The Howie Carr Radio Network

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. joins Howie LIVE in Boca Raton, FL | 4.4.24 - The Howie Carr Show Hour 1

The long-awaited interview is finally here. Howie is joined by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. live, in-person, in-studio. While Howie doesn't hide his support for President Trump this election year, RFK Jr. puts up quite the fight as to why undecided voters should consider him for the White House.

Broadcast on:
04 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifier bogo offer. This offer expires Sunday, March 24th to order years today. Go to Eden Pure and use code how we bogo. Better strap yourself in. It's time for the Howie car show and prices, although inflation is moderate prices are still high price of gasoline is still high. The Biden administration announced that it's gonna pull back its plans to refill the SPR the strategic petroleum reserve. This summer could be a tough summer if you want to drive somewhere. Well, I think the theory of the case is pretty simple. The president's done a good job. Live from the Matthews Brothers Studios. We're down in crime in the subway system for the first quarter. We're down. New numbers from the NYPD showing uptick in subway crime. Man's in the hospital tonight after being hit with some sort of mental object when getting off the subway. A shocker on the subway, a group of people attacked by a stranger with fire. If you don't feel safe because you see this disorder going on, then you're going to say that, hey, we're not safe. I'm an engager. Rump swabs, hacks and moon bats beware. It's Howie car. Welcome to the Howie car show. If you would like to join us today, eight four four five hundred forty two forty two eight four four five hundred forty two forty two and we expect to be joined shortly by Robert F Kennedy Jr. He's running a little late here today. The security is here. Not Secret Service because he doesn't get Secret Service protection because, well, we'll ask him about that again today. It's it's insane that he doesn't. But we will have him with us shortly and in the meantime, well, we'll get some of the some of the other duties of the show on not out of the way before he joins us for a segment or two. Eight four four five hundred forty two forty two and I I'm looking for the talking to him just because I think he's I think he's doing doing well and I think he I'm going to tell him right out front. I'm for I'm for Trump but you know he should he should be allowed to run and he should have Secret Service protection. They're trying to hamstring him with a law fair and and you know drain his coffers with forcing him to provide himself with his own security. It's a cost in my I would guess millions of dollars a month to to have security the kind that he needs. I mean it's not like he's you know Chris Christie you know just the he's he's he's at risk and and there and you know what they're what they're trying to do to him is is already you can see it backfiring. They they they canceled the presidential primary in Florida for an example in the middle of last month and so guess what there was no what Democrat turnout on I think it was March 19th and there was still a republic I mean it was you know was a theta-comply that Trump had won but a lot of people still want to go out and vote for Trump or against Trump you know a handful less than 20% so what happened was there was no Democrat turnout but there was a decent Republican turnout and the Democrats ended up losing a number of municipal offices that that held for decades so it was the you know the law of unintended consequences you know they they tried to they tried to screw Bobby Kennedy by keeping him out of the party and canceling the primary and they they ended up costing a lot of their own elected officials just in just in Florida alone. I mean I'm sure it's happened in other states the Florida is not the only state where they cancel the primary to protect Joe Biden and you know when they when they do this it just means that you know if there's any other way to express a protest vote against Joe Biden people are going to take it I think in in Wisconsin I forget what the word was it wasn't uncommitted it was some some other word on Tuesday and there were forty eight thousand people voted you know basically thumbs down to Joe Biden and the Democrat primary in Michigan a week or two earlier was 57,000 voted uncommitted I mean a lot of them was a Dearborn you know the the pro Hamas group but still it was a it was it it's still it's not good it's not good to try to a suppress election turnout or honest voting or or candidates actually anyway so we're gonna get we're gonna get the poll question out of the way here early and today's poll question is brought to you by flip lock you may already have a home surveillance system but what's going to physically stop and intruder from breaking down your door the original flip lock is the answer FL IP LOK flip lock it's simple to use and is rated to stop up to 1,700 pounds of force that's about eight times what a regular boat lock would do learn more at flip lock calm that's FL IP LOK calm FL IP LOK calm and you may have seen the headline that Secretary of State Antony