The Howie Carr Radio Network

Ari Hoffman on Israel, Hamas, and CHAZ 2.0 in Seattle | 4.4.24 - The Grace Curley Show Hour 3

Grace welcomes her go-to on news out of the Middle East, Ari Hoffman of the Post Millennial. Then, remember the Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) from back in 2020? Turns out, the hippies didn't learn from history. Grace shares the details.

Broadcast on:
04 Apr 2024
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Today's podcast is brought to you by Howie's new book Paperboy. To order today, go to and click on store. Live from the Aviva Trattoria studio, it's The Grace Curly Show. We've got to bring in a new voice, a young voice, a rising voice, Grace Curly. You can read Grace's work in the Boston Herald and a spectator. Especially Grace, Grace, stand up. Here's the millennial with the mic, Grace Curly. Welcome back, everyone, to The Grace Curly Show. Thank you all so much for joining us. By the way, the story about Gavin Newsom, allegedly lying. Or maybe not lying, maybe he just didn't stop other people from lying. Maybe he just let people think he was this great baseball player. Maybe he was. I don't know, I've got to do more digging into this, but we will get back to it. Okay, if Governor Hair Gel pretended to be some sort of incredible athlete, Allah, Joe Biden, I will circle back. What school did he supposedly play for? Santa Clara. Santa Clara. All right, I'm on it. Ooh, that's baseball reference. Here we go. Judge Jared, he's on the move. All right, but I'm really excited about our next segment because it's, first of all, it's been far too long since I've had Ari Hoffman on the show. Ari Hoffman, host of KVIC Atal from three to six on the West Coast, the post millennial he writes for. He's, and he's also written for Newsweek, a bunch of different publications. He is such a great resource for us. And Ari, I wanted to start with your reaction to some of the early reports we're getting about this call between Beebe Netanyahu and Joe Biden. Well, basically it's going to be wandering Joe, you know, senile old Joe, saying here's how I think you guys should do your war in Israel because my wife told me she doesn't like how you're doing your war in Israel and I'm about to lose Michigan. I'm about to lose Minnesota and I'm about to lose every other swing state. So can you wrap this up right now and Beebe Netanyahu going, is that going to be the end of terrorists? Are we going to get back our hostages? And that's the end of the conversation. Yeah, let's talk a little bit about Dr. Jill. There were reports that at this Ramadan ceremony that someone heard her, an attendee heard her say to Joe, like you must stop this Joe in regards to the Israel Hamas war. Do you think when we talk about this, the pressure campaign and it's not just from Dr. Jill and it's not just from Democrats, it's from leaders all over the world, when we talk about this pressure campaign, Ari, do you think that it's having an effect on the administration? I know on Twitter, you were following a lot of what Karine John Pierre was saying from the podium yesterday about their response and about their reaction to what's happening in the Israel Hamas war specifically yesterday, the seven aid workers who were killed in Israeli drone strike. Do you think that these conversations and this pressure is having an effect on the White House's strategy? Absolutely it is. Let's not forget that a few months ago, Joe Biden's staffers at his own White House walked out to protest him supporting Israel during the Israel Hamas war and Israel's war against Hamas terrorists. His own staff walked out. He's getting pressure from the far left and as opposed to realizing that over 82% of Americans support Israel in its war against terrorism, Joe Biden is playing the Barack Obama card. What he's doing is he's trying to consolidate the far left to support him, but he doesn't realize there's a lot of those far left people don't show up and vote. Plus a lot of them are younger and they come out and vote for somebody dynamic and fun and for whatever we say about Barack Obama and I think he's one of the worst presidents in US history, they thought he was dynamic, they thought he was cool, they thought he was a celebrity, so they voted for him. Joe Biden cannot pull off the same thing Barack Obama did. Now getting to the attack which results in the death of the aid workers, it's really more like a friendly fire incident. What Israel had thought was that terrorists had taken over this convoy of aid workers because Hamas terrorists keep taking over convoys. Israel has been working with that organization, that aid organization for over six months, attacking them serves no function. It only causes more world condemnation. It is really a very terrible tragedy, but I don't hear anybody talking about when Joe Biden drowned a family in Afghanistan right after the disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal claiming that