers who saved people from going over the bridge are going to get the noble prize. All I can say to Matt Rashida Taiba is get ready. Bell. Why is he complaining that I'm the only candidate who isn't censored? According to Kareem Abdul, Sean Beard, electoral. I never lie or give up misinformation or disinformation or mail information. No joke. Yeah, Matt Taiba was on Fox News Channel the other day. And he said, you know, they asked him, do you agree with the RFK that Biden is a worse threat to democracy than Trump? And he said, yet he said, he's the only one of the of any of the candidates who's probably not going to be censored. You know, I mean, even even even a Jill Stein is going to step out of lines at some point along the line and get slapped down by the deep stay Cornell West, I'm sure is going to say something that that offends the the keepers of the of the deep state dogma. Brandon has a strategy for our petroleum reserve too bad. It's an anti-American strategy. Yeah, he's not going to refill the the strategic petroleum reserve because the prices are too high. Who could have seen that coming? Now, remember, again, I know Donald Trump was orange man bad and all that, but he tried to fill up. I mean, it was it was pretty much full. It was 80% full, but he wanted to top it off as they as we used to say during the gas lines of the 70s. He wanted to top off as the as SPR at when when oil was about 20 bucks a barrel at the start of COVID in 2020. And Chuck Schumer said it was a payoff to big oil and they stopped the appropriation to fill up the strategic petroleum reserve hot. Another another brilliant strategic move by the Democrat Party. In this case, Chuck Schumer. Howie, the reason why we should let Ukraine and tornado is simple. If we don't, Putin is gonna go into Poland and then he's gonna take Hungarian and then Romania and then Bulgaria and then Belgium and then Luxembourg and then France and then Spain and then Great Britain. I just don't know what they're afraid of with Russia. You know, what I know they have a lot of nuclear weapons, but it the country is has a declining population. It's GDP gross domestic product is less than California. It's it's a country in decline. Someone once said it's a it's it's a gas station with nuclear arms. And that's what it is. I mean, they're they're not I don't I don't think they're a terrible threat. Howie Donald White calling eh I was listening to your RFK interview on Tuesday when he said he supported Indian reparations and you didn't give him any pushback. Don't you remember all of our classmates who were killed during the Deerfield massacre? You darn turncoat. If you darken the doorstep of our class reunion this year out 23 skidoo. Kennedy's never went to Deerfield when Donald Dwight and I he went there much earlier than me but when Donald Dwight and I were there there were no Kennedy's at the Deerfield Academy. They went to Chote if they could get into any good prep schools. Now Kennedy's go to Deerfield Academy. Connor Kennedy Taylor Swift's boyfriend former boyfriend went to Deerfield with my daughter Charlotte same class with my daughter Charlotte. I should ask that I should ask Bobby don't you think Connor Connor and Taylor Swift broke up a little early considering Taylor is now worth a billion dollars. He wouldn't need to have Nicole Shanahan you know bankroll in his campaign if Taylor Swift was his daughter-in-law. I never thought of that until just now. That was your last Chumpline message. Thank you for calling Howie Carr. You chump. All right that is it for the Chumpline. The Chumpline is the recorded voice mail message service of the Howie Carr show. You can call and leave a message at any hour between 1 and 4 pm Eastern time. Weekdays the Chumpline number if you wish to leave such a number 844-542-844-542. Press 2 for the Chumpline. Leave your message and we may or may not play it at this time each weekday. If you didn't hear your message or you just want to hear a second brand new Chumpline you can do so. We have one it's every night. It's called Chumpline. It's all the Chumpline messages. We didn't have room with time for just now. It's posted every week night around 7 pm Eastern time. Get Chumpline at the second Chumpline of the day wherever you get your Howie Carr show podcast. Today's Chumpline is brought to you by Jake Rooney's on the curve in Harwich Port. Open year round with seasonal favorites for family fun food and entertainment. It's Jake Rooney's in Harwich Port. The exclusive home of the stone grill dinner online at The Francis Scott King Bridge has a dream that one day all ships will be judged not on their navigational prowess but on the size of their payout to the big die. You know just for the record she's an Ivy League graduate Columbia University. I always want to remind people of that. Last we forget I'm Howie Carr. The Howie Carr Show. Howie Carr is back. 844. 542. 42. 844. 542. 42. 42. Today's poll question is brought to you by Flip Lock. You may already have a home surveillance system but what's going on physically to stop an intruder from breaking down your door? The original Flip Lock is the answer. It's simple to use and is rated to stop up to nearly 1,700 pounds of force. Learn more at That's f-l-i-p-l-o-k dot com f-l-i-p-l-k dot com. Jared what's the poll question? What are the results thus far? Today's poll question which you can vote in at is Secretary of State Anthony Blinken wants NATO to admit Ukraine as a new member this summer. Is that a good idea or a bad idea? You know I'm opposed to dying in a nuclear blast myself. Yeah you know I mean maybe that's just my you know maybe I'm weird but I don't want to get into World War 3 over a country I don't give a bleep about. Yeah it turns out 96% of the audience agrees with you. New bad idea. 844-542-42 and again as I say I actually like Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia a lot more than I