Blinken the beta male who works for Joe Biden who he calls the foreign minister sometimes he he said that this week just came out today that that NATO should allow Ukraine to join in in the summer at the summer meeting he basically said they are gonna join I mean I can't imagine a worse idea than that I mean I'm you know I love those little Baltic countries stony Alatvia Lithuania but I mean should we really be on the hook for going into what going into nuclear war to defend them I mean I don't think that was a very good idea and you know allowing a country that's a war with the second largest nuclear power in the world to join NATO that kind of puts us on the hook I think it doesn't seem like it's a very wise thing to do but then it doesn't seem like it's a wise thing to do to given Ukraine a hundred and sixty billion dollars I know the Biden's got 10 million or whatever it was from the Ukrainians but I don't know you don't get a good rate you don't get that kind of rate of return ROI on on your 401k do you I know I don't get it on mine but anyway Jared what is the poll question and what are the results thus far today is poll question which you can vote in at how we car show calm is secretary of state Anthony Blinken wants NATO to admit Ukraine is a new member this summer is that a good idea or a bad idea that's a really really bad idea 92 percent of the audience says bad idea yeah I would I just can't what are what are these people thinking I mean every decision every proposal they have in it and in the meantime supposedly Biden told Benjamin Netanyahu on a phone call today that that Israel is going to have to agree to a ceasefire with Hamas before he said that there wouldn't be the ceasefire till the hostages came back he agreed with Netanyahu about that and and now he's now he's gone over to the pro Hamas position I mean that they they started the war there could be a ceasefire at any moment all all Hamas has to do with surrender and turn over Yaya Sinwar and those other those other thugs savages who started the war in the first place this is a this is ridiculous I mean the what what is he thinking of and I know he's again he's losing votes in in you know among the among the pro Hamas pro terrorist Arabs and Somalis in Minnesota and Michigan maybe a couple other states and smaller numbers but the vast majority of Americans support Israel they're not asking for us to send troops over there they're not asking they're asking to buy the supplies and and they're they're our allies the Israel unlike Ukraine is not shutting down churches Israel they're they're throwing Al Jazeera out of the country but I can't say as I blame them for that they're not shutting down radio and TV stations like Zelensky is it's it's just really it's just insane that they that they treat Zelensky an oligarch with kid gloves but they you know Benjamin Netanyahu's who's a who's a democratically elected official who's a an ally of the United States went to high school in the United States they treat him like he's a pariah these the when Obama was president they made him come in the back door at the White House Al Sharpton comes in the front door Al Sharpton's treated like like a like a Messiah in Netanyahu was treated like a pariah that's that tells you where their priorities are and Biden is probably even worse than Obama believe it or not 844 542 781 the modus operandi of the Democrat Party now is to use the system to bankrupt their opponents by lawfare no secret service protection etc they drummed the Kennedy out of the Democrat Party that's insanity yeah they you know whatever way they can get you you know whether they get Trump one way they can get Kennedy another way they can get Elon Musk another way you know whatever whatever levers to oppress and persecute are available that's that's what they'll use and they'll use it and and again as Bob Kennedy and others show they'll use it against Democrats just as readily as they'll use it against Republicans because it's all about the deep state it's about the uni party 844 542 42 4844 500 42 42 ever notice that when you ask moms what they want for mothers they so many of them ask for just one day of peace and quiet that's not really possible in anybody's family though is it good luck with that mom but maybe you can't help mom run away from all the responsibilities but at least you can help her tune them out at least for a little bit with a brand new pair of Raycon earbuds Raycon's everyday earbuds are the perfect way for you or mom or anybody else that you know to tune out all the noise 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we'll just do a we'll just do a little more riff in here KJP had a had a Biden moment by the way Biden is gonna have a yet some kind of Greek dinner tonight he had a another kind of a non-existent schedule today although I guess you know he would say that was a very very tension filled phone call that he had with BB Netanyahu although he probably has forgotten who he was speaking to by now was about an hour ago but KJP had a had a at a Biden-esque moment in the in her press availability today see if you can spot the problem cut eight six individuals tragically lost their lives when the Francis Scott King Bridge collapsed last week the