there were a whole bunch of terrorists who were the ones responsible for the death of US service members, 13 US service members at the gates of the airport during his disastrous withdrawal. Unfortunately war sucks, unfortunately war is terrible, but if Hamas hadn't killed over 1200 people raped all those women kidnapped over 250 people, we wouldn't be in this problem. Now Ari Hoffman, I did tell my listeners earlier, I warned them about this. I said, I do not like to play cuts from the view. I have a whiteboard in my office. It's been however many days since I've played a cut from the view. Unfortunately, once in a while we got to break that rule, so we're back to zero here because I'm about to play a cut from Sonny Hostin. I think it actually talks a lot about, she talks a lot about what you're saying right now, which is she's condemning Israel and she's also, she's assuming that a lot of these things will lead to the end of the war if she gets her way or if the left gets their way. Let's play this and get your reaction cut one. Michigan has about 200,000 Muslim voters. They are losing their family members and the United States the UN has found is complicit in that and that is because the United States sends 3.8 billion dollars worth of aid to Israel and that also includes arming them. Social sciences have found that if the United States stopped providing that aid, the war would be over. Can I just finish this? The war would be over in three days. No, you know when the war would be over? It would be over if the Hamas would release the hostage. That's when the war would be over. So enjoy Behar is the voice of reason, Ari. I think we all have reason to be concerned, but I want you to talk a little bit about this because she's kind of hitting on a few different things and she's saying the quiet part out loud. A lot of this pressure that's getting put on Israel as far as the White House is concerned, it does involve the votes. It does involve these young radical progressives who are threatening not to vote for Joe Biden and I would tell you one further thing, Ari, and then we'll, I'll give you the floor, is that there's a lot of reports coming out that Joe Biden is privately, you know, enraged at Beebe Netanyahu and he's really mad. And John Favreau, who's a former speechwriter from Barack Obama, he put out a tweet basically saying he doesn't get credit for being privately enraged, he should be doing more, and he should be, I think what a lot of these liberals want is that he should use his leverage and stop sending aid to Israel. So let's talk a little bit about how much of this is political versus, you know, actually wanting to get the hostages back. Well first of all, I think you and I and everybody else in conservative talk radio are complicit for the views of ratings. I think if we didn't play their clips, that show wouldn't exist anymore. So yeah, I'm right, I'm right. So stuck with that one. But yeah, Sonny Hostin has no idea what she's talking about. First of all, let's break down the U.S. aid to Israel. A lot of the aid is conditional on being spent on American weaponry. So actually America is making money off Israel because they are buying a whole bunch of American technology, they're buying American armaments, they're buying a lot of stuff from America. So actually they're getting a whole bunch of that money. In addition to that, now Israel realizes after all the pressure, especially from a white house, which is kind of wavering back and forth, it might be time they have to make a lot of their own weapons. Now, Israel makes their own tanks. Israel makes their own modifications to fighter jets. But one thing they don't make right now is a lot of ammo. And that's something they're working on right now because they realize they can't keep playing this game. They can't keep playing this game where if America or the white house or somebody else gets unhappy, they may threaten to cut off aid. It's not sustainable to any country. But on the whole side of that, how much money is the U.S. government spending on aid to Hamas? How much money has Joe Biden billions of dollars, billions of dollars they have given to Iran, which started this whole mess. They gave money to the Palestinian Authority, which funds their pay for slay program where they literally pay terrorists, including the October 7 terrorists, as rewards for carrying out terrorist attacks. You're basically funding both sides right here, which is even more ridiculous. Now, Sonny Hostin, saying this whole thing with the war would be over in three days, she clearly doesn't understand how this work. And in addition to that, there's a lot of fundamental misunderstanding about how the Israeli government works. Right now, in a war setting, there is a coalition government, which is made up of beating Netanyahu and his opposition. Imagine if you will, the U.S. trying to conduct a war with Donald Trump and Joe Biden, running it together and having to agree on