like Ukraine. I felt you very bad when I read about what the Russians did to them during World War II but I wouldn't want to die for any of those three little Baltic states either you know it's just but that's just me that's just me and if anybody wants to you know a Bobby Kennedy son Connor who went to Deerfield with my daughter Charlotte he went he went over there he was for a while I don't he was a volunteer I don't know what that entailed but he you know he wanted to fight. I always thought that I wanted to be a man bun brigade you know people who you know had had those those Ukrainian flags some of which they hung upside down in their yards or on their you know bumper stickers or on that as their avatars on their social media but not nobody ever joined it wasn't the Abraham Lincoln brigade and again in the Spanish Civil War had a lot more Americans than the man bun brigade which which never really came to fruition. 844-542-42 I'm going to get to to this guy once to talk about marijuana we'll talk to him in just a moment we haven't got time for you though Tracy right now but we'll get we'll get to you. I think he's a marijuana supporter 844-542-42. Stay off the weed! I don't want to put me on jail for smoking weed I just don't think that we should be encouraging it in in any form. I don't think it's good for you. There's a lot of stuff that's not good for you but and you know we try to well we let me put it this way me if we don't discourage it we shouldn't encourage it. 844-542-42. We'll be right back on how we car. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. 844-500-4242-844-542-442. Tracy you're next with how we car go ahead Tracy. Hi Howie I've been listening to you for a few years now and it's insightful I will put it that way I'm not a conservative but I have listened to your show and a lot of things have actually come clearer. You talked about pot I had two questions you talked about pot and about how it could be really really harmful but how many people have died from pot compared to alcohol and you mentioned it. I don't think that's a good comparison. I think if alcohol came along today it was just starting out I think there would be people would say you know do we really want to make this readily available. I know prohibition didn't work because it was it's already inculcated but you know the the fact that alcohol is bad for you I don't think that means that pot is good for you Tracy. No we don't know we don't know the longevity and some of the ingredients in there what they can do over time I understand that and I agree with that. What it has done though is reduced some of the prison population what I call the quarter pounders and it has uh no I again Tracy Tracy I want to just be clear I thought I said before I'm not in favor of incarcerating anybody for weed but I don't think that that we ought to be making weed readily available especially the the higher potency types of uh of cannabis that are out there today. I just don't think it's good and I think the younger that you get into it I think the worse it is for you and I think it you know it it you know it may not kill you per se like cirrhosis of deliver but I think it's I don't think it's good for your for your mental development I don't think it's I don't think it's it's just it's not a good thing to be to be stoned all the time. I agree with that too and it's also a choice too. It is it is it is again I'll agree with you it's a choice I just don't want to make it easier. You know it's kind of like it's kind of like they're they say about cigarettes you know that they you know now in places like Brookline Massachusetts they're they they say if you were born in I think in the 21st century you can't buy cigarettes anymore. Now I'm not in favor of that I don't that's that's too draconian that's too much like prohibition to me but I don't want to encourage anybody to smoke but you know you you don't but on the other hand you you don't want to make it make it easy to smoke I mean maybe maybe having higher taxes is the way to go with cigarettes but but don't you know and this idea of outlawing menthol cigarettes I mean that's insanity I in my opinion yes it is it's the same it's the same thing if you're in the same boat yes yeah I just again I don't think I don't think marijuana is is good for you it's it's certainly not the the panacea that it was portrayed when it when it you know first became more more readily available shall we say outside of certain certain subcultures in the in the 1960s and I think a lot of people have used it and it's just it hasn't been a good thing and I you could ask you could ask members of the Kennedy family how they feel about a lot of them about and they and they certainly have a lot of experience with drugs people in are in the same generation me and Bobby Kennedy junior in all of us I mean we know don't don't ask me how I know but I know it's bad for you thanks for the call Tracy Duke your next work how we go go ahead Robert Kennedy is dead on the money when he talks about processed foods destroying America's children yeah food out at this hour it's a proven fact that they cause inflammation cancers anxiety depression and top it off with the boys and girls from the CDC who love to over vaccinate children like no other nation on the planet no wonder why our youth is in big bad trouble and I believe it's setting them up to be lifelong customers to the pharmaceutical industry how do you feel about that my friend I'm not I'm not as much of a hardcore anti-vaxxer as as Bobby Kennedy and I and I you know what I think he's kind of pulled back a little bit from his hardcore maybe it's just as part of his campaign for president but you know I mean do you do you not take it or not have your kids take say the polio vaccine oh that that of course many years ago yes but just since I think early 2000s is when they've increased all these vaccines and they