Francis Scott King Bridge and I took grief for St. Francis Scott Key if I did say that I guess probably I did say it if he said it but anyway Francis Scott King that's what he said this is Anthony Blinken talking about the Biden administration's goal to get Ukraine into into NATO cut seven we also held our second NATO Ukraine Council we reaffirmed that Ukraine's future is in NATO our goal now is to create a bridge to Ukraine's full membership offering additional support and greater cooperation as Ukraine makes the reforms necessary to join the alliance a bridge you know given what happened in Baltimore last week I'm not your bridges the word I think we may be yeah this might be a way to create a bridge a Francis Scott King like bridge to World War III I mean what what is the point of this how does it increase the national security of the United States of America to to suddenly be on the hook for the defense of of Ukraine someone says someone just texted me so why don't we add Gaza to it and by the way is it you know they're there are rumors around that one reason that they're the the rebuilding or at least getting the debris out of Baltimore Harbor is because a lot of the equipment has been sent or is on its way to to the Mediterranean Sea to what to create that giant pier so that we can get some aid some so we could resupply I know they're saying resupply the Gaza civilians but let's be honest we're resupplying Hamas Hamas gets gets all of this for it gets first dibs on all of this aid that that goes in that's why they're hanging on again by their hanging on by their fingernails but they're still hanging on and and Rafa they've still got four decimated battalions that are op somewhat operative down there eight four four five hundred forty two forty two so as if you did as if you didn't know this it's the prices continued to skyrocket for the for gas the nationwide average price for regular gas topped 354 a gallon a spike of more than 45% under Joe Biden AAA reported Wednesday in the past month alone gas prices rose 20 cents so it's about it they're saying it's about a dollar more expensive than when Trump left office so that would make the average price 238 my my recollection of prices when Trump left office was more like 210 215 something like that gas prices remain high and could go higher due to industry and political factors Biden's economic war on American energy dependence during instability in the Middle East and Ukraine are sufficient are significant factors according to Goldman Sachs gas prices could reach four dollars by May you know let me put it another way gas prices could reach four dollars within just a little over three weeks how would that be with that is that you've got to be good for your Biden's favorability rates I don't think so a number of factors are driving oil prices higher no kidding one of which is shutting down the shutting down a lot of domestic oil production am I right let's take a call before we go to the break as we await the Bobby Kennedy juniors arrival Patrick you're next with how we car go ahead Patrick hey how we your basic infantry tactics say that you need a ratio of seven to one to go on the offense and and the Ukrainians can barely muster a one and a half to two to one so if they become part of of NATO alliance in Europe yeah NATO yeah we're going to be quickly sucked in there because they are both bankrupt they've run out of money power because they're nearly bankrupt and they run out of manpower because they simply don't have the you know they're taking out and a lot of the a lot of the draft age men have fled the country you know 10% of the refugees in Massachusetts the the illegal aliens are Ukrainians and it's and it Poland is overrun with with not just women but military age men who are fleeing because they don't want to be used as a cannon fodder by Zelensky in this insane war thanks for the call Patrick equal four five hundred forty two forty two I'm how we car live from the Matthews brothers studios eight four four five hundred forty two forty two if you're if you're watching on social media you're not seeing me here we've switched over to a two shot we haven't adjusted the camera yet but we're we're just trying to get to waiting for Bobby Kennedy Jr. he should be here at any moment I apologize for any of the delays but we should we should have him with us momentarily eight four four five hundred forty two forty two and in the meantime I want to tell you there's a there's a there's a there's a horrible illegal alien murder story a mexican illegal alien who's been deported multiple times from the US was arrested in Ohio on murder charges after officials determined a body found in an alley was a homicide firm in Garcia - Gutierrez 46 was charged with aggravated murder using weapons while intoxicated well intoxicated carrying concealed weapons possession of drugs and obstructing official business and the sheriff sure of Jones of Butler County as told he had eight he he had eight mug shots of this guy he's an illegal alien they had eight different mug shots it was a it was a it was pretty impressive how many how many mug shots they were able to get so this is what he sheriff Jones in Butler County Ohio had to say about illegal aliens in the crime