the decisions. That's what's going on right now. So they keep trying to demonize Benjamin Netanyahu. And don't get me wrong. After this war is over, I think his political future is over in Israel. I think his political career is done. But right now, everybody says, "Leave us the hell alone. Let's kill Hamas. Let's eradicate them from the earth. And let's get our hostages back." Sonny Hostin wants the war to be over. Two things need to happen tomorrow, and the war will be over. Hamas needs to surrender. The hostages need to be returned. And I don't hear anybody talking about the fact that there are at least still six American hostages that we need to get back. Yeah, really well said. And another part of this RA that always seems to evade Sonny Hostin and other liberals is that Hamas has made it very clear. I mean, they've spoken to the New York Times. They've spoken to many American outlets that their desire is to create a permanent state of war. So ceasefire isn't even on, you know, their wish list of things. They like, they've said they want October 7th again and again and again. So this is, it's kind of delusional to think that if Israel puts down its weapons, that this is going to end. There's a great clip. You have to look up for your audience, Grace. It's from the Dr. Phil show. Now, I don't watch Dr. Phil a lot, but he's interviewing a guy who was a son of Hamas terrorist commanders debating. I have the cut. I have the cut. Yeah, I haven't played it yet, but I just said to my producer, I said, do we happen to have the cut of the son of the Hamas commander? So let me play it and then we'll have you explain. Here is Mossab Hassan, you saffed the son of an infamous Hamas commander. He was speaking to activists Hamas pro Hamas activists. He left them with their mouths on the foot, their jaws on the floor. Take a listen. Does not end there. Now we have the problem with the pro Palestine who are actually given Hamas cover. They are participants in the crime. In fact, since October 7, I personally don't differentiate between Hamas and what's so called Palestinians because actually there is no Palestinians. There are tribes. There is a tribe of Hamas and there is a tribe of the Islamic Jihad and there is a tribe of Khalil and there is a tribe of Nablus and each one has different interests and all of them are conflicted. If they did not have Israel as the common enemy, they would kill each other. This is the reality of what's so called Palestine. You don't know what Palestine is. Actually, in fact, the kafir that you are wearing, this is just a statement to show that you really lack the authenticity to represent the case and what's so called the cause. This is a human problem. The cause must die. I think enough is enough. And now it's proven and you are helping Hamas to prove it to the world. That Palestine depends on the destruction of the state of Israel. Ari, you have the floor. Well, the thing that your listeners can't see is that literally their mouths are hanging open. Their jaws have dropped because they expected this guy to be on their side. But he's a guy who lived in this. He's a guy who grew up in this. He knows what the evil is. I bet you those pro Hamas activists have no idea what they are doing. They know they hate Israel and they don't really realize or get what they're supporting. They refuse to condemn the October 7th attacks. They said, why do we have to condemn that? They said that earlier on in the interview. This is a guy who grew up in this evil. He understands this evil. And unfortunately too many people in the world don't understand this evil. They don't understand that after World War II, the US and the Allies had to de-notify Germany. That took decades, literal decades for that to happen. And that's something that has to happen in the Gaza Strip. And I'm not sure the US or the rest of the world has the stomach for what that actually means. Ari, is there any way you could stay with us? We have a break coming up, but I really would love to hear about the encampment that was set up at Garfield High School or, you know, the same price. Garfield High School or, you know, the same properties Garfield High School in Seattle. Is there any way you could hang on? No, for you, anything worse? Perfect. Okay. Ari Hoffman, aka the Hoff father, is going to join us after the break. So don't go anywhere. Thank you all for tuning in today. We have a lot more to give you as the show goes on. Listen up, everyone. If you've waited through the cold temps in February, you've waited through the rainy weather in March. It's still a little bit dicey out there, but it's going to get warmer. It's going to get better. And that's great. That means sunshine. That means warm weather. It also can mean allergens, pollutants. It can mean stuffy noses, sneezes. But guess what? We have the perfect device for you. And we don't just have one. We've got three of them. These are the Eden pure thunderstorm air purifiers. Now, Jared, when