they pushed six month old infants to get the COVID shot oh I would never do that I would Duke I would never have you know I you know the mailroom manager and I told our daughter we we asked her we said you're not you're not gonna you're not thinking of getting these uh COVID shots for the for these grandkids are you and she wasn't no of absolutely not but I but I think some of these things uh you know like the the booster shot I got when I was a kid for diptheria whooping cough I don't even know what the other ones were you know I I think though I wouldn't have any problem getting with those for my kids I they were you know I it's these it's these ones that are on tested Duke aren't they that's the problem yes I agree to an extent but up here in Maine on the radio it's oh gather your family up go get your COVID shot your RSV and no look say you know I when I put out that when I put out that study I was going to show it to Bobby at Bobby Kennedy but he'd obviously seen it this the CDC was forced to release the the results of the the sample the self-selecting sample of people who claimed they were harmed by the by the COVID shot and I was good I was going to show that to him and I posted it online yesterday and some people were tweeting at me why did you tell people to get the shot I never told people to get the shot you know I said I'm getting the shot because I got to get it to get on an airplane and I don't want to drive back to Massachusetts from Florida and so but I never I never told anybody and I and you will never hear me and then go back in you know whoever's got every hour of tape but they obviously no one does but you're never going to hear me telling people to get the COVID shot I wouldn't do that I didn't I I didn't believe in it I you know I I believe that maybe it worked but I never would if I didn't have to get on a plane I don't think I would have gotten it they because you know what you know why the main reason I wasn't concerned about dying because I looked at the numbers and I and I saw that so someone in my with my health and my weight and my age was not in particular danger of dying 844 542 42 Ralph you're next with how we car go ahead Ralph hey captain good to hear yeah again I was in Germany in 1985 in the army and at the base exchange there was no mental cigarettes and if they did have it was cool so when people went vacationing to us for a couple weeks they bring back new ports and you can make up bundle hey you know Ralph are you a former smoker or a smoker now oh no I'm a occasional smoker but with the lead my point is my point is I never thought that I never thought that cool was that much worse of an alternative than new ports as a matter of fact I always you know when I I smoke salums sometimes if I wanted a menthol cigarette I know they got kind of you know they kind of like went by the wayside but I never understood too that it seemed like one one day everybody was smoking cools or mainly black people but other white people too and all of a sudden the next day everybody had switched over to Newport even though Newport had been around for 20 30 years I never understood what happened I still don't understand do you have any clue yes I do because the inner city it's just yeah but I what I'm saying is everybody in the inner city was smoking cools one day and the next day they were smoking new ports what happened you know cools cools were on one of the first I think maybe spuds may have been the first menthol cigarette but that was unfiltered and cool started out as unfiltered menthol cigarettes and then they put the filter on them like you know like a lot of cigarettes did thanks for the call though Ralph 844 542 42 you know it was a cool smoker dapper o'neill he smoked a couple of packs a day and he lived to 87 844 I wouldn't recommend it I wouldn't recommend I'm just pointing out that not everybody dies young from smoking cigarettes 844 542 42 207 there was never a requirement to be backs to fly in the US I don't know it was it was certainly in strongly encouraged I think I'm pretty sure I I needed to get a fax or they want they were looking for faxes or the certificates 844 542 42 Sherry year next with how we car go ahead Sherry hi how are you good great I just wanted to make a comment about legalization of marijuana okay like I used to smoke back in the day but what I'm finding out now is that it's just dumbing down America you know you get people stoned and it's just so many people just they don't it's just a dumbing down of America yet some more you know that's that's a good way to put it Sherry it's you know if you smoke pot every day and it again it's it's like cigarettes cigarettes aren't going to kill everybody booze is not going to kill everybody but with pot the more you smoke the more likely it is you're going to be for lack of a better term dumb down you know pretty much that's why I quit smoking about 10 11 years ago I'm out of the fog not going back in out of the fog that's a good way to put it to the fog of marijuana and the people who say well you know people kill each other in cars when they're driving drunk I'm telling you driving stoned is not a good it's not a good way to go through life either is it Sherry not necessarily that's why I smartened up at some point in my life anyways I just wanted to say that real quick but to me it just seems like you know seeing the you know 30 year olds now when everybody's so into this you know I live up here in Maine with the recreational pot legal pot I understand the medical version of it but I don't understand the recreational version of it yeah I know you know during prohibition they made medicinal alcohol too and I would I would say medicinal alcohol during prohibition was kind of like medicinal marijuana it was a it was a gateway to recreational marijuana thanks for the call eight four four five hundred forty two forty two auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man