that they're they're causing cut number three now I've spoke a lot this is killing us and it's destroying our country everybody it's affecting all of us in Butler County times the 3300 counties in the United States these people aren't doing anything and they're causing it no matter it don't matter who who elected them what they done we've elected these people and they're not responsible is what they're telling us yeah it's really something all right eight four four five hundred forty two 42 we're now joined by Bobby Kennedy Jr. thank you Bobby thanks hey thanks for thanks for coming in we appreciate it good to have you here on the on the highway car show so let me let me ask you first off how is it how is the campaign going how many states are you gonna be on the ballot on every state every state yeah we're not gonna win fact we got on Idaho today and we got on where do we get on yesterday they kept you off one state didn't they because you didn't have the running mate last week we got in Nevada but who were we we got on yesterday Idaho today Nevada okay but we're gonna do and I think tomorrow we're gonna be on Vermont we're gonna do two states a week from now on so we're gonna announce two new states they the secretary of state it was crazy thing in Nevada the secretary of state we you know we check with the secretary of state we had written permission we say do we need a vice presidential candidate your state laws say no the secretary of state and four members of her of them of the staff all signed off that we had done everything right and then the DNC talked to them and they came out and said oh no welcome to law fair it's not just from a public entity or is it no I'm getting the end of it then they play hardball so so you know I gotta I gotta ask you about the we talked when we talked on the phone you you can't get secret service protection Joe Biden has your father's bust behind him in the overall in the office he stole his speeches when he was running for president 87 why would he give you know well I you know I think them I mean I think it's pretty clear I don't like to look into people's heads but I think it's pretty clear that they think that it will hurt me financially it's causing me about a million and a half dollars a month to do my security so you know they'd rather me spend it on security than then spending it on advertising or ballot access the history of it is as how eat them nominee the people running for president were not entitled to Secret Service until my dad was shot in 68 so my dad did not have Secret Service protection but and you weren't at that until that time you weren't allowed to get Secret Service protection until you became the party's nominee so that's when it kicked in and then when my father was killed or I think at that time and they were like 12 people running you know George Wallace was running it right yeah Karthi Romney yeah Romney and they all immediately got Secret Service protection and then Congress the first time it convened after that pass laws saying that that 120 days out anybody who is has scored 15 points on right on a poll gets it but in practice the president can give it to anybody and he's never denied it in history no president ever denied it and they've given it to 44 people including like Pat Buchanan and Linda LaRouche and Jesse Jackson people had only two or three percent your family has been so tough on you for for running what do they what do they think of the fact that their guy their man who gives pays a couple of them on his federal payroll what do they think of the fact that he won't give you you know it's odd because I had I had dinner with my cousin Maria Shriver this week and with one of my brothers Max Kennedy and you know I talked about this issue and they said oh my gosh we didn't think of that you know we we will do whatever we can to get you Secret Service protection so in Max is Max really disagrees with me on Ukraine war and he disagrees with me on Sirhan and because of my position you want to keep Sirhan in correct no I don't oh okay I'm sorry I want him released but my most of my family wants to keep him locked up so I took that position and I took it publicly and I a lot of my siblings were very hurt by that and I understand that I get it I think I'm right on the issue but I understand also their feelings I don't begrudge them their feelings oh and that's one of the reasons that's probably the major reason that Max is not supporting me because he thinks that I'll free Sirhan if I get it if you weren't in the race who would you be inclined to vote for Trump or Biden you know I don't I I can't say that because like you can I tell you though the way that I look at this race I think these guys you know everybody looks at them says there's a huge difference between Trump and Biden but in a way they're they're in a way and I'm gonna qualify that they're kind of mirror images of each other very different temperaments very different personalities very different and they're rhetoric and their ideologies but the issues that they actually dispute each other on are mainly culture war issues their abortion that guns the border very very important issue you're on Trump side on the border you're on Trump side on Ukraine aren't you