you walk outside after this storm clears out the pavement, everything's going to smell fresh and clean. It's going to be the absence of smell. And that's what the thunderstorm can do in your office, in your car, in your home. The possibilities are endless. Yeah, you can't call it a thunderstorm if it doesn't smell like a thunderstorm. And that's actually what it smells like because the thunderstorm air purifier ionizes the air. It sends out ions. What that does is that creates a super oxygen. And that's what eliminates any odors and allergens and pollutants in the air. It doesn't make things smell flowery or cover them up. It actually eliminates them. Absolutely. And this is what I want you guys to do. To get your hands on the three pack special, go to use code grace three. So it's code grace and the number three say hello to spring. Say goodbye to allergens. Get the three pack today. Don't forget the code grace three. We'll be right back with Ari Hoffman. There's a crazy. This is kind of a standing headline. There's a crazy story out of Seattle. I don't think that's going to shock anybody. But Ari has all the details and he was on the scene. So he's going to break this down for us when we come back. Follow grace on Twitter at g_curly. This is the Grace Curly Show. We've seen this before. It's a tale as old as time illegal aliens show up in a community and there's no room. And so they have to take over, for example here in Massachusetts, in Roxbury, the Malnea Cass Recreation Center was converted into a migrant shelter. And our officials are always telling us like oh no no we've got it under control. You know no one's going to. No events are going to be missed. No activities. The young kids in Roxbury can move to this facility down the street. And you know there's always excuses. Well in Seattle something very interesting happened. Venezuelan illegal immigrants set up a giant encampment on community tennis courts at Garfield High School in Seattle. Ari Hoffman from the post millennial from KVI Seattle joins us now. Ari give us a breakdown of how this went down and what the situation looks like now. At first I thought it was like your situation in Boston but it's a little different than that. So in late 2023 over 300 illegal immigrants from Venezuela and the Congo show up in our area. They end up at this church. There's violence at the church. There's problems at the church. And then they have the idea to go to our community activists have the idea to put them in a hotel in Kent Washington. That's not Seattle. It's a nearby city to Seattle. So they put them in Kent Washington but the donor who they had or whatever funds they had if they even had them renegs and they don't have enough money for it. So they figure who are the biggest suckers we know. Oh Seattle. So they show up at Seattle City Hall and demand that those hotel rooms get paid for and the mayor caves. Then once that funding runs out they show up again and the Seattle City Council caves. But then something fascinating happened. They show up again when that funding ran out expecting the Seattle City Council to cave again. But the Seattle City Council has now been there's been an election in the meantime and they're now more rational. They're still Democrats but they're more common sense or more public safety and they say we don't have enough money to keep paying for this. No. And the white activists go bonkers crazy and six of them get arrested and actually they're getting arraigned today on charges and I'm waiting to find out exactly what happened to them. But what ends up happening is they go to this hotel. They're staying in this hotel King County which is still controlled by leftist activists. King County decides to pay for this hotel and then the funding ran out just the other day. So all these puff pieces start coming out of local media saying oh no they're going to be homeless. Oh no what are we going to do about these refugees. They don't call them illegal immigrants. And then what happens is Seattle Public Schools had no idea this was actually happening. What happened was I was speaking to some of my sources. They said the janitor showed up to spruce things up for the day and he says there's tents covering all the tennis courts of the school. Now this is not a school in a very upper class neighborhood grace. This is in the central district of Seattle which is historically a minority community historically black community and the school shares a campus with a community center and they share the tennis courts. And the tennis courts are used by people of all different races religions everything you can think of as summer activities and spring session is starting. So they take over these tennis courts with over a hundred illegal immigrants. Basically the activists are threatening if you don't give us housing for this hotel we'll create a new autonomous zone. We'll stay here. We'll make a mess for you. Seattle City Council said no