auctions are how economies determine values for assets and commodities auctions are not a fire sale at a discounted price rather auctions are an accelerated sale with competitive pricing so just because your parents listed their house for sale at a set price doesn't mean that you have to JJ Manning's accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate Manning's time tested approach began over 16,000 auctions ago in 1976 with its founder Jerome Manning what are the main benefits of a JJ Manning accelerated sale versus a traditional listing at a set price well in the Manning method there are no contingencies in the Manning method the buyer signs are exclusive P&S and makes a 10% non-refundable deposit that day in the Manning method you set the terms which all buyers must follow JJ Manning uses their own 30 30 marketing plan 30 days of marketing saturation and 30 days to close no deviations to the purchase and the buyers feet are kept to the fire to learn more on how to get your commercial residential or land sold quickly contact Charlie Gill at eight hundred five two one oh one one one or visit call Charlie today at eight hundred five two one oh one one one or go to and get your real estate sold i'm howie car did you know that between hosting a four-hour radio show multiple media hits political advocacy and walking Roscoe the Wonder Pug I call it a dog how he still finds time to write three columns a week oh I'll read his latest at the howie car show is back eight four four five hundred forty two forty two five oh eight what thumbs down america isn't pot granted it doesn't help but the public education is the biggest dumb down america there is sorry to say there's a lot of things dumb in down america social media doesn't help much either you know the attention spans are shot for everybody including including older people like me and and maybe you if you're older you don't you don't have the attention span you used to have I dare say unless you unless you're not partaking at all of social media that's just it's just the way it is but i mean it's it's definitely a contributing factor pot use usage eight four four five hundred forty two forty two scott you're next with howie car go ahead scott hi howie just a quick one up on the cool cigarettes we did a seminar on mesothelia over in asbestos and they had put asbestos filters on the cool cigarettes so i don't know if that was a killer for them or not but they had a pack of cigarettes with with the asbestos filters automated well didn't supposedly marlboro uh the one reason why they overtook uh winston and every other cigarette was because they were uh soaking them in some kind of very addictive chemicals that maybe added to the taste but they they also were very addictive well they've been doing that since day one haven't they well you know the you know what's odd too is and i don't i don't know if it's true but i've read theories that uh you know that the lung cancer rates didn't go out of control until they started putting filters of of any kind on cigarettes the the people who smoked non filters cigarettes uh you know it's it's not good for you obviously but it's worse for you to be smoking it through one of these filters with these uh you know uh asbestos or whatever the hell is it is in them depending on the uh whether it's a micronite filter or the charcoal filter of lark which i used to like actually i like lark still they changed the formula but the best thing to do is just not smoke obviously and i'm not i'm not suggesting anybody smoke eight eight look at all the people look at all the famous people who died or the people that you knew you know a lot of people that i that i grew up with came up with spent you know hung out with after high school after college they're dead now because they smoke cigarettes i mean i don't know I you know maybe technically the cigarettes didn't kill them but everybody i knew who smoked a lot of cigarettes they're mostly gone now that's reality thanks for the call scott matt you're next with how we car go ahead matt hi howie great show as always couple great blanks one uh cigarettes will definitely kill you my wife's got stage four love kids so that's spread through a brain she spoke for 40 years doing well but to get back to the marijuana stuff i was born in 1961 back in those days it was the gateway drug is what they used to call it you do that you're gonna do heroin you're gonna do cocaine you're gonna do this you're gonna do that then the government decided to be drug dealers what if they do back in the day with the heroin when they come out with the methadone they catch a drunkie they'd say you either go to jail or you get on the methadone the government was making three hundred and fifty dollars a cup to give these guys methadone at the little trailers there in the park yeah and they would keep these guys out of jail we used to we used to uh when the herald was in the south end there was a methadone clinic uh diagonally down the street south from the herald on hair i think it was on Harrison avenue and that was when the big dig was being built and we used to see the big trucks come in at like early in the morning and these guys would come in and get their shots of methadone and then go back out in the trucks and it was and i always i said what is going on here and and some of the people that were in the methadone clinics i not not so much the ones we saw but they they would take the if they weren't forced to take the shot you know to drink it down right there they would take it out on the street and sell it or just or trade it for for a shot of uh the real thing uh you know the class a control substance heroin i mean obviously you you know you wouldn't get as much as you would the methadone is watered out but it's you're right i i mean you don't want to encourage you certainly don't want to encourage that kind of stuff i'm how we go