well I would do more I yeah I would end the Ukraine or and I would seal the border so to the extent that that's Trump's policies those are two big ones though yeah but the biggest issues are issues that neither of them are gonna do anything about the biggest issue of all the budget is a deficit we have thirty four trillion dollars in the last hundred days we've added another trillion the guys who ran that up are Trump Biden so you know by Trump ran up eight trillion dollars more than any president history more than every president before him combined two hundred and eighty three years but that was COVID well why did you want any lockdown country you know in COVID I would never have done that I would not have just you know what's it wasn't I and I'm a Trump guy you I think you know that I'm gonna talk you out of that no 15 minutes but what I'm saying he was he was in a tough spot politically I mean he was boxed into a corner wasn't that is baloney he could have done yeah he should have he listened if I had been in there I would have explained to the American public what was happening you don't shut down businesses during a you know you don't shut down society because of respiratory virus there you know I was reading the science at that time I was reading the pandemic protocols that are published by CDC WHO European Medical Agency every one of them says you never shut down the society if it's a respiratory virus because it's spread anyway and you're just gonna end up killing a lot more people because the lockdowns kill people don't think he kind of understood that he did and that's the problem with Trump is that he gets rolled by his bureaucrats again and again and again the things that he you know he says I'm gonna drink a swamp and then he caves in and he he appoints John Bolton to run the NSA he says he you know he he appoints a a Scott Gottlieb who's the head and you know jump all this a swamp creature he is the epitome of the swamp creatures he appoint Scott Gottlieb who is a Pfizer business partner on FDA Scott Gottlieb does a hundred billion dollar favor for Pfizer and then goes back to Pfizer's board and collects his pay off oh and if you look at every one of the agencies they were all being run by lobbyists from the industry they're supposed to go to the heat I'll just be before we move on from Trump don't you think Trump has learned something though from being heat from being rolled no because every day he gets up and says my greatest accomplishment was operation warp speed so no I don't think by his own you know by his own admissions I don't think he's learned anything and everybody is telling him stop saying that you're losing your own base because now you know everybody's seeing what this you know what's happening now with the with the myocarditis injuries and the pericatitis all these young people who are who are dying and you know and Biden wanted to fire people he did fire people and he set up the protocols to fire people yeah and that's what I mean is that both of these guys different the margins but on the big issues like the national debt the chronic disease epidemic which is now affecting 60% of our kids neither mess any idea about what to do about it the polarization our country was tearing our country apart both of them are part of that the destruction of our soils the the poisoning of our food supply there's a you know we have the epidemic diabetes howie when you and I were kids a typical pediatrician would see one case of diabetes in his lifetime 40 year career one case isn't that obesity though juvenile juvenile diabetes today one out of every three kids who walks best or has is pretty diabetic or diabetic diabetes now cause more than the national defense budget and why is this happening it's happening because we're mass poisoning our children even this year they changed the the definition of Alzheimer's disease that is now called type 3 diabetes because they would they realize it's being caused by the same thing a poison food supply and neither drummed or binders gonna do anything about me ask you about the border my my wife asked me she wants to know what are you going to do about all the illegal aliens that are in the country are you gonna deport them I'm gonna shut down the border okay and I'm gonna do that there's three things you need you need changes in policy you need the infrastructure changes in personnel the policy changes is we need to immediately revive the immigration protection act which which said that any immigrant who comes in from Mexico with an asylum claim has to adjudicate that claim while there's still in Mexico in the United States you're gonna return to the Trump policy here's a cat right that's right there's a catch and release program program now which needs to be returned to what it was under Trump which is catch and return and we need to complete the wall there's 27 holes in the wall you don't need a wall all away from Brownsville Texas 2200 miles to San Diego but you need the wall in the urban areas with a you know they can come across and quickly disappear and there's 27 gaps that Biden left in that wall we already have the materials and everything else they were purchased I've been down there it's just sitting on the ground you know it's