to the best of our knowledge. Seattle Public School said no to the best of our knowledge. And these activists claim that they now have a donor. So last night I saw them packing up. They headed back to the hotel. They have funding for eleven more days at the hotel. But this was a shot across the bow. Very clearly saying if you don't give us what we want we're going to start the Chaz the Capitol Hill autonomous zone or or the shop as they renamed later the Capitol Hill occupied protest part two. Let's not forget people were murdered in the autonomous zone with Antifa and BLM took over six blocks of Seattle. This was a threat. This was a stunt. And I'm impressed that Seattle actually didn't cave to their demands. A shot across the bow in Seattle. Well Ari will keep up with you on this. Thank you so much. Hi there. It's Silver Dave from local Silver Mint in Ware New Hampshire. Are you concerned about the economy? Well right now corrupt politicians are borrowing more dollars at interest and every dollar they borrow at interest increases the money supply and decreases the purchasing power of the existing dollars including your hard earned savings. So don't get stuck holding the hot potato get silver and gold from local Silver Mint in Ware New Hampshire. And don't forget about silver for barters and trades like 110 pounds fractional silver. So you can still buy things like a dozen eggs from your neighbor down the street regardless of the condition of the financial system or internet access. So come on down to local Silver Mint and Ware New Hampshire and stack it up. Live from the Aviva Tratria studio. If you missed our two-part interview with Ari Hoffman aka the Ha Father on Twitter and he's also a writer at the post-millennial host of KBI Seattle. You can check that out at three o'clock the podcast when we put up all our podcasts are up pretty quickly after the show. So wherever you get them wherever you listen to your stuff make sure you check out the Grace Curly show. Speaking of Ari we were talking about this phone call between Beebe Netanyahu and Joe Biden. We're getting reports about it and there's conversations or there's allegations from from Biden's people that he told Beebe Netanyahu that there needs to be a ceasefire and not just that but I have an update for everyone. Stephen Colbert has called for a ceasefire. Stephen Colbert is calling on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to end the country's war with Hamas according to the Hill. I don't know if because he hosted that fundraiser with Barack Obama Bill Clinton and Joe Biden now he thinks that he wields more power than he does but I would say you know I would say stick to the jokes but there's no jokes anymore on late night. There's absolutely none. You know what I saw yesterday Jared and I tweeted this out with no by the way really funny is a Carol Markowitz saw this story about Stephen Colbert calling for a ceasefire and she said wrap it up Beebe Netanyahu. This is it you know the I guess the hostages just can't come home now because Stephen Colbert Stephen Colbert has spoken but every day I read Politico the West Wing playbook and I always scroll down to what the White House wants you to read and what the White House doesn't want you to read because there's two great things about that. Whatever they put up is what the White House wants you to read is something absurdly ridiculous. It's like a Jennifer Rubin column from the Washington Post explaining how great inflation is for your mental health. It's always something bonkers and then what they don't want you to read is always actually a really good piece that you should read so I always check that out. Yesterday I saw this from Politico and I thought this is the state of late night. Sorry hold on I'm just here it is. What the White House wants you to read. Monday nights monologue from the late show with Stephen Colbert recapping the news from the week. This is the quote. I hope everybody had a good Easter weekend. Mine was low key. All I did was host a record-breaking fundraiser with Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Joe Biden. No biggie. Johnny Carson I always used to say like Johnny Carson would be in shock. I just I don't know what actual funny people back in the day who hosted these comedy shows and they have people on like for example I saw a cut today on social media of Don Rickles and he was on with Dave Letterman and Dave Letterman was asking him something and he just went right in. Nobody can roast you know Don Rickles just roasted him to filth. I mean this guy had no shot and it was really funny but way back in the day with Johnny Carson those guys I'm not going to pretend that I was watching it but I know from hearing that people would go on who were just funny people like Frank Sinatra beyond Don Rickles talking to Johnny Carson and it wasn't necessarily because they had something a plug but then slowly over time late night became a stop the celebrity