crazy and then and then you need personnel you need we need to complete the we need to hire about 2,000 more border patrol we need to hire about 300 asylum judges and get them down there so the case can we get adjudicated before people how about how about the war in Gaza you heard you heard today Biden had this conversation with Benjamin Netanyahu when he told him he had to have an immediate ceasefire now you've been you've been more Trumpian than Biden like on Israel what is is by what what do you think of Biden's policy of trying to pressure Israel to to a see I think it's wrong I think you know look I'm I'm pro-Palestinian in spite of it I'm in spite of it I'm pro-Palestinian I'm Annie Hamas I've many friends are Palestinian in in Israel I've been to the West Bank I met with a Palestinian leadership I have friends in Gaza today we're suffering terribly and you know every death of it there is terrible but Israel is taking greater precautions to avoid civilian casualties than any army in history they and that don't believe me that's what John Spencer who is the director of the urban war for instance you know what at West Point that the the the civilian to combat combat and death ratio in every battle since World War two has been 9 to 1 and that is Mosul Fallujah right the it in in in Gaza the they have achieved Israel's achieved a one-to-one combat is for civilian to combat in ratio in the most difficult circumstances you have an army at their fighting of 40,000 troops that deliberately use the civilian shields they put their their armories their command centers why is why is it hospitals and schools and and you know and but how is why are you doing this how are you gonna get rid of Hamas I mean you can't leave Hamas in play Hamas is vowed one this isn't a territory of war they don't want to negotiate their charter says we believe in three things the annihilation of Israel the extermination of every Jew and that any attempt to negotiate with the Israelis is a violation of the laws of Islam except as a ruse so how do you negotiate so why is why is Biden pressuring Israel I think because the American left has gone crazy on this issue they don't understand history they're ignorant about the facts on the ground and you know they're seeing the these terrible scenes of civilian casualties and civilian deaths and they're saying you know we've got to stop it and I don't blame them I understand that but it is you know the President Biden has a responsibility which is to is to actually to research to understand understand Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East every other state is an apartheid state Israel is the only there's 27 states the mitties owie 26 of them have an official religion the only one that doesn't is Israel every other one is it is as official religion and they have laws in place that are on that are oppressive toward minority religions for example in Gaza the West Bank in Jordan it you can get the death penalty for selling land to a Jew okay those are apartheid states Israel everybody has the right to vote there's 20% of Israel's population is Palestinian they all can run for political office they all have a right to vote they serve on the judges there's total freedom of speech there's total freedom of religion if you had a if you had a minute to to speak to both Joe Biden and Donald Trump what would you say to them first start with Biden what would you say to President Biden about on what issue on this any issue I mean I think that if president Biden you know president Biden's had a very productive life as a public servant and he but you know we're dealing with with issues now that he is not capable of handling he can't he has no solution for the chronic disease epidemic which is now 60% of our kids is no solution for the debt is no solution and the polarization I I shudder to think what's gonna happen with AI with either of these presidents AI is so you know the the impact of AI on our democracy its capacity to control human thought to trigger behavior to alter reality the impacts that it could have on our democracy are really frightening but also the promise of AI is is extraordinary and we need a president who can actually is capable of complexity and nuance and I'm gonna run out of time so I'm waiting for 30 seconds to tell what would you tell Donald Trump I've listened I what I don't what I would tell Donald Trump that I don't think it's good for America to polarize people I think we you know we need to start focusing on the common ground on the values that we all share in common rather than you know and on those issues the driver's part I wouldn't expect that he would listen to me by the way I I think he said good things about you to me when he had it on the show he said he likes you sometimes he okay I sued him twice by the way I had one all right Bobby Kennedy we really appreciate how he thinks we're having me thank you and I want you to sign the book before you leave to the real Anthony Fauci we got to take a break I'm how we car okay we're just totally out of time here so we'll be back we have a cheap bastard deal coming up with Kelly's gross beef the Florida locations and we'll be talking more about my interview with Bobby Kennedy Jr. we'll be right back