used to make if they had a movie to promote or an album coming out or they were going to be on SNL that week and it became very commercial and you know it became part of the machine the Hollywood machine which is fine but now it's evolved to a different stage to a more awful stage where forget like having Ariana Grande on because she has an album coming out or wicked the movies coming out that at this point would be a plus compared to what they're putting on there now they're bringing out Hillary Clinton to wine for 20 minutes or Janet Yellen who I wouldn't know I'm sure she's a nice lady but I wouldn't find it entertaining to talk to Janet Yellen in a dentist waiting room let alone watch her on late night TV as entertainment and they bring these people out to basically say we're doing a great job and then they go okay awesome thanks so much let's go to break and then they wonder why their ratings are in the toilet but again it used to not only not just be people who had a project to promote it used to be people who were funny and who had a story to tell and were meaning and now you have Stephen Colbert talking about how he hosted a fundraiser with Barack Obama and Bill Clinton and Joe Biden and you have Hillary Clinton going on with Jimmy Fallon and telling people that they need to get over it and she doesn't care if they're not happy that Joe Biden like for example Jared why is Hillary Clinton on late night TV why even if she were running for president which she's not wink wink as far as I know why is she there she's not a comedian she's not a performer she's not entertaining the reason she couldn't win the presidency as much as it was her time and everyone in the deep state was rooting for her as we have come to find out she was so unlikable that she couldn't close the deal but you want to have that box office poison on your late night show it really is what Stephen Miller always says it's therapy for liberals they come on they express how mad they are Donald Trump Jimmy Kimmel Stephen Colbert Jimmy found they all sit there and nod and they go yeah yeah so oh so true oh so funny and then it ends Hillary was actually promoting her new musical that she is produced called Suff which is about the women's suffragette movement I think he said stuff no Suff that's the name of the musical SUFF Suff okay never mind then so in that case pull up I gotta watch an artistic endeavor to promote Stephen a Smith was not happy with what Hillary had to say during that did you see this cut I did let's let's have Stephen a Smith he's got some choice words for Hillary Clinton this is cut five I don't they it was a very wise statement on her part how did that work out for her in 2016 I think that's something that we have to recognize you she won the popular vote but at the end of the day she wasn't the president of the United States it was him you can look at her not campaigning in Wisconsin in the last days not campaigning in Pennsylvania in the last days you can look at some of the stuff that they were saying about her that sort of distracted things from where it should have been in terms of Comey and his report from the FBI you can bring up a whole bunch of things but at the end of the day the last thing you need to do is to do anything that can agitate a potential voter in this particular election he's not wrong you know I love the Wisconsin thing like that's something that always brings me joy and I'll tell you why she can go to Wisconsin and then she blamed Russian interference and you know she's saying she's got a right to sing the blues it was my time what difference at this point doesn't make and James Comey had it out for her and the whole world was against her and boo flippin who and then she read then she read what would have been her acceptance speech basically on saying look at me listen to me yeah it's just a train wreck but my favorite part of the fact that she didn't go to Wisconsin is that it just shows you how in the bag she thought this thing was she thought that it was so wrapped up that she didn't have to go to Wisconsin she thought there was no way in hell Donald Trump had a shot and so she sat home and she drank her chardonnay and then she wanted to blame it all on everybody else except for of course except for Hillary Clinton herself but that never gets old for me and you know what I'll tell you right now is you'll notice at the media if you look back at like 2015 2016 they were they pretended to be at least like a little bit harder on Hillary Clinton they used to do semi real reporting back then or at least the the facade of it and the reason is because they thought the same exact thing they thought we can do this we can put on our reporter hats and look like we're trying to be hard on Hillary Clinton because she's gonna win and there's no other situation that could possibly occur and now when you see them and you see how how often and and how eagerly they carry water for Joe Biden it's because in their minds they're thinking we're not letting this happen again we let our guard down a little bit we try to be a little like played a little even and Donald Trump managed to win when we tried to appear as though we weren't completely on the side of the left Donald Trump managed to win and so they have dropped those pretenses completely they don't even pretend anymore they're just Donald Trump bad team Biden 100% I'm sure Hillary Clinton watches all this and goes why couldn't they have why couldn't they have been as supportive of me when I was running that would have then I would have won and she probably looks at Joe Biden and she's like you old SOB you got such fawning coverage and I had to deal with Jake Tapper occasionally asking me a real question what gives a 4 4 542 42 hey side note please if you have time today go to my Twitter at G underscore curly click on my latest piece from spectator spectator world calm I wrote a piece comparing the Biden reelection team strategy versus Trump strategy I do comment on the fact that they're pretty similar to 2020 with the only difference being now we have a record of both of these guys and I'd really like you to check it out there's some funny nuggets in there I don't write as often as I used to so I would appreciate all the clicks spectator world calm or you can get it at my Twitter at G underscore curly all right Jared you have an update for us on the Gavin Newsom mystery yes so um basically the the Gavin Newsom he's kind of like Biden junior yeah the baseball mayor not Newsom so what happened is this legend grew in 2004 this I'm reading from the Orange County Register the article is by Lexi Kossoff it says from their 2004 home opener the San Francisco Giants invited a special guest to throw out the ceremonial first pitch Gavin Newsom a few months into his first term as mayor of San Francisco and the announcer at the stadium informed the crowd that he quote he played first base for the University of Santa Clara and was drafted by the Texas Rangers oh wow I knew the Santa Clara thing I didn't know that he was drafted by the Texas Rangers well you didn't know because he actually wasn't so they they talked to a bunch of people that played there with them and the coach of the Santa Clara Broncos now who was there and he said you know it's a standing joke that he played on the team and it's always been a joke between the guys who stay in touch apparently he was not exactly a walk-on but he was pretty much something of a walk-on that played a couple scrimmages they say he'd never made the roster and I'm on the all-time roster right now for the Santa Clara Broncos and there is no Newsom under the letter and it also apparently when he said he was drafted by the Texas Rangers wasn't exactly drafted he was scouted when he was in high school and they scout a bunch of people were in there in high school but they ultimately decided now we're not going to draft this guy in fact he was not drafted by anybody and if the big difference I would assume between being scouted and being drafted right that's like scouted is they look at they can look at anybody and then drafted is when they actually make a commitment yes however back in 2010 another weird brag - I was I was scouted at one point another uh I guess uh wrench that was thrown into this was in 2010 the New York Times the San Francisco Giants were playing in the World Series and they gave us the Newsom file and according to the New York Times his former baseball position was a first basement at Santa Clara University for two seasons after starring at Redwood High School in Lake Larkspur California by all accounts he was a pretty decent high school baseball player but never actually made the roster or the varsity roster at Santa Clara hmm this is this is giving me flashbacks to Joe what was Joe's biggest lie as far as I know he can throw a baseball over the mountains and he can throw a football was the I mean being the first quarterback in all black colleges that was yeah that might take the cake uh but hitting uh I can't remember if it was he hit the home run or he had a double in a congressional game uh when he was trying a lot of his stories like we should get Joe Biden and Kevin Cullen in the same room a lot of these stories start to sound a lot of like like I think you put those two brains together you would get at least brains very literally yeah you'd get some gold right there all right everyone eight four four five hundred forty two forty two we'll be right back after the break but first I wanted to let you guys know that auctions are one of the oldest forms of commerce known to man people use auctions for all sorts of things but for some reason when it comes to homes people get a little skittish they're they're not uh willing to try a new way because they're used to seeing their parents sell their homes a certain way or their neighbors but just because the people you in your life listed their house for sale at a set price that doesn't mean it's the only way to do it and it doesn't mean it's the way you have to do it because JJ Manning has a recipe down pat they know how to do this their accelerated auction process is one of the fastest growing segments in real estate plus they have a great team charlie gill if you want to give him a call he's a really awesome guy and i think he could help you out eight hundred five two one zero one one one with over sixteen thousand auctions um they have been in this game since 1976 their founder gero Manning started it all and there are so many benefits to going through an auction process versus a traditional listing there are no contingencies that's one the buyer signs an exclusive pns and makes a 10 percent non-refundable deposit that day plus you set the terms which all buyers must follow another thing i really like about this is that they they tend to do like one open house so you're not getting that call at 11 a.m when you're at work hey we have someone who might want to come see the house can you have it cleaned up by three there's none of that it takes away a lot of the stress of the traditional way of selling a house which i think my listeners would really appreciate so to learn more about how to get your commercial residential or land sold quickly contact charlie gill at eight hundred five two one zero one one one or visit jj manning dot com again that's eight hundred five two one zero one one one or go to jj manning dot com we'll be right back now it's calling it's no fluke they'll be with me make the end to do you're listening to the grace curly show this is the grace curly show we also held our second nato ukraine council we reaffirmed that ukraine's future is in nato our goal now is to create a bridge to ukraine's full membership offering additional support and greater cooperation as ukraine makes the reforms necessary to join the alliance so be a bebe net and yahoo is getting lectured by joe biden about drone strikes even though joe biden has had drone strikes that have killed ten innocent civilians including seven children in afghanistan which his administration lied about for weeks until the new york times the old gray lady of all places had to call him out on it but he's gonna lecture bebe net and yahoo about how there needs to be a ceasefire despite the fact that hamas has said they want a permanent state of war and we still have six american hostages being held by hamas as well as other hostages from israel he's gonna get lectured on it from joe biden which is the biggest hypocritical move you can make in this case and at the same time just to show you the difference in how these wars are treated at the same time they're floating ukraine becoming a part of nato what could possibly go wrong with this is this part of you know bringing this war in ukraine to an end because i don't see that helping the literal sticking point of which Vladimir Putin said if you do this it is war like and again i know we don't necessarily want to bear we don't want to bow to a dictator in the situation i get it but like the literal course of action that leads you to war is the one you're gonna take okay you know when people should listen to robert gates way back when he said he likes biden when somebody who likes you says you've been wrong on every single foreign policy decision over the last five decades and he's a fan of yours that's when you should heed the warning that's when you should look at that and say hmm this guy might be on to something but of course that didn't happen today's poll question is brought to you by local silver mint located in where new hampshire silver Dave will work with you directly contact him at local silver mint dot com jared what is the poll question and what are the results the spark today's poll question which you can vote in at grace curly show dot com is do you think the biden white house will finalize their menthol cigarette ban no i do not they're dumb but they're also very desperate right now and i think their desperation for votes is going to override their instinct to always make the worst decision 38 percent say no 62 percent still believe that they will do this yeah i guess it would track it is part of their brand you know when they see a bet when they see something they can touch and it will turn to excrement it's really really hard for them to stay away from it all right everybody listen up here's what i want to tell you go to spectator world dot com read my latest piece also go to grace curly show dot com and by kennedy babylon one in two in honor of how he's big guest who's coming up hopefully right after the break how he's starting his show with rfk jr who is dominating the headlines after telling cnn that joe biden poses more of a threat to democracy than donald trump it left erin bernette speechless howie car's not going to have that problem he always has a way with words rfk jr coming up next on the howie car show i will see you all tomorrow